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Vector-borne diseases constitute an enormous burden on public health across the world. However, despite the importance of interactions between infectious pathogens and their respective vector for disease transmission, the biology of the pathogen in the insect is often less well understood than the forms that cause human infections. Even with the global impact of Plasmodium parasites, the causative agents of malarial disease, no vaccine exists to prevent infection and resistance to all frontline drugs is emerging. Malaria parasite migration through the mosquito host constitutes a major population bottleneck of the lifecycle and therefore represents a powerful, although as yet relatively untapped, target for therapeutic intervention. The understanding of parasite-mosquito interactions has increased in recent years with developments in genome-wide approaches, genomics and proteomics. Each development has shed significant light on the biology of the malaria parasite during the mosquito phase of the lifecycle. Less well understood, however, is the process of midgut colonisation and oocyst formation, the precursor to parasite re-infection from the next mosquito bite. Here, we review the current understanding of cellular and molecular events underlying midgut colonisation centred on the role of the motile ookinete. Further insight into the major interactions between the parasite and the mosquito will help support the broader goal to identify targets for transmission-blocking therapies against malarial disease.  相似文献   

The fungus Coelomomyces macleayae has been reported from treehole mosquito larvae of three Aedes subgenera in Australia, Fiji, and the United States. This fungus is now recorded for the first time from a mosquito of the genus Toxorhynchites, the large predatory larvae of which are of some importance in the naturalistic control of associated mosquito pests and vectors. A single parasitized larva of T. rutilus septentrionalis was collected from a magnolia treehole (previously used for A. triseriatus infection experiments) near West Lake, Louisiana, in September, 1971. Larval A. triseriatus and Orthopodomyia signifera were also present but were uninfected.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites reside in human erythrocytes within a parasitophorous vacuole. The parasites are transmitted from the human to the mosquito by the uptake of intraerythrocytic gametocytes during a blood meal, which in the midgut become activated by external stimuli and subsequently egress from the enveloping erythrocyte. Gametocyte egress is a crucial step for the parasite to prepare for fertilization, but the molecular mechanisms of egress are not well understood. Via electron microscopy, we show that Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes exit the erythrocyte by an inside-out type of egress. The parasitophorous vacuole membrane (PVM) ruptures at multiple sites within less than a minute following activation, a process that requires a temperature drop and parasite contact with xanthurenic acid. PVM rupture can also be triggered by the ionophore nigericin and is sensitive to the cysteine protease inhibitor E-64d. Following PVM rupture the subpellicular membrane begins to disintegrate. This membrane is specific to malaria gametocytes, and disintegration is impaired by the aspartic protease inhibitor EPNP and the cysteine/serine protease inhibitor TLCK. Approximately 15 min post activation, the erythrocyte membrane ruptures at a single breaking point, which can be inhibited by inhibitors TLCK and TPCK. In all cases inhibitor treatment results in interrupted gametogenesis.  相似文献   

Angiogenesis is stimulated by a tumor-derived endothelial cell growth factor   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
A growth factor mitogenic for BALB/C 3T3 cells and capillary endothelial cells was isolated from a rat chondrosarcoma and purified to homogeneity. Purification was accomplished by a combination of BioRex 70 cation exchange chromatography and heparin affinity chromatography. The pure chondrosarcoma-derived growth factor (ChDGF) had a molecular weight of about 18,000. The angiogenesis activity of pure ChDGF was tested by measuring its ability to vascularize the chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and yolk sac membrane of the developing chick. The ability of ChDGF to induce the growth of limbal vessels in the rat cornea was also measured. To quantitate the angiogenesis response, a unit system based on the growth factor activity of ChDGF for 3T3 cells was adopted. ChDGF was found to have a specific activity of about 5 units/ng when applied to 3T3 cells. About 300-600 units of ChDGF in the two types of developing chick membrane and 30-5 units of ChDGF in the rat cornea were found to stimulate noninflammatory angiogenesis.  相似文献   

