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We have previously isolated six independent cytokinin-resistant mutants of Nicotiana plumbaginifolia which define three complementation groups, zeal, zea2 and zea3. We report here the characterization of the phenotypic response to cytokinin treatment of the mutant 1–64, belonging to the zeal group, and the result of the study of the specificity of this response. The phenotype of this mutant grown in the presence of cytokinin concentrations higher than 0.1 M is characterized by a hypertrophy of the cotyledons and hypocotyl which results in an increase of plantlet fresh weight. This hypertrophy is correlated to cytokinin concentration in a range between 0.01 to 10 M. The specificity of this response has been verified by using adenine and urea type cytokinins, as well as enantiomers of methylzeatin and methylbenzyladenine which differ widely in their cytokinin activities. We show that the high specificity of the hypertrophic response to cytokinins can be used as a convenient bioassay to screen the cytokinin activity of adenine or urea type molecules.Abbreviations zeatin [6-(4-hydroxy-3-methylbut-trans-2-enylamino)purine] - iP isopentenyladenine [6-(3-methylbut-2-enylamino)purine] - BA benzyladenine [6-(benzylamino)purine] - (R)-(+)-MeZea [(R)--methylzeatin] - (S)-(–)-MeZea [(S)--methylzeatin] - (R)-(+)-MeBA [(R)--methylbenzyladenine] - (S)-(–)-MeBA [(S)--methylbenzyladenine] - CPPU N-(2-chloro-4-pyridyl)-N-phenylurea - thidiazuron N-(1,2,3-thiadiazol-5-pyridyl)-N-phenylurea The authors dedicate this paper to the memory of Jean-Pierre Bourgin, Director of the Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire, who died suddenly on October 29, 1994.  相似文献   

There are three prerequisites for the development of genetic tumors in Nicotiana ; distantly related species must be crossed interspecifically, the hybrid plants must be exposed to stress conditions and an elevated level of cytokinin must be present. These events occur sequentially. First, the interspecific hybrid plants appear to produce a unique tumor-inducing factor (Ti-factor). Second, stress conditions trigger the synthesis signal molecule(s) which in turn stimulate synthesis of increased levels of cytokinin. Third, the elevated level of cytokinin acts upon the Ti-factor to initiate uncontrolled growth. The predominant shooty/leafy morphology of genetic tumors reflects the high level of endogenous cytokinin, and this hormone appears to play a pivotal role in the development of these tumors.  相似文献   

Phosphorus availability is often limiting for plant growth. However, little is known of the pathways and mechanisms that regulate phosphorus (P) uptake and distribution in plants. We have developed a screen based on the induction of secreted root acid phosphatase activity by low‐P stress to identify mutants of Arabidopsis thaliana with defects in P metabolism. Acid phosphatase activity was detected visually in the roots of A. thaliana seedlings grown in vitro on low‐P medium, using the chromogenic substrate, 5‐bromo‐4‐chloro‐3‐indolyl‐phosphate (BCIP). In low‐P stress conditions the roots of wild‐type plants stained blue, as the induced root acid phosphatase cleaved BCIP to release the coloured product. Potential mutants were identified as having white, or pale blue, roots under these conditions. Out of approximately 79 000 T‐DNA mutagenised seedlings screened, two mutants with reduced acid phosphatase staining were further characterised. Both exhibited reduced growth and differences in their P contents when compared to wild‐type A. thaliana. The mutant with the most severe phenotype, pho3, accumulated high levels of anthocyanins and starch in a distinctive visual pattern within the leaves. The phenotypes of these mutants are distinct from two previously identified phosphorus mutants (phol and pho2) and from an acid phosphatase deficient mutant (pupl) of A. thaliana. This suggested that the screening method was robust and might lead to the identification of further mutants with the potential for increasing our understanding of P nutrition.  相似文献   

