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We have previously developed a new malaria vaccine delivery system based on the baculovirus dual expression system (BDES). In this system, expression of malaria antigens is driven by a dual promoter consisting of the baculovirus-derived polyhedrin and mammal-derived cytomegalovirus promoters. To test this system for its potential as a vaccine against human malaria parasites, we investigated immune responses against the newly developed BDES-based Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein vaccines (BDES-PfCSP) in mice and Rhesus monkeys. Immunization of mice with BDES-PfCSP induced Th1/Th2-mixed type immune responses with high PfCSP-specific antibody (Ab) titers, and provided significant protection against challenge from the bites of mosquitoes infected with a transgenic P. berghei line expressing PfCSP. Next, we evaluated the immunogenicity of the BDES-PfCSP vaccine in a rhesus monkey model. Immunization of BDES-PfCSP elicited high levels of anti-PfCSP Ab responses in individual monkeys. Moreover, the sera from the immunized monkeys remarkably blocked sporozoite invasion of HepG2 cells. Taken together with two animal models, our results indicate that this novel vaccine platform (BDES) has potential clinical application as a vaccine against malaria.  相似文献   

The Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (CSP) is critical for sporozoite function and invasion of hepatocytes. Given its critical nature, a phase III human CSP malaria vaccine trial is ongoing. The CSP is composed of three regions as follows: an N terminus that binds heparin sulfate proteoglycans, a four amino acid repeat region (NANP), and a C terminus that contains a thrombospondin-like type I repeat (TSR) domain. Despite the importance of CSP, little is known about its structure. Therefore, recombinant forms of CSP were produced by expression in both Escherichia coli (Ec) and then refolded (EcCSP) or in the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris (PpCSP) for structural analyses. To analyze the TSR domain of recombinant CSP, conformation-dependent monoclonal antibodies that recognized unfixed P. falciparum sporozoites and inhibited sporozoite invasion of HepG2 cells in vitro were identified. These monoclonal antibodies recognized all recombinant CSPs, indicating the recombinant CSPs contain a properly folded TSR domain structure. Characterization of both EcCSP and PpCSP by dynamic light scattering and velocity sedimentation demonstrated that both forms of CSP appeared as highly extended proteins (Rh 4.2 and 4.58 nm, respectively). Furthermore, high resolution atomic force microscopy revealed flexible, rod-like structures with a ribbon-like appearance. Using this information, we modeled the NANP repeat and TSR domain of CSP. Consistent with the biochemical and biophysical results, the repeat region formed a rod-like structure about 21–25 nm in length and 1.5 nm in width. Thus native CSP appears as a glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored, flexible rod-like protein on the sporozoite surface.Malaria caused by Plasmodium falciparum is a serious global health issue, resulting in an estimated 1.5 million deaths annually, primarily among infants and young children. Ongoing multifaceted global intervention strategies to control malaria include drug treatment, insecticide usage, bed-net use, and vaccine development. However, parasite and mosquito control measures have met with limited success resulting from an increased drug and insecticide resistance within the Plasmodia and mosquito populations, respectively. Vaccine development represents an encouraging approach given that previous animal and human studies using irradiated sporozoites demonstrated the feasibility of producing an efficacious vaccine (13). Although the exact immunologic correlates of protection remain elusive, an abundance of evidence indicates that protection against liver stage parasites is complex, involving multiple immune mechanisms (411).To date, the majority of the pre-erythrocytic stage vaccine development has focused on the circumsporozoite protein (CSP),2 the predominant surface antigen on sporozoites. CSP can be segmented into three regions as follows: the N-terminal region containing region I; the central repeat region; and the C-terminal region containing the thrombospondin-like type I repeat (TSR). Initial CSP vaccine development focused on the central repeat region that contains the immunodominant B cell epitope (12). However, vaccine constructs quickly evolved to incorporate both the central repeat region containing the B cell epitopes and the C terminus containing the TSR domain, T cell epitopes, and B cell epitopes (13, 14). Currently, the most advanced and moderately effective malaria vaccine, RTS,S, is composed of a portion of the central repeat and the C-terminal regions linked to the hepatitis B surface antigen (15). However, recent studies have highlighted the physiological importance of the N-terminal region (1619). Rathore et al. (19) not only demonstrated the role of the N-terminal region in liver cell attachment but also identified along with Ancsin and Kisilevsky (16) an epitope within the N-terminal region that interacted with liver cells through heparin sulfate (18). Moreover, this epitope was not only found to be immunogenic but the resulting antibodies were determined to be inhibitory in a sporozoite invasion assay (18). Peptides corresponding to the N-terminal region (PpCS-(22–110) and PpCS-(65–110)) were also recognized by sera obtained from individuals living in malaria-endemic regions (17).To better understand the structure of CSP and to produce good quality recombinant protein for human vaccine-directed studies, we generated full-length and near full-length recombinant CSP. We examined two expression systems, Escherichia coli and Pichia pastoris, to determine their feasibility to generate CSP. To assist the characterization of the rCSPs, we generated a panel of monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) that were characterized biologically prior to being used to examine the rCSPs. Additionally, each of the rCSP molecules was extensively biochemically and biophysically characterized. The results collated together have enabled the molecular modeling of CSP as a long flexible, rod-like protein.  相似文献   

