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Black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) are both habitat and prey specialists that depend on prairie dogs (Cynomys spp.) for food and utilize prairie dog burrows for refuge. In this study we investigated the effects of captive diet during early development on adult black-footed ferret food preferences. To test the hypothesis that early diet affects the food preferences of adult black-footed ferrets, we exposed 22 kits (divided into three experimental groups) to different quantities of prairie dog in the diet: no prairie dog, prairie dog three times per week, and prairie dog daily during the assumed sensitive period for olfactory imprinting, i.e., between 60–90 postnatal days. At age 5 months, kits were individually tested in a food choice cafeteria trial. Results indicated that higher amounts of prairie dog in the ferrets' early diet led to a higher preference for this food item when ferrets reached adulthood. These results have important implications for black-footed ferret recovery and have been considered in the reintroduction protocol. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Because of the scarcity of the endangered black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) and the amount of knowledge necessary for their conservation, surrogate research can play an important role in recovery. In this paper, we investigate surrogate behavioral research potential by comparing courtship behavior of the black-footed ferret to the congeneric domestic ferret (M. putorius furo). Ten female domestic ferrets were bred to five male domestic ferrets and eight female black-footed ferrets were bred to five black-footed ferret males. Courtship activities were defined, analyzed, and quantitatively compared between both groups. Lag sequential analysis of was used to prepare the behavioral matrices, and matrix cells were compared between groups with an equality of proportions test. Courtship patterns did not differ significantly between the two closely related species, and the domestic ferret would probably be an adequate surrogate for reproductive behavior research on the black-footed ferret.  相似文献   

Fundamental knowledge of spermatozoa cryobiology can assist with optimizing cryopreservation protocols needed for genetic management of the endangered black-footed ferret. Objectives were to characterize semen osmolality and assess the influence of two media at various osmolalities on sperm viability. We examined the influence of Ham's F10 +Hepes medium (H) at 270, 400, 500 or 700 mOsm (adjusted with sucrose, a nonpermeating cryoprotectant) and TEST Yolk Buffer (TYB) with 0% (300 mOsm) versus 4% (900 mOsm) glycerol (a permeating cryoprotectant). Electroejaculates (n=16) were assessed for osmolality using a vapor pressure osmometer. For media comparison, semen (n=5) was collected in TYB 0%, split into six aliquots, and diluted in H270, H400, H500, H700, and TYB 0% or TYB 4%. Each sample was centrifuged (300 g, 8 min), resuspended in respective medium, and maintained at 37 degrees C for 3h. Sperm motility and forward progression were monitored every 30 min for 3h post-washing. Acrosomal integrity was monitored at 0 and 60 min post-washing. Results demonstrated that black-footed ferret semen has a comparatively high osmolality (mean+/-SEM, 513.1+/-32.6 mOsm; range, 366-791 mOsm). Ferret spermatozoa were sensitive to hyperosmotic stress. Specifically, sperm motility was more susceptible (P<0.01) to hyperosmotic conditions than acrosomal integrity, and neither were influenced (P>0.05) by hypotonic solutions. Exposure to TYB 4% glycerol retained more (P<0.01) sperm motility than a hyperosmotic Ham's (700 mOsm). These findings will guide the eventual development of assisted breeding with cryopreserved sperm contributing to genetic management of this rare species.  相似文献   

