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S. M. Scheiner 《Oecologia》1987,74(1):128-132
Summary Inequalities in size in populations have potentially important effects on fitness but have rarely been examined in natural populations. I measured size (number of culms) and fecundity (number of spikelets) in five populations of the grass Danthonia spicata from 1981 to 1985. The populations were in sites in a Pinus-Quercus-Populus forest in northern lower Michigan, USA comprising a secondary succession sequence. The sites had been burned in 1980, 1954, 1948, 1936, and 1911, respectively. Mean sizes and fecundities and the amount of hierarchy in size and fecundity, measured by the Gini coefficient, were compared between the YOUNG population, 1980 burn site, and the OLD populations, 1954, 1948, 1936, and 1911 burn sites. I found large differences in mean size and fecundity between the YOUNG and OLD populations with much larger individuals in the YOUNG population. No differences in size hierarchies were found in either the first year of measurement or after five years. The fecundity hierarchies showed no significant difference among the populations in the first year but after five years the YOUNG population showed a significant decrease in amount of inequality. The longterm patterns of size and fecundity hierarchies differed because fecundity was a cumulative trait while size was not. Size inequalities may not always be a good measure of fecundity inequalities. Short-term measures of inequality in perennials may not be a good indicator of long-term values. In contrast to greenhouse studies, habitat light levels did not affect size hierarchies although they did affect fecundity hierarchies.  相似文献   

The relationships between fecundity, egg size and female size of sea-run form were compared with resident form, using white-spotted charr, Salvelinus leucomaenis. Both fecundity and egg size increase with female size. However, the relationship between egg size and female size differed significantly between the resident and sea-run forms. Egg sizes of sea-run and resident were similar even though sea-run fish were much larger. ? 1998 The Fisheries Society of the British Isles  相似文献   

1. Beja & Palma (2008, Journal of Animal Ecology, 77, doi: 10.1111/j.1365-2656.2007.01312.x) attempt to provide a critical analysis of the effectiveness and limitations of a previously published method (Ferrer et al. 2006, Journal of Animal Ecology, 75, 111-117.) to discriminate between Habitat Heterogeneity Hypothesis and the Individual Adjustment Hypothesis using real data from a Bonelli's eagle Hieraaetus fasciatus population. 2. They conclude that significant and strong correlations between mean and CV or skewness are expected under a biologically plausible assumption about brood size distribution, and that the two hypotheses cannot therefore be distinguished. 3. A major concern we have with their paper centres on this biologically plausible brood-size distribution. They used the same quasi-Poisson distribution of brood sizes (typical for a saturate population under Habitat Heterogeneity Hypothesis) for both families of simulations. So, is not surprising that both groups gave similar results. 4. They argued that this approach was 'empirical', free of theoretical assumptions. But in testing between hypotheses, what we are looking for is precisely the differences among theoretical brood-size distributions predicted under the two hypotheses. 5. Summarizing, with the same mean fecundity at high densities, both hypotheses must have different brood-size distributions. So the use of a single left-skewed distribution, typical of a real saturated population (most likely under Habitat Heterogeneity Hypothesis) in attempts to distinguish between the two hypotheses by re-sampling several times on the same left-skewed distribution, as done by Beja & Palma, is clearly inappropriate.  相似文献   

The axonemal organization expressed in the sperm flagella of the cecidomyiid dipteran Asphondylia ruebsaameni is unconventional, being characterized by the presence of an exceedingly high number of microtubular doublets and by the absence of both the inner dynein arms and the central pair/radial spoke complex. Consequently, its motility, both in vivo and in vitro, is also peculiar. Using monoclonal antibodies directed against posttranslational modifications, we have analyzed the presence and distribution of glutamylated and glycylated tubulin isoforms in this aberrant axonemal structure, and compared them with those of a reference insect species (Apis mellifera), endowed with a conventional axoneme. Our results have shown that the unorthodox structure and motility of the Asphondylia axoneme are concomitant with: (1). a very low glutamylation extent in the alpha-tubulin subunit, (2). a high level of glutamylation in the beta-subunit, (3). an extremely low total extent of glycylation, with regard to both monoglycylated and polyglycylated sites, either in alpha- or in beta-tubulin, (4). the presence of a strong labeling of glutamylated tubulin isoforms at the proximal end of the axoneme, and (5). a uniform distribution of glutamylated as well as glycylated isoforms along the rest of the axoneme. Thus, our data indicate that tubulin molecular heterogeneity is much lower in the Asphondylia axoneme than in the conventional 9+2 axoneme with regard to both isoform content and isoform distribution along the axoneme.  相似文献   

