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We have identified a possible role for the KIFC1 motor protein in formation of the acrosome, an organelle unique to spermatogenesis. KIFC1, a C-terminal kinesin motor, first appears on membrane-bounded organelles (MBOs) in the medulla of early spermatids followed by localization to the acrosomal vesicle. KIFC1 continues to be present on the acrosome of elongating spermatids as it flattens on the spermatid nucleus; however, increasing amounts of KIFC1 are found at the caudal aspect of the spermatid head and in distal cytoplasm. The KIFC1 motor is also found in the nucleus of very immature round spermatids just prior to its appearance on the acrosome. In some cases, KIFC1 appears localized just below the nuclear membrane adjacent to the subacrosomal membrane. We demonstrate that KIFC1 is associated with importin beta and colocalizes with this nuclear transport factor on curvilinear structures associated with the spermatid nuclei. These data support a model in which KIFC1, perhaps in association with nuclear factors, assists in the formation and/or elongation of the spermatid acrosome. This article represents the first demonstration of a direct association of a molecular motor with the spermatid acrosome, the formation of which is essential for fertilization.  相似文献   

Sterols such as cholesterol are a significant component of eukaryotic cellular membranes, and their unique physical properties influence a wide variety of membrane processes. It is known that the concentration of sterol within the membrane varies widely between organelles, and that the cell actively maintains this distribution through various transport processes. Vesicular pathways such as secretion or endocytosis may account for this traffic, but increasing evidence highlights the importance of nonvesicular routes as well. The structure of an oxysterol-binding protein homologue (OSH) in yeast (Osh4p/Kes1p) has recently been solved, identifying it as a sterol binding protein, and there is evidence consistent with the role of a cytoplasmic, nonvesicular sterol transporter. Yeast have seven such proteins, which appear to have distinct but overlapping functions with regard to maintaining intracellular sterol distribution and homeostasis. Control of sterol distribution can have far-reaching effects on membrane-related functions, and Osh proteins have been implicated in a variety of processes such as secretory vesicle budding from the Golgi and establishment of cell polarity. This review summarizes the current body of knowledge regarding this family and its potential functions, placing it in the context of known and hypothesized pathways of sterol transport in yeast.  相似文献   

SEC16 is required for transport vesicle budding from the ER in Saccharomyces cerevisiae, and encodes a large hydrophilic protein found on the ER membrane and as part of the coat of transport vesicles. In a screen to find functionally related genes, we isolated SED4 as a dosage- dependent suppressor of temperature-sensitive SEC16 mutations. Sed4p is an integral ER membrane protein whose cytosolic domain binds to the COOH-terminal domain of Sec16p as shown by two-hybrid assay and coprecipitation. The interaction between Sed4p and Sec16p probably occurs before budding is complete, because Sed4p is not found in budded vesicles. Deletion of SED4 decreases the rate of ER to Golgi transport, and exacerbates mutations defective in vesicle formation, but not those that affect later steps in the secretory pathway. Thus, Sed4p is important, but not necessary, for vesicle formation at the ER. Sec12p, a close homologue of Sed4p, also acts early in the assembly of transport vesicles. However, SEC12 performs a different function than SED4 since Sec12p does not bind Sec16p, and genetic tests show that SEC12 and SED4 are not functionally interchangeable. The importance of Sed4p for vesicle formation is underlined by the isolation of a phenotypically silent mutation, sar1-5, that produces a strong ER to Golgi transport defect when combined with sed4 mutations. Extensive genetic interactions between SAR1, SED4, and SEC16 show close functional links between these proteins and imply that they might function together as a multisubunit complex on the ER membrane.  相似文献   