The black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes), once considered extinct, has benefited from captive breeding and subsequent reintroduction into native habitat. A high proportion of females (>90%) exhibit estrus in captivity during the spring breeding season. However, many males considered to be prime-breeding age (1-3 years old) fail to sire offspring. Breeding records in 1995 revealed that 40 of 73 males (55%) managed under the Black-Footed Ferret Species Survival Plan did not reproduce, despite being provided opportunity. The present study was conducted to determine the incidence and etiology of male reproductive failure in 1996 and 1997. In 1996, 38 of 69 (55%) 1- to 3-year-old males failed to sire offspring. Likewise, 35 of 60 (58%) males did not reproduce in 1997. Overall, 21% of adult males failed to sire young in three consecutive breeding seasons (1995-1997). Electroejaculate traits (ejaculate volume, sperm concentration, motility, morphology, and acrosomal integrity) from 29 proven breeder males were not different (P > 0.05) from those of 23 males that did not sire young (nonproven breeders). However, six categories of reproductive failure were identified for the 73 prime-breeding age, nonproven males: 1) underdeveloped testes (22%); 2) improper breeding position with the female (25%); 3) excessive aggression toward estrous females (9%); 4) copulation with no sperm detected at postcoital lavage (19%); 5) copulation with sperm in the vaginal lavage but no resulting pregnancy (18%); and 6) copulation with no vaginal lavage performed and no resulting pregnancy (7%). These data indicate that combined behavioral and physiologic factors, but not overall sperm quality, influence reproductive performance in male black-footed ferrets managed in captivity. Zoo Biol 19:517-528, 2000. Copyright 2000 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Disease can threaten the restoration of endangered species directly by substantially decreasing host survival or indirectly via incremental decreases in survival and reproduction. During a biomedical survey of reintroduced populations of the highly endangered black-footed ferret from 2002 to 2005, microfilariae discovered in the blood were putatively identified as Dirofilaria immitis, and widespread screening was initiated using a commercially available antigen-based ELISA test. A subset of animals (n = 16) was screened for D. immitis using a highly sensitive PCR-based assay. Microfilariae were also molecularly and morphologically characterized. Of 198 animals at six reintroduction sites, 12% had positive results using the ELISA test. No antigen-positive animals which were screened via PCR (n = 11) had positive PCR results, and all antigen-positive animals (n = 24) were asymptomatic. No significant differences were found in body mass of antigen-positive (male: 1223 +/- 82 g [mean +/- SD], female: 726 +/- 75 g) vs. antigen-negative (male: 1,198 +/- 119 g, female: 710 +/- 53 g) individuals (P = 0.4). Antigen prevalence was lower in juveniles (3%) than adults (12%; P = 0.03), and higher in in situ, captive-reared individuals (33%) than wild-born individuals (10%; P = 0.005). Morphologic analysis of microfilariae revealed they were neither D. immitis nor any other previously characterized North American species. PCR amplification of the 5S spacer region of rDNA revealed that the filarial sequence shared only 76% identity with D. immitis. This previously unidentified filarial sequence was present in all antigen positive animals (11 of 11 tested). It appears that black-footed ferrets were infected with a previously undescribed species of filaria whose antigen cross-reacted with the ELISA assay, although further analysis is needed to make a conclusive statement. Nonetheless, this previously undescribed filaria does not appear to threaten recovery for this highly endangered mammal.  相似文献   

Canine distemper in black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) from Wyoming   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In September and October 1985, six black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) were captured from the only known population, located near Meeteetse, Wyoming for captive propagation. Two days following capture an adult male showed signs of canine distemper and an adult female displayed similar signs 7 days postcapture; these infections were undoubtedly acquired prior to capture. Subsequently the four remaining captive black-footed ferrets also developed canine distemper and all eventually died. Clinical signs included severe pruritus, hyperkeratosis and progressive loss of body condition. A few animals had intermittent diarrhea and respiratory disease. Intranuclear and intracytoplasmic inclusion bodies were numerous in epithelial tissues and two black-footed ferrets had a mild to moderate meningoencephalitis. Canine distemper virus was isolated from four animals and paramyxovirus nucleocapsids were observed by electron microscopy of feces from all affected black-footed ferrets. Antibodies to canine distemper virus were not detected in sera of sick black-footed ferrets. Antibodies to canine distemper virus were found in sera of badgers (Taxidea taxus) and coyotes (Canis latrans) collected in the Meeteetse area in 1986. Most free-ranging black-footed ferrets in the colony apparently died of canine distemper during the summer and fall of 1985. An attempt was made to capture all surviving animals in the affected area in order to abort the epizootic and provide black-footed ferrets for captive propagation.  相似文献   

