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Bioenergy related land use change would likely alter biogeochemical cycles and global greenhouse gas budgets. Energy cane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is a sugarcane variety and an emerging biofuel feedstock for cellulosic bio-ethanol production. It has potential for high yields and can be grown on marginal land, which minimizes competition with grain and vegetable production. The DayCent biogeochemical model was parameterized to infer potential yields of energy cane and how changing land from grazed pasture to energy cane would affect greenhouse gas (CO2, CH4 and N2O) fluxes and soil C pools. The model was used to simulate energy cane production on two soil types in central Florida, nutrient poor Spodosols and organic Histosols. Energy cane was productive on both soil types (yielding 46–76 Mg dry mass⋅ha−1). Yields were maintained through three annual cropping cycles on Histosols but declined with each harvest on Spodosols. Overall, converting pasture to energy cane created a sink for GHGs on Spodosols and reduced the size of the GHG source on Histosols. This change was driven on both soil types by eliminating CH4 emissions from cattle and by the large increase in C uptake by greater biomass production in energy cane relative to pasture. However, the change from pasture to energy cane caused Histosols to lose 4493 g CO2 eq⋅m−2 over 15 years of energy cane production. Cultivation of energy cane on former pasture on Spodosol soils in the southeast US has the potential for high biomass yield and the mitigation of GHG emissions.  相似文献   

Reed canary grass (RCG, Phalaris arundinacea L.) is a suitable energy crop for cultivation in northern peatlands. However, the atmospheric impact of RCG cultivation as influenced by harvest frequency and fertilization is not clear. Here, we compared the biomass yield and greenhouse gas (GHG) balance for RCG cultivation in peatlands affected by cutting frequency and fertilizer managements. The managements included one-cut (OC) and two-cut (TC) systems that were either fertilized (TC-F) or unfertilized (TC-U) after the first cut in summer. Biomass yield of OC, TC-F and TC-U were 12, 16 and 11 Mg dry biomass per hectare per year, respectively. GHG fluxes of CO2, N2O and CH4 were measured with closed chamber techniques in the period between first and second (final) harvest of the TC managements, i.e. from 15 June to 23 September 2011. In the GHG monitoring period of 100 days, all systems were net sources of CO2 corresponding to 64?±?3, 217?±?15 and 50?±?23 g?CO2-C?m?2 (mean?±?standard error, n?=?3) from the OC, TC-F and TC-U systems, respectively. In the same period, emissions of N2O from TC-F were ten times higher as compared to OC and TC-U. Emissions of CH4 were negligible from all systems. The TC systems could not improve the GHG balance during cultivation (271, 663 and 210 g CO2e-C?m?2 emissions from the OC, TC-F and TC-U systems, respectively), but in a broader GHG life cycle perspective, the increased biomass yield by TC-F could replace more fossil fuel and offset at least some of the higher emissions from the system.  相似文献   

Embodied Greenhouse Gas Emissions in Diets   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Changing food consumption patterns and associated greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions have been a matter of scientific debate for decades. The agricultural sector is one of the major GHG emitters and thus holds a large potential for climate change mitigation through optimal management and dietary changes. We assess this potential, project emissions, and investigate dietary patterns and their changes globally on a per country basis between 1961 and 2007. Sixteen representative and spatially differentiated patterns with a per capita calorie intake ranging from 1,870 to 3,400 kcal/day were derived. Detailed analyses show that low calorie diets are decreasing worldwide, while in parallel diet composition is changing as well: a discernable shift towards more balanced diets in developing countries can be observed and steps towards more meat rich diets as a typical characteristics in developed countries. Low calorie diets which are mainly observable in developing countries show a similar emission burden than moderate and high calorie diets. This can be explained by a less efficient calorie production per unit of GHG emissions in developing countries. Very high calorie diets are common in the developed world and exhibit high total per capita emissions of 3.7–6.1 kg CO2eq./day due to high carbon intensity and high intake of animal products. In case of an unbridled demographic growth and changing dietary patterns the projected emissions from agriculture will approach 20 Gt CO2eq./yr by 2050.  相似文献   

