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Information relevant to invasion processes and invasive alien insect species management in Central Europe was extracted from two databases: a compilation of two inventories of alien insects in Austria and Switzerland, and a list of interceptions of non-indigenous plant pests in Europe gathered by the European and Mediterranean Plant Protection Organisation (EPPO) for the period 1995-2004. For one-third of the insects established in Switzerland and Austria, the region of origin is unclear. Others come mainly from North America, Asia and the Mediterranean region. Among the intercepted insects, 40% were associated with commodities from Asia, 32% from Europe and only 2% from North America. Sternorrhyncha, Coleoptera and Psocoptera were particularly well represented in the alien fauna compared to the native fauna. In the interception database, Sternorrhyncha were also well represented but Diptera accounted for the highest number of records. Sap feeders and detritivores were the dominant feeding niches in the alien insect fauna. In contrast, external defoliators, stem borers, gall makers, root feeders, predators and parasitoids were underrepresented. Nearly 40% of the alien insects in Switzerland and Austria live only indoors. Another 15% live outdoors but exclusively or predominantly on exotic plants. Less than 20% are found mainly in 'natural' environments. The majority of introductions of alien insects in Europe are associated with the international trade in ornamental plants. An economic impact was found for 40% of the alien insects in Switzerland and Austria, whereas none is known to have an ecological impact. The implications of these observations for further studies and the management of alien species in Europe are discussed.  相似文献   

中国—东盟自贸区的建设和运行,促进了东盟农产品特别是热带水果向中国的输入,随之极大地提高了东盟农业有害生物入侵中国的风险。如何保障东盟农产品输入中国同时又能有效阻断农业有害生物的入侵是亟需解决的重大难题。为此,2011年中华人民共和国科学技术部批准设立了国家国际科技合作重大专项"中国—东盟重大农业外来有害生物预警与防控平台",华南、云南地区及越南、泰国、菲律宾、缅甸、老挝、柬埔寨东盟6个国家的专家学者组建了联合攻关团队,建立了中国—东盟重大农业入侵有害生物预警与防控技术支撑平台,对东盟农业有害生物的基础数据库、风险评估、快速鉴定、口岸监测、检疫处理和应急防控等关键技术开展系统研究,创建了以"境外监测与指导防控、口岸检验与检疫处理和境内应急防控"为核心的防控东盟农业有害生物入侵的技术体系,并在中国—东盟自贸区内示范应用。  相似文献   

Biological invasions are increasing and are strongly associated with negative agricultural, economic and ecological impacts. It is increasingly recognized that the primary focus in minimizing biological invasions should be to prevent initial entry of alien species. However, exclusion of terrestrial arthropods such as insects and mites is difficult, in part because of their relatively small size, cryptic habits, broad physiological tolerances and close association with various internationally traded goods. Here we discuss methods, approaches, management and intervention systems used by border biosecurity agencies to prevent entry of inadvertently transported arthropods. We examine the at-border systems that exist for the detection and identification of and response to alien arthropods, and discuss the constraints and challenges present in these systems. We critically review current border biosecurity systems and discuss their relative efficacy. We then discuss additional measures and key areas that could be addressed that may further improve these systems. These include: (1) the application of appropriate sampling strategies; (2) employment of suitable inspection methods adequate to detect small and hidden arthropods; and (3) thorough recording of methods, organisms detected and both negative and positive results of inspections. We emphasize that more research is needed on taxonomy, biology, genetics, distribution, host and disease associations, impacts and pathways of introductions for invasive arthropods. Of critical importance is the compilation of complete and accurate invasive species lists and high-risk species watch-lists. The adoption of these recommendations will contribute to improved biosecurity systems for the exclusion of alien, invasive and pest arthropods.  相似文献   

【目的】云南是外来入侵生物的重灾区,了解外来有害生物入侵现状、加强防控尤为紧迫。【方法】从入侵云南外来有害生物类别、入侵途径、造成的损失等方面对云南省外来有害生物的入侵现状进行了阐述,对云南口岸疫情进行统计分析。【结果】按进境检疫物上截获有害生物批次及疫情货物批次统计的国家主要为缅甸、老挝、泰国、越南、荷兰5个国家;按检疫方式分类统计,货检截获批次最多,旅检次之,二者之和占总截获批次的99%;按有害生物类别分类统计,昆虫截获最多,占总截获批次的70.0%至73.9%,杂草、真菌居次,细菌、线虫、病毒、螨类、其他又次之;按货物类别统计,截获有害生物批次最多为粮豆类,占总截获批次的46%。【结论】提出了相应的检疫监管对策与建议,以期为口岸检疫提供参考,降低外来有害生物的入侵风险。  相似文献   

