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Bacteria producing endonuclease colicins are protected against their cytotoxic activity by virtue of a small immunity protein that binds with high affinity and specificity to inactivate the endonuclease. DNase binding by the immunity protein occurs through a "dual recognition" mechanism in which conserved residues from helix III act as the binding-site anchor, while variable residues from helix II define specificity. We now report the 1.7 A crystal structure of the 24.5 kDa complex formed between the endonuclease domain of colicin E9 and its cognate immunity protein Im9, which provides a molecular rationale for this mechanism. Conserved residues of Im9 form a binding-energy hotspot through a combination of backbone hydrogen bonds to the endonuclease, many via buried solvent molecules, and hydrophobic interactions at the core of the interface, while the specificity-determining residues interact with corresponding specificity side-chains on the enzyme. Comparison between the present structure and that reported recently for the colicin E7 endonuclease domain in complex with Im7 highlights how specificity is achieved by very different interactions in the two complexes, predominantly hydrophobic in nature in the E9-Im9 complex but charged in the E7-Im7 complex. A key feature of both complexes is the contact between a conserved tyrosine residue from the immunity proteins (Im9 Tyr54) with a specificity residue on the endonuclease directing it toward the specificity sites of the immunity protein. Remarkably, this tyrosine residue and its neighbour (Im9 Tyr55) are the pivots of a 19 degrees rigid-body rotation that relates the positions of Im7 and Im9 in the two complexes. This rotation does not affect conserved immunity protein interactions with the endonuclease but results in different regions of the specificity helix being presented to the enzyme.  相似文献   

In this article, we present a statistical analysis of the electrostatic properties of 298 protein-protein complexes and 356 domain-domain structures extracted from the previously developed database of protein complexes (ProtCom, http://www.ces.clemson.edu/compbio/protcom). For each structure in the dataset we calculated the total electrostatic energy of the binding and its two components, Coulombic and reaction field energy. It was found that in a vast majority of the cases (>90%), the total electrostatic component of the binding energy was unfavorable. At the same time, the Coulombic component of the binding energy was found to favor the complex formation while the reaction field component of the binding energy opposed the binding. It was also demonstrated that the components in a wild-type (WT) structure are optimized/anti-optimized with respect to the corresponding distributions, arising from random shuffling of the charged side chains. The degree of this optimization was assessed through the Z-score of WT energy in respect to the random distribution. It was found that the Z-scores of Coulombic interactions peak at a considerably negative value for all 654 cases considered while the Z-score of the reaction field energy varied among different types of complexes. All these findings indicate that the Coulombic interactions within WT protein-protein complexes are optimized to favor the complex formation while the total electrostatic energy predominantly opposes the binding. This observation was used to discriminate WT structures among sets of structural decoys and showed that the electrostatic component of the binding energy is not a good discriminator of the WT; while, Coulombic or reaction field energies perform better depending upon the decoy set used.  相似文献   

Itzhaki Z  Margalit H 《PloS one》2012,7(4):e34503
Genome sequencing of various individuals or isolates of the same species allows studying the polymorphism level of specific proteins and protein domains. Here we ask whether domains that are known to be involved in mediating protein-protein interactions show lower polymorphism than other domains. To this end we take advantage of a recent genome sequence dataset of 39 Saccahromyces cerevisiae strains and the experimentally determined protein interaction network of the laboratory strain. We analyze the polymorphism in domain residues involved in interactions at various levels of resolution, depending on their likelihood to be interaction mediators. We find that domains involved in interactions are less polymorphic than other domains. Furthermore, as the likelihood of a residue to be involved in interaction increases, its polymorphism decreases. Our results suggest that purifying selection operates on domains capable of mediating protein interactions to maintain their function.  相似文献   

Transient interactions, which involve protein interactions that are formed and broken easily, are important in many aspects of cellular function. Here we describe structural and functional properties of transient interactions between globular domains and between globular domains, short peptides, and disordered regions. The importance of posttranslational modifications in transient interactions is also considered. We review techniques used in the detection of the different types of transient protein-protein interactions. We also look at the role of transient interactions within protein-protein interaction networks and consider their contribution to different aspects of these networks.  相似文献   