The success of vector borne disease transmission depends on the interplay between mosquito and pathogen. Understanding the genetic and molecular basis of refractoriness of mosquito may lead to novel disease control mechanisms. To complete the life cycle within the vector mosquito, a pathogen needs to overcome several physical barriers, such as the peritrophic matrix, midgut epithelium, or salivary glands. The immune response of the mosquito has to be neutralized or avoided. Genomic approaches are being employed to identify the genetic and molecular differences between selected strains of refractory and susceptible mosquitoes. Detailed molecular genetic maps based on restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) and microsatellite (or simple sequence repeat) markers have been developed for two important vectors, Aedes aegypti and Anopheles gambiae, respectively. Recent success in genetic localization of quantitative trait loci controlling refractoriness/susceptibility of mosquitoes for Plasmodium and Brugian microfilariae provides a framework for further molecular characterization. Libraries of large genomic DNA inserts in bacterial or yeast artificial chromosomes (BACs and YACs) will facilitate physical mapping of the genetic loci controlling refractoriness. Identification of candidate refractory genes, and the cloning of other molecular markers for the mosquito immunity, provides tools for fruitful analysis of mosquito-parasite interactions. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Plasmodium gallinaceum: exflagellation stimulated by a mosquito factor.   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
Midgut tissue from Aedes aegypti stimulated exflagellation of gametocytes of Plasmodium gallinaceum in the absence of bicarbonate, a factor necessary for in vitro exflagellation. Exflagellation was also stimulated when washed infected red cells in a buffered saline (pH 7.4) not containing bicarbonate were introduced into the midgut by enema. The exflagellation-stimulating activity was neither sex nor species specific. Preparations of a mosquito exflagellation factor (MEF) were obtained without tissue disruption by collecting the fluid excreted by Anopheles stephensi females while they were feeding on warm saline. MEF was dialyzable and stable to boiling and decarbonation. Thus, MEF is not bicarbonate.  相似文献   

The complicated life cycle of Plasmodium is characterized by proliferative stages in each of its hosts--mosquito and vertebrate--that are interrupted by restrictive steps as it moves from one to the other. Productivity at each stage affects not only pathology but also the probability for successful transmission. This Opinion article briefly assesses what is known about productivity at each step and attempts, with limited success, to put each in the context of an entire cycle, sporozoite to sporozoite.  相似文献   

Malaria parasite transmission stages: an update   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The Molecular Approaches to Malaria 2004 meeting provided an opportunity to see the impressive progress in all research fields and in the four years since the previous Molecular Approaches to Malaria meeting, when much of the Plasmodium falciparum genome sequence was already available. Study of the part of the Plasmodium life cycle associated with transmission through the vector, which begins with the commitment of blood-stage forms to sexual development, has been especially fruitful. This success is a result of several reasons including: (i) the availability of the genome sequence; (ii) the availability of good animal models that allow parasite culture and facile in vivo studies of many of the life cycle stages involved in transmission; (iii) the availability of genetic manipulation technologies for the animal models of malaria, as well as P. falciparum; and (iv) the ability to study lethal gene knockouts at this stage of the life cycle.  相似文献   

The recent characterization of the choline carrier of the malaria parasite and its role in the selective delivery of novel antimalarial drugs has reignited interest in parasite transporters as a drug-delivery strategy. In this article, we discuss these findings in relation to the wider context of developing a sustainable antimalarial-drug-development portfolio.  相似文献   

G Dimopoulos  D Seeley  A Wolf    F C Kafatos 《The EMBO journal》1998,17(21):6115-6123
Six gene markers have been used to map the progress of the innate immune response of the mosquito vector, Anopheles gambiae, upon infection by the malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei. In addition to four previously reported genes, the set of markers included NOS (a nitric oxide synthase gene fragment) and ICHIT (a gene encoding two putative chitin-binding domains separated by a polythreonine-rich mucin region). In the midgut, a robust response occurs at 24 h post-infection, at a time when malaria ookinetes traverse the midgut epithelium, but subsides at later phases of malaria development. In contrast, the salivary glands show no significant response at 24 h, but are activated in a prolonged late phase when sporozoites are released from the midgut into the haemolymph and invade the glands, between 10 and 25 days after blood feeding. Furthermore, the abdomen of the mosquito minus the midgut shows significant activation of immune markers, with complex kinetics that are distinct from those of both midgut and salivary glands. The parasite evidently elicits immune responses in multiple tissues of the mosquito, two of which are epithelia that the parasite must traverse to complete its development. The mechanisms of these responses and their significance for malaria transmission are discussed.  相似文献   

