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Two stichaeid fishes were collected off the Okhotsk coast of Hokkaido in Japan. One represents a new species,Stichaeus fuscus, which differs from all other species of this genus in meristics, color pattern, shape of the pelvic fin, and body proportions. The other species is identified asSoldatovia polyactocephala (Pallas) and is redescribed.  相似文献   

Marine environments are substantially untapped source for the isolation of bacteria with the capacity to produce various extracellular hydrolytic enzymes, which have important ecological roles and promising biotechnological applications. Hydrolases constitute a class of enzymes widely distributed in nature from bacteria to higher eukaryotes. Marine microbial communities are highly diverse and have evolved during extended evolutionary processes of physiological adaptations under the influence of a variety of ecological conditions and selection pressures. A number of marine hydrolases have been described, including amylases, lipases and proteases, which are being used extensively for biotechnological applications. The present study was carried out to isolate marine bacteria from continental slope sediments of the eastern Arabian Sea and explore their biotechnological potential. Among the 119 isolates screened, producers of amylases (15%), caseinases (40%), cellulases (40%), gelatinases (60%), lipases (26%), ligninases (33%), phytase (11%) and Malachite Green dye degraders (16%) were detected. Phylogenetic analysis based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing showed that predominant marine sediment bacteria possessing more than four enzymatic activities belonged to the phyla Firmicutes and Proteobacteria, was assigned to the genera Bacillus, Planococcus, Staphylococcus, Chryseomicrobium, Exiguobacterium and Halomonas. Biodegradation of the dye Malachite Green using the liquid decolorization assay showed that both the individual cultures (Bacillus vietnamensis, Planococcus maritimus and Bacillus pumilus) and their consortium were able to decolorize more than 70% of dye within 24?h of incubation. This is the first report on diversity and extracellular hydrolytic enzymatic activities and bioremediation properties of bacteria from continental slope sediment of eastern Arabian Sea.  相似文献   

In marine ecosystems, the study of trophic relationships has extensively benefited from the development of stable isotope analyses (SIA) as dietary tracers. SIA are particularly useful in elucidating the structure of deep sea food webs given the constraints involved in obtaining gut‐content data from deep trawling. We used carbon and nitrogen stable isotope analyses and Stable Isotope Bayesian Ellipses in R (SIBER) and Stable Isotope Analysis in R (SIAR) routines, to determine the trophic ecology of five deep‐sea fishes from the upper continental slope of the Celtic Sea. SIA made it possible to deduce some general tendencies in food‐web structure and species trophic interactions and confirmed diet determined by gut‐content analysis for the same species, in other ecoregions. More specifically, mixing models revealed that the deep sea species considered are omnivorous and are able to feed on all the sampled taxa. Based on isotopic ratio, no clear differences in fish diet could be detected from one species to another except for rabbit fish, which has benthic affinities. Three species, blackbelly rosefish, greater forkbeard and softhead grenadier showed overlapping isotopic niches. This study is the first attempt to describe the trophic ecology of deep sea species on the Celtic Sea upper continental slope. In the context of the development of ecosystem integrated modeling approaches for managing fisheries in the Celtic sea, and considering the vulnerability of deep‐water species, improving the knowledge on the trophic ecology of these local species is of importance in order to allow their sustainable exploitation.  相似文献   

Eight Bathyraja skate species, Bathyraja aleutica, Bathyraja interrupta, Bathyraja lindbergi, Bathyraja maculata, Bathyraja minispinosa, Bathyraja parmifera, Bathyraja taranetzi and Bathyraja trachura, collected along the eastern Bering Sea continental slope were examined for reproductive features. The sex ratio for six of eight Bathyraja skate species studied was c. 1 : 1 with males dominating for B. interrupta and B. parmifera. Five of eight species examined, B. aleutica, B. lindbergi, B. parmifera, B. taranetzi and B. trachura approximately equalled or exceeded the maximum reported total length, LT. Maximum LT for three species (B. interrupta, B. minispinosa and B. parmifera) revealed that the largest individuals were males and that in three other species (B. lindbergi, B. maculata and B. trachura) both females and males grew to approximately the same size. Both females and males matured at approximately the same LT for seven of eight species. Only female B. aleutica matured at a much larger size than males. All species matured within a narrow size range following a protracted juvenile stage and once mature these skates appeared to grow very little. First maturity for all species occurred at ≥80% of their maximum LT. The number of oocytes did not significantly differ between the left and right ovary for any species. The total number of mature oocytes increased with LT for six of eight species examined. The number of oocytes for one species, B. aleutica, increased in number until 145 cm LT, then declined in those individuals greater in length. The egg cases of all species are described, of which four (B. lindbergi, B. parmifera, B. taranetzi and B. trachura) have never been previously reported. Evidence is presented that suggest skates may be limited to as little as one and as many as 13 spawning seasons, depending on the species, and that senescence may occur in older individuals.  相似文献   

