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The purpose of this investigation was to determine if there was a difference in kinetic variables and muscle activity when comparing a squat to a box squat. A box squat removes the stretch-shortening cycle component from the squat, and thus, the possible influence of the box squat on concentric phase performance is of interest. Eight resistance trained men (Height: 179.61 ± 13.43 cm; Body Mass: 107.65 ± 29.79 kg; Age: 24.77 ± 3.22 years; 1 repetition maximum [1RM]: 200.11 ± 58.91 kg) performed 1 repetition of squats and box squats using 60, 70, and 80% of their 1RM in a randomized fashion. Subjects completed the movement while standing on a force plate and with 2 linear position transducers attached to the bar. Force and velocity were used to calculate power. Peak force and peak power were determined from the force-time and power-time curves during the concentric phase of the lift. Muscle activity (electromyography) was recorded from the vastus lateralis, vastus medialis, biceps femoris, and longissimus. Results indicate that peak force and peak power are similar between the squat and box squat. However, during the 70% of 1RM trials, the squat resulted in a significantly lower peak force in comparison to the box squat (squat = 3,269 ± 573 N, box squat = 3,364 ± 575 N). In addition, during the 80% of 1RM trials, the squat resulted in significantly lower peak power in comparison to the box squat (squat = 2,050 ± 486 W, box squat = 2,197 ± 544 W). Muscle activity was generally higher during the squat in comparison to the box squat. In conclusion, minimal differences were observed in kinetic variables and muscle activity between the squat and box squat. Removing the stretch-shortening cycle during the squat (using a box) appears to have limited negative consequences on performance.  相似文献   

IntroductionThe aim of this study was to determine the within- and between-day reliability of lower limb biomechanical variables collected during single leg squat (SLS) and single leg landing (SLL) tasks.Methods15 recreational athletes took part in three testing sessions, two sessions on the same day and another session one week later. Kinematic and kinetic data was gathered using a ten-camera movement analysis system (Qualisys) and a force platform (AMTI) embedded into the floor.ResultsThe combined averages of within-day ICC values (ICCSLS = 0.87; ICCSLL = 0.90) were higher than between-days (ICCSLS = 0.81; ICCSLL = 0.78). Vertical GRF values (ICCSLS = 0.90; ICCSLL = 0.98) were more reliable than joint angles (ICCSLS = 0.85; ICCSLL = 0.82) and moments (ICCSLS = 0.83; ICCSLL = 0.87).DiscussionThis study demonstrates that all joint angles, moments, and vertical ground reaction force (GRF) variables obtained during both tasks showed good to excellent consistency with relatively low standard error of measurement values. These findings would be of relevance to practitioners who are using such measures for screening and prospective studies of rehabilitative techniques.  相似文献   

The ability to develop high levels of muscular power is considered a fundamental component for many different sporting activities; however, the load that elicits peak power still remains controversial. The primary aim of this study was to determine at which load peak power output occurs during the midthigh clean pull. Sixteen participants (age 21.5 ± 2.4 years; height 173.86 ± 7.98 cm; body mass 70.85 ± 11.67 kg) performed midthigh clean pulls at intensities of 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, and 140% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM) power clean in a randomized and balanced order using a force plate and linear position transducer to assess velocity, displacement, peak power, peak force (Fz), impulse, and rate of force development (RFD). Significantly greater Fz occurred at a load of 140% (2,778.65 ± 151.58 N, p < 0.001), impulse within 100, 200, and 300 milliseconds at a load of 140% 1RM (196.85 ± 76.56, 415.75 ± 157.56, and 647.86 ± 252.43 N·s, p < 0.023, respectively), RFD at a load of 120% (26,224.23 ± 2,461.61 N·s, p = 0.004), whereas peak velocity (1.693 ± 0.042 m·s, p < 0.001) and peak power (3,712.82 ± 254.38 W, p < 0.001) occurred at 40% 1RM. Greatest total impulse (1,129.86 ± 534.86 N·s) was achieved at 140% 1RM, which was significantly greater (p < 0.03) than at all loads except the 120% 1RM condition. Results indicate that increased loading results in significant (p < 0.001) decreases in peak power and peak velocity during the midthigh clean pull. Moreover, if maximizing force production is the goal, then training at a higher load may be advantageous, with peak Fz occurring at 140% 1RM.  相似文献   

