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诺如病毒(Noroviruses,NoVs)是引起非菌型胃肠炎暴发流行的主要病原体之一。为了解我国GII.3型NoVs毒株的变异以及受体结合模式,本研究对来自2015年一起中国广州NoVs胃肠炎暴发的GII.3型毒株GZ31597株进行聚合酶区和完整VP1区基因扩增、序列测定和序列分析,并表达VP1突出区蛋白(P蛋白),通过P蛋白与不同血型唾液样本的酶免疫分析法(EIA)测定实验确定其组织血型抗原(Histo-blood group antigens,HBGAs)结合模式。GZ31597株聚合酶和VP1基因系统进化分析表明,GZ31597株为GII.P12/GII.3-SubD基因型(聚合酶/衣壳区),该毒株较先前的GII.3毒株相比,在既是抗原表位又是HBGAs受体结合位点的氨基酸385残基发生了氨基酸转换。根据Western Blotting结果,证实P蛋白成功表达。唾液结合分析结果显示,该毒株P蛋白与A、B、AB、O型分泌型以及O型非分泌型唾液均可以结合,但结合值相对低。本研究表明该GII.P12/GII.3-SubD亚型的GII.3毒株在长期的流行过程中,通过氨基酸的转换,改变抗原性和受体结合活性,使GII.3型毒株在人群中继续流行。通过探索GII.3型NoVs在人群中长期广泛流行的原因,为GII.3型诺如病毒性胃肠炎的预防和控制提供重要依据。  相似文献   

诺如病毒(Noroviruses,NoVs)是导致人急性胃肠炎的最重要病原体之一,也是引起食源性疾病暴发的首要病原体。组织血型抗原(Histo-blood groups antigens,HBGAs)是NoVs的受体或宿主易感因子。已有研究表明HBGAs与NoVs的感染和流行高度相关。GⅡ.23是最近报道的NoVs新基因型。为了研究GⅡ.23与HBGAs的结合特征,表达纯化GⅡ.23基因型的P蛋白之后,通过唾液和寡糖结合实验研究其与HBGAs的结合特性,并通过同源结构模拟探索GⅡ.23 P蛋白与糖抗原潜在的对接分子机制,与已经解析的GⅡ.10的P蛋白与岩藻糖的复合物结构进行重叠。结果发现,GⅡ.23 P蛋白可以与B型唾液结合,但不结合A、O^+和O^-非分泌型唾液;P蛋白与H双糖抗原发生结合;分子模拟显示GⅡ.23 P蛋白具有与岩藻糖环结合的类似特征。本研究首次揭示了GⅡ.23 P蛋白与HBGAs受体的结合特征,为深入探索GⅡ.23基因型NoVs的进化、感染以及流行的具体机制提供了基础资料。  相似文献   

诺如病毒(norovirus,NoV)是引起非细菌性急性肠胃炎的主要病原体之一。目前国内外还没有关于抗GⅡ.3NoV组织血型抗原(histo-blood group antigens,HBGAs)阻断型单克隆抗体(monoclonal antibody,mAb)的报道,本研究制备了抗GⅡ.3型NoV HBGA阻断型mAbs,并对这些抗体特性进行了初步的鉴定。采用纯化的GⅡ.3型(GenBank登录号:KY767665)NoV病毒样颗粒(virus-like particles,VLPs)免疫BALB/c小鼠。将GⅡ.3,GⅡ.4(GenBank登录号,KF306214),GⅡ.3S/GⅡ.6P,GⅡ.6S/GⅡ.3P,GⅡ.4-VP1/GⅡ.3-P2主要衣壳蛋白(VP1)抗原或嵌合抗原作为包被抗原采用间接ELISA方法分别对细胞克隆株进行筛选,采用体外HBGA-VLP结合阻断实验对筛选的mAbs进行阻断活性鉴定,利用基于涵盖GⅡ.3突环区(protruding domain,P区)的重叠多肽ELISA和western blot(WB)对阻断抗体结合位点进行特性分析。体外HBGA-VLPs阻断实验显示三株细胞分泌抗体具有阻断活性。挑选目标株制备腹水并对mAbs进行纯化。WB结果显示三株HBGA阻断型mAbs只识别非变性的GⅡ.3 VP1蛋白;基于GⅡ.3 P区重叠多肽的间接ELISA结果显示三株HBGA阻断型mAbs与被检测多肽无结合活性。本研究制备了具有HBGAs阻断活性的GⅡ.3 NoV特异性mAbs,全部只识别非变性的GⅡ.3 VP1蛋白,且结合位点位于GⅡ.3 VP1 P2区。抗GⅡ.3 NoV HBGAs阻断型mAbs的获得为后续研究GⅡ.3 NoV的进化、感染机制和HBGAs结合位点提供了原材料。  相似文献   

