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In this article, the morphology and function of the female reproductive organs of Ebalia tumefacta were investigated using histological methods. While the vagina conforms to the concave type, the study reveals a new orientation of seminal receptacle compartments. The seminal receptacle consists of two chambers, which are oriented in anterior‐posterior direction. This is in contrast to the dorso‐ventral orientation of seminal receptacle chambers in all other known brachyuran crabs. The anterior chamber is lined by cuticle, whereas the posterior chamber is covered with a holocrine glandular epithelium. The oviduct connection is located ventrally, close to the opening of the vagina. The oviduct orifice is characterized by a transition of the epithelium lining of the oviduct to the seminal receptacle holocrine glandular epithelium. Special features are muscle fibers, which are attached to the oviduct orifice and to the sternal cuticle as well. The muscle fibers can be found exactly at that point where the oviduct opens into the seminal receptacle and are secondly attached to the sternum beneath. This musculature is newly described for Eubrachyuran crabs. This musculature can be interpreted as an important feature in the fertilization and egg‐laying process in relation to supporting and controling the inflow of eggs into the seminal receptacle lumen. These new discoveries were compared to the known pattern of an Eubrachyuran seminal receptacle. J. Morphol. 276:517–525, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Because of the poor knowledge of the morphology of the female reproductive organs of most brachyuran crabs, this study investigated two Atlantic representatives of the family Leucosiidae, Ilia nucleus (Linnaeus, 1758) and Persephona mediterranea (Herbst, 1794), using histological methods and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). While the vagina conforms to the concave type, the arrangement of the two chambers of the seminal receptacle differs strongly from that of other eubrachyuran sperm storage organs. Both chambers are oriented laterally within the crab's body. This is in contrast to the dorso-ventral orientation described in most other known brachyuran crabs. The lateral chamber is covered by cuticle, whereas the medial chamber is covered by a holocrine glandular epithelium. The oviduct connection is located ventrally, posterior to the vagina. The oviduct orifice is characterized by a transition from the epithelium lining the oviduct to the seminal receptacle's holocrine glandular epithelium. Moreover, muscle fibres are attached to the oviduct orifice and to the sternal cuticle. This musculature can be interpreted as an important feature in the fertilization and egg-laying process by supporting and controlling the inflow of eggs into the seminal receptacle lumen. The results of this study are compared to the morphology of the seminal receptacle of another leucosiid crab, Ebalia tumefacta (Montagu, 1808), and to those of other known eubrachyuran crabs.  相似文献   

Male True Crabs use two pairs of gonopods to deliver mating products during copulation. Commonly, the second pair is shorter than the first pair, and most research to date has focused on species with short second gonopods. We investigated male and female copulatory organs in Calappula saussurei and Calappa pelii, two species of box crabs (Calappidae) with second gonopods which are longer than the first pair. Scanning electron microscopy and histological cross sectioning show that the female copulatory system is unique in several aspects: the genital duct is part concave and part simple type. The seminal receptacle is divided into two chambers, a ventral chamber of ectodermal and mesodermal origin, and a dorsal chamber of ectodermal origin. This dorsal chamber is the location of spermatophore reception during copulation. A sperm plug closes the dorsal chamber off. We propose that long second gonopods deliver male mating products directly into the dorsal chamber. To date, spermatophore reception has been associated with the mesodermal tissue of the seminal receptacle. The copulatory system of box crabs with long second gonopods shows novel deviations from this general pattern. J. Morphol. 276:77–89, 2015. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The female genital morphology of the spiders in the araneoid genus Agriognatha (Tetragnathidae) is described and illustrated. The female genitalia of Agriognatha is characterized by a strong reduction of the sperm storage organs (spermathecae) and by the presence of a specialized distal compartment of the median membranous chamber that functions as a sperm storage organ (the posterior sac). The genital morphology of Agriognatha species is unique among Tetragnathidae and it provides robust synapomorphic evidence for the monophyly of genus. We discuss the phylogenetic implications of these new findings for the placement and monophyly of Agriognatha and for the monophyly of Tetragnathinae.  相似文献   

