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Chemistry and Dynamics of Dissolved Organic Matter in a Temperate Coniferous Forest on Andic Soils: Effects of Litter Quality 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) plays an important role in transporting carbon and nitrogen from forest floor to mineral soils in temperate forest ecosystems. Thus, the retention of DOM via sorption or microbial assimilation is one of the critical steps for soil organic matter formation in mineral soils. The chemical properties of DOM are assumed to control these processes, yet we lack fundamental information that links litter quality, DOM chemistry, and DOM retention. Here, we studied whether differences in litter quality affect solution chemistry and whether changes in litter inputs affect DOM quality and removal in the field. The effects of litter quality on solution chemistry were evaluated using chemical fractionation methods for laboratory extracts and for soil water collected from a temperate coniferous forest where litter inputs had been altered. In a laboratory extraction, litter type (needle, wood, root) and the degree of decomposition strongly influenced solution chemistry. Root litter produced more than 10 times more water-extractable dissolved organic N (DON) than any other litter type, suggesting that root litter may be most responsible for DON production in this forest ecosystem. The chemical composition of the O-horizon leachate was similar under all field treatments (doubled needle, doubled wood, and normal litter inputs). O-horizon leachate most resembled laboratory extracts of well-decomposed litter (that is, a high proportion of hydrophobic acids), in spite of the significant amount of litter C added to the forest floor and a tendency toward higher mean DOM under doubled-Litter treatments. A lag in DOM production from added litter or microbial modification might have obscured chemical differences in DOM under the different treatments. Net DOM removal in this forest soil was strong; DOM concentration in the water deep in the mineral soil was always low regardless of concentrations in water that entered the mineral soil and of litter input manipulation. High net removal of DOM from O-horizon leachate, in spite of extremely low initial hydrophilic neutral content (labile DOM), coupled with the lack of influence by season or soil depth, suggests that DOM retention in the soil was mostly by abiotic sorption. 相似文献
Soil Organic Matter Dynamics Along a Vertical Vegetation Gradient in the Gongga Mountain on the Tibetan Plateau 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Lin WANG Hua OUYANG Cai-Ping ZHOUM Feng ZHANG Ming-Hua SONG Yu-Qiang TIAN 《植物学报(英文版)》2005,47(4):411-420
Our knowledge about soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics is limited although this is an important issue in the study of responses of ecosystems to global climate changes. Twelve sampling plots were set up every 200 m from 1 700 to 3 900 m along the vertical vegetation gradient along the east slope of Gongga Mountain. Samples were taken from all 12 plots for SOM content measurement, although only 5 of the 12plots were subjected to radiocarbon measurements. A radiocarbon isotope method and a time-dependent model were used to quantify the SOM dynamics and SOM turnover rates along the vertical vegetation gradient. The results showed that the SOM turnover rate decreased and turnover time increased with soil depth for all vegetation types. The litter layer turnover rates presented a clear trend along the gradient. The litter layer turnover rates decreased with an increase in elevation, except that the litter layer turnover rate of mixed forest was higher than that of evergreen forest. Climatic factors, such as temperature and precipitation,were the main factors influencing the surface soil carbon dynamics. The turnover rates of the subsoil (including the A, B, and C horizons in the soil profiles) along the vertical gradient had no clear trends. The SOM of subalpine shrub and meadow turned over more slowly than that of the forest types in almost all soil horizons. The characteristic of short roots distributing in the upper part of the soil profile leads to different SOM dynamics of shrub and meadow compared with the forest types. Coniferous and mixed forests were susceptible to carbon loss from the young carbon pool, but their long and big roots resulted in high △14C values of the deep soil profiles and increased the input of young carbon to the deep soil. In evergreen forest,the carbon cumulative ability from the B horizon to the C horizon was weak. The different vegetation types,together with their different modes of nutrient and carbon intake, may be the mechanism conditioning the subsoil organic matter dynamics. 相似文献
