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Luxol fast blue ARN (Du Pont, C.I. solvent blue 37) is a diarylguanidine salt of a sulfonated azo dye. This dye was compared with other Luxol blue and Luxol black dyes. Luxol fast blue ARN has improved staining qualities for phospholipids and myelin, and can advantageously be substituted for Luxol fast blue MBS (MBSN). Appropriate staining times for a 0.1% dye solution in 95% ethanol (containing 0.02% acetic add) at 35°-40° C range from 2-3 hr. After staining, the sections should be rinsed in 95% ethanol, rinsed in distilled water, and differentiated for 2 sec in 0.005% Li2CO3, rinsed in 70% ethanol, washed in water, and counterstained as required. Phospholipids and myelin selectively stain deep blue. A fixative containing CaCl2, 1%; cetyltrimethylammonium bromide, 0.5%; and formaldehyde, 10%, in water gave excellent results with brain. However, 10% formalin can be used. The staining of the phospholipids is probably due to the formation of dye-phospholipid complexes.  相似文献   

Tissue fixed in 10% formalin, formol saline, CaCO3 or phosphate buffer neutralized formalin, Baker's formol calcium, Cajal's formol ammonium bromide, formalin-95% ethanol 1:9, formalin-methanol 1:9, Lillie's methanol-chloroform or Salthouse's formol cetyltrimethylammonium bromide was dehydrated and embedded in paraffin. Sections were attached to slides with either albumen or gelatine adhesive and processed throughout at room temperature of 22-25 C. Mordanting 30-60 min in 1% iron alum was followed by a 10 min wash in 4 changes of distilled water. Myelin was stained in a gallocyanin self-differentiating solution for 1-2.5 hr; thick sections requiring the longer time. The staining solution (pH approximately 7.4) consisted of Na2CO3, 90 mg; distilled water, 100 ml; gallocyanin, 250 mg; and ethanol, 5 ml. The ethanol was added to this mixture last, and after the other ingredients had been boiled and then cooled to room temperature. After a staining and thorough washing, Nissl granules were stained for 5-10 min in a solution consisting of: 0.1 M acetic acid, 60 ml; 0.1 M sodium acetate, 40 ml; methyl green, 500 mg. Washing, dehydration, clearing and mounting completed the process. Myelin sheaths were stained dark violet; neuronal nuclei, light green with dark granules of chromatin; nucleoli of motor cells and erythrocytes, dark violet; cytoplasm, green with dark green Nissl granules. The simple and reliable method can be adapted easily for use with automatic tissue processors.  相似文献   

Dyes used in the 3 methods recommended are: I, thionin and acridine orange (T-AO); II, Janus green and Darrow red (JG-DR); III, methyl green and methyl violet (MG-MV). The first 2 methods were two-solution stains, applied in sequence; the third, required only one solution since methyl violet is present in commercial methyl green. Staining solution and timing was as follows: Method I. 0.1% thionin in a 45% ethanolic solution of 0.01 N NaOH, 5 min at 70 C; rinsing in water and followed by 1 min in a 1% aqueous solution of acridine orange made up in 0.02 N NaOH, also at 70 C, then washed, and dried on slides. Method II. 0.5% Janus green in aqueous 0.05 N NaOH, 5 min at 70 C; rinsing in water then into 0.5% Darrow red in 0.05 N NaOH (aq.), 2 min at 70 C., washing, and drying on slides. Method III. 1% methyl green (commercial, unpurified) in 1% aqueous borax for 15-20 min at 20-25 C, washing and attaching to slides. All staining was performed by floating the sections on the staining solutions, all drying at 70 C, and mounting in a resinous medium. T-AO gave blue to violet cytoplasmic structures, darker nuclei which contrasted strongly with yellow connective tissue and the secretion of goblet cells. JG-DR resembled a hematoxylineosin stain, but by shortening the staining time in DR to 0.5-1 min, collagenous and elastic tissue retained more of the green dye. MG-MV gave dark green nuclei in light green cytoplasm, with collagenous and elastic tissues in blue to violet. As with most methods for staining ultrathin sections, thicknesses of less than 1 μ required longer staining times.  相似文献   

