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We investigated the structure of the male reproductive system in Ichthyophis supachaii. The testis comprises a series of mulberry‐like lobes, each of which contains testis lobules occupied by germ cysts. A single cyst consists of synchronously developing germ cells. Six spermatogenic cell types, viz. primary spermatogonia, secondary spermatogonia, primary spermatocytes, secondary spermatocytes, spermatids and spermatozoa, have been identified and described. Notably, the testis of I. supachaii encompasses specific organization patterns of spermatids and spermatozoa during spermiogenesis. Spermiating cysts rupture and release spermatozoa to the collecting ducts, which are subsequently transported to the sperm duct, Wolffian duct and cloaca. We report for the first time ciliated cells in the epithelium of the caecilian Wolffian duct. The cloaca is divided into the urodeum and phallodeum. The urodeum has ciliated and glandular epithelia at its dorsolateral and ventral regions, respectively, as the lining of its internal surface. The muscular phallodeum is lined by ciliated epithelium. Paired Mullerian ducts lie parallel to the intestine and join the cloaca. The posterior portion of the duct is modified as the Mullerian gland. The most posterior region is non‐glandular and lined by ciliated epithelium. Our findings contribute further to information on the reproductive biology of caecilians in Thailand.  相似文献   

The structures of the female reproductive system (ovary, oviduct and cloaca) of Ichthyophis supachaii were investigated by dissection, histology and light microscopy. Paired, elongated, sac‐like ovaries are parallel to the gut and fat bodies. Follicle stages include germinal nests of oogonia and primary oocytes, early and late previtellogenic follicles, early and late vitellogenic follicles and atretic follicles. Germinal nests of oogonia comprise oogonia and prefollicular cells. Nests of primary oocytes contain clusters of synchronously developing primary oocytes enclosed by connective tissue. Primary oocytes are associated with follicular cells. Previtellogenic follicles initially form the vitelline envelope, theca cell layers and patches of ooplasmic glycoproteins. Vitellogenic follicles contain heterogeneously sized spherical yolk granules. Atresia is present in several stages of developing follicles. The oviduct is divided into the anterior, middle and posterior parts. All oviductal parts are lined by non‐ciliated epithelium. A small number of mucous cells are present in the middle part. The cloaca of female I. supachaii is divided into the anterior and posterior chambers. The anterior chamber is lined by glandular stratified columnar epithelium, while the posterior chamber has stratified cuboidal epithelium with less mucus production. Our results contribute to useful information on the reproductive biology of caecilians.  相似文献   

Summary The retinal projections of the caecilian Ichthyophis kohtaoensis were investigated by anterograde transport of HRP. The optic tract forms two bundles in the diencephalon, a narrow medial bundle in the optic tectum, and a basal optic tract consisting of few fibres. Terminal fields are in the thalamus, pretectum, tectum, and as a circum-scribed basal optic neuropile in the tegmentum. Thalamic, pretectal and tectal projections are contralateral as well as ipsilateral. The reduced but existing visual projection corresponds to a reduced but existing visually guided behaviour.  相似文献   

An immunohistochemical study of the cutaneous glands of the caecilian Typhlonectes natans was conducted. Analyses of nerve fibres revealed that adrenergic and galanin‐positive axons innervate the MECs and mediate their contraction. These glands may represent one of the main targets of the adrenergic ganglion cells and reflect the prominent preganglionic cell columns of the species studied. But neurochemical features of the sympathetic ganglia and retrograde tract‐tracing studies are necessary to study the morphology and organization of the sympathetic nervous system of studied species.  相似文献   

Summary The ultrastructure of hepatic peroxisomes was investigated in Ichthyophis glutinosus (Amphibia: Gymnophiona), employing perfusion fixation and the diaminobenzidine (DAB) technique for the visualization of catalase. The majority of peroxisomes is circular or rod-shaped, although elongated particles occasionally occur. They contain a finely granular matrix, lightly stained after the DAB procedure. Their mean diameter is approximately 0.25 m. Serial sections reveal that the circular and rod-shaped peroxisomal profiles are cross and oblique sections of highly tortuous, tubular organelles exceeding 2 m in length.In addition to tubular profiles, elongated, rectangular particles, as well as straight dumbbell-shaped organelles with distinct marginal plates are observed. They range from 900 to 1650 nm in length (mean = 1200 nm). In the flattened, thin central portion of the dumbbell-shaped particle, the peroxisomal membranes form a cisterna enclosing one or two uniformly thick marginal plates, which display a definite substructure with a periodicity of 10 nm.These findings indicate that peroxisomes in the liver of Ichthyophis exhibit a complex organization. It is suggested that the organelles undergo a specific differentiation process, morphologically characterized by the formation of enlarged segments of unusual shape.This study was supported by grants from the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft, Fa 146/1-2 and Sto 75/9  相似文献   