《Biophysical journal》2021,120(15):2998-3007
Protein-protein interactions underlie many critical biology functions, such as cellular signaling and gene expression, in which electrostatic interactions can play a critical role in mediating the specificity and stability of protein complexes. A substantial portion of proteins are intrinsically disordered, and the influences of structural disorder on binding kinetics and thermodynamics have been widely investigated. However, whether the effect of electrostatic steering depends on structural disorder remains unexplored. In this work, we addressed the consequence of introducing intrinsic disorder in the electrostatic steering of the E3/Im3 complex using molecular dynamics simulation. Our results recapitulated the experimental observations that the responses of stability and kinetics to salt concentration for the ordered E3/Im3 complex were larger than those for the disordered E3/Im3 complex. Mechanistic analysis revealed that the native contact interactions involved in the encounter state and the transition state were essentially identical for both ordered and disordered E3. Therefore, the observed difference in electrostatic steering between ordered E3 and disordered E3 may result from their difference in conformation rather than their difference in binding mechanism. Because charged residues are frequently involved in protein-protein interactions, our results suggest that increasing structural disorder is expected to generally modulate the effect of electrostatic steering.  相似文献   

The recognition of multiple ligands at a single molecular surface is essential to many biological processes. Conformational flexibility has emerged as a compelling strategy for association at such convergent binding sites. Studies over the past few years have brought about a greater understanding of the role that protein plasticity might play in protein-protein interactions.  相似文献   



Protein-protein interactions are important for several cellular processes. Understanding the mechanism of protein-protein recognition and predicting the binding sites in protein-protein complexes are long standing goals in molecular and computational biology.


We have developed an energy based approach for identifying the binding site residues in protein–protein complexes. The binding site residues have been analyzed with sequence and structure based parameters such as binding propensity, neighboring residues in the vicinity of binding sites, conservation score and conformational switching.


We observed that the binding propensities of amino acid residues are specific for protein-protein complexes. Further, typical dipeptides and tripeptides showed high preference for binding, which is unique to protein-protein complexes. Most of the binding site residues are highly conserved among homologous sequences. Our analysis showed that 7% of residues changed their conformations upon protein-protein complex formation and it is 9.2% and 6.6% in the binding and non-binding sites, respectively. Specifically, the residues Glu, Lys, Leu and Ser changed their conformation from coil to helix/strand and from helix to coil/strand. Leu, Ser, Thr and Val prefer to change their conformation from strand to coil/helix.


The results obtained in this study will be helpful for understanding and predicting the binding sites in protein-protein complexes.

Summary The structure of model lipoprotein complexes, extracted from an aqueous phase into isooctane, has been investigated using a fluorescence technique. The technique is based on the transfer of excitation energy from one protein (or DNS-labelled protein) to a second protein containing a fluorescence quencher, such as a haem group. The results obtained with model complexes in isooctane are consistent with a structure comprised of an inner protein core, and an outer layer of phospholipids.  相似文献   

We live in an age of access to more information than ever before. This can be a double-edged sword. Increased access to information allows for more informed and empowered researchers, while information overload becomes an increasingly serious risk. Thus, there is a need for intelligent information retrieval systems that can summarize relevant and reliable textual sources to satisfy a user's query. Question answering is a specialized type of information retrieval with the aim of returning precise short answers to queries posed as natural language questions. We present a review and comparison of three biomedical question answering systems: askHERMES (http://www.askhermes.org/), EAGLi (http://eagl.unige.ch/EAGLi/), and HONQA (http://services.hon.ch/cgi-bin/QA10/qa.pl).  相似文献   

Bai H  Yang K  Yu D  Zhang C  Chen F  Lai L 《Proteins》2011,79(3):720-734
Elucidating kinetic processes of protein–protein interactions (PPI) helps to understand how basic building blocks affect overall behavior of living systems. In this study, we used structure‐based properties to build predictive models for kinetic constants of PPI. A highly diverse PPI dataset, protein–protein kinetic interaction data and structures (PPKIDS), was built. PPKIDS contains 62 PPI with complex structures and kinetic constants measured experimentally. The influence of structural properties on kinetics of PPI was studied using 35 structure‐based features, describing different aspects of complex structures. Linear models for the prediction of kinetic constants were built by fitting with selected subsets of structure‐based features. The models gave correlation coefficients of 0.801, 0.732, and 0.770 for koff, kon, and Kd, respectively, in leave‐one‐out cross validations. The predictive models reported here use only protein complex structures as input and can be generally applied in PPI studies as well as systems biology modeling. Our study confirmed that different properties play different roles in the kinetic process of PPI. For example, kon was affected by overall structural features of complexes, such as the composition of secondary structures, the change of translational and rotational entropy, and the electrostatic interaction; while koff was determined by interfacial properties, such as number of contacted atom pairs per 100 Å2. This information provides useful hints for PPI design. Proteins 2010;79:720–734. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Several in silico methods exist that were developed to predict protein interactions from the copious amount of genomic and proteomic data. One of these methods is Domain Fusion, which has proven to be effective in predicting functional links between proteins.  相似文献   

