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The uncontrolled proteolytic activity in lung secretions during lung inflammatory diseases might be due to the resistance of membrane-bound proteases to inhibition. We have used a new fluorogenic neutrophil elastase substrate to measure the activity of free and membrane-bound human neutrophil elastase (HNE) in the presence of alpha1-protease inhibitor (alpha1-Pi), the main physiological inhibitor of neutrophil serine proteases in lung secretions. Fixed and unfixed neutrophils bore the same amounts of active HNE at their surface. However, the HNE bound to the surface of unfixed neutrophils was fully inhibited by stoichiometric amounts of alpha1-Pi, unlike that of fixed neutrophils. The rate of inhibition of HNE bound to the surface of unfixed neutrophils was the same as that of free HNE. In the presence of alpha1-Pi, membrane-bound elastase is almost entirely removed from the unfixed neutrophil membrane to form soluble irreversible complexes. This was confirmed by flow cytometry using an anti-HNE mAb. HNE activity rapidly reappeared at the surface of HNE-depleted cells when they were triggered with the calcium ionophore A23187, and this activity was fully inhibited by stoichiometric amounts of alpha1-Pi. HNE was not released from the cell surface by oxidized, inactive alpha1-Pi, showing that active inhibitor is required to interact with active protease from the cell surface. We conclude that HNE activity at the surface of human neutrophils is fully controlled by alpha1-Pi when the cells are in suspension. Pericellular proteolysis could be limited to zones of contact between neutrophils and subjacent protease substrates where natural inhibitors cannot penetrate.  相似文献   

Alpha(1)-protease inhibitor (alpha(1)PI) is an acute phase plasma protein, and possesses a single cysteine residue at position 232. A single cysteinyl sulfhydryl of human alpha(1)PI is found to be readily S-nitrosylated by nitric oxide (NO) in vitro without affecting the inhibitory capacity against bovine trypsin or elastase, a major target protease of alpha(1)PI in vivo. S-nitroso-alpha(1)PI (S-NO-alpha(1)PI) was also formed by the reaction of alpha(1)PI with NO produced excessively by a murine macrophage cell line (RAW264 cells) upon infection with Salmonella typhimurium and in an ex vivo perfusion system of the liver obtained from lipopolysaccharide-treated rats. S-NO-alpha(1)PI (10(-9)-10(-6) M) induces a dose-dependent relaxation of the ring preparation of rabbit aorta. Also, S-NO-alpha(1)PI but not alpha(1)PI shows a potent inhibitory effect on platelet aggregation. Unprecedented observation is that S-NO-alpha(1)PI showed a potent bacteriostatic effect against a wide range of bacteria at the concentration of 1-10 microM, which was 10-1000-fold stronger than that of NO and other S-nitrosylated compounds including S-nitrosylated albumin and S-nitrosylated glutathione. These results suggest that S-NO-alpha(1)PI is produced as an NO sink under inflammatory conditions, where production of both alpha(1)PI and NO is highly up-regulated, and it may function as a soluble factor which consists of an innate defense system through not only the protease inhibitory activity but also its antibacterial activity and facilitating the peripheral blood flow. Therefore, S-nitrosylation of alpha(1)PI occurring under physiological conditions in vivo should diversify the biological functions contributing to cytoprotective effects of alpha(1)PI.  相似文献   

Two glycopeptides were obtained from alpha 1-protease inhibitor after extensive pronase digestion and chromatography on Bio-Gel P-10 and concanavalin A-Sepharose. these glycopeptides were characterized by compositional analysis and sequential exoglycosidase digestion followed at each step by methylation analysis. The partially methylated alditol acetates obtained were resolved by gas chromatography and identified by mass spectrometry. The proposes structures of the oligosaccharide moieties of the glycopeptides are given below. (formula: see text) The relative amounts of the two glycopeptides isolated from concanavalin A-Sepharose suggest that each protein molecule contains four carbohydrate chains; one large chain (A) and three small chains (B).  相似文献   

