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哺乳动物体细胞核移植研究现状及应用前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
扼要介绍了继世界首例体细胞克隆羊诞生后,哺乳动物体细胞核移植技术在最近3年内取得的研究进展、目前存在的问题及应用前景。  相似文献   

硬骨鱼类细胞核移植的研究进展   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
自1997年世界首例体细胞核移植绵羊“多莉”诞生以来,动物细胞核移植引起世界范围内人们的关注。硬骨鱼类具有很多优点,是研究核移植良好的材料。作者综述了硬骨鱼类细胞核移植技术的发展和完善以及在核质互作、细胞核发育全能性、鱼类育种及纯系建立等方面的应用,并对鱼类核移植存在的问题和前景进行了概括。  相似文献   

供体细胞与哺乳动物体细胞核移植   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
哺乳动物体细胞核移植(克隆)技术在转基因动物生产、珍稀动物资源复原与保护、生物学基础研究等方面业已显示出重要的应用价值,而目前该技术还与诱导多能干细胞技术一同被认为是创制患者特异性多能干细胞,为再生医学临床"细胞治疗"提供素材的最佳手段。但是,体细胞克隆的效率仍不理想,关键机制还不清楚,严重制约了该技术的推广。因此,如何提高克隆效率已成为人们普遍关心的首要问题。在体细胞克隆技术所涉及的各环节中,供体细胞是影响克隆效率的最关键因素之一。该文从供体细胞的生物学因素和技术因素两方面进行了回顾,旨在为进一步探寻建立物种或供体细胞个性化准备方案,为提高动物克隆效率提供参考。  相似文献   

利用体细胞核移植技术克隆动物、生产转基因家畜具有极大的应用潜力。然而,核移植效率低下、克隆后代形态异常等问题仍然制约着体细胞核移植技术的产业化进展。影响体细胞核移植效率的因素很多,该文着重从供核细胞的类型、细胞体外培养、细胞凋亡及转基因操作等方面阐述其对体细胞核移植效率的影响。  相似文献   

哺乳动物核移植技术是一种可以获得基因组遗传信息完全相同的后代的生物技术。猪体细胞核移植技术包括以下几个环节:卵母细胞的体外成熟、供体细胞的分离和处理、体细胞的核转移、重构胚胎的人工激活、胚胎体外培养和胚胎移植。由于该技术在最近几年的迅速发展,很多实验室已通过该技术成功获得了克隆猪后代。核移植克隆猪技术的出现为生产转基因猪提供了一种有效的方法,并且是目前生产基因打靶猪的惟一方法。至今利用克隆猪技术已经成功获得了一系列的转基因猪和基因敲除猪。以核移植技术产生基因修饰猪目前正处于从基础研究走向应用的过渡阶段。尽管猪体细胞核移植克隆的效率(出生克隆猪数占所用卵数的比例)还不高,但是由于通过该技术能够对猪基因组进行特定的修饰,确保生产的克隆动物100%为转基因动物,从而大大提高了转基因猪的制作效率,可以预料猪核移植技术将会对医药业和农业产生重大的影响。  相似文献   

体细胞核移植技术是指将一个分化的体细胞核置入去核的卵母细胞中,并发育产生与供体细胞遗传背景一致的克隆后代的技术。目前,世界上通过体细胞核移植技术已经产生了许多的克隆动物。但克隆过程中还存在着很多问题,比如,克隆效率太低、克隆个体常伴有表型异常和早亡等,从而使该技术应有的应用潜力不能得到充分的发挥。体细胞表观遗传学重编程的不完全或紊乱是造成核移植诸多问题的主要原因。近十多年来,人们对体细胞核移植后的重编程进行了广泛的研究,其核心内容包括核及核外结构的重塑、DNA甲基化模式的重建、基因印迹和x染色体失活、组蛋白乙酰化模式的重建、端粒长度恢复等,以期能够对其重编程加以人为干预,从而提高动物克隆效率。本文拟对体细胞核移植诱导的重编程研究进展加以综述,希望对体细胞重编程机制的阐明有所启发。  相似文献   

转基因动物技术的研究进展及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章综述了转基因动物的制作的主要方法及其优缺点,包括显微原核注射法、逆转录病毒感染法、胚胎干细胞介导法、体细胞核移植技术、精子载体法、胞浆内单精子注射法以及卵母细胞载体法等。阐述了转基因动物技术在人类疾病模型、生产人体器官、动物反应器和改良动物品种及其生产性能等方面的应用,并提出转基因动物技术存在的一些技术难题和安全性问题。  相似文献   