Low intensity resistance training with slow movement and tonic force generation has been shown to create blood flow restriction within muscles that may affect thermoregulation through the skin. We aimed to investigate the influence of two speeds of exercise execution on skin temperature dynamics using infrared thermography. Thirteen active males performed randomly two sessions of squat exercise (normal speed, 1 s eccentric/1 s concentric phase, 1 s; slow speed, 5 s eccentric/5 s concentric phase, 5 s), using ~50% of 1 maximal repetition. Thermal images of ST above muscles quadriceps were recorded at a rate of 0.05 Hz before the exercise (to determine basal ST) and for 480 s following the initiation of the exercise (to determine the nonsteady-state time course of ST). Results showed that ST changed more slowly during the 5 s exercise (p=0.002), whereas the delta (with respect to basal) excursions were similar for the two exercises (p>0.05). In summary, our data provided a detailed nonsteady-state portrait of ST changes following squat exercises executed at two different speeds. These results lay the basis for further investigations entailing the joint use of infrared thermography and Doppler flowmetry to study the events taking place both at the skin and the muscle level during exercises executed at slow speed.  相似文献   

To prevent falls, control of the swing foot during walking is crucial. Recently, some studies demonstrated that the coordinated movement of lower limbs by kinematic synergy is important for stable walking. However, no study has been carried out to reveal the relation between falls and kinematic synergy, and it is unclear whether fall history alters the kinematic synergy. Thus, the purpose of this study was to test the effects of fall history on kinematic synergy using uncontrolled manifold (UCM) analysis. Older adults were divided into two groups: older adults without fall history (non-fallers, n = 14) and older adults with fall history of at least one fall in the 12 months prior to the measurements (fallers, n = 10). Subjects walked at their own comfortable speed on a pathway and kinematic data were collected. UCM analysis was performed to assess how variability of segmental configurations in the frontal plane, the mediolateral and vertical directions, affects the frontal trajectory of the swing foot. Fallers had a greater variability of segmental configurations than non-fallers in all phases. In the mediolateral direction, the kinematic synergy in fallers was significantly greater than that in non-fallers during the early and late swing phases. On the other hands, fallers continuously had greater kinematic synergy compared to non-fallers in the vertical direction. The results revealed that fall history increased the kinematic synergy, although fallers needed a greater variability of segmental configurations as a compensatory strategy to ensure kinematic synergy.  相似文献   

The aim was to compare the acute effects of bench press (BP) and squat (SQ) exercises with blood flow restriction (BFR) (40%, 60%, 80% and 100% of the complete arterial occlusion pressure (AOP)) and without BFR (CON) on the mean propulsive (VelMED) and maximum (VelMAX) bar velocity. Fourteen healthy, physically active males (age, 23.6 ± 4.1 years; height, 1.85 ± 0.11 m; body weight 85.4 ± 4.1 kg) took part in the study. There was one set for each testing condition (CON, 40%, 60%, 80% and 100%) with 6 repetitions for BP and 6 repetitions for SQ, at 60% of 1RM, and 3 minutes of recovery between sets. The results showed statistically significant differences of the sets with 80% BFR vs. CON (mean difference [MD] = 0.035 m · s-1, p < 0.05, ES = 0.52 [1.02–0.03]) and 100% BFR sets vs. CON (MD = 0.074, p < 0.001, ES = 1.08 [1.79–0.38]) for BP. In the SQ exercise, statistically significant differences were found between 100% BFR vs. CON (DM = 0.031 m · s-1, p < 0.05), vs. 100% BFR 40% (MD = 0.04 m · s-1, p < 0.05). Trend analysis showed a statistically significant linear trend (F[1,9] = 34.9, p < 0.001, F[1,13] = 27.32, p < 0.001) for the VelMED in relation to the different levels of BFR. In conclusion, our results showed that BFR levels above ˜80% AOP (BP) and ˜100% AOP (SQ) produce a VelMED improvement at 60% 1RM.  相似文献   

