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The effect of transferrin saturation on internal iron exchange   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Radioiron was introduced into the intestinal lumen to evaluate absorption, injected as nonviable red cells to evaluate reticuloendothelial (RE) processing of iron, and injected as hemoglobin to evaluate hepatocyte iron processing. Redistribution of iron through the plasma was evaluated in control animals and animals whose transferrin was saturated by iron infusion. Radioiron introduced into the lumen of the gut as ferrous sulfate and as transferrin-bound iron was absorbed about half as well in iron-infused animals, and absorbed iron was localized in the liver. The similar absorption of transferrin-bound iron suggested that absorption of ferrous iron occurred via the mucosal cell and did not enter by diffusion. The decrease in absorption was associated with an increase in mucosal iron and ferritin content produced by the iron infusion. An inverse relationship (r = -0.895) was shown between mucosal ferritin iron and absorption. When iron was injected as nonviable red cells, it was deposited predominantly in reticuloendothelial cells of the spleen. Return of this radioiron to the plasma was only 6% of that in control animals. While there was some movement of iron from spleen to liver, this could be accounted for by intravascular hemolysis. Injected hemoglobin tagged with radioiron was for the most part taken up and held by the liver. Some 13% initially localized in the marrow in iron-infused animals was shown to be storage iron unavailable for hemoglobin synthesis. These studies demonstrate the hepatic trapping of absorbed iron and the inability of either RE cell or hepatocyte to release iron in the transferrin-saturated animal.  相似文献   

Transferrin iron, transferrin protein concentrations, and transferrin saturation have been determined for the first time in the whole blood. Microsamples were taken from healthy adults and patients with occupational secondary haemochromatosis using quantitative electron spin resonance technique. At elevated transferrin saturation, transferrin saturation values determined in the plasma and serum samples were shown to be less than respective values determined in the whole blood of the same patients. At increased transferrin iron concentration the difference between experimental and reference data sets determined in the blood and plasma was statistically significant in contrast to data sets determined in serum. Therefore, the analysis of the blood microsamples ensured an adequate estimation of transferrin iron concentration, especially at high transferrin saturation. A new index--transferrin iron concentration in the formed blood elements--was introduced. The values of the index were determined in the groups of healthy adults, patients with secondary occupational hemochromatosis and healthy newborns.  相似文献   

The possible influence of iron metabolism in the regulation of aluminum gastrointestinal absorption in male Wistar rats has been studied. Three groups were considered: Fe overloaded Group 1; Fe normal Group 2; Fe depleted Group 3. All groups were exposed during 45 days to 40 mg of Al(OH)3 investigating the concentration of Al in serum and urine throughout the experiment and also the Al in brain at the end of that period. Results demonstrated that 24 h urinary Al excretion was significantly higher in Fe depleted rats than in Fe overloaded animals (p less than 0.01 and p less than 0.05 respectively). In addition, Al in brain showed the same pattern of deposition yielding in the Fe depleted rats nearly a three fold increase in the concentration of Al. By contrast, serum Al did not show any particular trend. These findings are in agreement with the fact that Fe metabolism may modulate Al gastrointestinal absorption suggesting that Al and Fe might share the same mechanism of gastrointestinal absorption.  相似文献   

Polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis in urea was used to prepare the four molecular species of transferrin:diferric transferrin, apotransferrin and the two monoferric transferrins with either the C-terminal or the N-terminal metal-binding site occupied. The interaction of these 125I-labelled proteins with rabbit reticulocytes was investigated. At 4 degrees C the average value for the association constant for the binding of transferrin to reticulocytes was found to increase with increasing iron content of the protein. The association constant for apotransferrin binding was 4.6 X 10(6)M-1, for monoferric (C-terminal iron) 2.5 X 10(7)M-1, for monoferric (N-terminal iron) 2.8 X 10(7)M-1 and for diferric transferrin, 1.1 X 10(8)M-1. These differences in the association constants did not affect the processing of the transferrin species by the cells at 37 degrees C. Accessibility of the proteins to extracellular proteinase indicated that the transferrin was internalized by the cells regardless of the iron content of the protein, since in each case 70% was inaccessible. Cycling of the cellular receptors may also occur in the absence of bound transferrin.  相似文献   

