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Growth and spirolide production of the toxic dinoflagellate Alexandrium ostenfeldii (Danish strain CCMP1773) were studied in batch culture and a photobioreactor (continuous cultures). First, batch cultures were grown in 450 mL flasks without aeration and under varying conditions of temperature (16 and 22 °C) and culture medium (L1, f/2 and L1 with addition of soil extract). Second, cultures were grown at 16 °C in 8 L aerated flat-bottomed vessels using L1 with soil extract as culture medium. Finally, continuous cultures in a photobioreactor were conducted at 18 °C in L1 with soil extract; pH was maintained at 8.5 and continuous stirring was applied.This study showed that A. ostenfeldii growth was significantly affected by temperature. At the end of the exponential phase, maximum cell concentration and cell diameter were significantly higher at 16 °C than at 22 °C. In batch culture, maximum spirolide quota per cell (approx. 5 pg SPX 13-desMeC eq cell−1) was detected during lag phase for all conditions used. Spirolide quota per cell was negatively and significantly correlated to cell concentration according to the following equation: y = 4013.9x−0.858. Temperature and culture medium affected the spirolide profile which was characterized by the dominance of 13,19-didesMeC (29–46%), followed by SPX-D (21–28%), 13-desMeC (21–23%), and 13-desMeD (17–21%).Stable growth of A. ostenfeldii was maintained in a photobioreactor over two months, with maximum cell concentration of 7 × 104 cells mL−1. As in batch culture, maximum spirolide cell quota was found in lag phase and then decreased significantly throughout the exponential phase. Spirolide cell quota was negatively and significantly correlated to cell concentration according to the equation: y = 12,858x−0.8986. In photobioreactor, spirolide profile was characterized by higher proportion of 13,19-didesMeC (60–87%) and lower proportions of SPX-D (3–12%) and 13-desMeD (1.6–10%) as compared to batch culture.  相似文献   

A model of seaweed growth in an outdoor culture in Israel   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
The agarophyte red seaweed Gracilaria conferta was used as a model plant to study the relationship between growth and environmental factors. This species was cultured in small outdoor tanks with continuous seawater supply during three years. Seaweeds were kept under constant density by weekly thinning and were also pulse-fed weekly with nitrogen and phosphate. Water temperature and underwater irradiance increase had opposite effects on the weekly growth rate in two seasons: negative in summer and positive in non-summer. Therefore, a dichotomic separation between summer (June–August) and non-summer (September–May) seasons was utilized in the proposed linear model. The linear model, of the analysis of covariance type, accounted for an explained percentage of total variation (R2) of 0.567, with significant coefficients of all variables included. A standardized model showed that season was the dominant variable, with its coefficient being twice that of temperature in summer, and zero in the non-summer season. Water temperature affected the growth rate twice as much as irradiance, and epiphytes showed a significant negative effect on growth only in the summer. This model aids in the prediction of growth on a seasonal basis under local conditions.  相似文献   

Glucose-limited, continuous cultures (dilution rate 0.1 h-1) of Streptococcus bovis JB1 fermented glucose at a rate of 3.9 mol mg protein-1 h-1 and produced acctate, formate and ethanol. Based on a maximum ATP yield of 32 cells/mol ATP (Stouthamer 1973) and 3 ATP/glucose, the theoretical glucose consumption for growth would have been 2.1 mol mg protein-1 h-1. Because the maintenance energy requirement was 1.7 mol/mg protein/h (Russell and Baldwin 1979), virtually all of the glucose consumption could be explained by growth and maintenance and the YATP was 30. Glucose-limited, continuous cultures produced heat at a rate of 0.29 mW/mg protein, and this value was similar to the enthalpy change of the fermentation (0.32 mW/mg protein). Batch cultures (specific growth rate 2.0 h-1) fermented glucose at a rate of 81 mol mg protein-1 h-1, and produced only lactate. The heat production was in close agreement with the theoretical enthalpy change (1.72 versus 1.70 mW/mg protein), but only 80% of the glucose consumption could be accounted by growth and maintenance. The YATP of the batch cultures was 25. Nitrogen-limited, glucose-excess, non-growing cultures fermented glucose at a rate of 6.9 mol mg protein-1 h-1, and virtually all of the enthalpy for this homolactic fermentation could be accounted as heat (0.17 mW/mg protein). The nitrogenlimited cultures had a membrane potential of 150 mV, and nearly all of the heat production could be explained by a futile cycle of protons through the cell membrane (watts = amperes x voltage where H+/ATP was 3). The membrane voltage of the nitrogen-limited cells was higher than the glucose-limited continuous cultures (150 versus 80 mV), and this difference in voltage explained why nitrogen-limited cultures consumed glucose faster than the maintenance rate. Batch cultures had a membrane potential of 100 mV, and this voltage could not account for increased glucose consumption (more than growth plus maintenance). It appears that another mechanism causes the increased heat production and lower growth efficiency of batch cultures.  相似文献   