版纳鱼螈侧线系统的结构   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李桂芬  许崇任 《动物学报》2007,53(2):346-353
版纳鱼螈(Ichthyophis bannanica)是我国无足目的仅有代表,应用光镜和扫描电镜对版纳鱼螈的侧线系统进行形态学和组织学观察的研究表明:版纳鱼螈幼体表皮中的侧线器官有接受机械刺激的神经丘和电接受壶腹器官两种,神经丘包括表面神经丘和陷神经丘。侧线分布主要包括:头部的鼻侧线、眶上线、眶下线、眶后线、口侧线、下颌线、咽侧线、鳃孔上线和身体上的背侧线。侧线器官的分布密度、大小和凹陷深度明显与周围表皮的厚度和不同部位有关。幼体的侧线器官退化与鳃孔的退化同步,亚成体以后不保留侧线系统。版纳鱼螈的侧线分布和器官结构与其它无足类的大致相似,仅在眶上线和眶下线的器官分布上存在微小的差别  相似文献   

The morphology of mature sperm from the testes of 22 genera and 29 species representing all five families of caecilians (Amphibia: Gymnophiona) was examined at the light microscope level in order to: (1) determine the effectiveness of silver-staining techniques on long-preserved, rare material, (2) assess the comparative morphology of sperm quantitatively, (3) compare patterns of caecilian sperm morphology with that of other amphibians, and (4) determine if sperm morphology presents any characters useful for systematic analysis. Although patterns of sperm morphology are quite consistent intragenerically and intrafamilially, there are inconsistencies as well. Two major types of sperm occur among caecilians: those with very long heads and pointed acrosomes, and those with shorter, wider heads and blunt acrosomes. Several taxa have sperm with undulating membranes on the flagella, but limitations of the technique likely prevented full determination of tail morphology among all taxa. Cluster analysis is more appropriate for these data than is phylogenetic analysis. © 1994 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Atretochoana eiselti is a radically divergent aquatic caecilian until recendy known from only a single specimen from South America. In addition to its status as the largest lungless tetrapod known, and the only known lungless caecilian, this species has a suite of highly unusual morphological features that sets it apart from all other tetrapods, including sealed choanae (internal nostrils), complete loss of pulmonary arteries and veins, novel cranial architecture, and a novel stapedial muscle. The external, buccal, skeletal, muscular and cardiovascular anatomies of Atretochoana eiselti are described and compared to these features in other caecilians, particularly representatives of all typhlonectid genera which are its closest relatives. The comparative morphological data are used as a basis for interpretations of the ecology and evolution of Atretochoana eiselti. It is argued that lunglessness and the transition to cutaneous gas exchange is correlated with life in cold, montane, fast-flowing streams. Here, high oxygen concentrations and reduced metabolic rate serve to relax the physiological limitations on body size imposed by a reliance upon cutaneous gas-exchange, and lungs can produce disadvantageous buoyancy. Cranial evolution has increased the gape of Atretochoana eiselti relative to other caecilians, and seems likely to be associated with a shift in prey size and possibly type. Several modifications of the cranium appear to be associated with enhanced cranial kinesis in which a distinct cheek unit is highly mobile. The novel stapedial musculature is interpreted as contributing to this cranial kinesis. Respiratory and cranial evolution are argued to be correlated, with the ventilatory function of the buccopharyngeal pump constraining the evolution of the skull. The evolution of lunglessness removed this constraint facilitating repatterning of the skull.  相似文献   