哺乳动物体细胞核移植在家畜品种改良、濒危珍稀动物保护以及生物学、医学等基础科学研究和应用中越来越显示出其重要的作用。自Wilmut等首次用成年动物体细胞作供体,获得第一只成年体细胞克隆绵羊“Dolly”以来,世界各国科学家进行了大量深入的研究,已在小鼠、牛、猪、山羊等家畜上获得了成功。而且,体细胞核移植技  相似文献   

转基因动物研究新进展   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
我们曾对转基因动物的制作方法、转基因动物研究的应用、转基因的表达特征及提高转基因表达的策略等作过专题综述^「1」。而这之后在转基因动物的研究方面又获得了许多新进展,其中转线粒体动物的问世拓宽了转基因动物的研究内容。在制作转基因动物的方法上,1998-1999年世界上先后报道了三种新方法:即由Schniek等报道的体细胞核移植技术实现转基因,由Anthony W.S.C等报道的通过用逆转录病毒载体感  相似文献   

Zhang P  Yang ZZ  Dou HW  Li WH  Lv B  Bolund L  DU YT  Tan PP  Ma RL 《遗传》2011,33(5):527-532
通过体细胞核移植(Somatic cell nuclear transfer,SCNT)培育转基因动物新个体是当前被广泛使用的技术之一,但其生产成本高和转基因囊胚形成率低在很大程度上制约了该技术的应用。文章报告对该技术的一些改进以提高其成功率并降低成本。首先将增强型绿色荧光基因(EGFP)导入猪胎儿成纤维细胞中,通过荧光观察EGFP的表达来筛选适合做细胞核移植的体细胞。这样避免了外源EGFP基因虽已整合至猪基因组但不表达的情况,保证供体细胞100%是表达目标蛋白(绿色荧光蛋白)的细胞;然后利用新一代体细胞核移植技术——手工克隆技术(Handmade cloning,HMC)将供体细胞与卵母细胞融合生产胚胎。共收集了4个批次378个肉用家猪的卵母细胞,经体外培养成熟后手工去核得到266个去核卵母细胞,与EGFP细胞融合后获得127个重构胚胎,将重构胚胎体外培养到144 h,得到转基因囊胚65个,平均囊胚率为52.1±8.3%。与传统SCNT相比,HMC不仅操作简便,而且能大幅提高核移植细胞的囊胚率。更为重要的是,改进的手工克隆技术摆脱了昂贵的显微操作仪,为产业化生产转基因动物提供了新的实用基础。  相似文献   

The technique of interspecies somatic cell nuclear transfer, in which interspecies cloned embryos can be reconstructed by using domestic animal oocytes as nuclear recipients and endangered animal or human somatic cells as nuclear donors, can afford more opportunities in endangered animal rescue and human tissue transplantation, but the application of this technique is limited by extremely low efficiency which may be attributed to donor nucleus not fully reprogrammed by xenogenic cytoplasm. In this study, goat fetal fibroblasts (GFFs) were used as nuclear donors, in vitro-matured sheep oocytes were used as nuclear recipients, and a two-stage nuclear transfer procedure was performed to improve the developmental ability of goat-sheep interspecies clone embryos. In the first stage nuclear transfer (FSNT), GFFs were injected into the ooplasm of enucleated sheep metaphase-II oocytes, then non-activated reconstructed embryos were cultured in vitro, so that the donor nucleus could be exposed to the ooplasm for a period of time. Subsequently, in the second stage nuclear transfer, FSNT-derived non-activated reconstructed embryo was centrifuged, and the donor nucleus was then transferred into another freshly enucleated sheep oocyte. Compared with the one-stage nuclear transfer, two-stage nuclear transfer could significantly enhance the blastocyst rate of goat-sheep interspecies clone embryos, and this result indicated that longtime exposure to xenogenic ooplasm benefits the donor nucleus to be reprogrammed. The two-stage nuclear transfer procedure has two advantages, one is that the donor nucleus can be exposed to the ooplasm for a long time, the other is that the problem of oocyte aging can be solved.  相似文献   