The energy of binding between proteins may be seen as the sum of the contributions of the individual amino acid residues. These contributions are additive when the binding energy, due to different amino acid residues, is independent of the interactions between amino acids in the same polypeptide chain. A measure of non-additivity is the coupling free energy. In this communication it is shown that: (1) the coupling free energy is the sum of intramolecular and intermolecular contributions; and (2), when additivity exists, experimentally determined values for the free energy of transfer of amino acids from water to the hydrophobic protein-protein interface are a very good approximation of their contribution to the energy of binding. Additivity cycles can be useful in determining the precise conditions where this approximation holds.  相似文献   

The protein-protein interaction energy of 12 nonhomologous serine protease-inhibitor and 15 antibody-antigen complexes is calculated using a molecular mechanics formalism and dissected in terms of the main-chain vs. side-chain contribution, nonrotameric side-chain contributions, and amino acid residue type involvement in the interface interaction. There are major differences in the interactions of the two types of protein-protein complex. Protease-inhibitor complexes interact predominantly through a main-chain-main-chain mechanism while antibody-antigen complexes interact predominantly through a side-chain-side-chain or a side-chain-main-chain mechanism. However, there is no simple correlation between the main-chain-main-chain interaction energy and the percentage of main-chain surface area buried on binding. The interaction energy is equally effected by the presence of nonrotameric side-chain conformations, which constitute approximately 20% of the interaction energy. The ability to reproduce the interface interaction energy of the crystal structure if original side-chain conformations are removed from the calculation is much greater in the protease-inhibitor complexes than the antibody-antigen complexes. The success of a rotameric model for protein-protein docking appears dependent on the extent of the main-chain-main-chain contribution to binding. Analysis of (1) residue type and (2) residue pair interactions at the interface show that antibody-antigen interactions are very restricted with over 70% of the antibody energy attributable to just six residue types (Tyr > Asp > Asn > Ser > Glu > Trp) in agreement with previous studies on residue propensity. However, it is found here that 50% of the antigen energy is attributable to just four residue types (Arg = Lys > Asn > Asp). On average just 12 residue pair interactions (6%) contribute over 40% of the favorable interaction energy in the antibody-antigen complexes, with charge-charge and charge/polar-tyrosine interactions being prominent. In contrast protease inhibitors use a diverse set of residue types and residue pair interactions.  相似文献   

A strategy for identifying and characterizing protein interactions among gel-separated proteins and complexes has been developed and tested. The method involves the efficient recovery of proteins or complexes from native gels without affecting their conformational integrity. The use of limited proteolysis of protein complexes, isolated from the gel or formed from the interaction of gel-recovered proteins with potential binding partners, has enabled local binding domains to be efficiently identified using a combination of microfiltration and mass spectrometric analysis. The application of mass spectrometry affords high detection sensitivities, enabling the strategy to be applied to low levels of protein and protein mixtures. The approach is demonstrated for both antigen-antibody and peptide-protein complexes for which protein-binding regions are characterized among simple peptide mixtures and proteolytic digests. The strategy can be easily adapted to achieve high sample throughput and automation using gel-excision robotics and provides a means to study protein interactions in complex biological mixtures and extracts.  相似文献   

Gene silencing in the budding yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae requires the enzymatic activity of the Sir2 protein, a highly conserved NAD-dependent deacetylase. In order to study the activity of native Sir2, we purified and characterized two budding yeast Sir2 complexes: the Sir2/Sir4 complex, which mediates silencing at mating-type loci and at telomeres, and the RENT complex, which mediates silencing at the ribosomal DNA repeats. Analyses of the protein compositions of these complexes confirmed previously described interactions. We show that the assembly of Sir2 into native silencing complexes does not alter its selectivity for acetylated substrates, nor does it allow the deacetylation of nucleosomal histones. The inability of Sir2 complexes to deacetylate nucleosomes suggests that additional factors influence Sir2 activity in vivo. In contrast, Sir2 complexes show significant enhancement in their affinities for acetylated substrates and their sensitivities to the physiological inhibitor nicotinamide relative to recombinant Sir2. Reconstitution experiments showed that, for the Sir2/Sir4 complex, these differences stem from the physical interaction of Sir2 with Sir4. Finally, we provide evidence that the different nicotinamide sensitivities of Sir2/Sir4 and RENT in vitro could contribute to locus-specific differences in how Sir2 activity is regulated in vivo.  相似文献   

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