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To examine the relation between hostility and cardiovascular reactivity to stress, 42 undergraduate men were categorized into high and low hostile groups based on responses to the Cook Medley Hostility Scale. Participants engaged in two laboratory tasks: a Cognitive Task (mental arithmetic) and a Social Task (confrontation role-play). Cardiovascular measures of heart rate and blood pressure were obtained throughout rest and task periods and participants provided ratings of state anger and forgiveness following task completion. Results revealed that low hostile participants exhibited greater systolic blood pressure (SBP) responses to both tasks than high hostile participants (p < .05), but no significant group differences were observed for heart rate or diastolic blood pressure. High hostile men reported greater state anger during resting conditions and less forgiveness following completion of tasks than low-hostile counterparts, but neither of these findings moderated the relation between hostility and SBP reactivity. Higher ratings of forgiveness were associated with lower SBP reactivity. These findings show that hostility is not always associated with exaggerated cardiovascular reactivity to stress, and the influence of various moderating factors should be considered in elucidating this relation.  相似文献   

The recognition of object categories is effortlessly accomplished in everyday life, yet its neural underpinnings remain not fully understood. In this electroencephalography (EEG) study, we used single-trial classification to perform a Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA) of categorical representation of objects in human visual cortex. Brain responses were recorded while participants viewed a set of 72 photographs of objects with a planned category structure. The Representational Dissimilarity Matrix (RDM) used for RSA was derived from confusions of a linear classifier operating on single EEG trials. In contrast to past studies, which used pairwise correlation or classification to derive the RDM, we used confusion matrices from multi-class classifications, which provided novel self-similarity measures that were used to derive the overall size of the representational space. We additionally performed classifications on subsets of the brain response in order to identify spatial and temporal EEG components that best discriminated object categories and exemplars. Results from category-level classifications revealed that brain responses to images of human faces formed the most distinct category, while responses to images from the two inanimate categories formed a single category cluster. Exemplar-level classifications produced a broadly similar category structure, as well as sub-clusters corresponding to natural language categories. Spatiotemporal components of the brain response that differentiated exemplars within a category were found to differ from those implicated in differentiating between categories. Our results show that a classification approach can be successfully applied to single-trial scalp-recorded EEG to recover fine-grained object category structure, as well as to identify interpretable spatiotemporal components underlying object processing. Finally, object category can be decoded from purely temporal information recorded at single electrodes.  相似文献   

BackgroundBrain Computer Interface (BCI) systems have been widely used to develop sustainable assistive technology for people suffering from neurological impairments. A major limitation of current BCI systems is that they are based on Subject-dependent (SD) concept. The SD based BCI system is time consuming and inconvenient for physical or mental disables people and also not suitable for limited computer resources. In order to overcome these problems, recently subject-independent (SI) based BCI concept has been introduced to identify mental states of motor disabled people but the expected outcome of the SI based BCI has not been achieved yet. Hence this paper intends to present an efficient scheme for SI based BCI system. The goal of this research is to develop a method for classifying mental states which can be used by any user. For attaining this target, this study employs a supervised spatial filtering method with four types of feature extraction methods including Katz Fractal Dimension, Sub band Energy, Log Variance and Root Mean Square (RMS) and finally the obtained features are used as input to Linear Discriminant Analysis (LDA) classification model for identifying mental states for SI BCI system.ResultsThe performance of the proposed design is evaluated in several ways such as considering different time window length; different frequency bands; different number of channels. The mean classification accuracy using Katz feature is 84.35% which is the maximum output compare to other features that outperforms the existing methods.ConclusionsOur proposed design will help to make a new technology for development of real-time SI based BCI systems that can be more supportive for the motor disabled patients.  相似文献   

Balla  Andrea  Hashim  Audrey  Burch  Sarah  Javitt  Daniel C.  Lajtha  Abel  Sershen  Henry 《Neurochemical research》2001,26(8-9):1001-1006
Phencyclidine (PCP) administration in rodents has been used to model aspects of schizophrenia. One aspect of such treatment has been the enhancement of amphetamine-induced increase of dopamine in the prefrontal cortex and striatum. To further characterize this mechanism rats were treated for 2 weeks with continuous PCP (15 mg/kg per day via Alzet minipump). Rats were implanted with a microdialysis probe into the prefrontal cortex (PFC) or striatum. Amphetamine was administered locally via the dialysis probe during one collection period and changes in extracellular dopamine were monitored. The effect of local administration of the dopamine uptake blocker nomifensine was also measured. Amphetamine (10 M) and nomifensine (10 M) increased the level of dopamine in both the PFC and striatum. PCP administration did not alter the response to amphetamine or nomifensine in the PFC, but reduced this response about 2-fold in striatum. To examine effects of continuous PCP administration on dopamine autoreceptor function, release of [3H]dopamine in response to electrical stimulation and in the presence of a dopamine agonist or antagonist was tested in striatal and prefrontal cortical tissue. Autoreceptor responses were similar in control and PCP-treated tissues. We conclude that the brain region-specific enhancement of dopamine release by peripheral amphetamine administration in rats after PCP is not likely mediated by alterations in the dopamine autoreceptors or changes in the dopamine transporter. The selective local responses of amphetamine indicates heterogeneous regional effects of continuous PCP on NMDA receptor function; effects that influence both regional excitatory responses and the overall dynamics of tonic excitatory/inhibitory inputs to the PFC and striatum.  相似文献   