To investigate the contribution of farnesyl diphosphate synthase (FPS) to the overall control of the mevalonic acid pathway in plants, we have generated transgenic Arabidopsis thaliana overexpressing the Arabidopsis FPS1S isoform. Despite high levels of FPS activity in transgenic plants (8- to 12-fold as compared to wild-type plants), the content of sterols and the levels of 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoA reductase activity in leaves were similar to those in control plants. Plants overexpressing FPS1S showed a cell death/senescence-like phenotype and grew less vigorously than wild-type plants. The onset and the severity of these phenotypes directly correlated with the levels of FPS activity. In leaves of plants with increased FPS activity, the expression of the senescence activated gene SAG12 was prematurely induced. Transgenic plants grown in the presence of either mevalonic acid (MVA) or the cytokinin 2-isopentenyladenine (2-iP) recovered the wild-type phenotype. Quantification of endogenous cytokinins demonstrated that FPS1S overexpression specifically reduces the levels of endogenous zeatin-type cytokinins in leaves. Altogether these results support the notion that increasing FPS activity without a concomitant increase of MVA production leads to a reduction of IPP and DMAPP available for cytokinin biosynthesis. The reduced cytokinin levels would be, at least in part, responsible for the phenotypic alterations observed in the transgenic plants. The finding that wild-type and transgenic plants accumulated similar increased amounts of sterols when grown in the presence of exogenous MVA suggests that FPS1S is not limiting for sterol biosynthesis.  相似文献   

拟南芥铵超敏感突变体amosd和vtc1对外源铵的响应   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了不同外源铵浓度(0、1、5、10、20mmol.L-1)处理下,2个铵超敏感突变体amosd和vtc1对于外源铵处理的响应差异。结果表明,尽管amosd和vtc1都表现为对外源铵超敏感,但二者对外源铵处理浓度的敏感性上存在差异。随着外源铵浓度的增加,vtc1比amosd先表现出铵中毒症状,更高浓度(20mmol·L-1)铵处理时amosd受到的毒害程度表现更加严重,AMOSD遗传位点的缺失容易导致植物出现铵毒害死亡。其次,二者在遭受外源铵胁迫时表现的最敏感部位有所不同,主要的毒害特征上存在差异,amosd在铵胁迫下首先表现在叶片尤其是新叶的发育受阻,而vtc1则主要表现在根部尤其是主根的伸长受阻。通过分区供应实验证明,amosd主要对于地上部供铵处理超敏感,对根部供铵处理不表现超敏感特性;而vtc1则相反,对根部供铵处理超敏感,对地上部供铵不表现超敏感特性。由此可见,amosd和vtc1这2个铵超敏感突变体在拟南芥铵毒害范围和部位上存在较大差异,与vtc1有所不同,amosd是一个叶源铵超敏感型突变体。在农业机械化叶面喷施施肥日益增加和环境铵沉降日益严重的当下,叶源型铵超敏感突变体amosd的获得为揭示植物地上部铵毒害机制提供了一个理想的遗传材料,对系统全面认识植物铵毒害机制,提高作物耐铵性状具有十分重要的意义。  相似文献   

拟南芥活性氧不敏感型突变体的筛选与特性分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用 EMS化学诱变方法与 H2 O2 氧化胁迫选择 ,以根在重力作用下的弯曲生长为指标 ,筛选得到拟南芥活性氧不敏感型突变体。对突变体杂交后代遗传分析表明 ,突变株对活性氧不敏感性状为隐性单基因突变所致 ;生理生化分析表明突变体对 H2 O2 有很强的抗性 ,表现为气孔开度对 H2 O2 不敏感和 H2 O2 胁迫时较低的膜脂过氧化水平。运用 L SCM技术并结合 H2 O2 荧光探针 H2 DCFDA检测外源 ABA诱导保卫细胞内产生 H2 O2 的情况 ,结果显示突变体体内荧光强度比对照低 ,暗示了突变体体内消除 H2 O2 的能力可能有所提高 ,增强了植株对氧化胁迫的抗性。拟南芥活性氧不敏感突变体的筛选 ,不仅为人们深入研究活性氧在细胞内的作用提供良好的实验材料 ,而且还将大大加深人们对信号转导途径的再认识  相似文献   

