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Three water stress treatments were applied at early, mid andlate stages of vegetative development in sunflower. The effectsof these stresses on leaf area, cell frequency, number of cellsper leaf and palisade cell area were examined. Final leaf area was reduced in all stress treatments. The largestreduction occurred in leaves that were unfolding or about tounfold at the commencement of stress. At full expansion of theseleaves cell frequency had increased, cell number had decreasedand cell area had decreased. These results help to explain theeffects of stress on final leaf area, especially the reducedarea of the lower leaves that are most sensitive to water stress. Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, water stress, node number, leaf area  相似文献   

Development of sunflower plants grown in pots under controlledconditions was monitored at frequent intervals. Two separatewater stresses, which reached a minimum of –1.7 MPa, wereimposed at specified developmental stages on two separate batchesof plants. Leaf initiation and leaf unfolding were significantlyreduced by water stress. Inflorescence primordium initiation,involucre bract formation, disc and disc floret developmentwere not affected. The mitotic index was reduced by water stressin unfolding leaves from 5 to 0.5 per cent. In other leaves,the mitotic index was reduced to a lesser extent. This reducedmitotic index helps explain reduction in leaf development. Thetime between seed germination and inflorescence primordium initiationremained relatively constant despite the reduced leaf numberassociated with water stress. The discussion evaluates the complicationsthat this may cause in the comparison of leaves in the upperhalf of the leaf profile. Helianthus annuus L., sunflower, water stress, mitotic index, leaf development  相似文献   

The effects of nitrogen (N) availability on cell number andcell size, and the contribution of these determinants to thefinal area of fully expanded leaves of sunflower (Helianthusannuus L.) were investigated in glasshouse experiments. Plantswere given a high (N =315 ppm) or low (N=21 ppm) N supply andwere transferred between N levels at different developmentalstages (5 to 60% of final size) of target leaves. The dynamicsof cell number in unemerged (< 0.01 m in length) leaves ofplants growing at high and low levels of N supply were alsofollowed. Maximum leaf area (LAmax) was strongly (up to two-fold)and significantly modified by N availability and the timingof transfer between N supplies, through effects on leaf expansionrate. Rate of cell production was significantly (P<0.05)reduced in unemerged target leaves under N stress, but therewas no evidence of a change in primordium size or in the durationof the leaf differentiation–emergence phase. In fullyexpanded leaves, number of cells per leaf (Ncell), leaf areaper cell (LAcell) and cell area (Acell) were significantly reducedby N stress. WhileLAcell and Acellresponded to changeover treatmentsirrespective of leaf size, significant (P<0.05) changes inNcellonly occurred when the changeover occurred before the leafreached approx. 10% of LAmax. There were no differential effectsof N on numbers of epidermal vs. mesophyll cells. The resultsshow that the effects of N on leaf size are largely due to effectson cell production in the unemerged leaf and on both cell productionand expansion during the first phase of expansion of the emergedleaf. During the rest of the expansion period N mainly affectsthe expansion of existing cells. Cell area plasticity permitteda response to changes in N supply even at advanced stages ofleaf expansion. Increased cell expansion can compensate forlow Ncellif N stress is relieved early in the expansion of emergedleaves, but in later phases Ncellsets a limit to this response.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company Helianthus annuus, leaf expansion, leaf cell number, leaf cell size, nitrogen, leaf growth, sunflower.  相似文献   

