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Importation of exotic bumblebees for greenhouse pollination may be restricted in México, thus making it necessary to evaluate the potential of native species as pollinators in enclosures. We studied the foraging activity and fruit production of tomato using one colony of Nannotrigona perilampoides (NP) and one colony of Bombus impatiens (BI) in greenhouses with ≈1000 plants. Mechanical vibration (MV) was included as a test treatment. The foraging activity was measured as the number of flowers visited within 5 min, the time spent on a flower collecting pollen, the number of visits that a flower received and the duration of a foraging trip. BI collected pollen more rapidly, visited more flowers within 5 min and did more visits per flower when compared with NP that also lasted longer in their trips. Significant correlations were found between environmental variables and the number of bees entering the hive and the number of bees on the flowers. For NP, the highest correlation was found for light intensity whilst in BI a negative effect of environmental temperature was detected. Regarding the quantity of fruit, BI resulted in higher fruit set when compared with NP, but the latter performed similarly to MV. However, the weight of the fruit and seed number was significantly higher for BI when compared with NP, and this was higher than for MV. Our results demonstrate that at the densities of tomato plants tested, one colony of BI was more efficient pollinator when compared with NP. We suggest that pollination efficiency of NP could have been limited by a reduced number of foragers on the plants at a given time and their limited flight range when compared with BI. Therefore, it will be necessary to evaluate if increasing densities of colonies of NP could improve tomato yield in tropical greenhouses.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted in commercial tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Miller (Solanaceae), greenhouses to compare the relative foraging effort of two bumble bee species, Bombus occidentalis Greene and Bombus impatiens Cresson, to examine interspecific competition between B. occidentalis and B. impatiens, and to determine whether bumble bee colonies grew to their full population potential in commercial tomato greenhouses. B. impatiens colonies had more brood and workers and made more foraging trips per hour than B. occidentalis colonies. However, B. impatiens returned to the colony without pollen loads and left their colonies without dropping off their pollen loads more frequently than B. occidentalis greenhouse colonies. Our data also suggest that the presence of B. impatiens had a detrimental effect on B. occidentalis populations. Furthermore, B. occidentalis colonies did not grow to their full population potential in tomato greenhouses, with fewer workers in greenhouse colonies than in colonies placed outside in a natural environment, or in colonies that were physically enclosed and protected from external mortality. Together, this study suggests that B. impatiens is a better pollinator than B. occidentalis. It also shows that unknown factors are limiting the size of B. occidentalis colonies in tomato greenhouses.  相似文献   

The bumblebee Bombus impatiens is increasingly used as a model in comparative studies of colour vision, or in behavioural studies relying on perceptual discrimination of colour. However, full spectral sensitivity data on the photoreceptor inputs underlying colour vision are not available for B. impatiens. Since most known bee species are trichromatic, with photoreceptor spectral sensitivity peaks in the UV, blue and green regions of the spectrum, data from a related species, where spectral sensitivity measurements have been made, are often applied to B impatiens. Nevertheless, species differences in spectral tuning of equivalent photoreceptor classes may result in peaks that differ by several nm, which may have small but significant effects on colour discrimination ability. We therefore used intracellular recording to measure photoreceptor spectral sensitivity in B. impatiens. Spectral peaks were estimated at 347, 424 and 539 nm for UV, blue and green receptors, respectively, suggesting that this species is a UV-blue-green trichromat. Photoreceptor spectral sensitivity peaks are similar to previous measurements from Bombus terrestris, although there is a significant difference in the peak sensitivity of the blue receptor, which is shifted in the short wave direction by 12–13 nm in B. impatiens compared to B. terrestris.  相似文献   

We conducted laboratory experiments to investigate the lethal and sublethal effects of clothianidin on bumble bee, Bombus impatiens Cresson, colony health and foraging ability. Bumble bee colonies were exposed to 6 ppb clothianidin, representing the highest residue levels found in field studies on pollen, and a higher dose of 36 ppb clothianidin in pollen. Clothianidin did not effect pollen consumption, newly emerged worker weights, amount of brood or the number of workers, males, and queens at either dose. The foraging ability of worker bees tested on an artificial array of complex flowers also did not differ among treatments. These results suggest that clothianidin residues found in seed-treated canola and possibly other crops will not adversely affect the health of bumble bee colonies or the foraging ability of workers.  相似文献   