Sixteen subjects, nine women and seven men, aged between 19 and 35 years, performed three series of isometric contractions of the flexor muscles of the forearm at 40% MVC. Each series consisted of four isometric contractions sustained until exhaustion, and separated from each other by an incomplete rest interval of 5 min. The position of the arm (either the lower or the upper position) was variable according to the series. Under these conditions, study of heart rate (HR), systolic blood pressure (SBP) and limit-time showed that: HR and SBP were not affected by the arm position even when fatigue was important. For a given load with a progressive appearance of fatigue, the limit-time in female subjects was higher. In both groups, in spite of the fatigue appearing after several isometric contractions performed in the upper position, movement of the arm to the lower position was sufficient to significantly increase the time-limit of another isometric contraction at 40% MVC without concomitant increase in cardiac work.  相似文献   

There is a large literature showing the detrimental effects of prenatal smoking on birth and childhood health outcomes. It is somewhat unclear though, whether these effects are causal or reflect other characteristics and choices by mothers who choose to smoke that may also affect child health outcomes or biased reporting of smoking. In this paper we use genetic markers that predict smoking behaviors as instruments to address the endogeneity of smoking choices in the production of birth and childhood health outcomes. Our results indicate that prenatal smoking produces more dramatic declines in birth weight than estimates that ignore the endogeneity of prenatal smoking, which is consistent with previous studies with non-genetic instruments. We use data from two distinct samples from Norway and the United States with different measured instruments and find nearly identical results. The study provides a novel application that can be extended to study several behavioral impacts on health and social and economic outcomes.  相似文献   

The Achilles tendon (AT) moment arm transforms triceps surae muscle forces into a moment about the ankle which is critical for functional activities like walking. Moreover, the AT moment arm changes continuously during walking, as it depends on both ankle joint rotation and triceps surae muscle loading (presumably due to bulging of the muscle belly). Here, we posit that aging negatively effects the architecturally complex AT moment arm during walking, which thereby contributes to well-documented reductions in ankle moment generation during push-off. We used motion capture-guided ultrasound imaging to quantify instantaneous variations in the AT moment arms of young (23.9 ± 4.3 years) and older (69.9 ± 2.6 years) adults during walking, their dependence on triceps surae muscle loading, and their association with ankle moment generation during push-off. Older adults walked with 11% smaller AT moment arms and 11% smaller peak ankle moments during push-off than young adults. Moreover, as hypothesized, these unfavourable changes were significantly and positively correlated (r2 = 0.38, p < 0.01). More surprisingly, aging attenuated load-dependent increases in the AT moment arm (i.e., those between heel-strike and push-off at the same ankle angle); only young adults exhibited a significant increase in their AT moment arm due to triceps surae muscle-loading. Age-associated reductions in triceps surae volume or activation, and thus muscle bulging during force generation, may compromise the mechanical advantage of the AT during the critical push-off phase of walking in older adults. Thus, strategies to restore and/or improve locomotor performance in our aging population should consider these functionally important changes in musculoskeletal behavior.  相似文献   

Rubber is commonly used in recreational equipment and devicesforsampling in lakes, but there have been few studies of theeffectsof rubber on planktonic organisms. We investigated the toxiceffects of rubber on the microbial food webs of a mesotrophiclakeand a eutrophic lake. Lake water was collected by pumping via,(i) a polyvinylchloride hose and, (ii) a rubber hose. Samplesoflake water collected by each method were incubated insitu in4.25 l enclosures for four days. The lake water was sampledbeforeand after incubation to determine the concentrations ofinorganicnutrients, chlorophyll a, microorganisms (bacteria,picophytoplankton, flagellates, ciliates) and zooplankton.In the mesotrophic lake, momentary exposure (ten seconds) oflakewater to the rubber hose significantly lowered theconcentrationsof chlorophyll a, bacteria, picophytoplankton and somespecies of zooplankton (Boeckella hamata, Bosmina,androtifers), relative to those in water exposed to the plastichose;flagellates, ciliates and Ceriodaphnia dubia were notsignificantly affected. In the eutrophic lake, the effects oftherubber hose on components of the microbial food web were muchlesssevere, and were consistent with the lake's high levels ofdissolved organic carbon (DOC), which is known to chelatetoxicmetals in water.  相似文献   

