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Flagellar movement of human spermatozoa held by their heads with a micropipette was recorded by means of a video-strobe system. Spermatozoa were studied in normal Hanks' solution, Hanks' solution with increased viscosity, cervical mucus, and hyaluronic acid. When flagellar movement in normal Hanks' solution was observed from the direction parallel to the beating plane, segments of the flagellum in focus did not lie on a straight line but on two diverging dashed lines. The distance between the two dashed lines was about 20% of the bend amplitude in the major beating plane. These observations indicate that flagellar beating of human spermatozoa in normal Hanks' solution is not planar. In contrast, segments of the flagellum in focus lay on a straight line when the spermatozoa were observed in Hanks' solution with increased viscosity, cervical mucus, or hyaluronic acid. In normal Hanks' solution, free swimming spermatozoa rotated constantly around their longitudinal axes with a frequency similar to the beat frequency, whereas little or no rotation of spermatozoa occurred in Hanks' solution with increased viscosity, in cervical mucus, or in hyaluronic acid. We conclude that human spermatozoa in normal Hanks' solution beat with a conical helical waveform having an elliptical cross section, the semiaxes of which have a ratio of 0.2. The three-dimensional geometry of the flagellar movement is responsible for the rotation of the sperm around their longitudinal axes.  相似文献   

It is believed that in honey bees spermatozoa stored inside the spermatheca remain motionless, however, some studies have reported the contrary. To observe behaviour of spermatozoa inside spermathecae, we have instrumentally inseminated queens with spermatozoa stained with fluorescent stains. During the first 8 h after insemination movement of the spermatozoa was stationary, without fast forward movement. Later, we observed circular movement of the spermatozoa inside spermathecae. Numerous circles were visible at one time. The circles were located close to the spermathecal wall. Movement of the spermatozoa was also observed in spermathecae of naturally inseminated queens. The marble-like pattern of the spermathecae was changing. The changes were slow and well visible only when video recordings were played at high speed.  相似文献   

 The aim of this paper is to present methods for a fully computerised analysis of spermatocyte movement. The technique were designed for processing pure images of spermatozoa captured from a light microscope. The techniques described allowed for the reduction of background light inhomogeneity and for the correct detection of moving cells and involved densitometric equalisation of background inhomogeneity and implementation of the dynamic threshold, adopted for the recognition of objects. The method for relating cells (found in each frame processed) to movement trajectories used heuristic rules, describing the behaviour of moving cells. This permitted samples containing high numbers of spermatocytes within the observed area to be processed with maximum accuracy. Accepted: 7 June 1996  相似文献   

Triton X-100 at a concentration of 0.1% in the extraction medium was optimal for demembranating fowl spermatozoa. The most suitable conditions for reactivation were obtained when a medium composed of 0.5 mM-ATP, 25 mM-potassium glutamate, 10(-7) M-CaCl2, 20 mM-Tris-HCl(pH 7.9), 1 mM-MgSO4, 1 mM-dithiothreitol and 0.2 M-sucrose was used. More than 60% motile spermatozoa were obtained under these conditions. The addition of 1 or 10 microM-cAMP did not appreciably affect motility. Intact and demembranated spermatozoa were immotile at 40 degrees C, whilst at 30 degrees C motility was restored.  相似文献   

Proteolytic enzymes appear to have an essential role in multiple phases of mammalian fertilization. Several observations suggest that the plasminogen activator/plasmin system might also play a role in mammalian fertilization. Movement characteristics of bovine sperm incubated with different concentrations of plasmin were investigated using a computer-assisted automated semen analysis system. Sperm were incubated up to 4h in a modified Tyrode's medium (control) and 0.1, 1, 10 and 100 mU/ml of plasmin. The percentage motile sperm was significantly higher at 0 h for sperm incubated in 1, 10, and 100 mU of plasmin. Relative to sperm incubated in control medium, lateral head displacement (ALH), curvilinear velocity, beat cross frequency, path velocity and straight line velocity (VSL) of sperm treated with 100 mU of plasmin for 0 h were increased. After 2h of incubation, sperm treated with 100 mU of plasmin showed an increase in ALH, but a decrease in VSL, straightness and linearity. The effect of plasmin on most motility parameters appears to be direct since all these parameters were affected at 0 h of incubation. Our results support the notion of hyperactivation of bovine spermatozoa following incubation with different concentrations of plasmin. The present work provides additional information to further characterize motility movement of bovine sperm associated with final preparation for fertilization.  相似文献   