This trichrome staining procedure differentially stains elastic fibers, collagen fibers and mucin. Gomori's aldehyde-fuchsin is used for elastic fibers; fast yellow TN is the component used for collagen and cytoplasm; pontacyl blue black SX is the nuclear stain. Procedure: Paraffin sections to water; aldehyde-fuchsin, 30 min; 70% ethanol; distilled water; 0.75% pontacyl blue black SX in 1.5% K.2Cr2O7, 15 min; tap water; 70% ethanol to wash off all free dye; 2% fast yellow TN in 95% ethanol, 5 min; dehydrate, clear and cover.  相似文献   

To a 1.0% filtered aqueous solution of toluidin blue add drop by drop 4-5 ml of either a saturated aqueous solution of HgCl2 or of KI. Collect the resulting dark precipitate on a filter paper and wash it with numerous small quantities of distilled water applied to both inside and outside of the filter paper. Wash until the drippings are distinctly blue (equivalent to about a 0.05% dye solution). Remove the paper and its contents from the funnel and dry either at room temperature or at 37°C. When dry, the treated dye can be brushed off the paper and stored. To prepare a staining solution add a weighed amount (0.12 gm if derived from the HgCl2 treatment, or 0.3 gm if from KI) to 100 ml of distilled water. This insures a saturated solution in either case and gives a satisfactory stain with most sections in 10-30 min. Thionin and other members of the thiazine dyes also showed improvement in staining qualities after this treatment.  相似文献   

Tissues were fixed at 20° C for 1 hr in 1% OsO4, buffered at pH 7.4 with veronal-acetate (Palade's fixative), soaked 5 min in the same buffer without OsO4, then dehydrated in buffer-acetone mixtures of 30, 50, 75 and 90% acetone content, and finally in anhydrous acetone. Infiltration was accomplished through Vestopal-W-acetone mixtures of 1:3, 1:1, 3:1 to undiluted Vestopal. After polymerisation at 60° C for 24 hr, 1-2 μ sections were cut, dried on slides without adhesive, and stained by any of the following methods. (1) Mayer's acid hemalum: Flood the slides with the staining solution and allow to stand at 20°C for 2-3 hr while the water of the solution evaporates; wash in distilled water, 2 min; differentiate in 1% HCl; rinse 1-2 sec in 10% NH,OH. (2) Iron-trioxyhematein (of Hansen): Apply the staining solution as in method 1; wash 3-5 min in 5% acetic acid; restain for 1-12 hr by flooding with a mixture consisting of staining solution, 2 parts, and 1 part of a 1:1 mixture of 2% acetic acid and 2% H2SO4 (observe under microscope for staining intensity); wash 2 min in distilled water and 1 hr in tap water. (3) Iron-hematoxylin (Heidenhain): Mordant 6 hr in 2.5% iron-alum solution; wash 1 min in distilled water; stain in 1% or 0.5% ripened hematoxylin for 3-12 br; differentiate 8 min in 2.5%, and 15 min in 1% iron-alum solution; wash 1 hr in tap water. (4) Aceto-carmine (Schneider): Stain 12-24 hr; wash 0.5-1.0 min in distilled water. (5) Picrofuchsin: Stain 24-48 hr in 1% acid fuchsin dissolved in saturated aqueous picric acid; differentiate for only 1-2 sec in 96% ethanol. (6) Modified Giemsa: Mix 640 ml of a solution of 9.08 gm KH2PO4 in 1000 ml of distilled water and 360 ml of a solution of 11.88 gm Na2HPO4-2H2O in 1000 ml of distilled water. Soak sections in this buffer, 12 hr. Dissolve 1.0 gm of azur I in 125 ml of boiling distilled water; add 0.5 gm of methylene blue; filter and add hot distilled water until a volume of 250 ml is reached (solution “AM”). Dissolve 1.5 gm of eosin, yellowish, in 250 ml of hot distilled water; filter (solution “E”). Mix 1.5 ml of “AM” in 100 ml of buffer with 3 ml of “E” in 100 ml of buffer. Stain 12-24 hr. Differentiate 3 sec in 25 ml methyl benzoate in 75 ml dioxane; 3 sec in 35 ml methyl benzoate in 65 ml acetone; 3 sec in 30 ml acetone in 70 ml methyl benzoate; and 3 sec in 5 ml acetone in 95 ml methyl benzoate. Dehydrated sections may be covered in a neutral synthetic resin (Caedax was used).  相似文献   