Macroptilium atropurpureum cv. Siratro was grown in large soilbeds with a constant water table below, developing a dawn leafwatêr potential of --0.25 MPa. Water stresses equivalentto -0.7 or -1.0 MPa were developed over 14 d, causing reducedstem and bud elongation, leaf expansion, and bud differentiationand survival. Apex size, the proportion of buds which were floralor vegetative, the early phases of floral initiation, and seedformation on advanced inflorescences were little affected duringthe water deficit period. Upon rewatering previously stressed plants showed increasesrelative to control plants in the rates of shoot appearance,leaf expansion and new node appearance. The ratio of buds becomingfloral was independent of watering treatment, and the enhancedrate of floral bud production in the previously-stressed treatmentswas due to higher rates of total bud differentiation which persistedfor up to six weeks after rewatering. Survival of floral budswas reduced by previous stress, but number of flowers per inflorescence,pod setting, seed number per pod and 100-seed weight were independentof treatment. Seed production was controlled by inflorescencedensity. Rate of seed production was independent of treatmentduring water deficit and four weeks subsequently, and was thenenhanced by 46 and 54 per cent relative to the control in the–0.7 and –1.0 MPa treatments respectively. Macroptilium atropurpureum, Siratro, floral initiation, flowering, seed production, water stress, bud development  相似文献   

Field beans were grown in three different irrigation treatments.The growth of each leaf was followed and estimates made of plantwater potential at dawn and of plant water potential, solutepotential, and pressure potential in the afternoon. The growthin area of the leaves against time was fitted with a logisticcurve from which the parameters of leaf growth were defined.The parameters were the area at which a leaf unfolds, the meangrowth rate, and the duration of growth, which combine to givethe final leaf size. Water stress reduced the final leaf sizeby reducing both the area at unfolding and the mean growth rate.The duration of growth was not consistently altered. Final leafsize was closely correlated with the plant water potential inthe afternoon and apparently more with pressure than solutepotential. Vicia faba, field bean, water stress, leaf area, leaf growth, water potential  相似文献   

On the basis of known sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) responsesto soil water deficit, it is proposed that the effect of thefungus Verticillium dahliae Klebahn on plant leaf area precedesand is greater than its effect on leaf photosynthesis and stomatalconductance. To test this hypothesis, we measured shoot andleaf area growth, leaf photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductanceand disease symptoms in a field experiment including hybridsof high (Sankol) and low (Dekasol 3900) susceptibility to V.dahliae. Plants inoculated with V. dahliae and controls werecompared. We also investigated the effect of V. dahliae on keycomponents of plant leaf area, leaf expansion and senescence,in inoculated and control plants of Sankol and Toba, a hybridof intermediate susceptibility to V. dahliae. Reduction in plantleaf area caused by V. dahliae was first detected 31 d afterinoculation (DAI), when visual symptoms of disease in inoculatedplants were slight (Sankol) or absent (Dekasol 3900). Reductionin leaf photosynthesis was first observed 66 DAI; stomatal conductanceand leaf dark respiration were both unaffected by V. dahliaeduring the whole experiment. In comparison with controls, V.dahliae reduced seasonal duration of plant leaf area by 25%in Dekalb 3900 and by 55% in Sankol, whereas the average reductionin leaf photosynthetic rate was 9%. In correspondence with thereduction in leaf area duration, inoculation reduced shoot drymatter of mature Sankol by 50%. In both experiments, less leafexpansion accounted for most of the early reduction in plantleaf area; as the disease progressed, increasing senescencealso contributed to reduced plant leaf area. It is concludedthat the response of sunflower to V. dahliae resembled the responseof the plant to soil water deficit: (1) plant leaf area, ratherthan leaf photosynthetic rate, accounted for the reduction ingrowth in mass; and (2) reduced leaf expansion early in theseason and faster leaf senescence in older plants accountedfor the decrease in plant leaf area. Copyright 2000 Annals ofBotany Company Helianthus annuus, Verticillium dahliae, allometry, apical dominance, drought, leaf expansion, leaf senescence, photosynthesis, stomatal conductance, growth  相似文献   

GRACE  J.; RUSSELL  G. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(2):217-225
Festuca arundinacea was grown at high and low wind-speeds attwo levels of soil water. Transpiration was increased at highwind-speed and accompanied by leaf water stress. Growth of leafarea was progressively reduced according to the severity ofthe experimental treatments in the sequence: wet soil and lowwind; dry soil and low wind; wet soil and high wind; dry soiland high wind. The leaf water potential was also reduced inthis sequence. Festuca arundinacea Schreb., transpiration, water stress, wind, water potential  相似文献   

