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All LODs are not created equal   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10       下载免费PDF全文

All progestins are not created equal   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Stanczyk FZ 《Steroids》2003,68(10-13):879-890
A variety of progestins are available for therapeutic use. It is convenient to classify them into those related in chemical structure to progesterone or testosterone. Progestins related to progesterone can be subdivided into pregnanes and 19-norpregnanes, whereas those related to testosterone can be subdivided into those with and without a 17-ethinyl group. 17-Ethinylated progestins consist of the families of norethindrone (estranes) and levonorgestrel (13-ethylgonanes). Progestins administered orally undergo extensive hepatic first pass metabolism primarily by reduction and conjugation, and in most instances, relatively high progestin doses are required for therapeutic use. There are limited reliable data on the pharmacokinetics of most progestins. Some progestins are prodrugs, requiring transformation prior to exhibiting progestational activity. Qualitative and quantitative tests utilizing either human or animal species have been used to establish progestin potency. However, profound differences in progestational activity are often observed between human and animal tissues. Also, there is a misconception about androgenicity of progestins due largely to extrapolation of data from rat studies to the human. Progestins differ widely in their chemical structures, structure-function relationships, metabolism, pharmacokinetics, and potencies; they are not created equal.  相似文献   

Keyhole limpet hemocyanin (KLH) preparations used for dermal testing in human volunteers may contain factors which elicit false positive reactions. These factors can be associated with the hemolymph collection procedure and possibly to a change in collection beds by the limpet supplier. Rapid collection of hemolymph from animals obtained from specified limpet beds resulted in KLH which produced negligible dermal reactivity in normal individuals.  相似文献   

Type I chaperonins: not all are created equal   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
Type I chaperonins play an essential role in the folding of newly translated and stress-denatured proteins in eubacteria, mitochondria and chloroplasts. Since their discovery, the bacterial chaperonins have provided an excellent model system for investigating the mechanism by which chaperonins mediate protein folding. Due to the high conservation of the primary sequence among Type I chaperonins, it is generally accepted that organellar chaperonins function similar to the bacterial ones. However, recent studies indicate that the chloroplast and mitochondrial chaperonins possess unique structural and functional properties that distinguish them from their bacterial homologs. This review focuses on the unique properties of organellar chaperonins.  相似文献   

Object exploration is an increasingly popular experimental paradigm in behavioral sciences. We have begun a series of studies with mice specifically looking at the parameters that influence behaviors in this test. The aim of the present study was to examine the effect of object type on performance in the object exploration test. More specifically, adult male C57BL/6J mice were trained and tested using objects that could be climbed (CLIMB) or with those that could only be touched (TOUCH). The results show that activity is affected by the presentation of objects, with object type interacting with some of these changes. C57 mice explored objects that can be climbed over significantly longer than objects that can only be touched and a more rapid habituation was observed using objects that could only be touched. Robust recognition memory was observed in both groups of mice, however mice in the CLIMB group exhibited a significantly greater discrimination index compared to mice in the TOUCH group. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that the selection of objects is of critical importance and it is recommended that special attention be given to the functional (affordant) properties of the objects to-be-used in future studies.  相似文献   

A recent Neuron paper by Zhang et al. (2012) reveals how ion channels and adhesion molecules essential for rapid nerve conduction in vertebrates are differentially targeted to nodes of Ranvier. Moreover, distinct mechanisms regulate initial clustering and maintenance of specific nodal components.  相似文献   

Filarial nematode parasites, the causative agents of elephantiasis and river blindness, undermine the livelihoods of over one hundred million people in the developing world. Recently, the Filarial Genome Project reported the draft sequence of the ~95 Mb genome of the human filarial parasite Brugia malayi - the first parasitic nematode genome to be sequenced. Comparative genome analysis with the prevailing model nematode Caenorhabditis elegans revealed similarities and differences in genome structure and organization that will prove useful as additional nematode genomes are completed. The Brugia genome provides the first opportunity to comprehensively compare the full gene repertoire of a free-living nematode species and one that has evolved as a human pathogen. The Brugia genome also provides an opportunity to gain insight into genetic basis for mutualism, as Brugia, like a majority of filarial species, harbors an endosybiotic bacterium (Wolbachia). The goal of this review is to provide an overview of the results of genomic analysis and how these observations provide new insights into the biology of filarial species.  相似文献   

BC Faircloth  TC Glenn 《PloS one》2012,7(8):e42543
Ligating adapters with unique synthetic oligonucleotide sequences (sequence tags) onto individual DNA samples before massively parallel sequencing is a popular and efficient way to obtain sequence data from many individual samples. Tag sequences should be numerous and sufficiently different to ensure sequencing, replication, and oligonucleotide synthesis errors do not cause tags to be unrecoverable or confused. However, many design approaches only protect against substitution errors during sequencing and extant tag sets contain too few tag sequences. We developed an open-source software package to validate sequence tags for conformance to two distance metrics and design sequence tags robust to indel and substitution errors. We use this software package to evaluate several commercial and non-commercial sequence tag sets, design several large sets (maxcount = 7,198) of edit metric sequence tags having different lengths and degrees of error correction, and integrate a subset of these edit metric tags to polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primers and sequencing adapters. We validate a subset of these edit metric tagged PCR primers and sequencing adapters by sequencing on several platforms and subsequent comparison to commercially available alternatives. We find that several commonly used sets of sequence tags or design methodologies used to produce sequence tags do not meet the minimum expectations of their underlying distance metric, and we find that PCR primers and sequencing adapters incorporating edit metric sequence tags designed by our software package perform as well as their commercial counterparts. We suggest that researchers evaluate sequence tags prior to use or evaluate tags that they have been using. The sequence tag sets we design improve on extant sets because they are large, valid across the set, and robust to the suite of substitution, insertion, and deletion errors affecting massively parallel sequencing workflows on all currently used platforms.  相似文献   

