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Data on Secchi disk transparency in Lake Ladoga, the largest lake in Europe, collected between 1905 and 2003, were used to detect climatic (interannual) trends for lake regions with various depths. The seasonal variations in Secchi depth (D s) during the ice-free period both for limnetic regions with large differences in bathymetric characteristics and for the whole lake were estimated by more than 7000 transparency measurements. The two-dimensional data sets have a spatial resolution of approximately 20 km and are geo-referenced by latitude and longitude in Lake Ladoga. Monthly mean spatial transparency distributions and their variances were calculated from May to October. The spatial distributions of the transparency for each month are discussed within the context of lake bathymetric patterns. The maximum values of Secchi depth (more than 4 m) occur during May and October in deep regions. Both the minimum mean value of water transparency and minimum horizontal gradients of D s for the lake occur in August. The regions with significant interannual (climatic) decreasing trends of D s have been identified. These areas increase in summertime and cover approximately half the lake area. In spring and autumn the areas decrease and occur in the southern near-shore regions. The mean downward climatic trend of water transparency in Lake Ladoga is 0.02 m/year.  相似文献   

The seasonal dynamics of the biomass and production of phyto-, zoo- and bacterioplankton was investigated during the vegetation periods (from May to November) in 1985 and 1986 in the pelagial of the large eutrophic lake Peipsi (Estonia). The average values of productions per vegetation period for the investigation years were as follows: phytoplanktion − 203.5 gC · m−2; bacterioplankton − 37.9 gC · m−2; filter-feeding zooplankton − 20.6 gC · m−2 and predatory zooplankton − 1.5 gC · m−2. The herbivorous zooplankton production constituted 10.1% of primary production. This ratio indicates a direct relationship between zoo- and phytoplankton in the food chain — filtrators are feeding mostly on living algae and the detrital food chain seems of little importance. The dominance of large forms (Melosira sp., Aphanothece saxicola), in the phytoplankton during the major part of the vegetation period is assumed to be a result of high grazing pressure on small algae. Zooplankton grazing was investigated in situ in a specially constructed twin bathometer. Experimental measurements revealed, that zooplanktion presence in the experimental vessel actually stimulated the phytoplankton growth in many cases — the negative grazing values have been registered. That could be caused by the stimulation effect of nutrients (N, P), excreted by the concentrated zooplankton in the grazing chamber, which led to an increase of the nongrazed phytoplankton production. Bacteria have satisfied the zooplankton food requirements on average by 11%. Grazing on bacteria increased, when grazing on phytoplankton was somehow disturbed.  相似文献   

Trophic control of grassland production and biomass by pathogens   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Current theories of trophic regulation of ecosystem net primary production and plant biomass incorporate herbivores, but not plant pathogens. Obstacles to the incorporation of pathogens include a lack of data on pathogen effects on primary production, especially outside agricultural and forest ecosystems, and an apparent inability to quantify pathogen biomass. Here, I report the results of an experiment factorially excluding foliar fungal pathogens and insect herbivores from an intact grassland ecosystem. At peak in control plots, 8.9% of community leaf area was infected by pathogens. Disease reduction treatment dramatically increased root production and biomass by increasing leaf longevity and photosynthetic capacity. In contrast, herbivory reduction had no detectable effects at the ecosystem or leaf scale. Additionally, biomass of foliar fungal pathogens in the ecosystem was comparable with that of insect herbivores. These results identify pathogens as potential regulators of ecosystem processes and promote the incorporation of pathogens into trophic theory.  相似文献   

Crater Lake covers the floor of the Mount Mazama caldera that formed 7700 years ago. The lake has a surface area of 53 km2 and a maximum depth of 594 m. There is no outlet stream and surface inflow is limited to small streams and springs. Owing to its great volume and heat, the lake is not covered by snow and ice in winter unlike other lakes in the Cascade Range. The lake is isothermal in winter except for a slight increase in temperature in the deep lake from hyperadiabatic processes and inflow of hydrothermal fluids. During winter and spring the water column mixes to a depth of about 200–250 m from wind energy and convection. Circulation of the deep lake occurs periodically in winter and spring when cold, near-surface waters sink to the lake bottom; a process that results in the upwelling of nutrients, especially nitrate-N, into the upper strata of the lake. Thermal stratification occurs in late summer and fall. The maximum thickness of the epilimnion is about 20 m and the metalimnion extends to a depth of about 100 m. Thus, most of the lake volume is a cold hypolimnion. The year-round near-bottom temperature is about 3.5°C. Overall, hydrothermal fluids define and temporally maintain the basic water quality characteristics of the lake (e.g., pH, alkalinity and conductivity). Total phosphorus and orthophosphate-P concentrations are fairly uniform throughout the water column, where as total Kjeldahl-N and ammonia-N are highest in concentration in the upper lake. Concentrations of nitrate-N increase with depth below 200 m. No long-term changes in water quality have been detected. Secchi disk (20-cm) clarity varied seasonally and annually, but was typically highest in June and lowest in August. During the current study, August Secchi disk clarity readings averaged about 30 m. The maximum individual clarity reading was 41.5 m in June 1997. The lowest reading was 18.1 m in July 1995. From 1896 (white-dinner plate) to 2003, the average August Secchi disk reading was about 30 m. No long-term changes in the Secchi disk clarity were observed. Average turbidity of the water column (2–550 m) between June and September from 1991 to 2000 as measured by a transmissometer ranged between 88.8% and 90.7%. The depth of 1% of the incident solar radiation during thermal stratification varied annually between 80 m and 100 m. Both of these measurements provided additional evidence about the exceptional clarity of Crater Lake.  相似文献   

