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Summary One important step in understanding early development is to define the cell interactions involved in establishing tissue types. In amphibian embryos, one such interaction is the induction by the organizer region after the late blastula stage of lateral and ventral regions of the marginal zone (MZ) to form dorsal tissue types such as muscle. It is not known whether the organizer can also induce lateral MZ to form notochord after the late blastula stage. We find that this induction occurs under experimental conditions and plays a role in normalXenopus development. The ability to induce notochord is strongest at the center of the organizer along the dorsal midline and weaker at the lateral edges of the organizer. Organizer tissue along the dorsal midline, which would differentiate as notochord in normal development, can exhibit organizer functions such as the induction of the dorsolateral MZ to form notochord without later differentiating as notochord itself. Thus organizer activity can be dissociated from subsequent notochord formation.  相似文献   

The grafting experiments of Spemann and Mangold have been a textbook classic for years, but as with many conclusions from experimental embryology, the idea that the dorsal lip of the blastopore ;organized' the early patterning of the embryo has sometimes come under question. In their 1983 paper in JEEM, Smith and Slack extended these classical experiments in newts to the now-standard amphibian model Xenopus laevis. By using injected lineage tracers, they distinguished the fates of graft and host, and showed unambiguously that the organizer is responsible for neural induction and that it dorsalizes the mesoderm.  相似文献   

Summary The maintainance of resorptive capability towards vital or devitalized bone in osteoclasts isolated from the medullary bone of laying hens and cultured for five days in vitro has been investigated morphologically with the aid of light and transmission electron microscopy. Devitalized bone particles ranging in size from 50 to 100 m, added to cultures of osteoclasts, were rapidly surrounded by the osteoclasts which, in transmission electron microscopy, showed ruffled borders and clear zones at the surfaces of contact with bone — features typical of resorptive activity. Alternatively osteoclasts were added onto the endosteal surfaces of vital or devitalized diaphyses of quail femurs after removal of the endosteal and periosteal cell layers. The results indicated that, when the vital or devitalized bone surfaces were devoid of cells, the osteoclasts adhered and resorbed bone (as confirmed by transmission electron microscopy). When vital bone of quail was cultured for 24 h before the addition of osteoclasts a new cell layer was formed; it enveloped all bone surfaces and precluded the access of osteoclasts to bone. The role of these lining cells, ultrastructurally indistinguishable from resting osteoblasts, is discussed.  相似文献   

Regionally specific induction by the Spemann-Mangold organizer   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

Chromosomal DNA methylation patterns were determined in the grasshopper Eyprepocnemis plorans by in situ digestion with MspI and HpaII. While no methylated regions were observed in standard chromosomes, the B chromosome was methylated in the distal third of its long arm. In this zone the B chromosome had an active nucleolus organizer region (NOR) in a male carrying a centric fusion between the B and the longest autosome, and it was not methylated. This NOR, however, was never observed in the active form in nonfused B chromosome, possibly because of methylation of this B chromosome region.by J.H. Taylor  相似文献   

The development of avian embryos is characterized by the large amount of yolk present from the one-cell stage until late phases of organogenesis. In the chick, an axis of bilateral symmetry is established already before egg laying, when the egg rotates in the uterus. There is evidence for an active Wnt-catenin pathway in the vegetal cells in the periphery of the multi-cellular embryo. It overlaps with the posteriorly restricted expression of genes characterizing the vegetal hemisphere in amphibia. The zone of overlap bears several functional characteristics of a Nieuwkoop center, which is first apparent in the posterior marginal zone, but continues into the early primitive streak. Only the anterior part of the late streak is capable of direct neural induction, and only its tip, Hensen's node, can induce an anterior neural identity. This latter activity leaves the node together with the cells representing the anterior mesendoderm. Thus, although the constraints and dynamics of avian development make comparisons with the amphibian situation a complex undertaking, Hensen's node comes as close as possible to an organizer in Spemann and H. Mangold's definition.  相似文献   

Prozorov AA 《Genetika》2006,42(11):1471-1474

Nucleolar activity was analyzed in wheat (Triticum sp.), rye (Secale cereale) and several types of wheat-rye derivatives using a modified, highly reproducible, silver staining procedure (Lacadena et al. 1984). A comparative analysis of the nucleolar organizer regions (NORs) of somatic metaphase chromosomes was made by phase contrast, C-banding, and silver staining. The frequency distribution of the number of nucleoli visualized at interphase by silver staining was also used to infer the activity of NORs. The results agree quite well with data from in situ hybridization reported by other authors. The behavior of euploid, ditelosomic and nulli-tetrasomic plants of common wheat showed the relative nucleolar activity of the four organizer chromosomes to be: 6B > 1B > 5D > 1A. — Several types of wheat-rye derivatives were analyzed: interspecific hybrid, triticale, addition and substitution lines, and plants with the genome constitutions, AABBDR, ABDR + 5D, ABRR, and ABRRR. In all cases the nucleolar organizer chromosome 1R of rye was suppressed by the presence of wheat chromosomes.  相似文献   

We review how studies on the first Spemann-Mangold organizer marker, the homeobox gene goosecoid, led to the discovery of secreted factors that pattern the vertebrate embryo. Microinjection of goosecoid mRNA formed secondary axes and recruited neighboring cells. These non-cell autonomous effects are mediated in part by the expression of secreted factors such as chordin, cerberus and Frzb-1. Unexpectedly, many of the molecules secreted by the Spemann-Mangold organizer turned out to be antagonists that bind growth factors in the extracellular space and prevent them from binding to their receptors. The case of chordin is reviewed in detail, for this molecule has provided biochemical insights into how patterning by Spemann's organizer can be regulated by diffusion and proteolytic control. The study of the BMP-binding repeats of Chordin, which are present in many extracellular proteins, may provide a new paradigm for how cell-cell signaling is regulated in the extracellular space not only in embryos, but also in adult tissues.  相似文献   

Urokinase receptor: a molecular organizer in cellular communication   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
In a variety of cell types, the glycolipid-anchored urokinase receptor (uPAR) is colocalized pericellularly with components of the plasminogen activation system and endocytosis receptors. uPAR is also coexpressed with caveolin and members of the integrin adhesion receptor superfamily. The formation of functional units with these various proteins allows the uPAR to mediate the focused proteolysis required for cell migration and invasion and to contribute both directly and indirectly to cell adhesive processes in a non-proteolytic fashion. This dual activity, together with the initiation of signal transduction pathways by uPAR, is believed to influence cellular behaviour in angiogenesis, inflammation, wound repair and tumor progression/metastasis and open up the way for uPAR-based therapeutic approaches.  相似文献   

Shilo BZ 《Cell》2001,106(1):17-22

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