A captive breeding program is being conducted with black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes), an endangered species. Results of 5 years of study are reported. Simple, but specialized, nontraumatic handling techniques allowed assessment of reproductive status with minimal stress, which was important in breeding management. Black-footed ferrets are sexually mature and may successfully reproduce in their 1st year. Proestrus lasts approximately 2-3 weeks. Duration of estrus in unbred females was 32–42 days; females usually bred within 20 days. Most breeding activity occurred during April. Mean gestation length was 42.7 days (±0.7, range 42–45 days), litter size averaged 3.0 kits (±1.4, range 1–6 kits), and weaned kits/litter averaged 2.4 (±1.7, range 1–6 kits). Weaning rate of kits was 80%. Sex ratio of kits was essentially 1:1. Productivity was greatest among females ?3 years of age. Rapid expansion of the captive population is possible and will be important for genetic management of the species and for achieving the primary goal of the recovery program, which is to return black-footed ferrets to the wild.  相似文献   

We studied the behavioral development of black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) from 6 to 16 post-natal weeks. At 6 weeks of age, kits are still lactating and depend on their mother for survival, while at 16 weeks, ferret young start achieving independence from their mother and littermates. Behavioral observations were obtained by placing videomonitors in the litters’ cages, nest boxes and in outdoor naturalistic enclosures. Captive-raised black-footed ferrets displayed nocturnal activity patterns, although they tended to appear aboveground at certain daytime hours presumably influenced by the established feeding and cleaning regimes. Growing ferrets began emerging aboveground at approximately 7 post-natal weeks and diel activity steadily increased as kits matured. The most manifest behavioral changes (appearance of new motor patterns, increase in aboveground play and in neck-biting behaviors) occurred from post-natal week 8 to week 12. This coincides with the period of maximum growth for ferrets and with a sensitive phase for the development of food preferences in this species. Changes from the 12 to the 16 post-natal weeks involved an increase in aboveground activity, including a higher frequency of scent-marking behaviors. Information provided in this study has important implications for enhancing the captive management of this endangered carnivore.  相似文献   

Empirical support for the genetic management strategies employed by captive breeding and reintroduction programs is scarce. We evaluated the genetic management plan for the highly endangered black‐footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) developed by the American Zoo and Aquarium Associations (AZA) as a part of the species survival plan (SSP). We contrasted data collected from five microsatellite loci to predictions from a pedigree‐based kinship matrix analysis of the captive black‐footed ferret population. We compared genetic diversity among captive populations managed for continued captive breeding or reintroduction, and among wild‐born individuals from two reintroduced populations. Microsatellite data gave an accurate but only moderately precise estimate of heterozygosity. Genetic diversity was similar in captive populations maintained for breeding and release, and it appears that the recovery program will achieve its goal of maintaining 80% of the genetic diversity of the founder population over 25 years. Wild‐born individuals from reintroduced populations maintained genetic diversity and avoided close inbreeding. We detected small but measurable genetic differentiation between the reintroduced populations. The model of random mating predicted only slightly lower levels of heterozygosity retention compared to the SSP strategy. The random mating strategy may be a viable alternative for managing large, stable, captive populations such as that of the black‐footed ferret. Zoo Biol 22:287–298, 2003. © 2003 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Ten sexually mature male ferrets were electro-ejaculated at 1, 3 and 5-day intervals to ascertain the effects of ejaculation frequency on semen quality. Semen volume, spermatozoa concentration, spermatozoal motility, as well as the number of stimuli required to obtain an ejaculation were recorded. No significant differences in these parameters were noted between the test intervals for 1 to 3-year-old males. The data indicated that male ferrets from 1 to 4 years of age may be ejaculated as frequently as once per day for short periods of time without any apparent adverse effects on semen quality.  相似文献   

