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The peptidyl transferase center of the domain V of large ribosomal RNA in the prokaryotic and eukaryotic cytosolic ribosomes acts as general protein folding modulator. We showed earlier that one part of the domain V (RNA1 containing the peptidyl transferase loop) binds unfolded protein and directs it to a folding competent state (FCS) that is released by the other part (RNA2) to attain the folded native state by itself. Here we show that the peptidyl transferase loop of the mitochondrial ribosome releases unfolded proteins in FCS extremely slowly despite its lack of the rRNA segment analogous to RNA2. The release of FCS can be hastened by the equivalent activity of RNA2 or the large subunit proteins of the mitochondrial ribosome. The RNA2 or large subunit proteins probably introduce some allosteric change in the peptidyl transferase loop to enable it to release proteins in FCS.  相似文献   

In eukaryotes, ribosome assembly requires hundreds of conserved essential proteins not present in the mature particle. Despite their importance, the function of most factors remains unknown. This is because protein deletion often affects the composition of the entire particle. Additionally, many proteins are present in assembling ribosomes for extended times, which makes it difficult to pinpoint their role to a particular step. Here we have combined classical yeast biochemistry with experiments using recombinant proteins and RNA to study the role of Dim2 and its interaction with Nob1, the nuclease that generates the 3'-end of 18 S rRNA. Analysis of Dim2 mutants in which the interaction with Nob1 is disrupted demonstrates that this interaction between Dim2 and Nob1 is essential for optimal growth, and RNA binding experiments show that Dim2 increases Nob1 RNA affinity. Furthermore, our data indicate that Dim2 helps regulate Nob1 cleavage activity at the 3'-end of 18 S rRNA, as point mutants where this interaction is abolished in vitro accumulate pre-ribosomes containing Nob1 and 20 S rRNA in vivo. Interestingly, the site of interaction with Nob1 is mapped to the canonical RNA binding surface of a KH-like domain in Dim2, providing another example where an RNA-binding domain can be repurposed for protein interactions.  相似文献   

Domain V of the 23S/25S/28S rRNA of the large ribosomal subunit constitutes the active center for the protein folding activity of the ribosome (PFAR). Using in vitro transcribed domain V rRNAs from Escherichia coli and Saccharomyces cerevisiae as the folding modulators and human carbonic anhydrase as a model protein, we demonstrate that PFAR is conserved from prokaryotes to eukaryotes. It was shown previously that 6-aminophenanthridine (6AP), an antiprion compound, inhibits PFAR. Here, using UV cross-linking followed by primer extension, we show that the protein substrates and 6AP interact with a common set of nucleotides on domain V of 23S rRNA. Mutations at the interaction sites decreased PFAR and resulted in loss or change of the binding pattern for both the protein substrates and 6AP. Moreover, kinetic analysis of human carbonic anhydrase refolding showed that 6AP decreased the yield of the refolded protein but did not affect the rate of refolding. Thus, we conclude that 6AP competitively occludes the protein substrates from binding to rRNA and thereby inhibits PFAR. Finally, we propose a scheme clarifying the mechanism by which 6AP inhibits PFAR.  相似文献   

In addition to its role in protein synthesis, which involves a peptidyl transferase activity, the ribosome has also been described to be able to assist protein folding, at least in vitro, as presented in a Research Highlight (Das, et al., Biotechnol. J. 2008). This in vitro-described ribosome-borne protein folding activity (RPFA) is yet poorly characterized in vivo, in part because of the lack of tools to study its biological significance. There is substantial evidence documenting RPFA in vitro, and an assay intended to detect this activity in vivo has been set up in bacteria, but this assay is indirect. In this review, we describe the different tools and tests currently available to study RPFA. We put a special emphasis on the various available inhibitors of this activity and in particular, we discuss the use of 6-aminophenanthridine (6AP) and guanabenz (GA), two antiprion drugs that were very recently shown to specifically inhibit RPFA in vitro without any significant effect on the activity of the ribosome in protein synthesis. Therefore, these drugs should allow determining the potential biological role of RPFA. Importantly, the biological activity of 6AP and GA suggest a possible involvement of RPFA in human proteinopathies.  相似文献   