The specific growth rate () of a respiration-deficient mutant of Saccharomyces cerevisiae growing under defined experimental conditions in batch culture (mineral medium plus glucose and vitamins at 25°C) varied from experiment to experiment over a wide range (0.10–0.24 h-1) and showed a normal distribution. Neither the age of the culture, the history of the inoculum, nor experimental error accounted wholy for the variability of . The variation was positively correlated with the specific rate of glucose transfer and negatively with the specific rate of production of non-fermentative CO2. The yield decreased with implying higher maintenance requirements in batch culture (4.7 mmoles g-1 h-1) than in continuous culture (0.8 mmoles g-1 h-1). It was concluded that the strain is capable of establishing any one of several steady states of growth under the same experimental conditions, each steady state displaying some buildin inertia with respect to change. The variations of the specific rates of glucose transfer and non-fermentative CO2 production, and of the yield appeared to be consequences rather than causes of the variation of . The ultimate causes of the variation of remained unidentified.Part of a doctoral thesis submitted by J. Martinez-Peinado to the University of Navarra Spain  相似文献   

Growth, lactose utilization and S-adenosyl-l-methionine (AdoMet) production by Kluyveromyces lactis AM-65 on whey in batch fermentation were investigated and an unstructured model of the process has been derived. The optimal set of parameters was estimated by fitting the model to experimental results. After incubation for 20 h the optimal fermentation conditions (28.5 °C, pH 5.3, agitation at 270 rpm) resulted in AdoMet production at 1.55 g l–1.  相似文献   

A culture method was developed for photoautotrophic culture of Haematococcus pluvialis, Chlorella vulgaris, Scenedesmus obliquus, Spirulina platensis, Nostoc and Stigonema in a two-tier flask consisting of nutrient media in the upper chamber and CO2 generating buffer mixture (KHCO3/K2CO3) in the lower chamber. The concentration of buffer mixture was varied to obtain desired levels of CO2. CO2 at 2.0% (v/v) level enhanced growth and chlorophyll content over control cultures (without CO2 supplementation) in all microalgal species. Haematococcus pluvialis culture in BBM and KM1 media showed 6.71- and 2.07-fold increase in biomass yields with astaxanthin productivity at 7.26 and 7.48 mg l–1 level respectively. CO2 supplementation to C. vulgaris and S. obliquus cultures resulted in 5.97- and 7.30-folds increase in biomass with 2–3 fold increase in chlorophyll and carotenoid contents over their respective controls. Similarly 2–3 fold increase in chlorophyll and carotenoid contents were observed in Sp. platensis, Nostoc and Stigonema spp. This culture methodology will provide information on CO2 requirement for growth of algae and metabolite production and also facilitates studies on the influence of light and temperature conditions.  相似文献   

Heterotrophic growth of the facultatively chemolithoautotrophic acidophile Thiobacillus acidophilus was studied in batch cultures and in carbon-limited chemostat cultures. The spectrum of carbon sources supporting heterotrophic growth in batch cultures was limited to a number of sugars and some other simple organic compounds. In addition to ammonium salts and urea, a number of amino acids could be used as nitrogen sources. Pyruvate served as a sole source of carbon and energy in chemostat cultures, but not in batch cultures. Apparently the low residual concentrations in the steady-state chemostat cultures prevented substrate inhibition that already was observed at 150 M pyruvate. Molar growth yields of T. acidophilus in heterotrophic chemostat cultures were low. The Y max and maintenance coefficient of T. acidophilus grown under glucose limitation were 69 g biomass · mol–1 and 0.10 mmol · g–1 · h–1, respectively. Neither the Y max nor the maintenance coefficient of glucose-limited chemostat cultures changed when the culture pH was increased from 3.0 to 4.3. This indicates that in T. acidophilus the maintenance of a large pH gradient is not a major energy-requiring process. Significant activities of ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase were retained during heterotrophic growth on a variety of carbon sources, even under conditions of substrate excess. Also thiosulphate- and tetrathionate-oxidising activities were expressed under heterotrophic growth conditions.  相似文献   

