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The two coefficients of the von Bertalanffy growth model [maximal standard length (LS∞) and initial growth rate (a)] were determined in eastern mosquitofish Gambusia holbrooki in the most northern area where it is established (Rennes, Brittany, France). The estimated mean LS∞ was 57·7 and 25·0 mm in females and males, respectively. The value of a was identical for both males and females before the males diverged from the females by slowing down their growth, probably because of the onset of puberty. The sexual competition reported in males would be responsible for higher interindividual variability of LS∞ in males than in females. a was positively correlated with water temperature and could be modulated by fish density and length at birth. Moreover, interindividual variability of a was influenced in a complex way by interactions between water temperature, length at birth and fish density. When compared to the data from studies in G. holbrooki inhabiting their native range or the southern introduced range, the present results suggest that the thermal tolerance domain for growth was altered and that males exhibited a shorter length at sexual maturity and a shorter LS∞ in the population established in Rennes.  相似文献   

Bahamas mosquitofish (Gambusia hubbsi) colonized blue holes during the past approximately 15 000 years and exhibit relatively larger caudal regions in blue holes that contain piscivorous fish. It is hypothesized that larger caudal regions enhance fast-start escape performance and thus reflect an adaptation for avoiding predation. Here I test this hypothesis using a three-pronged, experimental approach. First, G. hubbsi from blue holes with predators were found to possess both greater fast-start performance and greater survivorship in the presence of predatory fish. Second, using individual-level data to investigate the morphology–performance–fitness pathway, I found that (i) fish with larger caudal regions produced higher fast-start performance and (ii) fish with higher fast-start performance enjoyed greater survivorship in the presence of fish predators—trends consistently observed across both predator regimes. Finally, I found that morphological divergence between predator regimes at least partially reflects genetic differentiation, as differences were retained in fish raised in a common laboratory environment. These results suggest that natural selection favours increased fast-start performance in the presence of piscivorous fish, consequently driving the evolution of larger caudal regions. Combined with previous work, this provides functional insight into body shape divergence and ecological speciation among Bahamian blue holes.  相似文献   

Multiple paternity (MP) increases offspring's genetic variability, which could be linked to invasive species' evolvability in novel distribution ranges. Shifts in MP can be adaptive, with greater MP in harsher/colder environments or towards the end of the reproductive season, but climate could also affect MP indirectly via its effect on reproductive life histories. We tested these hypotheses by genotyping N = 2,903 offspring from N = 306 broods of two closely related livebearing fishes, Gambusia holbrooki and Gambusia affinis. We sampled pregnant females across latitudinal gradients in their invasive ranges in Europe and China, and found more sires per brood and a greater reproductive skew towards northern sampling sites. Moreover, examining monthly sampling from two G. affinis populations, we found MP rates to vary across the reproductive season in a northern Chinese, but not in a southern Chinese population. While our results confirm an increase of MP in harsher/more unpredictable environments, path analysis indicated that, in both cases, the effects of climate are likely to be indirect, mediated by altered life histories. In both species, which rank amongst the 100 most invasive species worldwide, higher MP at the northern edge of their distribution probably increases their invasive potential and favours range expansions, especially in light of the predicted temperature increases due to global climate changes.  相似文献   