中国农业生态系统外来种入侵及其管理现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
农业生态系统极易遭受外来生物入侵。作者根据文献资料和多年工作观察统计出入侵我国农业生态系统的外来生物共计92科175属239种, 其中植物155种, 动物55种, 微生物29种, 植物多为有意引入后逸生, 而动物和微生物则主要是无意引入。外来入侵种发生数量呈现从南到北、从东到西逐渐减少的趋势。这些入侵种中, 来源于美洲的最多(占45.04%), 其次是欧洲(22.90%); 菜地(包括温室大棚)和果园入侵种最多, 分别达64.85%和66.53%, 而半年期的秋熟旱地和夏熟旱地分别占34.31%和23.85%。其中17种外来杂草、10种害虫、7种病原菌为恶性有害生物, 应作为防除的重点目标。目前农业生态系统外来入侵物种的控制以化学防治为主, 但由于长期施用化学农药, 在侵入我国农田的入侵种中, 已有51种在世界不同地区演化出抗药性生物型, 因而需重视生物防治、农业和生态防治以及检疫等的综合应用。今后外来种对农业生态系统的入侵格局、机制和趋势, 入侵途径以及生物入侵和抗药性生物型对农业生态系统中有害生物群落演替的影响、转基因作物导致的生物入侵等问题值得关注。  相似文献   

A review of global instruments to combat invasive alien species in forestry   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although impacts of biological invasions may be local, at least at first, the causes of introduction are mostly international. Through trade and transport pathways, countries both send and receive non-native species. There are numerous international and regional instruments, binding and nonbinding, which have been developed to deal with the problem of the movement of alien invasive species, however there are gaps in the current international framework. Global goals in the management of forestry-related threats from invasive alien species should include making best use of existing regulatory frameworks, investing more into global research initiatives, and targeting existing tools and resources more effectively. Given the lack of resources for many developing countries to undertake research, conduct risk assessments and implement quarantine measures, there is a need for regional and global support for countries that lack sufficient resources to implement effective phytosanitary systems.  相似文献   

The establishment of appropriate import quarantine systems is the best known method for preventing the unintentional introduction of invasive alien pests. However, quarantine systems are sometimes judged as non-tariff barriers against trade by the World Trade Organization. The construction of a common scientific theory for quarantine systems is thus extremely important to prevent invasion without causing international conflict. We explain several statistical theories that have been adopted in import plant quarantine systems in Japan. Quarantine systems include three major components: (1) import sampling inspection, (2) early detection procedures, and (3) emergency control. We first explain the principle of risk management that was commonly adopted in these components. Then, we explain the method for calculating the required sample size in the import sampling inspection. We then explain hierarchical sampling inspection for detecting alien pests inside Japan. We further explain the theory for declaring the eradication of invasive alien pests as an emergency control. Actual examples of quarantine actions against the invasion of plum pox virus disease and citrus huanglongbing are discussed.  相似文献   

【目的】中国是水果生产大国和进口大国。水果是最容易携带虫害的产品之一,粉蚧是口岸水果检疫过程中常发现的害虫类群,中国口岸每年从进境水果截获大量粉蚧。通过分析中国进境水果携带粉蚧疫情,可为一线口岸检疫查验提供指导,为相关部门开展产地检疫和口岸监测提供依据,以防止危险性粉蚧的传入,保障中国水果生产安全,促进国际水果贸易健康发展。【方法】通过FAO网站、动植物检验检疫信息资源共享服务平台、中国知网等收集中国进境水果贸易数据及其携带粉蚧疫情,统计分析了中国水果进口贸易情况、粉蚧截获情况以及截获粉蚧的种类、来源地、截获口岸和寄主。【结果】2013—2016年,中国口岸从进境水果上截获的昆虫中粉蚧科昆虫截获量最大,占47.31%;其中截获量前十的粉蚧种类为杰克贝尔氏粉蚧、木槿曼粉蚧、双条拂粉蚧、大洋臀纹粉蚧、南洋臀纹粉蚧、柑橘棘粉蚧、甘蔗簇粉蚧、康氏粉蚧、菠萝灰粉蚧和李比利氏灰粉蚧;而这些有害生物的主要来源地为越南和泰国;粉蚧的主要截获口岸为广西、深圳和云南;而火龙果、榴莲、龙眼和山竹是截获粉蚧最多的进境水果。【结论】中国进境水果粉蚧疫情与水果的贸易量和贸易方式、输出国有害生物发生和检疫除害处理措施、口岸关注度和能力建设等情况相关。  相似文献   