Although altered function in neural reward circuitry is widely proposed in models of addiction, more recent conceptual views have emphasized the role of disrupted response in prefrontal regions. Changes in regions such as the orbitofrontal cortex, medial prefrontal cortex, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex are postulated to contribute to the compulsivity, impulsivity, and altered executive function that are central to addiction. In addition, few studies have examined function in these regions during young adulthood, when exposure is less chronic than in typical samples of alcohol-dependent adults. To address these issues, we examined neural response and functional connectivity during monetary reward in 24 adults with alcohol dependence and 24 psychiatrically healthy adults. Adults with alcohol dependence exhibited less response to the receipt of monetary reward in a set of prefrontal regions including the medial prefrontal cortex, lateral orbitofrontal cortex, and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Adults with alcohol dependence also exhibited greater negative correlation between function in each of these regions and that in the nucleus accumbens. Within the alcohol-dependent group, those with family history of alcohol dependence exhibited lower mPFC response, and those with more frequent drinking exhibited greater negative functional connectivity between the mPFC and the nucleus accumbens. These findings indicate that alcohol dependence is associated with less engagement of prefrontal cortical regions, suggesting weak or disrupted regulation of ventral striatal response. This pattern of prefrontal response and frontostriatal connectivity has consequences for the behavior patterns typical of addiction. Furthermore, brain-behavior findings indicate that the potential mechanisms of disruption in frontostriatal circuitry in alcohol dependence include family liability to alcohol use problems and more frequent use of alcohol. In all, these findings build on the extant literature on reward-circuit function in addiction and suggest mechanisms for disrupted function in alcohol dependence.  相似文献   

The development of resistance in response to interferon depends on cellular RNA synthesis and probably also on cellular protein synthesis. The evidence for these requirements is reviewed, as well as the proposal that this evidence indicates the existence of a specific response of the cell to interferon, involving the induced synthesis of an antiviral protein. Direct evidence for such an interpretation has not been obtained, and alternative explanations are discussed which do not require quantitative or qualitative differences in the RNA and protein made in cells exposed to interferon. The possible role of the ribosome in the antiviral action of interferon is also discussed.  相似文献   

The object of the present communication is to clarify certain problems of mental disease classification and nomenclature. Unless they are solved, statistical study of morbidity is extremely difficult as is, consequently, the planning of preventive and therapeutic measures.  相似文献   

Foraging behavior of Apis mellifera caucasica, A.m. carnica and A.m. syriaca in Turkey was studied for intrinsic subspecies-based differences. Models of forager flower-color fidelity, risk sensitive behavior and maximizing net gain were tested. Foragers were presented artificial flower patches containing blue, white and yellow flowers. Some bees of each subspecies showed high fidelity to yellow flowers, while others favored blue and white flowers. The degree of fidelity, however, differed among subspecies and was dependent upon which color was favored. Bees of all subspecies demonstrated risk indifferent behavior regardless of whether they favored yellow flowers or blue and white flowers. Flower handling time differed among subspecies and increased with reward quantity, and when a reward was present. Flight time between consecutive flowers also differed among honey bee subspecies. Foragers of all subspecies had a higher net gain when visiting flowers with consistent rewards.  相似文献   

Resting heart rate variability can be an index of sympathetic or parasympathetic dominance, according to the frequency of the variability studied. Sympathetic dominance of this system has been linked to increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD). Similarly, rapid and dramatic increases in heart rate reactivity to a stressor task have also been suggested as indicating increased risk of CVD via atherogenesis. Although both of these variables have been related to the development of cardiovascular disease, and both may be related to increased sympathetic activity or parasympathetic withdrawal, most research studies have tended to focus on either variable independently of the other. In order to investigate whether these two indices of stressor reactivity were related in relatively young and healthy subjects, resting heart rate variability data were collected from 80 volunteers for 20 minutes. In addition, heart rate reactivity data were collected during a 2-minute mental arithmetic stressor, which has been previously shown to induce significant increases in heart rate. After classifying subjects according to whether their heart rate variability data were above or below the mean for their gender, heart rate reactivity data were examined via MANOVA to detect significant differences between subject groups. Females showed significant effects, and males showed nonsignificant trends, but these two sets of data were in different directions, suggesting that gender may be a confounding factor in the relationship between heart rate reactivity and heart rate variability.  相似文献   



