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Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a disease induced by demyelination in the central nervous system, and the remission period of MS is crucial for remyelination. In addition, abnormal levels of thyroid hormone (TH) have been identified in MS. However, in the clinic, insufficient attention has been paid to the role of TH in the remission period. Indeed, TH not only functions in the development of the brain but also affects myelination. Therefore, it is necessary to observe the effect of TH on remyelination during this period. A model of demyelination induced by cuprizone (CPZ) was used to observe the function of TH in remyelination during the remission period of MS. Through weighing and behavioral tests, we found that TH improved the physical symptoms of mice impaired by CPZ. Supplementation of TH led to the repair of myelin as detected by immunohistochemistry and western blot. In addition, a sufficient TH supply resulted in an increase in myelinated axons without affecting myelin thickness and g ratio in the corpus callosum, as detected by electron microscopy. Double immunostaining with myelin basic protein and neurofilament 200 (NF200) showed that the CPZ-induced impairment of axons was alleviated by TH. Conversely, insufficient TH induced by 6-propyl-2-thiouracil resulted in the enlargement of mitochondria. Furthermore, we found that an adequate supply of TH promoted the proliferation and differentiation of oligodendrocyte lineage cells by immunofluorescence, which was beneficial to remyelination. Further, we found that TH reduced the number of astrocytes without affecting microglia. Conclusively, it was shown that TH alleviated demyelination induced by CPZ by promoting the development of oligodendrocyte lineage cells and remyelination. The critical time for remyelination is the remission period of MS. TH plays a significant role in alleviating demyelination during the remission period in the clinical treatment of MS.  相似文献   

Adult oligodendrocyte precursor cells (OPCs) are located adjacent to demyelinated lesion and contribute to myelin repair. The crucial step in remyelination is the migration of OPCs to the demyelinated area; however, the mechanism of OPC migration remains to be fully elucidated. Here we show that prostacyclin (prostaglandin I2, PGI2) promotes OPC migration, thereby promoting remyelination and functional recovery in mice after demyelination induced by injecting lysophosphatidylcholine (LPC) into the spinal cord. Prostacyclin analogs enhanced OPC migration via a protein kinase A (PKA)-dependent mechanism, and prostacyclin synthase expression was increased in the spinal cord after LPC injection. Notably, pharmacological inhibition of prostacyclin receptor (IP receptor) impaired remyelination and motor recovery, whereas the administration of a prostacyclin analog promoted remyelination and motor recovery after LPC injection. Our results suggest that prostacyclin could be a key molecule for facilitating the migration of OPCs that are essential for repairing demyelinated areas, and it may be useful in treating disorders characterized by demyelination.  相似文献   

脊髓损伤后胶质瘢痕的形成是阻碍神经恢复的关键原因之一。碱性成纤维细胞生长因子(basic fibroblast growth factor,bFGF)具有良好的神经保护及促进脊髓损伤的修复作用,然而其对于胶质瘢痕的影响及其机制仍不清楚。本研究通过采用血管动脉夹(30 g)夹闭雌性SD大鼠脊髓2 min造成急性脊髓损伤模型并予以每天皮下注射bFGF(80 μg/kg),探讨bFGF促进脊髓损伤的恢复作用是否涉及到胶质瘢痕调控和Nogo-A/NgR信号的相关机制。通过检测损伤后28 d,各组BBB评分和斜板试验,发现bFGF显著促进脊髓损伤后大鼠运动功能的恢复。HE及尼氏染色显示,bFGF处理组相对于生理盐水处理组,其神经元明显增多,空洞面积减少。同时,星形胶质细胞标记物GFAP免疫荧光结果表明,bFGF减少胶质瘢痕形成,抑制星形胶质细胞过度激活。同样,通过Western 印迹检测发现,bFGF处理后,胶质瘢痕相关蛋白(如GFAP, neurocan)以及神经突生长抑制蛋白(Nogo-A)信号通路相关蛋白质表达量下降。上述结果表明,bFGF可能通过抑制Nogo-A信号蛋白的表达,从而抑制胶质瘢痕的形成,促进脊髓损伤的恢复。此机制研究为脊髓损伤的治疗和恢复提供全新的思路和药物靶点。  相似文献   

Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory disease affecting the central nervous system (CNS). Despite introducing multiple immunomodulatory approaches for MS, there are still major concerns about possible ways for improving remyelination in this disease. Microglia exert essential roles in regulation of myelination processes, and interaction between colony-stimulating factor 1 (CSF1) with its receptor CSF1R is considered as a key regulator of microglial differentiation and survival. The aim of this study was to investigate possible roles for a CSF1R inhibitor PLX3397 in recovery of central myelination processes. Chronic demyelination was induced in mice by addition of 0.2% cuprizone to the chow for 12 weeks. Next, animals were undergoing a diet containing 290 mg/kg PLX3397 to induce microglial ablation. The PLX3397 treatment caused a significant decrease in the rate of expression for the CSF1/CSF1R axis, and a reduction in the protein expressions for the microglial marker Iba-1 and for the oligodendrocyte marker Olig-2. Findings from Luxol fast blue (LFB) staining and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) showed an increase in the rate of myelination for the mice receiving PLX3397. The rate of destruction in the nerve fibers and the extent of the gaps formed between layers of myelin sheaths was also reduced after the treatment with PLX3397. In addition, animals experienced an improvement in recovery of motor deficit after receiving PLX3397 (for all P < 0.05). It could be concluded that PLX3397 could retain myelination in the MS model possibly through regulation of the myelin environment.  相似文献   

Proinflammatory cytokines, pathological iron deposition, and oxidative stress have been implicated in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS) and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). HO-1 mRNA levels and mitochondrial uptake of [(55)Fe]Cl(3)-derived iron were measured in rat astroglial cultures exposed to interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta) or tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) alone or in combination with the heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) inhibitors, tin mesoporphyrin (SnMP) or dexamthasone (DEX), or interferon beta1b (INF-beta). HO-1 expression in astrocytes was evaluated by immunohistochemical staining of spinal cord tissue derived from MS and control subjects. IL-1beta or TNF-alpha promoted sequestration of non-transferrin-derived (55)Fe by astroglial mitochondria. HO-1 inhibitors, mitochondrial permeability transition pore (MTP) blockers and antioxidants significantly attenuated cytokine-related mitochondrial iron sequestration in these cells. IFN-beta decreased HO-1 expression and mitochondrial iron sequestration in IL-1beta- and TNF-alpha-challenged astroglia. The percentage of astrocytes coexpressing HO-1 in affected spinal cord from MS patients (57.3% +/- 12.8%) was significantly greater (p < 0.05) than in normal spinal cord derived from controls subjects (15.4% +/- 8.4%). HO-1 is over-expressed in MS spinal cord astroglia and may promote mitochondrial iron deposition in MS plaques. In MS, IFN-beta may attenuate glial HO-1 gene induction and aberrant mitochondrial iron deposition accruing from exposure to proinflammatory cytokines.  相似文献   

Reactive astrocytes frequently surround degenerating motor neurons in patients and transgenic animal models of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). We report here that reactive astrocytes in the ventral spinal cord of transgenic ALS-mutant G93A superoxide dismutase (SOD) mice expressed nerve growth factor (NGF) in regions where degenerating motor neurons expressed p75 neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)) and were immunoreactive for nitrotyrosine. Cultured spinal cord astrocytes incubated with lipopolysaccharide (LPS) or peroxynitrite became reactive and accumulated NGF in the culture medium. Reactive astrocytes caused apoptosis of embryonic rat motor neurons plated on the top of the monolayer. Such motor neuron apoptosis could be prevented when either NGF or p75(NTR) was inhibited with blocking antibodies. In addition, nitric oxide synthase inhibitors were also protective. Exogenous NGF stimulated motor neuron apoptosis only in the presence of a low steady state concentration of nitric oxide. NGF induced apoptosis in motor neurons from p75(NTR +/+) mouse embryos but had no effect in p75(NTR -/-) knockout embryos. Culture media from reactive astrocytes as well as spinal cord lysates from symptomatic G93A SOD mice-stimulated motor neuron apoptosis, but only when incubated with exogenous nitric oxide. This effect was prevented by either NGF or p75(NTR) blocking-antibodies suggesting that it might be mediated by NGF and/or its precursor forms. Our findings show that NGF secreted by reactive astrocytes induce the death of p75-expressing motor neurons by a mechanism involving nitric oxide and peroxynitrite formation. Thus, reactive astrocytes might contribute to the progressive motor neuron degeneration characterizing ALS.  相似文献   

Pleiotrophin (PTN) is an extracellular matrix-associated growth factor and chemokine expressed in mesodermal and ectodermal cells. It plays an important role in osteoblast recruitment and differentiation. There is limited information currently available about PTN expression during odontoblast differentiation and tooth formation, and thus the authors aimed to establish the spatiotemporal expression pattern of PTN during mouse odontogenesis. Immortalized mouse dental pulp (MD10-D3, MD10-A11) and odontoblast-like (M06-G3) and ameloblast-like (EOE-3M) cell lines were grown and samples prepared for immunocytochemistry, Western blot, and conventional and quantitative PCR analysis. Effects of BMP2, BMP4, and BMP7 treatment on PTN expression in odontoblast-like M06-G3 cells were tested by quantitative PCR. Finally, immunohistochemistry of sectioned mice mandibles and maxillaries at developmental stages E16, E18, P1, P6, P10, and P28 was performed. The experiments showed that PTN, at both the mRNA and protein level, was expressed in all tested epithelial and mesenchymal dental cell lines and that the level of PTN mRNA was influenced differentially by the bone morphogenetic proteins. The authors observed initial expression of PTN in the inner enamel epithelium with prolonged expression in the ameloblasts and odontoblasts throughout their stages of maturation and strong expression in the terminally differentiated and enamel matrix-secreting ameloblasts and odontoblasts of the adult mouse incisors and molars.  相似文献   