诺如病毒(Noroviruses,NoVs)是引起病毒性胃肠炎的重要病原体,本研究旨在对2015~2016年春季安徽部分地区暴发的急性胃肠炎(Acute gastroenteritis,AGE)疫情标本进行病原检测和分子分型,分析病原的基因特征。收集2015年3月至2016年5月9起AGE疫情流行病学信息和采集病例粪便、肛拭子样本。采用Real-time PCR检测NoVs核酸和RT-PCR扩增RdRp与VP1区基因序列,基因测序后应用BLAST比对和NoVs在线分型工具分析结果。7起疫情发生在中、小学校(77.78%,7/9),2起疫情发生在乡镇,发病人数中位数为6人,男女发病比例为1.41∶1,临床表现主要以恶心、呕吐/腹泻、腹痛为主。77份临床病例样本中检出66份NoVs核酸阳性,基因序列测定获得76条序列,39条序列为RdRp区GⅡ.P17基因型,37条序列为VP1区GⅡ.17基因型。基因进化树分析显示:2015~2016年安徽地区39条RdRp区NoVs GⅡ.P17基因型序列Cluster III进化簇III b分支,与2015年广东、海南、中国台湾地区参考毒株序列有较近的亲缘性关系,核苷酸同源性为99%~100%。37条VP1区NoVs GⅡ.17基因型序列都处在Cluster III进化簇上,其中28条序列属于III a进化分支,与山东2015年LX09株、2016年广东GZ2016-L492株、江苏zj019株、中国香港CUHK-NS-942株以及日本2015年AichiF101毒株序列有较近的亲缘性关系。新型GⅡ.P17-GⅡ.17基因型NoVs是引起2015年和2016年春季安徽部分地区AGE暴发的主要病原体,需加强病毒性胃肠炎流行病学调查与病原监测及分子分型鉴定工作。  相似文献   

宋杰  董少忠 《病毒学报》2017,33(5):785-790
人诺如病毒(Human noroviruses,HuNoVs)是杯状病毒科(Caliciviridae)的一种单股正链RNA病毒,它是导致全球急性非细菌性肠胃炎暴发的主要病原体之一。自1972年美国学者Kapikian利用透射电镜首次观察到首株诺瓦克病毒(Norwalk virus,NV)以来,该病毒在全球范围内多次广泛流行。据报道,全球每年有超过1亿人因感染HuNoVs而发病,其临床症状主要为恶心、呕吐、腹痛和腹泻,多数患者表现为自限性,但也会导致少数婴幼儿、老人和免疫缺陷患者发展成重症,甚至死亡。HuNoVs引起的疫情暴发给全球的公共卫生安全带来了较大的威胁。本文将对HuNoVs的病原学及流行病学、体外培养体系、动物模型、免疫反应和疫苗研发的最新研究进展进行概述。  相似文献   

诺如病毒(Noroviruses,NoVs)是全球急性胃肠炎的重要食源性病原。复杂基质的前处理技术一直是食品安全领域中病毒检测研究的重点和难点。除了絮凝沉淀、超速离心、超滤浓缩、电荷膜过滤等常用的非特异性富集技术外,基于分子互作的靶向病毒富集技术已成为了近年来的研究热点。常用的靶向结合种类包括抗原-抗体结合、病毒-受体结合、筛选特异性的核酸适配体、基于噬菌体表面展示技术筛选特异性的多肽、分子印迹等。因此,本文对近年来诺如病毒靶向富集技术的研究进展进行了综述,以期为完善食源性病毒快速检测技术提供参考。  相似文献   

分析GⅡ.4基因型中国香港株(GⅡ.4 HongKong,GⅡ.4 HK)P颗粒蛋白与组织血型抗原的相互作用方式以探索GⅡ.4 HK的受体结合特征。利用大肠杆菌蛋白表达系统得到GⅡ.4 HK及GⅡ.4 Sydney的P颗粒蛋白,通过寡糖和唾液结合实验研究其与不同组织血型抗原的结合特异性;对序列和结构进行分析,比较P蛋白的结构和功能特征。成功制备到GⅡ.4 HK与GⅡ.4 Sydney的P颗粒蛋白,GⅡ.4 HK和GⅡ.4 Sydney P颗粒与人A、B、AB、O型唾液均有结合,也与含fucose的H双糖寡糖有很好的结合。GⅡ.4 HK与GⅡ.4 Sydney流行株具有相似的组织血型抗原结合特征,但结合能力弱于GⅡ.4 Sydney流行株,GII.4 HK在多个抗原位点有氨基酸改变,可能引起抗原改变,有必要对GⅡ.4 HK流行情况的持续监测。  相似文献   