This research provides a systematic review and harmonization of the life cycle assessment (LCA) literature of electricity generated from conventionally produced natural gas. We focus on estimates of greenhouse gases (GHGs) emitted in the life cycle of electricity generation from natural gas‐fired combustion turbine (NGCT) and combined‐cycle (NGCC) systems. The smaller set of LCAs of liquefied natural gas power systems and natural gas plants with carbon capture and storage were also collected, but analyzed to a lesser extent. A meta‐analytical process we term “harmonization” was employed to align several system boundaries and technical performance parameters to better allow for cross‐study comparisons, with the aim of clarifying central tendency and reducing variability in estimates of life cycle GHG emissions. Of over 250 references identified, 42 passed screens for technological relevance and study quality, providing a total of 69 estimates for NGCT and NGCC. Harmonization increased the median estimates in each category as a result of several factors not typically considered in the previous research, including the regular clearing of liquids from a well, and consolidated the interquartile range for NGCC to 420 to 480 grams of carbon dioxide equivalent per kilowatt‐hour (g CO2‐eq/kWh) and for NGCT to 570 to 750 g CO2‐eq/kWh, with medians of 450 and 670 CO2‐eq/kWh, respectively. Harmonization of thermal efficiency had the largest effect in reducing variability; methane leakage rate is likely similarly influential, but was unharmonized in this assessment as a result of the significant current uncertainties in its estimation, an area that is justifiably receiving significant research attention.  相似文献   

全球温室气体排放概况   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
全球温室气体排放概况曹志平(中国农业大学资源与环境学院生态系,北京100094)IntroductionofGlobalEmissionsofGreenhouseGas.CaoZhiping(ColegeofResourcesandEnvironm...  相似文献   

Concrete pavements are a vital part of the transportation infrastructure, comprising nearly 25% of the interstate network in the United States. With transportation authorities and industry organizations increasingly seeking out methods to reduce their carbon footprint, there is a need to identify and quantitatively evaluate the greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reduction opportunities that exist in the concrete pavement life cycle. A select few of these opportunities are explored in this article in order to represent possible reduction approaches and their associated cost‐effectiveness: reducing embodied emissions by increasing fly ash content and by avoiding overdesign; increasing albedo by using white aggregates; increasing carbonation by temporarily stockpiling recycled concrete aggregates; and reducing vehicle fuel consumption by adding an extra rehabilitation. These reduction strategies are evaluated for interstate, arterial, collector, and local road designs under urban and rural scenarios. The results indicate that significant GHG emission reductions are possible, with over half of the scenarios resulting in 10% reductions, compared to unimproved baseline designs. Given the right conditions, each scenario has the potential to reduce GHG emissions at costs comparable to the current price of carbon.  相似文献   

The present article aims to determine the current carbon footprint (CF) of Zernez, a Swiss mountain village, and to identify reduction potentials of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. For this purpose, material and energy flows were assessed mainly based on detailed household surveys, interviews, and energy bills, but also by means of other information sources, for example, national statistics, traffic censuses, and literature values. To set up the GHG balance, special attention was paid to the consistent definition of system boundaries by adopting two fundamentally different perspectives: purely geographical accounting (PGA) and the consumption‐based footprint (CBF) method. Each of these two perspectives total approximately 10 tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalents per capita per year. The PGA revealed that 70% of the direct emissions in Zernez are caused by agricultural activities, whereas no consumption area dominated the consumption‐induced CF. For the identification of targeted measures, both perspectives were considered in a complementary manner. The building stock and its underlying energy supply system showed a GHG reduction potential of 80%. The building sector was thus detected as a reasonable first step for the municipality to adopt GHG mitigation strategies. In the case of Zernez, building‐stock‐related measures are predicted to decrease the current CF by 13% (CBF) and 17% (PGA), respectively.  相似文献   