Flagellar movement of intact and demembranated, reactivated ram spermatozoa   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The flagellar movement of intact ejaculated ram sperm, and of demembranated models reactivated with ATP, has been studied using high-speed, high-resolution video microscopy. Intact sperm attached to the coverslip by their heads had an average beat frequency of 20.9 Hz and an average wave amplitude of 20.2 micron. There was little difference in the beat frequency or waveform of these sperm and sperm swimming freely near the coverslip or captured by their heads with a micropipette and held far from the coverslip, indicating that the flagellar waveform of ram sperm is relatively resistant to distortion as a result of immobilization of the head or proximity to a surface. The beat envelope was nearly planar as determined by observations of free-swimming sperm and sperm captured by their head and oriented so they were beating either parallel or perpendicular to the plane of focus. The effect of various conditions for demembranation and reactivation of the sperm were examined. Treatment of sperm with 0.2% Triton X-100 removed most of their plasma membrane. Under optimal conditions, nearly 100% of the demembranated sperm reactivated at MgATP2- concentrations ranging from approximately 4 microM to approximately 20 mM. From approximately 1 mM to approximately 10 mM MgATP2-, their beat pattern closely resembled that of intact sperm; beat frequency depended on MgATP2- concentration. Percent motility was maximal between pH 7.5 and 8.0 and decreased sharply below pH 7.0 and above pH 8.5. The addition of 50 microM cAMP to the reactivation medium had no effect on percent motility or the beat pattern and did not accelerate the initiation of movement.  相似文献   

Mammalian spermatozoa employ calcium (Ca2+) and cyclic adenosine monophosphate (cAMP) signaling in generating flagellar beat. However, how sperm direct their movement towards the egg cells has remained elusive. Here we show that the Rho small G protein RAC1 plays an important role in controlling progressive motility, in particular average path velocity and linearity. Upon RAC1 inhibition of wild type sperm with the drug NSC23766, progressive movement is impaired. Moreover, sperm from mice homozygous for the genetically variant t-haplotype region (tw5/tw32), which are sterile, show strongly enhanced RAC1 activity in comparison to wild type (+/+) controls, and quickly become immotile in vitro. Sperm from heterozygous (t/+) males, on the other hand, display intermediate RAC1 activity, impaired progressive motility and transmission ratio distortion (TRD) in favor of t-sperm. We show that t/+-derived sperm consist of two subpopulations, highly progressive and less progressive. The majority of highly progressive sperm carry the t-haplotype, while most less progressive sperm contain the wild type (+) chromosome. Dosage-controlled RAC1 inhibition in t/+ sperm by NSC23766 rescues progressive movement of (+)-sperm in vitro, directly demonstrating that impairment of progressive motility in the latter is caused by enhanced RAC1 activity. The combined data show that RAC1 plays a pivotal role in controlling progressive motility in sperm, and that inappropriate, enhanced or reduced RAC1 activity interferes with sperm progressive movement. Differential RAC1 activity within a sperm population impairs the competitiveness of sperm cells expressing suboptimal RAC1 activity and thus their fertilization success, as demonstrated by t/+-derived sperm. In conjunction with t-haplotype triggered TRD, we propose that Rho GTPase signaling is essential for directing sperm towards the egg cells.  相似文献   

Spermatozoa were flushed with mineral oil from the lower isthmus of the rabbit oviduct at four hours postcoitus (pc) and 11 hours pc. Videotapes were made of sperm behavior in the native isthmic fluid and after dilution of the fluid with culture medium. The tapes showed that, initially, spermatozoa in the native isthmic fluid were virtually immotile, but immediately resumed movement on contact with the culture medium. Isthmic sperm motility then evolved over a five- to 10-minute interval into the characteristic biphasic pattern of activated movement. Cine films of isthmic spermatozoa taken with a high-speed camera were analyzed to determine flagellar beat frequency, maximum flagellar curvature, and swimming velocity. Progressiveness ratios and hydrodynamic power outputs were then calculated for individual spermatozoa. Two phases of activated sperm movement, a whiplash phase and a progressive phase, were identified and characterized. The power output of activated spermatozoa increased twentyfold in comparison with the preactivated state. The power output of activated spermatozoa did not differ between the two phases of activated movement.  相似文献   