Summary The batch fermentation of whey permeate to lactic acid was improved by supplementing the broth with enzyme-hydrolyzed whey protein. A mathematical model based on laboratory results predicts to a 99% confidence limit the kinetics of this fermentation. Cell growth, acid production and protein and sugar use rates are defined in quantifiable terms related to the state of cell metabolism. The model shows that the constants of the Leudeking-Piret model are not true constants, but must vary with the medium composition, and especially the peptide average molecular weight. The kinetic mechanism on which the model is based also is presented.Nomenclature K i lactic acid inhibition constant (g/l) - K pr protein saturation constant during cell growth (g/l) - K pr protein saturation constant during maintenance (g/l) - K s lactose saturation constant (g/l) - [LA] lactic acid concentration (g/l) - [PR] protein concentration (g/l) - [S] lactose concentration (g/l) - t time (h) - [X] cell mass concentration (g/l) - , fermentation constants of Leudeking and Piret - specific growth rate (l/h) - Y g, LA/S acid yield during cell growth (g acid/g sugar) - Y m, LA/S acid yield during maintenance (g acid/g sugar) - Y x/pr yield (g cells/g protein) - specific sugar use rate during cell growth (g sugar/h·g cell) - specific sugar use rate during maintenance (g sugar/h·cell)  相似文献   

There is continuous interest in many countries in maintaining and manipulating the rich ecological value of hypersaline ecosystems for aquaculture. The Megalon Embolon solar saltworks (northern Greece) were studied in sites of increasing salinity of 60–144 ppt to evaluate Dunaliella salina abundance and microalgal composition, in relation to physical and chemical parameters. Cluster and ordination analyses were performed based on the biotic and abiotic data matrices. Using fresh aliquots from 60 and 140 ppt salinity waters, phytoplankton performance was appraised with flask cultures in the laboratory by varying the inorganic PO4-P concentration at 23 °C and 30 °C. At the saltworks, among the most abundant microalgae identified were species of the genera Dunaliella, Chlamydomonas, Amphora, Navicula, and Nitzschia. Dunaliella salina populations were predominant comprising 5–22% of the total microalgal assemblages during spring, but only 0.3–1.0% during the summer, when grazing by Artemia parthenogenetica and Fabrea salina was intense. D. salina cell density in April–July was in the range of 0.4–12.5 × 106 L−1 with typical densities of 1.5–4.5 × 106 L−1. Overall, microalgal densities were high in salinities of ≥100 ppt when inorganic-P concentrations were ≥0.20 mg L−1 within saltworks waters. Multivariate analysis of species abundance showed that algal growth responses were primarily related to variation in salinity and inorganic-P concentrations, but also to NO3-N concentration. In the laboratory, experiments indicated effective fertilization and denser microalgal growth under high inorganic PO4-P applications (4.0 and 8.0 mg L−1) at 60 ppt salinity and 23 °C. The lower PO4-P applications (0.6–2.0 mg L−1) were more effective at 60 ppt salinity and 30 °C. At 140 ppt salinity, microalgal growth response was less obvious at any of the corresponding phosphorus concentrations or temperatures. In both salinity experiments, Dunaliella salina bloomed easily and was predominant among the microalgae. Our observations indicate that Dunaliella salina populations and the overall rich microalgal profile of the saltworks, along with their performance in laboratory mono–and mixed cultures hold promise for mass cultivation within the M. Embolon saltworks basins.  相似文献   

This paper advances a unified approach to the modeling of sigmoid organismal growth. There are numerous studies on growth, and there have been several proposals and applications of candidate models. Still, a lack of interpretation of the parameter values persists and, consequently, differences in growth patterns have riddled this field. A candidate regression model as a tool should be able to assess and compare growth-curve shapes, systematically and precisely. The Richards models constitute a useful family of growth models that amongst a multitude of parameterizations, re-parameterizations and special cases, include familiar models such as the negative exponential, the logistic, the Bertalanffy and the Gompertz. We have reviewed and systemized this family of models. We demonstrate that two specific parameterizations (or re-parameterizations) of the Richards model are able to substitute, and thus to unify all other forms and models. This unified-Richards model (with its two forms) constitutes a powerful tool for an interpretation of important characteristics of observed growth patterns, namely, [I] maximum (relative) growth rate (i.e., slope at inflection), [II] age at maximum growth rate (i.e., time at inflection), [III] relative mass or length at maximum growth rate (i.e., relative value at an inflection), [IV] value at age zero (i.e., birth, hatching or germination), and [V] asymptotic value (i.e., adult weight or length). These five parameters can characterize uniquely any sigmoid-growth data. To date most studies only compare what is referred to as the “growth-rate constant” or simply “growth rate” (k). This parameter can be interpreted as neither relative nor actual growth rate, but only as a parameter that affects the slope at inflection. We fitted the unified-Richards and five other candidate models to six artificial data sets, generated from the same models, and made a comparison based on the corrected Akaike’s Information Criterion (AICc). The outcome may in part be the result of the random generation of data points. Still, in conclusion, the unified-Richards model performed consistently well for all data sets, despite the penalty imposed by the AICc.  相似文献   

