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A dosage schedule for digoxin medication is presented which has proved effective and safe in children of different ages with heart failure due to a variety of cardiac conditions. The plasma digoxin concentrations during maintenance therapy, using this schedule, agree closely with previously reported therapeutic adult plasma concentrations, though the results do not exclude the efficiency and safety of higher doses. A twice-daily dosage regimen is suggested.  相似文献   

A method for measuring the plasma-digoxin concentration uses the measurement of its inhibitory effect on 86Rb uptake by human red cells in vitro. Patients receiving digoxin in whom there was no clinical evidence of digoxin intoxication had plasma digoxin concentrations ranging from 0·8 to 4·5 mμg./ml. Patients presenting with convincing clinical evidence of digoxin intoxication had plasma digoxin concentrations ranging from 4 to greater than 8 mμg./ml. It is suggested that the plasma digoxin concentration may be used as an aid in the diagnosis of digoxin intoxication.  相似文献   

Plasma digoxin concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay in 116 patients with atrial fibrillation on long-term oral treatment with the drug, and in 23 patients with digoxin toxicity. The mean concentrations were 1·4 ng./ml. and 3·1 ng./ml., respectively. Though an overlap occurred between the therapeutic and toxic ranges, toxicity is unlikely to occur below a level of 2 ng./ml. Plasma concentration showed a poor correlation with resting heart rate during atrial fibrillation. In patients with good renal function, however, a significant correlation was found between oral dose and plasma concentration. No evidence was obtained for increased sensitivity to therapeutic concentrations of the drug in elderly subjects, but the doses required to achieve these concentrations tended to be less than in younger patients.  相似文献   

采用国产链霉亲和素直接包被塑料板孔,生物素标记抗体,建立的竞争酶联免疫吸附试验的方法测定血中地高辛浓度.其测定灵敏度为0.0964 μg/L,最低检测限为0.2251 μg/L,测定三份低、中、高浓度的血清标本,批内变异系数为8.9%,5.9%,2.4%;批间变异系数为15.8%,10.1%,9.2%,测定回收率在89.1%~107.22%之间,此法与FPIA方法相关良好(r=0.9488).  相似文献   

After the oral administration of 0·5 mg of digoxin in tablet form to fasting subjects peak plasma levels were reached in 30 to 60 minutes. Levels then fell to reach a plateau at six to eight hours. When the same dose was given after food the peak plasma concentrations were significantly lower, but the concentrations reached in samples obtained from two to eight hours after the dose did not differ appreciably from corresponding samples obtained in the fasting experiments.In a four-week cross-over study of 21 patients on maintenance therapy, digoxin taken regularly in the fasting state produced plasma concentrations similar to those obtained when the drug was taken after meals.The rapid appearance of digoxin in the blood suggests that the oral route of administration is adequate for most patients who require rapid digitalization, and the timing of maintenance dosage in relation to meals is unimportant.  相似文献   

The plasma magnesium concentration has been determined in 73 patients with primary hyperparathyroidism. In most patients it lay within the normal range (1·7-2·3 mg./100 ml.), but in five it was less than 1·6 mg./100 ml. These patients had relatively high urinary magnesium outputs, and one of them, studied in greater detail, failed to retain parenterally administered magnesium. Hence hypomagnesaemia in hyperparathyroidism may be associated with a defect in renal magnesium conservation, which may be reversible.  相似文献   

An investigation into the relations between the daily dose of digoxin, drug regimen, serum digoxin concentration, and creatinine and digoxin clearance was carried out in a group of elderly ambulant patients in domiciliary practice. Moderate to severe impairment of renal function was found both in patients taking digoxin and in elderly control subjects. Plasma digoxin levels were not related to blood urea concentrations or creatinine clearance. Digoxin clearance was less than creatinine clearance. Now that plasma digoxin levels can be measured relatively easily their estimation should become part of clinical practice.  相似文献   

Human pregnancy introduces a diurnal variation of fasting plasma glucose concentrations, with significantly lower values found after a daytime fast of eight hours compared with a night-time fast of the same duration. The diurnal variation of plasma glucose clearance, found in nonpregnant subjects, is not demonstrable during pregnancy. Insulin tolerance does not exhibit a circadian valuation but is substantially decreased during pregnancy.  相似文献   

近红外光谱法无创测量人体血红蛋白浓度   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在选定的波长处(760 nm,850 nm)无创测量人体手指的漫反射光谱,利用修正的Lambert-Beer定律,实现了HbO2、Hb的绝对量估算,并由此求得血红蛋白浓度的结果。对16例志愿者进行了测量,全部男性受试者的相对误差在7.39%以下,相关系数为0.954;全部女性受试者的相对误差在7.26%以下,相关系数为0.969。  相似文献   

Plasma Physics Reports - The results of experiments on increasing the specific energy density of high-current Z-pinch plasma by using various compression modes are presented. The experiments were...  相似文献   

