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The extent to which plant communities are determined by resource availability is a central theme in ecosystem science, but patterns of small-scale variation in resource availability are poorly known. Studies of carbon (C) and nutrient cycling provide insights into factors limiting tree growth and forest productivity. To investigate rates of tropical forest litter production and decomposition in relation to nutrient availability and topography in the absence of confounding large-scale variation in climate and altitude we quantified nutrient fluxes via litterfall and leaf litter decomposition within three distinct floristic associations of tropical rain forest growing along a soil fertility gradient at the Sepilok Forest Reserve (SFR), Sabah, Malaysia. The quantity and nutrient content of small litter decreased along a gradient of soil nutrient availability from alluvial forest (most fertile) through sandstone forest to heath forest (least fertile). Temporal variation in litterfall was greatest in the sandstone forest, where the amount of litter was correlated negatively with rainfall in the previous month. Mass loss and N and P release were fastest from alluvial forest litter, and slowest from heath forest litter. All litter types decomposed most rapidly in the alluvial forest. Stand-level N and P use efficiencies (ratios of litter dry mass to nutrient content) were greatest for the heath forest followed by the sandstone ridge, sandstone valley and alluvial forests, respectively. We conclude that nutrient supply limits productivity most in the heath forest and least in the alluvial forest. Nutrient supply limited productivity in sandstone forest, especially on ridge and hill top sites where nutrient limitation may be exacerbated by reduced rates of litter decomposition during dry periods. The fluxes of N and P varied significantly between the different floristic communities at SFR and these differences may contribute to small-scale variation in species composition.  相似文献   

Seedling morphology of 210 species (173 trees and 37 lianas) was studied from a community perspective to identify major patterns of seedling functional types in a Mexican rain forest. Five types of seedlings were distinguished: cryptocotylar with reserve storage or absorption cotyledons (epigeal [CER] and hypogeal [CHR]), phanerocotylar epigeal, either with photosynthetic cotyledons (PEF) or with reserve storage or absorption cotyledons (PER), and phanerocotylar hypogeal with reserve cotyledons (PHR). The most common seedling type was PEF (49.5%), followed by CHR (31.4%), PER (9.5%), PHR (7.2%), and CER (2.4%). Excepting the CER type, seedling type frequencies did not differ between trees and lianas. The PEF seedlings had the lightest seeds, whereas CHR seedlings had the heaviest ones. Pioneer trees showed lighter seeds than persistent trees or lianas in species with PEF but not in species with PER. Pioneer trees (38 species) showed three seedling types and the most common was PEF (82%). Persistent trees (135 species) showed the five seedling types but PEF (43%) and CHR (37%) were the most frequent. Seedling type frequencies differed among dispersal syndrome groups. The animal dispersal syndrome was significantly more frequent in species with CHR. Our results show an evolutionary convergence of seedling types at the community level worldwide and the existence of a phylogenetic inertia in the evolution of initial seedling morphology. A comparison among eight tropical communities indicated on average that PEF is the most frequent type and CER the least common, although the relative frequency of each seedling type differs among communities, particularly between Neotropical and Paleotropical sites.  相似文献   

The vertical structure of one hectare of tropical rain forest was studied at Los Tuxtlas, State of Veracruz, Mexico. The structure was analysed at various scales of analysis, using different methodologies e.g. profile diagrams (0.1 ha) and vertical structure diagrams (1 ha). All profile diagrams suggested presence of stratification to some extent. However, simultaneous evaluation of several adjacent profile diagrams showed that the use of one profile diagram only can be very misleading: gaps or layers apparent in a diagram did usually not reflect gaps or layers that could be recognized in the field.Structure diagrams of abundance, basal area and crown cover showed that this forest community is not stratified, with the exception of an understorey layer below 7.5 m dominated by palms. The vertical structure was described using arbitrarily chosen height intervals. From the forest floor to the canopy top basal area, percentage of deciduous species (and individuals), and percentage of compound-leaved species (and individuals), increased, but total number of individuals and number of species decreased. Leaf sizes tended to decrease in the same direction, and crown cover was approximately evenly distributed. Species from different families dominated different parts along the vertical plane. It is concluded that the vertical structure of tropical rain forest can best be described as a complex gradient, involving many community features. Stratification can best be emphasized as a special case of such a gradient.  相似文献   