轮状病毒是引起婴幼儿腹泻的重要病原体,该病毒颗粒的VP4在病毒颗粒吸附和侵入宿主细胞过程中发挥着重要作用。最近研究发现VP4刺突蛋白远端的VP8*与人类组织血型抗原结合,是轮状病毒新的受体,并发表在Nature,Journal of Virology等杂志。本文对人类组织血型抗原与轮状病毒之间的研究进展进行简要概述,总结已有的研究结果,阐明组织血型抗原与轮状病毒研究的重要意义。  相似文献   

Noroviruses (NoVs) are the most important viral pathogens that cause epidemic acute gastroenteritis. NoVs recognize human histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) as receptors or attachment factors. The elucidation of crystal structures of the HBGA-binding interfaces of a number of human NoVs representing different HBGA binding patterns opens a new strategy for the development of antiviral compounds against NoVs through rational drug design and computer-aided virtual screening methods. In this study, docking simulations and virtual screening were used to identify hit compounds targeting the A and B antigens binding sites on the surface of the capsid P protein of a GII.4 NoV (VA387). Following validation by re-docking of the A and B ligands, these structural models and AutoDock suite of programs were used to screen a large drug-like compound library (derived from ZINC library) for inhibitors blocking GII.4 binding to HBGAs. After screening >2 million compounds using multistage protocol, 160 hit compounds with best predicted binding affinities and representing a number of distinct chemical classes have been selected for subsequent experimental validation. Twenty of the 160 compounds were found to be able to block the VA387 P dimers binding to the A and/or B HBGAs at an IC50<40.0 µM, with top 5 compounds blocking the HBGA binding at an IC50<10.0 µM in both oligosaccharide- and saliva-based blocking assays. Interestingly, 4 of the top-5 compounds shared the basic structure of cyclopenta [a] dimethyl phenanthren, indicating a promising structural template for further improvement by rational design.  相似文献   

Human noroviruses (NoVs) are a major cause of non-bacterial gastroenteritis. Although histo-blood group antigens (HBGAs) have been implicated in the initial binding of NoV, the mechanism of that binding before internalization is not clear. To determine the involvement of NoVs and HBGAs in cell binding, we examined the localization of NoV virus-like particles (VLPs) and HBGAs in a human intestinal cell line and the human ileum biopsy specimens by immunofluorescence microscopy. The localizations of Ueno 7k VLPs (genogroup II.6) and each HBGA (type H1-, H2- and Leb-HBGAs) on the human intestinal cell line, Caco-2, were examined by confocal laser-scanning microscopy. To explore any interactions of NoVs and HBGAs in vivo, fresh biopsy specimens from human ileum were directly incubated with NoV VLPs and examined by immunofluorescence microscopy. We found that VLP binding depended on the state of cell differentiation, but not on the presence of HBGAs. In differentiated Caco-2 cells, we detected no type H1 HBGAs, but VLPs bound to the cells anyway. We incubated fresh biopsies of human ileum directly with VLPs, a model that better replicates the in vivo environment. VLPs mainly bound epithelial cells and goblet cells. Although the incubations were performed at 4°C to hinder internalization, VLPs were still detected inside cells. Our results suggest that VLPs utilize molecule(s) other than HBGAs during binding and internalization into cells.  相似文献   

人源诺如病毒(Human noroviruses,HuNoVs)是全球引起急性胃肠炎的重要传染病原.该病毒遗传多样性丰富,包括了5个基因群以及39种基因型,免疫学检测受限.因此,本研究旨在制备广谱性的HuNoV单克隆抗体,并建立可检测多种基因型的双抗体夹心ELISA方法.本研究通过表达纯化流行毒株GII.4型HuNoVs衣壳蛋白P颗粒免疫Balb/c小鼠,筛选出3株能稳定分泌单克隆抗体的杂交瘤细胞株,制备单克隆抗体并进行评价.利用辣根过氧化物酶对抗体进行标记及配对筛选,建立了HuNoVs双抗夹心ELISA检测方法,并进行验证.结果 显示:BI0、1D6、1C1细胞株可分泌广谱性单克隆抗体.所建立的双抗夹心ELISA方法酶标抗体最佳工作浓度为1∶5000,捕获抗体最佳包被浓度为2.0μg/mL,该方法检测GII.4型P颗粒最低检出限为125.0ng/mL,对常见HuNoVsGII.2、GII.3、GII.4、GII.6、GII.17基因型样本均能检出,而与轮状病毒、星状病毒、肠道病毒、札幌病毒无交叉反应.批间与批内重复变异系数均小于7%.临床样本检测结果显示,本方法与荧光定量RT-PCR结果的符合率为84%.本研究成功制备了广谱性的HuNoVs衣壳蛋白单克隆抗体,建立了可应用于HuNoVs流行毒株基因型的双抗夹心ELISA检测方法,为HuNoVs的诊断及流行病学调查提供了一种简便、特异的免疫学方法.  相似文献   