目的:建立定量测定人体血浆中阿托伐他汀浓度的HPLC-MS/MS的方法.方法:以吲哚美辛为内标,采用Shim-packVP-ODS柱(150× 2.0 mm I.D.,5μm,日本Shimadzu Technologies Inc.公司)为固定相;乙腈-0.5%甲酸溶液(90:10,v/v)为流动相,流速为0.3 ml/min;通过电喷雾离子源(ESI),以正离子多反应监测模式进行检测.阿托伐他汀与内标用于检测的离子对分别为m/z 559.4 m/z 250.3和m/z 358.3 rn/z 139.2.结果:阿托伐他汀在0.10~20.00 ng/ml范围内与峰面积比值线性范围良好(r=0.9962),定量下限为0.10 ng/ml,日内日间精密度的RSD均小于12%,平均回收率大于71%.结论:所建方法准确度高,方法灵敏,专属性强且操作简便,可适用于阿托伐他汀的血药浓度测定和临床药代动力学研究.  相似文献   

目的:建立定量测定人体血浆中氨氯地平浓度的HPLC-MS/MS的方法.方法:以克林霉素为内标,采用Shim-pack VP-ODS柱(150× 2.0 mm I.D.,5μm,日本Shimadzu Technologies Inc.公司)为固定相;乙腈-10 mmol/L乙酸铵溶液(90∶10,v/v)为流动相,流速为0.4 mL/min;通过电喷雾离子源(ESI),以正离子多反应监测模式进行检测.氨氯地平与内标用于检测的离子对分别为m/z409.3 m/z 238.2和rn/z 425.2 m/z 126.3.结果:氨氯地平在0.10~20.00 ng/mL范围内与峰面积比值线性范围良好(r=0.9968),定量下限为0.10 ng/mL,日内日间精密度的RSD均小于7%,平均回收率大于86%.结论:所建方法准确度较高,灵敏度好,专属性强且操作简便,可适用于氨氯地平的血药浓度测定和临床药代动力学研究.  相似文献   

用单峰驼促卵泡素标准品(CamFSH),hFSH抗血清和^125I-hFSH建立了测定双峰驼血浆FSH的放射免疫分析方法,并通过一系列实验证明,该方法可以用于测定双峰驼血浆FSH,是研究双峰驼生殖内分泌学的可靠手段之一。  相似文献   

Sucrose is converted fructose and glucose, which may increase plasma uric acid concentration (pUA) through increased purine degradation and/or decreased uric acid (UA) excretion. To investigate effects of acarbose, an inhibitor of alpha-glucosidase, on the increased pUA from sucrose administration, we measured pUA and urinary UA excretion in 6 healthy subjects before and after administering sucrose, with and without co-administration of acarbose. Sucrose raised pUA by 10% (p < 0.01). However, excretion and fractional clearance of UA were unchanged. Sucrose and acarbose coadministration also increased pUA, but less than did sucrose alone (sucrose: 4.9 to 5.4 mg/dl; sucrose + acarbose, 4.7 to 4.9 mg/dl, p < 0.05) without changes in urinary excretion and fractional clearance of UA. Acarbose appears to attenuate the rise in pUA by sucrose ingestion by inhibiting sucrose absorption.  相似文献   

帕罗西汀为5-羟色胺(5-HT)阻断药,具有起效快、疗效好、不良反应低等优点,为目前临床上常用抗抑郁症药物。帕罗西汀疗效和不良反应与该药血药浓度密切相关,并且个体差异性较大。因此,研究开发专一性强、灵敏度高的血药浓度检测方法十分必要,具有重要的临床和实践意义。本文综述帕罗西汀血药浓度检测时血样的前处理方法,同时对高效液相色谱法和气相色谱法检测帕罗西汀血药浓度进展进行论述,为该领域的临床合理用药和相关领域的研究提供借鉴。  相似文献   

A series of digoxin derivatives containing the γ-alkylidene butenolide moiety were synthesised by way of stereoselective vinylogous aldol reaction of the unactivated butenolide in simple conditions. The structures of compounds synthesised were characterised by infrared (IR), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and HR-MS. Preliminary bioassay shows that some of them have cardiac functions, especially compound 2g that induced a marked increase in myocardial contractility at 10 ng ml−1 and 20 ng ml−1 concentrations without digitalis toxicity.  相似文献   

The aim of the current study was to assess relationships between multiple metals burden in human seminal plasma and semen quality parameters. Levels of five metals (lead, manganese, copper, arsenic, and selenium) in human seminal plasma were determined by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS), and the correlations between the metal concentrations and semen parameters (sperm concentration, sperm motility rate, and sperm morphology) were analyzed. The activities of acid phosphatase (ACP) and of α-glucosidase in human seminal plasma were also determined. Of the 100 subjects, 21 had fertility problems according to the World Health Organization criteria and were designated as "abnormal group." Significant inverse correlations were found between the concentrations of Cu, As, Pb, and the sperm concentrations (r (Cu)?=?-0.312, P (Cu)?= 0.029; r (As)?=?-0.328, P (As)?= 0.021; r (Pb)?=?-0.377, P (Pb)?= 0.008). Moreover, the Cu, Mn, and Se concentrations were significantly higher in the abnormal group than that in the normal group (P (Cu)?= 0.024, P (Mn)?= 0.002, P (Se)?= 0.002). The ACP activity was significantly higher in the normal group than that in the abnormal group (P = 0.021). We also found a significantly negative correlation between α-glucosidase activity and the levels of As (r =?-0.367, P = 0.023). These findings provide evidence for relationships between human semen quality and metal exposures. These relationships are consistent with animal data, but additional human and mechanistic studies are needed.  相似文献   

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