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Summary Asclepias speciosa Torr, has latex-containing cells known as nonarticulated laticifers. In stem sections of this species, we have analyzed the cell walls of nonarticulated laticifers and surrounding cells with various stains, lectins, and monoclonal antibodies. These analyses revealed that laticifer walls are rich in (1→4) β-D-glucans and pectin polymers. Immunolocalization of pectic epitopes with the antihomogalacturonan antibodies JIM5 and JIM7 produced distinct labeling patterns. JIM7 labeled all cells including laticifers, while JIM5 only labeled mature epidermal cells and xylem elements. Two antibodies, LM5 and LM6, which recognize rhamnogalacturonan I epitopes distinctly labeled laticifer walls. LM6, which binds to a (l→5) α-arabinan epitope, labeled laticifer walls more intensely than walls of other cells. LM5, which recognizes a (1→4) β-D-galac-tan epitope, did not label laticifer segments at the shoot apex but labeled more mature portions of laticifers. Also the LM5 antibody did not label cells at the shoot apical meristem, but as cells grew and matured the LM5 epitope was expressed in all cells. LM2, a monoclonal antibody that binds to β-D-glucuronic acid residues in arabinogalactan proteins, did not label laticifers but specifically labeled sieve tubes. Sieve tubes were also specifically labeled byRicinus communis agglutinin, a lectin that binds to terminal β-D-galactosyl residues. Taken together, the analyses conducted showed that laticifer walls have distinctive cytochemical properties and that these properties change along the length of laticifers. In addition, this study revealed differences in the expression of pectin and arabinogalactan protein epitopes during shoot development or among different cell types.  相似文献   

Summary The cytochemical localization of ATPase activity has been investigated in maize root cells using both lead and cerium-based capture methods. With both methods, staining at the plasma membrane was observed in all cells of the root, although the precipitate obtained with cerium was more uniform and granular than that with lead. Controls using no substrate or no magnesium, -glycerophosphate to replace ATP, vanadate or boiled tissue generally showed little or no staining. However, biochemical studies on purified plasma membrane fractions showed that ATPase activity was markedly inhibited by fixation, particularly by glutaraldehyde, and also by lead and cerium ions. Non-enzymic hydrolysis of ATP by cerium was greater than that by lead. The value and limitations of these procedures for the localization of plasma membrane H+-ATPase activity are summarized in relation to previous criticisms of these methods.Abbreviations DTT dithiothreitol - EDTA ethylene diaminetetraacetic acid - GP B-glycerophosphate - PCMBS p-chloromercuribenzene sulphonic acid - PMSF phenylmethylsulphonyl fluoride  相似文献   

We assessed how small patches of contrasting urban ground cover [mesiscape (turf), xeriscape (gravel), concrete, and asphalt] altered the microclimate and performance of adjacent oleander (Nerium oleander L.) plants in Phoenix, Arizona during fall/winter (September–February) and spring/summer (March–September). Ground-cover and oleander canopy surface temperatures, canopy air temperatures and pot soil temperatures tended to be lowest in the mesiscape and highest in the asphalt and concrete. Canopy air vapor pressure deficits were lowest in the mesiscape and highest in the asphalt plot. Rates of net photosynthesis of all oleander plants were highest in October and May, and declined through mid-summer (June–July), when rates tended to be highest in the cooler mesiscape, particularly when water was limiting. During fall/winter, oleanders in the mesiscape produced 20% less biomass, 13% less leaf area, and had 12% lower relative growth rates (RG) than those in the other ground covers. Lower nighttime temperatures in the mesiscape in December led to oleander frost damage. During spring/summer, oleanders in the mesiscape produced 11% more biomass, 16% more leaf area, and had 3% higher RG than those in the other cover types. The effects of urban ground cover on oleander performance were season-specific; while oleander growth was greatest in the mesiscape during spring/summer, it was lowest during fall/winter and these plants experienced frost damage. Because all oleander plants produced >10 times as much biomass during the spring/summer, on an annual basis oleanders in the mesiscape produced 5–11% more biomass than plants in the warmer ground covers.  相似文献   