Pollination services of pumpkin, Cucurbita pepo L., provided by the European honey bee, Apis mellifera L., were compared with two native bee species, the common eastern bumble bee, Bombus impatiens (Cresson), and Peponapis pruinosa Say, in New York from 2008 to 2010. Performance of each species was determined by comparing single-visit pollen deposition, percentage of visits that contacted the stigma, flower-handling time, fruit and seed set, and fruit weight per number of visits. Fruit yield from small fields (0.6 ha) supplemented with commercial B. impatiens colonies was compared with yield from those not supplemented. A. mellifera spent nearly 2 and 3 times longer foraging on each pistillate flower compared with B. impatiens and P. pruinosa, respectively. A. mellifera also visited pistillate flowers 10-20 times more frequently than B. impatiens and P. pruinosa, respectively. Yet, B. impatiens deposited 3 times more pollen grains per stigma and contacted stigmas significantly more often than either A. mellifera or P. pruinosa. Fruit set and weight from flowers visited four to eight times by B. impatiens were similar to those from open-pollinated flowers, whereas flowers pollinated by A. mellifera and P. pruinosa produced fewer fruit and smaller fruit compared with those from open-pollinated flowers. Fields supplemented with B. impatiens produced significantly more pumpkins per plant than nonsupplemented fields. B. impatiens was a better pollinator of pumpkin than P. pruinosa and should be considered as a promising alternative to A. mellifera for pollinating this crop.  相似文献   

Summary. The study of the social interactions between host bumblebees and their inquiline species requires rearing them. Here we provide a simple method for rearing of cuckoo bumblebees (Bombus subgenus Psithyrus) in the laboratory. Two bumblebee cuckoo-host systems are used: Bombus (Psithyrus) vestalis hosted by B. (Bombus) terrestris and B. (Psithyrus) sylvestris hosted by B. (Pyrobombus) pratorum. First, the invasion of the Psithyrus female is performed in species-specific host colonies containing approximately 10 young workers. On average, a parasitized colony of B. terrestris produced 90 ± 9 young males and 21 ± 3 young females of B. vestalis, whereas a parasitized colony of B. pratorum produced 16 ± 2 young males and 5 ± 1 young females of B. sylvestris. One week after emergence, Psithyrus virgin females are placed in a flight cage exposed to natural light, with Psithyrus males of other colonies. After successful mating, the females are isolated and overwintered in a cold room at 4°C for 2–4 months. This method enables a year-round and mass breeding of Psithyrus species to facilitate studies of these rare species.  相似文献   

Insecticides used on turf are sometimes applied to areas with flowering weeds that attract honey bees and native pollinators. We tested residual effects of such treatments on colony vitality and behavior of the bumble bees Bombus impatiens Cresson foraging on turf containingwhite clover, Trifolium repens L. Imidacloprid, a syst emic chloronicotinyl used for preventive control of root-feeding grubs, was applied as granules, followed by irrigation, or sprayed as a wettable powder, with or without irrigation. Hives were confined on the plots in large field cages after residues had dried and colony vitality (i.e., numbers of brood, workers, and honey pots, and weights of queens, workers, and whole colonies with hives) was evaluated after 28-30 d. Workers' foraging activity and defensive response to an aggressive stimulus also were evaluated. In another test, weedy turf was sprayed with chlorpyrifos, carbaryl, or cyfluthrin at labeled rates for surface-feeding pests. Bee colonies were confined on the plots after residues had dried, with effects on colony vitality evaluated after 14 d. Finally, foraging activity of wild bumble bees was monitored on open plots to determine if insecticide-treated areas were avoided. Imidacloprid granules, and imidacloprid sprays applied with posttreatment irrigation, had no effect on colony vitality or workers' behavior, suggesting that such treatments pose little systemic or residual hazard to bumble bees. In contrast, exposure to dry nonirrigated residues of all of the aforementioned insecticides had severe impact on colony vitality. Foraging workers did not avoid insecticide-treated areas. Means by which turf managers can reduce hazards of insecticide applications to pollinators are discussed.  相似文献   