NILWIK  H. J. M. 《Annals of botany》1981,48(2):129-136
A growth analysis was carried out with sweet pepper grown ina glasshouse. The plants received natural daylight or additionalillumination applied either during or after the natural photopenod.All irradiance conditions were applied at three temperatureregimes. Additional illumination increased leaf number, leaf area andtotal dry weight. At all temperatures the long-day treatmentsshowed a smaller number of leaves, but a larger leaf area whencompared to the short-day treatments with the same daily radiationsum. A lower temperature progressively reduced leaf area. The derived growth analysis quantities showed strong ontogenetictrends. When comparing both methods of applying additional illuminationhigher mean relative growth rates were observed for the long-daytreatments, especially at the lowest temperature. No differencesin mean net assimilation rate were found, but the short-daytreatments showed a reduced mean leaf area ratio. A lower nighttemperature decreased RGR and NAR but did not affect LAR, alower day temperature increased NAR and decreased LAR. Changesin LAR were largely mediated by changes in specific leaf weight. Capsicum annuum L., sweet pepper, growth analysis, irradiance, temperature  相似文献   

A method was developed for evaluating the empirical alterationof xylem vessel differentiation in the central leaf trace ofPopulus deltoides, a species that exhibits helical phyllotaxis.Effects of experimental treatments for a period of six plastochronswere evaluated by vessel parameter ratios = 2.PT/ (PT+1 + PT–1),where P was either vessel number or mean transverse vessel areameasured at mid-intern ode at Leaf Plastochron Indices of T– 1, T, and T + 1. Excising leaf laminae reduced vesselnumber and mean vessel area in the associated central leaf traceby 50% and 70%, respectively, compared to unexcised laminaecontrols. Replacing excised laminae with a concentration seriesof exogenous indoleacetic acid (IAA) resulted in a 5% increaseper log mol m–3 of IAA in the number of vessels differentiatingin the associated central leaf traces compared to excised controls.Mean vessel areas within these leaf traces were 50% of thoseof intact leaf traces. No significant effects of different concentrationsof exogenously applied IAA on mean vessel area could be demonstrated.A lanolin paste ring of N-1 -naphthylphthalamic acid (NPA),an auxin transport inhibitor, around the petioles of intactleaves reduced the number of differentiating vessels by 7% andmean vessel area by 29% per log mol m–3 of NPA comparedto central leaf traces of leaves ringed with plain lanolin paste.The results suggest that NPA treatments may be used to distinguishexperimentally, at least in part, the cell division from thecell enlargement phases of primary xylogenesis within centralleaf traces of P. deltoides stems. Key words: Auxin transport, Vessel area, Vessel number  相似文献   

A dual-surface leaf chamber was used to investigate the responsesof net photosynthesis and leaf conductance to independent changesin the humidity environments of the upper and lower surfacesof leaves of sunflower and soybean. In sunflower decreasingthe humidity around the upper leaf surface while maintainingthat of the lower surface constant and high reduced both thephotosynthetic rate and the conductance of the lower surface.These reductions could not be attributed to changes in bulkleaf water potential since the transpiration rate of the wholeleaf remained constant. Similarly, the reductions were not relatedto localized water deficits in the lower epidermis or lowermesophyll since the transpiration rate of the lower surfacewas reduced. Possible mechanisms whereby the gas exchange characteristicsof the lower leaf surface of sunflower respond to the humidityenvironment of the upper surface are discussed. In contrastto sunflower, the photosynthetic rate of the lower surface ofsoybean was insensitive to the humidity environment of the uppersurface. In leaves of sunflower grown under a moderate temperature anda medium light level, simultaneous decreases of humidity atboth leaf surfaces reduced the photosynthetic rate of the wholeleaf without affecting the substomatal partial pressure of CO2.In contrast, with leaves developed under a cool temperatureand a high light level, both the photosynthetic rate and thesubstomatal partial pressure of CO2 were reduced. Evidently,the occurrence in sunflower of the response pattern suggestinga non-stomatal inhibition of photosynthesis by low humiditydepends upon the environment during growth. The possibilitythat this non-stomatal inhibition may be an artifact due toan error in the assumption of water vapour saturation withinthe leaf airspace is considered. Key words: Vapour pressure deficit, photosynthesis, conductance, non-stomatal inhibition, Helianthus annuus, Glycine max  相似文献   