Summary The cytochemical localization of phosphatase activity has been carried out on small and intermediate vascular bundles and contiguous tissues of the leaf ofZea mays L. Similar localization patterns were obtained with the nucleoside triphosphates ATP, CTP, GTP, ITP, and UTP, and with ADP and -GP. Reaction product (lead deposits) was observed on the plasma membrane of all cell types. It was invariably heavier on the plasma membranes of the bundle-sheath cells, vascular-parenchyma cells, and the thin-walled sieve tubes and their associated companion cells than on those of the mesophyll cells. Within the bundles, the heaviest lead deposits frequently were found on the plasma membranes of the thin-walled sieve tubes and the least amount (often lacking) on those of the thick-walled sieve tubes. Formation of reaction product was suppressed by NaF, vanadate, and molybdate but not by PCMBS (p-chloromercuribenzene sulfonic acid). The results of the substrate-specificity and inhibitor-sensitivity studies indicate that a nonspecific acid phosphatase was probably responsible for the deposition of the reaction product and not the plasma membrane H+-ATPase. These results, in addition to an evaluation of the pertinent literature, lead us to conclude that H+-ATPase activity has yet to be demonstrated unequivocally in association with the plasma membrane of phloem cells with lead precipitation procedures. Nevertheless, the differences in amounts of reaction product generally associated with the plasma membranes of the thick- and thin-walled sieve tubes of the maize leaf indicate that the two types of sieve tube differ from one another physiologically.  相似文献   

The filamentous green alga Klebsormidium flaccidum A.Br. was fixed with glutaraldehyde, incubated in a cytochemical medium designed to detect glycolate-oxidase activity, and prepared for electron microscopy. Heavy deposits of stain were observed in microbodies following incubation with either glycolate or L-lactate as substrate, but not after incubation with D-lactate or H2O. When Chlamydomanas reinhardi Dangeared cells were treated in the same way, their microbodies did not appear stained. The results establish that in Klebsormidium glycolate-oxidase occurs in microbodies (peroxisomes), as it does in angiosperms; also, they emphasize the dichotomy between those green algae which contain glycolate-oxidase and those, such as Chlamydomonas, which possess the mitochondrial enzyme glycolate dehydrogenase.  相似文献   

Various solutions of labeled precursors were absorbed by the cotyledons of etiolated Euphorbia lathyris L. seedlings. Incorporation of 14C into triterpenes from [2-14C]mevalonic acid, [1-14C]acetate, [3-14C]pyruvate, [U-14C]glyoxylate, [U-14C]glycerol, [U-14C]serine, [U-14C]xylose, [U-14C]glucose, and [U-14C]sucrose was obtained. The [14] triterpenes synthesized from [14C] sugars were mainly of latex origin. [14C]mevalonic acid was only involved in terpenoid synthesis outside the laticifers. Exogenously supplied glyoxylate, serine, and glycerol were hardly involved in lipid synthesis at all. The 14C-distribution over the various triterpenols was consistent with the mass distribution of these constituents in gas liquid chromatography when [14C]sugars, [14C]acetate, and [14C]pyruvate were used. These precursors were supplied to the seedlings in the presence of increasing amounts of unlabeled substrates. The amount of substrate directly involved in lipid synthesis as well as the absolute triterpenol yield was calculated from the obtained [14C]triterpenols. The highest yield was obtained in the sucrose incorporated seedlings, being 25% of the daily increase of latex triterpenes in growing seedlings.  相似文献   

