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The readily releasable pool (RRP) of vesicles is a core concept in studies of presynaptic function. However, operating principles lack consensus definition and the utility for quantitative analysis has been questioned. Here we confirm that RRPs at calyces of Held from 14 to 21 day old mice have a fixed capacity for storing vesicles that is not modulated by Ca2+. Discrepancies with previous studies are explained by a dynamic flow-through pool, established during heavy use, containing vesicles that are released with low probability despite being immediately releasable. Quantitative analysis ruled out a posteriori explanations for the vesicles with low release probability, such as Ca2+-channel inactivation, and established unexpected boundary conditions for remaining alternatives. Vesicles in the flow-through pool could be incompletely primed, in which case the full sequence of priming steps downstream of recruitment to the RRP would have an average unitary rate of at least 9/s during heavy use. Alternatively, vesicles with low and high release probability could be recruited to distinct types of release sites; in this case the timing of recruitment would be similar at the two types, and the downstream transition from recruited to fully primed would be much faster. In either case, further analysis showed that activity accelerates the upstream step where vesicles are initially recruited to the RRP. Overall, our results show that the RRP can be well defined in the mathematical sense, and support the concept that the defining mechanism is a stable group of autonomous release sites.  相似文献   

The present experiments tested whether preganglionic stimulation and direct depolarization of nerve terminals by tityustoxin could mobilize similar or different pools of acetylcholine (ACh) from the cat superior cervical ganglia in the presence of 2-(4-phenylpiperidino)cyclohexanol (vesamicol, AH5183), an inhibitor of ACh uptake into synaptic vesicles. In the absence of vesamicol, both nerve stimulation and tityustoxin increased ACh release. In the presence of vesamicol, the release of ACh induced by tityustoxin was inhibited, and just 16% of the initial tissue content could be released, a result similar to that obtained with electrical stimulation under the same condition. When the impulse-releasable pool of ACh had been depleted, tityustoxin still could release transmitter, amounting to some 10% of the ganglion's initial content. This pool of transmitter seemed to be preformed in the synaptic vesicles, rather than synthesized in response to stimuli, as tityustoxin could not release newly synthesized [3H]ACh formed in the presence of vesamicol, and hemicholinium-3 did not prevent the toxin-induced release. In contrast to the results with tityustoxin, preganglionic stimulation could not release transmitter when impulse-releasable or toxin-releasable compartments had been depleted. Our results confirm that vesamicol inhibits the mobilization of transmitter from a reserve to a more readily releasable pool, and they also suggest that, under these experimental conditions, there might be some futile transmitter mobilization, apparently to sites other than nerve terminal active zones.  相似文献   

Characterization of Glutamate Uptake into Synaptic Vesicles   总被引:29,自引:22,他引:7  
Recent evidence indicates that L-glutamate is taken up into synaptic vesicles in an ATP-dependent manner, supporting the notion that synaptic vesicles may be involved in glutamate synaptic transmission. In this study, we further characterized the ATP-dependent vesicular uptake of glutamate. Evidence is provided that a Mg-ATPase, not Ca-ATPase, is responsible for the ATP hydrolysis coupled to the glutamate uptake. The ATP-dependent glutamate uptake was inhibited by agents known to dissipate the electrochemical proton gradient across the membrane of chromaffin granules. Hence, it is suggested that the vesicular uptake of glutamate is driven by electrochemical proton gradients generated by the Mg-ATPase. Of particular interest is the finding that the ATP-dependent glutamate uptake is markedly stimulated by chloride over a physiologically relevant, millimolar concentration range, suggesting an important role of intranerve terminal chloride in the accumulation of glutamate in synaptic vesicles. The vesicular glutamate translocator is highly specific for L-glutamate, and failed to interact with aspartate, its related agents, and most of the glutamate analogs tested. It is proposed that this vesicular translocator plays a crucial role in determining the fate of glutamate as a neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