Our knowledge about soil organic matter (SOM) dynamics is limited although this is an important issue in the study of responses of ecosystems to global climate changes. Twelve sampling plots were set up every 200 m from 1 700 to 3 900 m along the vertical vegetation gradient along the east slope of Gongga Mountain. Samples were taken from all 12 plots for SOM content measurement, although only 5 of the 12 plots were subjected to radiocarbon measurements. A radiocarbon isotope method and a time-dependent model were used to quantify the SOM dynamics and SOM turnover rates along the vertical vegetation gradient. The results showed that the SOM turnover rate decreased and turnover time increased with soil depth for all vegetation types. The litter layer turnover rates presented a clear trend along the gradient. The litter layer turnover rates decreased with an increase in elevation, except that the litter layer turnover rate of mixed forest was higher than that of evergreen forest. Climatic factors, such as temperature and precipitation, were the main factors influencing the surface soil carbon dynamics. The turnover rates of the subsoil (including the A, B, and C horizons in the soil profiles) along the vertical gradient had no clear trends. The SOM of subalpine shrub and meadow turned over more slowly than that of the forest types in almost all soil horizons. The characteristic of short roots distributing in the upper part of the soil profile leads to different SOM dynamics of shrub and meadow compared with the forest types. Coniferous and mixed forests were susceptible to carbon loss from the young carbon pool, but their long and big roots resulted in high △^14C values of the deep soil profiles and increased the input of young carbon to the deep soil. In evergreen forest, the carbon cumulative ability from the B horizon to the C horizon was weak. The different vegetation types, together with their different modes of nutrient and carbon intake, may be the mechanism conditioning the subsoil organic matter dynamics. 相似文献
Fuss Colin B. Lovett Gary M. Goodale Christine L. Ollinger Scott V. Lang Ashley K. Ouimette Andrew P. 《Ecosystems》2019,22(6):1280-1294
Ecosystems - Conceptual models of nutrient retention in ecosystems suggest that mature forests receiving chronically elevated atmospheric nitrogen (N) deposition should experience increased nitrate... 相似文献
We used sugar maple litter double-labeled with 13C and 15N to quantify fluxes of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) between litter and soil in a northern hardwood forest and the retention
of litter C and N in soil. Two cohorts of litter were compared, one in which the label was preferentially incorporated into
non-structural tissue and the other structural tissue. Loss of 13C from this litter generally followed dry mass and total C loss whereas loss of 15N (20–30% in 1 year) was accompanied by large increases of total N content of this decaying litter (26–32%). Enrichment of
13C and 15N was detected in soil down to 10–15 cm depth. After 6 months of decay (November–May) 36–43% of the 13C released from the litter was recovered in the soil, with no differences between the structural and non-structural labeled
litter. By October the percentage recovery of litter 13C in soil was much lower (16%). The C released from litter and remaining in soil organic matter (SOM) after 1 year represented
over 30 g C m−2 y−1 of SOM accumulation. Recovery of litter 15N in soil was much higher than for C (over 90%) and in May 15N was mostly in organic horizons whereas by October it was mostly in 0–10 cm mineral soil. A small proportion of this N was
recovered as inorganic N (2–6%). Recovery of 15N in microbial biomass was higher in May (13–15%) than in October (about 5%). The C:N ratio of the SOM and microbial biomass
derived from the labeled litter was much higher for the structural than the non-structural litter and for the forest floor
than mineral SOM, illustrating the interactive role of substrates and microbial activity in regulating the C:N stoichiometry
of forest SOM formation. These results for a forest ecosystem long exposed to chronically high atmospheric N deposition (ca.