Ricin inhibits protein synthesis by depurinating the α-sarcin/ricin loop (SRL). Ricin holotoxin does not inhibit translation unless the disulfide bond between the A (RTA) and B (RTB) subunits is reduced. Ricin holotoxin did not bind ribosomes or depurinate them but could depurinate free RNA. When RTA is separated from RTB, arginine residues located at the interface are exposed to the solvent. Because this positively charged region, but not the active site, is blocked by RTB, we mutated arginine residues at or near the interface of RTB to determine if they are critical for ribosome binding. These variants were structurally similar to wild type RTA but could not bind ribosomes. Their Km values and catalytic rates (kcat) for an SRL mimic RNA were similar to those of wild type, indicating that their activity was not altered. However, they showed an up to 5-fold increase in Km and up to 38-fold decrease in kcat toward ribosomes. These results suggest that the stalk binding stimulates the catalysis of ribosome depurination by RTA. The mutated arginines have side chains behind the active site cleft, indicating that the ribosome binding surface of RTA is on the opposite side of the surface that interacts with the SRL. We propose that stalk binding stimulates the catalysis of ribosome depurination by orienting the active site of RTA toward the SRL and thereby allows docking of the target adenine into the active site. This model may apply to the translation factors that interact with the stalk.  相似文献   

The purpose of Reflections articles, it seems, is to give elderly scientists a chance to write about the "good old days," when everyone walked to school in the snow. They enjoy this activity so much that your editor, Martha Fedor, must have known that I would accept her invitation to write such an article, no matter how much I demurred at first. As everyone knows, flattery will get you everywhere. It may comfort the apprehensive reader to learn that there is not going to be much walking to school in the snow in this story. On the contrary, rather than thinking how hard I had it during my scientific career, I find it inconceivable that anyone could have had a smoother ride. At the time I began my career, science was an expanding enterprise in the United States that welcomed the young. Only in such an opportunity-rich environment would someone like me have stood a chance. The contrast between that world and the dog-eat-dog world young scientists confront today is stark.  相似文献   

Most ribosomal proteins play important roles in ribosome biogenesis and function. Here, we have examined the contribution of the essential ribosomal protein L40 in these processes in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Deletion of either the RPL40A or RPL40B gene and in vivo depletion of L40 impair 60 S ribosomal subunit biogenesis. Polysome profile analyses reveal the accumulation of half-mers and a moderate reduction in free 60 S ribosomal subunits. Pulse-chase, Northern blotting, and primer extension analyses in the L40-depleted strain clearly indicate that L40 is not strictly required for the precursor rRNA (pre-rRNA) processing reactions but contributes to optimal 27 SB pre-rRNA maturation. Moreover, depletion of L40 hinders the nucleo-cytoplasmic export of pre-60 S ribosomal particles. Importantly, all these defects most likely appear as the direct consequence of impaired Nmd3 and Rlp24 release from cytoplasmic pre-60 S ribosomal subunits and their inefficient recycling back into the nucle(ol)us. In agreement, we show that hemagglutinin epitope-tagged L40A assembles in the cytoplasm into almost mature pre-60 S ribosomal particles. Finally, we have identified that the hemagglutinin epitope-tagged L40A confers resistance to sordarin, a translation inhibitor that impairs the function of eukaryotic elongation factor 2, whereas the rpl40a and rpl40b null mutants are hypersensitive to this antibiotic. We conclude that L40 is assembled at a very late stage into pre-60 S ribosomal subunits and that its incorporation into 60 S ribosomal subunits is a prerequisite for subunit joining and may ensure proper functioning of the translocation process.  相似文献   