In a previous report [Largman, C., Brodrick, J.W., Geokas, M.C., Sischo, W.M., & Johnson, J.H. (1979) J. Biol. Chem. 254, 8516-8523] it was demonstrated that human proelastase 2 and alpha 1-protease inhibitor react slowly to form a complex that is stable to denaturation with sodium dodecyl sulfate and beta-mercaptoethanol and that the zymogen can be recovered from the isolated complex following dissociation by hydroxylamine. The present report demonstrates that bovine chymotrypsinogen A reacts with human alpha 1-protease inhibitor in a very similar manner. The rate of complex formation was measured by two methods. In the first, the reaction was followed by determining the loss of the inhibitory activity of alpha 1-protease inhibitor as a function of time. A second-order rate constant for complex formation formation (pH 7.6, 36 degrees C) of 12.9 +/- 2.4 M-1s-1 was obtained. In the second procedure, the reaction of fluorescein isothiocyanate labeled chymotrypsinogen A with alpha 1-protease inhibitor was measured by fluorescence polarization. A second-order rate constant (pH 7.6, 37 degrees C) of 13.9 +/- 2.1 M-1s-1 was obtained. The rate of complex formation is approximately 10(-5) of that measured for the reaction of bovine chymotrypsin with alpha 1-protease inhibitor. Dissociation of the complex was not observed after dilution or the addition of excess bovine alpha-chymotrypsin. As judged by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis experiments, human chymotrypsinogens I and II react with alpha 1-protease inhibitor at rates that are approximatley equivalent to that determined for bovine chymotrypsinogen A. In contrast, bovine trypsinogen reacts very slowly with alpha 1-protease inhibitor, at a rate that is at most 10(-2) of that of bovine chymotrypsinogen A. These results suggest that zymogens react with alpha 1-protease inhibitor by virtue of partially formed active sites and that the potential active-site specificity of the zymogen in part determines the rate of complex formation.  相似文献   

The alpha1-protease inhibitor proteins of laboratory mice are homologous in sequence and function to human alpha1-antitrypsin and are encoded by a highly conserved multigene family comprised of five members. In humans, the inhibitor is expressed in liver and in macrophages and decreased expression or inhibitory activity is associated with a deficiency syndrome which can result in emphysema and liver disease in affected individuals. It has been proposed that macrophage expression may be an important component of the function of human alpha1-antitrypsin. Clearly, it is desirable to develop a mouse model of this deficiency syndrome, however, efforts to do this have been largely unsuccessful. In this paper, we report that aside from the issues of potentially redundant gene function, the mouse may not be a suitable animal for such studies, because there is no significant expression of murine alpha1-protease inhibitor in the macrophages of mice. This difference between the species appears to result from an absence of a functional macrophage-specific promoter in mice.  相似文献   

We have studied expression of alpha 1-protease inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) by human mononuclear cells. alpha 1-PI was detected on 50% of freshly isolated peripheral mononuclear cells. Unless a proliferative stimulus was provided, alpha 1-PI subsequently disappeared from the cell surfaces. Plant mitogens, periodate, neuraminidase-galactose oxidase, or allogeneic cells all were effective stimuli of alpha 1-PI expression. Concanavalin A stimulated de novo synthesis of alpha 1-PI in cell cultures containing both lymphocytes and mononuclear phagocytes, and alpha 1-PI simultaneously appeared on surfaces of activated lymphocytes. Inhibition of protein synthesis by cycloheximide or monocyte depletion abolished de novo alpha 1-PI synthesis, but only monocyte depletion inhibited alpha 1-PI expression. Lymphocytes, but not monocytes, displayed saturable binding of radioiodinated alpha 1-PI. The data are consistent with the interpretation that human mononuclear phagocytes synthesize and secrete alpha 1-PI. When protein synthesis is inhibited, mitogenic stimuli may provoke release of previously synthesized alpha 1-PI from mononuclear phagocytes. Secreted alpha 1-PI then may bind to specific lymphocyte cell surface receptors. This pattern of alpha 1-PI synthesis, secretion, binding, and expression on lymphoid cell surfaces appears to be a common characteristic of many immunologic reactions in vitro.  相似文献   