The ability of superoxide anion (O2-) from stimulated human neutrophils (PMNs) to release ferrous iron (Fe2+) from transferrin was assessed. At pH 7.4, unstimulated PMNs released minimal amounts of O2- and failed to facilitate the release of Fe2+ from holosaturated transferrin. In contrast, incubation of phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-stimulated PMNs with holosaturated transferrin at pH 7.4 enhanced the release of Fe2+ from transferrin eightfold in association with marked generation of O2-. The release of Fe2+ was inhibited by addition of superoxide dismutase (SOD), indicating that the release of Fe2+ was dependent on PMN-derived extracellular O2-. In contrast, at physiologic pH (7.4), incubation of transferrin at physiological levels of iron saturation (e.g. 32%) with unstimulated or PMA stimulated PMNs failed to facilitate the release of Fe2+. The effect of decreasing the pH on the release of Fe2+ from transferrin by PMN-derived O2- was determined. Decreasing the pH greatly facilitated the release of Fe2+ from both holosaturated transferrin and from transferrin at physiological levels of iron saturation by PMN-derived O2-. Release of Fe2+ occurred despite a decrease in the amount of extracellular O2- generated by PMNs in an acidic environment. These results suggest that transferrin at physiologic levels of iron saturation may serve as a source of Fe2+ for biological reactions in disease states where activated phagocytes are present and there is a decrease in tissue pH. The unbound iron could participate in biological reactions including promoting propagation of lipid peroxidation reactions or hydroxyl radical formation following reaction with phagocytic cell-derived hydrogen peroxide.  相似文献   

The comparative study of the adsorptive capacity of human blood neutrophils with respect to "iron saturated" cells of bacteria belonging to different systematic groups was carried out. A decrease in the phagocytic number by 22-76% of the control level was shown. In experiments with iron-saturated Gram positive bacteria the phagocytic number was noted to be less than the physiological norm.  相似文献   

Patients with colorectal carcinoma showed statistically significant lower values of transferrin saturation, total iron binding capacity and serum iron level as compared with control group, while the level of ferritin and the size of labile iron pool in carcinoma patients were higher, although this difference was not statistically significant. Our observations are in favour of the hypothesis which suggests that changes in iron metabolism restrict iron availability for tumour cells and as consequence, slow their growth.  相似文献   

Three days hypoxia (0.5 atm) increased the haemoglobin and haematocrit values in rats paralleled by enhanced intestinal iron absorption. The destination of recently-absorbed iron was primarily the erythropoietic system, viz. bone marrow, spleen and red cells. Total plasma transferrin, was increased by 30%, but no significant changes in mucosal transferrin were found. No increase in labelling of mucosal transferrin by absorbed iron was observed. These results suggest that mucosal transferrin does not play a major role in the regulation of intestinal iron absorption in hypoxia.  相似文献   

The rate of iron release from the N-terminal and C-terminal monoferrictransferrins (FeN-transferrin and FeC-transferrin, respectively) has been studied at 37°C over the pH range 3.5–10.6 using EDTA as the accepting chelate. FeN-transferrin is the more facile except above pH 8.2. Plots of log10kobs against pH showed a deviation for both monoferrictransferrins between pH 5.6 and 6.0 and studies above and below this transition point indicated that iron release occures by different mechanisms. At low pH (< 5.6) the rate of release from FeN-transferrin is independent of the presence of EDTA or NaClO4, whereas Fec-transferrin shows a small but significant increase with increasing EDTA concentration. Rapid protonation of both monoferrictransferrins is followed by relatively slow release of Fe3+ which is subsequently chelated by EDTA. The slower release from Fec-transferrin is probably due to its greater binding strength for iron and the greater conformational stability of the C-terminal domain. Above pH 6.0 iron release from both monoferrictransferrins increases as the concentration of EDTA is increased. Direct attacks of EDTA probably occurs giving Fe-transferrin (HCO3). EDTA as a transition state or intermediate. The factors which may lead to the observed pH dependence of the rate include (i) protonation of groups directly bound to the iron, (ii) conformers which differ in degree of protonation and (iii) the degree of protonation of the attacking chelating agent. It is suggested that an increase in conformational fluctuations as the pH is lowered may play a very important role. Studies with differrictransferrin at pH 4.53 and 7.40 showed that when iron is released to EDTA the rate is independent of the occupancy of the other site; that is, the two sites are exhibiting non-co-operativity.  相似文献   

Based on the evidence that iron distribution in the peripheral tissues is changed by iron-saturation of plasma transferrin, the influence of iron-saturation of plasma transferrin in iron delivery to the brain was examined. Mouse plasma was pre-incubated with ferric chloride in citrate buffer to saturate transferrin and then incubated with (59)FeCl(3). Peak retention time of (59)Fe was transferred from the retention time of transferrin to that of mercaptalbumin, suggesting that iron may bind to albumin in the plasma in the case of iron-saturation of transferrin. When mice were intravenously injected with ferric chloride in citrate buffer 10 min before intravenous injection of (59)FeCl(3), 59Fe concentration in the plasma was remarkably low. (59)Fe concentration in the liver of iron-loaded mice was four times higher than in control, while 59Fe concentration in the brain of iron-loaded mice was approximately 40% of that of control mice. Twenty-four hours after intravenous injection of (59)FeCl(3), brain autoradiograms also showed that (59)Fe concentrations in the brain of iron-loaded mice were approximately 40-50% of those of control mice in all brain regions tested except the choroid plexus, in which (59)Fe concentration was equal. These results suggest that the fraction of non-transferrin-bound iron is engulfed by the liver, resulting in the reduction of iron available for iron delivery to the brain in iron-loaded mice. Transferrin-bound iron may be responsible for the fraction of iron in circulation that enters the brain.  相似文献   