Cacao (Theobroma cacao L.) seedlings at the onset of a flushcycle were exposed to five different irrigation treatments.The expansion of all leaves in an emerging flush was followed,and estimates of leaf water potential(w) were made on each daythat leaf areas were measured. The growth in area of the leaveswas fitted with a modified logistic curve of the form y = a/[1+ be –(ct+dt2)], and parameters of leaf growth were derivedfrom the fitted constants. A coefficient of stress exposure,S, was derived as the slope of the relation between cumulativew and time. Three parameters of the logisitc function (a, cand d) were strongly associated with S. By fitting regressionsfor the relations between S and estimates of each parameterfor the five treatments, values of a, b, c and d may be estimatedat any level of S encompassed by these data. The effects ofwater stress on leaf expansion rate and on the final leaf areaattained by the emerging flush can be adequately predicted bythis technique. Theobroma cacao L.cacao, leaf expansion, logistic model, water stress  相似文献   

The effects of water fogging and reducing plant fruit load werestudied in a tomato crop grown in a glasshouse under Mediterraneansummer conditions. The objective of these treatments was toreduce competition between leaves and fruits for carbohydratesand water. Flower pruning increased plant leaf area and increasedfruit, stem, lamina and petiole dry mass (DM). This indicatesthat leaf area growth was limited during the summer due to competitionbetween fruits and leaves for assimilates. In contrast, reducingthe air vapour pressure deficit (VPD) by water fogging had noeffect on plant leaf area or aerial plant DM. Interestingly,there was a significant interaction between plant fruit loadand VPD: the higher the leaf[ratio]fruit ratio the greater theresponses to a reduction in VPD (increase in fruit DM, fruitdiameter, fruit and leaf expansion rate). The data suggest thatunder high fruit loads, water and carbohydrates limit growthunder Mediterranean summer conditions. However, reducing VPDwas not always sufficient to enhance fruit and leaf growth.This might be due to the lower leaf area under high fruit load.In contrast, reducing VPD under low fruit load triggered higherrates of leaf and fruit expansion; this is probably linked toa greater availability of water and carbohydrates. Copyright2001 Annals of Botany Company Assimilate competition, assimilate supply, flower pruning, fruit load, fruit growth, generative/vegetative growth, leaf growth, Lycopersicon esculentum, specific leaf weight, tomato, vapour pressure deficit, water stress  相似文献   

Sugar-beet and barley were grown in pots outdoors (environmentN) and, for five successive 4-week periods starting at sowing,batches of plants were transferred to three growth rooms whosetemperatures were either similar to the outdoor mean (environmentM), or 3° C hotter (environment H) or 3° C colder (environmentC). Some plants were harvested immediately after treatment;others were returned to environment N and harvested when mature. At the end of period 1, sugar-beet plants from environment Mhad more dry weight and leaf area than those outdoors. Immediatelyafter spending later periods in environment M, plants had smallerleaves and similar dry weight to those continuously outdoors.These differences disappeared by maturity. Warmth in the growthrooms (i.e. the difference H—C) during periods 1, 2, and3, while leaf area was increasing, increased the number andsize of leaves and usually also dry weight; in later periodsit had no effect. The effects induced during periods 2 and 3,but not period 1, persisted to maturity to give greater totaland root dry weight and yield of sugar. The final effects ondry weight were much larger than those immediately after treatment,and were the result of differences in growth outdoors aftertreatment which depended on differences in leaf area; the efficiencyof the leaves was not affected by previous treatment. Transferring barley to environment M from N had inconsistentimmediate effects on leaf area and dry weight which disappearedby the final harvest. Transfer during periods 2 and 3, beforethe ears had started emerging, increased shoot number and delayeddevelopment. The proportion of the ears that ripened and theyield of grain were usually less for plants that had spent aperiod in environment M than for plants permanently outdoors,which also had some green ears. Warmth in the growth rooms duringperiods 1 and 2 increased dry weight and leaf area immediately,but had negligible effects at maturity because the increasesin leaf area did not persist after ear emergence. Warmth laterhastened death of leaves, decreased total dry weight immediatelyand also at maturity, but increased the proportion of ears thatripened and hence usually grain weight. Variation in leaf areaduration after ear emergence (D), determined by effects on thetime the ears emerged and the rate the leaves died, accountedfor most of the variation in grain yield, but warmth after theears emerged decreased grain yield less than proportionallyto the decrease in D. Net assimilation rate (E) of sugar-beet was greater than ofbarley, and decreased less with age. E of both species was usuallygreater in environment M than outdoors in spite of less radiation.It was only slightly affected by temperature. Nitrogen and potassium uptake were increased by treatments thatincreased dry weight. The percentage contents suggest that extrauptake was a consequence and not a cause of the increase indry weight.  相似文献   