[目的] 小条实蝇属害虫原产非洲,在我国无分布且具有一定的入侵风险。分析该虫在我国口岸的截获情况,能更好地利用已知实蝇截获数据防范实蝇人为传播。[方法] 经动植物检验检疫信息资源共享服务平台查询,统计小条实蝇属的有害生物类别、截获途径及截获地区等。[结果] 全国口岸共截获8种共计524批次的小条实蝇属害虫;地中海实蝇的截获批次数最多,为415批次,为小条实蝇属截获率的79.2%;截获的种类最多的国家来自尼日利亚,5种;截获批次最多的国家为南非,71批次;截获方式最多的为旅客携带物,占总批次的68.3%;在我国口岸中,广东口岸截获批次最多,占总数的57.4%。[结论] 从今后防控的重点种类、加大查验力度、推广新技术在鉴定上的应用、应急预案等几个方面,加强针对该类有害生物的检验检疫措施。  相似文献   

为了保证检疫的安全性而又不失国际贸易的透明度,需要对检疫害虫进行定量的风险评估。本文介绍一套基于最高虫口限量概念的害虫传入定量风险评估计算机平台,把两性生殖害虫的入侵风险建立在至少一对潜在交配成虫的传入概率上。计算机分析平台由SAS V9.0分析软件,PHP网络编程语言和MySQL数据库构建,通过Apache服务器进行网络发布。用户通过web登陆该平台并输入相关参数,可自动调用服务器端的SAS分析程序进行分析并在网页上得到结果。这是害虫传入风险定量评估的新尝试,它将为检疫部门提供一套实用性较强的害虫传入风险量化评估的新工具。  相似文献   

The number of alien species transported as stowaways is steadily increasing and new approaches are urgently needed to tackle this emerging invasion pathway. We introduce a general framework for identifying high‐risk transport pathways and receiving sites for alien species that are unintentionally transported via goods and services. This approach combines the probability of species arrival at transport hubs with the likelihood that the environment in the new region can sustain populations of that species. We illustrate our approach using a case study of the Asian black‐spined toad Duttaphrynus melanostictus in Australia, a species that is of significant biosecurity concern in Australasia, Indonesia, and Madagascar. A correlative model fitted to occurrence data from the native geographic range of D. melanostictus predicted high environmental suitability at locations where the species has established alien populations globally. Applying the model to Australia revealed that transport hubs with the highest numbers of border interceptions and on‐shore detections of D. melanostictus were environmentally similar to locations within the species’ native range. Numbers of D. melanostictus interceptions and detections in Australia increased over time, but were unrelated to indices of air and maritime trade volume. Instead, numbers of interceptions and detections were determined by the country of origin of airplanes (Thailand) and ships (Indonesia). Thus, the common assumption that transport pressure is correlated with invasion risk does not hold in all cases. Our work builds on previous efforts to integrate transport pressure data and species distribution models, by jointly modelling the number of intercepted and detected stowaways, while incorporating imperfect detection and the environmental suitability of receiving hubs. The approach presented here can be applied to any system for which historical biosecurity data are available, and provides an efficient means to allocate quarantine and surveillance efforts to reduce the probability of alien species establishment.  相似文献   

【背景】广东省是中国外来物种入侵最严重的地区之一,入侵昆虫引发的生物灾害日趋严重。【方法】根据广东省各地区的野外调查结果及国内外的相关文献,汇总分析了广东省外来入侵昆虫的种类、原产地、入侵地、地理分布格局。【结果】据统计,在广东省造成一定程度危害的外来入侵昆虫种类共计30种,以蚧类最多,占30.00%;在广东省的外来入侵昆虫中,原产于亚洲的种类最多,为12种,占40.00%,其中东盟8种,北美洲、南美洲各占20.00%、16.67%,从非洲、欧洲和大洋洲传入的分别占10.00%、3.33%和3.33%;外来入侵昆虫的首次发现地位于广东省的有17种,占56.67%,且全部位于珠三角地区,海南省的占20.00%,云南省的占10.00%,出现在广西壮族自治区、北京市、上海市的均为3.33%;广东省外来入侵昆虫的地理分布存在较大的空间差异,珠三角地区外来入侵昆虫物种数量较多,粤西地区相对次之,粤北和粤东地区相对较少。【结论与意义】明确广东省外来有害昆虫的入侵现状及地理分布格局,可为广东省外来入侵昆虫的监测和防控提供科学依据。  相似文献   