The trophic status of Lake Maggiore is revised following the OECD (1982) approach to eutrophication, using detailed, long-term data on nutrient sources and loads, and in-lake nutrient, chlorophyll and phytoplankton conditions as a factual basis. Alternative hypotheses of phosphorus load reduction are considered in the light of partial measures already under way. The need for an integrated, whole-basin restoration strategy is emphasized.  相似文献   

For the assessment of the metabolic potential of a sediment, the upper 5 cm layer should preferentially be regarded, since this is the horizon with the highest biochemical activity in the entire reservoir. Sediment cores from four different reservoirs were examined. These represent a broad range of trophic conditions (Neunzehnhain – oligotrophic; Muldenberg – oligotrophic, acidic, dystrophic; Saidenbach – mesotrophic; Quitzdorf – highly eutrophic). The vertical concentration gradients in the interstitial water of the examined sediments showed the tendencies characteristic of the trophic state of the reservoirs. The gradients increased with the trophic state, which affected the release of dissolved substances. The internal P load was substantial in all cases, in Quitzdorf it even exceeded the external P load. The total cell numbers of the bacteria in the sediment were only slightly influenced by the trophic state, all being in the same order of magnitude. The reservoir Quitzdorf displayed very high P release rates from the sediment and mass growths of Microcystis with a high content of intracellular polyphosphate granules in the summer months.  相似文献   

Kitaka  Nzula  Harper  David M.  Mavuti  Kenneth M. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,488(1-3):73-80
The main river supplying Lake Naivasha, Kenya, the Malewa, drains a catchment given over to largely subsistence cultivation and animal husbandry. The lake itself is the focus for an intensive horticultural industry based upon irrigation from the lake. The Malewa, however, is relatively independent of the impact of industry, and so its contribution to eutrophication of the lake was evaluated. Two periods of study, a very wet-dry and a `normal' wet-dry season showed that the river contribution of phosphorus led to a total phosphorus loading of 1.4 g m–2 lake surface ann–1 in the very wet period compared to 0.2 in the `normal'. Chlorophyll `a' in the open water of the lake was significantly related to soluble reactive phosphorus. The lake is now eutrophic by normal limnological criteria.  相似文献   

Measurements of photosynthesis and community respiration in Lake Apopka, Florida, U.S.A. indicate that this lake may be heterotrophic, and that the source of extra organic carbon is internal rather than external to the lake. This large and shallow lake (area 124 km2, mean depth 1.7 m) was dominated by macrophytes until hurricane-associated winds disrupted the plants in 1947, and the lake switched to a turbid, algal state. A layer of flocculent, organic sediments covers the lakebed to an average depth of 45 cm and winds regularly resuspend the upper portion into the water column. We used the diel oxygen curve method to estimate production and respiration and also reanalyzed the results of five past studies of production in the lake. The production measurements did not support the hypothesis that the flocculent layer represented excess algal production since 1947. Community respiration exceeded gross production on 60 out of 76 days sampled with statistically significant negative net production found in two of the three studies using the light and dark bottle oxygen method. External supplies of organic carbon are relatively small and are balanced by losses through the outlet. If the lake is heterotrophic, the excess respiration is most likely supported by the remains of macrophytes deposited in the sediments prior to the switch to an algal state. Similar sediment oxidation probably occurs in other shallow lakes that switch from the macrophyte to the algal state.  相似文献   