To clarify the environmental factors regulating the annual reproductive cycle of the female mosquitofish, Gambusia affinis, a viviparous teleost, histological changes of the ovary in natural population, and laboratory experiments were examined. The results, extending over two years, suggested that ovarian recrudescence is initiated by the rise in temperature during spring and that ovarian regression is caused by the shorter daylength during late summer. The first rearing experiments using four photoperiod-temperature groups to investigate the factors triggering the onset of reproduction revealed that females with regressing ovaries began reproduction with the rise of temperature regardless of the photoperiod during spring. The results of the second experiment using three different temperature groups indicated that vitellogenesis occurred at over 14 degrees C and pregnancy at over 18 degrees C. The third experiment with four photoperiod-temperature groups was arranged to investigate the factors in the cessation of reproduction. Sexually active females ceased vitellogenesis of the next clutch of oocytes due to the shorter daylength regardless of temperatures during late summer; however, temperature seemed to influence the rate of embryo development. The critical photoperiod is estimated at about 12.5 hr. In nature, it is supposed that vitellogenesis starts when the temperature rises to about 14 degrees C, and final maturation of oocytes occurs when the temperature reaches about 18 degrees C during spring. Then, vitellogenesis of the next clutch of oocytes ceases when the daylength becomes shorter than 12.5 hr during late summer; the last gestation proceeds at a rate dependent on the temperature, and finally reproduction ends by the last parturition. J. Exp. Zool. 286:204-211, 2000.  相似文献   

An investigation of the effects of mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) predation was conducted in 12 experimental ponds in southern California over a period of 10 months.Gambusia essentially eliminatedDaphnia pulex andCeriodaphnia sp. populations, reducedDiaptomus pallidus andKeratella quadrata populations, had little impact onCyclops vernalis, and caused large increases inK. cochlearis, Polyarthra sp.,Synchaeta sp., andTrichocerca spp. populations and in total phytoplankton.Gambusia caused a decrease in the PIE (probability of interspecific encounter) of the planktonic crustaceans and an increase in the PIE of the planktonic rotifers. Hemiptera, such as neustonicMicrovelia sp. and nektonicBuenoa sp. andNotonecta sp., andHyla regilla tadpoles were absent from fish ponds but sometimes abundant in control ponds.Gambusia caused higher pH and oxygen levels, presumably via its effect on the phytoplankton. The impact ofGambusia on the pond ecosystems was less in winter, when fish numbers and feeding rates were low, than in summer. Results of other fish-plankton studies are summarized in tabular form. A model is proposed to account for variation in the calanoid/cyclopoid ratio; evidence is summarized suggesting that in general calanoids are more susceptible to predation by predaceous zooplankters while cyclopoids are more susceptible to fish predation. Some parallels are drawn between the effects ofGambusia predation and those of insecticide treatments.  相似文献   

The empirical reasons for the persistent rarity of a genotype are typically complex and tedious to identify, particularly in nature. Yet rare morphs occur in a substantial fraction of phenotypic polymorphisms. A colour polymorphism has persisted for decades in the eastern mosquitofish, yet why this is so remains obscure. Here, I report the results of (1) intensive sampling at 45 natural sites to obtain the frequency distribution of the melanic (black) mosquitofish morph in Florida, (2) predation trials, conducted independently in mesocosms, with three different predatory species and (3) two mark-recapture studies, conducted in nature. This work (1) documents the rarity of melanic mosquitofish in nature, (2) demonstrates that melanic males experience a selective advantage over silver males in the presence of predators, (3) indicates no difference in the colour morphs' survival at a natural site essentially devoid of these predators, although suggesting a higher rate of recapture for melanic males at a site rife with predators. Overall, selective predation appears to contribute to the persistence of the melanic morph, despite its rarity in nature.  相似文献   

Identifying targets of selection is key to understanding the evolution of sexually selected behavioral and morphological traits. Many animals have coercive mating, yet little is known about whether and how mate choice operates when these are the dominant mating tactic. Here, we use multivariate selection analysis to examine the direction and shape of selection on male insemination success in the mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki). We found direct selection on only one of five measured traits, but correlational selection involving all five traits. Larger males with longer gonopodia and with intermediate sperm counts were more likely to inseminate females than smaller males with shorter gonopodia and extreme sperm counts. Our results highlight the need to investigate sexual selection using a multivariate framework even in species that lack complex sexual signals. Further, female choice appears to be important in driving the evolution of male sexual traits in this species where sexual coercion is the dominant mating tactic.  相似文献   

The eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) is among the most invasive fish worldwide and yet, while very abundant in most Mediterranean countries, it is unable to tolerate the colder winters of northern and central Europe. Understanding the effects of latitude on its life-history traits is essential to predict the potential for its invasion of central Europe in current scenarios of climate change. We studied the variation of life-history traits and parasite load in the eastern mosquitofish along a latitudinal gradient from southern France to southern Spain, sampling mosquitofish populations in eight Mediterranean river mouths ranging 5° in latitude. Southern mosquitofish populations displayed higher catch rates, allocated more energy to reproduction (gonadosomatic index and gonadal weight after accounting for fish size) and had a lower condition (total weight and eviscerated weight after accounting for fish size) than in northern populations. Despite variability among populations, size-at-maturity (L50) significantly varied with latitude and northern individuals matured at smaller size (lower L50). Parasite prevalence ranged from 0.0 to 26.7% but parasite richness was very low; all the parasites identified were larvae of pleurocercoid cestodes belonging to the order Pseudophyllidea. The abundance of mosquitofish parasites decreased with latitude and the presence and number of parasites infecting the mosquitofish had a significant negative effect on fish condition. The significant effects of latitude on the catch rates, life history and parasites of mosquitofish highlight the importance of latitudinal studies of invasive species to understand the interactive mechanisms of climate change and biological invasions.  相似文献   

Eastern mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) are native to the southeastern United States but notoriously invasive elsewhere, and are aggressive predators in ecosystems they inhabit. Information on dispersal behavior is needed to better understand mosquitofish spread upon introduction and potential means to mitigate that spread. We experimentally tested the effects of shallow water depths (3–24 mm) and obstacles (leaf litter) on mosquitofish dispersal behavior, plus a range of conditions relevant to field situations. Mosquitofish dispersed significantly faster in deeper water (p < 0.001) but some dispersed in only 3 mm water depth (i.e., one-half average body depth). Wetland and upland leaf litter at natural densities strongly interfered with mosquitofish dispersal behavior. Based on our results, introduced mosquitofish spread rapidly given unimpeded dispersal corridors (e.g., mowed ditches), and may do so at rates >800 m/day. Also, consistent lack of sexual dimorphism in dispersal behavior indicates that mosquitofish spread is not strongly dependent on female poeciliid reproductive biology. Our results support designation of mosquitofish as highly invasive and suggest that barriers to mosquitofish spread must obstruct dispersal pathways as shallow as 3 mm depth.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic impacts in estuarine systems can influence marine mammal habitat use, population dynamics, fitness, and mortality events. The objective was to examine habitat use among the resident common bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) population inhabiting the Indian River Lagoon, Florida, and the influences of variation in environmental factors and prey availability in 2003–2015. We utilized photo-identification surveys, stratified random samples of prey, and environmental variables collected monthly. Kernel density estimation was used to determine the magnitude-per-unit area of dolphins across the IRL by wet and dry seasons each year, the values were used as a response variable in classification and regression tree analyses with fish community and environmental variables as predictors. Spatial patterns in dolphin density in the IRL were associated with salinity and dissolved oxygen levels, which are in part associated with freshwater discharges of nutrient and algae laden waters from the region's storm water management system. These findings isolate locations of concern for management of dolphin habitat, and anthropogenic drivers of dolphin distributions requiring further research.  相似文献   

Inhibition of cholinesterases (ChE) has been widely used as an environmental biomarker of exposure to organophosphates (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides. Different ChE isoforms may be present in the same tissue and may present distinct sensitivities towards environmental contaminants. The present work characterises the soluble ChE present in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) total head homogenates, through the use of different substrates and selective inhibitors of cholinesterasic activity. Furthermore, the effects of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) on the enzymatic activity were investigated, both in vivo and in vitro. These results showed that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) seemed to be the predominant form present in head homogenates of G. holbrooki, despite the inhibition by tetraisopropylpyrophosphoramide (iso-OMPA) found at high concentrations. SDS was responsible for in vitro, but not in vivo, inhibitory effects. The in vitro AChE inhibitory effects of SDS was partially prevented by the use of increasing amounts of ethanol, suggesting that the inhibition was induced by an emulsion effect, which may explain the lack of effect in vivo.  相似文献   