LOO  E. N. VAN 《Annals of botany》1992,70(6):511-518
Tillering and growth parameters of perennial ryegrass cultivarsWendy (diploid) and Condesa (tetraploid) were determined ina glasshouse experiment using hydroponics at low (–1·3MPa) and normal water potential (0 MPa). At –1·3MPa, leaf extension rate was reduced by 36%. Final plant tillernumber was 20% lower at –1·3 MPa because of a 12%reduction in the leaf appearance rate in the first weeks afterthe start of the treatments. Site filling, the relative increasein tiller number per leaf appearance interval, was high (0.61)-butstill lower than theoretically possible-and was only slightlyaffected by water potential. Site filling was shown to be strictlyrelated to the number of inhibited plus unemerged tiller buds.Dry matter production was 64% lower at –1·3 MPa.Relative growth rate (RGR) was, on average, 17% lower at –1·3MPa, but the reduction was greater just after the treatmentsstarted. Also, net assimilation rate (NAR) was reduced moreby low water potential just after the start of the treatments.Specific leaf area (SLA) was 13 % lower at –1·3MPa for Wendy, but not significantly reduced for Condesa. Contraryto expectations based on the theory of the functional balancebetween root and shoot, leaf weight ratio was slightly higherat –1·3 MPa. From comparison of the results ofthis study with published data, it is concluded that effectsof drought in the field on tillering cannot be attributed onlyto low water potential. Lolium perenne L., perennial ryegrass, tillering, site filling, leaf appearance, leaf extension, growth analysis, water potential  相似文献   

Both the vegetative and the floral meristems of glasshouse-grownsunflowers respond to nitrogen supply in the same way. The durationof leaf and floret production is unaffected but the rate ofproduction is decreased by low nitrogen supply. Thus both finalleaf number and floret number are lowest at the lowest nitrogensupply. The activity of the vegetative meristem is directlyrelated to the content of reduced nitrogen of the plant. Relief of nitrogen stress in the middle of the vegetative phaseallows final leaf number to reach the unstressed number. However,relief of nitrogen stress during floral initiation showed thatfloret number is a function of the plant's content of reducednitrogen at the beginning of floret production. Relief of nitrogenstress from the middle to the end of floret production did notincrease floret number. Nitrogen supply did not influence the duration but did affectthe rate of leaf expansion. Relief of nitrogen stress afterleaf and floral initiation were complete caused a larger finalarea in those leaves still expanding and also lessened apicaldominance so that some axillary buds developed into small flowers. Helianthus annuus L, sunflower, nitrogen supply, leaf production, leaf growth, floret production  相似文献   