Dynamic knee valgus is a multi-planar motion that has been associated with anterior cruciate ligament injuries and patellofemoral pain syndrome. Clinical assessment of dynamic knee valgus is usually performed through visual appearance of medial knee displacement (MKD) during the overhead squat. The aim of this study is to identify the kinematic and neuromuscular parameters associated with MKD. Twenty-two females performed an overhead squat and were assigned to the control group (n = 14) or the MKD group (n = 8). Electromyography and kinematic data of the lower extremity were collected. We observed MKD to exhibit greater muscle activity in the following muscles: adductor magnus, biceps femoris, vastus lateralis and vastus medialis muscles during the eccentric phase of the overhead squat. No group differences were observed during the concentric phase. Regarding the kinematics, the MKD group showed higher knee internal rotation and, knee abduction and ankle abduction, compared to controls. The combined information from the muscle activity results and kinematics of squat helps to explain the occurrence of excessive medial knee displacement and, hence, providing relevant information for health professionals to address this injury risk factor.  相似文献   

An essential exercise for strength training of the lower limbs is the squat exercise. During this exercise, changes in lumbar lordosis are commonly used to indicate when the descent of the squat should cease, yet the behavior of the lumbar-scarum segments remains unclear. The purpose of this study was to quantify the lumbar-sacrum movements during the back squat, because the movement of the sacrum is influenced by the width of stance, this variable was also investigated. Thirty trained subjects, 18 men with 1 repetition maximum (1RM) squat of 123% (13.9%) of bodyweight and 12 women with 1RM squat of 93% (15.6%), performed a set of narrow and wide stance squats, each carrying an additional 50% of body weight as load. The timing and movement of the lumbar angle (T12/L1), sacrum angle (L5/S1), and lumbar flexion angle (lumbar lordosis) were measured in 3 dimensions for the ascent and decent phases. Men and women achieved similar lumbar angles for both width of stance and phase. Sacrum angles, lumbar flexion angles, and timing differed significantly (p < 0.05) between gender and width of stance. The lumbar flexion range during the descent phase for women in narrow and wide stance was 12.9° and 12.6°, respectively; for men, this range was significantly (p < 0.05) larger at 26.3° and 25.4°, respectively. Men and women developed different movement patterns for the squatting movement, and therefore, this needs to be considered in strength development and screening procedures. The lumbar spine became kyphotic as soon as a load was placed on the shoulders, and any teaching cues to maintain a curved lumbar spine when squatting must be questioned.  相似文献   

The beneficial role of carbohydrate (CHO) supplementation in endurance exercise is well documented. However, only few data are available on the effects of CHO loading on resistance exercise performance. Because of the repetitive use of high-threshold motor units, it was hypothesized that the power output (power-endurance) of multiple sets of jump squats would be enhanced following a high-CHO (6.5 g CHO kg body mass(-1)) diet compared to a moderate-CHO (4.4 g CHO kg body mass(-1)) diet. Eight healthy men (mean +/- SD: age 26.3 +/- 2.6 years; weight 73.0 +/- 6.3 kg; body fat 13.4 +/- 5.0%; height 178.2 +/- 6.1 cm) participated in 2 randomly assigned counterbalanced supplementation periods of 4 days after having their free-living habitual diet monitored. The resistance exercise test consisted of 4 sets of 12 repetitions of maximal-effort jump squats using a Plyometric Power System unit and a load of 30% of 1 repetition maximum (1RM). A 2-minute rest period was used between sets. Immediately before and after the exercise test, a blood sample was obtained to determine the serum glucose and blood lactate concentrations. No significant difference in power performance existed between the 2 diets. As expected, there was a significant (p 相似文献   

Weight-bearing asymmetry (WBA) may be detrimental to performance and could increase the risk of injury; however, detecting and reducing it is difficult in a field setting. This study assessed whether a portable and simple-to-use system designed with multiple Nintendo Wii Balance Boards (NWBBs) and customized software can be used to evaluate and improve WBA. Fifteen elite Australian Rules Footballers and 32 age-matched, untrained participants were tested for measures of WBA while squatting. The NWBB and customized software provided real-time visual feedback of WBA during half of the trials. Outcome measures included the mean mass difference (MMD) between limbs, interlimb symmetry index (SI), and percentage of time spent favoring a single limb (TFSL). Significant reductions in MMD (p = 0.028) and SI (p = 0.007) with visual feedback were observed for the entire group data. Subgroup analysis revealed significant reductions in MMD (p = 0.047) and SI (p = 0.026) with visual feedback in the untrained sample; however, the reductions in the trained sample were nonsignificant. The trained group showed significantly less WBA for TFSL under both visual conditions (no feedback: p = 0.015, feedback: p = 0.017). Correlation analysis revealed that participants with high levels of WBA had the greatest response to feedback (p < 0.001, ρ = 0.557). In conclusion, WBA exists in healthy untrained adults, and these asymmetries can be reduced using real-time visual feedback provided by an NWBB-based system. Healthy, well-trained professional athletes do not possess the same magnitude of WBA. Inexpensive, portable, and widely available gaming technology may be used to evaluate and improve WBA in clinical and sporting settings.  相似文献   