S C Tyagi  S R Simon 《Biochemistry》1992,31(43):10584-10590
The major endogenous inhibitor of neutrophil elastase in the plasma, alpha 1-protease inhibitor (alpha 1-PI), has a single cysteine residue which has been shown to form mixed disulfides with a number of thiols in vitro. Under normal physiological conditions, the plasma concentrations of reduced and oxidized thiols are such that a major fraction of alpha 1-PI in the circulation in vivo is in the form of mixed disulfides [Laurell, C.-B. (1979) in The Chemistry and Physiology of Human Plasma Proteins (Bing, D. H., Ed.) pp 329-341, Pergamon, New York]. We show here that the mixed disulfide between glutathione or cysteine and alpha 1-PI (alpha 1-PI-SSG or alpha 1-PI-SScys) has an intrinsic fluorescence which distinguishes it from the reduced form of alpha 1-PI. By employing the fluorescence difference, we have measured the ratio of alpha 1-PI-SH to mixed disulfide alpha 1-PI in redox buffers of different ratios of reduced to oxidized glutathione (GSH to GSSG) or reduced to oxidized cysteine (cys to cysSScys) and have calculated an equilibrium constant and redox potential of 0.74 +/- 0.08 and 8 +/- 2 mV, respectively, for the alpha 1-PI-SH/alpha 1-PI-SSG couple and of 0.32 +/- 0.02 and 29 +/- 2 mV, respectively, for the alpha 1-PI-SH/alpha 1-PI-SScys couple. We are unable to detect any change in Trp fluorescence in the complex of alpha 1-PI and elastase when the preformed complex is added to the same GSH/GSSG or cys/cysSScys redox buffers.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Human lapha 1-antitrypsin (alpha 1-protease inhibitor) was chromatographed on a DEAE-cellulose column at pH 6.4. After elution with a linearly increasing concentration of NaCl, five pools (pools I-V) were formed from the eluate, pool I corresponding to the lowest and pool V to the highest concentration of salt. As demonstrated by analytical isoelectric focusing, with increasing concentrations of NaCl the concentration of the cathodal isoinhibitors gradually decreased and the concentration of the anodal ones increased in the pools. Pool I contained only three cathodal and pool V only three anodal isoinhibitors with a limited overlap between the pools. In contrast with the isoinhibitor composition, the sialic acid contents of the pools did not vary with the elution conditions. In line with the chemical evidence, desialylation of the fractions did not affect their electrofocusing positions relative to one another and did not abolish the microheterogeneity of the protein.  相似文献   

The sialic acid residues of human alpha 1-protease inhibitor were modified by periodate oxidation and subsequent reductive amination with ethanolamine and sodium cyanoborohydride. The modified inhibitor retained its original trypsin inhibitory activity and was not digested by neuraminidase from Clostridium perfringens. The modified inhibitor disappeared from rat blood circulation at the same rate as the native inhibitor.  相似文献   

Human α1-protease inhibitor which is an important plasma protein, contains a methionine residue at its reactive site. A model synthetic peptide substrate, succinyl-L-alanyl-L-alanyl-L-prolyl-L-methionine p-nitroanilide, has been employed to study the effect of oxidation of methionine on the rate of hydrolysis of this substrate by human elastases. The methionine sulfoxide derivative obtained by mild oxidation of this substrate is hydrolyzed by pancreatic elastase 2 and leukocyte elastase at rates that are 5% and 0.3% of the rates measured for hydrolysis of the parent compound by the respective enzymes. These results suggest that oxidation of the active site methionine residue of human α1-protease inhibitor may decrease the rate of reaction of pancreatic or leukocyte elastase with this inhibitor.  相似文献   

Up until now it has been assumed that the protease-binding property of alpha1-protease inhibitor (alpha1PI) was destroyed by acid starch gel electrophoresis (pH 4.9). Analyses on acid starch gel blocks for pH and conductivity changes during and following a typical electrophoretic run showed that it was unlikely that the separating alpha1PI would be exposed to pH values lower than 6.2, and that the allele products, following the passage of the buffer front, were in an environment of constant pH(6.3), extremely low conductivity and high field strength. These results strongly suggested the likelihood that alpha1-PI would be chemically and physically unchanged as a result of exposure to acid starch gel electrophoresis. In order to test this likelihood, human serum was electrophoretically separated in acid starch gel and following electrophoresis, was immersed in 0.1 M diethylbarbiturate buffer, pH 8.6, containing 20 mug/ml of pancreatic elastase. The pH-adjusted (8.15) and elastase-impregnated starch gel layer was superimposed on hemoglobin-agar for 2.5 h at 37 degrees C followed by immersion of the hemoglobin-agar layer in 1% NaCl overnight, distilled water for 2 h, drying under filter paper and staining. The results showed zones of undigested hemoglobin indicating, unequivocally, that the separated alpha1PI allele products are capable of forming complexes with proteases and that alpha1PI is not inactivated following exposure to acid starch gel electrophoresis. Densitometric analysis of the transparent stained zones on a clear agar gel background offers an alternative to analysis of the acid starch gel-separated zones by antigen-antibody crossed electrophoresis and as such is suitable for identification of alpha1-protease inhibitor phenotypes. Further, the method is specific for alpha1PI and a densitometric scan provides direct information relative to the protease-binding capacity of the sample as well as the contribution of each alpha1PI allele product to that capacity.  相似文献   