Summary The adult mouse submandibular salivary gland provides a good model system to study gene regulation during normal and abnormal cell behavior because it synthesizes functionally distinct products ranging from growth factors and digestive enzymes to factors of relevance to homeostatic mechanisms. The present study describes the long-term growth and differentiation of submandibular salivary epithelial cells from adult male mice as a function of the culture substratum. Using a two-step partial dissociation procedure, it was possible to enrich for ductal cells of the granular convoluted tubules, the site of epidermal growth factor synthesis. Long-term cell growth over a period of 2 to 3 mo. with at least 3 serial passages was obtained only within three-dimensional collagen gels. Cells grew as ductal-type structures, many of which generated lumens with time in culture. Electron microscopic analysis in reference to the submandibular gland in vivo revealed enrichment for and maintenance of morphologic features of granular convoluted tubule cells. Reactivity with a keratin-specific monoclonal antibody established the epithelial nature of the cells that grew within collagen. Maintenance of cell differentiation, using immunoreactivity for epidermal growth factor as criterion, was determined by both cytochemical and biochemical approaches and was found to be dependent on the collagen matrix and hormones. Greater than 50% of the cells in primary collagen cultures contained epidermal growth factor only in the presence of testosterone and triiodothyronine. In contrast, cells initially seeded on plastic or cycled to plastic from collagen gels were virtually negative for epidermal growth factor. Biochemical analysis confirmed the presence of a protein with an apparent molecular weight of 6000 which comigrated with purified mouse epidermal growth factor. Epidermal growth factor was also present in detectable levels in Passage 1 cells. This culture system should permit assessment of whether modulation of submandibular gland ductal cell growth can be exerted via a mechanism that in itself includes epidermal growth factor and its receptor and signal transduction pathway. This work was supported by Public Health Service grant DE07766 from the National Institute of Dental Research, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD.  相似文献   

Summary In vitro experiments were conducted to clarify the involvement of the epithelium-amebocyte interaction in epithelial regeneration of bivalves. The outer epithelia of the pallial mantle of the pearl oyster, Pinctada fucata martensii, were separated in cell sheets from the inner connective tissue layers by digestion with Dispase. Clumps of the separated mantle epithelia were inoculated onto the amebocyte layers prepared on the bottom of culture dishes and maintained at 20° C in 5% CO2:95% air for 1 wk. Balanced salt solution with 0.03% (wt/vol) glucose was used as a culture medium. The epithelial cells adhered to the amebocyte layers within 24 h, changed their shape from cuboidal to squamous, and migrated and formed monolayer sheets within 3 d. Electron microscopy confirmed maintenance of epithelial polarity and cell to cell junction in the sheets; 6 d after the inoculation, 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine was added to the culture at 30 μM. After labeling for 24 h, the cultures were fixed and stained with anti 5-bromo-2′-deoxyuridine antibody. Cells with immunoreactive nuclei were clearly observed in the epithelial cell sheets, indicating active DNA synthesis in the epithelial sheets. Thus, cocultured with amebocytes, the outer epithelial cells from pallial mantle tissue formed a monolayer sheet and started DNA synthesis. The morphological features of the mantle outer epithelial cells are analogous to those described for the in vivo cutaneous wound healing process, suggesting that the epithelium-amebocyte interaction is important in the regeneration of epithelium in bivalves.  相似文献   

The range of biological outcomes generated by many signalling proteins in development and homeostasis is increased by their interactions with glycosaminoglycans, particularly heparan sulfate (HS). This interaction controls the localization and movement of these signalling proteins, but whether such control depends on the specificity of the interactions is not known. We used five fibroblast growth factors with an N-terminal HaloTag (Halo-FGFs) for fluorescent labelling, with well-characterized and distinct HS-binding properties, and measured their binding and diffusion in pericellular matrix of fixed rat mammary 27 fibroblasts. Halo-FGF1, Halo-FGF2 and Halo-FGF6 bound to HS, whereas Halo-FGF10 also interacted with chondroitin sulfate/dermatan sulfate, and FGF20 did not bind detectably. The distribution of bound FGFs in the pericellular matrix was not homogeneous, and for FGF10 exhibited striking clusters. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching showed that FGF2 and FGF6 diffused faster, whereas FGF1 diffused more slowly, and FGF10 was immobile. The results demonstrate that the specificity of the interactions of proteins with glycosaminoglycans controls their binding and diffusion. Moreover, cells regulate the spatial distribution of different protein-binding sites in glycosaminoglycans independently of each other, implying that the extracellular matrix has long-range structure.  相似文献   