Soils and sediments polluted with crude oil are of major environmental concern on various contaminated sites. Outdoors pot experiments were conducted to test the phytodegradation potential of common reed (Phragmites australis) and poplar (Populus nigra × maximowiczii) in fertilised and non-fertilised control treatments. Two topsoils (E, G) of different texture were mixed with crude oil. Soil analysis included hydrocarbon (HC) measurements, detection of labile phosphorus and mineralised nitrogen as well as dehydrogenase activity. Increased HC degradation by native soil biota was clearly related to higher P availability in soil G and to fertilisation in soil E. Except of the non-fertilised common reed treatment, plants did not enhance crude oil degradation. We found even inhibited degradation of high molecular weight HC in the presence of plants together with declining labile phosphorous concentrations due to planting on soil E. Native soil biota were able to use the whole range of crude oil compounds (C10 to C60) as a carbon source in the presence of sufficient nutrient concentrations in soil. This study is the first to show that reduced HC degradation in the higher molecular weight crude oil fraction (C20 to C40) is likely to be a consequence of decreased phosphorus availability for microorganisms in the plant rhizosphere.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of patella taping in normal subjects. Previous work has established positive effects of patella taping on patellofemoral pain syndrome patients, but the mode of action remains unclear. It has been hypothesized that taping brings about subtle changes in the internal physiological environment of the joint. It could be expected that in normal joints taping would bring about a measurable change in function, as the joint is no longer operating in an optimal physiological environment. 10 normal female subject’s (21.4 ± 1.2 years) vastus medialis oblique (VMO) and vastus laterialis (VL) EMG activity and knee kinematics (peak stance flexion angle and angular velocity) were assessed during a step descent, with and without a taped patella. The effect of taping was to significantly decrease VMO and VL EMG activity. Taping also significantly reduced peak stance phase knee flexion and peak stance phase knee flexion angular velocity. In normal asymptomatic subjects patella taping created a situation in which their performance was changed to one similar to that of the pathological patellofemoral pain syndrome population. It would appear that taping caused the joint to function sub-optimally supporting the hypothesis that taping could change the functioning of the patellofemoral joint.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the influence of weight distribution (WtD) asymmetry on the biomechanics of a barbell back squat. This study included 2 groups of trained individuals who were separated based on a WtD test (n = 14 in each group). They performed the barbell back squats with 2 resistance levels (60 and 75% of 1 repetition maximum) to measure vertical ground reaction force (GRF), tilting, and rotational angular bar displacements. A symmetry index (SI) score of the vertical GRF and the 2 bar displacements were examined to identify the group difference. Results showed that the unequal WtD group displayed a higher vertical GRF SI score (p < 0.05) and greater degrees of the tilting (p < 0.05) and rotational (p < 0.05) angular bar displacements. The 2 resistances did not influence the magnitude of the dependent variables, and no interactions were found. The unequal WtD captured at the WtD test carried over to the SI score during the back squat test. The unequal WtD was also a partial factor of displaying greater bar displacements. The lack of postural control to distribute body weight evenly should be treated properly to gain levelness before participating in high volume of resistance training, and coaches should be conscious of moving in a symmetrical fashion with minimal bar displacements in tilting and rotational manner.  相似文献   