Social insect societies are considered to be composed of many extremely cooperative individuals. While workers are traditionally believed to behave altruistically, recent studies have revealed behaviors that are more selfish. One such example is intraspecific social parasitism, where workers invade conspecific colonies and produce male offspring that are reared by unrelated host workers. Such intraspecific parasitism has been reported in honeybees (Apis cerana, and A. florea) and “semi-wild” bumblebee colonies of Bombus terrestris. Here we report on intraspecific social parasitism by workers in “wild” colonies of the bumblebee B. deuteronymus. Three of the 11 B. deuteronymus colonies studied were invaded by non-natal workers, of which 75% became reproductive and produced 19% of the adult males. The invading non-natal workers produced significantly more males than resident natal workers and the non-natal brood was not discriminated against by the natal workers.  相似文献   

  • 1.1. Volatile cephalic secretions from male and female Andrena F. bees were analysed by capillary gas chromatography and mass spectrometry.
  • 2.2. Eight species. A. clarkella (K.), A. fucata Smith, A. helvola (L.), A. praecox (Scop.), A. labiata F., A. fuscipes (K.), A. denticulata (K.) and A. nigriceps (K.), were studied, in A. nigriceps (K.) only females were available.
  • 3.3. These species were found to contain some acyclic monoterpenes, especially geranial and neral, and/or straight-chain ketones with 8–14 carbon atoms.
  • 4.4. The volatile compounds emanate from the mandibular glands.
  • 5.5. Six of the species studied show large similarities in the composition of male and female cephalic secretions, whereas in one species. A. helvola (L.), characteristic differences were found between the sexes.
  • 6.6. The possible role of the cephalic secretions in relation to territorial flight, population congregation, and sexual attraction is discussed.

Changes in bee fauna, such as the disappearance of certain species or increasing abundance of others, are very important. The common belief that pollinating insects are facing problems also prompts detailed studies of the bee fauna in order to track on-going changes. Assessment of the state of bee communities in particular ecosystems or ecosystem complexes within a landscape, tracing the course of trends in fauna and also predicting their future structures resulting from current changes, are only possible if sampling is carried out at an appropriate frequency, so that representative materials are obtained. The aim of the present study was to determine what sampling intensity during the growing season would enable the collection of representative materials to evaluate species diversity of bees in a study area. Repeated bee sampling at monthly intervals throughout the period of activity of bees resulted in the identification of 73 bee species, corresponding to 51.4 % of the estimated number of bee species in the study area. When samples were obtained twice a month, 93 bee species were captured, accounting for 65.5 % of the estimated number of bee species. When sampling took place nearly four times a month, 108 bee species were captured, making up 76 % of the estimated number of bee species; the materials obtained at this sampling rate may be regarded as representative. The importance of accounting for the phenology of a given animal group during a sampling effort is also emphasised.  相似文献   

Details of the variation in sting morphology for all subfamilies of bees are presented for the first time. A considerable amount of variation, potentially of great utility for phylogenetic studies, has been discovered in every part of this complex structure. Additional probable synapomorphies of bees were found; these include loss of the specialized sensilla-bearing area at the apex of the gonostyli and the reduction and reorientation of the processi mediani at the base of the sting shaft. Synapomorphies for particular subtaxa of bees were found. These include a long, ventral emargination to the second valvifer in Nomiinae and a blister-like protrusion of the lamina spiracularis of the 7th hemitergite in the Megachilinae. Sting reduction and some details of sting morphology would seem to support a relationship between the Stenotritidae and Oxaeinae. Loss of sting function has occurred in four families of bees and repeatedly within the Andrenidae. In some instances loss of function as a sting is associated with increased development of certain structures indicating a change in function for the sting sclerites. It is suggested that all future studies of bee systematics above the species level should include assessment of variation of the sting apparatus and that sting preparations, made and stored in the same manner as preparations of male genitalia, become routine. © 2003 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2003, 138 , 1–38.  相似文献   