松树蜂Sirex noctilio是一种严重危害松属植物Pinus spp.的入侵生物,其扩散和繁殖能力强,为了明确我国松树蜂的繁殖力及其影响因素,本研究调查统计了不同个体大小、不同线虫侵染状态、不同产卵次数对松树蜂怀卵量的影响。结果表明,松树蜂怀卵量与前胸背板宽呈指数相关;有线虫侵染的松树蜂怀卵量均值略小于无线虫侵染的松树蜂怀卵量均值,但两者差异不显著;未产卵的初羽化雌虫怀卵量为147.80±10.22粒,产卵至死的松树蜂怀卵量为50.22±5.46粒,推算松树蜂死亡时已产卵30次左右,松树蜂单头雌虫一生平均产卵97.58粒。在观察时段17.49~23.15℃温度范围内,其产卵次数与温度呈强相关,随温度升高产卵次数增多,温度下降产卵次数减少。此外还改进了松树蜂繁殖力公式,进行了我国松树蜂的繁殖力估算。本研究明确了松树蜂的繁殖力和个体大小、线虫侵染的关系以及环境温度对其产卵繁殖的影响,为评估松树蜂危害、预测松树蜂种群扩散和制定松树蜂防控措施提供了重要参考。  相似文献   

The flowering and fruiting of the 56 species of tree growing in the forests at c. 1550 m in the western Blue Mountains in Jamaica was studied to see how differences in reproductive biology may relate to maintenance of species diversity. Forty-six of the 56 species have small flowers (log length (mm) × log breadth (mm) 1). Thirty-six are hermaphrodite, 12 dioecious and eight dioecious, monoecious or polygamous. Compatibility tests showed that five (possible seven) of the hermaphrodite species are self-compatible, one hermaphrodite species is probably self-incompatible. Anthesis and individual flower duration are variable within and between species. There is some interspecific temporal separation of flowering over the year, but a peak of species in flower in the drier to early wet season. Pollination syndromes were also studied. Of the 23 important species, 20 are generalist, two wind-pollinated, one bird-pollinated. For all species, 46 are generalist, six wind-pollinated, one, perhaps two, bird-pollinated, and possibly two moth-pollinated. Generalist type flowers are visited by a wide range of potential pollinators and one pollinator, Apis mellifera, visits many different flowers. Dispersal units usually weigh between 10 and 1000 mg, the others are smaller. Of the 23 important species, 18 are adapted for bird dispersal, four for wind dispersal, and one lacks obvious adaptation. For all 56 species 46 are bird-dispersed, eight wind-dispersed, one is ectochoric and one lacks obvious adaptation. Fruiting phenology is markedly seasonal, occurring from June to January, spanning the later drier period and half of the wet season. With one common type of pollination—entomophily, one common type of dispersal—by birds, and little temporal separation over the year in time of flower and fruit production, there seems to be only a small amount of niche separation in the variables studied; and thus the coexistence of many species is not explained by the present observations.  相似文献   