The malaria vaccine candidate RTS,S/AS01 is based on immunogenic regions of Plasmodium falciparum circumsporozoite protein (CSP) from the 3D7 reference strain and has shown modest efficacy against clinical disease in African children. It remains unclear what aspect(s) of the immune response elicited by this vaccine are protective. The goals of this study were to measure diversity in immunogenic regions of CSP, and to identify associations between polymorphism in CSP and the risk of P. falciparum infection and clinical disease. The present study includes data and samples from a prospective cohort study designed to measure incidence of malaria infection and disease in children in Bandiagara, Mali. A total of 769 parasite-positive blood samples corresponding to both acute clinical malaria episodes and asymptomatic infections experienced by 100 children were included in the study. Non-synonymous SNP data were generated by 454 sequencing for the T-cell epitopes, and repeat length data were generated for the B-cell epitopes of the cs gene. Cox proportional hazards models were used to determine the effect of sequence variation in consecutive infections occurring within individuals on the time to new infection and new clinical malaria episode. Diversity in the T-cell epitope-encoding regions Th2R and Th3R remained stable throughout seasons, between age groups and between clinical and asymptomatic infections with the exception of a higher proportion of 3D7 haplotypes found in the oldest age group. No associations between sequence variation and hazard of infection or clinical malaria were detected. The lack of association between sequence variation and hazard of infection or clinical malaria suggests that naturally acquired immunity to CSP may not be allele-specific.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that a plasmid (pE) encoding the Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) envelope (E) protein conferred a high level of protection against a lethal viral challenge. In the present study, we used adoptive transfer experiments and gene knockout mice to demonstrate that the DNA-induced E-specific antibody alone can confer protection in the absence of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) functions. Plasmid pE administered by either intramuscular or gene gun injection produced significant E-specific antibodies, helper T (Th)-cell proliferative responses, and CTL activities. Animals receiving suboptimal DNA vaccination produced low titers of anti-E antibodies and were only partially or not protected from viral challenge, indicating a strong correlation between anti-E antibodies and the protective capacity. This observation was confirmed by adoptive transfer experiments. Intravenous transfer of E-specific antisera but not crude or T-cell-enriched immune splenocytes to sublethally irradiated hosts conferred protection against a lethal JEV challenge. Furthermore, experiments with gene knockout mice showed that DNA vaccination did not induce anti-E titers and protective immunity in Igmu(-/-) and I-Abeta(-/-) mice, whereas in CD8alpha(-/-) mice the pE-induced antibody titers and protective rate were comparable to those produced in the wild-type mice. Taken together, these results demonstrate that the anti-E antibody is the most critical protective component in this JEV challenge model and that production of anti-E antibody by pE DNA vaccine is dependent on the presence of CD4(+) T cells but independent of CD8(+) T cells.  相似文献   