Monoglyceride lipase (MGL) is required for efficient hydrolysis of the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoylglyerol (2-AG) in the brain generating arachidonic acid (AA) and glycerol. This metabolic function makes MGL an interesting target for the treatment of neuroinflammation, since 2-AG exhibits anti-inflammatory properties and AA is a precursor for pro-inflammatory prostaglandins. Astrocytes are an important source of AA and 2-AG, and highly express MGL. In the present study, we dissected the distinct contribution of MGL in astrocytes on brain 2-AG and AA metabolism by generating a mouse model with genetic deletion of MGL specifically in astrocytes (MKOGFAP). MKOGFAP mice exhibit moderately increased 2-AG and reduced AA levels in brain. Minor accumulation of 2-AG in the brain of MKOGFAP mice does not cause cannabinoid receptor desensitization as previously observed in mice globally lacking MGL. Importantly, MKOGFAP mice exhibit reduced brain prostaglandin E2 and pro-inflammatory cytokine levels upon peripheral lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration. These observations indicate that MGL-mediated degradation of 2-AG in astrocytes provides AA for prostaglandin synthesis promoting LPS-induced neuroinflammation. The beneficial effect of astrocyte-specific MGL-deficiency is not fully abrogated by the inverse cannabinoid receptor 1 agonist SR141716 (Rimonabant) suggesting that the anti-inflammatory effects are rather caused by reduced prostaglandin synthesis than by activation of cannabinoid receptors. In conclusion, our data demonstrate that MGL in astrocytes is an important regulator of 2-AG levels, AA availability, and neuroinflammation.  相似文献   

Neuronal communication relies on chemical synaptic transmission for information transfer and processing. Chemical neurotransmission is initiated by synaptic vesicle fusion with the presynaptic active zone resulting in release of neurotransmitters. Classical models have assumed that all synaptic vesicles within a synapse have the same potential to fuse under different functional contexts. In this model, functional differences among synaptic vesicle populations are ascribed to their spatial distribution in the synapse with respect to the active zone. Emerging evidence suggests, however, that synaptic vesicles are not a homogenous population of organelles, and they possess intrinsic molecular differences and differential interaction partners. Recent studies have reported a diverse array of synaptic molecules that selectively regulate synaptic vesicles' ability to fuse synchronously and asynchronously in response to action potentials or spontaneously irrespective of action potentials. Here we discuss these molecular mediators of vesicle pool heterogeneity that are found on the synaptic vesicle membrane, on the presynaptic plasma membrane, or within the cytosol and consider some of the functional consequences of this diversity. This emerging molecular framework presents novel avenues to probe synaptic function and uncover how synaptic vesicle pools impact neuronal signaling.   相似文献   

Abstract: Uptake of acetylcholine (ACh) by synaptic vesicles isolated from the electric organ of Torpedo was induced with an artificially imposed proton gradient. The gradient was formed by hyposmotic lysis and resealing of vesicles in a low pH buffer to form vesicular ghosts followed by sudden elevation of the pH of the ghost suspension. [3H]ACh accumulated rapidly, the proton gradient collapsed spontaneously within 5 min as monitored by [14C]methylamine uptake, and the accumulated ACh leaked out of the ghosts after 5 min. Vesamicol blocked both uptake and efflux of the [3H]ACh, demonstrating that both processes are mediated by the ACh transporter. The protonophore nigericin also blocked uptake very potently. Specific uptake was titrated with variable concentrations of [3H]ACh. It exhibited K m and V max values of ∼200–500 µ M and 7–30 nmol [3H]ACh/mg at 5 min, respectively, which are values close to those commonly observed for ATP-dependent uptake by intact vesicles. Specific uptake by ghosts was titrated with variable internal pH and constant external pH. It exhibited maximal uptake between internal pH 4.5 and 5.5. The dependence was very steep and could be fit best by assuming that the active form of the transporter requires protonation of two internal sites of apparent pK value of 5.3 ± 0.2. A similar result was obtained when the uptake was titrated with variable internal pH with a constant thermodynamic driving force maintained by keeping the external pH ∼2.6 units higher. The origin of the transport inhibition that sets in at very low internal pH values is not clear. In vivo, the steep dependence of transport on the transmembrane pH gradient might serve to minimize leakage of ACh from the cytoplasm due to ACh transporter in the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

We have studied the ganglioside content and pattern of synaptic vesicles isolated from the electric organs of two species of Torpedinidae, Torpedo californica and Torpedo marmorata. The ganglioside concentrations were high relative to protein content (77 and 58 micrograms of N-acetylneuraminic acid/mg of protein, respectively), owing to the low protein-to-lipid ratio; however, they were also appreciable in relation to phospholipid (15.6 and 10.0 micrograms of N-acetylneuraminic acid/mg of phospholipid). The fact that a membrane fraction that separated from synaptic vesicles of T. californica on a controlled-pore glass-bead column and constituted the main potential source of contamination in this preparation had a lower ganglioside content and a different TLC pattern than synaptic vesicles indicated the relatively high purity of the latter. Most of the gangliosides from synaptic vesicles of both species migrated on TLC in the vicinity of standards with three or more sialic acids. Synaptosomes from T. marmorata had a higher lipid N-acetylneuraminic acid/phospholipid ratio and a different TLC pattern than synaptic vesicles. Considering these results and other data appearing recently in the literature, we suggest that reexamination of synaptic vesicles from mammalian brain for the possible presence of gangliosides is warranted.  相似文献   

