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Caudal courtship glands (CCGs) are sexually dimorphic glands described in the skin of the dorsal tail base of some male salamanders in the genera Desmognathus, Eurycea, and Plethodon in the family Plethodontidae. These glands are believed to deliver pheromones to females during courtship, when the female rests her chin on the dorsal tail base during the stereotypic tail straddling walk unique to plethodontids. Although CCGs have been studied histologically, no investigations of their ultrastructure have been made. This article presents the first study on the fine structure and seasonal variation of CCGs, using the plethodontid Plethodon cinereus. The CCGs vary seasonally in height and secretory activity. The mature secretory granules observed in males collected in October and April consist of oval, biphasic granules that are eosinophilic and give positive reactions to periodic acid‐Schiff for neutral carbohydrates but do not stain for acidic mucosusbtances or proteins with alcian blue and bromphenol blue, respectively. Granular glands, some of which contain mucous demilunes, are twice as large as CCGs, are syncytial (unlike CCGs), and stain for proteins. Mucous glands are similar in size to CCGs, but are basophilic, show no seasonal variation in secretory activity, and stain positive for acidic mucosubstances. CCGs do not resemble cytologically the sexually dimorphic mental glands of some plethodontids, which contain round or oval granules filled with an electron‐dense amorphous substance. The CCGs are similar histologically to sexually dimorphic skin glands described in some anurans, but more comparative work is needed. J. Morphol. 276:319–330, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Salamanders in the family Plethodontidae exhibit a unique tail‐straddle walk during courtship that can include the use of sexually dimorphic mental and caudal courtship glands. This study presents novel histological and fine structure data on mental glands and caudal courtship glands in Plethodon mississippi, Desmognathus conanti and Eurycea quadridigitata using both light microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. This study represents the first use of scanning electron microscopy to observe these glands. Both mental and caudal courtship glands were observed to vary seasonally in gland diameter and histology according to the breeding season of each species. Morphological variation was observed across the three species studied in both clustering and relative size of the glands compared to neighbouring mucous and granular glands. Hypertrophied mental glands are larger than mucous or granular glands in all species, but relationships among caudal courtship glands and other skin glands vary among species. In E. quadridigitata, active caudal courtship glands are larger than mucous and granular glands, but in D. conanti, caudal courtship glands are similar in size to granular glands and larger than mucous glands. In P. mississippi, caudal courtship glands are scattered among significantly larger granular glands and are similar in size to mucous glands.  相似文献   

In northern Indiana, the mating season of Plethodon cinereus occurs after hibernation from March until June, when oviposition begins. During the mating season, a female stores sperm in its spermatheca, a compound tubular gland in the roof of the cloaca. The apical cytoplasm of the spermathecal epithelium is filled with large secretory vacuoles whose product is released while sperm are stored. Females induced to oviposit in June and July by injections of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) still retain much sperm 1 month after oviposition, but secretory vacuoles are absent in all specimens sacrificed in July and August. Instead, some sperm are embedded in the spermathecal epithelium with resultant spermiophagy involving lysosomes. A female sacrificed in September 2 months after oviposition possesses scant sperm, but spermiophagy alone does not seem extensive enough to account for the decrease in sperm numbers. Females sacrificed in October prior to hibernation lack sperm in their spermathecae; some secretory vacuoles are present, but they are not as numerous or as enlarged as in specimens collected in March and May. Inter- and intrafamilial differences in the cytology of sperm storage may not be phyletically informative at the family level but related to species-specific reproductive adaptations. J. Morphol. 234:131–146, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The presence of conspecifics, as well as the distribution and quality of resources, can influence habitat settlement decisions of animals. We studied the habitat preference and group size of the red-backed salamander, Plethodon cinereus , from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. In contrast to previous work with P. cinereus from Virginia, we found groups of P. cinereus within higher quality habitat than solitary individuals and these groups contained both small and large individuals. Under identical conditions in the laboratory, salamanders from Virginia formed a uniform spatial distribution and individuals from northern Michigan displayed an aggregated spatial distribution. Our results suggest that P. cinereus from northern Michigan preferentially settle near conspecifics, while P. cinereus from Virginia avoid them. Our laboratory experiments also suggest that the aggregation behaviour of P. cinereus from northern Michigan may be the result of attraction to conspecifics rather than attraction to habitat features.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural and histochemical features of marginal (monostichous) teeth associated with the jawbones are compared with those of palatal (polystichous) teeth that compose two patches in the roof of the mouth. The apices and uncalcified regions are similar in both kinds of teeth, but the basal regions display distinctive differences. While bases (pedestals) of marginal teeth are essentially hollow cylinders that attach to the jawbones by their labial faces, bases of teeth in palatal patches are fused to form two horizontal plates which lack direct attachment to underlying bone. The plates are separated from each other by a pulp-filled space containing fibroblasts, blood vessels, and vertically oriented elements resembling bony spicules. Cylindrical pedestals like those of marginal teeth project from the ventral plate. While the identity of the material composing the basal regions remains controversial, the following evidence suggests that it is similar to “bone of attachment” (Tomes, '23): most of it, unlike dentin, does not develop in direct association with an enamel organ; alcian blue stains the bases of developing teeth but stains dentin, developing dentin, enamel, or mature bone very weakly (if at all); bases of teeth in palatal patches develop in isolation from the parasphenoid bone and thus cannot be considered extensions of it; and marginal teeth attach directly to the jawbones, but the material composing their bases does not blend with the bone. Structural heterogeneity of the basal regions appears to be linked to functional differences exhibited by these two types of teeth.  相似文献   