Malaria parasites develop as oocysts within the haemocoel of their mosquito vector during a period that is longer than the average lifespan of many of their vectors. How can they escape from the mosquito''s immune responses during their long development? Whereas older oocysts might camouflage themselves by incorporating mosquito-derived proteins into their surface capsule, younger stages are susceptible to the mosquito''s immune response and must rely on other methods of immune evasion. We show that the malaria parasite Plasmodium gallinaceum suppresses the encapsulation immune response of its mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti, and in particular that the parasite uses both an indirect and a direct strategy for immunosuppression. Thus, when we fed mosquitoes with the plasma of infected chickens, the efficacy of the mosquitoes to encapsulate negatively charged Sephadex beads was considerably reduced, whether the parasite was present in the blood meal or not. In addition, zygotes that were created ex vivo and added to the blood of uninfected chickens reduced the efficacy of the encapsulation response. As dead zygotes had no effect on encapsulation, this result demonstrates active suppression of the mosquito''s immune response by malaria parasites.  相似文献   

Laboratory studies were conducted to investigate the infective behavior of Nosema algerae spores when ingested by Fasciola hepatica free of F. hepatica-infected snails (Lymnaea cubensis). Among the F. hepatica-infected snails exposed to N. algerae, 38.09% harbored microsporidia-infected F. hepatica rediae. The F. hepatica-free snails exposed to N. algerae as well as the controls did not become infected. Light microscopical studies of Giemsa-stained microsporidia distinguished this organism from microsporidia previously described in trematode larvae. Based on the infectivity studies and morphological data, it was concluded that N. algerae, a mosquito pathogen, was transmitted to intrasnail stages of F. hepatica.  相似文献   

For those stricken with malaria, the classic clinical symptoms are caused by the parasite's cyclic infection of red blood cells. However, this erythrocytic phase of the parasite's life cycle initiates from an asymptomatic pre-erythrocytic phase: the injection of sporozoites via the bite of a parasite-carrying Anopheline mosquito, and the ensuing infection of the liver. With the increased capabilities of studying liver stages in mice, much progress has been made elucidating the cellular and molecular basis of the parasite's progression through this bottleneck of its life cycle. Here we review relevant findings on how sporozoites prepare for infection of the liver and factors crucial to liver stage development as well as key host/parasite interactions.  相似文献   

Malaria still remains one of the deadliest infectious diseases, and has a tremendous morbidity and mortality impact in the developing world. The propensity of the parasites to develop drug resistance, and the relative reluctance of the pharmaceutical industry to invest massively in the developments of drugs that would offer only limited marketing prospects, are major issues in antimalarial drug discovery. Protein kinases (PKs) have become a major family of targets for drug discovery research in a number of disease contexts, which has generated considerable resources such as kinase-directed libraries and high throughput kinase inhibition assays. The phylogenetic distance between malaria parasites and their human host translates into important divergences in their respective kinomes, and most Plasmodium kinases display atypical properties (as compared to mammalian PKs) that can be exploited towards selective inhibition. Here, we discuss the taxon-specific kinases possessed by malaria parasites, and give an overview of target PKs that have been validated by reverse genetics, either in the human malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum or in the rodent model Plasmodium berghei. We also briefly allude to the possibility of attacking Plasmodium through the inhibition of human PKs that are required for survival of this obligatory intracellular parasite, and which are targets for other human diseases.  相似文献   

We found that infection of a rodent malaria, Plasmodium berghei, occurred when the sporozoites were injected into the skin, the muscle, the peritoneal cavity and the tail end. Mice, which were injected with sporozoites in the tail end and had the site cut 5 min later, did not develop malaria. We also found that mice developed malaria when malaria infective mosquitoes, Anopheles stephensi, were forced not to take blood but only to probe into the skin. Moreover, the mice probed by the infective mosquitoes were protected from malaria infection if the site was treated with Kyu (heat treatment) after the mosquitoes had probed. These findings indicate that malaria infection occurs not only by blood feeding of the infective mosquito but also by probing of the mosquito. Sporozoites injected into the skin remain at the injected site for at least 5 min, then migrate to the blood vessels and invade into the blood stream. At present, the mechanism is not clear, although we propose here the existence of the skin stage of malaria parasites before the liver stage and the blood stage.  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a model of malaria, a disease that involves a complex life cycle of parasites, requiring both human and mosquito hosts. The novelty of the model is the introduction of periodic coefficients into the system of one-dimensional equations, which account for the seasonal variations (wet and dry seasons) in the mosquito birth and death rates. We define a basic reproduction number R 0 that depends on the periodic coefficients and prove that if R 0<1 then the disease becomes extinct, whereas if R 0>1 then the disease is endemic and may even be periodic.  相似文献   

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