Priess  Jörg  Then  Christiane  Fölster  Horst 《Plant Ecology》1999,143(2):171-187
We investigated the productivity of three premontane primary forest sites in an extremely nutrient-poor environment on the Guyana shield in SE Venezuela. Aboveground litter production (total 5.58; leaves 4.30 Mg ha–1 year–1) was low, but comparable to other tropical forests. Due to the low nutrient status, net production of fine roots was among the highest ever reported (11.14 Mg ha–1 year–1). Only 20% of fine root stock was alive, 80% consisted of necromass. Similar values were obtained for dead and living root tips. Element concentrations in fine roots (including bio- and necromass), especially Ca, were low, whereas Al concentrations were relatively high.The upper limit of average fine root lifetime was 253 days. We conclude that the high proportion of necromass was mainly caused by slow mineralisation of nutrient-poor fine roots.  相似文献   

Root biomass of a dry deciduous tropical forest in Mexico   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The deciduous tropical dry forest at Chamela (Jalisco, Mexico) occurs in a seasonal climate with eight rainless (November through June) and four wet months (700 mm annual precipitation). The forest reaches a mean height of 10 m. Tree density in the research area was 4700 trees per ha with a basal area at breast height of 23 m2 per ha. The above-and below-ground biomass of trees, shrubs, and lianas was 73.6 Mg ha–1 and 31 Mg ha–1, respectively. A root:shoot biomass ratio of 0.42 was calculated. Nearly two thirds of all roots occur in the 0–20 cm soil layer and 29% of all roots have a diameter of less than 5 mm.  相似文献   

1.  Many hypotheses about species coexistence involve differential resource use and trade-offs in species' life-history traits. Quantifying resource use across most species in diverse communities, although, has seldom been attempted.
2.  We use a hierarchical Bayesian approach to quantify the light dependence of recruitment in 263 woody species in a 50-ha long-term forest census plot in Panama. Data on sapling recruitment were obtained using the 1985–1990 and 1990–1995 census intervals. Available light was estimated for each recruit from yearly censuses of canopy density.
3.  We use a power function (linear log–log relationship) to model the light effect on recruitment. Different responses of recruitment to light are expressed by the light effect parameter b . The distribution of b had a central mode at 0.8, suggesting that recruitment of many species responds nearly linearly to increasing light.
4.  Nearly every species showed increases in recruitment with increasing light. Just nine species (3%) had recruitment declining with light, while 198 species (75%) showed increasing recruitment in both census intervals. Most of the increases in recruitment were decelerating, i.e. the increase was less at higher light ( b  < 1). In the remaining species, the response to light varied between census intervals (24 species) or species did not have recruits in both intervals (41 species).
5.   Synthesis. Nearly all species regenerate better in higher light, and recruitment responses to light are spread along a continuum ranging from modest increase with light to a rather strict requirement for high light. These results support the hypothesis that spatio-temporal variation in light availability may contribute to the diversity of tropical tree species by providing opportunities for niche differentiation with respect to light requirements for regeneration.  相似文献   

In tropical lowland forests, corticolous crustose green algal lichens are abundant and highly diverse. This may be related to adaptation to prevailing microenvironmental conditions including, for example, high precipitation and low light intensities. In the understory of a tropical lowland rain forest in French Guiana, we studied the morphology of crustose green algal lichens and measured gas exchange and chlorophyll a fluorescence. We found that (i) periods of thallus suprasaturation with water were reduced by the presence of water-repelling surface structures of mycobiont hyphae at the thallus surface and the medulla; (ii) photosynthesis was adapted to the low light intensities present in the understory; and (iii) photosynthesis was rapidly activated in fluctuating light. The combination of these three mechanisms enables corticolous lichens to implement specific morphological and physiological strategies, which may favour growth in the limiting understory habitat of tropical lowland rain forests.  相似文献   