Tissues from representative mammals, amphibia and invertebrates were fixed for 5-24 hr in either an aqueous solution of 8% p-toluene sulfonic acid (PTSA) or in 10% formalin to which 5 gm PTSA/100 ml had been added, and processed through embedding in polyethylene glycol 400 distearate in the usual manner. Sections cut at 4-6 μ were floated on 0.2% gelatin containing 1.25% formalin, and spread and dried on slides at a temperature not exceeding 25 C. Wax was removed with xylene, and the sections brought to water through ethanol as usual. The working staining solution was made from three stock solutions: A. Chlorantine fast blue 2RLL, 0.5%; B. Cibacron turquoise blue G-E, 0.5%; C. Procion red M-P, 0.5%—each of which was dissolved in 98.5 ml of distilled water to which 0.5 ml of glacial acetic acid and 0.5 ml of propylene glycol monophenyl ether (a fungicide) had been added. For use, the three solutions were mixed in the proportions: A, 3; B, 4; and C, 3 volumes. Staining time was uncritical, 10-30 min usually sufficing for 6 μ, sections. The chief feature of the staining is the differentiation of oxygenated and nonoxygenated red blood corpuscles, in reds and blues respectively. Connective tissue stained blue or blue-green and mucin, green. Nuclei and cytoplasm stain according to their condition at the time of fixation. The mixed stain keeps well, remaining active after 2 yr of storage.  相似文献   

Tissue blocks 2 × 2 × 0.4 cm were fixed 6-24 hr in phosphate-buffered 5% glutaraldehyde then sliced to 2 × 2 × 0.1 cm and soaked in 0.1 phosphate-buffer (pH 7.3) for at least 12 hr. Fixation was continued for 2 hr in phosphate-buffered 1-2% OsO4. The slices were dehydrated, infiltrated with Araldite, and embedded in flat-bottomed plastic molds. Sectioning at 1-8 μ with a sliding microtome was facilitated by addition of 10% dibutylphthalate to the standard epoxy mixture. The sections were spread on warm 1% gelatin and attached to glass slides by drying, baking at 60 C, fixing in 10% formalin or 5% glutaraldehyde and baking again. Sections were mordanted in 5% KMnO4 (5 min), bleached with 5% oxalic acid (5 min) and neutralized in 1% Li2CO3 (1 min). Several stains could then be applied: azure B, toluidine blue, azure B-malachite green, Stirling's gentian violet, MacCallum's stain (modified), tribasic stain (modified) and phosphotungstic acid-hematoxylin. Nuclei, mitochondria, specific granules, elastic tissue or collagen were selectively emphasized by appropriate choice of staining procedures, and cytologic detail in 1-3 μ sections was superior to that shown by conventional methods. Selected areas from adjacent 4-8 μ sections could be re-embedded for ultramicrotomy and electron microscopy.  相似文献   