The food spectra, trophic statuses, and feeding interrelations of three most abundant benthic carnivorous fish species inhabiting the Shelikhov Bay—the Pacific cod Gadus macrocephalus, the great sculpin Myoxocephalus polyacanthocephalus, and the Okhotsk sculpin M. ochotensis—are considered based on materials collected during the complex survey of the RV Professor Kaganovsky of the TINRO-Center, in September 2004. It was found that these species were facultative predators with wide food spectra. The significance of prey objects in the diet of the Okhotsk sculpin was as follows: crustaceans, fish, and mollusks. Great sculpin and Pacific cod preyed mostly on fish, then on crustaceans, and mollusks. Pacific cod ate equal proportions of fish and decapods. All the species had age-related variability of diet. The potential competition of great sculpin and Okhotsk sculpin for food was mitigated by the difference in the depths of their ranges, as well as by morphological (body size) and behavioral peculiarities in the areas where their habitats overlapped, and in microecosystems. The most probable competition was among Pacific cod 30–60 cm long and Okhotsk sculpin 20–50 cm in length, as well as among cod and great sculpins of all sizes.  相似文献   

Submersible data from two areas along the Carolina-Virginia continental slope reveal a Hatteras upper middle slope (HMS) (35.30'N, 74.50'W) demersal fish fauna remarkable for diminutive size of individuals within and across species, a fauna which is accordingly termed 'Lilliputian'. Contrast of HMS submersible data with Virginia trawl and submersible data support this finding. The four top-ranking HMS fishes, Lycenchelys verrillii, Glyptocephalus cynoglossus, Myxine glutinosa and Nezumia bairdii , are all significantly smaller than on the Virginia upper middle slope. Also peculiar to the HMS is the dominance of sedentary benthic species, rarity of active benthopelagic foragers, and markedly elevated fish population density. Species composition of the HMS fauna differs from that of the general Middle Atlantic Bight fauna; notably absent are species of otherwise continuous distribution along the U.S. East Coast (e.g. Synaphobranchus affinis, Nezumia aequalis ). Since HMS megafaunal and macrofaunal invertebrate communities are also anomalous, the Lilliputian phenomenon among HMS bottom fishes provides a characteristic biotic signature of a pervasively re-structured benthic boundary layer community. The authors hypothesize that the HMS faunal anomaly reflects a limiting factor, episodic sediment surface hypoxia, peculiar to this region of high particulate organic carbon flux from surface waters. Results indicate that substantial changes in fish faunal composition and structure can occur on a small geographic scale on the open soft-Substrate continental slope.  相似文献   

Production in the Sea of Okhotsk   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Primary production, microbial production and the density of planktonic microheterotrophs were estimated at 40 stations in the Okhotsk Sea in July-August 1992 during the seasonal phytoplankton minimum. The primary production by phytoplankton remained rather high even during this minimum. At most stations it was >0.6-0.8 g m-2 day-1, and in leftover patches of spring diatom 'bloom' it reached >5 g C m-2 day-1. The deep maxima of phytoplankton at the upper boundary of the seasonal thermocline were an ordinary phenomenon. The depth of the euphotic zone was normally 30-50 m in the open sea and 12-25 m at the shelf station. Any correlations between the phosphate contents in the upper mixed layer and primary production were absent at the stations. There was no adaptation of the phytoplankton to the light deficiency in deep maxima layers. The total numbers of bacterioplankton were 1-1.5 x 106 ml-1 and its biomass was close to 100 mg m-3 in the open sea. All these numbers were 2-3 times greater at the shelf stations. In deep waters, the bacterioplankton biomass decreased to 10-40 mg m-3. The microbial production in the upper layer was high, at 50-100 mg m-3, decreasing 50-100 times in the deep waters. The numbers of ciliates in the upper water layer varied from 3 to 6 x 103 l-1 and were 1.5-2 times greater than in the shelf areas. Ciliate biomass was 60-100 mg m-3 in the upper mixed layer, and per square metre varied to 1.5-2.5 g. The dominant ciliate taxa belonged to the naked oligotrichid genera Strombidium and Tontonia. Tentative calculations were made of the basin's annual primary production and for the analysis of energy balance in the ecosystem.   相似文献   

Summary During the third leg of the European Polarstern Study (EPOS leg 3) in the austral summer season 1989, benthic macrofaunal communities were sampled from the Elephant Island area (61° southern latitude) and from Kapp Norvegia (71° southern latitude) to Halley Bay (75°30 southern latitude) using a commercial bottom trawl and an Agassiz trawl. Thirty-six trawl samples from a depth range of about 200–2,000 m were considered, with most of the samples being from the shelf and upper slope. Multivariate analysis techniques (clustering and TWIN-SPAN) discriminated between an eastern and a southern community in which parallel subgroups can be distinguished at increasing distance from the ice shelf.Data presented here were collected during the European Polarstern Study (EPOS) sponsored by the European Science Foundation  相似文献   