To investigate neutrophil interactions with mediators released by mast cells at sites of inflammation, stimulated neutrophils were incubated with histamine. No accumulation of chlorinated histamine derivatives was detected in the medium. Instead, histamine inhibited the formation of chloramine derivatives of other amines. Incubation with radiolabeled histamine resulted in rapid uptake of label into the cells, and most of the label could be extracted and recovered as histamine. About 3% of the label taken up was incorporated into acid-precipitable forms. Uptake depended on myeloperoxidase (MPO)-catalyzed formation of chlorinating agents. Uptake was promoted by adding MPO and blocked by the MPO inhibitor dapsone, catalase, scavengers for hypochlorous acid and chloramines, or in a low-chloride medium, but not by histamine receptor antagonists. Incubation of histamine with MPO, hydrogen peroxide, and chloride resulted in formation of mono- and di-chloramine derivatives of the primary amino group. Above pH 7.0, the chloramines were primarily in uncharged, lipophilic forms as indicated by partitioning into organic solvents. Histamine is a cation at neutral pH, but chlorination eliminated the charge on the amino group and shifted the pKa of the imidazole ring, resulting in formation of neutral histamine-chloramines. Incubation of neutrophils or other blood cells with radiolabeled histamine-chloramines resulted in rapid uptake of label, indicating membrane permeation by the uncharged, lipid-soluble forms. Incubation with labeled histamine-dichloramine also resulted in acid-precipitable incorporation. The results indicate that MPO-catalyzed chlorination of histamine could modulate histamine activity, tissue distribution, and metabolism at sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

To investigate neutrophil interactions with mediators released by mast cells at sites of inflammation, stimulated neutrophils were incubated with histamine. No accumulation of chlorinated histamine derivatives was detected in the medium. Instead, histamine inhibited the formation of chloramine derivatives of other amines. Incubation with radiolabeled histamine resulted in rapid uptake of label into the cells, and most of the label could be extracted and recovered as histamine. About 3% of the label taken up was incorporated into acid-precipitable forms. Uptake depended on myeloperoxidase (MPO)-catalyzed formation of chlorinating agents. Uptake was promoted by adding MPO and blocked by the MPO inhibitor dapsone, catalase, scavengers for hypochlorous acid and chloramines, or in a low-chloride medium, but not by histamine receptor antagonists. Incubation of histamine with MPO, hydrogen peroxide, and chloride resulted in formation of mono- and dichloramine derivatives of the primary amino group. Above pH 7.0, the chloramines were primarily in uncharged, lipophilic forms as indicated by partitioning into organic solvents. Histamine is a cation at neutral pH, but chlorination eliminated the charge on the amino group and shifted the pKa of the imidazole ring, resulting in formation of neutral histamine-chloramines. Incubation of neutrophils or other blood cells with radiolabeled histamine-chloramines resulted in rapid uptake of label, indicating membrane permeation by the uncharged, lipid-soluble forms. Incubation with labeled histamine-dichloramine also resulted in acid-precipitable incorporation. The results indicate that MPO-catalyzed chlorination of histamine could modulate histamine activity, tissue distribution, and metabolism at sites of inflammation.  相似文献   

Human neutrophils use the H2O2-myeloperoxidase-chloride system to generate chlorinated oxidants capable of activating metalloproteinase zymogens that hydrolyze not only native and denatured collagens, but also the serine proteinase inhibitor (serpin) alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor (alpha 1 PI). To identify the metalloenzyme that hydrolyzes and inactivates alpha 1 PI, neutrophil releasates were chromatographed over gelatin-Sepharose and divided into fractions containing either progelatinase or procollagenase. The gelatinase-containing fraction cleaved alpha 1 PI in a manner inhibitable by native type V, but not type I, collagen. Conversely, while the collagenase-containing fraction also cleaved alpha 1 PI, this activity was inhibited by type I, but not type V, collagen. Because type I and V collagens are competitive substrates for collagenase and gelatinase, respectively, each of the metalloproteinase zymogens were purified to apparent homogeneity and examined for alpha 1 PI-hydrolytic activities. Both purified gelatinase and collagenase inactivated alpha 1PI by hydrolyzing the serpin within its active-site loop at the Phe352-Leu353 and Pro357-Met358 bonds, albeit with distinct kinetic properties. Furthermore, purified collagenase, but not gelatinase, cleaved a second serpin, alpha 1-antichymotrypsin, by hydrolyzing the Ala362-Leu363 bond within its active-site loop. These data demonstrate that human neutrophils use chlorinated oxidants to activate collagenolytic metalloproteinases whose substrate specificities can be extended to members of the serpin superfamily.  相似文献   