A number of strategies have been proposed to manage the increasing threat of insect pests to non-native plantation forests, but the implementation of these strategies can be especially challenging in developing economies, such as in countries of sub-Saharan Africa. As in other parts of the world, invasions of non-native insect pests in this region are increasing due to increased trade as well as inadequate quarantine regulations and implementation. Some of these invasions result in substantial socio-economic and environmental losses. In addition, new host associations of native insects on the non-native tree hosts continue to occur. Identification of these insect pests is becoming increasingly difficult due to declining taxonomic expertise, and a lack of resources and research capacity hinders the widespread and effective deployment of resistant trees and biological control agents. The necessity to engage with an extremely diverse stakeholder community also complicates implementing management strategies. We propose that a regional strategy is needed for developing regions such as sub-Saharan Africa, where limited resources can be optimized and shared risks managed collectively. This strategy should look beyond the standard recommendations and include the development of an inter-regional phytosanitary agency, exploiting new technologies to identify insect pests, and the use of “citizen science” projects. Local capacity is also needed to develop and test trees for pest tolerance and to deploy biological control agents. Ideally, research and capacity development should, at least initially, be concentrated in centres of excellence to reduce costs and optimize efforts.  相似文献   

The recent increase in agricultural commodities from abroad and travelers due to the economic growth and globalization in Korea has resulted in an increase in invasive alien insect species establishing in Korea. When “alien” is defined as species introduced after the beginning of the Greater Korean Empire Era (1897), 171 insect species are considered invasive alien species. On average, 0.85 alien insect species have become established each year for the last 40 years, and 76.6% of the alien insect species are economic agricultural pests. The annual invasion rate and the pest interceptions from imported cut flowers, planting material, and vegetables have been increasing rapidly. Traveler's baggage is an important pathway for fruit flies. Most of the alien pests that were first found in Japan were confirmed in Korea at least 3 years later until the 1990s, but the pattern has been reversed since the 2000s. Thus, continuous information sharing with neighboring countries such as Japan and China is needed to develop a system for early detection and prompt action against invading insect species. Thus, we introduce and summarize the present status of invasive alien insect species in Korea.  相似文献   

Two risk assessment protocols were adopted to assess the risks posed by alien plants that naturalized or non-naturalized in the agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China (AGENC). In this study the Risk Assessment for Central Europe method revealed that more than two-thirds of the 19 naturalized and four-fifths of the 17 non-naturalized alien plants presented high or moderate risk, and all 36 alien plants were considered to be rejected for their potential agricultural and environmental risks under the Australian Weed Risk Assessment system. On the characteristics of plant invasions, more attention should be given to disturbed habitats rather than these relative natural or closed ecosystems, and also be prudent and careful of the alien plants that are introduced as useful plants from North or South America and unintentional introduction from Europe. Moreover, annuals needed special attention: three-quarters of the alien plants were annual species, only a few were biennial (8.3%), perennial (11.1%), liana and tree plants (2.8%). Plant invasions are not extremely serious in the AGENC, but there are several alien plants that have naturalized and spread themselves in the region. However, attention should be given in the future to predicting and preventing plant invasions in this fragile region.  相似文献   

我国热带地区是外来入侵物种发生与危害的重灾区,近年来外来有害昆虫入侵所引发的生物灾害及生态安全问题日趋严峻。在海南省、广东省、广西壮族自治区、云南省、福建省外来入侵昆虫的调查结果及文献资料的基础上,整理分析了中国热带地区外来入侵昆虫的种类构成、分布、原产地及首次发现地。据统计,2000-2014年我国热带地区的外来入侵昆虫种类共计23种,隶属于6目11科,数量最多的为半翅目(13种,56.52%),其中以粉蚧科和粉虱科居多;热带地区的外来入侵昆虫在不同地区之间的物种数量差异较大,其中海南省最多(19种,82.61%),其后依次为广东省(16种,69.57%)、云南省(14种,60.87%)、广西壮族自治区(12种,52.17%),而福建省最少(9种,占39.13%);在入侵我国热带地区的外来有害昆虫中,原产于亚洲、北美洲的种类最多均为6种,占26.09%,南美洲占21.74%,而从非洲、大洋洲、欧洲传入的分别占8.70%、4.35%、4.35%;外来入侵昆虫的首次发现地位于广东省的有9种,占39.13%,出现在海南省和云南省的各占30.43%、21.74%,出现在广西壮族自治区的为8.70%。阐明我国热带地区外来有害昆虫的种类特征及入侵现状,可为该地区外来入侵昆虫的监测与防控提供一定的依据。  相似文献   