In marine ecosystems, information on diel rhythmic movements of species is of importance to characterize temporal changes in the community structure. In this sense, patterns of bottom trawl catches of the pandalid caridean shrimps Chlorotocus crassicornis , Plesionika gigliolii and Plesionika martia were analysed, as a proxy of the timing and duration of their presence on the seabed, close to the autumn equinox (October) and the summer solstice (June) on the continental shelf (100 m) and the upper slope (400 m). The size structure of catches was also studied for each species to assess the possible occurrence of a modulation of rhythmic movements during ontogeny. Data showed marked diel patterns of catchability on the bottom in association with light intensity cycles in both sampling seasons and depths. Chlorotocus crassicornis on the shelf showed nocturnal peaks in catches. On the slope, Pl. gigliolii showed mainly a higher catchability at dusk and dawn, whereas the catchability of Pl. martia was mainly higher during the day time. Juveniles and adults of Pl. gigliolii and Pl. martia showed ontogenetic differences in their occurrence patterns. This phenomenon is discussed by comparing the reported catchability patterns with those of some prey species that also show rhythmic behaviour in association with the day–night cycle.  相似文献   

中国南海北部陆坡沉积物古菌多样性及丰度分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】海洋沉积物中的古菌在全球生物地球化学循环中充当重要的角色,深入了解沉积物中古菌群落的结构及功能特征是探究海洋沉积物中古菌参与生物地球化学循环和生态学功能的基础。【方法】采用高通量测序技术,分别对南海北部陆坡不同海域(东部,西部和神狐海域的7个站位)沉积物中古菌16SrRNA基因进行Illumina Mi Seq测序。【结果】中国南海北部陆坡沉积物中古菌的主要门类是Bathyarchaeota、Thermoplasmata、Woesearchaeota(DHVEG-6)、Thaumarchaeota(Marine Group I)、Lokiarchaeota和Marine Hydrothermal Vent Group(MHVG),还存在少量的AK8、Marine Benthic Group A和Terrestrial Hot Spring Crenarchaeota Group(THSCG)等。在潜在水合物区沉积物中还发现了甲烷代谢相关古菌(Anaerobic methanotrophic archaea,ANME)类群,主要为ANME-1、ANME-2ab和ANME-2c等。甲烷代谢古菌的分布特征也从甲烷代谢保守功能基因mcr A(Methyl coenzyme-Mreductase A)的扩增中得到了验证。利用定量PCR对南海沉积物中的细菌、古菌的16SrRNA基因和mcrA基因进行了定量,发现细菌16SrRNA基因拷贝数为10~5-10~7 copies/g(湿重),古菌16SrRNA基因拷贝数为10~5-10~6 copies/g(湿重),潜在水合物区mcrA基因拷贝数为10~3-10~5 copies/g(湿重)。【结论】揭示了中国南海北部陆坡沉积物中具有丰富的微生物资源,其中古菌种类多样且丰度较高,同时发现冷泉特征古菌群落,为深入认识和理解南海沉积物中微生物丰度和古菌多样性,以及解析古菌地球化学功能奠定基础。  相似文献   

Aspects of reproduction of macrourid fish in the north-western Ionian Sea are reported. Data were collected during 12 trawl surveys carried out between 1993 and 1995. Mature and running ripe females of Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus, Hymenocephalus italiens and Nezumia sclerorhynchus were found all year round. Mature females of Trachyrhynchus trachyrhynchus were found mainly in August.  相似文献   

Journal of Ichthyology - Plastic and meristic characters, position of teeth on jaws, and coloration of Okhotsk Sea fringed sculpin Porocottus minutus endemic to the north part of the Sea of Okhotsk...  相似文献   