Various aspects of the reproductive anatomy of the spider crab Inachus phalangium are investigated utilizing light and electron microscopy. Spermatozoal ultrastructure reveals the presence of a glycocalyx in the peripheral region of the periopercular rim, never recorded before in crustacean sperm cells. Sperm cell morphological traits such as semi-lunar acrosome shape, centrally perforate and flat operculum, and absence of a thickened ring, are shared only with Macropodia longirostris, confirming a close phylogenetic relationship of these species and their separation from the other members of the family Majidae. Spermatozoa are transferred to females inside spermatophores of different sizes, but during ejaculate transfer, larger spermatophores might be ruptured by tooth-like structures present on the ejaculatory canal of the male first gonopod, releasing free sperm cells. Such a mechanism could represent the first evidence of a second form of sperm competition in conflict with sperm displacement, the only mechanism of sperm competition known among Brachyura, enabling paternity for both dominant and smaller, non-dominant, males. In addition, we propose several hypotheses concerning the remote and proximal causes of the existence of large seminal receptacles in females of I. phalangium. Among these, genetically diverse progeny, reduction of sexual harassment and phylogenetic retention seem the most plausible, while acquisition of nutrients from seminal fluids, demonstrated in other arthropods, and suggested by previous studies, could be discarded on the basis of the presented data.  相似文献   

Gall crabs are obligate associates of stony corals in which they induce skeletal modifications. In some cryptochirid species, females live in open depressions accessible to males; while in others, females are rather isolated in semiclosed galls, which necessitates elaborate sperm storage capabilities by the female. In this study we investigate the female gross morphology and reproductive systems of Fungicola syzygia lodged in semiclosed flattened pits, Opecarcinus cathyae with semiopen pits and Pseudocryptochirus viridis from shallow open depressions using line drawings and histological methods. The general morphology of the cryptochirids' reproductive systems is uniform and conforms to other thoracotreme brachyurans: paired muscular vaginae of the concave pattern lead from the sternal gonopores into paired seminal receptacles where sperm is stored. The seminal receptacle is internally lined by distinct types of epithelia: a cuticle underlined by a columnar epithelium ventrally, a monolayered secretory epithelium dorsally and a multilayered transfer tissue where the oviducts enter the seminal receptacle. In all studied specimens, the seminal receptacle contained free spermatozoa; however, in specimens of Pseudocryptochirus viridis it also contained spermatophores, indicating a recent insemination. In contrast to most other brachyurans ovaries of the investigated cryptochirids extend into the pleon. The specific degree of ovary extension differs between the studied species and is closely related to female body shape.  相似文献   

The females of some species of the family Halophilosciidae receive in the course of mating a quantity of sperm considerably redundant with respect to the number of eggs that can be fertilized; this is possible thanks to the peculiar morpho-functional organization that characterizes their genital system and that allows them to store the sperm not only in the great seminal receptacle but also within the ovary. While most of the sperm stay free in the lumen of the seminal receptacle, a part of those present in the ovary undergoes a process of capture by the follicular cells with consequent internalization within endocellular cavities. This process concerns exclusively the immotile tail, that characterizes the peculiar spermatozoon of the isopods and which is essentially of proteic nature. After their capture the sperm tails undergo a gradual process of digestion, which seems to be apparently realized without the intervention of lysosomes. The possible role of this spermiophagic activity might be to represent a significant trophic paternal investment aimed at improving the fitness of the female and of the offsprings.  相似文献   

We studied the structural and cellular organisation of the oviduct of Erythrolamprus miliaris including its morphological variation during the reproductive cycle using light microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. Four anatomically distinct regions compose the oviduct of E. miliaris including the anterior and posterior infundibulum, glandular uterus, non-glandular uterus and pouch. The cells of the oviductal epithelium secrete material by apocrine and merocrine processes, which vary between the anatomical regions and according to each phase of the reproductive cycle. The infundibular epithelium secretes electron dense vacuoles, which suggests the production of lipids, whereas the epithelial secretion of the glandular uterus, non-glandular uterus and pouch creates lucent and slightly electron dense vacuoles, indicating the production of glycoproteins. The timing of mating, vitellogenesis and sperm storage directly influences the morphofunctional alterations in the oviducts of E. miliaris. Sperm storage occurs only in the infundibular receptacles with increased production of the neutral carbohydrates in the presence of male gametes. Sperm storage happens in vitellogenic, non-vitellogenic and pregnant females of E. miliaris. Thus, females may be able to produce multiple clutches at different seasons of the year regardless of mating during autumn.  相似文献   