The circumsporozoite protein (CSP) of Plasmodium falciparum is a major surface protein, which forms a dense coat on the sporozoite''s surface. Preclinical research on CSP and clinical evaluation of a CSP fragment-based RTS, S/AS01 vaccine have demonstrated a modest degree of protection against P. falciparum, mediated in part by humoral immunity and in part by cell-mediated immunity. Given the partial protective efficacy of the RTS, S/AS01 vaccine in a recent Phase 3 trial, further improvement of CSP-based vaccines is crucial. In this report, we describe the preclinical development of a full-length, recombinant CSP (rCSP)-based vaccine candidate against P. falciparum malaria suitable for current Good Manufacturing Practice (cGMP) production. Utilizing a novel high-throughput Pseudomonas fluorescens expression platform, we demonstrated greater efficacy of full-length rCSP as compared to N-terminally truncated versions, rapidly down-selected a promising lead vaccine candidate, and developed a high-yield purification process to express immunologically active, intact antigen for clinical trial material production. The rCSP, when formulated with various adjuvants, induced antigen-specific antibody responses as measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and immunofluorescence assay (IFA), as well as CD4+ T-cell responses as determined by ELISpot. The adjuvanted rCSP vaccine conferred protection in mice when challenged with transgenic P. berghei sporozoites containing the P. falciparum repeat region of CSP. Furthermore, heterologous prime/boost regimens with adjuvanted rCSP and an adenovirus type 35-vectored CSP (Ad35CS) showed modest improvements in eliciting CSP-specific T-cell responses and anti-malarial protection, depending on the order of vaccine delivery. Collectively, these data support the importance of further clinical development of adjuvanted rCSP, either as a stand-alone product or as one of the components in a heterologous prime/boost strategy, ultimately acting as an effective vaccine candidate for the mitigation of P. falciparum-induced malaria.  相似文献   

Malaria remains a major global public health problem with an estimated 200 million cases detected in 2012. Although the most advanced candidate malaria vaccine (RTS,S) has shown promise in clinical trials, its modest efficacy and durability have created uncertainty about the impact of RTS,S immunization (when used alone) on global malaria transmission. Here we describe the development and characterization of a novel modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA)–based malaria vaccine which co-expresses the Plasmodium yoelii circumsporozoite protein (CSP) and IL-15. Vaccination/challenge studies showed that C57BL/6 mice immunized with the MVA-CSP/IL15 vaccine were protected significantly better against a P. yoelii 17XNL sporozoite challenge than either mice immunized with an MVA vaccine expressing only CSP or naïve controls. Importantly, the levels of total anti-CSP IgG were elevated about 100-fold for the MVA-CSP/IL15 immunized group compared to mice immunized with the MVA-CSP construct that does not express IL-15. Among the IgG subtypes, the IL-15 expressing MVA-CSP vaccine induced levels of IgG1 (8 fold) and IgG2b (80 fold) higher than the MVA-CSP construct. The significantly enhanced humoral responses and protection detected after immunization with the MVA-CSP/IL15 vaccine suggest that this IL-15 expressing MVA construct could be considered in the development of future malaria immunization strategies.  相似文献   

RTS,S is the most advanced malaria vaccine candidate, currently under phase-III clinical trials in Africa. This Plasmodium falciparum vaccine contains part of the central repeat region and the complete C-terminal T cell epitope region (Th2R and Th3R) of the circumsporozoite protein (CSP). Since naturally occurring polymorphisms at the vaccine candidate loci are critical determinants of the protective efficacy of the vaccines, it is imperative to investigate these polymorphisms in field isolates. In this study we have investigated the genetic diversity at the central repeat, C-terminal T cell epitope (Th2R and Th3R) and N-terminal T cell epitope regions of the CSP, in P. falciparum isolates from Madhya Pradesh state of India. These isolates were collected through a 5-year prospective study aimed to develop a well-characterized field-site for the future evaluation of malaria vaccine in India. Our results revealed that the central repeat (63 haplotypes, n = 161) and C-terminal Th2R/Th3R epitope (24 haplotypes, n = 179) regions were highly polymorphic, whereas N-terminal non-repeat region was less polymorphic (5 haplotypes, n = 161) in this population. We did not find any evidence of the role of positive natural selection in maintaining the genetic diversity at the Th2R/Th3R regions of CSP. Comparative analysis of the Th2R/Th3R sequences from this study to the global isolates (n = 1160) retrieved from the GenBank database revealed two important points. First, the majority of the sequences (∼61%, n = 179) from this study were identical to the Dd2/Indochina type, which is also the predominant Th2R/Th3R haplotype in Asia (∼59%, n = 974). Second, the Th2R/Th3R sequences in Asia, South America and Africa are geographically distinct with little allele sharing between continents. In conclusion, this study provides an insight on the existing polymorphisms in the CSP in a parasite population from India that could potentially influence the efficacy of RTS,S vaccine in this region.  相似文献   