  • 1 Little is known about the endangered population of bowhead whales Balaena mysticetus in the Okhotsk Sea (OS). Here, we review existing information about this stock, including much material published in Russian.
  • 2 Whaling for OS bowheads began around 1846, was pursued intensively for two decades and continued sporadically until about 1913. Beginning in 1967, whalers from the USSR killed bowheads illegally, although the number of whales taken remains unknown. Estimates of the pre‐exploitation population size have ranged from 3000 to 20000 whales, but all such estimates are based upon untested assumptions and incomplete data.
  • 3 Information on historical and current distribution of bowheads comes from whaling records (notably Townsend 1935 ) and from modern (notably Russian/Soviet) marine mammal surveys. Little is known about winter distribution. During spring and summer, known bowhead concentrations occur in Shelikhov Bay and at Shantar. Although historical whaling data show bowheads in Shelikhov Bay during summer and early autumn, there have been no recent sightings later than June. However, extensive 19th century catches were made over much of the northern OS, and the present range and habitat use of the population is probably broader than existing data suggest. There is evidence for age or maturational class segregation between Shantar and Shelikhov Bay; the former hosts immature whales and lactating females, and the latter hosts adults.
  • 4 Genetic data indicate that the OS bowhead stock is separate from the Bering‐Chukchi‐Beaufort population, but that the two populations share a common ancestry. There is no evidence that bowheads ever leave the OS.
  • 5 Russian observers have put the current size of the OS stock in the low hundreds, but this is not based on quantitative analysis. Overall, the OS bowhead population is very likely to be relatively small; it did not recover from the intensive whaling in the 19th century, and the illegal Soviet catches of the 1960s have further set back its recovery. Dedicated surveys and other research are required to assess the status and conservation needs of the population.

Synopsis Literature on the temperature requirements of fishes expected to occur in eastern Lake Erie and the upper Niagara River is reviewed. Seventy-four species of fishes are reported from Lake Erie and sixty-one from the upper Niagara River. Incipient upper lethal temperatures range from 23° C for Salmo trutta to 41° C for Carassius auratus and Ictalurus nebulosus. Preferred temperatures ranged from 10° C for Coregonus clupeaformis to 31.1° C for Lepomis macrochirus. Spawning temperatures range from < 3.8° C for C. artedii to 15.6–27.7° C for Alosa pseudoharengus. Data is discussed in terms of the effects of thermal effluents on individuals of a species, structure of aquatic communities and impact on ecosystems. Synergistic effects of temperature and toxicants and disruption of sprawning are potentially the most damaging direct effects of thermal effluents. Heated water may be contributing to the present rate of eutrophication in the lake and river. Increased input of thermal effluents into the eastern basin of Lake Erie will maintain a stress on the fishery and may irreversibly damage it.  相似文献   

The fatty acid (FA) composition of Demospongiae species from the Sea of Okhotsk was studied. Fifteen sponge species were investigated for the first time, and the previously studied species Desmacella rosea and Myxilla incrustans were reexamined for their FA composition. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry revealed 150 different fatty acids, of which 15 have not been identified in sponge lipids previously. The relative content of saturated FAs varied from 7.6 in Melonachora kobjakovae to 29.6% in Amphilectus digitata, with an average of 14.6% of total FAs. The relative content of monoenic FAs ranged from 12.8 in T. dirhaphis to 27.0% in Polymastia sp., with an average of 20.6% of total FAs. Non-methylen-interrupted, primarily unsaturated Δ5,9-FAs contributed a significantly to the amount of polyunsaturated fatty acids of sponges; this being a distinguishing feature of the FA composition of the investigated group of organisms.  相似文献   

The seasonal and interannual trends in the distribution and abundance of jellyfish (Scyphozoa and Hydrozoa) in the epipelagic and mesopelagic areas of the Sea of Okhotsk during 1992–2005 were examined on the basis of trawl survey data. The area of occurrence, biomass, and the numbers of Scyphozoa in the epipelagic layer were the smallest in spring; in summer and fall their abundance sharply increased and then decreased in winter. In contrast to the epipelagic zone, the numbers of scyphomedusae in the mesopelagic layer were significantly lower in the summer than in the winter and spring. This probably indicates that a part of scyphomedusae winter in the mesopelagic. Hydrozoa in both the epi- and mesopelagic areas were more numerous in the winter and spring. Jellyfish biomass and abundance greatly changed from year to year. Thus, in fall the biomass of scyphomedusae and hydromedusae in the epipelagic zone varied from 166 to 1271 and from 6 to 49 kg/km2, respectively.  相似文献   

Fifty-four species of Cheilostome and Ctenostome Bryozoa are reported from 75 stations along the continental slope of western Europe. Three new species are described. The collection comprises remnants of the richer shelf fauna plus a deeper water element, with a predominance of northern stenothermal species.  相似文献   

Estimates of the species diversity and spatial heterogeneity of the species composition of the nekton community of the Sea of Okhotsk are given. The estimates vary widely both in space (depth and area) and in time (daily, seasonal, and interannual scales). Diagrams of the spatial distribution of these parameters are given.  相似文献   

Diets of 8 rarely sampled species of grenadiers were examined from the lower continental slope (1178 to 1837 m) on Chatham Rise, New Zealand and includes the first known records of the diet of Bathygadus cottoides, Coryphaenoides mcmillani, C. murrayi, and Idiolophorhynchus andriashevi. Most species fed benthopelagically on small crustaceans, e.g., calanoid copepods, amphipods and mysids and others.  相似文献   

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