【目的】印度尼西亚与我国有着多元素的农产品贸易往来,通过统计印度尼西亚输华植物及植物产品所携带的有害生物,分析其对我国农产品进出口的影响,能为应对印度尼西亚技术性贸易措施提供思路,并为我国农产品企业"走出去"提供参考。【方法】经动植物检验检疫信息资源共享服务平台查询,统计印度尼西亚输华植物及植物产品所携带的有害生物类别、截获途径及截获地区。【结果】我国在印度尼西亚输华植物及植物产品中检出有害生物共计2512种96958批,鉴定至种且检出超过1000批次的有害生物共计14种,检疫性有害生物共计72种5286批。昆虫类有害生物占比达78.5%,检疫性昆虫达65.2%。【结论】在首要做好木材类有害生物检疫的同时,也需警惕一些非检疫性的仓储害虫,保持并加强南方各省份港口的有害生物查验力度,加强印度尼西亚输华货物的检疫。  相似文献   

【目的】随着国际农产品贸易的发展,外来杂草入侵我国的形势越来越严峻。对惠州口岸进境粮谷外来杂草进行调查与监测,能够为惠州口岸进境粮谷检疫监管工作提供参考。【方法】通过实地调查、监测,对惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来入侵杂草的种类组成、分布、生活型、原产地、入侵途径和危害程度进行了分析。【结果】惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来杂草有12科28种,其中,检疫性杂草有4种。在外来入侵杂草中,菊科植物种类最多,生活型以一年生草本为主;原产地以美洲为主,主要以无意引入,有7种杂草较严重危害当地生态环境。【结论】首次调查和总结了惠州口岸进境粮谷厂区及周边外来入侵杂草的名单和类别,提出了外来杂草口岸防控的建议。  相似文献   

The live plant nursery trade is a potential vector for pests and pathogens, which can spread to natural and developed environments with unintended ecosystem consequences. Simulated, approximately scale-free, tiered horticultural trade networks consisting of growers, wholesalers, and retailers were used to study the efficacy of quarantine inspection and isolation procedures for reducing the spread of infected materials to consumers. The quarantine algorithm temporarily isolated infected nurseries from the rest of the trade network, rewiring the affected trade connections to unquarantined nodes, until the infection was reduced below the detection threshold, at which time the formerly infected nursery was reincorporated into the trade network.Nodes were inspected for infection at regular intervals. Increasing the inspection interval resulted in higher levels of infection with large, system-wide oscillations whose period that matched the inspection interval. The timing of quarantine inspections of the largest hub in the grower tier drove the dynamics of the entire network. Increasing the proportion of growers or wholesalers increased infection level in most networks. Increasing the connectivity within the grower and wholesaler tiers led to large increases in mean infection levels. Focusing quarantine inspection efforts on hubs in the grower and wholesaler tiers may be the most efficient method for reducing the level of infected plant material sold by retailers in real plant trade networks.  相似文献   

Ecology of forest insect invasions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Forests in virtually all regions of the world are being affected by invasions of non-native insects. We conducted an in-depth review of the traits of successful invasive forest insects and the ecological processes involved in insect invasions across the universal invasion phases (transport and arrival, establishment, spread and impacts). Most forest insect invasions are accidental consequences of international trade. The dominant invasion ‘pathways’ are live plant imports, shipment of solid wood packaging material, “hitchhiking” on inanimate objects, and intentional introductions of biological control agents. Invading insects exhibit a variety of life histories and include herbivores, detritivores, predators and parasitoids. Herbivores are considered the most damaging and include wood-borers, sap-feeders, foliage-feeders and seed eaters. Most non-native herbivorous forest insects apparently cause little noticeable damage but some species have profoundly altered the composition and ecological functioning of forests. In some cases, non-native herbivorous insects have virtually eliminated their hosts, resulting in major changes in forest composition and ecosystem processes. Invasive predators (e.g., wasps and ants) can have major effects on forest communities. Some parasitoids have caused the decline of native hosts. Key ecological factors during the successive invasion phases are illustrated. Escape from natural enemies explains some of the extreme impacts of forest herbivores but in other cases, severe impacts result from a lack of host defenses due to a lack of evolutionary exposure. Many aspects of forest insect invasions remain poorly understood including indirect impacts via apparent competition and facilitation of other invaders, which are often cryptic and not well studied.  相似文献   

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