Ongoing debate in the ribosome field has focused on the role of bound E-site tRNA and the Shine-Dalgarno-anti-Shine-Dalgarno (SD-aSD) interaction on A-site tRNA interactions and the fidelity of tRNA selection. Here we use an in vitro reconstituted Escherichia coli translation system to explore the reported effects of E-site-bound tRNA and SD-aSD interactions on tRNA selection events and find no evidence for allosteric coupling. A large set of experiments exploring the role of the E-site tRNA in miscoding failed to recapitulate the observations of earlier studies (Di Giacco, V., Márquez, V., Qin, Y., Pech, M., Triana-Alonso, F. J., Wilson, D. N., and Nierhaus, K. H. (2008) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 10715-10720 and Geigenmüller, U., and Nierhaus, K. H. (1990) EMBO J. 9, 4527-4533); the frequency of miscoding was unaffected by the presence of E-site-bound cognate tRNA. Moreover, our data provide clear evidence that the reported effects of the SD-aSD interaction on fidelity can be attributed to the binding of ribosomes to an unanticipated site on the mRNA (in the absence of the SD sequence) that provides a cognate pairing codon leading naturally to incorporation of the purported "noncognate" amino acid.  相似文献   

Structural studies indicate that binding of both the guide RNA (siRNA and miRNA) and the target mRNA trigger substantial conformational changes in the Argonaute proteins. Here we explore the role of the N-terminal lobe (and its PAZ domain) in these conformational changes using biochemical and cell culture-based approaches. In vitro, whereas deletion (or mutation) of the N-terminal lobe of DmAgo1 and DmAgo2 had no effect on binding affinity to guide RNAs, we observed a loss of protection of the 3′ end of the guide RNA and decreased target RNA binding; consistent with this, in cells, loss of function DmAgo1 PAZ variant proteins (PAZ6 and ΔN-PAZ) still bind RNA, although the RNAs are shorter than normal. We also find that deletion of the N-terminal lobe results in constitutive activation of endogenous PIWI domain-based cleavage activity in vitro, providing insights into how cleavage activity may be regulated in vivo in response to different types of pairing interactions with the target mRNAs.  相似文献   

AU-rich element RNA-binding protein 1 (AUF1) binding to AU-rich elements (AREs) in the 3'-untranslated regions of mRNAs encoding many cytokines and other regulatory proteins modulates mRNA stability, thereby influencing protein expression. AUF1-mRNA association is a dynamic paradigm directed by various cellular signals, but many features of its function remain poorly described. There are four isoforms of AUF1 that result from alternative splicing of exons 2 and 7 from a common pre-mRNA. Preliminary evidence suggests that the different isoforms have varied functional characteristics, but no detailed quantitative analysis of the properties of each isoform has been reported despite their differential expression and regulation. Using purified recombinant forms of each AUF1 protein variant, we used chemical cross-linking and gel filtration chromatography to show that each exists as a dimer in solution. We then defined the association mechanisms of each AUF1 isoform for ARE-containing RNA substrates and quantified relevant binding affinities using electrophoretic mobility shift and fluorescence anisotropy assays. Although all AUF1 isoforms generated oligomeric complexes on ARE substrates by sequential dimer association, sequences encoded by exon 2 inhibited RNA-binding affinity. By contrast, the exon 7-encoded domain enhanced RNA-dependent protein oligomerization, even permitting cooperative RNA-binding activity in some contexts. Finally, fluorescence resonance energy transfer-based assays showed that the different AUF1 isoforms remodel bound RNA substrates into divergent structures as a function of protein:RNA stoichiometry. Together, these data describe isoform-specific characteristics among AUF1 ribonucleoprotein complexes, which likely constitute a mechanistic basis for differential functions and regulation among members of this protein family.  相似文献   