Mouse plasma contains two major protease inhibitors, alpha 1-protease inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) and contrapsin, which have high affinity for bovine trypsin. Systemic injury, such as turpentine-induced inflammation, did not change the plasma concentration of alpha 1-PI, but increased that of contrapsin by 50%. The concentration of hepatic alpha 1-PI mRNA was determined by Northern blot hybridization and was not significantly affected by the acute phase reaction. J.M. Frazer, S.A. Nathoo, J. Katz, T.L. Genetta, and T.H. Finley [1985) Arch. Biochem. Biophys. 239, 112-119) have reported a threefold increase of mRNA for the elastase specific alpha 1-PI but this increase was not demonstrated by the present study. The mRNAs for known mouse acute phase plasma proteins were, however, stimulated severalfold by the same treatment. These results indicate that in the mouse, as opposed to human, alpha 1-PI is not an acute phase reactant.  相似文献   

The interaction of three proteinases (seryl, cysteinyl, and metallo-) from Staphylococcus aureus with human plasma alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor has been investigated. As expected, none of the enzymes was inactivated by this protein, each, instead causing the conversion of the native inhibitor into an inactive form of decreased molecular weight. Amino-terminal sequence analysis indicated that inhibitor inactivation had occurred by peptide bond cleavage near the reactive center of this protein. When the inhibitor was modified by this treatment, it became resistant to both pH and temperature denaturation and, in contrast to the intact denatured protein, did not undergo further proteolytic degradation. This process of inactivation of alpha 1-proteinase inhibitor by pathogenic proteinases could result in a deregulation of its target enzyme, neutrophil elastase, and, therefore, may be important in the consumption of some plasma proteins by this enzyme during septicemia.  相似文献   

Two glycopeptides present in equal amounts were isolated from a pronase digest of alpha1-protease inhibitor of human plasma by gel filtration on Sephadex G-50 and chromatography on DEAE-cellulose. The carbohydrate side chains in both glycopeptides are linked through asparaginyl residues. The glycopeptides were digested sequentially with specific glycosidases; and after each step, the released sugars as well as the composition of the residual peptides were determined. The linear structures of these glycopeptides deduced from these data are shown below. Based on the total carbohydrate content of the intact protein and with these structural data, it is postulated that 4 oligosaccharide units are attached to 1 molecule of the protein; 2 of these were represented as in Equation 1, the other 2 as in Equation 2.  相似文献   

Previously we demonstrated that in vivo exposure of humans to NO2 resulted in significant inactivation of alpha 1-protease inhibitor (alpha 1-PI) in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. However, alpha 1-PI retains its elastase inhibitory activity in vitro when exposed to 10 times the concentration of NO2 used in vivo. We suggested exogenous oxidants such as O2 and NO2 exert their effect in vivo in part through lipid peroxidation. We investigated the mechanism of inactivation of alpha 1-PI in the presence or absence of lipids under oxidant atmosphere. alpha 1-PI in solutions containing phosphate buffer (control), 0.1 mM stearic acid (saturated fatty acid, 18:0), or 0.1 mM linoleic acid (polyunsaturated fatty acid, 18:2) was exposed to either N2 or NO2 (50 ppm for 4 h). Elastase inhibitory capacity of alpha 1-PI was significantly diminished in the presence of 0.1 mM linoleic acid and under NO2 atmosphere (75 +/- 8% of control, P less than 0.01), whereas there was no change in elastase inhibitory capacity of alpha 1-PI in the presence or absence (buffer only) of 0.1 mM stearic acid under a similar condition (109 +/- 11 and 94 +/- 6%, respectively). The inactivated alpha 1-PI as the result of peroxidized lipid could be reactivated by dithiothreitol and methionine sulfoxide peptide reductase, suggesting oxidation of methionine residue at the elastase inhibitory site. Furthermore the inhibitory effect of peroxidized lipid on alpha 1-PI could be prevented by glutathione and glutathione peroxidase and to some extent by alpha-tocopherol.  相似文献   

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