Carp semen obtained from isolated fish after hormonal stimulation was highly variable in terms of volume of semen, osmotic pressure of the seminal plasma, and sperm capacity to move. Moreover, this last parameter was unstable when the spermatozoa were kept within the seminal plasma, and the present work was designed to investigate and possibly correct this phenomenon. Sperm potential movement was the major parameter studied and was measured by the percentage of motile cells in a final 3.000-fold dilution in a medium of low osmotic pressure in which sperm movement is known to occur (Morisawa and Suzuki, Science 210:1145-1147, 1980). This was completed with occasional measurements of flagellar beat frequencies and demembranation-reactivation of axonemal movement. The results showed that sperm potential movement was preserved upon dilution of the semen into cold 200 mM KCl medium and that semen of initially "poor" quality or spermatozoa that had lost their capacity to move during storage in the semen recovered gradually their potential movement during incubation at 2 degrees C in the same medium. The K+ dependence for both the conservation and the regeneration of sperm capacity to move showed a minimal requirement of 50 mM KCl in media of high osmotic pressure. Na+ ions had similar properties but not divalent cations. The K+ activation was not pH dependent between pH 9.03 and 6.04. Whatever the functional state of live spermatozoa, demembranation-reactivation occurred in ATP-Mg2+. It is concluded that, with dilution of the semen in appropriate conditions, carp spermatozoa retain or acquire potential movement and therefore are a lower vertebrate spermatozoa model available year-round. In addition, obtaining potentially nonmotile sperm and reversion in vitro might be useful to study the control of in vitro maturation.  相似文献   

Nucleoside diphosphate kinase [EC] of sperm flagella and Tetrahymena cilia is detected mostly in the outer fiber fraction, suggesting an association of the enzyme with the outer fiber microtubules. The enzyme does not catalyze transphosphorylation between microtubule-bound GDP and exogenous ATP. Even when undulatory movement of glycerinated sperm is induced by MgATP, no phosphorylation is detected in the outer fiber fraction. These facts do not appear to support the hypothesis that the phosphorylation of microtubule-bound GDP is involved in the mechanism of flagellar movement.  相似文献   

Phosphoprotein phosphatase prepared from bovine cardiac muscle was used to study the roles of axonemal phosphoproteins in the flagellar motility of sea urchin spermatozoa. When isolated axonemes were incubated with cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, gamma-[32P]ATP and cyclic AMP, more than 15 polypeptides were phosphorylated. Most were dephosphorylated by treatment with phosphoprotein phosphatase. When Triton models of sea urchin spermatozoa were treated with phosphoprotein phosphatase followed by an addition of ATP, the flagellar motility of the models was drastically reduced in comparison with that of the untreated models. The motility of the phosphatase-treated Triton models was partially restored by an addition of cyclic AMP and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase. These data give strong support to the idea that the motility of eukaryotic flagella is controlled by a protein phosphorylation-dephosphorylation system.  相似文献   

Caudal epididymal spermatozoa of golden hamsters were incubated in capacitation medium. Their movement patterns changed as they became hyperactivated and underwent the acrosome reaction. To understand the basic mechanism by which changes in movement pattern are brought about, digital image analysis was carried out on the flagellar movements recorded with a video system. The degree of flagellar bending increased with incubation time, especially in the proximal midpiece. The hyperactivated spermatozoa had remarkably asymmetrical flagellar waves of large amplitude because either the bends in the same direction as the hook of the head (referred as the "pro-hook bend") or the bends in the opposite direction to the hook of the head (referred as the "anti-hook bend") extremely increased their curvature; whereas, the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa had relatively symmetrical flagellar waves of large amplitude because both the pro- and anti-hook bends remarkably increased their curvature. Beat frequency significantly decreased while wavelength of flagellar waves increased after hyperactivation and further after the acrosome reaction. These results suggest that both extreme pro- and anti-hook bends are essential in the acrosome-reacted spermatozoa even though beat frequency decreased markedly.  相似文献   

Fourteen phyllopod (Branchiopoda: Crustacea) species were collected from numerous temporary pools in north-eastern Natal, South Africa. Physical and chemical data for 10 pools, and results for hourly (over 41 hours) and 3-day interval (throughout periods when phyllopods were present) monitoring of 3 study pools are presented. Comparisons were made with other pools with phyllopods in Africa. The data reveal the broad tolerance to variation and extremes in both physical and chemical conditions in African temporary waterbodies. Species diversity appears to be related to pool size and vegetation. Phyllopod distribution does not follow a pattern associated with physical and chemical conditions.  相似文献   