10 kg N ha−1 y−1) suggest possible mechanisms of N retention in soil: increased organic N leaching from fresh litter and reduced fungal transport
of N from soil to decaying litter may promote N stabilization in mineral SOM even at a relatively low C:N ratio. 相似文献
We investigated the effect of leaf litter on below ground carbon export and soil carbon formation in order to understand how litter diversity affects carbon cycling in forest ecosystems. 13C labeled and unlabeled leaf litter of beech (Fagus sylvatica) and ash (Fraxinus excelsior), characterized by low and high decomposability, were used in a litter exchange experiment in the Hainich National Park (Thuringia, Germany). Litter was added in pure and mixed treatments with either beech or ash labeled with 13C. We collected soil water in 5 cm mineral soil depth below each treatment biweekly and determined dissolved organic carbon (DOC), δ13C values and anion contents. In addition, we measured carbon concentrations and δ13C values in the organic and mineral soil (collected in 1 cm increments) up to 5 cm soil depth at the end of the experiment. Litter-derived C contributes less than 1% to dissolved organic matter (DOM) collected in 5 cm mineral soil depth. Better decomposable ash litter released significantly more (0.50±0.17%) litter carbon than beech litter (0.17±0.07%). All soil layers held in total around 30% of litter-derived carbon, indicating the large retention potential of litter-derived C in the top soil. Interestingly, in mixed (ash and beech litter) treatments we did not find a higher contribution of better decomposable ash-derived carbon in DOM, O horizon or mineral soil. This suggest that the known selective decomposition of better decomposable litter by soil fauna has no or only minor effects on the release and formation of litter-derived DOM and soil organic matter. Overall our experiment showed that 1) litter-derived carbon is of low importance for dissolved organic carbon release and 2) litter of higher decomposability is faster decomposed, but litter diversity does not influence the carbon flow. 相似文献
Two previously published models, after minor modification, areamalgamated to give a model that describes the major carbonand nitrogen pools and fluxes in a plantation forest soil system.The first model is a transport-resistance model of forest growthand dry-matter partitioning. The second is a soil organic mattermodel that was constructed for temperate grasslands. The combinedmodel is used to examine the relations between plantation growth,soil organic matter content, nitrogen deposition rate from theatmosphere, mineralization flux, nitrogen uptake by the plantation,dry matter partitioning between foliage and root, litter productionand the timing and quantity of fertilizer application. The highdemand for N by even-aged plantations during the period of canopybuilding is highlighted. The marked ontogenetic shifts in thegrowth pattern during plantation development is emphasized,indicating several phases of forest development. The resultsindicate that the potential growth of even-aged plantationsmay be greater than that realized in poor soils with commonlevels of atmospheric N deposition and normal fertilizer regimes.The simulations show how the concentrations of soil mineralN change during the development of a plantation, and point towardsthe importance of atmospheric N deposition. They also show thatfertilizer application must be accurately matched to growthstage if fertilizer is to be used efficiently. The nitrogencycle (N-uptake by plant 相似文献
Nonnative ungulates can alter the structure and function of forest ecosystems. Feral pigs in particular pose a substantial threat to native plant communities throughout their global range. Hawaiian forests are exceptionally vulnerable to feral pig activity because native vegetation evolved in the absence of large mammalian herbivores. A common approach for conserving and restoring forests in Hawaii is fencing and removal of feral pigs. The extent of native plant community recovery and nonnative plant invasion following pig removal, however, is largely unknown. Our objective was to quantify changes in native and nonnative understory vegetation over a 16 yr period in adjacent fenced (pig‐free) vs. unfenced (pig‐present) Hawaiian montane wet forest. Native and nonnative understory vegetation responded strongly to feral pig removal. Density of native woody plants rooted in mineral soil increased sixfold in pig‐free sites over 16 yr, whereas establishment was almost exclusively restricted to epiphytes in pig‐present sites. Stem density of young tree ferns increased significantly (51.2%) in pig‐free, but not pig‐present sites. Herbaceous cover decreased over time in pig‐present sites (67.9%). In both treatments, number of species remained constant and native woody plant establishment was limited to commonly occurring species. The nonnative invasive shrub, Psidium cattleianum, responded positively to release from pig disturbance with a fivefold increase in density in pig‐free sites. These results suggest that while common native understory plants recover within 16 yr of pig removal, control of nonnative plants and outplanting of rarer native species are necessary components of sustainable conservation and restoration efforts in these forests. 相似文献
土壤有机质和外源有机物对甲烷产生的影响 总被引:25,自引:2,他引:25
对土壤有机质含量及组分、外源有机物和根系分泌对甲烷产生的影响作了综述。土壤产甲烷量和甲烷排放量随有机质含量增加而提高,与土壤中易矿化有机碳或沸水浸提有机碳含量呈显著相关。外源有机碳加入促进了土壤排放甲,刺激效果与外源有机碳的用量和组成有关。还原力强的有机物如纤维素和半纤维素较还原力弱的有机物如类脂和多糖能够产生更多的甲烷。甲醇、甲基化氨基酸等无其它微生物竞争利用的有机物能被产甲烷菌更多地转化成甲烷。植物根系分泌物也促进甲烷的产生,促进作用大小与植物种类及分泌物的数量和质量有关。外源有机物通过3种方式促进土壤甲烷产生;提高土壤的甲烷底物供应量,降低土壤氧化还原电位,刺激土壤原有有机碳的转化。 相似文献
Tree Species Effects on Soil Organic Matter Dynamics: The Role of Soil Cation Composition 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
