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The Pasteurella multocida adenylate cyclase gene has been cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli. The primary structure of the protein (838 amino acids) deduced from the corresponding nucleotide sequence was compared with that of E. coli. The two enzymes have similar molecular sizes and, based on sequence conservation at the protein level, are likely to be organized in two functional domains: the amino-terminal catalytic domain and the carboxy-terminal regulatory domain. It was shown that P. multocida adenylate cyclase synthesizes increased levels of cyclic AMP in E. coli strains deficient in the catabolite gene activator protein compared with wild-type strains. This increase does not occur in strains deficient in both the catabolite gene activator protein and enzyme III-glucose, indicating that a protein similar to E. coli enzyme III-glucose is involved in the regulation of P. multocida adenylate cyclase. It also indicates that the underlying process leading to enterobacterial adenylate cyclase activation has been conserved through evolution.  相似文献   

Previous studies using calmodulin-Sepharose affinity chromatography have suggested that bovine brain may contain a mixture of calmodulin-sensitive and -insensitive adenylate cyclase activities (Wescott, K. R., La Porte, D. C., and Storm, D. R. (1979) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 82, 3086-3090). In this study, mice were immunized with a purified preparation of the calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase from bovine brain, and a polyclonal antiserum was obtained which was specific to the calmodulin-sensitive form of the enzyme. The antiserum was not inhibitory and precipitated enzyme activity from a homogeneous preparation of the calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase catalytic subunit. Furthermore, the antiserum did not interact with calmodulin-insensitive adenylate cyclase which was resolved from the calmodulin-sensitive form of the enzyme by calmodulin-Sepharose affinity chromatography. Since the only polypeptide specifically precipitated by the antiserum had an Mr of 135,000, which was identical to the Mr of the catalytic subunit of the enzyme, it is concluded that the antiserum interacted directly and specifically with the catalytic subunit of the calmodulin-sensitive isozyme of adenylate cyclase. Detergent-solubilized membranes from several rat tissues were examined for the presence of calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase using anti-calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase antiserum. Approximately 40-60% of the total adenylate cyclase activity of rat brain and kidney were immunoprecipitated by the antiserum, whereas liver and testes contained no detectable calmodulin-sensitive adenylate cyclase. Approximately 15% of the total adenylate cyclase activity in rat heart and lung was the calmodulin-sensitive form. These data indicate that the calmodulin-sensitive and insensitive adenylate cyclases from bovine brain are immunologically distinct and support the proposal that there may be two or more distinct adenylate cyclase isozymes in brain.  相似文献   

Structural proteins are now known to be as necessary for controlling cell division and cell shape in prokaryotes as they are in eukaryotes. Bacterial ParM and MreB not only have atomic structures that resemble eukaryotic actin and form similar filaments, but they are also equivalent in function: the assembly of ParM drives intracellular motility and MreB maintains the shape of the cell. FtsZ resembles tubulin in structure and in its dynamic assembly, and is similarly controlled by accessory proteins. Bacterial MinD and eukaryotic dynamin appear to have similar functions in membrane control. In dividing eukaryotic organelles of bacterial origin, bacterial and eukaryotic proteins work together.  相似文献   

Bordetella pertussis and Bacillus anthracis, two taxonomically distinct bacteria, secrete adenylate cyclase toxins that are activated by the eukaryotic protein calmodulin. The two enzymes contain a well-conserved stretch of 24 amino acid residues [Escuyer et al. (1988) Gene 71, 293-298]. Antibodies have been obtained against two synthetic heptadecapeptides, covering part of the conserved sequences. The anti-peptide antibodies specifically reacted in Western blots with the rat brain adenylate cyclase as well as with the two bacterial enzymes. Anti-rat brain adenylate cyclase serum contained antibodies that were retained by the immobilized peptides, and the affinity-purified antibodies yielded the same recognition pattern of the eukaryotic enzyme as did the unfractionated serum. These results indicate that the eukaryotic adenylate cyclase contains an epitope closely related to that specified by the conserved bacterial sequence. The synthetic peptides and the bacterial adenylate cyclases appeared to compete for ATP (KD of the ATP-peptide complex ca. 0.2 mM), suggesting that the conserved sequence may be part of the substrate binding site in these two enzymes.  相似文献   