Total-body X-irradiation of rabbits with a dose of 4.5 Gy caused appreciable changes in the iron content of blood and iron saturation of blood serum transferrin over a period from 30 min to 30 days. The pattern of changes in the indices under study depended upon the time lapsed after irradiation.  相似文献   

A unique feature of the mechanism of iron binding to the transferrin (TF) family is the synergistic relationship between metal binding and anion binding. Little or no iron will bind to the protein without concomitant binding of an anion, physiologically identified as carbonate. Substitution of oxalate for carbonate produces no significant changes in polypeptide folding or domain orientation in the N-lobe of human serum TF (hTF) as revealed by our 1.2A structure. The oxalate is able to bind to the iron in a symmetric bidentate fashion, which, combined with the low pK(a) of the oxalate anion, makes iron displacement more difficult as documented by both iron release kinetic and equilibrium data. Characterization of an N-lobe in which the arginine at position 124 is mutated to alanine reveals that the stabilizing effect of oxalate is even greater in this mutant and nearly cancels the destabilizing effect of the mutation. Importantly, incorporation of oxalate as the synergistic anion appears to completely inhibit removal of iron from recombinant full-length hTF by HeLa S(3) cells, strongly indicating that oxalate also replaces carbonate in the C-lobe to form a stable complex. Kinetic studies confirm this claim. The combination of structural and functional data provides a coherent delineation of the effect of oxalate binding on hTF and rationalizes the results of many previous studies. In the context of iron uptake by cells, substitution of carbonate by oxalate effectively locks the iron into each lobe of hTF, thereby interfering with normal iron metabolism.  相似文献   

The dynamics of EPR signals from the iron-transporting blood protein Fe(3+)-transferrine after the administration of sodium nitrite and metronidazole to animals was studied. It was shown that exogenin nitric oxide produced by nitrocompounds resulted in the release of iron from Fe(3+)-transferrine.  相似文献   

The effect of monoclonal antibodies to the human transferrin receptor on transferrin and iron uptake by rat and rabbit reticulocytes has been examined. The antibodies used were as follows: T58/1.4, B3/25.4, 42/6.3, T56/14.3.1, and 43/31. The effects were the same, irrespective of the antibody. Transferrin and iron uptake were stimulated in both rat and rabbit reticulocytes. The stimulation was not due to an increase in the number or affinity of the receptors, but rather to an increase in the rate of turnover of the receptors. Electron microscopy suggested that the antibody acted by facilitating the formation of coated pits containing the transferrin-receptor complex.  相似文献   

The influence of ethylendiamine salt of alpha-lipoic acid on the indices of iron metabolism in patients with occupational pathologies has been studied using quantitative electron spin resonance spectroscopy. In the cases of treatment in the patients suffering from hyperferremia the decrease in transferrin iron concentration in the whole blood and plasma occurs correlating with the enhancement of iron excretion from urine and decline of bilirubin level in serum. We have found that the preparation chelates iron from iron (III)-citrate complex and form stable iron (III) complexes. The conclusion is that the positive effects of lipoic acid preparation in the patients with hyperferremia at least partially could be associated with normalization of iron exchange and reduction in the labile iron pool.  相似文献   

Aerobactin-mediated utilization of transferrin iron   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  
Aerobactin and enterobactin, hydroxamate- and catechol-type siderophores, respectively, were found capable of removing iron (III) from transferrin in buffered solution. Although under these conditions aerobactin displaced the iron much more slowly than did enterobactin, the rate for the former could be accelerated by addition of pyrophosphate as mediator. Transfer of iron (III) from transferrin to aerobactin appeared to proceed via a ternary complex. Cells of Escherichia coli BN 3040 NalR iuc containing transport systems for both enterobactin and aerobactin, the genetic determinants for the latter specified on a ColV-type plasmid, took up iron from [55Fe]transferrin in minimal medium. In this case aerobactin was effective at a much lower concentration, although enterobactin still displayed superior ability to transfer the iron. In serum, however, the rate measured with aerobactin exceeded that found with enterobactin. The results indicate that aerobactin, in spite of its relatively unimpressive affinity for iron (III) as a siderophore, is nonetheless equipped with structural features or properties that enhance its ability to remove the metal ion from transferrin, especially when receptor-bearing cells of E. coli are present to act as a thermodynamic sink for the iron. These attributes of the aerobactin system of iron assimilation may account for its status as a virulence determinant in hospital isolates of E. coli.  相似文献   

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