When Agrobacterium was used to transform Nicotiana plumbaginifolia protoplasts and Arabidopsis thaliana roots and seedlings, a large number of plants were found in which not only the T-region defined by the border repeat sequences but the entire binary vector was integrated, as determined by both PCR and Southern analysis techniques. N. plumbaginifolia protoplast co-cultivation experiments yielded 3 out of 5 transformants with collinear sequence past the left border. In Arabidopsis root transformation experiments, 33% (6/18) of the transformants had T-DNA which exceeded the left border repeat. Vacuum infiltration of Arabidopsis seedlings produced even a greater percentage of transformants with sequences outside the left border repeat (62%, 39/63). The long transfer DNA cosegregated with the T-region encoded hygromycin resistance in the T2 progeny eliminating the possibility that long transfer DNA was of extrachromosomal or Agrobacterium origin. The high frequency of long transfer after vacuum infiltration of A. thaliana needs to be considered when analyzing T-DNA tagged mutants.  相似文献   

Cytokinins are phytohormones that play key roles in the maintenance of stem cell activity in plants. Although alternative single-step and two-step activation pathways for cytokinin have been proposed, the significance of the single-step pathway which is catalyzed by LONELY GUY (LOG), is not fully understood. We analyzed the metabolic flow of cytokinin activation in Arabidopsis log multiple mutants using stable isotope-labeled tracers and characterized the mutants' morphological and developmental phenotypes. In tracer experiments, cytokinin activation was inhibited most pronouncedly by log7, while the other log mutations had cumulative effects. Although sextuple or lower-order mutants did not show drastic phenotypes in vegetative growth, the log1log2log3log4log5log7log8 septuple T-DNA insertion mutant in which the LOG-dependent pathway is impaired, displayed severe retardation of shoot and root growth with defects in the maintenance of the apical meristems. Detailed observation of the mutants showed that LOG7 was required for the maintenance of shoot apical meristem size. LOG7 was also suggested to play a role for normal primary root growth together with LOG3 and LOG4. These results suggest a dominant role of the single-step activation pathway mediated by LOGs for cytokinin production, and overlapping but differentiated functions of the members of the LOG gene family in growth and development.  相似文献   

The plant hormone cytokinin plays essential roles in many aspects of growth and development. The cytokinin signal is transmitted by a multi‐step phosphorelay to the members of two functionally antagonistic classes of Arabidopsis response regulators (ARRs): type B ARRs (response activators) and type A ARRs (negative‐feedback regulators). Previous studies have shown that mutations in AXR1, encoding a subunit of the E1 enzyme in the RUB (related to ubiquitin) modification pathway, lead to decreased cytokinin sensitivity. Here we show that the cytokinin resistance of axr1 seedlings is suppressed by loss of function of the type A ARR family member ARR5. Based on the established role of the RUB pathway in ubiquitin‐dependent proteolysis, these data suggest that AXR1 promotes the cytokinin response by facilitating type A ARR degradation. Indeed, both genetic (axr1 mutants) and chemical (MLN4924) suppression of RUB E1 increased ARR5 stability, suggesting that the ubiquitin ligase that promotes ARR5 proteolysis requires RUB modification for optimal activity.  相似文献   

Acetolactate synthase (ALS) is the first committed step of branched-chain amino acid biosynthesis in plants and bacteria. The bacterial holoenzyme has been well characterized and is a tetramer of two identical large subunits (LSUs) of 60 kDa and two identical small subunits (SSUs) ranging in molecular mass from 9 to 17 kDa depending on the isozyme. The enzyme from plants is much less well characterized. Attempts to purify the protein have yielded an enzyme which appears to be an oligomer of LSUs, with the potential existence of a SSU for the plant enzyme remaining a matter of considerable speculation. We report here the discovery of a cDNA clone that encodes a SSU of plant ALS based upon the homology of the encoded peptide with various bacterial ALS SSUs. The plant ALS SSU is more than twice as large as any of its prokaryotic homologues and contains two domains that each encode a full-length copy of the prokaryotic SSU polypeptide. The cDNA clone was used to express Nicotiana plumbaginifolia SSU in Escherichia coli. Mixing a partially purified preparation of this SSU with the LSU of ALS from either N. plumbaginifolia or Arabidopsis thaliana results in both increased specific activity and increased stability of the enzymic activity. These results are consistent with those observed for the bacterial enzyme in similar experiments and represent the first functional demonstration of the existence of a SSU for plant ALS.  相似文献   