Under some circumstances, electric vehicles (EVs) can reduce overall environmental impacts by displacing internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEVs) and by enabling more intermittent renewable energy sources (RES) by charging with surplus power in periods of low demand. However, the net effects on greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of adding EVs into a national or regional electricity system are complex and, for a system with significant RES, are affected by the presence of storage capacity, such as pumped hydro storage (PHS). This article takes the Portuguese electricity system as a specific example, characterized by relatively high capacities of wind generation and PHS. The interactions between EVs and PHS are explored, using life cycle assessment to compare changes in GHG emissions for different scenarios with a fleet replacement model to describe the introduction of EVs. Where there is sufficient storage capacity to ensure that RES capacity is exploited without curtailment, as in Portugal, any additional demand, such as introduction of EVs, must be met by the next marginal technology. Whether this represents an average increase or decrease in GHG emissions depends on the carbon intensity of the marginal generating technology and on the fuel efficiency of the ICEVs displaced by the EVs, so that detailed analysis is needed for any specific energy system, allowing for future technological improvements. A simple way to represent these trade‐offs is proposed as a basis for supporting strategic policies on introduction of EVs.  相似文献   

Boreal and subarctic peatlands have been extensively studied for their major role in the global carbon balance. However, study efforts have so far neglected the contribution of these ecosystems to the non-methane biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions, which are important in the atmospheric chemistry and feedbacks on climate change. We aimed at estimating the BVOC emissions from a subarctic peatland in northern Finland. Furthermore, our aim was to assess how these emissions are affected by enhanced UV-B radiation, the amount of which has increased especially at high latitudes as a result of stratospheric ozone depletion. The contribution of BVOC emissions to the total net carbon exchange and correlations between the emission of different BVOCs and net ecosystem CO2 exchange, CH4 emission, total green leaf area, and abiotic factors were also studied. The UV-B exposure, simulating a 20% depletion of stratospheric ozone, was started in 2003, and measurements were performed during the growing seasons of 2006 and 2008. The subarctic peatland proved to be a small source of BVOCs and the dominant moss, Warnstorfia exannulata, emitted a diverse compound spectrum. The water table level exerted a major influence on the BVOC emissions surpassing the effect of enhanced UV-B. In fact, no overall UV-B effect was established on the BVOC emissions, apart from toluene and 1-octene, emissions of which were doubled and tripled by enhanced UV-B in 2008, respectively. The contribution of BVOCs to the total net carbon exchange was below 1%.  相似文献   

Vascular plant responses to experimental enrichment with atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2), using MINIFACE technology, were studied in a Dutch lowland peatland dominated by Sphagnum and Phragmites for 3 years. We hypothesized that vascular plant carbon would accumulate in this peatland in response to CO2 enrichment owing to increased productivity of the predominant species and poorer quality (higher C/N ratios) and consequently lower decomposability of the leaf litter of these species. Carbon isotope signatures demonstrated that the extra 180 ppmv CO2 in enriched plots had been incorporated into vegetation biomass accordingly. However, on the CO2 sequestration side of the ecosystem carbon budget, there were neither any significant responses of total aboveground abundance of vascular plants, nor of any of the individual species. On the CO2 release side of the carbon budget (decomposition pathway), litter quantity did not differ between ambient and CO2 treatments, while the changes in litter quality (N and P concentration, C/N and C/P ratio) were marginal and inconsistent. It appeared therefore that the afterlife effects of significant CO2-induced changes in green-leaf chemistry (lower N and P concentrations, higher C/N and C/P) were partly offset by greater resorption of mobile carbohydrates from green leaves during senescence in CO2-enriched plants. The decomposability of leaf litters of three predominant species from ambient and CO2-enriched plots, as measured in a laboratory litter respiration assay, showed no differences. The relatively short time period, environmental spatial heterogeneity and small plot sizes might explain part of the lack of CO2 response. When our results are combined with those from other Sphagnum peatland studies, the common pattern emerges that the vascular vegetation in these ecosystems is genuinely resistant to CO2-induced change. On decadal time-scales, water management and its effects on peatland hydrology, N deposition from anthropogenic sources and land management regimes that arrest the early successional phase (mowing, tree and shrub removal), may have a greater impact on the vascular plant species composition, carbon balance and functioning of lowland Sphagnum–Phragmites reedlands than increasing CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere.  相似文献   