Dynamic actin filaments are required for the formation and internalization of endocytic vesicles. Yeast actin cables serve as a track for the translocation of endocytic vesicles to early endosomes, but the molecular mechanisms regulating the interaction between vesicles and the actin cables remain ambiguous. Previous studies have demonstrated that the yeast Eps15-like protein Pan1p plays an important role in this interaction, and that interaction is not completely lost even after deletion of the Pan1p actin-binding domain, suggesting that additional proteins mediate association of the vesicle with the actin cable. Other candidates for mediating the interaction are endocytic coat proteins Sla2p (yeast Hip1R) and Ent1p/2p (yeast epsins), as these proteins can bind to both the plasma membrane and the actin filament. Here, we investigated the degree of redundancy in the actin-binding activities of Pan1p, Sla2p, and Ent1p/2p involved in the internalization and transport of endocytic vesicles. Expression of the nonphosphorylatable form of Pan1p, Pan1-18TA, caused abnormal accumulation of both actin cables and endocytic vesicles, and this accumulation was additively suppressed by deletion of the actin-binding domains of both Pan1p and Ent1p. Interestingly, deletion of the actin-binding domains of Pan1p and Ent1p in cells lacking the ENT2 gene resulted in severely defective internalization of endocytic vesicles and recruitment of actin cables to the site of endocytosis. These results suggest that Pan1p and Ent1p/2p cooperatively regulate the interaction between the endocytic vesicle and the actin cable.  相似文献   

Maturation of 18S rRNA and biogenesis of the 40S ribosomes in yeast requires a large number of trans-acting factors, including the U3 small nucleolar ribonucleoprotein (U3 snoRNP), and the recently characterized cyclase-like protein Rcl1p. U3 snoRNP is a key particle orchestrating early 35S rRNA cleavage events. A unique property of Rcl1p is that it specifically associates with U3 snoRNP, but this association appears to occur only at the level of nascent ribosomes and not with the U3 monoparticle. Here we report the characterization of Bms1p, a protein that associates with Rcl1p in multiple structures, including a specific complex sedimenting at around 10S. Like Rcl1p, Bms1p is an essential, evolutionarily conserved, nucleolar protein, and its depletion interferes with processing of the 35S pre-rRNA at sites A0, A1, and A2, and the formation of 40S subunits. The N-terminal domain of Bms1p has structural features found in regulatory GTPases and we demonstrate that mutations of amino acids implicated in GTP/GDP binding affect Bms1p activity in vivo. The results indicate that Bms1p may act as a molecular switch during maturation of the 40S ribosomal subunit in the nucleolus.  相似文献   

Generally, plasma membrane (PM) proteins are cotranslationally inserted into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and travel in vesicles via the Golgi apparatus to the PM. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the polytopic membrane protein Ist2p is encoded by an mRNA that is localized to the cortex of daughter cells. It has been suggested that IST2 mRNA localization leads to the accumulation of the protein at the PM of daughter cells. Since small- and medium-sized daughter cells only contain cortical, but not perinuclear ER, this implies the local translation of Ist2p specifically at the cortical ER. Here, we show that localization of constitutively expressed IST2 mRNA is required for delivery of Ist2p to the PM of daughter, but not mother cells and that it does not result in daughter-specific Ist2p accumulation. In contrast to a PM-located hexose transporter (Hxt1p) that follows the standard secretory pathway, the trafficking of Ist2p is independent of myosin-mediated vesicular transport. Furthermore, colocalization experiments in mutants of the secretory pathway demonstrate that trafficking of Ist2p does not require the classical secretory machinery. These data suggest the existence of a novel trafficking pathway connecting specialized domains of the ER with the PM.  相似文献   

Bms1p and Tsr1p define a novel family of proteins required for synthesis of 40S ribosomal subunits in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Both are essential and localize to the nucleolus. Tsr1p shares two extended regions of similarity with Bms1p, but the two proteins function at different steps in 40S ribosome maturation. Inactivation of Bms1p blocks at an early step, leading to disappearance of 20S and 18S rRNA precursors. Also, slight accumulation of an aberrant 23S product and significant 35S accumulation are observed, indicating that pre-rRNA processing at sites A0, A1, and A2 is inhibited. In contrast, depletion of Tsr1p results in accumulation of 20S rRNA. Because processing of 20S to 18S rRNA occurs in the cytoplasm, this suggests that Tsr1p is required for assembly of a transport- or maturation-competent particle or is specifically required for transport of 43S pre-ribosomal particles, but not 60S ribosome precursors, from the nucleus to the cytosol. Finally, Bms1p is a GTP-binding protein, the first found to function in ribosome assembly or rRNA processing.  相似文献   