The Block 2 region of the merozoite surface protein-1 (MSP-1) of Plasmodium falciparum has been identified as a target of protective immunity by a combination of seroepidemiology and parasite population genetics. Immunogenicity studies in small animals and Aotus monkeys were used to determine the efficacy of recombinant antigens derived from this region of MSP-1 as a potential vaccine antigen. Aotus lemurinus griseimembra monkeys were immunized three times with a recombinant antigen derived from the Block 2 region of MSP-1 of the monkey-adapted challenge strain, FVO of Plasmodium falciparum, using an adjuvant suitable for use in humans. Immunofluorescent antibody assays (IFA) against erythrocytes infected with P. falciparum using sera from the immunized monkeys showed that the MSP-1 Block 2 antigen induced significant antibody responses to whole malaria parasites. MSP-1 Block 2 antigen-specific enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA) showed no significant differences in antibody titers between immunized animals. Immunized animals were challenged with the virulent P. falciparum FVO isolate and monitored for 21 days. Two out of four immunized animals were able to control their parasitaemia during the follow-up period, whereas two out of two controls developed fulminating parasitemia. Parasite-specific serum antibody titers measured by IFA were four-fold higher in protected animals than in unprotected animals. In addition, peptide-based epitope mapping of serum antibodies from immunized Aotus showed distinct differences in epitope specificities between protected and unprotected animals.  相似文献   



DNA vaccine immunogenicity has been limited by inefficient delivery. Needle-free delivery of DNA using a CO2-powered Biojector® device was compared to delivery by needle and syringe and evaluated for safety and immunogenicity.


Forty adults, 18–50 years, were randomly assigned to intramuscular (IM) vaccinations with DNA vaccine, VRC-HIVDNA016-00-VP, (weeks 0, 4, 8) by Biojector® 2000™ or needle and syringe (N/S) and boosted IM at week 24 with VRC-HIVADV014-00-VP (rAd5) with N/S at 1010 or 1011 particle units (PU). Equal numbers per assigned schedule had low (≤500) or high (>500) reciprocal titers of preexisting Ad5 neutralizing antibody.


120 DNA and 39 rAd5 injections were given; 36 subjects completed follow-up research sample collections. IFN-γ ELISpot response rates were 17/19 (89%) for Biojector® and 13/17 (76%) for N/S delivery at Week 28 (4 weeks post rAd5 boost). The magnitude of ELISpot response was about 3-fold higher in Biojector® compared to N/S groups. Similar effects on response rates and magnitude were observed for CD8+, but not CD4+ T-cell responses by ICS. Env-specific antibody responses were about 10-fold higher in Biojector-primed subjects.


DNA vaccination by Biojector® was well-tolerated and compared to needle injection, primed for greater IFN-γ ELISpot, CD8+ T-cell, and antibody responses after rAd5 boosting.

Trial Registration

ClinicalTrials.gov NCT00109629  相似文献   

Temozolomide (TMZ) is an alkylating agent shown to prolong survival in patients with high grade glioma and is routinely used to treat melanoma brain metastases. A prominent side effect of TMZ is induction of profound lymphopenia, which some suggest may be incompatible with immunotherapy. Conversely, it has been proposed that recovery from chemotherapy-induced lymphopenia may actually be exploited to potentiate T-cell responses. Here, we report the first demonstration of TMZ as an immune host-conditioning regimen in an experimental model of brain tumor and examine its impact on antitumor efficacy of a well-characterized peptide vaccine. Our results show that high-dose, myeloablative (MA) TMZ resulted in markedly reduced CD4+, CD8+ T-cell and CD4+Foxp3+ TReg counts. Adoptive transfer of naïve CD8+ T cells and vaccination in this setting led to an approximately 70-fold expansion of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells over controls. Ex vivo analysis of effector functions revealed significantly enhanced levels of pro-inflammatory cytokine secretion from mice receiving MA TMZ when compared to those treated with a lower lymphodepletive, non-myeloablative (NMA) dose. Importantly, MA TMZ, but not NMA TMZ was uniquely associated with an elevation of endogenous IL-2 serum levels, which we also show was required for optimal T-cell expansion. Accordingly, in a murine model of established intracerebral tumor, vaccination-induced immunity in the setting of MA TMZ–but not lymphodepletive, NMA TMZ–led to significantly prolonged survival. Overall, these results may be used to leverage the side-effects of a clinically-approved chemotherapy and should be considered in future study design of immune-based treatments for brain tumors.  相似文献   



It is important to understand the extent to which genetic factors regulate acquired immunity to common infections. A classical twin study design is useful to estimate the heritable component of variation in measurable immune parameters.