Ecosystems - The boreal forest is a globally critical biome for carbon cycling. Its forests are shaped by wildfire events that affect ecosystem properties and climate feedbacks including greenhouse...  相似文献   

Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions from the offshore fisheries industry in the Republic of Korea (Korea) were examined in response to growing concerns about global warming and the contribution of emissions from different industrial sectors. Fuel usage and GHG emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O) were analysed using the ‘Tier 1’ method provided by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) from the offshore fishery, which is the primary domestic seafood production sector in Korea. In 2013, fuel usage in the offshore fishery accounted for 59.7% (557,463 KL) of total fuel consumption of fishing vessels in Korea. Fuel consumption and thus GHG emissions were not stable through time in this industry, increasing by 2.4% p.a. for three consecutive years, from 2011 to 2013, despite a decrease in the number of vessels operating. GHG emissions generated in offshore fisheries also changed through time and increased from 1,442,975 tCO2e/year in 2011 to 1,477,279 tCO2e/year in 2013. Changes in both fuel use and GHG emissions per kg offshore fish production appeared to be associated with decreasing catch rates by the fleet, which in turn were a reflection of decrease in fish biomass. Another important feature of GHG emissions in this industry was the high variation in GHG emission per kg fish product among different fishing methods. The long line fishery had approximately three times the emissions of the average production while the jigging fishery was more than two times higher than the average. Lowest emissions were from the trawl sector, which is regarded as having greatest environmental impact using traditional biodiversity metrics although had lowest environmental impact in terms of fuel and GHG emission metrics used in this study. The observed deterioration in fuel efficiency of the offshore fishery each year is of concern but also demonstrates that fuel efficiency can change, which shows there is opportunity to improve efficiency with changes to fishery management and harvesting operations.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from energy use in the water sector in China have not received the same attention as emissions from other sectors, but interest in this area is growing. This study uses 2011 data to investigate GHG emissions from electricity use for urban water supply in China. The objective is to measure the climate cobenefit of water conservation, compare China with other areas on a number of emissions indicators, and assist in development of policy that promotes low‐emission water supply. Per capita and per unit GHG emissions for water supplied to urban areas in China in 2011 were 24.5 kilograms carbon dioxide equivalent (kg CO2‐eq) per capita per year and 0.213 kg CO2‐eq per cubic meter, respectively. Comparison of provinces within China revealed that GHG emissions for urban water supply as a percentage of total province‐wide emissions from electricity use correlate directly with the rate of leakage and water loss within the water distribution system. This highlights controlling leakage as a possible means of reducing the contribution of urban water supply to GHG emissions. An inverse correlation was established between GHG emissions per unit water and average per capita daily water use, which implies that water demand tends to be higher when per unit emissions are lower. China's high emission factor for electricity generation inflates emissions for urban water supply. Shifting from emissions‐intensive electricity sources is crucial to reducing emissions in the water supply sector.  相似文献   

Fuel economy has been an effective indicator of vehicle greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions for conventional gasoline‐powered vehicles due to the strong relationship between fuel economy and vehicle life cycle emissions. However, fuel economy is not as accurate an indicator of vehicle GHG emissions for plug‐in hybrid (PHEVs) and pure battery electric vehicles (EVs). Current vehicle labeling efforts by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Department of Transportation have been focused on providing energy and environmental information to consumers based on U.S. national average data. This article explores the effects of variations in regional grids and regional daily vehicle miles traveled (VMT) on the total vehicle life cycle energy and GHG emissions of electrified vehicles and compare these results with information reported on the label and on the EPA's fuel economy Web site. The model results suggest that only 25% of the life cycle emissions from a representative PHEV are reflected on current vehicle labeling. The results show great variation in total vehicle life cycle emissions due to regional grid differences, including an approximately 100 gram per mile life cycle GHG emissions difference between the lowest and highest electric grid regions and up to a 100% difference between the state‐specific emission values within the same electric grid regions. Unexpectedly, for two regional grids the life cycle GHG emissions were higher in electric mode than in gasoline mode. We recommend that labels include stronger language on their deficiencies and provide ranges for GHG emissions from vehicle charging in regional electricity grids to better inform consumers.  相似文献   