Silicate minerals are dominant soil components. Thus, plant roots are constantly exposed to silicic acid. High silicon intake, enabled by root silicon transporters, correlates with increased tolerance to many biotic and abiotic stresses. However, the underlying protection mechanisms are largely unknown. Here, we tested the hypothesis that silicon interacts with the plant hormones, and specifically, that silicic acid intake increases cytokinin biosynthesis. The reaction of sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and Arabidopsis plants, modified to absorb high versus low amounts of silicon, to dark‐induced senescence was monitored, by quantifying expression levels of genes along the senescence pathway and measuring tissue cytokinin levels. In both species, detached leaves with high silicon content senesced more slowly than leaves that were not exposed to silicic acid. Expression levels of genes along the senescence pathway suggested increased cytokinin biosynthesis with silicon exposure. Mass spectrometry measurements of cytokinin suggested a positive correlation between silicon exposure and active cytokinin concentrations. Our results indicate a similar reaction to silicon treatment in distantly related plants, proposing a general function of silicon as a stress reliever, acting via increased cytokinin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

There are indications that the cytokinin content in transgenic tissues expressing the cytokinin biosynthetic ipt gene is under metabolic control, which prevents the accumulation of cytokinins to lethal levels. The objective of this study was to investigate the relationships between the content of endogenous cytokinins and the activity of cytokinin oxidase (which is believed to be a copper-containing amine oxidase, EC in ipt transgenic tobacco callus. In addition, the effect of exogenously applied N-benzyladenine (BA) on this relationship was examined. Endogenous cytokinin concentrations were measured in callus of Nicotiana tabacum L. cv. Petit Havana SRI transformed with the ipt of Agrobacterium tumefaciens under the control of a light-inducible promoter and in non-transformed tissue using LC-tandem mass spectrometry. The activity of cytokinin oxidase was estimated by measuring the conversion of [2,8-3H]N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenine to [3H]adenine by enzyme preparations in vitro. The 14-day-old ipt-transformed callus contained a 25-fold higher amount of cytokinins as compared to the non-transformed tissue. Mainly zeatin- and dihydrozeatin-types of cytokinins (free bases, ribosides, nucleotides and O-glucosides) accumulated in the ipt transgenic tissue. The cytokinin pool of both ipt-transformed and non-transformed tissues consisted predominantly of cytokinins that are either resistant to cytokinin oxidase attack (nucleotides and O-glucosides of cytokinins and cytokinins bearing N6-saturated side chain) or have a low affinity for the enzyme (zeatin and its riboside). The former represented 71.6 and 74.8% and the latter 27.7 and 24.4% of the pool of endogenous cytokinins in ipt-transformed and non-transformed tissues, respectively. Enzyme preparations from ipt-transformed tissue exhibited 1.5-fold higher cytokinin oxidase activity compared with that observed in control tissues. Application of exogenous BA affected the total levels of cytokinins of the two tissue lines in different ways. The cytokinin content increased by 1.7- and 1.5-fold in ipt-transformed tissues 6 and 12 h after BA application, respectively, while it declined in the non-transformed control by 1.6- to 2.0-fold between 3 and 12 h after BA application. The increase in cytokinin content in the ipt callus is due to an increase of zeatin- and dihydrozeatin-type cytokinins (nucleotides, ribosides and free bases) leading to an enhanced accumulation of O-glucosides after 12 h. Following BA treatment, the cytokinin oxidase activity increased up to 1.8-fold in ipt-transformed and 1.6-fold in non-transformed tissues. The levels of isopentenyl-type cytokinins were near the detection limit; however, the enhancement of cytokinin oxidase activity after BA treatment in both tissue lines was correlated with the content of preferred substrate of the enzyme, N6-(Δ2-isopentenyl)adenosine.  相似文献   