Jespersen, Å. and Lützen, J. 2001 . Ultrastructure of the seminal receptacle and the dimorphic sperm in the commensal bivalve Mysella bidentata (Veneroida: Galeommatoidea: Montacutidae). — Acta Zoologica (Stockholm) 82 : 107–115
The seminal receptacle and the euspermatozoa and paraspermatozoa of Mysella bidentata were examined at an ultrastructural level and the results were compared with earlier findings of the same and other species of the Montacutidae. The euspermatozoon has a slender 13 µm long nucleus and a 1.1 µm long bullet-shaped acrosome. The acrosome of the paraspermatozoon is almost identical in ultrastructure to that of the euspermatozoa but is longer (1.9 µm) and more slender and is bent at an angle to the diminutive nucleus (1.1 µm long). The unpaired seminal receptacle is lined by a heavily ciliated epithelium and a non-ciliated epithelium with short and broad microvilli. Euspermatozoa only are stored in the receptacle. They are densely packed and orientated with their heads towards the non-ciliated epithelium. In this position they develop numerous extremely fine microvilli from the acrosome which apparently serve to attach them to the epithelial microvillar surface. Stored sperm may presumably remain functional for at least six months. A possible function of paraspermatozoa could be to clump sperm into sperm bags to keep them in suspension.  相似文献   

We examined the female reproductive system of the yellowline arrow crab Stenorhynchus seticornis by means of histological and histochemical techniques. Mature specimens obtained in the field were kept in the laboratory for mating experiments. After 24 h, newly mated females were dissected, and their reproductive trait routinely processed for embedding in historesin. The specimens examined each possessed a pair of kidney‐shaped seminal receptacles (SR), and these we classified as ventral type, based on the location of the oviduct opening. The mesodermal dorsal region (DR) of SR consisted of a stratified epithelium with scaly cells, while the ectodermal ventral region (VR) was composed of a simple epithelium covered by a cuticle. The oviduct opened at the transition region (TR) between DR and VR and had no velum. The simple epithelium of TR had more folds on the face of the oviduct opening. The vagina exhibited the same features as the TR epithelium and was contiguous to VR, anchored by muscles. In the lumen, from one to three strata of sperm packets were observed, the dorsal one containing free sperm, and the most ventral stratum, spermatophores. An acidophilic glycoprotein layer enclosed the strata. Spermatophores in the ventral stratum were enclosed in a voluminous secretion, composed by acid polysaccharides most likely from the last male mated. The ventral‐type receptacle, stratified sperm packets, and polyandry, usually observed in females of Majoidea, suggest the occurrence of sperm competition in S. seticornis, favoring the sperm of the last male mated, as its sperm mass is located near the opening of the female oviduct.  相似文献   

The predatory ladybird beetle Tenuisvalvae notata (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) (Mulsant) is a polygamous species and its morphology, as well as the storage capacity of seminal fluid in the spermatheca, may affect its reproductive performance. Thus, the present study evaluates the spermatheca morphology of virgin and mated T. notata females using light and scanning microscopy. The results show that the spermatheca of T. notata is kidney shaped and consists only of the receptacle and spermathecal duct, being morphologically similar in virgin and mated females. There is no secretion in the spermathecae of virgin females and, in mated females, only once it was not possible to observe the presence of spermatozoa. By contrast, females mate multiple times it is possible to observe spermatozoa in the lumen of the spermatheca surrounding the secreted material. Polygamy in T. notata might be related to the maintenance of viable spermatozoa in the spermatheca, in which case the female would prefer to copulate more times during its adult life than to store spermatozoa for a longer period of time.  相似文献   