The movement characteristics of the sperm and their flagella obtained from a lancelet and 35 species from almost all orders of fishes were examined using high-speed video microscopy. The aim was to clarify the relationship between the motility parameters of the spermatozoa having different morphologies and how these motility parameters affect the swimming speed of the spermatozoa. The motility parameters representing the flagellar waveform, the wavelength, and the amplitude were neither very different between the spermatozoa of the different species nor related to the swimming speed. In contrast, the beat frequency was remarkably changed in the different spermatozoa and was proportional to the swimming speed. The maximum shear angle of the flagellar wave, which is directly related to the maximum sliding displacement between the doublet microtubules, remained nearly constant while the beat frequency varied widely; therefore, the spermatozoa beat in the constant sliding displacement mode. An analysis of the relationship between swimming speed and flagellar length revealed that short flagella were at a disadvantage in developing swimming speed; however, so were extra-long flagella. The ratio of the swimming speed to the wave velocity calculated from the wavelength and the beat frequency depended on the distance from the glass surface. The swimming speeds calculated using the original resistive-force theory were greater than the measured values. To rationalize the measured values, the ratio between the normal and tangential drag coefficient in the resistive-force theory was corrected; namely, 1.99 at 1 μm and 1.63 at 3 μm from the glass surface.  相似文献   

The effect of human cumulus oophorus on movement characteristics of human spermatozoa previously incubated in vitro under capacitating conditions was studied using automated digital image analysis. When spermatozoa were incubated for a short time with whole cumuli, most of those that penetrated the cumulus intercellular matrix were characterized by a linear movement with small amplitudes of lateral head displacement, but with elevated values of beat cross frequency. Short (5 min) incubation with solubilized cumulus intercellular matrix of spermatozoa preincubated in capacitating conditions (6 h) significantly reduced the percentage of spermatozoa showing the 'hyperactivated' type of motility characterized by high curvilinear velocity, low progressive velocity and elevated values of lateral head displacement. Moreover, a subpopulation of spermatozoa with very high values of progressive velocity and beat cross frequency and with reduced amplitudes of lateral head displacement appeared in these conditions. This cumulus-related motility pattern was not seen in fresh spermatozoa or in those incubated in the absence of cumulus material. Changes in the sperm movement characteristics similar to those observed in the presence of the solubilized cumulus matrix could also be induced by some of its h.p.l.c. fractions. These results show that the intercellular matrix of the human cumulus oophorus exerts a specific effect on human sperm motility, probably acting preferentially on the 'hyperactivated' sperm subpopulation.  相似文献   

The sodium-induced sperm motility initiation of the rat cauda epididymal sperm has been studied in different potassium concentrations. High K+ inhibited motility initiation. At a K+ concentration of 50 mM (concentration found in the rat cauda epididymidis), sperm motility was inhibited by 80%. K+ movement across the sperm membrane has been followed by using 86Rb+ as a marker for K+. When the 86Rb+ preloaded sperm were suspended in a sodium-free medium, there was a little efflux of 86Rb+. However, if they were suspended in a sodium-containing medium, the efflux rate was greatly increased. This increase in 86Rb+ efflux rate was associated with an initiation of sperm motility. Both 86Rb+ efflux and motility initiation were triggered by a K+ ionophore 18-crown-6 (2 X 10(-3)M). However, the ionophore-induced 86Rb+ efflux and motility initiation only occurred in the presence of extracellular Na+. Tetraethylammonium (TEA) chloride, which blocks K+ channels, inhibited motility initiation in a dose-dependent manner. Changes in the membrane potential of sperm have been followed using the fluorescent dye diO-C6-(3) whose fluorescence in sperm suspension changes markedly with changes in sperm membrane potential. During motility initiation, there was a fall in fluorescence of the dye due to increased partition into sperm cells. This observation may indicate a hyperpolarization of the sperm membrane during motility initiation. It was concluded that sperm motility initiation is associated with a complex ionic event. Na+ enters sperm cells in exchange with H+ and K+. This change in the permeability of the sperm membrane to ions is reflected by a change in the sperm membrane potential.  相似文献   

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