Cyclic AMP is a major trigger of the differentiation process of Trypanosoma brucei, a bloodstream parasite causing sleeping sickness. Its generation in trypanosomes is accomplished by a unique battery of membrane-bound adenylate cyclases (ACs). We have determined the high-resolution X-ray structures of the catalytic domains of two trypanosomal ACs (tACs), GRESAG4.1 and GRESAG4.3. The tAC domains are structurally highly related to the AC domains of higher eukaryotes, but also comprise a highly conserved structural element near the active site, the Delta-subdomain. A cavity below the Delta-subdomain might correspond to an allosteric regulator site as indicated by the stereospecific binding of a single (2S,3S)-1,4- dimercapto-2,3-butanediol molecule. In three different crystal forms, the tAC domains are exclusively observed in a monomeric, catalytically inactive state. Biochemical analysis and the mutagenesis profile of GRESAG4.1 confirmed a common catalytic mechanism of tACs that involves transient dimerization of the AC domain. A low dimerization tendency might play a regulatory role in T. brucei if the activation of tACs is similarly driven by ligand-induced dimerization as in membrane-bound guanylate cyclases.  相似文献   

Mammalian adenylate cyclases are predicted to possess complex topologies, comprising two cassettes of six transmembrane-spanning motifs followed by a cytosolic, catalytic ATP-binding domain. Recent studies have begun to provide insights on the tertiary assembly of these proteins; crystallographic analysis has revealed that the two cytosolic domains dimerize to form a catalytic core, while more recent biochemical and cell biological analysis shows that the two transmembrane cassettes also associate to facilitate the functional assembly and trafficking of the enzyme. The older literature had suggested that adenylate cyclases might form higher order aggregates, although the methods used did not necessarily provide convincing evidence of biologically relevant events. In the present study, we have pursued this question by a variety of approaches, including rescue or suppression of function by variously modified molecules, coimmunoprecipitation and fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) analysis between molecules in living cells. The results strongly suggest that adenylate cyclases dimerize (or oligomerize) via their hydrophobic domains. It is speculated that this divalent property may allow adenylate cyclases to participate in multimeric signaling assemblies.  相似文献   

Abstract The periplasmic Yersinia pestis molecular chaperone Caf1M belongs to a superfamily of bacterial proteins for one of which (PapD protein of Escherichia coli ) the immunoglobulin-like fold was solved by X-ray analysis. The N-terminal domain of Caf1M was found to share a 20% amino acid sequence identity with an inclusion body-associated protein IbpB of Escherichia coli . One of the regions that was compared, was 32 amino acids long, and displayed more than 40% identity, probability of random coincidence was 1.2 × 10−4. IbpB is involved in a superfamily of small heat shock proteins which fulfil the function of molecular chaperone. On the basis of the revealed homology, an immunoglobulin-like one-domain model of IbpB three-dimensional structure was designed which could be a prototype conformation of sHsp's. The structure suggested is in good agreement with the known experimental data obtained for different members of sHsp's superfamily.  相似文献   

The nucleotide sequences for the calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclases produced by Bordetella pertussis and Bacillus anthracis have recently been determined. The GC% for the B. pertussis and B. anthracis cyclase genes are about 65% and 29%, respectively. Despite this difference in nucleotide composition, these cyclases possess three highly conserved amino acid domains and share some nucleotide sequence homology. One of these conserved domains appears to be involved in ATP binding and is related to the consensus amino acid sequences present in many eukaryotic and prokaryotic ATP and GTP binding proteins. The possible relationship between these cyclases and eukaryotic calmodulin-dependent adenylate cyclases is discussed.  相似文献   