Plants of EMGOPA-201, a drought tolerant cultivar of commonbean(Phaseolus vulgaris), were maintained either at 90% soilfield capacity (SFC) or stressed by reducing SFC to 70, 50 or30% over a 10 d period. Plant dry weight was not affected byany of these treatments although the number and weight of noduleswas reduced at 50 and 30% SFC. Nitrogenase activity, determinedby the acetylene reduction assay (ARA), was also reduced, ona plant basis, at 50% SFC and was almost stopped at 30% SFC.The latter treatment caused a marked increase in nodule O2diffusionresistance and induced nodule senescence. A time-course analysisof the 10 d 30% SFC treatment showed a decrease in leaf waterpotential from -0.5 to -0.87 MPa by 8 d, with a cessation ofdry weight increase after 3 d, when leaf water potential was-0.65 MPa. Proteins in the host plant fraction of nodules decreasedto 50% of control values by 10 d and leghaemoglobin (Lb) contentwas also lower at this stage. The activity of sucrose synthase(SS) showed a 76% reduction between 3 and 6 d, whilst glutamatesynthase (GOGAT) activity showed a 40% reduction. The activityof other key enzymes of carbon metabolism was also reduced after10 d. Nodule sucrose content increased to double that of controlnodules by 6 d, before declining back to control levels at 10d. Starch content fell by 3 d and continued to fall throughoutthe stress period. The results are discussed in terms of droughttolerance strategies in relation to growth and metabolism inwhole plants and nodules.Copyright 1999 Annals of Botany Company. Phaseolus vulgaris,common bean, water stress, nitrogen fixation, oxygen diffusion, acetylene reduction, enzyme activity, carbon metabolism.  相似文献   

Patterns of distribution of 14C were determined in 47-day-oldtomato plants (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) 24 h after theapplication of [14C]sucrose to individual source leaves fromleaves 1–10 (leaf 1 being the first leaf produced abovethe cotyledons). The first inflorescence of these plants wasbetween the ‘buds visible’ and the ‘firstanthesis’ stages of development. The predominant sink organs in these plants were the root system,the stem, the developing first inflorescence and the shoot ‘apex’(all tissues above node 10). The contribution made by individualsource leaves to the assimilate reaching these organs dependedupon the vertical position of the leaf on the main-stem axisand upon its position with respect to the phyllotactic arrangementof the leaves about this axis. The root system received assimilateprincipally from leaf 5 and higher leaves, and the stem apexfrom the four lowest leaves. The developing first inflorescencereceived assimilates mainly from leaves in the two orthostichiesadjacent to the radial position of the inflorescence on thevertical axis of the plant; these included leaves which weremajor contributors of 14C to the root system (leaves 6 and 8)and to the shoot apex (leaves 1 and 3). This pattern of distributionof assimilate may explain why root-restriction treatments andremoval of young leaves at the shoot apex can reduce the extentof flower bud abortion in the first inflorescence under conditionsof reduced photoassimilate availability. Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, tomato, assimilate distribution, source-sink relationships  相似文献   

The pericarp anatomy and the effects of storage after harvest, storage temperature and early cypsela imbibition on phytohormone profiles were studied in inbred sunflower lines B123 and B91. On day 0, germination of B123 cypselas was near 0%, indicating dormancy, whereas that of B91 cypselas was near 100%, indicating non‐dormancy. The germination of B123 and B91 on day 33 at room temperature (25 °C) storage was similar. Cell wall thickness and sclerification of the pericarp were higher in B123 than B91, suggesting that structural characteristics may contribute to physical dormancy in B123. Jasmonates (JAs), salicylic acid (SA) and abscisic acid (ABA) were measured in dry and imbibed pericarps. SA content of dry pericarp was higher on day 33 than day 0. SA content during imbibition on day 33 was similar for room and low (?20 °C) storage temperatures. ABA content after 12 h imbibition was similar on days 0 and 33 at low temperature, but it increased on day 33 at room temperature for B123. 12‐Oxo‐phytodienoic acid (OPDA) was maximal on day 0 for B123, but peaked at day 33 at low temperature for B91. JA was higher on days 0 and 33 at room temperature as compared with low temperature. Our findings indicate that pericarp hormone profiles are affected in the two lines with different dormancy degree depending on storage conditions and imbibition processes.  相似文献   