The teeth of the adult plethodontid salamander, Plethodon cinereus, were examined by light and electron microscopy with emphasis on the ringlike zone of uncalcified dentin that divides the calcified portion of each tooth into a proximal pedestal and a distal apex. The uncalcified region displays radial asymmetry, forming an integral part of the posterior wall of the tooth but bulging into the pulp cavity anteriorly, thus forming a hingelike structure. All portions of the dentin, including the uncalcified region, are composed predominantly of collagenous fibers but lack elastin. In scanning electron micrographs of teeth from which the oral mucosa has been removed, the location of the anterior uncalcified hinge is marked externally by a notch-like articulation of the apex and pedestal. Sites of transition between calcified and uncalcified areas of the dentin show no special modifications in transmission electron micrographs, but collagenous fibers in calcified portions are associated with more electron-dense amorphous material than are those in the uncalcified region. Odontoblasts associated with the uncalcified region possess ultrastructural features closely resembling those of odontoblasts found in calcified areas. The uncalcified region seems to afford the teeth a certain degree of flexibility, and the asymmetry of the region appears to allow the teeth to flex only in a posterior direction, thus facilitating the entry of living prey but hindering its escape. The uncalcified region also seems to permit the apex of a tooth to break away from its pedestal without damage to underlying bone.  相似文献   

Complete catalogs of courtship behavior are available for only seven of the 42 currently recognized species of Plethodon. Additional detailed studies of courtship behavior in Plethodon species are needed to analyze the evolution of courtship behavior in this genus. We investigated the courtship behavior of the Cumberland Plateau woodland salamander (Plethodon kentucki) and compared it to previous accounts of courtship in other Plethodon species. In the laboratory, we videotaped the complete courtship of 30 different P. kentucki pairs, which included 46 tail-straddling walks that resulted in spermatophore deposition. From a transition matrix of observed motor patterns, we constructed a flow diagram of significant motor-pattern transitions during courtship. In general, the courtship behavior of this species is very similar to that of other large eastern Plethodon; however, there are some notable differences. Prior to the tail-straddling walk, the male transfers courtship pheromone from his mental gland to the female's nasolabial grooves (via mental-gland tapping and ‘chin-to-chin’ behavior patterns) more frequently than in other Plethodon. In most courtships, the female initiates contact leading to the tail-straddling walk. Males exhibit a greater propensity to deposit multiple spermatophores per courtship (two deposited in 33% of courtships, three deposited in 10% of courtships, X = 1.53 spermatophores per courtship) than males of other plethodontids. Mean size of the spermatophore is smaller than in other large eastern Plethodon. Overall, the courtship behavior of this species is most similar to that of P. jordani.  相似文献   

