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We investigated the relationship between site productivity and diversity of vascular plants, bryophytes, lichens, and polypore fungi in forests based on species richness data in 0.25 ha forest plots (grain size), selected from six 150–200 ha study areas (focus), and spanning over a latitudinal distance of 1350 km (extent) in Norway. We 1) searched for prevailing productivity-diversity relationships (PDRs), 2) compared PDRs among taxonomic groups and species found in different micro-habitats, and 3) investigated the effect of increasing plot (grain) size on PDRs. Using vegetation types as a surrogate for site productivity, we found a general pattern of increasing species richness with site productivity. On average total species richness doubled with a ten-fold increase in productivity. Lichens PDRs stood out as less pronounced and more variable than for other species groups investigated. PDRs of species associated with downed logs tended to level off at high-productive sites, a pattern interpreted as an effect of disturbance. Increasing the grain size >10-fold did not change the proportional difference in species richness between sites with high and low productivity.  相似文献   

Wood density is thought to be an important indicator of plant life history because it is coupled to many aspects of whole-plant form and function. We used a hierarchical Bayesian approach to explain variation in mortality rates with wood density, drawing on data for 765,500 trees from 1639 species at 10 sites located across the Old and New World tropics. Mortality rates declined with increasing wood density at five of 10 sites. Similar negative trends were detected at four additional sites, while one site showed no relationship. Our model explained 40% of variation in mortality on average. Both wood density and mortality rates show a high degree of phylogenetic conservatism. Grouping species by family across sites in a second analysis, we found considerable variation in the relationship between wood density and mortality, with 10 of 27 families demonstrating a strong negative relationship. Our results highlight the importance of wood density as a functional trait in tropical forests, as it is strongly linked to variation in survival. However, the relationship varied among families, plots, and even census intervals within sites, indicating that the factors responsible for the relationship between wood density and mortality vary spatially, taxonomically and temporally.  相似文献   

Fleshy-fruited plants rely on animal frugivores to disperse their seeds, and seed removal by frugivores may leave an imprint on seedling recruitment. However, to what extent plant–frugivore interactions are related to seedling recruitment has rarely been quantified at the community level, especially in species-rich tropical forests. In this study, we tested the effect of different plant traits on fruit removal by frugivores and tested the relative importance of fruit removal, plant traits and abiotic factors for seedling recruitment. We quantified plant–frugivore interactions of 22 fleshy-fruited plant species consumed by 56 diurnal frugivore species, and counted the number of seedlings that emerged along an elevational gradient in the Colombian Andes. We measured a set of plant traits (i.e., crop size; fruit size; seed load and mass; fruit nutritional contents), estimated the density of adult plants and recorded relevant abiotic factors (light, temperature and humidity). We found that fruit removal by frugivores was positively associated with crop size, but negatively associated with fruit length and unrelated to seed load and fruit nutritional content. Seedling densities were positively related to the density of adult plants, seed mass and fruit removal by animals. We found no relationship between abiotic factors and seedling recruitment. Our results indicate that fruit abundance and morphology are important determinants of fruit removal and that fruit removal is positively associated with seedling recruitment accounting for effects of species abundance and plant traits. We conclude that plant traits shape fruit removal and seedling recruitment at the community level, while these two crucial processes of forest regeneration are directly linked by seed dispersal of animals.  相似文献   

The distribution and ecological impacts of plant-associated fungi is determined in large part by their degree of specificity for particular host species or environmental conditions. Here we evaluate the host and habitat preferences among the Aphyllophorales, a guild of wood-decay basidiomycete fungi usually considered to be host generalists. We determined the patterns of host association in three well-defined, floristically distinct, tropical wetlands — freshwater forested wetlands, saltwater mangrove forests, and peatlands with scattered trees — on the islands of Kosrae and Pohnpei in the Federated States of Micronesia. Of 33 fungal species, 20 were locally rare. Of the 11 species sufficiently common to evaluate habitat specificity, nine showed significant habitat preferences. Of eight species common enough to evaluate within-habitat host specificity, six showed strong host preferences. All except one of the nine habitat-specialized fungi showed either statistically significant host specificity or strong numerical biases toward single host species. Our results suggest that host preferences may be important in shaping the assemblages of wood-decay fungi, and that the effect of environment on the distribution of susceptible plant species, rather on the fungi themselves, may ultimately drive the apparent habitat specificity of many fungi.  相似文献   