The neural mechanisms of panic disorder (PD) are only incompletely understood. Higher sensitivity of patients to unspecific fear cues and similarities to conditioned fear suggest involvement of lower limbic and brainstem structures. We investigated if emotion perception is altered in remitted PD as a trait feature.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We used blood oxygenation level-dependent (BOLD) functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study neural and behavioural responses of 18 remitted PD patients and 18 healthy subjects to the emotional conflict paradigm that is based on the presentation of emotionally congruent and incongruent face/word pairs. We observed that patients showed stronger behavioural interference and lower adaptation to interference conflict. Overall performance in patients was slower but not less accurate. In the context of preceding congruence, stronger dorsal anterior cingulate cortex (dACC) activation during conflict detection was found in patients. In the context of preceding incongruence, controls expanded dACC activity and succeeded in reducing behavioural interference. In contrast, patients demonstrated a dropout of dACC and dorsomedial prefrontal cortex (dmPFC) recruitment but activation of the lower limbic areas (including right amygdala) and brainstem.


This study provides evidence that stimulus order in the presentation of emotional stimuli has a markedly larger influence on the brain''s response in remitted PD than in controls, leading to abnormal responses of the dACC/dmPFC and lower limbic structures (including the amygdala) and brainstem. Processing of non-panic related emotional stimuli is disturbed in PD patients despite clinical remission.  相似文献   

In daily life, perceivers often need to predict and interpret the behavior of group agents, such as corporations and governments. Although research has investigated how perceivers reason about individual members of particular groups, less is known about how perceivers reason about group agents themselves. The present studies investigate how perceivers understand group agents by investigating the extent to which understanding the ‘mind’ of the group as a whole shares important properties and processes with understanding the minds of individuals. Experiment 1 demonstrates that perceivers are sometimes willing to attribute a mental state to a group as a whole even when they are not willing to attribute that mental state to any of the individual members of the group, suggesting that perceivers can reason about the beliefs and desires of group agents over and above those of their individual members. Experiment 2 demonstrates that the degree of activation in brain regions associated with attributing mental states to individuals—i.e., brain regions associated with mentalizing or theory-of-mind, including the medial prefrontal cortex (MPFC), temporo-parietal junction (TPJ), and precuneus—does not distinguish individual from group targets, either when reading statements about those targets'' mental states (directed) or when attributing mental states implicitly in order to predict their behavior (spontaneous). Together, these results help to illuminate the processes that support understanding group agents themselves.  相似文献   

The carbon-13 nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectra of modern resins have been used to characterize their botanical sources. Resins from four of the principal diterpenoid resinproducing genera, Agathis, Hymenaea, Pinus, and Araucaria, give distinct NMR spectra under conditions of normal and interrupted decoupling. The genus Wollemia gives the same spectra as Agathis. Samples from the triterpenoid resin-producing family Burseraceae and of gum resins were recorded for comparison. Resin samples from unknown or uncertain sources then were examined and assigned to their botanical sources.  相似文献   

Abstract: Electrical stimulation of the medial prefrontal cortex caused glutamate release in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) of freely moving animals. Cathodal stimulation was given through monopolar electrodes in 0.1-ms pulses at an intensity of 300 µA and frequencies of 4–120 Hz. Glutamate was measured in 10-min perfusate samples by HPLC coupled with fluorescence detection following precolumn derivatization with o -phthaldialdehyde/β-mercaptoethanol. The stimulation-induced glutamate release was frequency dependent and was blocked by the infusion of the sodium channel blocker tetrodotoxin (10 µ M ) through the dialysis probe. The stimulation also induced bilateral Fos-like immunoreactivity in ventral tegmental neurons, with a significantly greater number of Fos-positive cells on the stimulated side. These findings add to a growing body of evidence suggesting that the medial prefrontal cortex regulates dopamine release in the nucleus accumbens via its projection to dopamine cell bodies in the VTA.  相似文献   

A method is presented for classification of trend curves based on the linear state space model. In this approach information about the smoothness of the trend curves is incorporated into the classification model by a nonstationary stochastic trend model and can thereby be used to obtain a better classification. In the case of small data sets the performance of the classification is significantly improved in comparison with the usual cluster analysis. Maximum likelihood estimation can be used to calculate the parameters of this model and to determine the classification. The classification algorithm is described in detail and the results are compared to those of the usual cluster analysis by simulation studies and by an application to tree ring data.  相似文献   