Methodology/Principal Findings

This study assessed the relative heritability of different plasma antibody isotypes and subclasses (IgG1, IgG2, IgG3, IgG4, IgM, IgA and IgE) naturally acquired to P. falciparum blood stage antigens AMA1, MSP1-19, MSP2 (two allelic types) and MSP3 (two allelic types). Separate analyses were performed on plasma from 213 pairs of Gambian adult twins, 199 child twin pairs sampled in a dry season when there was little malaria transmission, and another set of 107 child twin pairs sampled at the end of the annual wet season when malaria was common. There were significantly positive heritability (h 2) estimates for 48% (20/42) of the specific antibody assays (for the seven isotypes and subclasses to the six antigens tested) among the adults, 48% (20/42) among the children in the dry season and 31% (13/42) among the children in the wet season. In children, there were significant heritability estimates for IgG4 reactivity against each of the antigens, and this subclass had higher heritability than the other subclasses and isotypes. In adults, 75% (15/20) of the significantly heritable antigen-specific isotype responses were attributable to non-HLA class II genetic variation, whereas none showed a significant HLA contribution.


Genome-wide approaches are now warranted to map the major genetic determinants of variable antibody isotype and subclass responses to malaria, alongside evaluation of their impact on infection and disease. Although plasma levels of IgG4 to malaria antigens are generally low, the exceptionally high heritability of levels of this subclass in children deserves particular investigation.  相似文献   



Plasmodium falciparum merozoite surface protein 5 (PfMSP5) is an attractive blood stage vaccine candidate because it is both exposed to the immune system and well conserved. To evaluate its interest, we investigated the association of anti-PfMSP5 IgG levels, in the context of responses to two other conserved Ags PfMSP1p19 and R23, with protection from clinical episodes of malaria in cross-sectional prospective studies in two different transmission settings.


Ndiop (mesoendemic) and Dielmo (holoendemic) are two Senegalese villages participating in an on-going long-term observational study of natural immunity to malaria. Blood samples were taken before the transmission season (Ndiop) or before peak transmission (Dielmo) and active clinical surveillance was carried out during the ensuing 5.5-month follow-up. IgG responses to recombinant PfMSP5, PfMSP1p19 and R23 were quantified by ELISA in samples from surveys carried out in Dielmo (186 subjects) and Ndiop (221 subjects) in 2002, and Ndiop in 2000 (204 subjects). In addition, 236 sera from the Dielmo and Ndiop-2002 surveys were analyzed for relationships between the magnitude of anti-PfMSP5 response and neutrophil antibody dependent respiratory burst (ADRB) activity.


Anti-PfMSP5 antibodies predominantly IgG1 were detected in 60–74% of villagers, with generally higher levels in older age groups. PfMSP5 IgG responses were relatively stable for Ndiop subjects sampled both in 2000 and 2002. ADRB activity correlated with age and anti-PfMSP5 IgG levels. Importantly, PfMSP5 antibody levels were significantly associated with reduced incidence of clinical malaria in all three cohorts. Inclusion of IgG to PfMSP1p19 in the poisson regression model did not substantially modify results.


These results indicate that MSP5 is recognized by naturally acquired Ab. The large seroprevalence and association with protection against clinical malaria in two settings with differing transmission conditions and stability over time demonstrated in Ndiop argue for further evaluation of baculovirus PfMSP5 as a vaccine candidate.  相似文献   