Water Deficit Enhanced Cotton Resistance to Spider Mite Herbivory   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
We investigated the responses of cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.)to the combined effects of soil water deficit and two-spottedspider mite (Tetranychus urticaeKoch) infestation. Two mitetreatments (-M: uninfested, +M: artificially infested 83 d aftersowing), and two water regimes (+W: well watered, -W: waterstressed) were combined factorially in four treatments. Mitecolonies developed at similar rates in well-watered and water-stressedcrops. Despite the similar intensity of infestation, visualsymptoms of mite injury were more marked in well-watered hostplants (+M+W) than in their water-stressed counterparts (+M-W).Lint yield of unstressed controls (-M+W) was 175 g m-2. In uninfestedcrops, water deficit reduced yield by 30%, mites reduced theyield of well-watered crops by 92%, and the combination of miteinfestation and water deficit reduced yield by 72% (water effect:P<0.01;mite and interaction effect:P<0.0001). Differences in yieldresponses to mites between well-watered and water-stressed cropswere mostly related to differences in reproductive partitioning.The interaction between mites and water deficit was also significantfor other crop variables including canopy temperature, leafwater potential, concentration of nitrogen in reproductive structuresand seed oil concentration. The magnitude and consistency ofthe interaction between both stresses indicates that, underour experimental conditions, mechanisms of adjustment to waterdeficit may have enhanced cotton resistance to mites. This isfurther supported by (a) an increase in specific leaf weightand a parallel increase in leaf penetration resistance due towater deficit; (b) a negative association between macroscopicsymptoms of mite injury and leaf penetration resistance; and(c) a choice test showing that adult female mites preferredto feed and oviposit on leaves from well-watered plants.Copyright1998 Annals of Botany Company Gossypium hirsutumL.;Tetranychus urticaeKoch; leaf water potential; leaf penetration resistance; canopy temperature; multiple stresses; specific leaf weight; radiation use efficiency; nitrogen concentration; reproductive allocation.  相似文献   

Blum, A., Mayer, J. and Golan, G. 1988. The effect of grainnumber per ear (sink size) on source activity and its water-relationsin wheat.–J. exp. Bot. 39: 106–114. Work was done to evaluate the nature of sink-source relationshipsin wheat (Triticum aestivum L.), when the strength of the sinkwas modified by the removal of half of the grain from the earat about anthesis. The main hypothesis was that sink-sourcerelationship would be modified by water stress and that a weakersink would improve the drought resistance of the source. Two experiments were performed. The first experiment evaluatedthe effect of de-graining in two wheat varieties grown in thefield. The second experiment (in the greenhouse) evaluated theeffect of de-graining in plants subjected to water stress afteranthesis by immersing the root system in a solution of polyethyleneglycol (6000), as compared with non-stressed controls. In bothexperiments measurements were performed after de-graining toprovide data on leaf gas exchange, leaf water potential, osmoticadjustment of leaves and ears (greenhouse), the percent of stemweight loss as an index of stem reserve mobilization, finalroot weight (greenhouse) and ear weight components. De-graining caused a decrease in flag leaf stomatal conductance,carbon exchange rate (CER) and transpiration and an increasein flag leaf water potential. These effects were stronger withwater stress. De-graining did not affect osmotic adjustmentin the flag leaf but induced better adjustment in glumes andawns. De-graining decreased the percent of stem weight lossand increased final root weight, especially under drought stress. A weaker sink was, therefore, considered to improve plant droughtresistance in terms of the maintenance of higher leaf waterpotential, a larger root, a better osmotic adjustment in theear and, possibly, increased flag leaf longevity. The ‘cost’of this improved drought resistance was in reduced flag leafCER and reduced stem (and root?) reserve mobilization. Key words: Drought resistance, carbon exchange rate, stomata, transpiration, osmotic adjustment, leaf water potential, root, awns, yield  相似文献   

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