In this study we investigated the capacity of Andean alder (Alnus acuminate Kunth), inoculated withFrankia and two ectomycorrhizal fungi (Alpova austroalnicola Dominguez andAlpova diplophloeus ([Zeller and Dodge] Trappe and Smith), for nodulation and growth in pots of a soilless medium that contained vermiculite or a mixture of ground basalt rock and vermiculite. The seedlings were inoculated withFrankia suspensions prepared from root nodules ofA. Acuminate, followed by inoculation with spores of either one of the twoAlpova species. The seedlings were grown in a greenhouse for 12 months. The seedlings grown in the vermiculite-based growth medium containing large (1-3 mm) basalt particles andAlpova austroalnicola or medium-sized (0.5-1 mm) basalt particles andA. Diplophloeus had the heaviest shoot and root nodule dry weights and abundant ectomycorrhizal colonization. Ectomycorrhizas formed byA. Acuminate withAlpova austroalnicola is described here for the first time. Growth ofAlnus acuminate inoculated with ectomycorrhizal fungi andFrankia in the soilless primary minerals indicates that Andean alder can alter resource supply by tapping an otherwise unavailable nutrient source.  相似文献   

In Sweden application of granulated wood ash has been suggested as a method to supplement nutrient loss resulting from harvesting of forest residues for bioenergy production. Mycelia of two ectomycorrhizal fungi Piloderma sp. 1 and Ha-96-3, were commonly found to colonise ash granules in a wood ash fertilised spruce forest. Thirty-eight fungal isolates were selected from 10 taxa to investigate the possible role of different ectomycorrhizal fungi in nutrient mobilisation from ash. The taxa were Cenococcum geophilum Fr., Piloderma croceum Erikss. and Hjortst., Piloderma sp. 1, Thelephora terrestris (Ehrenb.) Fr., Tylospora fibrillosa Donk, and five unidentified species, all originating from a wood ash fertilised spruce forest. The isolates were tested for their ability to solubilise tricalcium phosphate (TCP) or hardened wood ash (HWA) in vitro. Ha-96-3, P. croceum and Piloderma sp. 1 were the only taxa which solubilised TCP. Abundant calcium oxalate crystals were formed in TCP and HWA plates with Piloderma sp. 1. Ha-96-3 and two isolates of P. croceum produced intermediate amounts of crystals. Ha-96-1 and T. fibrillosa produced low amounts of crystal but no crystal formation was observed by any of the other isolates. Piloderma sp. 1 from HWA plates had significantly higher concentrations of P, compared to P. croceum or Ha-96-3. Piloderma sp. 1 and P. croceum were further tested for their ability to colonise wood ash in microcosms containing intact mycorrhizal associations. After 7 months Piloderma sp. 1 colonised ash amended patches with a dense, mat like mycelium, whereas P. croceum mycelia avoided the ash patches. Possible differences between these fungi in patterns of carbon allocation were investigated by labelling seedlings with 14CO(2). Piloderma sp. 1 mycelia allocated significantly more 14C to ash patches than P. croceum. P. croceum allocated relatively more 14C to control patches than to the ash patches. The possible role of ectomycorrhizal fungi in mobilisation of nutrients from wood ash is discussed.  相似文献   

《Fungal Ecology》2008,1(2-3):57-68
Effects of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) produced during interspecific mycelial interactions were examined by measuring extension rate of ‘target’ fungi growing in agar plates taped above two interacting mycelia – Bjerkandera adusta, Hypholoma fasciculare, Stereum gausapatum and Trametes versicolor in all combinations. Extension rates of T. versicolor, S. gausapatum and H. fasciculare above self-pairings were not significantly different (P > 0.05) to growth above agar controls, but the extension rate of B. adusta was significantly (P  0.05) greater. Extension rates of T. versicolor and B. adusta were often significantly greater above inter-specific interactions and above other species compared with growth above self or agar controls. VOC production was quantified and qualified, by gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC/MS), over the course of interactions with T. versicolor replacing S. gausapatum, deadlocking with B. adusta and replaced by H. fasciculare. VOC production was species- and interaction-specific. It varied over the time course of interactions, and changes in production were correlated with production of pigments in interactions involving S. gausapatum. VOCs included 3 monoterpenes, benzoic acid, alkenols of different chain lengths, two long-chain hydrocarbons and a quinolinium-like compound. Their possible roles are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to describe the morphological and anatomical features of five unidentified ectomycorrhizal types of Alnus acuminata and to complement their identification based on ITS-rDNA sequence analysis. The combined approach of morphotyping and sequence analysis based on ITS sequence comparison with sequences contained in GenBank and the UNITE database let us assign three of the five field-collected ectomycorrhiza morphotypes to the tomentella-thelephora lineage that closely matched European and North American species. The sequencing results within Tomentella point toward alder specific clades within T. sublilacina, T. ellisii and T. stuposa sensu lato. The two other EcM morphotypes matched Lactarius omphaliiformis and a Russula sp. Better focused, concomitant fruit body surveys are needed for accurate identification of South American ectomycorrhizal fungi because of the evidence of cryptic speciation in both agaricoid and resupinate mycobionts.  相似文献   