Dairy goats are ideal for the transgenic production of therapeutic recombinant proteins. The use of recombinant somatic cell lines for nuclear transfer (NT) allows the introduction of genes by transfection, increases the efficiency of transgenic animal production to 100%, and overcomes the problem of founder mosaicism. Although viable animals have been cloned via NT from somatic cells of 11 species, the efficiency has been extremely low. Both blastomere and somatic cell NT increased fetal loss and perinatal morbidity/mortality in cattle and sheep, but fetal loss and perinatal mortality appear to be relatively low in goats. In this study, we produced cloned goats by NT from cumulus cells and long-term cultured fetal fibroblast cells (FFCs) to abattoir-derived oocytes. NT embryos were constructed from electrofusion of cumulus cells (CCs), FFCs, or skin fibroblast cells (SFCs) with cytoplasts prepared from abattoir-derived ovaries. The NT embryos were activated with an optimized activating protocol (1 min exposure to 2.5 microM ionomycin followed by 2 hr incubation in 2mM 6-DMAP). Two viable cloned kids from CCs and one from long-term cultured FFCs (at passage 20-25) were born. Microsatellite analysis of 10 markers confirmed that all cloned offspring were derived from corresponding donor cells. To our knowledge, the production of cloned goat offspring using abattoir-derived oocytes receiving nuclei from CCs and long-term cultured FFCs has not been reported. The production of viable cloned animals after activation with reduced intensity of ionomycin and 6-DMAP treatment has also not been reported. Loss of cloned embryos was obvious after 45 and 90 days of pregnancy, and a lack of cotyledons, heart defects, and improperly closed abdominal wall were observed in the aborted fetuses and one cloned kid. The fusibility and in vitro developmental potential of embryos reconstructed from FFCs at passage 20-25 were significantly lower than those of embryos reconstructed from FFCs at passage 3-5, and the cloning efficiency of the long-term cultured cells was low (0.5%).  相似文献   

“多莉”羊的诞生是生物界的一个里程碑,它之所以引起如此大的轰动主要是因为它来源于培养的成年绵羊乳腺上皮细胞,这是人类第一次证明分化的体细胞可以被重编程后恢复全能性并最终分化发育成一个动物个体。这说明哺乳动物分化的体细胞核仍具有全套的遗传物质并能够被卵母细胞逆转恢复全能性。然而,关于多莉的供体细胞来源却一直是克隆领域的一个谜。由于体细胞克隆的效率非常低,而用于核移植的供体细胞悬液中往往含有多种类型的细胞,这使得我们很难确切地知道最终获得的克隆动物是来源于哪一种细胞。这种不确定性给我们研究核移植诱导体细胞重编程的机制带来了很大的困难,因此,对供体细胞的研究也是核移植研究领域的一个重要课题,这包括各种组织来源的体细胞是否均可以用于核移植,终末分化的体细胞是否能够用于核移植,组织干细胞是否更有利于体细胞重编程,供体细胞的分化状态是否与核移植的效率有关,死亡的体细胞是否也可以用于核移植等等。本文综述了核移植中与供体细胞相关的最新研究进展。  相似文献   

Despite the progress achieved over the last decade after the birth of the first cloned mammal, the efficiency of reproductive cloning remains invariably low. However, research aiming at the use of nuclear transfer for the production of patient-tailored stem cells for cell/tissue therapy is progressing rapidly. Yet, reproductive cloning has many potential implications for animal breeding, transgenic research and the conservation of endangered species. In this article we suggest that the changes in the epi-/genotype observed in cloned embryos arise from unbalanced nuclear reprogramming between parental chromosomes. It is probable that the oocyte reprogramming machinery, devised for resident chromosomes, cannot target the paternal alleles of somatic cells. We, therefore, suggest that a reasonable approach to balance this asymmetry in nuclear reprogramming might involve the transient expression in donor cells of chromatin remodelling proteins, which are physiologically expressed during spermatogenesis, in order to induce a male-specific chromatin organisation in the somatic cells before nuclear transfer.  相似文献   