Ejaculated sperm from the domestic ferret (Mustela putorius furo) and the black-footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) were compared for differences in morphological abnormalities and argentophilic protein distribution. Thawed domestic ferret sperm was also compared to fresh sperm to determine whether there were any effects on cell morphology due to cryopreservation. There were statistically significant differences between the two species of ferret in two of the categories scored. The domestic ferret had a higher frequency of cells that were bent in the midpiece and in the principal piece, and a higher frequency of headless and tailless cells when compared to the black-footed ferret. There were no statistically significant differences in cell morphology between the fresh and cryopreserved ejaculates of the domestic ferret employing a standard egg yolk cryoextender. Silver nitrate staining distribution was different between the two species in both the head and tail region.  相似文献   

The reproductive cycle of the black‐footed ferret (Mustela nigripes) was characterized by enzyme immunoassay (EIA) analysis of ovarian fecal steroids (estradiol, progestins) in 29 females over two consecutive breeding seasons. Estrous status was determined by measuring the vulva size and examining the percentage of superficial cells in vaginal lavages. Mean fecal estradiol concentrations were correlated with vulval area (r = 0.370, P < 0.0001) and the percentage of superficial cells (r = 0.380, P < 0.0001). Ovulation resulted in a rise in fecal progestin concentrations 5 days after breeding that differed (P < 0.05) between pregnant (n = 14) and pseudopregnant (n = 12) females during the late luteal phase (days 12–40), with concentrations remaining higher in pregnant animals. Gestation length was 41.3 ± 0.7 days with 3.6 ± 0.4 kits produced per female. Litter size correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with fecal estradiol, but not progestins during the 12 to 40 days after breeding. Females failing to breed (n = 3) remained in estrus for 31 ± 6.2 days before ovulation induction with human chorionic gonadotropin. Adrenal activity in male (n = 4) and female (n = 6) black‐footed ferrets was monitored by quantifying fecal corticoid metabolites after a series of manipulations (physical restraint, intramuscular saline, intramuscular gel adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), intramuscular liquid ACTH). A significant (P < 0.0001) increase in fecal corticoids above the pre‐treatment baseline occurred 20 to 44 hours after restraint (five of 10 animals), saline (six of nine), gel ACTH (seven of 10), and liquid ACTH (nine of 10) treatments. Immunoreactivity of high‐performance liquid chromatography–separated fecal elutes was compared using antibodies against cortisol and corticosterone. The cortisol EIA demonstrated immunoreactivity that co‐eluted with 3H‐cortisol, whereas a corticosterone radioimmunoassay detected a metabolite peak that co‐eluted with 3H‐corticosterone in addition to a slightly less polar and one considerably more polar peak. Despite recognizing different metabolites, both assays produced similar temporal profiles of corticoid excretion after manipulation. This study provides new information on the black‐footed ferret regarding differences in fecal steroid excretion patterns between pregnancy and pseudopregnancy and the potential application of fecal corticoid metabolite monitoring for evaluating responses to stressors associated with practices used in breeding management. Zoo Biol 20:517–536, 2001. © 2002 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

An epizootic of toxoplasmosis occurred among 22 adult and 30 kit black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) maintained under quarantine conditions at the Louisville Zoological Garden (Louisville, Kentucky, USA) in June, 1992. Black-footed ferrets appear to be highly susceptible to acute and chronic toxoplasmosis. Clinical signs were observed in 19 adults and six kits and included anorexia, lethargy, corneal edema, and ataxia. Two adults and six kits died with acute disease. High antibody titers to Toxoplasma gondii were detected by latex agglutination and modified agglutination assay in 10 black-footed ferrets. One adult and six kits that died with acute clinical signs were necropsied and T. gondii-like organisms were found microscopically in multiple organs. Diagnosis of toxoplasmosis was confirmed by immunohistochemical staining with anti-T. gondii antibodies and by ultrastructural examination. Although the source of T. gondii for black-footed ferrets was not identified, frozen uncooked rabbit was the most likely source. Chronic toxoplasmosis resulted in the death of at additional 13 black-footed ferrets that were adults during the epizootic. Affected animals developed chronic progressive posterior weakness and posterior ataxia 6-69 mo after the epizootic began. Meningoencephalitis or meningoencephalomyelitis associated with chronic toxoplasmosis were identified at necropsy in all 13 ferrets. Precautions to prevent introduction of pathogens into the colony were insufficient to exclude T. gondii. Although toxoplasmosis may cause significant mortality in mustelids, the high mortality of black-footed ferrets in this epizootic was of concern due to their endangered status. This is the first detailed report of toxoplasmosis in black-footed ferrets.  相似文献   