Materials are fixed in FPA (formalin, 2; propionic acid, 1; 70% ethanol, 17). Paraffin sections on slides are brought to 50% ethanol and stained as follows: (1) in Bismarck brown Y, a 0.02% solution in 0.1% aqueous phenol, 10-30 min; wash 30 sec in 0.7% acetic acid, and wash in distilled water 20-30 sec; (2) in crystal violet, 1% in 70% ethanol alkalinized with 1 drop of 1 N NaOH per 100 ml, 12-35 min; wash 30-60 sec in tap water to remove excess stain, and rinse 0.5 sec in 70% ethanol; then mordant in I2-KI, 1% each in 70% ethanol, 40 sec, and rinse in 70% ethanol 2-5 sec; (3) in a mixture containing 0.4% acid fuchsin and 0.6% crythrosin B in 70% ethanol about 0.5 sec; rinse in 70% ethanol 5-15 sec to remove excess red; dehydrate in 70%, 95%, and absolute ethanol, 2-3 sec each; (4) in fast green FCF, 0.5% in a mixture of equal parts of methyl cellosolve, absolute ethanol, and clove oil, 5-15 sec; rinse in a mixture of clove oil, 10 ml; absolute ethanol, 100 ml; and methyl cellosolve, 10 ml, 5-7 sec; (5) in orange G, 0.75 gm in a mixture of clove oil, 40 ml; absolute ethanol, 40 ml; and methyl cellosolve, 60 ml, 5-30 sec; rinse clean in a 1:1 mixture of xylene and absolute ethanol, 5-20 sec Complete the clearing in pure xylene, 3 changes, 1.5 min in each, and apply a cover glass with synthetic resin. Slides are agitated in all steps except Bismark brown Y, crystal violet, and the xylenes. Contrast and staining intensity are adjusted by varying staining times in the dye solutions.  相似文献   

An effective cytochemical technique for the simultaneous demonstration of lipids, polysaccharides and protein bodies in the same section from the tissue embedded in Epon 812 is described. Thick sections of peanut cotyledon are used for a typical sample according to the following procelures. Firstly, PAS reaction: (1) Oxidize sections in 0.5% periodic acid in 0.3% nitric acid for 10 min, (2) Wash in running water for 1–2 min and then pass through distilled water, (3) Stain in Schiff's reagent for 30 min, (4) Wash in sodium metabisulfite 3 times, 2 min for each time, (5) Wash in running water for 5 min and then pass through distilled water. Secondly, Sudan black B staining: (1) Rinse section in 70% ethanol for 1-2 min, (2) Stain in fresh 1% Sudan black B in 70% ethanol for 30–60 min at 40–60℃, (3)Rinse in 70% ethanol for 1 min and then in distilled water. Thirdly, Coomassie brilliant blue R staining: (1) Rinse sections in 7% acetic acid for 1–2 min, (2) Stain in I% Coomassie brilliant blue R in 7% acetic acid for 20 min at 60℃, (3) Differentiate in 0.1% acetic acid for I min, (4) Rinse in lunning water for 5 min and then pass through distilled water, (5) Dry at room temperature or in oven, 40℃. The dry sections mount in glycerin-gelatin. After the above three step staining, the three main compounds of the cell can be stained simultaneously. Starch grains and cellulose cell wall take cherry red colour, lipids appear in black, protein bodies are blue. The sealed slides can be kept permanently.  相似文献   

Night blue will stain the mast cells of rat, mouse and hamster selectively if alcohol differentiation is controlled. The technical steps are: Dewax paraffin sections with xylene, 2 changes; air dry; 2% Na2SO4, 3-5 sec; 0.5% night blue in 10% ethanol, 1 hr at 60°C; rinse in water; 9% HNO3, 15 sec; water 1-5 min; 70% ethanol, 2 changes, 30 sec each; wash; 0.01% safranin, 3-5 sec; rinse, blot, air dry, mount in synthetic resin. A clear orthochromatic stain of the mast-cell granules occurs. Acid fixation prevents the staining reaction.  相似文献   

The epoxy resin was removed from semithin (1 μm) sections by immersing them for 30 sec in sodium methoxide (Mayor et al., J. Biophys. Biochem. Cytol., 9: 909-10, 1961) and then processed as follows: (1) left for 1-3 hr at 60 C in a mixture of formalin, 25 ml; glacial acetic acid, 5 ml; CrO3, 3 gm; and distilled water, 75 ml: (2) oxidized 10 min in a 1:1:6 v/v mixture of 2.5% KMnO4, 5% H2SO4 and distilled water: (3) bleached in 1% oxalic acid, and (4) stained for 15 min in aldehyde fuchsin, 0.125% in 70% alcohol, or in a 1% aqueous solution of toluidine blue. The neurosecretory material is selectively stained.  相似文献   