It has recently been argued that hunter-gatherers do not, did not, and could not live in tropical rain forest without some access to agricultural produce. This opinion challenges models of past non-agricultural subsistence patterns that are based in analogies derived from modern rain forest dwelling groups. In this paper, the socio-ecological bases of the hunting system of the Kubo people of lowland Papua New Guinea are described. It is argued that this system lacks necessary dependence upon the agricultural system with which it co-occurs and, in fact, can be connected with a system of carbohydrate procurement that is not agricultural. The hypothesized connection provides the basis of a model of non-agricultural subsistence in lowland tropical rain forest.  相似文献   

Tropical rain forests play a dominant role in global biosphere-atmosphere CO(2) exchange. Although climate and nutrient availability regulate net primary production (NPP) and decomposition in all terrestrial ecosystems, the nature and extent of such controls in tropical forests remain poorly resolved. We conducted a meta-analysis of carbon-nutrient-climate relationships in 113 sites across the tropical forest biome. Our analyses showed that mean annual temperature was the strongest predictor of aboveground NPP (ANPP) across all tropical forests, but this relationship was driven by distinct temperature differences between upland and lowland forests. Within lowland forests (相似文献   

We tested two hypotheses to explain changes in species richness ofgall-forming insects. The first hypothesis proposes that gall-forming insectspecies richness increases as more potential host–plant species areavailable. The second hypothesis implies that soil fertility affects plantcolonization by gall-forming insects. Seven sites, representing strongdifferences in vegetation and soil were chosen at the Lacandona tropical rainforest region, Chiapas, Mexico. Overall, we found 1522 individual plantsbelonging to 340 different plant species. From this, we found gall-forminginsects on 737 (43.9%) plants and on 74 (22%) of total plant species. We found asignificant negative correlation between gall-forming insect species richnessand species richness of plants, which does not support the hypothesis that plantspecies richness is an important factor in generating the radiation ofgall-forming insects. Using phosphorus as an indicator of soil fertility, wefound the lowest number of plants with gall-forming insects and the smallestgall-forming insect load per individual plant in the more fertile soil(alluvial). In contrast, the highest number of plants with galls and the highestgall-forming insect load per plant were found at a savanna-like vegetationsite, where the poorest soil was recorded. These results did not support thesoil fertility hypothesis in terms of species richness, but did with respect toabundance of plants with galls.  相似文献   

Question: What is the relationship between soil fertility and plant species richness in the ‘fertile islands’ occurring beneath two species of legume (Cercidium praecox and Prosopis laevigata)? Location: Tehuacán‐Cuicatlán region, central Mexico. Methods: Plant richness was measured in three micro‐environments (below canopies of C. praecox, below canopies of P. laevigata and in areas without canopies). The concentration of soil nutrients (C, N and P), C and N in the microbiota, and processes of ecosystem functioning (net C mineralization rate and N mineralization) were measured. The relationship between soil variables and plant richness were assessed with ANCOVAs. Results: Soil nutrients and species richness increases markedly under fertility islands. There were higher concentrations of C and N in the soil, faster rates of C mineralization, and higher species richness under P. laevigata canopies. The relationship between soil fertility and species richness was always positive except for total N, ammonium and net C mineralization rate under C. praecox, and for available P under P. laevigata. Conclusions: The sign of the relationship between soil fertility and species richness varies according to the nutrient and the micro‐environment. Positive relationships could result from between species complementarity and facilitation. Negative relationships could be explained by a specific limitation threshold for some soil resources (P and N for plants and C for the soil microbiota) which eliminate the possibilities of between species complementarity and facilitation above that threshold. As in all observational studies, these relationships should be considered only correlational.  相似文献   