The YlqF/YawG families are important GTPases involved in ribosome biogenesis, cell proliferation, or cell growth, however, no plant homologs have yet to be characterized. Here we isolated rice (Oryza sativa) and Arabidopsis nuclear/nucleolar GTPase 2 (OsNug2 and AtNug2, respectively) that belong to the YawG subfamily and characterized them for pre-60S ribosomal subunit maturation. They showed typical intrinsic YlqF/YawG family GTPase activities in bacteria and yeasts with k(cat) values 0.12 ± 0.007 min(-1) (n = 6) and 0.087 ± 0.002 min(-1) (n = 4), respectively, and addition of 60S ribosomal subunits stimulated their activities in vitro. In addition, OsNug2 rescued the lethality of the yeast nug2 null mutant through recovery of 25S pre-rRNA processing. By yeast two-hybrid screening five clones, including a putative one of 60S ribosomal proteins, OsL10a, were isolated. Subcellular localization and pulldown assays resulted in that the N-terminal region of OsNug2 is sufficient for nucleolar/nuclear targeting and association with OsL10a. OsNug2 is physically associated with pre-60S ribosomal complexes highly enriched in the 25S, 5.8S, and 5S rRNA, and its interaction was stimulated by exogenous GTP. Furthermore, the AtNug2 knockdown mutant constructed by the RNAi method showed defective growth on the medium containing cycloheximide. Expression pattern analysis revealed that the distribution of AtNug2 mainly in the meristematic region underlies its potential role in active plant growth. Finally, it is concluded that Nug2/Nog2p GTPase from mono- and didicotyledonous plants is linked to the pre-60S ribosome complex and actively processed 27S into 25S during the ribosomal large subunit maturation process, i.e. prior to export to the cytoplasm.  相似文献   

A recent study (Wolfe-Simon, F., Switzer Blum, J., Kulp, T. R., Gordon, G. W., Hoeft, S. E., Pett-Ridge, J., Stolz, J. F., Webb, S. M., Weber, P. K., Davies, P. C., Anbar, A. D., and Oremland, R. S. (2011) Science 332, 1163-1166) described the isolation of a special bacterial strain, GFAJ-1, that could grow in medium containing arsenate, but lacking phosphate, and that supposedly could substitute arsenic for phosphorus in its biological macromolecules. Here, we provide an alternative explanation for these observations and show that they can be reproduced in a laboratory strain of Escherichia coli. We find that arsenate induces massive ribosome degradation, which provides a source of phosphate. A small number of arsenate-tolerant cells arise during the long lag period prior to initiation of growth in +As/-P medium, and it is this population that undergoes the very slow, limited growth observed for both E. coli and GFAJ-1. These results provide a simple explanation for the reported growth of GFAJ-1 in arsenate without invoking replacement of phosphorus by arsenic in biological macromolecules.  相似文献   

Highly conserved G runs, G1M2 and ISE, regulate the proteolipid protein (PLP)/DM20 ratio. We have investigated recruitment of U1 small nuclear ribonuclear protein (snRNP) by G1M2 and ISE and examined the effect of splice site strength, distance, and context on G run function. G1M2 is necessary for initial recruitment of U1snRNP to the DM20 5' splice site independent of the strength of the splice site. G1M2 regulates E complex formation and supports DM20 splicing when functional U1snRNP is reduced. By contrast, the ISE is not required for the initial recruitment of U1snRNP to the PLP 5' splice site. However, in close proximity to either the DM20 or the PLP 5' splice site, the ISE recruits U1snRNP to both splice sites. The ISE enhances DM20 splicing, whereas close to the PLP 5' splice site, it inhibits PLP splicing. Splicing enhancement and inhibition are mediated by heterogeneous nuclear ribonuclear protein (hnRNP)H/F. The data show that recognition of the DM20 5' splice site depends on G run-mediated recruitment of U1snRNA, whereas a complex interaction between the ISE G runs, context and position determines the functional outcome on splicing. The data suggest that different mechanisms underlie G run-mediated recognition of 5' splice sites and that context and position play a critical role.  相似文献   

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