Caecilians are exceptional among the vertebrates in that males retain the Mullerian duct as a functional glandular structure. The Mullerian gland on each side is formed from a large number of tubular glands connecting to a central duct, which either connects to the urogenital duct or opens directly into the cloaca. The Mullerian gland is believed to secrete a substance to be added to the sperm during ejaculation. Thus, the Mullerian gland could function as a male accessory reproductive gland. Recently, we described the male Mullerian gland of Uraeotyphlus narayani using light and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and histochemistry. The present TEM study reports that the secretory cells of both the tubular and basal portions of the tubular glands of the male Mullerian gland of this caecilian produce secretion granules in the same manner as do other glandular epithelial cells. The secretion granules are released in the form of structured granules into the lumen of the tubular glands, and such granules are traceable to the lumen of the central duct of the Mullerian gland. This is comparable to the situation prevailing in the epididymal epithelium of several reptiles. In the secretory cells of the basal portion of the tubular glands, mitochondria are intimately associated with fabrication of the secretion granules. The structural and functional organization of the epithelium of the basal portion of the tubular glands is complicated by the presence of basal cells. This study suggests the origin of the basal cells from peritubular tissue leukocytes. The study also indicates a role for the basal cells in acquiring secretion granules from the neighboring secretory cells and processing them into lipofuscin material in the context of regression of the Mullerian gland during the period of reproductive quiescence. In these respects the basal cells match those in the epithelial lining of the epididymis of amniotes.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown there to be considerable inter-specific variation in the cardiovascular anatomy of five of the six families of caecilians. Observations on the previously unstudied Rhinatrematidae reveal this family to be characterized by a number of cardiovascular features that are unique within the Gymnophiona. These include a poorly developed sinus venosus sinistra, a short truncus arteriosus, separate carotid and systemic arches and the right atrium larger than the left. Character analysis indicates that these unique features are primitive within the Gymnophiona and they provide considerable additional support for the hypothesis that the Rhinatrematidae are the sister-group to all other caecilians. This hypothesis appears to be among the best supported hypotheses of relationships within the Gymnophiona. Caecilian cardiovascular variation provides a useful source of evidence for phylogeny reconstruction that should be integrated into phylogenetic studies of the group.  相似文献   

The state of development of advanced embryos of the direct‐developing Ecuadorian caecilian Caecilia orientalis (Caeciliidae: Gymnophiona: Amphibia) was examined. Because it is established that development is correlated with reproductive modes in a number of features, we included comparison with taxa that represent the major reproductive modes and all of the modern normal tables and ossification sequences. The embryos of C. orientalis most closely resemble those of stage 47/48 Gegeneophis ramaswamii, an Indian caeciliid, and stage 47/48 Hypogeophis rostratus, a Seychellian caeciliid, both direct developers, in details of bone mineralization, chondrocranial degeneration, and vertebrogenesis. They are most like stage 45 H. rostratus in external features (gills, pigmentation, etc.). They are less similar to prehatchings of Ichthyophis kohtaoensis, an ichthyophiid with free‐living larvae, and to fetuses of the viviparous caeciliid Dermophis mexicanus and the viviparous typhlonectid Typhlonectes compressicauda at comparable total lengths in both skeletal development and external features. The similarity of developmental features among the direct‐developers suggests a correlation with mode of life history. A noteworthy feature is that C. orientalis has an armature of multiple rows of teeth on the lower jaw with tooth crowns that resemble the “fetal” teeth of viviparous taxa and that are covered with a layer of oral mucosal epithelium until full development and eruption, but the upper jaw bears a single row of widely spaced, elongate, slightly recurved teeth that resemble those of the adult. J. Morphol., 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary The notochord of Ichthyophis glutinosus and I. kohtaoensis consists of peripheral flattened cells characterized by a well-developed system of rough endoplasmic reticulum, bundles of tonofilaments, and abundant glycogen particles. These cells contain furthermore fairly high activities of -naphtyl-acetate esterase and 4-chloro-5-bromoindoxyl acetate esterase as well as acid phosphatase which was found in lysosomal localization. The huge intracellular vacuoles of the centrally situated cells possibly originate from electron translucent spaces within the glycogen fields of the peripheral cells.The notochord sheath consists of variously differentiated layers of collagen fibers and of an elastica externa. The diameters of the collagen fibers increase from the inner towards the outer region of the sheath. A peculiar feature of the Ichthyophis notochord sheath is a ring of mineralized collagen. The notochord of the caecilians investigated is compared with that of anurans, urodeles, and several groups of fish.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft.  相似文献   