The retroviral protease is a key enzyme in a viral multienzyme complex that initiates an ordered sequence of events leading to virus assembly and propagation. Viral peptides are initially synthesized as polyprotein precursors; these precursors undergo a number of proteolytic cleavages executed by the protease in a specific and presumably ordered manner. To determine the role of individual protease cleavage sites in Ty1, a retrotransposon from Saccharomyces cerevisiae, the cleavage sites were systematically mutagenized. Altering the cleavage sites of the yeast Ty1 retrotransposon produces mutants with distinct retrotransposition phenotypes. Blocking the Gag/PR site also blocks cleavage at the other two cleavage sites, PR/IN and IN/RT. In contrast, mutational block of the PR/IN or IN/RT sites does not prevent cleavage at the other two sites. Retrotransposons with mutations in each of these sites have transposition defects. Mutations in the PR/IN and IN/RT sites, but not in the Gag/PR site, can be complemented in trans by endogenous Ty1 copies. Hence, the digestion of the Gag/PR site and release of the protease N terminus is a prerequisite for processing at the remaining sites; cleavage of PR/IN is not required for the cleavage of IN/RT, and vice versa. Of the three cleavage sites in the Gag-Pol precursor, the Gag/PR site is processed first. Thus, Ty1 Gag-Pol processing proceeds by an ordered pathway.  相似文献   

Interleukin-4 (IL-4) is a hematopoietic cytokine composed by a four-helix bundle stabilized by an antiparallel beta-sheet and three disulfide bonds: Cys3-Cys127, Cys24-Cys65, and Cys46-Cys99. IL-4 is involved in several immune responses associated to infection, allergy, autoimmunity, and cancer. Besides its physiological relevance, IL-4 is often used as a “model” for protein design and engineering. Hence, to understand the role of each disulfide in the structure and dynamics of IL-4, we carried out several spectroscopic analyses (circular dichroism [CD], fluorescence, nuclear magnetic resonance [NMR]), and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on wild-type IL-4 and four IL-4 disulfide mutants. All disulfide mutants showed loss of structure, altered interhelical angles, and looser core packings, showing that all disulfides are relevant for maintaining the overall fold and stability of the four-helix bundle motif, even at very low pH. In the absence of the disulfide connecting both protein termini Cys3-Cys127, C3T-IL4 showed a less packed protein core, loss of secondary structure (~9%) and fast motions on the sub-nanosecond time scale (lower S2 order parameters and larger τc correlation time), especially at the two protein termini, loops, beginning of helix A and end of helix D. In the absence of Cys24-Cys65, C24T-IL4 presented shorter alpha-helices (14% loss in helical content), altered interhelical angles, less propensity to form the small anti-parallel beta-sheet and increased dynamics. Simultaneously deprived of two disulfides (Cys3-Cys127 and Cys24-Cys65), IL-4 formed a partially folded “molten globule” with high 8-anilino-1-naphtalenesulphonic acid-binding affinity and considerable loss of secondary structure (~50%decrease), as shown by the far UV-CD, NMR, and MD data.  相似文献   

Comment on: Thaunat O, et al. Science 2012; 335:475-9.  相似文献   

Combinatorial peptide ligand libraries (CPLLs) have been adopted for investigating the proteome of a popular aperitif in Northern Italy, called “Amaro Branzi”, stated to be an infusion of a secret herbal mixture, of which some ingredients are declared on the label, namely Angelica officinalis, Gentiana lutea and orange peel, sweetened by a final addition of honey. In order to assess the genuineness of this commercial liqueur, we have prepared extracts of the three vegetable ingredients, assessed their proteomes, and compared them to the one found in the aperitif. The amaro's proteome was identified via prior capture with CPLLs at two different pH values (2.2 and 4.8). Via mass spectrometry analysis of the recovered fractions, after elution of the captured populations in 4% boiling SDS, we could confirm the presence of the following: six proteins originating from honey, 11 from orange peels, 29 from G. lutea and 46 from A. officinalis (including shared species), plus 33 species which could not be attributed to the other secret ingredients, due to paucity of genomic data on plant proteins, for a total of 93 unique gene products (merging shared proteins). This fully confirmed the genuineness of the product. Considering that most of these species could be present in trace amounts, undetectable by conventional techniques, the CPLL methodology, due to its ability to enhance the signal of trace components up to 3 to 4 orders of magnitude, could represent a powerful tool for investigating the genuineness and natural origin of commercial beverages in order to protect consumers from adulterated products.  相似文献   

Comment on: Processing of O6-methylguanine into DNA double-strand breaks requires two rounds of replication whereas apoptosis is also induced in subsequent cell cycles. Quiros S, et al. Cell Cycle 2010; 9:In press.  相似文献   

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