Previous studies have established that vaccination of black-footed ferrets (Mustela nigripes) with F1-V fusion protein by subcutaneous (SC) injection protects the animals against plague upon injection of the bacterium Yersinia pestis. This study demonstrates that the F1-V antigen can also protect ferrets against plague contracted via ingestion of a Y. pestis-infected mouse, a probable route for natural infection. Eight black-footed ferret kits were vaccinated with F1-V protein by SC injection at approximately 60 days-of-age. A booster vaccination was administered 3 mo later via SC injection. Four additional ferret kits received placebos. The animals were challenged 6 wk after the boost by feeding each one a Y. pestis-infected mouse. All eight vaccinates survived challenge, while the four controls succumbed to plague within 3 days after exposure. To determine the duration of antibody postvaccination, 18 additional black-footed ferret kits were vaccinated and boosted with F1-V by SC injection at 60 and 120 days-of-age. High titers to both F1 and V (mean reciprocal titers of 18,552 and 99,862, respectively) were found in all vaccinates up to 2 yr postvaccination, whereas seven control animals remained antibody negative throughout the same time period.  相似文献   

In mammals, reproductive performance is usually associated with seasons. Chinchilla lanigera, an endemic South American rodent, reproduces throughout the year in captivity but its seasonal breeding pattern is not fully understood. The present study was designed to evaluate (bi-weekly) over 1 year: (1) testicular volume variations and (2) seminal volume, sperm concentration and functional activity changes. Five animals were studied; they were individually housed indoors (22.2 +/- 1.0 degrees C) under natural photoperiod in Argentina (Córdoba, 31 degrees S-64 degrees W). Semen was obtained by electroejaculation; a total of 116 ejaculates was evaluated. Monthly values for paired testicular volume were less in the middle of the summer than in other seasons (p < 0.006), while those for seminal volume and total spermatozoa/ejaculate were not significantly different; these variables ranged between 7.2-30.9 cm(3), 10-130 microL and 0.9-432.6 x 10(6), respectively. Spermatozoa concentration was (x 10(6)/mL) 2145.9 +/- 365.3 and the pH of semen was 7.3 +/- 0.0. Spermatozoa functional activity showed no significant differences between monthly evaluations; confidence intervals were calculated for the means of: motility, 92.2-95.8%; viability, 92.2-96.1%; swollen cells (hypo-osmotic swelling test), 81.2-87.7% and viable intact acrosome, 83.5-89.0%. The present study represents the first longitudinal reproductive assessment in the chinchilla male. In conclusion, males produce spermatozoa continuously that exhibit high quality functional activity.  相似文献   

Body weight, body length, and other developmental parameters were studied in the European ferret, Mustela putorius, from birth to 26 weeks of age. Males and females did not differ in weight until the seventh week of live, and they did not differ in length until the ninth week of life, when the males began to grow faster. Adult males (1400--1500 g) were heavier than adult females (800--900 g), but females reached adult size faster than males.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa were found earlier in the ejaculates of hemicastrated cockerels and the mean body weight of the hemicastrates was significantly (P less than 0.01) greater than that of the intact cockerels. The mean values for sperm concentration/ml, and total spermatozoa in the ejaculates of the hemicastrates were significantly greater (P less than 0.01) than those of the intact cockerels. Differences existed between the hemicastrates bearing the left testis, and those bearing the right testis in respect of age at sperm production, sperm/concentration and total spermatozoa in the ejaculate.  相似文献   

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