Leaves ofNerium oleander L. plants, which had been previously kept in a shaded glasshouse for at least two months, were fed 1 mM dithiothreitol (DTT) through their petioles, either for 12h in darkness (overnight) or for 2h in low light (28 μmol photons·m−2·s−1), in each case followed by a 3-h exposure to high light (1260 μmol photons·m−2·s−1). During exposure to high light, violaxanthin became converted to zeaxanthin in control leaves, to which water had been fed, whereas zeaxanthin did not accumulate in leaves treated with DTT. Total carbon gain was not reduced by DTT during the photoinhibitory treatment. Exposure to high light led to a decrease in the photochemical efficiency of photosystem II, measured as the ratio of variable over maximum fluorescence emission,F v/F M, at both 298 K and 77K. The decrease was much more pronounced in the presence of DTT, mainly owing to a sustained increase in the instantaneous fluorescence,F o. By contrast, in the control leaves,F o determined immediately after the high-light treatment showed a transient decrease below theF o value obtained before the onset of the photoinhibitory treatment (i.e. after 12 h dark adaptation), followed by a rapid return (within seconds) to this original level ofF o during the following recovery period in darkness. Incubation of leaves with DTT led to large, sustained decreases in the photon-use efficiency of photosynthetic O2 evolution by bright light, whilst the capacity of photosynthetic O2 evolution at light and CO2 saturation was less affected. In the control leaves, only small reductions in the photon yield and in the photosynthetic capacity were observed. These findings are consistent with previous suggestions that zeaxanthin, formed in the xanthophyll cycle by de-epoxidation of violaxanthin, is involved in protecting the photosynthetic apparatus against the adverse effects of excessive light.  相似文献   

Summary Standard lead precipitation procedures have been used to examine the localization of ATPase activity in phloem tissues ofRicinus communis. Reaction product was localized on the plasma membrane of the companion cells associated with sieve elements and of parenchyma cells in phloem tissues from the leaf, petiole, stem and root. ATPase activity was also present on the plasma membrane and dispersed P-protein of sieve elements in petiole, stem and root tissue, but was absent from the plasma membrane of these cells in the leaf minor veins. Substitution of-glycerophosphate for ATP produced no change in the localization of reaction product in leaf tissue. These findings are discussed in relation to current theories on the mechanism of sugar transport and phloem loading.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure of nonarticulated laticifers in the seedlings ofEuphorbia maculata was studied at various developmental stages. The apical regions of the seedling laticifers growing intrusively contained large nuclei with mainly euchromatin and dense cytoplasm possessing various and many organelles such as rich ribosomes, several small vacuoles, giant mitochondria with dense matrices, rough endoplasmic reticulum, dictyosomes, and proplastids. This result suggested that the apical regions of laticifers were metabolically very active. Laticifers in seedlings at the first-leaf developmental stage did not contain latex particle. In seedlings at second-leaf growth stage, the laticifer cells contained numerous and elongated small vacuoles. These vacuoles appeared to arise by dilation of the endoplasmic reticulum and frequently possessed osmiophilic or electron-dense latex particles. The small vacuoles fused with the large vacuole occupying the central portion of the subapical region of laticifers, and then the latex particles were released into the large central vacuole. The latex particles varied in size and were lightly or darkly stained. Proplastids with a dense matrix and a few osmiophilic plastoglobuli were filled with an elongated starch grain and thus were transformed into amyloplasts. Latex particles were initially produced in the laticifers after seedlings had developed their second young leaves. In seedlings at forth-leaf stage, latex particles with an alveolated rim were found in the laticifers.  相似文献   

为研究夹竹桃(Nerium oleander)内生真菌的多样性并评价其次生代谢产物的活性,该研究对广西夹竹桃(Nerium oleander)的内生真菌进行分离纯化,采用形态学和ITS序列分析结合的方法进行鉴定,以5种指示菌(其中有3种弧菌)对内生真菌提取物进行抑菌活性筛选。结果表明:(1)从广西夹竹桃中共得到19株内生真菌,这19株内生真菌都属于子囊菌门,涵盖5个目7个属,包括炭疽菌属(Colletotrichum)、球座菌属(Guignardia)、叶点霉属(Phyllosticta)、新壳梭孢属(Neofusicoccum)、曲霉属(Aspergillus)、隔孢壳科新属(Nothophoma)和间座壳属(Diaporthe),优势属为炭疽菌属(分离率为36.85%)和球座菌属(分离率为21.05%),其中炭疽菌属主要分布于茎,球座菌属全部来源于叶。(2)jing-117(Neofusicoccum sp.)和ye-130(Guignardia sp.)对坎氏弧菌有较为特异的抑菌效果,ye-136(Aspergillus sp.)能同时抑制蜡样芽孢杆菌和坎氏弧菌,ye-135(A...  相似文献   