Summary Dorsal tubercle and skin of Mertensiella caucasica have been investigated with the electron microscope and enzyme histochemical methods. The epidermis of the tubercle consists of 8–9 cell layers, that of normal dorsal skin of 5–6. The tubercle is filled with large mucous glands which are surrounded by an almost complete layer of smooth muscle cells (myoepithelial cells). Their glandular cells undergo cyclical changes and are characterized by specific secretory granules, which differ from those of the relatively small mucous glands of the normal dorsal skin.In the connective tissue of the tubercle a relatively rich supply of nerve fibres has been found, which in part contain synaptic and dense core vesicles or accumulations of mitochondria. In the normal dorsal skin nerve fibres occur less frequently.The following enzymes have been demonstrated in the mucous glands of the tubercle: SDH, acid phosphatase, unspecific esterases, E 600 resistant esterase.The tubercle seems to stimulate the female cloaca chemically and mechanically.  相似文献   

The unusual lymphogranulopoietic bone marrow of the large lungless salamander Plethodon glutinosus was examined by light and electron microscopy. Developing neutrophils, eosinophils, and fat cells were found in large numbers, while lymphocytes of various sizes, plasma cells, plasmablasts, macrophages, pigment cells, and fibroblasts were present in more moderate numbers. Basophils were observed only rarely. Macrophages were found in extravascular locations and did not appear to be associated directly with the walls of the blood vessels supplying the marrow. Both neutrophils and eosinophils seemed to arise from small precursor cells whose ultrastructural features bore a resemblance in some ways to those of mammalian myeloblasts described by Bainton and Farquhar ('66). Developing neutrophils and eosinophils seemed to produce only single populations of specific cytoplasmic granules, rather than both primary (azurophilic) and secondary (specific) inclusions, as are produced typically by mammalian granulocytes. Both eosinophilic and neutrophilic granules were formed in association with Golgi complexes; and eosinophilic granules were much larger, more densely stained, and more regularly rounded in shape than the inclusions of developing neutrophils. Peroxidase activity was associated with the specific granules of neutrophils but seemed to be lacking in the granules of eosinophils. The specific granules of eosinophils were especially unusual because they contained irregularly shaped, lightly stained cores which occasionally displayed a distinctly crystalline substructural organization. The specific granules of basophils also possessed a prominent crystalline organization. The overall appearance of the marrow of Plethodon suggests that it functions not only as a valuable source of neutrophils, eosinophils, and cells of the lymphoid series, but also as a part of the phagocytic system of the animals and as an important repository for fat.  相似文献   

Abstract. Workers of Crematogaster inflata possess the largest metapleural glands (relative to body size) known among ants, with reservoirs extending anteriorly up to the junction between the pro‐ and the mesothorax, and with over 1400 secretory cells on both sides together. This large secretory capacity is related to the gland's defensive function, which, in members of this species, is directed against larger arthropod and vertebrate enemies, and apparently not against microorganisms, in contrast to other ants, where the gland produces antibiotics. The gland is not equipped with any direct musculature. Secretion release is probably caused by contraction of the oblique longitudinal thorax muscles or by passive expulsion caused by external pressure.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the scolex of Orygmatobothrium schmittii (Cestoda: Phyllobothriidae) was studied using histochemistry, scanning, and transmission electron microscopy. The central bothridial structure resulted in a glandulomuscular organ formed by a mass of syncytial glands and radial muscles, with glycoprotein secretions potentially adhesive. Among the sensory receptors found on the scolex, a particular type was found surrounding the glandulomuscular organ, which might be related in the regulation of the secretions. The internal structure of the microtriches revealed a diversity of configurations according to their morphotype and distribution on the scolex. Microtriches with larger caps are thought to be useful for attachment purposes. In addition, the thick bounding membranes of the attachment organs and the circular musculature in the bothridia, seem to aid to the attachment of the scolex to the mucosa of the host.  相似文献   

Adult males and females of Desmognathus ochrophaeus were tested in two-choice substrate discrimination trials in which salamanders were given a choice of the marked substrates of opposite-sex individuals from their own population and from a geographically distinct population. Females exhibited a significant preference for the marked substrates of extrapopulation males, whereas there was no evidence that males made any such discrimination of the marked substrates of females. We suggest that females may utilize substrate cues to make initial assessments of potential mates. We compared data from substrate discrimination trials to random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) profiles generated for each individual. There was no evidence that females made any distinction of substrate odours based on our assessment of genetic similarity. The estimated genetic differences between the two populations were minimal.  相似文献   