After deceration, celloidinization and hydration, oxidize 10 micron paraffin sections for 15 min in a solution containing 0.3 g KMnO4, and 0.1 ml conc. H2SO2, per 100 ml distilled water. Wash in water and reduce in 5% oxalic acid until the sections are colorless. Wash thoroughly in water and place in 4% iron alum solution for two hours. Wash briefly in water and stain for two hours in phosphotungstic acid hematoxylin. Rinse briefly in 95% ethanol and dehydrate in n-butyl alcohol or absolute ethanol for 4 min with two changes, clear and mount. Glial fibers, myofibrils, red blood cells, etc. are stained blue while astrocyte cell bodies, collagen, etc. are stained red. This stain has proven highly consistent in a wide variety of astrocytic derangements. Despite the intensity of this PTAH modification, false positive staining was not observed.  相似文献   

Paraffin sections from tissue fixed 4-12 hr in 10% formalin containing 0.5% cetyl pyridinium chloride, and washed 2 hr, were stained as follows: (1) Hydrolyze in 5 N HCl at room temperature for 8.5-9 min, or use standard Feulgen hydrolysis at 60 C. (2) Stain in azure A-Schiff, 0.5% in bisulfite bleach (1 N HCl, 5; 10% Na2S2O5, 5; and distilled water 90—parts by volume) for 10 min. (3) Place in bisulfite bleach 2 changes, 2 min each; wash in water, 1-2 min. (4) Stain in Alcian blue (0.1% in 0.01 2V HCl, pH 2.0) for 10 min. (5) Place in 0.01 N HCl for 2-3 min; wash in water for 1-2 min. (6) Oxidize in 0.5% HIO4 for 5 min; wash in water, 1-2 min. (7) Stain in Schiff's leucofuchsiu, 10 min. (8) Treat with bisulfite bleach as in step 3; wash in running water, 10 min. (9) Stain in naphthol yellow S (0.01% in 1% acetic acid) for 1-2 min. (10) Place in 1% acetic acid for 2 min, dehydrate in tertiary butanol, clear and cover. Result: DNA is deep blue; acidic mucins are light blue; neutral polysaccharides, red to magenta; and proteins, yellow. Proper timing of the hydrolysis for the Feulgen reaction is the most critical step. Overhydrolysis results in green nuclei (staining by naphthol yellow S) whereas purplish nuclei are the results of insufficient hydrolysis.  相似文献   

The granules of islet B cells show an intense β metachromasia when paraffin sections of pancreas fixed in Bouin's fluid or formalin are dipped for 1 min in a 0.1% aqueous solution of toluidine blue O2 buffered to pH 6.0 with acetate or phosphate. This reaction provides a quick method for surveying the condition of B cells in experimental work. A weak staining is observable at pH 4.5 and becomes distinct at pH 5.5-6.0. Oxidation of sections (0.25% KMnO4 in 0.5% H2SO4, for 1 min, recommended) prior to staining intensifies the metachomatic reaction conspicuously. The metachromatic substance could not be demonstrated after fixation in either ethanol or acetone. It corresponds to the aldehyde fuchsin-positive and pseudoisocyanin-metachromatic substance in its occurrence and distribution in the B cells, as shown by different physiological states of various animals, including fasted and glucose-administered guinea pigs. It is thought to be topographically coincident but not necessarily identical to insulin.  相似文献   

Specific staining of glycogen in rat liver fixed in chilled 80% alcohol, chilled formol alcohol or 10% neutral formalin has been accomplished with acid alizarin blue SWR, alizarin brilliant blue BS, alizarin red S, gallein, haematein, and haematoxylin solutions. TO prepare a staining solution, 1 gm dye, 1 gm K2CO3 and 5 gm KCl were dissolved by heating in 60 ml of water. Concentrated NH4OH (0.880 sp.gr.), 15 ml, followed by 15 ml of dry methanol were added to 20 ml of the cooled solution. Paraffi sections were stained for 5 min, rinsed in dry methanol, cleared in xylene, and mounted in D.P.X. The high specificity obviated the need for counterstaining: nuclei and cytoplasm were unstained. Precipitation of stain onto the slide was rare. As all the dyes carried, like carminic acid, numerous groups capable of forming hydrogen bonds, it is suggested that the staining mechanism involved hydrogen bonding.  相似文献   