木腐菌氧化酶系检定及漆酶产生的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
采用丁香醛连氮、苯胺蓝平板脱色等4种方法,定性检测了27种真菌的木素氧化酶系组成。结果表明5个菌种同时具有漆酶(Lac)、木素过氧化物酶(Lip)和锰过氧化物酶(Mnp)3种酶的活性,5个菌种同时具有Lac和Lip2种酶的活性,8个菌种具有1种酶的活性;12个菌种具有Lac活性。选择其中生长速度快、Lac活性高的5个菌种进行Lac产生的研究,发现木蹄层孔菌Fomes fomentarius诱导、静止培养条件下产生的Lac酶活峰值高达9496U/mL,远远高于其它已报道过的菌种;静止培养条件下贝形刺革菌Hymenochaete badio-ferruginea和乳白耙菌Irpexlacteus产Lac,其峰值也分别达到了652和292U/mL,均明显高于其它培养方式,说明木蹄层孔菌等3种真菌静止培养可代替振荡培养进行Lac产生、制备等相关的后续研究。木蹄层孔菌等5种真菌对刚果红等染料脱色作用研究表明,各菌种对4类染料均具有高效广谱的脱色作用。  相似文献   

The susceptibility of Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) sap- and heartwood against the wood decaying brown-rot fungus (Coniophora puteana) was investigated after long-term forest fertilization at three different sites in central Finland. Different wood properties: wood extractives, wood chemistry, and wood anatomy were used to explain sap- and heartwood decay. Scots pine sapwood was more susceptible to decay than its heartwood. In one site, sapwood seemed to be more resistant to wood decay after forest fertilization whereas the susceptibility of heartwood increased. Significant changes in the sapwood chemistry were found between treatment and sites, however, no relationship between wood chemistry and wood decay was observed in the factor analysis. The results of this study show that there was an inconsistent relationship between decay susceptibility and fertilization and the measured physical and chemical attributes of the wood were not consistently correlated with the decay rate.  相似文献   

大兴安岭林区火烧迹地木腐菌主要类群的初步研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对大兴安岭林区火烧迹地的17种主要木腐菌进行了报道,并就它们的生态习性和生态功能进行探讨.通过对火烧林分和非过火林分主要木腐菌类群变化的研究,确定在火烧迹地森林生态系统演替过程中的先锋菌物主要有8种,常见菌4种,以及在寒温带针叶林生态系统中的珍稀和濒危的木腐菌3种,并探讨了珍稀或濒危菌物的保护对策.  相似文献   

Bjorn Arne Rukke 《Ecography》2000,23(4):492-502
Negative effects of habitat fragmentation (increased isolation and reduced habitat size) affected presence of several beetle species inhabiting Fomes fomentarius (L.) Kickx basidiocarps in a fragmented forest landscape. At the scale of individual trees (tree level), incidence of Cis jacquemarti Mell./C. nitidus (F.) (not distinguished between individuals of these two species, abbreviated C. jacquemarti /nitidus), C. bidentatus (Ol.), C. lineatocribratus Mell., Ennearthron cornutum (Gyll.) (all Coleoptera, Cisidae) and Dorcatoma dresdensis Herbst (Coleoptera, Anobiidae) was reduced with increased habitat isolation and reduced habitat size. Additionally, increased habitat size at a larger scale (forest island level) also gave higher incidence of all species.
Some of the microhabitat variables measured influenced upon the presence of the study species. Fallen trees had a higher probability of C. jacquemarti / nitidus presence than standing trees, whilst the opposite was the case for C. bidentatus. There was also increased incidence of C. bidentatus on trees in denser forests and of E. cornutum in grey alder Alnus incana compared with birch trees (Betula spp.).
Increased volume of basidiocarps on a tree resulted in a higher number of individuals of C. jacquemarti / nitidus and C. lineatocribratus.  相似文献   