The mental glands of Hydromantes genei are considered a specialized form of the urodele serous cutaneous glands. Use of a variety of techniques of maceration and digestion as well as transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) has shown the three-dimensional morphology of secretory and myoepithelial cells. Secretory cells are pyramidal and rest on an almost continuous layer of myoepithelial cells. The latter have a long ribbon-like body from which branch off transversal and longitudinal processes with swallow-tailed ends. Cytoplasmic processes of secretory cells, containing irregular dense vesicles, squeeze through clefts between myoepithelial cells and may reach, at some points, the basal lamina. The interstices between myoepithelium and secretory cells are extraordinarily rich in nerve endings with clear vesicles. The glandular outlets appear as elliptical stomata in the superficial layer of the epidermis and are lined by horny cells, which invaginate to circumscribe the excretory duct. The morphological results indicate that the myoepithelium of Plethodontidae mental glands differ in some respects from that of amphibian serous cutaneous glands. A double polarity for the secretory cells is also suggested. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The influence of temperature on the thyroid gland of the Caucasian salamander, Mertensiella caucasica has been studied (1) with the light- and electron microscopes, (2) with enzyme histochemical and quantitative methods. Animals which had been kept for years at 16° C were exposed for 48 hrs to 4° C or 27° C.At 4° C the follicular epithelium consisted of cuboidal cells with well-developed rough ER, occasional distended cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ER) filling most of the cytoplasm, a relatively small Golgi apparatus and numerous round or oval shaped lysosomes. In animals kept at 27° C the follicular wall was composed of markedly taller epithelial cells, the apices of which bulged into the follicular lumen. Compared to the animals at 4° C, there appeared to be a decrease in the rough ER. The Golgi apparatus did not exhibit clear differences. The lysosomes increased in number and showed various shapes among which elongated ones with pointed ends were particularly striking. In the apical cytoplasm colloid droplets appeared indicating hormone release. The apical microvilli increased in number.The measurements of total T4 have shown that the hormone level in animals kept at 27° C was about twice as high as in animals kept at 4° C.Dedicated in gratitude to Professor Dr. Drs. h.c. W. Bargmann on the occasion of his 70th birthday.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (We 380/5).  相似文献   

The tegumental epithelium of the outer dorsolateral region in the proximal part of the coxae in the mid‐ and hindlegs of both workers and queens of the ants Odontomachus rixosus and O. simillimus is differentiated into a conspicuous and hitherto unknown exocrine gland. The glandular cells display a clear microvillar differentiation of their apical cell membrane, and are lined with the tegumental cuticle, which in this part contains crack‐like channels perpendicular to its surface, that carry the glandular secretions to the outside. Apical microvilli support the transport of substances, and contain an extension of tubular smooth endoplasmic reticulum in their centre. The function of the gland may be that of providing lubricant substances to the articulation region of the generally heavily sclerotized ponerine ant species. The gland is also found in several other ponerine and amblyoponine species, but not in the ectatommine species studied. The foreleg coxae lack a basicoxal gland in all species examined, which may be explained by the more limited articulation between the thorax and the coxae in the forelegs compared to the mid‐ and hindlegs.  相似文献   

Predators influence the evolution of colour pattern in prey species, yet how these selective forces might differ among predators is rarely considered. In particular, prey colour patterns that indicate unpalatability to some predator species may not carry the same signal for other predators. We test several hypotheses of selection on patterning between mammal predators and the polymorphic salamander Plethodon cinereus, which, under an avian visual system appears as a mimic of the toxic newt Notophthalmus viridescens. We fit each hypothesis against field observations of mammalian attacks on salamander clay replicas. We then develop a novel analytical procedure that enables the combination of multiple non‐exclusive models in a likelihood framework. We find that mammals do not follow any single hypothesis proposed, including the hypothesis of mimicry. Instead, mammals in this system use visual cues while foraging to avoid unfamiliar, novel prey and attack conspicuous prey. We propose that mammals may help to maintain colour pattern polymorphism within populations of P. cinereus by avoiding novel, unfamiliar colour morphs. Additionally, selective pressures from multiple predators and variation in predator communities among sites may contribute to the maintenance of colour polymorphism within and among localities in this salamander species.  相似文献   

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