Habitat modification and biological invasions are key drivers of global environmental change. However, the extent and impact of exotic plant invasions in modified tropical landscapes remain poorly understood. We examined whether logging drives exotic plant invasions and whether their combined influences alter understory plant community composition in lowland rain forests in Borneo. We tested the relationship between understory communities and local‐ and landscape‐scale logging intensity, using leaf area index (LAI) and aboveground biomass (AGB) data from 192 plots across a logging‐intensity gradient from primary to repeatedly logged forests. Overall, we found relatively low levels of exotic plant invasions, despite an intensive logging history. Exotic species were more speciose, had greater cover, and more biomass in sites with more local‐scale canopy loss. Surprisingly, though, exotic species invasion was not related to either landscape‐scale canopy loss or road configuration. Moreover, logging and invasion did not seem to be acting synergistically on native plant composition, except that seedlings of the canopy‐dominant Dipterocarpaceae family were less abundant in areas with higher exotic plant biomass. Current low levels of invasion, and limited association with native understory community change, suggest there is a window of opportunity to manage invasive impacts. We caution about potential lag effects and the possibly severe negative impacts of exotic plant invasions on the long‐term quality of tropical forest, particularly where agricultural plantations function as permanent seed sources for recurrent dispersal along logging roads. We therefore urge prioritization of strategic management plans to counter the growing threat of exotic plant invasions in modified tropical landscapes.  相似文献   

Nitrogen conservation in a tropical rain forest   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
Summary A series of plots in an Amazonian Rain Forest were trenched and treated with calcium to determine the effects of perturbation on numbers and activity of nitrifying bacteria. Although treatment resulted in between 2 and 26% of the nitrogen being lost from the humus layer, virtually all of it was in the NH 4 + form. Numbers of nitrifying bacteria in the plots were relatively low. The low numbers and low activity of nitrifying bacteria is attributed to the low pH and high concentration of tannins in the root mat. It is hypothesized that the suppression of nitrifying bacteria results in nitrogen conservation in the rain forest.  相似文献   

Martinez-Ramos  M.  Soto-Castro  A. 《Plant Ecology》1993,107(1):299-318
By comparing seed rain, seedling and sapling community structures we assessed the possible role played by vertebrate seed dispersal as a structuring factor in advanced regeneration of closed-canopied sites in the tropical rain forest of Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Seed weight, initial morphology of seedlings and species abundance were also analyzed to determine if these traits influenced the probability of establishment in the shade.About half of the seed species falling in five closed forest sites (25×25 m) during one year came from fruiting trees growing within the sites (local seeds) and half from fruiting trees found outside the sites (immigrant seeds). Seeds of liana and upper-canopy species were over-represented among immigrant seeds compared with seeds of understory tree species. This probably reflects the activity of frugivorous arboreal mammals, bats, and birds. Species with immigrant seeds had both a lower abundance and a narrower spatial distribution than locally produced seeds. Therefore, immigrant seeds showed higher diversity values than locally produced seeds.Average seed size and the proportion of epigeous seedlings were similar in local and immigrant species. Under closed-canopied sites, factors affecting community organization seem to operate selectively, favoring the establishment of large-seeded, local abundant species in the advanced regeneration. However, the fact that some saplings of immigrant species were found in the plots suggest that a slow species infiltration may be occurring leading to a slow shift in the advanced regeneration species composition. We propose that the influence of seed dispersal on advanced regeneration structure depends on the disturbance history of the patches where seeds land.  相似文献   

Primary productivity is intimately linked with biodiversity and ecosystem functioning. Much of what is known today about such relationship has been based on the manipulation of species richness. Other facets of biodiversity, such as functional diversity, have been neglected within this framework, particularly in freshwater systems. We assess the adequacy of different diversity measures, from species richness and evenness, to functional groups richness and functional diversity indices, to predict primary productivity in 19 tropical reservoirs of central Brazil, built to generate hydroelectric energy. We applied linear mixed models (and model selection based on the Akaike’s information criterion) to achieve our goal, using chlorophyll-a concentration as a surrogate for primary productivity. A total of 412 species were collected in this study. Overall we found a positive relation between productivity and diversity, with functional evenness representing the only exception. The most parsimonious models never included functional group classifications, with at least one continuous measure of functional diversity being present in many models. The best model included only species richness and explained 24.1% of variability in productivity. We therefore advise the use of species richness as an indicator of productivity in tropical freshwater environments. However, since the productivity–diversity relationship is known to be scale dependent, we recommend the use of continuous measures of functional diversity in future biodiversity and ecosystem functioning studies, in order to be certain that all functional differences between communities are being accounted for.  相似文献   