In this paper we analyze a long-term dataset on the recovery from eutrophication of Lake Veluwe (The Netherlands). Clear hysteresis was observed in a number of ecosystem variables: the route to recovery differed significantly from the route that led to loss of clear water. The macrophyte dominated state disappeared in the late 1960s at TP above 0.20 mg l−1, whereas its return occurred at less than 0.10 mg TP l−1. Several regime shifts resulting in the occurrence of three alternative stable states were observed over a period of 30 years. The turbid state showed resistance to change, despite a strong and prompt reduction in Chl-a following reduction of external P-loading. The most important component that determined hysteresis in the return to clear water was not internal P-loading, but a high level of nonalgal light attenuation (through sediment resuspension) maintained by the interaction between wind and benthivorous fish. Although Chara was able to re-colonize the most shallow parts of the lake, recovery stalled and for a number of years clear (above charophyte beds) and turbid (deeper parts of the lake) water co-existed, as a separate alternative state on route to full recovery. Lake-wide clear water was re-established after bream density had been reduced substantially. This allowed a return of zebra mussels to the lake, whose high filtration capacity helped in maintaining clear water. In this study, we were able to identify the main drivers of hysteresis and regime shifts, although formal demonstration of cause and effect was not possible on the basis of field data alone. We argue that resilience of the present clear water state of Lake Veluwe very much depends on sizable populations of a few keystone species, especially Chara (stoneworts) and Dreissena (zebra mussels), and that careful management of these species is equally important as control of nutrients. Lake management should strive to maintain and strengthen resilience of the ecosystem, and this should offer protection against a renewed collapse of the clear state.  相似文献   

Müller  Rudolf 《Hydrobiologia》1992,243(1):261-268
Natural propagation of all fish species native to a particular lake is an ecological requirement of prime importance. Salmonid fish are particularly vulnerable to environmental degradation since egg development takes place on or in the bottom substrate. Dissolved oxygen concentration on the spawning site is commonly considered the main factor limiting egg development. In order to assess the relationship between trophic state, hypolimnetic oxygen concentration, and salmonid egg development, whitefish (Coregonus sp.) eggs were sampled just prior to hatching in late winter. Eggs were collected in 13 Swiss lakes of different trophic state, using a sled-dredge. The proportion of viable eggs among the total number of eggs found was taken as a measure of reproductive success. The results indicate that successful in situ embryogenesis is not primarily governed by hypolimnetic oxygen concentration which tends to be high anyway during egg incubation, but by trophic state in terms of total phosphorus concentration in spring. The findings are explained by the production-related oxygen uptake of the sediment, creating an oxygen gradient of varying steepness in the diffusive boundary layer. Implications for the restoration of lacustrine ecosystems are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Through analyses of a 34‐year record of phytoplankton, zooplankton and physicochemical parameters from Lake Kinneret, Israel, we show that distinct and persistent phytoplankton assemblage states occurred from winter to summer. 2. The most obvious characteristic of these states was the presence or absence of a spring bloom of the dinoflagellate, Peridinium gatunense. 3. Analyses of the data within the framework of the alternative states model revealed a possible complex triggering mechanism, and system hysteresis. 4. A change in zooplankton biomass and body size coincident with changes in predation pressure associated with the collapse of the Kinneret Bleak, Acanthobrama terraesanctae, fishery appeared to be the ‘slow changing’ variable in the context of the alternative states model. Alternative phytoplankton states were only possible after this variable crossed a threshold in 1993–94, following the collapse of the fishery. 5. When alternative states were possible, some physicochemical parameters and the structure of the zooplankton assemblage appeared to control which phytoplankton state emerged in a given year. In years without a P. gatunense bloom, important physicochemical parameters in winter included low NO3 loading, high water temperature, high water level, a deeper thermocline, low transparency, high concentrations of NO3 and Cl in the epilimnion, and low concentration of epilimnetic total phosphorus. In addition, the cladoceran Chydorus sphaericus and adults of the copepod Mesocyclops ogunnus were observed in winter in years without a bloom. 6. Zooplankton biomass and body size of some taxa have recovered since the 1993–94 collapse of the fishery, yet incidence of both phytoplankton states in Lake Kinneret was still possible. Within the framework of the alternative states model, this suggests that the slow changing variable threshold where alternative states became possible is different from the threshold where alternative states will no longer be possible. In other words, the system is characterised by a hysteresis.  相似文献   

Lake trophic state and the limnological effects of omnivorous fish   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
Ecologists have hypothesized that planktivorous fish have greater effects on the plankton and water quality of oligotrophic lakes than eutrophic lakes. We tested this hypothesis in a tank-mesocosm experiment of factorial design in which five biomass levels of filter-feeding omnivorous gizzard shad (Dorosoma cepedianum) were cross-classified with two levels of lake trophic state achieved by filling tank-mesocosms with water and plankton transported by truck from two lakes with different trophic states. The presence of gizzard shad significantly increased total phosphorus, primary productivity, chlorophyll, and particulate phosphorus (PP) 2–20 and 20–200 μm and significantly decreased Secchi depth, cladocerans, copepods and PP > 200 μm. The effects of gizzard shad on chlorophyll, Secchi depth, cladocerans, copepods and PP 2–20 and > 200 μm were dependent on lake trophic state and most intense in the eutrophic lake system. This experiment suggests that filter-feeding omnivorous fish interact synergistically with trophic state so that the limnological effects of omnivorous fish become more intense with increased eutrophication.  相似文献   