A mouse testis cDNA expression library (Clontech) was screened with a synthetic oligonucleotide ligand containing CT-rich motifs derived from the rat skeletal muscle actin gene promoter. These motifs bind nuclear proteins, and seem to be involved in the regulation of the gene. Analysis of isolated clones, which expressed proteins that specifically bind the oligonucleotide, indicated that they were derived from a single gene. This gene was identified as a contaminant of bacterial origin (Leuconostoc lactis). The cloned gene from L. lactis encodes a protein with significant homology to bacterial ribosomal protein S1, which we designated LrpS1-L. Band shift analysis and competition experiments indicated that both the bacterial protein and a mouse nuclear protein specifically bind to the same CT-rich motif of the skeletal muscle actin promoter. Furthermore, antibodies against the recombinant bacterial protein interfered with the formation of complex between the CT-rich element and the mouse nuclear protein. These results indicate that the bacterial LrpS1-L protein and the mammalian protein bind the same CT-rich motif and share common antigenic epitopes.  相似文献   

The gene product of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae open reading frame YDR229w (named IVY1 for: Interacting with Vps33p and Ypt7p) was found to interact with both the GTPase Ypt7p and the Sec1-related Vps33 protein. While deletion of IVY1 does not lead to any recognized change in phenotype, overexpression of Ivy1p leads to fragmentation of the vacuole, missorting of the vacuolar enzyme carboxypeptidase Y (CPY) to the exterior of the cell, and an accumulation of multivesicular bodies inside the cell. All effects caused by the overexpression of Ivy1p can be reset by simultaneously raising the amount of Vps33p. This suppression activity of Vps33p suggests that Ivy1p and Vps33p at least partially counteract the action of each other in the cell. The intracellular level of Ivy1p increases in cells approaching stationary growth phase at which part of the protein is located at the rim of the vacuole. In addition to its specific interactions with members of two regulatory protein families, Ivy1p in vitro shows a marked propensity for binding phospholipids with high affinity.  相似文献   

vps33 mutants missort and secrete multiple vacuolar hydrolases and exhibit extreme defects in vacuolar morphology. Toward a molecular understanding of the role of the VPS33 gene in vacuole biogenesis, we have cloned this gene from a yeast genomic library by complementation of a temperature-sensitive vps33 mutation. Gene disruption demonstrated that VPS33 was not essential but was required for growth at high temperatures. At the permissive temperature, vps33 null mutants exhibited defects in vacuolar protein localization and vacuole morphology similar to those seen in most of the original mutant alleles. Sequence analysis revealed a putative open reading frame sufficient to encode a protein of 691 amino acids. Hydropathy analysis indicated that the deduced product of the VPS33 gene is generally hydrophilic, contains no obvious signal sequence or transmembrane domains, and is therefore unlikely to enter the secretory pathway. Polyclonal antisera raised against TrpE-Vps33 fusion proteins recognized a protein in yeast cells of the expected molecular weight, approximately 75,000. In cell fractionation studies, Vps33p behaved as a cytosolic protein. The predicted VPS33 gene product possessed sequence similarity with a number of ATPases and ATP-binding proteins specifically in their ATP-binding domains. One vps33 temperature-sensitive mutant contained a missense mutation near this region of sequence similarity; the mutation resulted in a Leu-646----Pro substitution in Vps33p. This temperature-sensitive mutant strain contained normal vacuoles at the permissive temperature but lacked vacuoles specifically in the bud at the nonpermissive temperature. Our data suggest that Vps33p acts in the cytoplasm to facilitate Golgi-to-vacuole protein delivery. We propose that as a consequence of the vps33 protein-sorting defects, abnormalities in vacuolar morphology and vacuole assembly result.  相似文献   