Susceptibility of sheep to oral administration of Citrullus colocynthis fruits, Nerium oleander leaves or their mixture is described in 12 sheep assigned as untreated controls, C. colocynthis-treated at 0.25 g/kg/day, N. oleander-treated at 0.25 g/kg and plant mixture-treated at 0.25 g of C. colocynthis/kg plus 0.25 g of N. oleander/kg. The daily use of 0.25 g of C. colocynthis/kg for 42 days was not fatal to sheep and caused slight diarrhoea, catarrhal enteritis, centrilobular hepatocellular fatty change and degeneration of the renal tubular cells. Single oral doses of 0.25 g of N. oleander/kg were lethal to sheep within 18–24 h and caused uneasiness, grinding of the teeth, dyspnoea, anorexia, frequent urination, ruminal bloat, ataxia and recumbency before death. The main lesions were widespread congestion and haemorrhage, pulmonary cyanosis and emphysema and severe hepatonephropathy. Rapid death was also observed in sheep receiving single doses of the mixture of the two plants. Effects were correlated with changes in the activities of serum lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) and aspartate transaminase (AST) and concentrations of cholesterol, bilirubin, total protein, albumin, globulin and urea and haematological parameters.  相似文献   

Summary NADH-ferricyanide oxido-reductase activity was demonstrated at the inner (cytoplasmic) aspect of plasma membranes and plasma membrane vesicles from hypocotyls of etiolated soybean (Glycine max L.) seedlings by cytochemical procedures. The plasma membrane-associated activity, observed in both tissue and vesicle preparations, resisted fixation in 0.1 % glutaraldehyde, required the presence of exogenous pyridine nucleotide and was inhibited by adriamycin. With tissue, the activity could be demonstrated only with broken cells where reactants could penetrate freely. With vesicles of plasma membrane origin, activity was seen only with cytoplasmic side out vesicles (fraction E) prepared by free-flow electrophoresis. Activity was observed also on the cytoplasmic surface of the tonoplast and on putative tonoplast vesicles oriented cytoplasmic side out.Recipient of a NSF/CNRS post doctoral fellowship.  相似文献   

Cytochemical investigation of genic male-sterility in Chinese cabbage   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
A genic male sterile Chinese cabbage, Brassica campestris L. ssp. chinensis Makino, was examined using cytological and cytochemical methods to characterize the process of pollen abortion in this plant. Thick sections of both fertile and sterile anthers at different developmental stages were stained using Toluidine Blue O, Periodic Acid-Schiff’s (PAS) reaction and Sudan Black B to detect cytochemical changes that may occur in the distribution of insoluble polysaccharide and lipid storage bodies. Pollen abortion in sterile anthers occurs at an early stage of microspore development. During early microspore development, reductions in the number of starch grains in the connective tissue of fertile anthers coincide with the accumulation of starch grains in cells of the anther wall. In the late microspore stage, a large vacuole forms in the microspore, and tapetal cells synthesize and accumulate lipid droplets. The cellular organization of tapetal cells in sterile anthers appears similar to that in fertile anthers, except for the absence of lipid droplets in cells of sterile anthers and diffusely labeled tapetal polysaccharides, suggesting defects in nutrient storage. Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of CHINA (30170060)  相似文献   

Cottonseeds having fluorescent fibers were harvested from fields in Arizona and examined utilizing light microscopy and transmission electron microscopy. The occurrence of fluorescent fibers indicated that seeds had been infected by Aspergillus flavus during development. Presence of A. flavus was verified by plating portions of seeds with fluorescent fibers. Hyphae, conidial heads, and conidia were identified readily in differentially-stained cotyledon tissue processed for light microscopy. Utilization of transmission electron microscopy permitted observations on lignified seed coats and cotyledons of mature cottonseeds. Hyphae were located throughout the cotyledon and in the nonlignified layers of the seed coat. The identification of hyphae in cross sections of vessel elements within the seed coat provided ultrastructural evidence supporting the hypothesis that A. flavus may enter seeds via the vascular tissue. Controls for the microscopy studies included observations on cottonseeds with no visual signs of infection and on laboratory-grown cultures of A. flavus. These observations demonstrated that the hyphae localized within fluorescent seeds had features characteristic of A. flavus and that fungal-like structures do not occur within uninfected seeds.  相似文献   