Spider genital morphology usually provides the best characters for taxonomy. Furthermore, functional genital morphology helps to understand the evolution of complex genitalia and their role in the context of sexual selection. The genital systems of most haplogyne spider families are poorly investigated with respect to their morphology. The present study investigates the female genitalia of the oonopids Oonops pulcher, Oonopinus kilikus, and Pseudotriaeris sp. by means of light microscopy and SEM. The male palps are briefly described. Females of O. pulcher store spermatozoa in an anterior and a posterior receptaculum (PRe). The genitalia resemble the primitive dysderoid genitalia supporting the hypothesis that the subfamily Oonopinae contains more basal oonopids. In O. kilikus, the anterior receptaculum is reduced to a sclerite. Spermatozoa are stored in a PRe. The receptacula of Pseudotriaeris sp. are reduced to sclerites. Spermatozoa in the uterus internus indicate that fertilization happens there or in the ovary. The anterior sclerite might serve females to lock the uterus during copulation as suggested for other gamasomorphines. The male palp of O. kilikus is simple, whereas the palps of O. pulcher and Pseudotriaeris sp. appear more complex. Complicated structures on the palp of Pseudotriaeris sp. indicate that males exert copulatory courtship.  相似文献   

The oviducal glands (ODG) play a crucial role in octopus reproduction. Herein, structural changes of each section of the ODG of Octopus mimus are described histologically throughout the gonad development stages (GDS). To do this, the epithelial height, stereociliated or non-stereociliated epithelium, nucleus type (pycnotic or non-pycnotic), epithelial secretions and the value range of the macroscopic maturity index (MaMI), which directly involves ODG status, were measured. The ODG are internally constituted of two glandular units (central and peripheral glands) and one set of receptacles (the spermathecae). High epithelia (40 to 80?μm) were observed in both gland units during periods with low MaMI values (< 0.1) corresponding to III-mature and IV-pre-spawning. The stereociliated epithelium was only apparent in II-maturing and III-mature in both gland units. The nuclei were noticeably pycnotic in the central gland during III-mature, IV-pre-spawning and V-spawning, but pycnotic in the peripheral gland only during VI-depletion. The epithelium was disorganised during VI-depletion, while sulphated acid mucin was only present during III-mature in the central gland. The epithelium transformations during the GDS are related to the functions of the gland units and to their multiple secretions. The ODG histology complements the GDS and provides better reproductive status assessment.  相似文献   

The reproductive systems of crabs reveal characters of considerable importance for the understanding of brachyuran phylogeny and evolution. The Dorippoidea show several plesiomorphic characters within Eubrachyura and similarities to podotreme crabs. Hence, they are often considered as an early diverging lineage, sometimes even as the sister group to all remaining eubrachyurans. Due to their role as prime candidates for putative plesiomorphic characters of the reproductive system of the Eubrachyura, we compared the morphology of the vaginae, seminal receptacles, and ovaries of three dorippid species using histological methods, micro‐computed tomography, and 3‐D reconstructions. Despite the putative phylogenetic position of dorippids, the female reproductive system shows features that are regarded as derived characters in eubrachyurans, including a concave vagina and a ventral‐type seminal receptacle. In contrast to other eubrachyurans, the oviduct does not enter the seminal receptacle directly but through specific cuticular valves. The female reproductive systems of Dorippe sinica and Dorippe quadridens are remarkable in further aspects. The seminal receptacles of both species are completely cuticle‐lined and have accessory sperm storage structures, the bursae. Our findings on the morphology of the female reproductive system of dorippids with its unique combination of basal, derived, and new characters challenges the prevailing hypothesis on the evolution of sperm storage organs in Eubrachyura.  相似文献   