Characterization of Nucleotide Transport into Rat Brain Synaptic Vesicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
ATP transport to synaptic vesicles from rat brain has been studied using the fluorescent substrate analogue 1,N6-ethenoadenosine 5'-triphosphate (epsilon-ATP). The increase in intravesicular concentration was time dependent for the first 30 min, epsilon-ATP being the most abundant nucleotide. The complexity of the saturation curve indicates the existence of kinetic and allosteric cooperativity in the nucleotide transport, which exhibits various affinity states with K0.5 values of 0.39 +/- 0.06 and 3.8 +/- 0.1 mM with epsilon-ATP as substrate. The Vmax values obtained were 13.5 +/- 1.4 pmol x min(-1) x mg of protein(-1) for the first curve and 28.3 +/- 1.6 pmol x min(-1) x mg of protein(-1) considering both components. This kinetic behavior can be explained on the basis of a mnemonic model. The nonhydrolyzable adenine nucleotide analogues adenosine 5'-O-3-(thiotriphosphate), adenosine 5'-O-2-(thiodiphosphate), and adenosine 5'-(beta,gamma-imino)triphosphate and the diadenosine polyphosphates P1,P3-di(adenosine)triphosphate, P1,P4-di(adenosine)tetraphosphate, and P1,P5-di(adenosine)pentaphosphate inhibited the nucleotide transport. The mitochondrial ATP/ADP exchange inhibitor atractyloside, N-ethylmaleimide, and polysulfonic aromatic compounds such as Evans blue and 4,4'-diisothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid also inhibit epsilon-ATP vesicular transport.  相似文献   

We studied the effects of three antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) in a cell-free model system containing isolated synaptic vesicles (SVs) and cytosolic proteins, which allowed us to reproduce one of the stages of complex exocytosis. Ethosuximide, sodium valproate, and gabapentin intensified calcium- and Mg2+-ATP-induced fusion of SVs; the effect was indicative of the ability of these agents to influence the processes of simple and/or complex exocytosis in synaptic connections in the CNS structures. Antiepileptic drugs did not change the intensity of calcium-dependent fusion of liposomes and SVs treated by proteases. Therefore, the effect of AEDs can be realized via their interaction with proteins of SVs. After decrease in the level of cholesterol in the membranes of SVs using treatment by methyl-β- cyclodextrin, the ability of AEDs to activate fusion of SVs remained unchanged. Therefore, the studied AEDs act via proteins localized beyond the borders of cholesterol-enriched microdomains of the membrane. Drugs that induce convulsions (corazole and picrotoxin) did not change the characteristics of fusion of SVs under the in vitro action of AEDs. This is indicative of the absence of molecular targets for the above chemoconvulsants in the SV membranes, as compared with those in the plasma membranes of nerve terminals. According to our experiments, just proteins of SVs are functional targets for ethosuximide, sodium valproate, and gabapentin providing their anticonvulsant actions. The proposed model, which allows one to reproduce the membrane fusion, can be successfully used for the testing of drugs influencing a presynaptic link of synaptic contacts in the CNS.  相似文献   

An antiserum to cholinergic synaptic vesicles isolated from the electric organ of Torpedo marmorata was purified by adsorption with fractions containing unwanted antigens. The adsorbed antiserum responds to the proteoglycan core material of the cholinergic synaptic vesicles. The major antigen migrates in an anomalous fashion on sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (SDS-PAGE), forming a broad band with an apparent molecular weight of approximately 120,000 - 300,000. The distribution of this antigen after sucrose density gradient centrifugation of synaptic vesicles is the same as that of vesicular ATP. The antigen comigrates with a substance that can be stained with Alcian-Blue after SDS-PAGE of highly purified synaptic vesicles. This substance is related to the low-molecular-weight, Alcian-Blue-positive glycosaminoglycan vesiculin, which is formed from the high-molecular-weight proteoglycan by prolonged dialysis against water or by protease treatment. No antibodies were detected against vesiculin itself, indicating that the antigenic determinants are restricted to the proteoglycan.  相似文献   