1. The relationships between parasitoid egg load, size, and age (3–72 h) for Trichogramma minutum, T. platneri, and T. pretiosum, reared from two factitious hosts, Ephestia kuehniella and Sitotroga cerealella, were evaluated to test the hypothesis that 24‐h egg load can be used to estimate the fecundity of Trichogramma parasitoids. 2. Egg load increased in relation to female age over the first 3 days of adult life for all three Trichogramma species to a mean egg storage capacity of 46.7 eggs for T. minutum, 41.1 for T. pretiosum, and 35.7 for T. platneri. At 24 h of age, T. minutum had matured enough eggs to fill 67% of its storage capacity, in comparison with 74% for T. pretiosum and 91% for T. platneri. There was a positive relationship between egg load and parasitoid size for all ages of the three Trichogramma species reared from both hosts (with the exception of T. platneri at 3 h post emergence), accounting for 14–69% of the variance in egg load. 3. The potential fecundity, realised (3 day cumulative) fecundity, and oviposition rate (potential fecundity/longevity) of T. platneri were all related linearly to size‐dependent variation in 24‐h egg load, but only the realised fecundity of T. pretiosum, and none of the reproductive characteristics of T. minutum. It is suggested that 24‐h egg load may not be an accurate measure of egg storage capacity in parasitoids and should be used cautiously to represent fecundity. 4. The potential fecundity of seven Trichogramma species reared from E. kuehniella varied from 55 to 150, but neither potential fecundity nor oviposition rate was related significantly to egg load (represented by eggs laid during first 24 h). Selection to avoid egg depletion in the attack of gregarious hosts appears most likely to account for the variation in potential fecundity among Trichogramma species.  相似文献   

母猪生殖器官大小和产仔数的分子遗传基础   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
采用单核苷酸多态分析技术(SNP)分析母猪3个生殖激素受体基因(ESR、PRLR和FSHR)的变异,屠宰103头母猪并测定其生殖器官大小;统计母猪的产仔数;利用SAS或SPSS分析软件分析基因变异与母猪的生殖器官大小,产仔数多少的连锁关系,以探讨母猪生殖器官大小和产仔数多少的分子遗传基础,结果表明,如母猪携带的基因型为位点,ESR的BB型,位点FSHRB的BB型,位点ESRB的AA型,位点PRLR的AA型,则母猪的生殖器官较大,产仔数也较多;在位点ESRB或位点PRLR中,带有AA基因型母猪不仅产仔数显著地高于AB、BB型,而且生殖器官也显著大于AB、BB型;在位点ESR和FSHRB中,带有BB基因型母猪的生殖器官,产仔数显著高于带有AB或AA型母猪。  相似文献   

Abstract. For two sibling species of mosquitoes belonging to the Anopheles gambiae complex of malaria vectors, the effects of body size (wing length) and bloodmeal size (haematin excretion) on fecundity of wild females were investigated in The Gambia, West Africa. Freshly blood-fed individuals from sympatric populations of An.arabiensis and An.gambiae sensu stricto were sampled by collection at 07.00–09.00 hours from within bednets during July/August 1993, at the beginning of the rainy season. The possible confounding effect of infection with Plasmodium parasites was removed by eliminating infected mosquitoes from the study samples. An.arabiensis females comprised 75% of the An.gambiae sensu law population and were significantly larger (greater mean wing length) than those of An.gambiae s.s. mosquitoes. Mean egg production per female (for the subsequent gonotrophic cycle, excluding pre-gravids) for the two species was not significantly different, though the relationship between wing length and egg production showed An.gambiae s.s. to be more fecund than the An.arabiensis of the same size. Pre-gravid An.gambiae s.s. had consumed significandy smaller bloodmeals than gravid females but the mean wing length of these two gonotrophic categories was not significantly different. In contrast, An.arabiensis pre-gravids were smaller and had consumed smaller bloodmeals than the gravids.  相似文献   