Corn-ethanol production is expanding rapidly with the adoption of improved technologies to increase energy efficiency and profitability in crop production, ethanol conversion, and coproduct use. Life cycle assessment can evaluate the impact of these changes on environmental performance metrics. To this end, we analyzed the life cycles of corn-ethanol systems accounting for the majority of U.S. capacity to estimate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and energy efficiencies on the basis of updated values for crop management and yields, biorefinery operation, and coproduct utilization. Direct-effect GHG emissions were estimated to be equivalent to a 48% to 59% reduction compared to gasoline, a twofold to threefold greater reduction than reported in previous studies. Ethanol-to-petroleum output/input ratios ranged from 10:1 to 13:1 but could be increased to 19:1 if farmers adopted high-yield progressive crop and soil management practices. An advanced closed-loop biorefinery with anaerobic digestion reduced GHG emissions by 67% and increased the net energy ratio to 2.2, from 1.5 to 1.8 for the most common systems. Such improved technologies have the potential to move corn-ethanol closer to the hypothetical performance of cellulosic biofuels. Likewise, the larger GHG reductions estimated in this study allow a greater buffer for inclusion of indirect-effect land-use change emissions while still meeting regulatory GHG reduction targets. These results suggest that corn-ethanol systems have substantially greater potential to mitigate GHG emissions and reduce dependence on imported petroleum for transportation fuels than reported previously.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of elevated CO2 (180–200 ppmv above ambient) on growth and chemistry of three moss species (Sphagnum palustre, S. recurvum and Polytrichum commune) in a lowland peatland in the Netherlands. Thereto, we conducted both a greenhouse experiment with both Sphagnum species and a field experiment with all three species using MiniFACE (Free Air CO2 Enrichment) technology during 3 years. The greenhouse experiment showed that Sphagnum growth was stimulated by elevated CO2 in the short term, but that in the longer term (≥1 year) growth was probably inhibited by low water tables and/or down-regulation of photosynthesis. In the field experiment, we did not find significant changes in moss abundance in response to elevated CO2, although CO2 enrichment appeared to reduce S. recurvum abundance. Both Sphagnum species showed stronger responses to spatial variation in hydrology than to increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations. Polytrichum was insensitive to changes in hydrology. Apart from the confounding effects of hydrology, the relative lack of growth response of the moss species may also have been due to the relatively small increase in assimilated CO2 as achieved by the experimentally added CO2. We calculated that the added CO2 contributed at most 32% to the carbon assimilation of the mosses, while our estimates based on stable C isotope data even suggest lower contributions for Sphagnum (24–27%). Chemical analyses of the mosses showed only small elevated CO2 effects on living tissue N concentration and C/N ratio of the mosses, but the C/N ratio of Polytrichum was substantially lower than those of the Sphagnum species. Continuing expansion of Polytrichum at the expense of Sphagnum could reduce the C sink function of this lowland Sphagnum peatland, and similar ones elsewhere, as litter decomposition rates would probably be enhanced. Such a reduction in sink function would be driven mostly by increased atmospheric N deposition, water table regulation for agricultural purposes and land management to preserve the early successional stage (mowing, tree and shrub removal), since these anthropogenic factors will probably exert a greater control on competition between Polytrichum and Sphagnum than increased atmospheric CO2 concentrations.  相似文献   

This meta-study quantitatively and qualitatively compares 21 published life cycle assessment (LCA)-type studies for energy consumption and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions of maize production in the USA. Differences between the methodologies and numerical results obtained are described. Nonrenewable energy consumption in maize production (from cradle-to-farm gate) ranges from 1.44 to 3.50 MJ/kg of maize, and GHG emissions associated with maize production range from ?27 to 436 g CO2 equivalent/kg of maize. Large variations between studies exist within the input data for lime application, fuels purchased, and life cycle inventory data for fertilizer and agrochemical production. Although most studies use similar methodological approaches, major differences between studies include the following: (1) impacts associated with human labor and farm machinery production, (2) changes in carbon dioxide emissions resulting from soil organic carbon levels, and (3) indirect N2O emissions.  相似文献   