Pea crabs of the subfamily Pinnotherinae (Pinnotheridae) have a high investment in reproduction and an outstanding reproductive output, probably as an adaptation to the required increase in reproductive rate due to the pinnotherids small size and their parasitic, host‐dependant way of life. In the present study, we investigate the male internal reproductive structures and the ultrastructure of spermatozoa of Pinnotheres pisum and Nepinnotheres pinnotheres by histological methods and both scanning‐ and transmission electron microscopy. In the Brachyura, the male internal reproductive systems generally consist of paired testes and corresponding vasa deferentia where spermatozoa develop and mature. Spermatozoal ultrastructure of the investigated pinnotherids conforms to the thoracotreme type, however, N. pinnotheres has an accessory opercular ring and a periopercular rim, neither of which are present in spermatozoa of P. pisum. Spermatozoa are enclosed within spermatophores in the secretory proximal vas deferens. Two types of secretions were observed in P. pisum and N. pinnotheres: an electron dense substance secreted in the proximal vas deferens involved in spermatophore formation, and large electron‐luscent vesicles constituting the seminal plasma in the medial and distal vas deferens. The medial vas deferens is strongly widened compared to other brachyurans to purpose storing spermatophores embedded in seminal plasma. Tubular appendices, which produce and store large amounts of seminal plasma, arise from the distal region of the vas deferens. The appendices extend into the ventral cephalothorax and also in the first pleomere. The latter being an exceptional location for reproductive structures among male brachyurans. J. Morphol. 274:1312–1322, 2013. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The cuticular genitalia of the terrestrial isopod, Armadillidium vulgare, have two distinct states during the reproductive cycle of the females. The structural differences between the reproductive and non-reproductive states, and the structure of the sperm storage sites were investigated employing electron and light microscopy. In both states the genitalia consist of a distal segment that connects to the gonopore, and a cuticular tube-like structure lining the lumen of the oviduct in the middle region of the oviduct. Sheath-like projections, apparently consisting of cuticular material, extend laterally along two sides of the cuticular tube. In the proximal region of the oviduct cuticular structures are lacking. In the non-reproductive state the distal segment consists of endo-, exo- and epicuticle. The exocuticle is three layered with unusual spongy and dense layers at the distal side. On one side the endocuticle doubles in thickness to form a cuticular bulge that fills the lumen of the distal segment leaving just a narrow U-shaped space. The cuticular tube consists of endo- and epicuticle only. In the reproductive state the distal segment is funnel-shaped and forms branched cuticular folds that increase in complexity from distal to proximal. In the cuticular tube these folds tightly fill the lumen of the oviduct. At the confluence of the oviduct with the ovary spermatozoa are stored in a seminal receptacle.  相似文献   

The reproductive system of the female Ethusa mascarone was studied with a combination of histological and MRI‐techniques. The study reveals a completely new type of eubrachyuran seminal receptacle. This receptacle consists of two largely separate chambers that engage with each other in a manner similar to shaking hands. One chamber facing the medial axis is lined by cuticle while the second chamber consists of a thick holocrine epithelium. Both chambers are connected by two openings of a unique structure. First, the glandular chamber opens ventro‐laterally to the cuticle chamber via a laterally flattened connective duct that is lined by a highly folded cuticle. A second opening connects both chambers dorsally with the oviduct orifice. A distinct character is the cuticular hook‐like projection that is situated in between the connection of oviduct opening, the glandular chamber and the cuticle chamber of the seminal receptacle. The complete seminal receptacle exhibits a combination of plesiomorphic and apomorphic characters. The arrangement of the receptacles featured in two separate chambers, including the ventro‐lateral connection of the glandular chamber to the cuticle chamber, presumably reflects an early evolutionary stage of an eubrachyuran receptacle. In contrast, the dorso‐lateral opening between both chambers, including the hook‐like projection, appears to be an apomorphic character of at least E. mascarone. J. Morphol. 277:1497–1508, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Studies of fertilization success have demonstrated that maleeffects are often a strong and important source of variationin P2 (the proportion of offspring that are fertilized by thesecond male to mate). More recently there has been emphasison female processes that occur during and after copulation thatmight bias the outcome of male-male interactions. Here we usedthe sterile male technique to evaluate whether female genitalmorphology influences the repeatability of P2 when the samepair of male dung beetles, Onthophagus taurus, copulated witha series of full-sib females or unrelated females that wereall unrelated to the male pair. Repeatability estimates of measuresof female genital morphology showed that full-sib females variedless in their genital morphology than did unrelated females.Therefore, if female genital traits are an important sourceof variation in male fertilization success, P2 should be morerepeatable across full-sib than unrelated females. Contraryto this prediction, we show that the repeatability of P2 didnot differ between female groups. Moreover, specific dimensionsof the female genitalia (sclerotized vagina and bursa) did notcontribute significantly to variance in P2. In contrast, maleeffects had consistent and repeatable influences on paternityacross females. These were partly explained by variation inthe morphology of male genital sclerites.  相似文献   

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