The ability of bacteria to use cGMP as a second messenger has been controversial for decades. Recently, nucleotide cyclases from Rhodospirillum centenum, GcyA, and Xanthomonas campestris, GuaX, have been shown to possess guanylate cyclase activities. Enzymatic activities of these guanylate cyclases measured in vitro were low, which makes interpretation of the assays ambiguous. Protein sequence analysis at present is insufficient to distinguish between bacterial adenylate and guanylate cyclases, both of which belong to nucleotide cyclases of type III. We developed a simple method for discriminating between guanylate and adenylate cyclase activities in a physiologically relevant bacterial system. The method relies on the use of a mutant cAMP receptor protein, CRPG, constructed here. While wild‐type CRP is activated exclusively by cAMP, CRPG can be activated by either cAMP or cGMP. Using CRP‐ and CRPG‐dependent lacZ expression in two E. coli strains, we verified that R. centenum GcyA and X. campestris GuaX have primarily guanylate cyclase activities. Among two other bacterial nucleotide cyclases tested, one, GuaA from Azospillrillum sp. B510, proved to have guanylate cyclase activity, while the other one, Bradyrhizobium japonicum CyaA, turned out to function as an adenylate cyclase. The results obtained with this reporter system were in excellent agreement with direct measurements of cyclic nucleotides secreted by E. coli expressing nucleotide cyclase genes. The simple genetic screen developed here is expected to facilitate identification of bacterial guanylate cyclases and engineering of guanylate cyclases with desired properties. Proteins 2015; 83:799–804. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The nonionic detergent Lubrol WX showed diverse, concentration-dependent effects onbasal and stimulated adenylate cyclases. Above concentrations of 0.001-0.01% Lubrol WX, the basal activity of cyclase from Ehrlich ascites cells was inhibed about 50%, and that from rat fat cells was doubled. In both cases, hormonal sensitivity was lost at 0.01%. These effects were reversed upon dilution of the detergent. It is suggested that solubilization of adenylate cyclases at such low concentrations of Lubrol should be attempted since it is conceivable that loss of hormone sensitivity may then be reversible. Different Lubrol-type detergents may also offer centain advantages, since Lubrol PX effects were not identical with those of Lubrol WX.  相似文献   

The influence of detergents on fluoride- and vanadate-stimulated adenylate cyclases was investigated with enzyme from liver and adipocyte plasma membranes. Stimulation of the adipocyte cyclase by Na3VO4 was maximal (sixfold) at 3 mM, was not additive with fluoride stimulation, and was readily reversed by washing of the membranes. Vanadate stimulation of the hepatic cyclase was specifically blocked by catechol, which had no effect on basal activity or on fluoride- or glucagon-stimulated activities. The hepatic enzyme, stimulated by fluoride ion, guanyl-5'-yl-(beta,gamma-imino)diphosphate (GPP(NH)P), or GPP(NH)P and glucagon, was inhibited by vanadate with 50% inhibition seen with 2 to 6 mM vanadate. The fluoride-activated adipocyte adenylate cyclase was inhibited by guanosine 5'-O-(3-thio-triphosphate) (GTP gamma S) more potently than by GPP(NH)P, with 50% inhibition being seen with 10 nM GTP gamma S or 100 nM GPP(NH)P. These nucleotides also inhibited the vanadate-stimulated enzyme, but with one-third the potency seen with the fluoride-activated cyclase. Dispersion of the adipocyte cyclase by Lubrol-PX into a 30,000g supernatant fraction caused no change in activation of the enzyme by fluoride, but reduced vanadate-stimulated activity 80%. By comparison, this treatment enhanced stimulation by GPP(NH)P twofold and by GTP gamma S threefold. More importantly, perhaps, the treatment with detergent blocked inhibition of the basal enzyme by GTP, blocked inhibition of fluoride- and vanadate-stimulated cyclases by GTP, GPP(NH)P, or GTP gamma S, and rendered vanadate-stimulated activity sensitive to enhancement by guanine nucleotides. The data indicate differences in the actions of vanadate and fluoride, made evident by the influence of guanine nucleotides and detergent treatment. The observations would be consistent with the idea that the effects of vandate may be due to the formation of GDP X V on the enzyme. The data strongly suggest that treatment of adenylate cyclase with Lubrol-PX causes a functional blockade in the guanine nucleotide-dependent inhibitory regulation (mediated by Ni), thereby allowing activation by the stimulatory guanine nucleotide-dependent regulatory component (Ns).  相似文献   

A gene from Rhizobium meliloti coding for an adenylate cyclase was sequenced, and the deduced protein sequence was compared with those of other known adenylate cyclases. No similarity could be detected with the procaryotic counterparts. However, striking similarity was found with the catalytic region of Saccharomyces cerevisiae adenylate cyclase, the cytoplasmic domains of bovine adenylate cyclase, and two mammalian guanylate cyclases. The gene was fused to the enteric beta-galactosidase, and the chimeric protein was purified by affinity chromatography. This fusion protein was found to direct the synthesis of cyclic AMP in vitro. This activity was strongly inhibited by the presence of GTP, but no cyclic GMP synthesis could be detected in conditions permitting cyclic AMP synthesis.  相似文献   

