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Pressure-threshold loads (ΔPT) are inspiratory force-related loads, which contrast with resistive loads (ΔR), are airflow-dependent loads. If detection of respiratory loads is a function of the background load, then pressure-threshold type inspiratory muscle strength training (IMST) would affect the detection of ΔPT but have less effect on detection of ΔR. ΔR and ΔPT detection and ventilatory responses were measured in healthy volunteers. IMST consisted of 4 sets of 6 breaths per day for 4 weeks, at 75% of maximal inspiratory pressure (MIP). MIP increased and a measure of inspiratory dirve, the mouth pressure generated in the initial 100 msec of an occluded inspiration (P0.1), decreased after IMST. IMST significantly increased MIP after 4 weeks of training. IMST did not change ΔR detection threshold and ΔR-breathing pattern. IMST decreased ΔPT detection percent and ΔPT-breathing pattern. Comparing ΔR and ΔPT at the same mouth pressure-generating level, the detection percent was different. We conclude that IMST affects the detection of ΔPT, but not ΔR. These results also suggest that mouth pressure is not the primary determinant of the inspiratory load detection. The significance of these results is that inspiratory pressure generating capacity can be increased by our pressure threshold training and this increase in respiratory muscle strength increases the ability of pulmonary patients to compensate for increased respiratory load and modulates the threshold for detection of changes in pulmonary mechanics.  相似文献   

Inspiratory flow pattern in humans   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The apparently continuous flow of bird song is in reality punctuated by brief periods of silence during which there are short inspirations called minibreaths. To determine whether these minibreaths are accompanied, and thus perhaps caused, by activity in inspiratory muscles, electromyographic (EMG) activity was recorded in M. scalenus in zebra finches and in M. scalenus and Mm. levatores costarum in cowbirds, together with EMGs from the abdominal expiratory muscles, air sac pressure and tracheal airflow. EMG activity in Mm. scalenus and levatores costarum consistently preceded the onset of negative air sac pressure by ∼11 ms during both quiet respiration and singing in both species. The electrical activity of these two muscles was very similar. Compared with during quiet respiration, the amplitude of inspiratory muscle EMG during singing was increased between five- and 12-fold and its duration was decreased from >200 ms to on average 41 ms during minibreaths, again for both species, but inspiratory muscle activity did not overlap with that of the expiratory muscles. Thus, there was no indication that the inspiratory muscles acted either to shorten the duration of expiration or to reduce the expiratory effort as might occur if both expiratory and inspiratory muscles were simultaneously active. Inspiratory and expiratory muscle activities were highly stereotyped during song to the extent that together, they defined the temporal pattern of the songs and song types of individual birds. © 1998 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Neurobiol 36: 441–453, 1998  相似文献   

Inspiratory rhythm in airway smooth muscle tone   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
In anesthetized paralyzed open-chested cats ventilated with low tidal volumes at high frequency, we recorded phrenic nerve activity, transpulmonary pressure (TPP), and either the tension in an upper tracheal segment or the impulse activity in a pulmonary branch of the vagus nerve. The TPP and upper tracheal segment tension fluctuated with respiration, with peak pressure and tension paralleling phrenic nerve activity. Increased end-tidal CO2 or stimulation of the carotid chemoreceptors with sodium cyanide increased both TPP and tracheal segment tension during the increased activity of the phrenic nerve. Lowering end-tidal CO2 or hyperinflating the lungs to achieve neural apnea (lack of phrenic activity) caused a decrease in TPP and tracheal segment tension and abolished the inspiratory fluctuations. During neural apnea produced by lowering end-tidal CO2, lung inflation caused no further decrease in tracheal segment tension and TPP. Likewise, stimulation of the cervical sympathetics, which caused a reduction in TPP and tracheal segment tension during normal breathing, caused no further reduction in these parameters when the stimulation occurred during neural apnea. During neural apnea the tracheal segment tension and TPP were the same as those following the transection of the vagi or the administration of atropine (0.5 mg/kg). Numerous fibers in the pulmonary branch of the vagus nerve fired in synchrony with the phrenic nerve. Only these fibers had activity which paralleled changes in TPP and tracheal tension. We propose that the major excitatory input to airway smooth muscle arises from cholinergic nerves that fire during inspiration, which have preganglionic cell bodies in the ventral respiratory group in the region of the nucleus ambiguus and are driven by the same pattern generators that drive the phrenic and inspiratory intercostal motoneurons.  相似文献   

The physiological mechanisms mediating the detection of mechanical loads are unknown. This is, in part, due to the lack of an animal model of load detection that could be used to investigate specific sensory systems. We used American Foxhounds with tracheal stomata to behaviorally condition the detection of inspiratory occlusion and graded resistive loads. The resistive loads were presented with a loading manifold connected to the inspiratory port of a non-rebreathing valve. The dogs signaled detection of the load by lifting their front paw off a lever. Inspiratory occlusion was used as the initial training stimulus, and the dogs could reliably respond within the first or second inspiratory effort to 100% of the occlusion presentations after 13 trials. Graded resistances that spanned the 50% detection threshold were then presented. The detection threshold resistances (delta R50) were 0.96 and 1.70 cmH2O.l-1.s. Ratios of delta R50 to background resistance were 0.15 and 0.30. The near-threshold resistive loads did not significantly change expired PCO2 or breathing patterns. These results demonstrate that dogs can be conditioned to reliably and specifically signal the detection of graded inspiratory mechanical loads. Inspiration through the tracheal stoma excludes afferents in the upper extrathoracic trachea, larynx, pharynx, nasal passages, and mouth from mediating load detection in these dogs. It is unknown which remaining afferents (vagal or respiratory muscle) are responsible for load detection.  相似文献   

It is generally accepted that a stationary concentration front is established in the tracheobronchial tree during the inspiratory phase of single- and multiple-breath washouts. The anatomic position of this front, which is determined by the balance between diffusive flux toward the airway opening and convective flux toward the periphery, is frequently used to predict the effects of molecular diffusivity and inspiratory flow rate on dead space. Although there is substantial experimental evidence supporting the predictive effect of molecular diffusivity, there is little evidence regarding the effect of convective flow. This study confirmed the predictions for the effects of molecular diffusivity but contradicted those for the effects of inspiratory flow. We measured dead space by multiple- and single-breath inert gas washout techniques and also measured physiological dead space in dogs for inspiratory flow rates of 10-71 ml.kg-1.s-1. None of the three measures of dead space increased over the entire range of flow rate, as predicted by contemporary gas transport models. A possible explanation for these findings is that axial dispersion coefficients in the anatomic region where stationary fronts are believed to develop (respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts) significantly increase with convective flow rate rather than remain equal to molecular diffusivity.  相似文献   


H. W. Riggs 《CMAJ》1922,12(6):390-392

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