Noroviruses are the principal cause of epidemic gastroenteritis worldwide. Multiple reports have concluded that the major capsid proteins of GII.4 strains, which cause 80% of norovirus infections worldwide, are evolving rapidly, resulting in new epidemic strains. Surrogate neutralization assays using sera from outbreaks and from immunized mice suggest that, as with influenza virus, antigenic variation maintains GII.4 persistence in the face of human population herd immunity. To test this hypothesis, mice were hyperimmunized with virus-like particles (VLPs) representing an early (GII.4-1987) and a contemporary (GII.4-2006) GII.4 strain. Anti-GII.4-1987 IgG monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) strongly reacted with GII.4 VLPs derived between only 1987 and 2002. Ligand binding blockade was more efficient with GII.4-1987 and GII.4-1997 VLPs than with GII.4-2002. Anti-GII.4-2006 IgG MAbs recognized either a broad panel of GII.4 VLPs (1987 to 2006) or a subset of contemporary (2004 to 2006) VLPs. Most 2006 antibodies did not recognize or only poorly recognized GII.4 VLPs of 2007 or 2008, documenting rapid antigenic evolution of GII.4 capsids. Generally, 2006 MAbs blocked homotypic VLP-ligand binding but were unable to block VLPs representing strains primarily circulating during or earlier than 2002. These analyses demonstrate that both subtle and significant evolutionary change has occurred within antibody epitopes between epidemic strains, providing direct evidence that the GII.4 noroviruses are undergoing antigenic variation, likely in response to herd immunity. As with influenza virus, HIV, and hepatitis C virus, norovirus antigenic variation will significantly influence the design of efficacious vaccines and immunotherapeutics against these important human pathogens.  相似文献   

Noroviruses are the principal cause of epidemic gastroenteritis worldwide with GII.4 strains accounting for 80% of infections. The major capsid protein of GII.4 strains is evolving rapidly, resulting in new epidemic strains with altered antigenic potentials. To test if antigenic drift may contribute to GII.4 persistence, human memory B cells were immortalized and the resulting human monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) characterized for reactivity to a panel of time-ordered GII.4 virus-like particles (VLPs). Reflecting the complex exposure history of the volunteer, human anti-GII.4 mAbs grouped into three VLP reactivity patterns; ancestral (1987–1997), contemporary (2004–2009), and broad (1987–2009). NVB 114 reacted exclusively to the earliest GII.4 VLPs by EIA and blockade. NVB 97 specifically bound and blocked only contemporary GII.4 VLPs, while NBV 111 and 43.9 exclusively reacted with and blocked variants of the GII.4.2006 Minerva strain. Three mAbs had broad GII.4 reactivity. Two, NVB 37.10 and 61.3, also detected other genogroup II VLPs by EIA but did not block any VLP interactions with carbohydrate ligands. NVB 71.4 cross-neutralized the panel of time-ordered GII.4 VLPs, as measured by VLP-carbohydrate blockade assays. Using mutant VLPs designed to alter predicted antigenic epitopes, two evolving, GII.4-specific, blockade epitopes were mapped. Amino acids 294–298 and 368–372 were required for binding NVB 114, 111 and 43.9 mAbs. Amino acids 393–395 were essential for binding NVB 97, supporting earlier correlations between antibody blockade escape and carbohydrate binding variation. These data inform VLP vaccine design, provide a strategy for expanding the cross-blockade potential of chimeric VLP vaccines, and identify an antibody with broadly neutralizing therapeutic potential for the treatment of human disease. Moreover, these data support the hypothesis that GII.4 norovirus evolution is heavily influenced by antigenic variation of neutralizing epitopes and consequently, antibody-driven receptor switching; thus, protective herd immunity is a driving force in norovirus molecular evolution.  相似文献   

原核表达的诺如病毒(Noroviruses,NoV)衣壳蛋白亚基P粒子与No V有相同的抗原类型,可以代替NoV在体外进行结合,这对于研究该病毒与宿主和环境载体结合的相关机理有重大意义。本研究成功构建GII.6 P粒子基因表达载体,并对原核表达体系中诱导剂浓度、诱导温度及诱导时间进行优化。结果表明表达载体在22℃、2×10~(-4)mol/L IPTG诱导22 h后表达量最高。随后,在亲和层析的基础上结合阴离子交换以及凝胶过滤层析对表达产物进行纯化,最终获得高纯度GII.6 P粒子。  相似文献   

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