Inhibition of cholinesterases (ChE) has been widely used as an environmental biomarker of exposure to organophosphates (OP) and carbamate (CB) pesticides. Different ChE isoforms may be present in the same tissue and may present distinct sensitivities towards environmental contaminants. The present work characterises the soluble ChE present in mosquitofish (Gambusia holbrooki) total head homogenates, through the use of different substrates and selective inhibitors of cholinesterasic activity. Furthermore, the effects of sodium dodecylsulphate (SDS) on the enzymatic activity were investigated, both in vivo and in vitro. These results showed that acetylcholinesterase (AChE) seemed to be the predominant form present in head homogenates of G. holbrooki, despite the inhibition by tetraisopropylpyrophosphoramide (iso-OMPA) found at high concentrations. SDS was responsible for in vitro, but not in vivo, inhibitory effects. The in vitro AChE inhibitory effects of SDS was partially prevented by the use of increasing amounts of ethanol, suggesting that the inhibition was induced by an emulsion effect, which may explain the lack of effect in vivo.  相似文献   

Synopsis Pair formation was studied in a polymorphic population of Gambusia holbrooki in a brackish drainage canal in Southern Florida. All females and the majority of males were gray colored and only 5% of the males were black spotted. A small fraction of the population formed pairs, composed of a female and a male that swam synchronously and close together for several minutes. During pairing the male often achieved gonopodial contact with the female. Black spotted males occurred in pairs ten fold more frequently than expected under random pairing. The major behavioral mechanism accounting for the disproportionate occurrence of spotted males in pairs is, probably, the preference of females for these males.  相似文献   

D. N. Reznick  B. Braun 《Oecologia》1987,73(3):401-413
Summary We argue, based on reviewed literature covering reptiles, amphibians, birds, and fish, that fat storage may represent a life history adaptation because it enables an organism to shift in time when resources are allocated to reproduction. We applied these arguments to fat and population cycles in three populations of the mosquito fish, Gambusia affinis. For males, there appeared to be a constant size at maturation during the reproductive season. Mature males became scarce late in the summer. At the same time, immature males delayed maturity and attained much larger sizes; they matured in large numbers in the fall. The amount of stored fat tended to be equal for immature and mature males at all times except in the late summer. In the August samples, when mature males were relatively rare, they also had the lowest level of fat reserves. It appears that the older generation of mature males did not store fat and did not overwinter. At the same time, immature males registered a two to three fold increase in fat reserves. These differences in fat content between mature and immature males disappeared by September, probably because of the recruitment of a new generation of mature males. The reserves were gradually utilized during the winter. Females reproduced from the late spring through mid- to late-summer. They stopped reproducing in the late summer, when there was ample time to produce an additional litter of young. There was an inverse relationship between resources devoted to reproduction and fat reserves. As reproductive allotment decreased in the late summer, fat reserves increased. The magnitude of the change in fat reserves was similar to that displayed by males. The reserves were depleted over the winter. Significant reserves remained at the beginning of the reproductive season the following spring. Reproducing females utilized the remaining reserves significantly more rapidly than non-reproducing females. An analysis of resource availability revealed an overall decrease in food availability in the late summer, coincident with the increase in fat reserves. These cycles are therefore not attributable to changes in resource availability. They instead indicate a change in how resources are allocated by the fish. The trends in the data indicate that fat reserves are used to shift investment in reproduction from the late summer to the following spring. In males, deferring maturity, rather than maturing in August, allows them to store the necessary reserves to survive the winter so that they can mate the following spring. In females, a subset of the fat reserves is intended for producing the first clutch of eggs the following spring. The female pattern corresponds to those reported for a diversity of organisms. The possible advantages of shifting reproductive effort from the fall to the following spring include higher fecundity and higher offspring fitness. The limitations of the methodology and potential directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The tolerance of low oxygen stress in insecticide-resistant and susceptible populations of mosquitofish (Gambusiaaffinis) was investigated. Dissolved oxygen was reduced chemically with formaldehyde and sodium sulfite treatment. Available oxygen was reduced physically through barriers, both by preventing oxygen exchange at the air-water interface and by preventing the fish from contacting the surface of the water. In all cases, the tolerance to low oxygen stress was reduced in the insecticide-resistant population compared to the susceptible population. The results indicate that although tolerance of pesticides in the resistant population has been dramatically increased by environmental selective pressures, tolerance to other stresses has not been concomitantly increased.  相似文献   