Adenylate cyclase activities have been assayed in the human fetal adrenal, heart ventricle, brain, liver, testis, kidney, skeletal muscle and lung during the first trimester of pregnancy. The requirements for adenylate cyclases are similar to those reported in all adult tissues. Of all tissues studied, heart ventricle had the highest level of enzymatic activity, and this tissue was most responsive to hormonal stimulation. Although adenylate cyclases from all of these tissues were stimulated by F?in vitro, hormonal stimulation was observed only in the liver, adrenal and heart ventricle. The presence of hormone-responsive adenylate cyclase in human fetal tissues suggests that cyclic AMP may be involved in gene expression.  相似文献   

Adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities were confirmed in crude homogenates from rat peritoneal mast cells. Both enzyme activities were associated with the 105, 000 X g particulate fractions, but not detected in the supernatant fractions. The optimal pH for both cyclase activities was 8.2. Mn++ was essentially required for guanylate cylcase activity, while adenylate cyclase activity was observed in the presence of either Mg++ or Mn++. The apparent Km values of adenylate cyclase for Mn++-ATP and Mg++-ATP were 160 μM and 340 μM, respectively, whereas the value of guanylate cyclase for Mn++-GTP was 100 μM. Adenylate cyclase was activated by 10 mM NaF. However, both adenylate and guanylate cyclase activities were neither stimulated nor inhibited by the addition of various kinds of agents which stimulate or inhibit the release of histamine from mast cells.  相似文献   

Metal (Me) and MeATP interactions with adenylate cyclases associated with rabbit ventricular particles and with a detergent-dispersed preparation from rat cerebellum have been studied. data were simulated to fit kinetic models in which an inhibitor (HATP or ATP) is added in constant proportion to the variable substrate (MeATP). The specific models considered were that the enzyme binds (a) MeATP as the substrate; (b) MeATP as the substrate and HATP or ATP as an inhibitor; (c) MeATP as the substrate and free Me as an activator; and (d) MeATP as the substrate, free Me as an activator, and HATP or ATP as an inhibitor. Both equilibrium-ordered and random (rapid equilibrium assumption) types of sequential kinetic models were considered. The various models were tested using cardiac particulate adenylate cyclase in the presence of either a phosphoenolpyruvate-pyruvate kinase or a creatine phosphate-creatine kinase ATP-regeneration system. Although the enzyme with either system appeared to bind Mg2+ as an activator, one or both ATP-regeneration systems also seemed to interact directly with adenylate cyclase, making clear interpretations difficult. With the phosphoenolpyruvate-pyruvate kinase system, kinetic patterns on double reciprocal plots were linear as a function of MgATP, but with creatine phosphate-creatine kinase, kinetic patterns were concave downward. The kinetic models were further tested using the detergent-dispersed cerebellar enzyme, a preparation with low adenosine triphosphatase activity and not requiring the addition of an ATP-regeneration system. Reciprocal plots were linear and intersecting as a function of either MeATP or Me (Me = Mg2+ or Mn2+), and secondary replots of slopes and intersecting as function of either MeATP or Me (Me = Mg2+ or Mn2+), and secondary replots of slopes and intercepts also were linear. These data indicate that the brain detergent-dispersed enzyme conforms to a bireactant, sequential mechanism where free cation is a required activator and free ATP is not a potent inhibitor.  相似文献   

Mouse liver ferritin is composed almost exclusively of polypeptide chains similar in molecular mass (22 kDa) to that characteristic of the major chain (H) found in heart ferritin isolated from human, horse or rat. In these species the predominant polypeptide of liver (L) is smaller (about 20 kDa). Here we show that mouse liver and horse spleen ferritins and apoferritins exhibit extensive structural homology as judged by the similarity in the diffraction patterns of their crystals grown from cadmium sulphate solutions. Implications of this finding are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The origin and evolution of matrix metalloproteinases represent an exciting subject of study. Recently, various reports have searched for a relationship between bacterial and eukaryotic metalloproteinases. In this report, we constructed a phylogenetic tree using the amino acid sequence of one bacterial metalloproteinase and eight eukaryotic matrix metalloproteinases and performed multiple alignments with some of these sequences. We concluded that there is a familial relationship between members of the four major branches represented in the tree.  相似文献   

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