Almond trees are one of the most important crops in the Balearic Islands. The pollination of almonds is limited to the activity of insects, and cross‐pollination is necessary for fruit development. Currently, honey bees and wild bee populations are declining considerably due to multiple causes, such as the use of pesticides, diseases and habitat loss. An alternative to increase the almond production is the use of commercial pollinators. In this long‐term (3 years) study, the effect of the introduction of Bombus terrestris colonies on almond production was evaluated in two orchards. Two experimental designs were carried out to study the best management of this pollinator. For 2 years, all bumble bee colonies were placed in the middle of the plot and during the last year, the bumble bee colonies were distributed homogenously in the plot. Fruit set and the foraging behaviour of bumble bees during the blossoming period was determined, and the effect of different environmental variables on the visitation rate of bumble bees was assessed by means of a generalized linear mixed model (GLMM). Moreover, for the first time, the spatial distribution of fruit set was evaluated. Our results show that fruit set was significantly higher in the fields where B. terrestris had been introduced than in the control plots. This increased production resulted in a positive economic balance for the farmer. Moreover, bumble bees showed to prefer trees in a southwest orientation that were close to their colony. The activity of bumble bees showed to be significantly influenced by wind speed (the higher the speed the more flowers are visited by B. terrestris) and time after flowering (visitation rate decreased with days after flowering). In order to improve its management and obtain the highest possible almond production, it is important to understand the activity and behaviour of this pollinator.  相似文献   

The European bumblebee B. terrestris was recently introduced in Japan for agricultural purposes and has now become naturalized. The naturalization of this exotic species may have great detrimental effects on closely related native Japanese bumblebees. The Japanese bumblebee Bombus florilegus is a rare and locally distributed species found in the Nemuro Peninsula of Hokkaido, Japan. In order to assess its population genetics, we estimated the genetic structure of B. florilegus in 16 breeding colonies (queen, workers, and males) and 20 foraging queens by analyzing microsatellite DNA markers. Of the 36 queens analyzed by genotyping and dissection, 32 had been inseminated by a male. The remaining 4 had not been inseminated at all. Of the 4 nonmated queens, one was triploid. Diploid males were found in 4 breeding colonies. Based on the microsatellite data, it appears that B. florilegus has low reproductive success. Since matched mating and nonmating within local populations are high, the extinction risk is correspondingly higher. Our results suggest that conservation of the Japanese B. florilegus is required in order to protect it from both habitat destruction and the naturalization of alien species. Received 19 July 2007; revised 13 October 2007; accepted 15 October 2007.  相似文献   

Fopius caudatus (Szépligeti) is an endophagous koinobiont egg-larval parasitoid native to Africa. It has recently been noted as a candidate for augmentative biological control of several Dacinae fruit fly pests (Diptera: Tephritidae), due to its ability to parasitize the egg stage. Previous attempts to establish this parasitoid in Hawaii, Guatemala, and Costa Rica were unsuccessful due to inability to maintain parasitoid colonies under laboratory conditions. A cohort of F. caudatus collected from Kenyan fruit flies infesting Coffea arabica was successfully colonized in Hawaii at 28 °C and 60–80% RH, resulting in the development of a laboratory-adapted colony amenable for mass production. The parasitoid was successfully developed from eggs of Ceratitis capitata and Bactrocera latifrons as a factitious host. The wasps were propagated for 15 weeks until the rearing stabilized, at which point >10,500 adults were produced with an overall sex ratio of 0.52 females and a mean host parasitism rate of 17.3%. It could parasitize Medfly eggs in fruits other than coffee, including papaya, mango, pear, squash, and sweet pepper. Female F. caudatus oviposited mainly in 24–48 h old Medfly eggs, although occasionally a few individuals eclosed when first instar fly larvae were exposed. Mean developmental time from egg to adult was 19.8 d for males and 21.5 d for females. Mean longevity was 5.2 d for males and 14.2 d for host-deprived females. This study enabled us to maintain a colony of F. caudatus for research and redistribution to other countries for biocontrol programs against Medfly.  相似文献   

The fat bodies of queen, male, and worker bumble bees were found to harbor a parasite, Mattesia bombi n. sp. (Neogregarinida: Ophrocystidae). The life cycle of this protozoan includes micronuclear and macronuclear schizogonies, gametogony, and sporogony. Sporocysts are predominantly oval in shape and measured 27 × 5.4 μm when mature. The life cycle of the parasite is described and the mode of infection discussed.  相似文献   