Crop residues like corn (Zea mays L.) stover perform important functions that promote soil health and provide ecosystem services that influence agricultural sustainability and global biogeochemical cycles. We evaluated the effect of corn stover removal from a no-till, corn-soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr) rotation on soil greenhouse gas (GHG; CO2, N2O, CH4) fluxes, crop yields, and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics. We conducted a 4-year study using replicated field plots managed with two levels of corn stover removal (none; 55 % stover removal) for four complete crop cycles prior to initiation of ground surface gas flux measurements. Corn and soybean yields were not affected by stover removal with yields averaging 7.28 Mg ha?1 for corn and 2.64 Mg ha?1 for soybean. Corn stover removal treatment did not affect soil GHG fluxes from the corn phase; however, the treatment did significantly increase (107 %, P?=?0.037) N2O fluxes during the soybean phase. The plots were a net source of CH4 (~0.5 kg CH4-C ha?1 year?1 average of all treatments and crops) during the generally wet study duration. Soil organic carbon stocks increased in both treatments during the 4-year study (initiated following 8 years of stover removal), with significantly higher SOC accumulation in the control plots compared to plots with corn stover removal (0–15 cm, P?=?0.048). Non-CO2 greenhouse gas emissions (945 kg CO2-eq ha?1 year?1) were roughly half of SOC (0–30 cm) gains with corn stover removal (1.841 Mg CO2-eq ha?1 year?1) indicating that no-till practices greatly improve the viability of biennial corn stover harvesting under local soil-climatic conditions. Our results also show that repeated corn stover harvesting may increase N loss (as N2O) from fields and thereby contribute to GHG production and loss of potential plant nutrients.  相似文献   

This study explores the use of static chamber boxes to detect whether there are fugitive emissions of greenhouse gases (GHGs) from a willow chip storage heap. The results from the boxes were compared with those from 3-m stainless steel probes inserted into the core of the heap horizontally and vertically at intervals. The results from probes showed that there were increases of carbon dioxide (CO2) concentrations in the heap over the first 10 days after heap establishment, which were correlated with a temperature rise to 60 °C. As the CO2 declined, there was a small peak in methane (CH4) concentration in probes orientated vertically in the heap. Static chambers positioned at the apex of the heap detected some CO2 fluxes as seen in the probes; however, the quantities were small and random in nature. A small (maximum 5 ppm) flux in CH4 occurred at the same time as the probe concentrations peaked. Overall, the static chamber method was not effective in monitoring fluxes from the heap as there was evidence that gases could enter and leave around the edges of the chambers during the course of the experiment. In general, the use of standard (25 cm high) static chambers for monitoring fluxes from wood chip heaps is not recommended.  相似文献   

Greenhouse gases (GHG) can be affected by grazing intensity, soil, and climate variables. This study aimed at assessing GHG emissions from a tropical pasture of Brazil to evaluate (i) how the grazing intensity affects the magnitude of GHG emissions; (ii) how season influences GHG production and consumption; and (iii) what are the key driving variables associated with GHG emissions. We measured under field conditions, during two years in a palisade-grass pasture managed with 3 grazing intensities: heavy (15 cm height), moderate (25 cm height), and light (35 cm height) N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes using static closed chambers and chromatographic quantification. The greater emissions occurred in the summer and the lower in the winter. N2O, CH4, and CO2 fluxes varied according to the season and were correlated with pasture grazing intensity, temperature, precipitation, % WFPS (water-filled pores space), and soil inorganic N. The explanatory variables differ according to the gas and season. Grazing intensity had a negative linear effect on annual cumulative N2O emissions and a positive linear effect on annual cumulative CO2 emissions. Grazing intensity, season, and year affected N2O, CH4, and CO2 emissions. Tropical grassland can be a large sink of N2O and CH4. GHG emissions were explained for different key driving variables according to the season.  相似文献   

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