The accumulation and volatilization of mercury by non-immobilized and immobilizedChlorella emersonii have been studied in batch culture systems. Reduction in the mercury concentration in the growth medium by non-immobilized cells was highly dependent on inoculum density, whilst reduction in mercury concentration by immobilized cells was rapid at all inoculum densities. Mercury accumulation by immobilized cell biomass was significantly greater than by non-immobilized cells with 106 and 105 cells bead–1 or ml–1. Volatilization of mercury by non-immobilized cell systems was greatest at higher inoculum densities, whereas more mercury was volatilized from immobilized cell systems at lower inoculum densities, and was greatest with unstocked alginate beads. Thus, in immobilized systems, mercury removal from solution is complex and involves mercury accumulation by the cells and volatilization by the matrix and cells. Further studies of mercury accumulation and volatilization by unstocked immobilization matrices revealed that agarose volatilized much less mercury than alginate or agar. The precise mechanism of mercury volatilization by alginate remains unclear, though it is thought to be a chemical effect.  相似文献   

Summary Bacillus licheniformis S 1684 is able to produce an alkaline serine protease exocellularly. In glucose-limited chemostat cultures the specific rate of protease production was maximal at a -value of 0.22. Above this growth rate protease production was repressed. Dependent on 10–20% of the glucose input was used for exocellular product formation. The degree of reduction of exocellular products was 4.1.Maximum molar growth yields were high and indicate a high efficiency of growth. The values of Y glu max and YO 2 max were 83.8 and 53.3, respectively. When Y glu max was corrected for the amount of glucose used for product formation a value of 100.3 was obtained. These high maximum molar growth yields are most probably caused by a high Y ATP max . Anaerobic batch experiments showed a Y ATP of 14.6.Sometimes the used strain was instable in cell morphology and protease production. Non-protease producing cells most probably develop from producing cells by mutation in the rel-gene. Producing cells most probably are relaxed (rel -) and non-producing cells stringent (rel +).Glossary specific growth rate (h-1) - Y sub growth yield permol substrate (g biomass/mol) - Y max maximum molar growth yield, corrected for maintenance requirements (g biomass/mol) - Y max(corr) Y max corrected for product formation (g biomass/mol) - m sub maintenance requirements (mol/g biomass·h) - m sub(corr) maintenance requirements corrected for product formation (mol/g biomass·h) - Y c fraction of organic substrate converted in biomass - z fraction of organic substrate converted in exocellular products - d fraction of organic substrate converted in CO2 (g mol/g atom C) - Crec% carbon recovery % - average degree of reduction of exocellular products - P/O amount of ATP produced during electron-transport of 2 electrons to oxygen  相似文献   

An extended dynamical model for growth and sporulation of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. kurstaki in an intermittent fed-batch culture with total cell retention is proposed. This model differs from reported models, by including dynamics for natural death of cells and substrate consumption for cell maintenance. The proposed model uses sigmoid functions to describe these kinetic parameters. Equations for time evolution of substrate, vegetative, sporulated and total cell concentration were taken from previous works. Model parameters were determined from batch experimental data obtained in pilot plant. Parameter identification was developed in two stages: (1) coarse identification using a multivariable optimization with constraints algorithm, (2) fine identification by heuristic fit of model parameters looking for a minimal model error. The proposed model estimates adequate time evolution of the process variables with a mean error of 2.6% on substrate concentration and 6.7% on biomass concentration.  相似文献   

A mutant of Dunaliella tertiolecta produced by treatment with methyl nitrosoguanidine and designated HL25/8, grew more slowly than the parent strain under all experimental conditions and was conspicuously less tolerant of NaCl. Total photosynthetic activity (C-fixation and O2 evolution) was less in HL25/8 than in the parent strain and was affected differently by [NaCl] in the two strains. Various growth characteristics indicated that the mutant had a greater need than the parent strain for CO2 as distinct from HCO 3 as a source of carbon. Gaseous CO2 extended the range of salt tolerance of the mutant. For example, HL25/8 could not sustain growth at 1.02 M NaCl in a conventional buffered medium containing bicarbonate as the sole carbon source but could do so if the medium were sparged with a CO2/air mixture. The mutant strain has a lower activity of carbonic anhydrase on the cell surface than the parent D. tertiolecta. Moreover, the two strains differ sharply in the responses of their surface carbonic anhydrase activity to salinity of the growth medium. Increasing sodium chloride concentration above 0.17 M raised activity of the enzyme in the parent strain but decreased it in HL25/8. We conclude that the low activity of carbonic anhydrase and its response to salinity can largely, but perhaps not fully, explain the diminished salt tolerance of the mutant. A plate counting method applicable to Dunaliella is described.  相似文献   