A reproducible, one-step, differential staining technic which uses routine formalin-fixed tissue and gives brilliantly contrasting results is produced by incubating sections for 1 hr in a 60° C oven in the following dye mixture: 1% eosin B (CI#771), 8 ml; 1% anilin blue (CI#707), 2 ml; and buffer solution (0.1M citric acid, 1.1 ml; 0.2M Na2HPO4, 0.9 ml; distilled water, 28.0 ml) at pH 4.5. No differentiation is necessary. The method can be modified for duodenal enterochromaffin cells and alpha cells of pancreatic islets by adjusting the buffer to pH 3.6 and staining for only 3 min at 60° C.  相似文献   

The cresyl fast violet staining method was modified to eliminate differentiation. Paraffin sections from tissues fixed in Zenker-formol were stained in a 1% aqueous solution of cresyl fast violet (Chroma), adjusted to pH 3.7 with acetic acid, washed in running tap water, dehydrated and covered. Because basophilia increases with time of fixation or storage in formalin or Kaiserling's fluid, dilution of the dye solution to 0.5-0.1% is recommended for such material. Bacteria, nuclei, Nissl substance, and lipofuscin were colored dark blue; fungi, blue to purple; and cytoplasm and muscle fibers, light blue. Collagen and reticulum fibers were only faintly stained. Thus, microorganisms were easily visible against the lightly colored background. In formalin-fixed material, bile pigment was colored olive green. Because this method does not require differentiation, it gave uniform results even in the hands of different users. Little or no fading was observed in sections stored for more than 2 yr.  相似文献   

After testing various procedures (amidoblack 10B, acid fuchsin-methyl blue, Luxol fast blue MBS-phloxine, toluidine blue O, Jams green B and pinacyanol), three stains can be recommended for staining both types of mitochondria (globose and threadlike) in the cells of Saccharomyces cerevisiae: (1) 0.1% solution of amidoblack 10B in citrate buffer (pH 3.0) for 10 min; (2) 0.01% solution of toluidine blue O in phosphate buffer (pH 6.0) for 30 min; (3) 0.01% solution of Janus green B in distilled water (pH 5.6) for 30 min. The latter stain is most specific because its staining reaction depends upon the action of the mitochondrial enzyme cytochrome c oxidase. Yet, low concentrations and short incubation periods must be applied to avoid poisoning of the cell metabolism.  相似文献   

Fresh cross sections of stems [Psilotum nudum, Coleus blumei, and Pelargonium peltatum] and roots (Setcreasea purpurea) 120 μm thick were fixed in FPA50 (formalin: propionic acid: 50% ethanol, 5:5:90, v/v) for 24 hr and stored in 70% ethanol. The sections were transferred to water and then to 1% phloroglucin in 20% calcium chloride solution plus either hydrochloric, nitric, or lactic acid in the following ratios of phloroglucin-CaCl2 solution:acid: 25:4, 20:2, or 15:5. The sections were mounted on slides either in one of the three mixtures or in fresh 20% calcium chloride solution. A rapid reaction of the acid-phloroglucin with lignin produced a deep red color in tracheary elements and an orange-red color in sclerenchyma. Fixed and stored leaf pieces from Nymphaea odorata were autoclaved in lactic acid, washed in two changes of 95% ethanol, transferred to water, and treated with the three acid-phloroglucin-calcium chloride mixtures. The abundant astrosclereids stained an orange-red color similar to that of sclerenchyma in the sections. In addition, a new method is reported for specifically staining lignified tissues. When sections or leaf pieces are stained in aqueous 0.05% toluidine blue O, then placed in 20% calcium chloride solution, all tissues destain except those with lignified or partially lignified cell walls. Thus, toluidine blue O applied as described becomes a reliable specific test for lignin comparable to the acid-phloroglucin test.  相似文献   

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