Arabidopsis thaliana has three membrane‐located cytokinin receptors (AHK2, AHK3 and CRE1/AHK4), which are sensor histidine kinases containing a ligand‐binding CHASE domain. Despite their structural similarity the role of these receptors differs in planta. Here we have explored which parameters contribute to signal specification. In a bacterial assay, the CHASE domain of AHK2 has a similar ligand binding spectrum as CRE1/AHK4. It shows the highest affinity for isopentenyladenine (iP) and trans‐zeatin (tZ) with an apparent KD of 1.4 and 4.0 nm , respectively. Real‐time PCR analysis of cytokinin primary response genes in double mutants retaining only single receptors revealed that all receptors are activated in planta by cytokinin concentrations in the low nanomolar range. However, there are differences in sensitivity towards the principal cytokinins iP and tZ. The activation of the cytokinin‐sensitive PARR5:GUS reporter gene in three different double mutants shows specific, but also overlapping, spatial domains of activity, which were for all receptors predominantly in the shoot apical meristems and root cap columella. AHK2 and AHK3 signal specifically in leaf parenchyma cells, AHK3 in stomata cells, and CRE1/AHK4 in the root vasculature. Promoter‐swap experiments demonstrate that CRE1/AHK4 can functionally replace AHK2 but not AHK3. However, the cytoplasmic AHK3 histidine kinase (Hk) domain can be replaced by the CRE1/AHK4 Hk domain, which suggests that functionality is mediated in this case by the extracytosolic domain. Together, the data show that both differential gene expression and ligand preference contribute to specify the receptor activity.  相似文献   

In comparison to wild type Arabidopsis thaliana, the auxin resistant mutants axr1 and axr2 exhibit reduced inhibition of root elongation in response to auxins. Several auxin-regulated physiological processes are also altered in the mutant plants. When wild-type, axr1 and axr2 seedlings were grown in darkness on media containing indoleacetic acid (IAA), promotion of root growth was observed at low concentrations of IAA (10?11 to 10?7M) in 5-day-old axr2 seedlings, but not in axr1 or wild-type seedlings. In axr1 there was little or no measurable root growth response over the same concentration range. In wild type, root growth was inhibited at concentrations greater than 10?10M and no detectable root growth response was observed at lower concentrations. In addition, production of lateral roots in response to IAA increased in axr2 seedlings and decreased in axr1 seedlings relative to wild type. Promotion of root elongation and initiation of lateral roots in axr2 seedlings in response to auxin indicate that axr2 seedlings are able to perceive and respond to IAA.  相似文献   

拟南芥抗盐突变体的RAPD分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
以筛选得到可以稳定遗传的抗盐单基因突变体2^#和15^#以及野生型拟南芥为材料进行RAPD分析,150条引物中有3条引物在突变体之间扩增出多态性,不仅证明了DNA水平突变的发生,而且表明它们之间遗传背景相似,是一系列抗盐性不同的近似等位基因系。1条引物在突变体的扩增产物比在野生型的扩增产物多出一个大小约为1200bp的片段,初步认为该片段与抗盐的主效基因有关。  相似文献   

采取在高盐平板上萌发的方法,对一个雌激素诱导激活型拟南芥突变体库进行了耐盐突变体的筛选,最终得到了2株稳定的耐盐突变体。本文中对其中的一株耐盐突变体,命名为stg2(salt tolerance during germination 2),进行了研究。遗传实验表明它的耐盐特性是受雌激素诱导的,是功能获得型的耐盐突变体。本实验中还探讨了stg2突变体的筛选过程及耐盐生理特点。  相似文献   

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