《Journal of Asia》2022,25(2):101907
Among bees, 85 % are solitary species, most of them are ground-nester and some are cavity-nesting and construct their nests in pre-existing cavities. This work was conducted to evaluate the substrate preference and nest architecture (acceptance, occupation percentage, seasonality and parasitism) of cavity-nesting bees in different substrates. Trap nests offered comprised five different materials (drilled cavities in wood, bamboo, cardboard tubes, plastic soda straws, and mud blocks). These were installed in four districts for two years. The nesting cavities of five different diameters (6, 8, 10, 12 and 14 mm) were provided in each nesting material with an average length of 180 ± 9.92 mm. In all the materials, 5400 nesting cavities were offered, out of which 628 were colonized by bees from two families (Megachilidae and Apidae) and six species (Megachile cephalotes, M. lanata, M. bicolor, Xylocopa basalis, X. fenestrata and Ceratina smaragdula), including one parasitic bee (Euaspis carbonaria). The bee species differed significantly in occupying five nesting materials. The most preferred diameters were 8 mm and 10 mm, with 52.20% and 29.45% of colonization, respectively. Nesting was done throughout the year except in winter. This study will serve as a baseline for future studies and conservation programs of cavity-nesting bees in Pakistan.  相似文献   

A comparative morphological study of the basal sclerites of the bee labium was undertaken. The term postmentum was applied to the basal sclerite of the bee labium. In contrast to recent interpretations, the undivided postmentum was found to be ancestral for bees and homologous with the single postmental sclerite of other Hymenoptera. This sclerite has previously been incorrectly indentified as two separate sclerites, usually termed mentum and lorum (= submentum), for many short-tongued bees (Colletidae, Halictidae, Andrenidae, Melittidae) and for the long-tongued families of bees (Anthophoridae, Fideliidae Megachilidae) excepting most members of the Apidae. The postmentum, divided into a true mentum and lorum, was found only in certain members of the Apidae. A phylogenetic implication resulting from this study shows that the Andrenidae may be the sister group to the MCL-T group (Melittidae, Ctenoplectridae and long-tongued families of bees). In addition, it is proposed that the Euglossinae should be the sister group to the Apinae (Meliponini, Apini and Bombini). This means that eusociality may be considered a synapomorphy for the Apinae.  相似文献   

安建东  黄家兴  董捷  周冰峰 《昆虫学报》2011,54(12):1423-1432
火红熊蜂Bombus pyrosoma是中国特有的熊蜂资源, 在华北地区分布十分丰富, 是众多野生植物和农作物的重要传粉者。为了探究火红熊蜂的遗传结构及其进化关系, 首次开展了该种熊蜂卫星标记的筛选及其种特异性研究。本研究采用生物素-磁珠吸附分离法从火红熊蜂基因组中筛选微卫星标记, 并选取黑熊蜂亚属Melanobombus其他7种熊蜂进行了这些标记的种特异性验证。结果表明: 不同探针与磁珠杂交产生的微卫星标记阳性克隆率存在很大差异, TC探针的微卫星阳性克隆率最高为82%; TG探针次之, 为28%; AT和GC探针分离未获得微卫星标记克隆。根据获得的阳性克隆的序列设计引物进行筛选验证, 共获得31对熊蜂微卫星序列特异性引物。微卫星标记分析发现, 完美型(perfect)18个, 占58.1%; 非完美型(imperfect)10个, 占32.3%; 混合完美型(compound perfect)1个, 占3.2%; 混合非完美型(compound imperfect)2个, 占6.4%。不同探针的微卫星核心序列重复数不同, TC探针和TG探针的微卫星核心序列最高重复数分别为28和15个, 最低重复数分别为7和11个。利用所获得的31对微卫星引物对黑熊蜂亚属其他7种熊蜂进行检测, 有26对引物可以扩增所测试的7种熊蜂, 其他5对引物只能扩增部分熊蜂种类, 其中BPM5是火红熊蜂种特异性引物。本研究从火红熊蜂基因组中筛选的微卫星标记, 不仅可用于火红熊蜂的遗传结构、 分子进化和资源保护等方面的研究, 而且可进一步用于黑熊蜂亚属其他种群的遗传特性分析。  相似文献   

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