Only a small fraction of the carbon (C) allocated belowground by trees is retained by soils in long-lived, decay-resistant forms, yet because of the large magnitude of terrestrial primary productivity, even small changes in C allocation or retention can alter terrestrial C storage. The humid tropics exert a disproportionately large influence over terrestrial C storage, but C allocation and belowground retention in these ecosystems remain poorly quantified. Using mass balance and 13C isotope methods, we examined the effects of afforestation and fertilization, two land-use changes of large-scale importance, on belowground C cycling at a humid tropical site in Hawaii. Here we report that in unfertilized plots, 80% of the C allocated belowground by trees to roots and mycorrhizae was returned to the atmosphere within 1 year; 9% of the belowground C flux was retained in coarse roots and 11% was retained as new soil C. The gains in new soil C were offset entirely by losses of old soil C. Further, while fertilization early in stand development increased C storage in the litter layer and in coarse roots, it reduced by 22% the flux of C moving through roots and mycorrhizae into mineral soils. Because soil C formation rates related strongly to rhizosphere C flux, fertilization may reduce an already limited capacity of these forests to sequester decay-resistant soil C.  相似文献   

Physiognomy, structure and floristic composition of one hectare of lowland tropical rain forest was studied in detail at Los Tuxtlas, Mexico. Physiognomically, the Los Tuxtlas forest should be classified as lowland tropical high evergreen rain forest. The forest showed a closed canopy at 30–35 m. Of all woody, non-climbing species with a DBH1.0 cm 89.4% (94.5% of all individuals) were evergreen, 25.4% (59.5% of the individuals) had compound leaves, and over 80% of species (and individuals) had leaves in the notophyll and mesophyll size classes. The forest structure was characterized by a low density (2976 individuals with a DBH1.0 cm, 346 individuals with a DBH10.0 cm, per ha, excluding vines) with an average basal area (38.1 m2, DBH1.0 cm, 34.9 m2, DBH10.0 cm, per ha, excluding vines). This was attributed to the relative maturity of the forest on the study plot. The study plot contained 234 species (11 208 individuals with a height 0.5 m), of which 55.1% (34.8% of individuals) were trees, 9.4% (6.8%) shrubs, 3.4% (44.3%) palms, 20.1% (5.2%) vines, 6.8% (8.7%) herbs and 5.1% (0.3%) of unknown lifeform. Furthermore, 58 species of epiphytes and hemi-epiphytes were found. Diversity of trees, shrubs and palms with a DBH1.0 cm was calculated as Shannon-Wiener index (4.65), Equitability index (0.65), and Simpson index (0.10). The dominance-diversity curve showed a lognormal form, characteristic for tropical rain forest. The community structure was characterized by a relative dominance of Astrocaryum mexicanum in the understorey, Pseudolmedia oxyphyllaria in the middle storeys, and Nectandra ambigens in the canopy. Species population structures of 31 species showed three characteristic patterns, differentiated by recruitment: continuously high, discontinuously high, and continuously low recruitment. Height/diameter and crown cover/diameter diagrams suggested a very gradual shift from height growth to crown growth during tree development. Forest turnover was calculated as 138 years. Compared to other tropical rain forests the Los Tuxtlas forest had 1. similar leaf physiognomical characteristics, 2. a lower diversity, 3. a lower density, 4. an average basal area, and 5. a slow canopy turnover.  相似文献   

Termites are frequently dominant invertebrate decomposers and bioturbators in lowland tropical forests and therefore strongly influence ecosystem processes favouring soil stability, porosity and nutrient retention. In this study, we provide the first spatially replicated dataset on termite assemblage composition, abundance and biomass in a Peruvian rainforest by sampling six separate plots. In addition, two alternative sampling methods (transect method-TM and quadrat method-QM), providing termite species density data, were compared among the plots. The relationships between a range of environmental and spatial variables and species composition were examined using canonical correspondence analysis variation partitioning. We found that the TM captured a higher proportion of the known species in the site (82 %) compared with the QM (66 %). In addition, 56 % of the species sampled by TM were common between the plots while only 18 % of species overlapped using the QM. The QM may therefore potentially have undersampled the species pool. Environmental variables were shown to explain a larger proportion of the species patterns than the spatial variables with elevation, soil temperature and distance to the river being the most important. We discuss the impacts of the environmental and spatial variables on termite species composition.  相似文献   

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