The best method of assessing muscular force qualities during isoinertial stretch shorten cycle lower body movements remains a subject of much debate. This study had 2 purposes: Firstly, to calculate the interday reliability of peak force (PF) measurement and a variety of force-time measures, and, secondly, to compare the reliability of the 2 most common technologies for measuring force during loaded jump squats, the linear position transducer (PT), and the force plate (FP). Twenty-five male elite level rugby union players performed 3 rebound jump squats with a 40-kg external load on 2 occasions 1 week apart. Vertical ground reaction forces (GRFs) were directly measured via an FP, and force was differentiated from position data collected using a PT. From these data, a number of force-time variables were calculated for both the FP and PT. Intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC), coefficient of variation (CV), and percent change in the mean were used as measures of between-session reliability. Additionally, Pearson's product moment correlation coefficients were used to investigate intercorrelations between variables and technologies. Both FP and PT were found to be a reliable means of measuring PF (ICC = 0.88-0.96, CV = 2.3-4.8%), and the relationship between the 2 technologies was very high and high for days 1 and 2, respectively (r = 0.67-0.88). Force-time variables calculated from FP data tended to have greater relative and absolute consistency (ICC = 0.70-0.96, CV = 5.1-51.8%) than those calculated from differentiated PT data (ICC = 0.18-0.95, CV = 7.7-93.6%). Intercorrelations between variables ranged from trivial to practically perfect (r = 0.00-1.00). It was concluded that PF can be measured reliably with both FP and PT technologies, and these measurements are related. A number of force-time values can also be reliably calculated via the use of GRF data. Although some of these force-time variables can be reliably calculated using position data, variation of measurement is generally greater when using position data to calculate force.  相似文献   

In walking, humans prefer a moderate step width that minimizes energetic cost and vary step width from step-to-step to maintain lateral balance. Arm swing also reduces energetic cost and improves lateral balance. In running, humans prefer a narrow step width that may present a challenge for maintaining lateral balance. However, arm swing in running may improve lateral balance and help reduce energetic cost. To understand the roles of step width and arm swing, we hypothesized that net metabolic power would be greater at step widths greater or less than preferred and when running without arm swing. We further hypothesized that step width variability (indicator of lateral balance) would be greater at step widths greater or less than preferred and when running without arm swing. Ten subjects ran (3m/s) at four target step widths (0%, 15%, 20%, and 25% leg length (LL)) with arm swing, at their preferred step width with arm swing, and at their preferred step width without arm swing. We measured metabolic power, step width, and step width variability. When subjects ran at target step widths less (0% LL) or greater (15%, 20%, and 25% LL) than preferred, both net metabolic power demand (by 3%, 9%, 12%, and 15%) and step width variability (by 7%, 33%, 46%, and 69%) increased. When running without arm swing, both net metabolic power demand (by 8%) and step width variability (by 9%) increased compared to running with arm swing. It appears that humans prefer to run with a narrow step width and swing their arms so as to minimize energetic cost and improve lateral balance.  相似文献   

Strength training generates alterations in muscle geometry, which can be monitored by imaging techniques as, for example, the ultrasound (US) technique. There is no consensus about the homogeneity of hypertrophy in different muscle sites. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the muscle thickness (MT) and pennation angle (PA) in 3 different sites (50, 60, and 70% of arm length) of the biceps brachii and triceps brachii after 12 weeks of strength training. Forty-nine healthy untrained men were divided into 2 groups: Training Group ([TG, n = 40] 29.90 ± 1.72 years; 79.53 ± 11.84 kg; 173 ± 0.6 cm) and Control Group (n = 9 25.89 ± 3.59 years; 73.96 ± 9.86 kg; 171 ± 6 cm). The TG underwent a strength training program during 12 weeks, which included exercises such as a free-weight bench press, machine lat pull-down, triceps extension in lat pull-down, and standing free-weight biceps curl with a straight bar. A US apparatus was used to measure the PA and MT at the 3 sites. The maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVC) test was conducted for each muscle group. After 12 weeks of training, a significant difference was observed between MT in biceps brachii, with an improvement of 12% in the proximal site, whereas the distal site increased by only 4.7% (p < 0.05). For the long head of the triceps brachii, the MT and PA at the 3 sites presented significant increases, but no significant variation was observed among them, probably because of the pennated-fiber arrangement. The MVC increased significantly for both muscle groups. The results indicated that the strength training program was efficient in promoting hypertrophy in both muscles, but with dissimilar responses of the pennated and fusiform muscle architecture at different arm sites.  相似文献   

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