Endolymph chemistry (Ca2+, pH, Na+) was measured in 17 orange roughy (Hoplostethus atlanticus; Teleostei; Trachichthyidae). Theoretical daily microincrement widths based on the Romanek and Gauldie model of otolith growth were calculated from the measure of otolith chemistry. Theoretical daily microincrement widths were well-correlated (r2=59%) with the width of the last daily microincrement growing at the posterior edge of otoliths taken from the sampled fish.  相似文献   

Cold-acclimation (CA) of the halotolerant alga Dunaliella was inhibited by light and by high salt. CA was associated with enhanced resistance to freezing in saline growth solutions, as manifested by protection of photosynthetic oxygen evolution and by reduced permeabilisation of the plasma membrane. Oxygen evolution activity in isolated chloroplasts was not affected by freezing, but was inhibited by high salt and the inhibition could be reversed or protected by glycerol. The activity of chloroplasts from cold-acclimated cells was more resistant to salt than of non-acclimated cells. Electron transport measurements in chloroplasts indicated that high salt inhibited PS-II, but not PS-I electron transport. High salt also inhibited PS-II thermoluminescence (TL) activity in chloroplasts. Similar inhibition of PS-II TL was observed by freezing intact cells in saline solutions. Chloroplasts from cold-acclimated cells had enhanced resistance to inhibition of PS-II electron transport and of PS-II TL by high salt. These results suggest that inhibition of oxygen evolution upon freezing Dunaliella cells may result from inactivation of PS-II due to massive influx of salt and loss of glycerol. The enhanced freeze-resistance of cold-acclimated cells to inhibition of oxygen evolution can be accounted for partly by protection of PS-II against high salt.  相似文献   

Glycollate dehydrogenase of the halotolerant green alga Dunaliella salina, isolated from a brine pond, was found associated with the membrane fraction which exhibited complete photosynthetic activity. Highest enzyme activity was found in cells grown in the presence of 5% NaCl. Any increase in NaCl concentration led to a decrease in specific enzyme activity.Abbreviations PSI(II) photosystem I(II)  相似文献   

A cultivation system with simultaneous growth of six bacterial cultures in separate bags in dialysis culture was developed. In a medium with no added carbon source (one half concentrated Hoagland solution, water deionized and distilled), cell number ofRhizobium japonicum increased during a 7 day period by a factor of 35, whereas the number ofEnterobacter aerogenes cells decreased to one half. With a concentration of 100 nM succinate as an additional carbon source in the inflow,Rhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 cell number increased by a factor of 50 during an 8 day period, whereas cell number ofEnterobacter cloacae NCTC 10005 only doubled and ofEnterobacter aerogenes NCTC 10006 decreased. At 10 mM concentration of succinate in the inflow, doubling time the twoEnterobacter strains was about 12 h, compared to about 24 h for theRhizobium japonicum strain. Varying the succinate concentration from 10 mM to 100 nM in the inflow,Rhizobium japonicum 61-A-101 surpassed theEnterobacter aerogenes strains in the growth rate between 1 mM and 100 M succinate in the inflowing medium. Three otherRhizobium japonicum strains (fix+ and fix-) did grow with a similar rate as strain 61-A-101 at very low concentrations of substrate. Growth rates for the strains were confirmed by protein data per culture. Growing in competition with twoPseudomonas strains,Rhizobium japonicum RH 31 Marburg (fix-) did overgrow alsoPseudomonas fluorescens, was however outgrown byPseudomonas putida. In utilizing low concentrations of a14C labelled organic acid (malonate), three strains ofRhizobium japonicum left 2–4 times smaller amounts of14C in the medium than two species ofPseudomonas and two species ofArthrobacter.On sabbatical leave at ANU  相似文献   

Fixation of dissolved dinitrogen in culture solutions by the photosynthetic bacterium Rhodopseudomonas capsulata, strain B10, reduced the lag phase associated with growth with glutamate. A comparable effect was not observed with ammonium chloride. This strain assimilated nitrate but nitrogen fixation was depressed during early growth on nitrate. It is shown that nitrite, the first product of nitrate assimilation, inhibits nitrogen fixation during the early stages of cell growth.  相似文献   

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