Highly purified rat and cow brain synaptic vesicles contain major proteins with molecular weights of approximately 74,000, 60,000, 57,000, 40,000, 38,000, and 34,000 by sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The presence of the major proteins on synaptic vesicles was confirmed by immunoprecipitation of intact rat brain synaptic vesicles with a synaptic vesicle-specific monoclonal antibody. The 40,000-Mr protein appeared to be identical to the 38,000-Mr integral membrane glycoprotein, p38 or synaptophysin, previously identified as a major component of mammalian synaptic vesicles. The isoelectric point of the 75,000-Mr proteins from either rat or cow brain synaptic vesicles is 5.0, and the pI of the 57,000-Mr protein is approximately 5.1 in both species. The similarity in size and charge of several major proteins in rat and cow synaptic vesicles suggests a high degree of structure conservation of these proteins in diverse mammalian species and raises the possibility that a set of functions common to most or all mammalian synaptic vesicles is mediated by these proteins.  相似文献   

To elucidate the position of the peptide bond in glutamyl-taurine this dipeptide was extracted from calf brain synaptic vesicles and subjected to paper electrophoresis. It was analyzed further in an automatic amino acid analyzer prior and subsequent to acid hydrolysis. Both alpha- and gamma-forms were found to be present in approximately equal amounts.  相似文献   

The acetylcholine-rich myenteric plexus-longitudinal muscle preparation of the guinea-pig small intestine has been subjected to subcellular fractionation using modifications of both classical methods and that originally devised for bulk isolation of cholinergic synaptic vesicles from the electromotor nerve terminals of Torpedo marmorata by means of density gradient centrifugation in a zonal rotor. The latter method gave a vesicle fraction with the highest acetylcholine content so far recorded for a mammalian particulate fraction, 30.9 × S.E.M. 1.8 (5) nmol of acetylcholine × mg of protein?1. Electron-microscopical examination showed that it consisted of a homogeneous preparation of vesicles of mean spherical diameter 61 ×sd 4 (108) nm, with little or no contamination with other lipoprotein membrane structures, mixed how-ever with considerable amounts of actomyosin fibrils, presumably derived from the longitudinal muscle. Slab-gel electrophoresis in sodium dodecyl sulphate showed that, in addition to prominent peaks attributable to actin and myosin, there was a relatively simple pattern of (presumably) vesicle protein among which all the proteins thought to be characteristic of Torpedo synaptic vesicles were present. Dowe G. H. C. et al. Isolation of cholinergic synaptic vesicles from the myenteric plexus of guinea-pig small intestine. J. Neurochem. 35, 993–1003 (1980).  相似文献   

The heterotetrameric adaptor protein complex, AP-3, sorts proteins to both the endosome/lysosome and the synaptic vesicles. We have characterized the recruitment of pure AP-3 complex and ADP-ribosylation factor (ARF) onto the endosomal donor compartments that give rise to synaptic vesicles. We demonstrated that endosomes become heavier in a sucrose gradient after incubation with rat brain cytosol and a nonhydrolyzable GTP analog, GTPgammaS. This process requires a small GTPase, ARF-1. Furthermore, the endosomal coating is specific for AP-3 but not the AP-2 complex. This process requires only two soluble proteins AP-3 and ARF, with the recruitment of AP-3 being saturable at about 30 nM. These results establish that the synaptic vesicle's donor membrane is coated with AP-3 before vesiculation, in a coat-protein-specific and dose-dependent fashion.  相似文献   

Newborn or adult rats were pretreated with 50 mg kg-1 capsaicin. At the age of 2 to 4 months, binding of 125I-labelled Tyr8-substance P to synaptic vesicles prepared from different regions of the nervous system was examined. In both groups, capsaicin pretreatment led to a significant decrease in the number of binding sites in dorsal roots and spinal cord without having an effect on affinity. This decrease parallels the depletion of the substance P content (Gamse et al., 1980) and can be explained by degeneration of primary sensory neurons in newborn treated rats and by depletion of vesicles in adult treated rats.  相似文献   

Abstract: In these experiments, we followed the exocytosis and endocytosis of synaptic vesicles with the vital dye FM1-43 and asked whether calcium is important for membrane retrieval at the frog neuromuscular junction. We replaced calcium with equimolar amounts of strontium and monitored the staining of recycling vesicles by inducing exocytosis with electrical stimulation. Trains of 2,400 (2 or 20 Hz) or 4,200 (20 Hz) pulses failed to induce FM1-43 internalization in the presence of strontium, but they did in the presence of calcium. This effect of strontium was not due to a decrease in exocytosis, because FM1-43 release was similar in the presence of calcium or strontium. The impairment in endocytosis, observed as inhibition of FM1-43 internalization, could be overcome by longer periods of stimulation (6,000 pulses at 2 or 20 Hz) in the presence of strontium (1.8 m M ) or by increasing the extracellular concentration of strontium to 10 m M (2,400 action potentials at 20 Hz). It is suggested that endocytosis is dependent on calcium influx and that strontium is much less effective in replacing calcium for endocytosis than it is for exocytosis.  相似文献   