Understanding intraspecific variation in traits that determine fitness is foundational to a trait-based approach to plant ecology. This study examined fitness components during 3 years of reproduction in a polycarpic perennial bunchgrass (Tridens flavus) native to eastern North America that could prove useful in revegetating disturbed habitats. Plants were cultured from seeds of five populations in central New Jersey, USA, and planted in July 2015 into two undisturbed gardens 30 m apart that differed in availability of sunlight and soil moisture. Following flowering in 2016, 2017 and 2018, the number of panicles, seed set, seed number (fecundity) and seed mass were recorded. Final dry aboveground mass was determined. Seed set was high (>70%) in all populations and gardens. Panicle production varied with population and was strongly correlated with fecundity, but populations were not differentiated for other fitness components. Panicle and seed number were greatest in the drier garden with greater daily light availability. Mass per seed was reduced as more seeds were produced in the second and third year but showed low variation compared to fecundity. Vegetative mass was the most important variable determining fecundity. Close proximity of sampled sites and an outcrossed, wind-pollinated mating strategy may have precluded detection of differentiation among T. flavus populations in the common gardens. High seed set, prodigious seed production on multiple panicles and high seed germinability and overwinter survival account for the occurrence of large populations of this native grass along roadsides and within successional fields and young woodlands throughout the region.  相似文献   

Omkar    Uzma Afaq 《Insect Science》2013,20(4):531-540
In the Parthenium beetle, Zygogramma bicolorata Pallister (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae), variation in body size exists between and within the sexes. The females are larger than the males. Darwin (1874) proposed the fecundity advantage hypothesis, that is, large‐sized females produce more progeny, with subsequent studies supporting, as well as, refuting the hypothesis. Thus, in order to evaluate whether this hypothesis stands in Z. bicolorata we performed experiments to investigate the role of body size in influencing: (i) assortative mating; (ii) reproductive attributes; and (iii) growth, development and survival of offspring. It is the first attempt in this beetle. We found that size influenced assortative mating, reproductive output and offspring fitness. Larger males and females were preferred as mates over smaller ones. The pairs, having larger adults as mates, had higher fecundity, while the egg viability was influenced by the male size only. The offspring of larger parents had fast development and higher survival, indicating thereby possible better nutrient allotment by the female and supply of accessory gland proteins by the male in addition to better quality of genes.  相似文献   

Evolutionary theory predicts trade‐offs between fecundity and mobility, but there is substantial lack of empirical evidence if and how basic mobility relates to fitness costs. In a field experiment, we investigated fecundity costs of mobility in a non‐migratory, wing‐monomorphic grasshopper, Stenobothrus lineatus, and at the same time tested for possible effects of reproductive state (egg‐load) on the mobility. For 10 days, body weight and activity radius of 60 females were recorded daily and oviposition events were inferred from abrupt weight losses. We found a strong and significant relationship between the individual mobility and the time between egg pods laid (interpod period). Individual egg‐laying was reduced by a rate of 0.36 eggs per day with each meter increase in mean daily activity radius. The trade‐off was not biased by the size of the females, that is, constitution did not positively influence both offspring number and mobility. Egg‐load had no significant influence on the individual distances travelled. We could demonstrate that mobility – as induced and selected for by foraging, thermoregulation, predator escape, shelter seeking, and reproduction – can be directly paid off by fecundity. This direct consequence of mobility on individual fitness was detected for the first time in a walking insect.  相似文献   

The marine gastropod Crepidula plana has an extensive latitudinal range along the eastern coast of the United States. It is usually found living within gastropod shells occupied by hermit crabs, although individuals can sometimes also be found living on rocks and on the exposed surfaces of shells. Our study sought to determine the extent to which residing inside periwinkle (Littorina littorea) shells occupied by the hermit crab Pagurus longicarpus at a study site in coastal Massachusetts compromises the fecundity of C. plana, through size limitation. The egg masses of symbiotic and free‐living females of C. plana included comparable numbers of egg capsules and embryos per female despite the smaller sizes of the symbionts; symbiotic females compensated for their smaller size by producing significantly more embryos per milligram of female body tissue than their free‐living counterparts. These data raise interesting questions about why—unlike its congener C. fornicataC. plana has not yet become a successful invasive species.  相似文献   