Summary This investigation concerns a unique type of epidermal cells in the anther ofStrelitzia reginae. At dehiscence these cells are released and form multicellular threads. The radial and tangential middle lamella regions of their cell walls disintegrate by the formation of numerous growing and fusing cavities. The possibility that this process could be due to digestion by pectinase was elucidated by use of cytochemical methods. In immature ordinary and thread-forming cells staining for pectin with hydroxylamine-ferric chloride yielded reaction products mainly in the middle lamella region and the subcuticular layer. After the appearance of cavities reaction took place around but not inside these formations. Treatment with fungal pectinase caused degradation of cell walls in ordinary epidermal tissue. Mature cell walls appeared more resistant to the lytic action than immature ones. In thread-forming tissue, independent of the stage of maturation, digestion of the pectin rich regions was induced. However, the fungal enzyme was not able to produce cavities. No pectin reaction with hydroxylamine-ferric chloride was obtained after pectinase treatment.  相似文献   

Summary Two distinct types of ribonucleoprotein containing structures are found in oocytes of the house cricket, Acheta domesticus, a large secondary or accessory nucleolus and many small primary nucleoli. The secondary nucleolus increases in size during oocyte development and is similar in appearance to the nucleolus of somatic cells. The primary nucleoli are intimately associated with a large, extrachromosomal DNA containing body. The DNA body is no longer visible in nuclei of late diplotene stage cells when the primary nucleoli are dispersed within the nucleoplasm. Both types of nucleoli contain cytochemically detectable RNA and acid protein, little or no DNA and basic protein, and particulate structures similar to but smaller than cytoplasmic ribosomes.The authors acknowledge the technical assistance of Miss Celeste Malinoski and Mrs. Marcia Andrews. This work was supported by a U.S.P.H.S. grant, number GM-16440-01 and grants number L-16 and J-1 from the Health Research Services Foundation.  相似文献   

Summary The cytochemical localization of adenylate cyclase was studied in relation to the secretory function of the anterior pituitary glands of male rats. The reaction product of adenylate cyclase was localized on the outside of plasma membranes, but was not detected intracellularly. High activity of adenylate cyclase was detected on somatotrophs and microvilli of follicular cells, whereas no activity was found on thyrotrophs or corticotrophs. Although most of the gonadotrophs showed little or no adenylate-cyclase activity, some was detected in a small number of gonadotrophs in the central portion of the gland. In somatotrophs, activity was not detected on the plasma membranes facing perivascular spaces where exocytotic extrusion of secretory granules was frequently observed, although the remaining areas of plasma membranes of the same somatotrophs were associated with high levels of adenylate-cyclase activity. These findings indicate that the association of a high level of adenylate-cyclase activity is not directly related to the ability of the plasma membranes to fuse with secretory granule membranes.  相似文献   

Diverse endophytic fungi exist within plant aerial tissues, with a global estimate of up to a million undescribed species. These endophytes constitute a rich bio-resource for exploration to discover new natural products. Here we investigate fungal endophytes associated with a medicinal plant, Nerium oleander L. (Apocynaceae). A total of 42 endophytic fungal strains were isolated from the host plant. Total antioxidant capacity, xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity, antimicrobial activity, and total phenolic content (TPC) were evaluated for 16 representative fungal cultures grown in improved Czapek’s broth and for the host plant. The total antioxidant capacities and phenolic contents of the fungal cultures ranged from 9.59 to 150.79 μmol trolox/100 mL culture, and from 0.52 to 13.95 mg gallic acid/100 mL culture, respectively. The fungal culture of an endophytic strain Chaetomium sp. showed the strongest antioxidant capacity, contained the highest level of phenolics, and to some extent inhibited xanthine oxidase activity with an IC50 value of 109.8 μg/mL. A significant positive correlation was found between antioxidant capacity and TPC in the tested samples. Most of the endophytic fungal cultures tested have a wide range of antimicrobial activities, which were not very strong, but much better than those of the host plant. The major bioactive constituents of the fungal cultures were investigated using LC-ESI-MS and GC-MS, and preliminary identification detected phenolics (e.g. phenolic acids and their derivatives, flavonoids) and volatile and aliphatic compounds. This study shows that the endophytic fungi isolated from N. oleander can be a potential antioxidant resource.  相似文献   

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