We have characterized a recombinant Drosophila melanogaster RNA binding protein, D25, by virtue of its antigenic relationship to mammalian U1 and U2 small nuclear ribonucleoprotein (U snRNP) proteins. Sequence analysis revealed that D25 bears strong similarity to both the human U1 snRNP-A (U1-A) and U2 snRNP-B" (U2-B") proteins. However, at residues known to be critical for the RNA binding specificities of U1-A and U2-B" D25 sequence is more similar to U2-B". Using direct RNA binding assays D25 selected U1 RNA from either HeLa or Drosophila Kc cell total RNA. Furthermore, D25 bound U1 RNA when transfected into mammalian cells. Thus, D25 appears to be a Drosophila homolog of the mammalian U1-A protein, despite its sequence similarity to U2-B".  相似文献   

The budding and fission of vesicles during membrane trafficking requires many proteins, including those that coat the vesicles, adaptor proteins that recruit components of the coat, and small GTPases that initiate vesicle formation. In addition, vesicle formation in vitro is promoted by the hydrolysis of acyl-CoA lipid esters. The mechanisms by which these lipid esters are directed to the appropriate membranes in vivo, and their precise roles in vesicle biogenesis, are not yet understood. Here, we present the first report on membrane associated ACBP domain-containing protein-1 (MAA-1), a novel membrane-associated member of the acyl-CoA-binding protein family. We show that in Caenorhabditis elegans, MAA-1 localizes to intracellular membrane organelles in the secretory and endocytic pathway and that mutations in maa-1 reduce the rate of endosomal recycling. A lack of maa-1 activity causes a change in endosomal morphology. Although in wild type, many endosomal organelles have long tubular protrusions, loss of MAA-1 activity results in loss of the tubular domains, suggesting the maa-1 is required for the generation or maintenance of these domains. Furthermore, we demonstrate that MAA-1 binds fatty acyl-CoA in vitro and that this ligand-binding ability is important for its function in vivo. Our results are consistent with a role for MAA-1 in an acyl-CoA-dependent process during vesicle formation.  相似文献   

X Yang  H T Matern    D Gallwitz 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(17):4954-4963
The regulation of vesicular transport in eukaryotic cells involves Ras-like GTPases of the Ypt/Rab family. Studies in yeast and mammalian cells indicate that individual family members act in vesicle docking/fusion to specific target membranes. Using the two-hybrid system, we have now identified a 248 amino acid, integral membrane protein, termed Yip1, that specifically binds to the transport GTPases Ypt1p and Ypt31p. Evidence for physical interaction of these GTPases with Yip1p was also demonstrated by affinity chromatography and/or co-immunoprecipitation. Like the two GTPases, Yip1p is essential for yeast cell viability and, according to subcellular fractionation and indirect immunofluorescence, is located to Golgi membranes at steady state. Mutant cells depleted of Yip1p and conditionally lethal yip1 mutants at the non-permissive temperature massively accumulate endoplasmic reticulum membranes and display aberrations in protein secretion and glycosylation of secreted invertase. The results suggests for a role for Yip1p in recruiting the two GTPases to Golgi target membranes in preparation for fusion.  相似文献   

Ran, a Ras-like GTPase, has been implicated in controlling the movement of proteins and RNAs in and out of the nucleus. We have constructed strains of Saccharomyces cerevisiae which produce fusion proteins containing glutathione-S-transferase (GST) fused to Gsp1p, which encodes the essential yeast Ran homolog, and a mutant form of Gsp1p that mimics the GTP-bound state. A major protein with the apparent size of 34 kDa co-purifies with the GTP-bound form of Gsp1p. This protein was identified as Yrb1p (Yeast Ran Binding Protein) and stimulates GTP hydrolysis by Gsp1p in the presence of Rna1p, the Gsp1 GTPase activating protein. Yrb1p is located in the cytoplasm with some concentration at the nuclear periphery. Temperature-sensitive yrb1 mutants are defective in nuclear protein import and RNA export. A mutation in the highly conserved Ran binding region of Yrb1p reduces its ability to interact with Gsp1p. These data indicate that Yrb1p functions with Gsp1p and suggest that together they can control transport of macromolecules across the nuclear envelope.  相似文献   

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