Dengue is the leading cause of mosquito-borne viral infections and no vaccine is available now. Envelope protein domain III (ED3) is the major target for the binding of dengue virus neutralizing antibodies; however, the ED3-specifc T-cell response is less well understood. To investigate the T-cell responses to four serotypes of dengue virus (DENV-1 to 4), we immunized mice using either a tetravalent ED3-based DNA or protein vaccine, or combined both as a DNA prime-protein boost strategy (prime-boost). A significant serotype-dependent IFN-γ or IL-4 response was observed in mice immunized with either the DNA or protein vaccine. The IFN-γ response was dominant to DENV-1 to 3, whereas the IL-4 response was dominant to DENV-4. Although the similar IgG titers for the four serotypes were observed in mice immunized with the tetravalent vaccines, the neutralizing antibody titers varied and followed the order of 2 = 3>1>4. Interestingly, the lower IFN-γ response to DENV-4 is attributable to the immunodominance change between two CD4+ T-cell epitopes; one T-cell epitope located at E349-363 of DENV-1 to 3 was more immunogenic than the DENV-4 epitope E313-327. Despite DENV-4 specific IFN-γ responses were suppressed by immunodominance change, either DENV-4-specific IFN-γ or neutralizing antibody responses were still recalled after DENV-4 challenge and contributed to virus clearance. Immunization with the prime-boost elicited both IFN-γ and neutralizing antibody responses and provided better protection than either DNA or protein immunization. Our findings shed light on how ED3-based tetravalent dengue vaccines sharpen host CD4 T-cell responses and contribute to protection against dengue virus.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that Vivax Malaria Protein 001 (VMP001), a vaccine candidate based on the circumsporozoite protein of Plasmodium vivax, is immunogenic in mice and rhesus monkeys in the presence of various adjuvants. In the present study, we evaluated the immunogenicity and efficacy of VMP001 formulated with a TLR9 agonist in a water-in-oil emulsion. Following immunization, the vaccine efficacy was assessed by challenging Aotus nancymaae monkeys with P. vivax sporozoites. Monkeys from both the low- and high-dose vaccine groups generated strong humoral immune responses to the vaccine (peak median titers of 291,622), and its subunits (peak median titers to the N-term, central repeat and C-term regions of 22,188; 66,120 and 179,947, respectively). 66.7% of vaccinated monkeys demonstrated sterile protection following challenge. Protection was associated with antibodies directed against the central repeat region. The protected monkeys had a median anti-repeat titer of 97,841 compared to 14,822 in the non-protected monkeys. This is the first report demonstrating P. vivax CSP vaccine-induced protection of Aotus monkeys challenged with P. vivax sporozoites.  相似文献   

Malaria represents a major public health problem in Africa. In the East African highlands, the high-altitude areas were previously considered too cold to support vector population and parasite transmission, rendering the region particularly prone to epidemic malaria due to the lack of protective immunity of the population. Since the 1980’s, frequent malaria epidemics have been reported and these successive outbreaks may have generated some immunity against Plasmodium falciparum amongst the highland residents. Serological studies reveal indirect evidence of human exposure to the parasite, and can reliably assess prevalence of exposure and transmission intensity in an endemic area. However, the vast majority of serological studies of malaria have been, hereto, limited to a small number of the parasite’s antigens. We surveyed and compared the antibody response profiles of age-stratified sera from residents of two endemic areas in the western Kenyan highlands with differing malaria transmission intensities, during two distinct seasons, against 854 polypeptides of P. falciparum using high-throughput proteomic microarray technology. We identified 107 proteins as serum antibody targets, which were then characterized for their gene ontology biological process and cellular component of the parasite, and showed significant enrichment for categories related to immune evasion, pathogenesis and expression on the host’s cell and parasite’s surface. Additionally, we calculated age-fitted annual seroconversion rates for the immunogenic proteins, and contrasted the age-dependent antibody acquisition for those antigens between the two sampling sites. We observed highly immunogenic antigens that produce stable antibody responses from early age in both sites, as well as less immunogenic proteins that require repeated exposure for stable responses to develop and produce different seroconversion rates between sites. We propose that a combination of highly and less immunogenic proteins could be used in serological surveys to detect differences in malaria transmission levels, distinguishing sites of unstable and stable transmission.  相似文献   

With 2.5 billion people at risk, dengue is a major emerging disease threat and an escalating public health problem worldwide. Dengue virus causes disease ranging from a self-limiting febrile illness (dengue fever) to the potentially fatal dengue hemorrhagic fever/dengue shock syndrome. Severe dengue disease is associated with sub-protective levels of antibody, which exacerbate disease upon re-infection. A dengue vaccine should generate protective immunity without increasing severity of disease. To date, the determinants of vaccine-mediated protection against dengue remain unclear, and additional correlates of protection are urgently needed. Here, mice were immunized with viral replicon particles expressing the dengue envelope protein ectodomain to assess the relative contribution of humoral versus cellular immunity to protection. Vaccination with viral replicon particles provided robust protection against dengue challenge. Vaccine-induced humoral responses had the potential to either protect from or exacerbate dengue disease upon challenge, whereas cellular immune responses were beneficial. This study explores the immunological basis of protection induced by a dengue vaccine and suggests that a safe and efficient vaccine against dengue should trigger both arms of the immune system.  相似文献   

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