Field ectomycorrhizas of Cortinarius helodes Moser, Matheny & Daniele (sp. nov) and Gyrodon monticola Sing. on Alnus acuminata Kunth (Andean alder, aliso del cerro) are described based on morphological and anatomical features. Ectomycorrhizal roots were sampled beneath fruitbodies of C. helodes and G. monticola from two homogeneous A. acuminata forest sites located in Tucumán and Catamarca Provinces in Argentina. C. helodes ectomycorrhizas showed a thick white to beige mantle exuding a milky juice when injured, were bluish toward the apex, and had hyphal strands in the mantle. G. monticola ectomycorrhizas showed some conspicuous features like highly differentiated rhizomorphs, inflated brown cells on the mantle surface, and hyaline and brown emanating hyphae with dolipores. Restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis of the nuclear rDNA internal transcribed spacer provided a distinctive profile for each of the collections of fruitbodies and the mycorrhizal morphotypes.  相似文献   

The whitemouth croaker produces two different sounds using extrinsic sonic muscles: (1) male advertisement calls during the spawning season and (2) disturbance calls, produced by both sexes. The advertisement call, related to courtship, was recorded in the field and from two marked spawning males of 28 and 30.5 cm LT in the laboratory. It consists of individual pulses with average durations of 19.7 ms and 17.8 ms for the two males respectively, interpulse intervals of 496 ms and 718 ms, and dominant frequencies of 280 Hz and 316 Hz. Pulses are emitted in bouts of one to three min duration. Disturbance calls consist of a burst of pulses produced at short intervals, and the pulse duration, interpulse interval and dominant frequency of the pulses average 19.8 ms, 17.1 ms, and 363 Hz, respectively. Dominant frequency and interpulse interval decrease and pulse duration increases with fish size. Sound characteristics change markedly in young of the year individuals (lower than 25 cm LT) after which they appear to stabilize. Higher dominant frequency in the advertisement than in the disturbance call and the relationship of dominant frequency to pulse duration suggest that dominant frequency is determined as a forced response to muscle contraction parameters rather than by the natural frequency of the swimbladder.  相似文献   

Abstract Competition among wood decay fungi was studied with a technique using sectors of various sizes of 8 cm diameter wood discs. The sectors representing 8–92% of the discs were precolonized by Heterobasidion annosum (Fr.) Bref., Resinicium bicolor (Alb. & Schw. ex Fr.) Parm, Phanerochaete sanguinea (Fr.) Hjortstam and Coniophora sp. DC. ex Me'rat before they were combined pairwise in close contact on top of water agar in 9 cm Petri dishes. Discs were regularly inspected for mycelial overgrowth and after 10 weeks mycelia were reisolated. Competitive success, measured as the replacement of the opposing fungus, was generally greatest for mycelia with sectors representing 92% of a disc and smallest for 8% sectors. R bicolor was the most, and H. annosum the least, competitive of the species investigated. The results indicate that mycelial size could be one major factor influencing the competitive success in nature. However, when paired on nutrient agar, the results of the interactions between the four species did not correspond to those in wood discs  相似文献   

In this study, a total of 161 endophytic fungal isolates from Camptotheca acuminata were obtained and classified to 16 taxa according to morphological and molecular analysis. These taxa were composed of 2 frequent genera (Botryosphaeria and Fusarium) and 14 infrequent groups such as Xylaria, Diaporthe, Rhizopus, Epicoccum, and Preussia, demonstrating that fungal endophytes in C. acuminata were highly abundant and diverse. Antimicrobial activity screening using filter-paper diffusion method showed that 47.6 % of the tested isolates had antimicrobial activity against at least one of the test microorganisms. Screening of fungal endophyte-derived camptothecin analogues by TLC and LC–MS/MS3 demonstrated that a strain Botryosphaeria dothidea, X-4 could produce 9-methoxycamptothecin (9-MCPT) when cultured in Sabouraud’s dextrose broth for 12 days under shake flask and bench-scale fermention conditions. This work showed that the fungal endophytes from C. acuminata could be an alternative source for the production of 9-MCPT and other natural antimicrobial compounds.  相似文献   

Comparing five species of pipefish, egg size was significantly larger in species with brood pouches (Syngnathus typhle, Syngnathus acus and Syngnathus rostellatus) than in species without brood pouches (Entelurus aequoreus and Nerophis ophidion). Egg size correlated positively with female body size in species with brood pouches, but was similar across female sizes in the species lacking pouches. These results may reflect differences in offspring competition as a consequence of variable offspring relatedness within a brood, due to the mating systems adopted by the different species and the presence or absence of a brood pouch.  相似文献   

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