Classification of neural signals at the single-trial level and the study of their relevance in affective and cognitive neuroscience are still in their infancy. Here we investigated the neurophysiological correlates of conditions of increasing social scene complexity using 3D human models as targets of attention, which may also be important in autism research. Challenging single-trial statistical classification of EEG neural signals was attempted for detection of oddball stimuli with increasing social scene complexity. Stimuli had an oddball structure and were as follows: 1) flashed schematic eyes, 2) simple 3D faces flashed between averted and non-averted gaze (only eye position changing), 3) simple 3D faces flashed between averted and non-averted gaze (head and eye position changing), 4) animated avatar alternated its gaze direction to the left and to the right (head and eye position), 5) environment with 4 animated avatars all of which change gaze and one of which is the target of attention. We found a late (> 300 ms) neurophysiological oddball correlate for all conditions irrespective of their complexity as assessed by repeated measures ANOVA. We attempted single-trial detection of this signal with automatic classifiers and obtained a significant balanced accuracy classification of around 79%, which is noteworthy given the amount of scene complexity. Lateralization analysis showed a specific right lateralization only for more complex realistic social scenes. In sum, complex ecological animations with social content elicit neurophysiological events which can be characterized even at the single-trial level. These signals are right lateralized. These finding paves the way for neuroscientific studies in affective neuroscience based on complex social scenes, and given the detectability at the single trial level this suggests the feasibility of brain computer interfaces that can be applied to social cognition disorders such as autism.  相似文献   

Based on the crystal structure of lactose permease (LacY) open to the cytoplasm, a hybrid molecular simulation approach with self-guided Langevin dynamics is used to describe conformational changes that lead to a periplasmic-open state. This hybrid approach consists of implicit (IM) and explicit (EX) membrane simulations and requires self-guided Langevin dynamics to enhance protein motions during the IM simulations. The pore radius of the lumen increases by 3.5 Å on the periplasmic side and decreases by 2.5 Å on the cytoplasmic side (relative to the crystal structure), suggesting a lumen that is fully open to the periplasm to allow for extracellular sugar transport and closed to the cytoplasm. Based on our simulations, the mechanism that triggers this conformational change to the periplasmic-open state is the protonation of Glu269 and binding of the disaccharide. Then, helix packing is destabilized by breaking of several side chains involved in hydrogen bonding (Asn245, Ser41, Glu374, Lys42, and Gln242). For the periplasmic-open conformations obtained from our simulations, helix-helix distances agree well with experimental measurements using double electron-electron resonance, fluorescence resonance energy transfer, and varying sized cross-linkers. The periplasmic-open conformations are also in compliance with various substrate accessibility/reactivity measurements that indicate an opening of the protein lumen on the periplasmic side on sugar binding. The comparison with these measurements suggests a possible incomplete closure of the cytoplasmic half in our simulations. However, the closure is sufficient to prevent the disaccharide from transporting to the cytoplasm, which is in accordance with the well-established alternating access model. Ser53, Gln60, and Phe354 are determined to be important in sugar transport during the periplasmic-open stage of the sugar transport cycle and the sugar is found to undergo an orientational change in order to escape the protein lumen.  相似文献   

The authors studied changes in the hemostasis system while working on bicycle ergometer with and without manifest fatigue. The direction and value of the change in blood coagulation time and natural lysis of a blood clot under the influence of exercise correlated with the initial state of the system. Work mostly inhibited blood coagulation when its initial values high and accelerated it when they were low. When fibrinolytic activity of blood at rest was low, it was stimulated; when it was high, it was inhibited. A similar relation between the initial values and response to exercise characterized several indices of the plasma link of hemostasis, such as plasma coagulation time, fibrinogen concentration, activity of antithromboplastins and antithrombin III, and euglobulin clot lysis time. Fatigue led to more manifest individual changes in most of the indices of coagulant, anticoagulant, and fibrinolytic activity of blood. As a rule, the value of correlation between the initial state and changes in the indices increased. This suggests strengthening of the role of the initial state in the hemostasis system response to exercise.  相似文献   

转录因子是能够结合某基因上游特异核苷酸序列上的蛋白质,活化后从胞质转位至胞核,通过识别和结合基因启动子区的顺式作用元件,启动和调控基因表达。真核生物在转录水平上的基因表达调控,影响和控制着细胞和生物个体的许多生物学过程。本文综述了转录因子的结构、分类以及其在植物干旱胁迫中发挥的作用。  相似文献   

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