Highly purified “heavy” synaptic vesicles were isolated from rat heart by differential centrifugation. Because of the high intravesicular concentrations of proteins, catecholamine, and ATP, resealed vesicle ghosts were prepared and used to study the detailed kinetics of catecholamine transport. ATP stimulated the uptake of /-norepinephrine and was saturable with a Km for l-norepinephrine at 3.3 μM and 1.8 mM for ATP. The ghosts also accumulated 5-hydroxytryptamine and l-epinephrine via an ATP-dependent mechanism. Uptake was stereospecific for the l-form. A functional catecholamine transporter could be solubilized by the detergent octyl-glucoside and incorporated into phospholipid vesicles, which, after detergent removal, generated proteoliposomes that accumulated l-norepinephrine. Reserpine- and l-propranolol-sensitive accumulation against a concentration gradient is achieved by artificially creating a pH gradient across the membrane, and lends further support to the idea that at least the initial phase of catecholamine transport is driven by the trans-membrane pH gradient created by the proton-translocating ATPase.  相似文献   

Uptake of Glycine into Synaptic Vesicles Isolated from Rat Spinal Cord   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Glycine was taken up by a synaptic vesicle fraction from spinal cord in a Mg-ATP-dependent manner. The accumulation of glycine was inhibited by carbonyl cyanide-m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP) and nigericin, agents known to destroy the proton gradient across the vesicle membrane. Vesicular uptake of glycine was clearly different from synaptosomal uptake, with respect to both the affinity constant and the effect of Na+, ATP, CCCP, and temperature. Oligomycin and strychnine did not inhibit the vesicular uptake, showing that neither mitochondrial H(+)-ATPase nor binding to strychnine-sensitive glycine receptors was involved. It is suggested that the vesicular uptake of glycine is driven by a proton gradient generated by a Mg2(+)-ATPase. A low concentration of Cl- had little effect on the uptake of glycine, whereas the uptake of glutamate in the same experiment was highly stimulated. High concentrations of gamma-amino-n-butyric acid and beta-alanine inhibited vesicular glycine uptake, but glutamate did not. Accumulation of glycine was found to be fourfold higher in a spinal cord synaptic vesicle fraction than in a vesicle fraction from cerebral cortex.  相似文献   

Dynamic Storage of Dopamine in Rat Brain Synaptic Vesicles In Vitro   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Abstract: The dynamics of catecholamine storage were studied in highly purified, small synaptic vesicles from rat brain both during active uptake or after inhibiting uptake with reserpine, tetrabenazine, or removal of external dopamine. To assess turnover during active uptake, synaptic vesicles were allowed to accumulate [3H]dopamine ([3H]DA) for ~10 min and then diluted 20-fold into a solution containing unlabeled DA under conditions such that active uptake could continue. After dilution, [3H]DA was lost with single exponential kinetics at a half-time of ~4 min at 30°C in 8 mM Cl? medium, in which both voltage and H+ gradients are present in the vesicles. In 90 mM Cl? medium, in which high H+ and Cl? gradients but no voltage gradient are present, [3H]DA escaped at a half-time of ~7 min. In both high and low Cl? media, ~40% of [3H]DA efflux was blocked by reserpine or tetrabenazine. The residual efflux also followed first-order kinetics. These results indicate that two efflux pathways were present, one dependent on DA uptake (and thus on the presence of external DA) and the other independent of uptake, and that both pathways function regardless of the type of electrochemical H+ gradient in the vesicles. The presence of both uptake-dependent and -independent efflux was observed in experiments using DA-free medium, instead of uptake inhibitors, to prevent uptake. Uptake-independent efflux showed molecular selectivity for catecholamines; [14C]DA was lost about three times faster than [3H]norepinephrine after adding tetrabenazine directly (without dilution) to vesicles that had taken up comparable amounts of each amine. In addition, the first-order rate constant for uptake-independent efflux showed little change over a 60-fold range of internal DA concentrations, which suggests that this pathway had a high transport capacity. All efflux was blocked at 0°C, suggesting that efflux did not occur through a large pore. There was little or no change in the proton gradient in synaptic vesicles, monitored by [14C]methylamine equilibration, during the experimental manipulations used here. Thus, the driving force for catecholamine uptake remained approximately constant. The physiological role of uptake-independent efflux could be to allow the monoamine content of synaptic vesicles to be regulated over a time range of minutes and, thereby, control the amount released by exocytosis. These results imply that catecholamines turn over with a half-time of minutes during active uptake by brain synaptic vesicles in vitro.  相似文献   

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