Sarah E. Hobbie Megan Ogdahl Jon Chorover Oliver A. Chadwick Jacek Oleksyn Roma Zytkowiak Peter B. Reich 《Ecosystems》2007,10(6):999-1018
Abstract We studied the influence of tree species on soil carbon and nitrogen (N) dynamics in a common garden of replicated monocultures of fourteen angiosperm and gymnosperm, broadleaf and needleleaf species in southwestern Poland. We hypothesized that species would influence soil organic matter (SOM) decomposition primarily via effects on biogeochemical recalcitrance, with species having tissues with high lignin concentrations retarding rates of decomposition in the O and A horizons. Additionally, because prior work demonstrated substantial divergence in foliar and soil base cation concentrations and soil pH among species, we hypothesized that species would influence chemical stabilization of SOM via cation bridging to mineral surfaces in the A-horizon. Our hypotheses were only partially supported: SOM decomposition and microbial biomass were unrelated to plant tissue lignin concentrations, but in the mineral horizon, were significantly negatively related to the percentage of the cation exchange complex (CEC) occupied by polyvalent acidic (hydrolyzing) cations (Al and Fe), likely because these cations stabilize SOM via cation bridging and flocculation and/or because of inhibitory effects of Al or low pH on decomposers. Percent CEC occupied by exchangeable Al and Fe was in turn related to both soil clay content (a parent material characteristic) and root Ca concentrations (a species characteristic). In contrast, species influenced soil N dynamics largely via variation in tissue N concentration. In both laboratory and in situ assays, species having high-N roots exhibited faster rates of net N mineralization and nitrification. Nitrification:mineralization ratios were greater, though, under species with high exchangeable soil Ca2+. Our results indicate that tree species contribute to variation in SOM dynamics, even in the mineral soil horizons. To our knowledge the influence of tree species on SOM decomposition via cation biogeochemistry has not been demonstrated previously, but could be important in other poorly buffered systems dominated by tree species that differ in cation nutrition or that are influenced by acidic deposition. 相似文献
Disturbed grassland soils are often cited as having the potential to store large amounts of carbon (C). Fertilization of grasslands
can promote soil C storage, but little is known about the generation of recalcitrant pools of soil organic matter (SOM) with
management treatments, which is critical for long-term soil C storage. We used a combination of soil incubations, size fractionation
and acid hydrolysis of SOM, [C], [N], and stable isotopic analyses, and biomass quality indices to examine how fertilization
and haying can impact SOM dynamics in Kansan grassland soils. Fertilized soils possessed 113% of the C possessed by soils
subjected to other treatments, an increase predominantly harbored in the largest size fraction (212–2,000 μm). This fraction
is frequently associated with more labile material. Haying and fertilization/haying, treatments that more accurately mimic
true management techniques, did not induce any increase in soil C. The difference in 15N-enrichment between size fractions was consistent with a decoupling of SOM processing between pools with fertilization, congruent
with gains of SOM in the largest size fraction promoted by fertilization not moving readily into smaller fractions that frequently
harbor more recalcitrant material. Litterfall and root biomass C inputs increased 104% with fertilization over control plots,
and this material possessed lower C:N ratios. Models of incubation mineralization kinetics indicate that fertilized soils
have larger pools of labile organic C. Model estimates of turnover rates of the labile and recalcitrant C pools did not differ
between treatments (65.5 ± 7.2 and 2.9 ± 0.3 μg C d−1, respectively). Although fertilization may promote greater organic inputs into these soils, much of that material is transformed
into relatively labile forms of soil C; these data highlight the challenges of managing grasslands for long-term soil C sequestration. 相似文献
Interactions between Carbon and Nitrogen Mineralization and Soil Organic Matter Chemistry in Arctic Tundra Soils 总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12
We used long-term laboratory incubations and chemical fractionation to characterize the mineralization dynamics of organic
soils from tussock, shrub, and wet meadow tundra communities, to determine the relationship between soil organic matter (SOM)
decomposition and chemistry, and to quantify the relative proportions of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) in tundra SOM that are
biologically available for decomposition. In all soils but shrub, we found little decline in respiration rates over 1 year,
although soils respired approximately a tenth to a third of total soil C. The lack of decline in respiration rates despite
large C losses indicates that the quantity of organic matter available was not controlling respiration and thus suggests that
something else was limiting microbial activity. To determine the nature of the respired C, we analyzed soil chemistry before
and after the incubation using a peat fractionation scheme. Despite the large losses of soil C, SOM chemistry was relatively
unchanged after the incubation. The decomposition dynamics we observed suggest that tundra SOM, which is largely plant detritus,
fits within existing concepts of the litter decay continuum. The lack of changes in organic matter chemistry indicates that
this material had already decomposed to the point where the breakdown of labile constituents was tied to lignin decomposition.