Juvenile male western mosquitofish (Gambusia affinis) were exposed to different concentrations of 17alpha-ethynyl estradiol (EE2) in the diet during the period of sexual maturation. A clear inhibiting influence of EE2 on sexual development was apparent. The proportion of males in each treatment group that failed to complete gonopodial development during the 150-day observation period increased significantly with EE2 concentration. There were significant nonlinear trends toward shorter gonopodia in groups exposed to higher EE2 concentrations. Vitellogenin (VTG) was detectable in the blood of all fish exposed to 1.0 or more micro/g food and the concentration increased dramatically with increasing EE2 exposure. A significant negative association was seen between EE2 concentration and spermatophore counts. This study has demonstrated deleterious effects of EE2 exposure on sexual maturation and several indirect measures of reproductive fitness. It supports the biological relevance of vitellogenin in the blood and reduced gonopodium length as biomarkers for estrogen exposure and endocrine disruption in mosquitofish.  相似文献   

Collections in two natural populations of the mosquitofish,Gambusia holbrooki, were made to determine whether the sexesassociated nonrandomly based on body size, and laboratory experimentswere performed to identify mechanisms that could generate theobserved field patterns of association. In both populationslarger females were associated with larger males. However, thesize distributions of males caught with and without femaleswere not different. Both gravid females and females that hadreleased broods within the previous 24 h spent more time nearlarger males in laboratory choice experiments. In contrast,males did not discriminate between females on the basis of sizeor reproductive status in laboratory choice experiments, andmales did not attempt relatively more copulations with largerfemales when one male was allowed to freely interact with twofemales. Body size differences and aggressive interactions betweenmales did influence the access of males to females, with largermales attempting more copulations with females when two maleswere allowed to freely interact with one female: aggressiveinteractions between males were frequent when males differedby < 1.0 mm standard length but were rare when males differedby>5.0 mm standard length. These results indicate that femalechoice for larger males could contribute to generating the nonrandomassociations between the sexes that were observed in these twopopulations and that interactions between males in the vicinityof females may additionally increase the mating advantages oflarger males.  相似文献   

Dwarf sperm whales (Kogia sima) are among the most commonly stranded yet least known pelagic cetaceans. Few studies have occurred at sea, and none have quantified temporal and spatial variation in dwarf sperm whale abundance and group size. We assessed seasonal and spatial variation in dwarf sperm whale group size and abundance off Great Abaco Island, Bahamas using surveys within a 126 km2 study area with depths between 2 and 1,600 m. After correcting for survey effort and variation in sighting efficiency among sea states, we found that dwarf sperm whale group size and habitat use varied seasonally. In summer, dwarf sperm whale groups were small (median = 2.5, range = 1–8) and were found only in the two deep habitats within the study area (slope 400–900 m, deep 900–1,600 m). In winter, group sizes increased (median = 4, range = 1–12) and sightings were almost six times higher in the slope habitat, where vertical relief is highest, than other habitats. Our results suggest that studies of pelagic cetaceans and conservation plans must explicitly account for seasonal variation in group size and habitat use.  相似文献   

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