1. Shallow‐water (<2 m deep) wetlands in northern Alberta's western boreal forest tend to have either extremely high‐chlorophyll, pea‐green water or water that is low in chlorophyll and clear. The relative importance of top‐down processes (e.g. zooplankton grazing) compared with bottom‐up processes (e.g. nutrient limitation) for regulating the existence of these alternate states has yet to be explicitly investigated in these poorly studied waterbodies. 2. To assess the relationship between chemical and biological factors and the predominance of low‐chlorophyll over high‐chlorophyll states, a survey of 24 shallow‐water wetlands in northern Alberta was conducted over the summers of 2001 and 2002. 3. In wetlands without fish, statistical analysis indicated that high‐ and low‐chlorophyll sites could be differentiated with 82% accuracy based solely on whether submerged aquatic vegetation (SAV) coverage was greater or less than 25%. Further, high‐SAV lakes with zooplankton communities dominated by large cladocerans were clear 96% of the time. 4. In the few wetlands that supported stickleback populations, large cladocerans were absent. However, the development of zooplankton communities dominated by small cladocera (Bosmina) with calanoid copepods in fish‐containing wetlands corresponded with a shift from high‐ to low‐chlorophyll states. 5. Results suggest that in fishless wetlands high‐SAV coverage and grazing by large, SAV‐associated cladocerans promotes low‐chlorophyll states. Results also suggest that suppression of macroinvertebrate predators by sticklebacks allowing Bosmina to flourish may also promote low‐chlorophyll, clear‐water conditions.  相似文献   

Stable carbon and nitrogen isotope ratio analyses were used to characterize the primary energy sources and trophic positions of 16 common Lake Superior wave zone invertebrate species. Isotope data from six tributary species that were taxonomically and ecologically matched with common wave zone species revealed broad energetic separation between these similarly structured benthic food webs. Previously published stable isotope data for Lake Superior wetland and pelagic food webs were used to assess the relative importance of inter-habitat energy flow within the Lake Superior ecosystem. The results of these comparisons indicate that the Lake Superior wave zone is energetically distinct from its tributaries, wetlands, and to a lesser extent from its vast pelagic realm. This information and approach should prove useful in future studies on the bioenergetics of inter-zonal migrants and other species that forage in multiple habitats within the lake and also in revealing energetic connections among terrestrial, riverine, littoral, and pelagic food webs in the coastal ecosystems of Lake Superior.  相似文献   

Lake Monroe is the largest body of water in Indiana with a daily mean productivity of 220 mg · C · m−2 · day−1 in an observed range from 26 to 714 m · C · M−2 day−1. It is a medium soft reservoir; the acid combining capacity varies from 0.28 to 0.71 meq · l−1 with a mean slightly above 0.5 meq · l−1. The results of diurnal changes in major nutrients, the C, N, and P ratios, and bioassay experiments indicated that phosphorus is the major limiting nutrient on algal photosynthesis in this lake. Surface photo-inhibition may be used to indicate the sufficiency of light for the species of algae in the water. The low productivity in December, January, February, and early March can be attributed to light limitation due to low water transparency. Contribution no. 312 of the Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan. Contribution no. 312 of the Great Lakes Research Division, University of Michigan.  相似文献   

General relationships between phytoplankton production, chlorophyll, total, dissolved and particulate phosphorus, Secchi depth, humic level, trophic level, fish production and latitude are described by regression equations using an extensive “Soviet” data base covering a wide domain of lake characteristics and a European data base. New systems for defining lake trophic and humic status are presented. The results may be used for more precise estimates of fundamental lake properties and for many practical issues of lake management, e.g., predictions of fish catch. We have used strict chlorophyll‐a concentrations for every trophic class and we have omitted Secchi depth from the trophic classes, since Secchi depth and other variables strongly related to water clarity (like suspended particulate matter and particulate organic carbon) depend on autochthonous production, allochthonous influences and resuspension. We have used the Secchi depth as a simple operational measure of the effective depth of the photic zone. It has also been shown that among these lakes there exist a very strong relationship between primary production and latitude. In fact, 74% of the variability among the lakes in mean summer primary production can be statistically related to variations in latitude. These data also show a strong relationship between primary production and fish yield, which can be used to address many fundamental issues in lake management, like “normal and abnormal fish production”.  相似文献   

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