金线侧褶蛙和泽陆蛙的两性异形与生育力   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
寿鹿  杜卫国  舒霖 《生态学报》2005,25(4):664-668
比较金线侧褶蛙和泽陆蛙的两性异形和生育力,首次通过种间比较来验证生育力选择理论是否能解释两栖动物两性异形的进化。金线侧褶蛙和泽陆蛙均为雌体大于雄体的两性异形类型,其两性异形程度存在显著差异,金线侧褶蛙两性异形程度指数为0 .30 ,而泽陆蛙仅为0 .0 8。然而,两者的怀卵量无显著差异。因此,结果与生育力选择理论预测不一致。此种不一致性可能由下述原因导致:选择压力作用于雄体而非雌体、能量分配策略和死亡率的种间差异、以及系统发育历史的种间差异。金线侧褶蛙和泽陆蛙雄体的身体状态指数显著高于雌体。金线侧褶蛙的头,眼和四肢都显著大于泽陆蛙;两者雌体的前后肢长度显著大于雄体。两性金线侧褶蛙的前后肢随体长呈同速生长,而泽陆蛙的前后肢随体长呈异速生长  相似文献   

The upland bully is a prolific and widespread member of New Zealand freshwater fish communities that may mature at age 1 (or earlier). It begins spawning in spring, laying as many as eight clutches of eggs over the spring and summer, at periods as brief as 13 days. Ovaries contain two modes of maturing oocytes, so that oogenesis must be continual during the spawning season. This poses difficulties in fecundity estimation, which were solved by captive rearing. The ovoid eggs are about 2 mm long; egg size declines with clutch number during the summer, but increases with fish size. Clutch size varied, in 70 spawnings, from 121 to 880 eggs, with total seasonal fecundity up to >5000 eggs. The production of multiple clutches greatly increases seasonal fecundity and may explain the success of this species in sometimes unreliable or harsh environments.  相似文献   

玉米螟赤眼蜂雌蜂繁殖力与年龄的关系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以米蛾卵作为繁育寄主,通过系统解剖不同发育期(0~144 h)玉米螟赤眼蜂的卵巢,探讨了雌蜂抱卵量、繁殖力与其年龄和个体大小之间的关系。结果表明,玉米螟赤眼蜂在羽化初期(0~3 h),卵巢中只有部分卵处于成熟状态,随着雌蜂年龄的增加,其抱卵量不断增加,至72 h时接近其卵巢容纳量。抱卵量与雌蜂年龄之间的关系可以用以下公式来表示:y =a{1-exp[-b(x+c)]}。用后足胫节长度(HTL)来表示雌蜂个体大小时,HTL短于0.150 mm、介于0.150~0.159 mm之间以及长于0.160 mm的个体羽化后24 h的平均抱卵量分别为40.4、50.5和58.2粒,各占其卵巢容纳量的72.8%、79.3%和86.9%,占整个成虫期总产卵量的49.4%、47.9%及51.9%。玉米螟赤眼蜂羽化后24 h内的产卵量接近于羽化后24 h的抱卵量。雌蜂个体大小与抱卵量及总产卵量之间关系密切,抱卵量与总产卵量随着雌蜂个体的增大而不断增加,呈线性正相关。个体大小可以作为评估玉米螟赤眼蜂生殖潜能高低的一个良好的指标。  相似文献   

Synopsis Eight geographically-diverse (33°11N to 39°14N) populations of least brook lamprey varied significantly in density of larvae and mean length of metamorphosing and adult lampreys (101–152 mm). Absolute fecundity (503–5900 eggs) did not change significantly with stage of post-larval development, suggesting little post-metamorphic atresia; egg dry weight increased to stage 6, the penultimate stage of metamorphosis. Absolute fecundity increased with the cubic power of total length. Relative fecundity (250–1124 eggs per gram total body weight) decreased significantly with increasing length within two streams. Relative fecundity, adjusted to a common length, increased with mean length of the population. Conversely, mean egg dry weight (0.09–0.24 mg, stages 6–8) increased with maternal length within three streams, and decreased with length among streams. In populations where spawning occurs at a small body size, females produce comparatively fewer but larger eggs. Large eggs may be required to counter the effects of an unproductive environment and the accompanying reduction in relative fecundity is compensatory. No relationship was evident between latitude, annual thermal units, or density and relative fecundity or egg size. Mean length of a population was also unrelated to these environmental factors.  相似文献   

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