Cloned mice derived from somatic cell nuclei   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
Hosaka K  Ohi S  Ando A  Kobayashi M  Sato K 《Human cell》2000,13(4):237-242
In 1997, a cloned sheep "Dolly" was produced by nuclear transfer of somatic cell. The first birth of cloned mice derived from some somatic cells were succeeded in 1998. At present, it is shown that somatic cells, cumulus cells, fibroblasts and Sertoli cells can be used to the study of cloned animal as nuclear donor. In this study investigation was designed to compare with efficiency on the production of cloned embryos by using the microinjection and the electrofusion methods for nuclear transfer. Oocyte enucleation was performed with a micromanipulator. The oocyte was held by holding pipette, and was enucleated using a beveled pipette. Microinjection method: Cell's nucleus injection was carried out by piezo-micromanipulator. Cytochalasin B treated cumulus cell was aspirated into a injection pipette, and was broken its plasma membrane using the injection pipette. Then, the cumulus cell was injected into the enucleated ooplasm directly. Electrofusion method: The cell was aspirated into a beveled pipette, and then an aspirated cell was inserted into perivitelline space. Then, the pair of enucleated oocyte and cell was fused using electrical cell fusion apparatus. The reconstituted embryos were activated after nuclear transfer using St2+. Reconstituted embryos had been produced by the microinjection showed the embryonic development to over 8-cell stages. But, the rate of fragmentation of reconstituted embryos by the microinjection showed a little high rate in comparison with the electrofusion. When some reconstituted embryos by the microinjection were transplanted to pseudopregnant females' oviduct, 9 fetuses were observed at 14 days post coitum.  相似文献   

Production of goats by somatic cell nuclear transfer.   总被引:102,自引:0,他引:102  
In this study, we demonstrate the production of transgenic goats by nuclear transfer of fetal somatic cells. Donor karyoplasts were obtained from a primary fetal somatic cell line derived from a 40-day transgenic female fetus produced by artificial insemination of a nontransgenic adult female with semen from a transgenic male. Live offspring were produced with two nuclear transfer procedures. In one protocol, oocytes at the arrested metaphase II stage were enucleated, electrofused with donor somatic cells, and simultaneously activated. In the second protocol, activated in vivo oocytes were enucleated at the telophase II stage, electrofused with donor somatic cells, and simultaneously activated a second time to induce genome reactivation. Three healthy identical female offspring were born. Genotypic analyses confirmed that all cloned offspring were derived from the donor cell line. Analysis of the milk of one of the transgenic cloned animals showed high-level production of human antithrombin III, similar to the parental transgenic line.  相似文献   

体细胞基因打靶-核移植技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
转基因效率与外源基因表达水平低的现状一直是制约动物生物反应器研究与产业化的主要技术瓶颈。体细胞克隆动物的成功和胚胎干细胞基因打靶技术的逐步完善使得体细胞基因打靶与核移植技术的结合使用成为可能,这就为生产遗传修饰家畜提供了一种新的手段,为动物生物反应器的成功研制提供了新的技术途径。从体细胞基因打靶的载体设计、转染系统的建立、中靶细胞的筛选和鉴定以及培养体细胞寿命等方面阐述了体细胞基因打靶—核移植技术体系的最新研究进展,并对其在异种器官移植、建立动物疾病模型、提高家畜生长性能以及生产药用蛋白等各个领域中的应用前景作了展望 。  相似文献   

Cloned pigs were produced from cultured skin fibroblasts derived from a H-transferase transgenic boar. One 90 day fetus and two healthy piglets resulted from nuclear transfer by fusion of cultured fibroblasts with enucleated oocytes. The cells used in these studies were subjected to an extensive culture time, freezing and thawing, and clonal expansion from single cells prior to nuclear transfer. PCR and FACS analysis determined that the cloned offspring contained and expressed the H-transferase transgene. Microsatellite analysis confirmed that the clones were genetically identical to the boar. The cell culture and nuclear transfer procedures described here will be useful for applications requiring multiple genetic manipulations in the same animal.  相似文献   

兔转基因单细胞克隆株的分离培养及其染色体倍性分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为检测原代二倍体细胞转基因后单细胞克隆的增殖能力及其染色体倍性稳定性,用脂质体介导的转染方法将质粒DNA pEGFP-C1(带有报告基因GFP和Neo^r)导入体外培养的兔胎儿成纤维细胞中,经G418药物筛选后,分离出73个GFP阳性细胞克隆,最后存活13个(18%),对其中9个克隆的染色体倍性进行分析,结果只有2个(22%)克隆的染色体倍性正常率在75%以上,分别为80%和75%,其余7个克隆的染色体倍性正常率均在70%以上。这表明,当使用转基因单细胞克隆株作为供核细胞产生克隆动物时,单细胞克隆的增殖代数和染色体倍性的稳定性需要进一步研究提高。  相似文献   

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