N mineralization was correlated with C mineralization in our study, but shrub soil mineralized more and tussock soil less
N than would have been predicted by this correlation. Our results suggest that a large proportion of tundra SOM is potentially
mineralizable, despite the fact that decomposition was dependent on lignin breakdown, and that the historical accumulation
of organic matter in tundra soils is the result of field conditions unfavorable to decomposition and not the result of fundamental
chemical limitations to decomposition. Our study also suggests that the anticipated increases in shrub dominance may substantially
alter the dynamics of SOM decomposition in the tundra.
Received 31 January 2002; accepted 16 July 2002. 相似文献
Juan Fan Jinsong Wang Bo Zhao Lianhai Wu Chunyu Zhang Xiuhai Zhao Klaus v. Gadow 《PloS one》2015,10(5)
Alteration in the amount of soil organic matter input can have profound effect on carbon dynamics in forest soils. The objective of our research was to determine the response in soil respiration to above- and belowground organic matter manipulation in a Chinese pine (Pinus tabulaeformis) plantation. Five organic matter treatments were applied during a 2-year experiment: both litter removal and root trenching (LRRT), only litter removal (LR), control (CK), only root trenching (RT) and litter addition (LA). We found that either aboveground litter removal or root trenching decreased soil respiration. On average, soil respiration rate was significantly decreased in the LRRT treatment, by about 38.93% ± 2.01% compared to the control. Soil respiration rate in the LR treatment was 30.65% ± 1.87% and in the RT treatment 17.65% ± 1.95% lower than in the control. Litter addition significantly increased soil respiration rate by about 25.82% ± 2.44% compared to the control. Soil temperature and soil moisture were the main factors affecting seasonal variation in soil respiration. Up to the 59.7% to 82.9% seasonal variation in soil respiration is explained by integrating soil temperature and soil moisture within each of the various organic matter treatments. The temperature sensitivity parameter, Q10, was higher in the RT (2.72) and LA (3.19) treatments relative to the control (2.51), but lower in the LRRT (1.52) and LR treatments (1.36). Our data suggest that manipulation of soil organic matter input can not only alter soil CO2 efflux, but also have profound effect on the temperature sensitivity of organic carbon decomposition in a temperate pine forest. 相似文献
Abstract Forest soil ecology was studied in Fennoscandinavian dry Scots pine forests grazed by reindeer to varying extents (ungrazed, lichen-dominated-sites; grazed sites; and bryophyte-dominated sites). We hypothesized that the productivity parameters of the site (i.e., tree growth and soil nutrient concentrations), the vegetation composition, and the microbial activities are directly correlated. Since the productivity of the lichen-dominated ecosystem is low, microbial activities are assumed to be naturally low. Grazing was expected to decrease both the amount of Scots pine fine roots and the soil microbial activities. Several variables on the characteristics of the soil microbial community, Scots pine fine roots, soil nutrients, and tree growth were studied in relation to vegetation composition by using non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS). Basal respiration (Bas), metabolic quotient of the microbial community (qCO2), and pine fine root parameters increased toward the ungrazed, nutrient-poor, lichen-dominated sites, which were grouped at one end of the first axis in the NMDS ordination. Soil nutrient and tree growth parameters and thickness of the humus layer increased toward bryophyte-dominated sites, which were grouped at the other end of the first axis in the ordination. The grazed sites fell between them. These were characterized by lower Bas and qCO2 values and longer lag, compared to ungrazed lichen- or bryophyte-dominated sites, probably due to decreased carbon input and microclimatic change (the soil without lichen carpet is exposed to direct sunlight and wind). Microbial biomass (Cmic), fungal biomass (ergosterol concentration), and the specific growth rate (μCO2) were not related to vegetation ordination. The high fine root production is the most plausible explanation for the high microbial activities at nutrient-poor, lichen-dominated sites, which produce qualitatively poor and slowly decomposing litter, as fine roots secrete considerable amounts of organic substances. At bryophyte-dominated sites, the higher soil nutrient concentrations and the higher production of easily decomposable substrates are likely to maintain the microbial activities. 相似文献