Appreciation of the diversity of caecilian amphibians has recently been enhanced by the discovery of a radically divergent aquatic caecilian of the Neotropical Typhlonectidae. Atretochoana eiselti is the largest lungless tetrapod and the only lungless caecilian, and it possesses a suite of remarkable cranial modifications that set it apart from all other caecilians. Numerical phylogenetic analyses, using 141 morphological characters, were performed in order to resolve the evolutionary relationships of Atretochoana and representatives of all other typhlonectid genera. These analyses yield a single most parsimonious tree, (Chthonerpeton (Nectocaecilia (Typhlonectes natans, Typhlonectes compressicauda) (Potomotyphlus, Atretochoana)))) , that is both well resolved and, as judged by Bremer support and by bootstrapping, is well supported. This tree is used as a basis for interpreting ecological shifts and associated morphological evolution within the Typhlonectidae. The available data suggest that the rate of morphological evolution in the Atretochoana lineage is significandy greater than that in other typhlonectid lineages.  相似文献   

Light and electron microscopic observations of the lateral-line organs of larval Ichthyophis kohtaoensis confirmed earlier reports of the occurrence of two different types of lateral-line organs. One type, the ampullary organ, possesses 15–26 egg-shaped sensory cells. Each sensory cell extends a single kinocilium surrounded by a few microvilli into the ampullary lumen. This is in contrast to the ampullary organs of urodele amphibians that contain only microvilli. The second type of organ, the ordinary neuromast, has 15–24 pear-shaped sensory cells arranged in two to three rows. Each sensory cell shows a kinocilium that is asymmetrically placed with respect to both a basal plate and approximately 60 stereovilli. The sensory cells of ampullary organs are always separated by supporting cells; those of neuromasts are occasionally in contact with one another. Numerous (neuromasts) or few (ampullary organs) mantle cells separate the organs from the epidermal cells. Only afferent synapses are found in the ampullary organs whereas vesicle-filled fibers together with afferent nerve terminals are found in neuromasts. Both organs contain similarly sized presynaptic spheres adjacent to the afferent fibers. It is suggested that the neuromasts have a mechanoreceptive function, whereas the ampullary organs have an electroreceptive one.  相似文献   

The inner ear of Ichthyophis glutinosus is described with emphasis on the position of the sensory organs and the polarization of the hair cells. The hair cell polarization patterns of the maculae, cristae and papilla basilaris is similar to previous observations in other tetrapods. The papilla amphibiorum shows a simpler bidirectional polarization than described in other amphibians. The papilla neglecta, a sensory organ in the utriculus shows a unidirectional posteriorly directed polarization. A neglecta has not been found in the utriculus of anurans and urodeles previously.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of the renal corpuscle, the neck segment, the proximal tubule and the intermediate segment of the kidney of a South American caecilian, Typhlonectes compressicaudus (Amphibia, Gymnophiona) was examined by means of transmission electron microscopy (TEM), scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and freeze-fracture technique. The glomerular filter apparatus consists of the podocyte epithelium, a distinct basement membrane, a subendothelial space and the capillary endothelium. Emanating from the podocyte cell body, several long primary processes encircle neighboring capillaries. The short slender foot processes originating from the primary processes interdigitate with those from other primary processes, thereby forming the meandering filtration slit. Thick bundles of microfilaments are found in the primary processes, but absent in the foot processes. The basement membrane consists of a lamina rara externa and a rather thin lamina densa (50 nm thickness). The wide subendothelial space contains abundant microfibrils, a few collagen fibrils and many thin processes of mesangial cells. The endothelium is flat and fenestrated (compared to mammals displaying relatively few fenestrations); some of the fenestrations are bridged by a diaphragm. The glomerular mesangium is made up of the mesangial cells and a prominent mesangial matrix containing microfibrils and collagen fibrils. The cells of the neck and intermediate segments display numerous cilia with their microtubules arranged in the typical 9 + 2 pattern. The basal bodies of the cilia are attached to thick filaments with a clear crossbanding pattern of 65 nm periodicity. The proximal tubule is composed of cells typical for this segment (PT cells) and light cells lacking a brush border (bald-headed cells). The PT cells measure 10-25 micron in height and 15-30 micron in width and do not interdigitate at their lateral borders with each other. Their basolateral cell membrane is amplified by many folds projecting into lateral intercellular spaces and into basal recesses. The brush border is scarce and composed of loosely arranged short microvilli.  相似文献   

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