The role of the binding of succinylated concanavalin A to tissue culture cells in influencing epidermal growth factor (EGF)-mediated cell proliferation has been studied. Succinylated concanavalin A dramatically reduces the stimulation of 3T6 cells by EGF in Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium (DME) containing insulin and vitamin B12 as additional growth factors, but no serum. Furthermore, binding studies using 125I-labeled EGF have shown that the binding of EGF to the cell surface is reduced upon addition of succinylated concanavalin A.  相似文献   

Thrombospondin is an inhibitor of angiogenesis that modulates endothelial cell adhesion, proliferation, and motility. Synthetic peptides from the second type I repeat of human thrombospondin containing the consensus sequence -Trp-Ser-Pro-Trp- and a recombinant heparin binding fragment from the amino-terminus of thrombospondin mimic several of the activities of the intact protein. The peptides and heparin-binding domain promote endothelial cell adhesion, inhibit endothelial cell chemotaxis to basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF), and inhibit mitogenesis and proliferation of aortic and corneal endothelial cells. The peptides also inhibit heparin-dependent binding of bFGF to corneal endothelial cells. The antiproliferative activities of the peptides correlate with their ability to bind to heparin and to inhibit bFGF binding to heparin. Peptides containing amino acid substitutions that eliminate heparin-binding do not alter chemotaxis or proliferation of endothelial cells. Inhibition of proliferation by the peptide is time-dependet and reversible. Thus, the antiproliferative activities of the thrombospondin peptides and recombinant heparin-binding domain result at least in part from competition with heparin-dependent growth factors for binding to endothelial cell proteoglycans. These results suggest that both the Trp-Ser-Xaa-Trp sequences in the type I repeats and the amino-terminal domain play roles in the antiproliferative activity of thrombospondin.  相似文献   

Relatively little is known about the cellular and molecular mechanisms underlying the control of mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) proliferation, differentiation, and survival. This presents difficulties in following and characterizing cells along the lineage because of our inability to isolate and obtain a sufficient number of homogeneous MSCs using current culture systems for in vitro expansion. Adjusting the cellular machinery to allow greater proliferation can lead to other unwanted outcomes, such as unmanageable precancerous changes, or differentiation down an undesired pathway. Recently, it has become increasingly evident that the extracellular matrix (ECM) is an important component of the cellular niche in a tissue, supplying critical biochemical and physical signals to initiate and sustain cellular functions. Indeed, it is very doubtful that the intricate and highly ordered nature of the ECM could be reproduced with synthetic or purified components. This review cites evidence that supports an alternative approach for maintenance of MSCs by simulating in vitro the bone marrow ECM, where MSCs reside in vivo, and discusses the potential mechanisms whereby the ECM regulates the exposure of cells to growth factors that subsequently control MSC replication and differentiation, and also how the ECM provides unique cues that govern the lineage specification and differentiation of MSCs. Birth Defects Research (Part C) 90:45–54, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Endothelial cell proliferation and migration is initiated by growth factors including FGF and VEGF that bind to specific transmembrane receptor tyrosine kinases. Mechanisms that regulate in vivo expression of fibroblast growth factor receptors (FGFR) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptors (VEGFR) are not well understood. Since it is well known that different matrices influence the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells in culture, we hypothesized that changes in the extracellular matrix environment can regulate growth factor receptors on endothelial cells. We cultured human microvascular endothelial cells on different matrices (vitronectin, laminin, fibronectin, fibrin, and collagen IV) and examined for the presence of growth factor receptors (FGFR-1, FGFR-2, VEGFR-1, and VEGFR-2). We show that vitronectin increased the presence of all four growth factor receptors and most notably, VEGFR-1. In contrast, fibrin decreased all four receptors, especially FGFR-1 and FGFR-2. Inhibiting phosphotyrosine signaling abolished immunostaining for all four receptors, regardless of the matrix, but was not dependent on activating the Fyn-Shc pathway. Cells plated on vitronectin in the presence of blocking antibodies to integrins v3 and v5 similarly decreased presence of these growth factor receptors. Our data suggests a possible mechanism of how matrix-integrin interactions regulate endothelial cell responsiveness to growth factors and anchorage-dependent cell growth.  相似文献   

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