L. Di Palma P. Ferrantelli C. Merli E. Petrucci I. Pitzolu 《Soil & Sediment Contamination》2007,16(3):323-335
Column experiments of copper extraction from four contaminated soils characterized by a content of Soil Organic Matter (SOM) ranging from 1% to 25% are presented and discussed. The extraction was performed by flushing the soil with an aqueous solution of a sodium salt of ethylene diamminotetraacetic acid (EDTA). Preliminary tests were performed on a soil containing 25% of organic matter, to investigate the influence of pH, concentration and volumes of EDTA on its chelant action and on the dissolution of SOM. Having selected the optimal conditions for the extraction process, a further series of tests was conducted on the four soils to evaluate the influence of organic content on copper extraction yields. EDTA solutions at 0.01 M, 0.05 M, 0.1 and 0.2 M were injected at 0.33 ml/s; copper and organic matter extraction yield were determined. At a pH of 5, 15 pore volume (PV) of a solution containing 0.05M EDTA, extracted about 99% of copper contained by the soil with the higher organic matter content. Under the same conditions, and for soil with > 6% SOM, extraction yields over 80% were achieved, while at lower organic content, copper extraction was dramatically reduced. This was attributed to the formation of highly stable copper-humate complexes and to their increasingly dissolution that occurred in the soils with higher organic matter level.
Experimental tests performed at different contamination levels (1200 mg/kg, 2400 mg/kg) showed that EDTA extraction effectiveness also depended upon initial soil Cu concentration. 相似文献
Ioannis Spanos Yannis Raftoyannis Gerasimos Goudelis Eleni Xanthopoulou Theano Samara Alexandros Tsiontsis 《Plant and Soil》2005,278(1-2):171-179
After a wildfire in a Pinus halepensis Mill. forest, in northern Greece, the burned trees were logged and the logs were removed either by mechanical or animal traction.
The effects of logging and log removal methods on soil and vegetation recovery were evaluated comparing the logged sites with
a burned but unlogged site and the unburned forest. Fire and logging did not affect the soil pH and caused only a short-term
reduction in organic matter content. Two years after the fire, the highest rates of soil loss were observed in the logged
area where mules were used for log removal. Soil moisture showed some differences between treatments during the first year
after fire but then values were similar. Logging and particularly the use of skidders for log removal caused an initial increase
in the amount of exposed bare ground but later when vegetation cover increased differences were minimized. The main woody
species showed a species specific response to the treatments and while seeder species were favoured in the unlogged sites
the same was not true for the respouters. In general, the growth and survival of pine seedlings was not affected by treatments. 相似文献
Liming Lai Yufei Li Yuan Tian Lianhe Jiang Xuechun Zhao Linhai Zhu Xi Chen Yong Gao Shaoming Wang Yuanrun Zheng Glyn M. Rimmington 《PloS one》2013,8(7)
It is generally predicted that global warming will stimulate primary production and lead to more carbon (C) inputs to soil. However, many studies have found that soil C does not necessarily increase with increased plant litter input. Precipitation has increased in arid central Asia, and is predicted to increase more, so we tested the effects of adding fresh organic matter (FOM) and water on soil C sequestration in an arid region in northwest China. The results suggested that added FOM quickly decomposed and had minor effects on the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool to a depth of 30 cm. Both FOM and water addition had significant effects on the soil microbial biomass. The soil microbial biomass increased with added FOM, reached a maximum, and then declined as the FOM decomposed. The FOM had a more significant stimulating effect on microbial biomass with water addition. Under the soil moisture ranges used in this experiment (21.0%–29.7%), FOM input was more important than water addition in the soil C mineralization process. We concluded that short-term FOM input into the belowground soil and water addition do not affect the SOC pool in shrubland in an arid region. 相似文献