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Fausto Lona 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1-2):228-232

INHYBITION OF NODULATION IN METEOR PEA, BY NICTOPHASIC TREATMENT WITH FAR-RED RADIATION. — A remarkable inhybiting effect of far-red light (given to the aerial part of the plants as a flash befor and during the nictophase) on Pea root nodulation, has been achivied through some preliminary experiments. The relations between irradiated aerial parts and the activities of the underground organs in general, are being studied in the picture of photo-chromoperiodism.

Relations with the action of gibberellic acid (GA) are preliminary attempted. The inhibiting action of GA is far less striking in comparison with that of far-red radiation. Kinetin favores, at some extent, the nodulation process.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Verfasser berichtet über die abnormale Entwicklung der Linse eines Hühnerembryos, bei dem im Stadium von 10 Urwirbeln Mittelhirn und Rautenhirnanlagen entfernt wurden. Infolge eines ausgedehnten Blutergusses wurde die Morphogenese des Augenbechers und des anliegenden lentogenen Ektoderms gestört. Die Einstülpung des präsumptiven lentogenen Ektoderms fiel aus und an Stelle der Linse bildete sich eine scheibenförmige Verdickung des präsumptiven lentogenen Ektoderms. In der Mitte bestand diese aus sehr hohen prismatischen Zellen, die sich unter allmählicher Abnahme der Zellhöhe in die niedrigen Zellen des Hautektoderms fortsetzten. Verfasser erblickt darin ein Beispiel von Aufhebung des Zusammenhanges zwischen Morphogenese der Linse und Differenzierung der sie bildenden Zellen. Infolge der besonderen örtlichen mechanischen Bedingungen verblieben die Zellelemente, die zur Umwandlung in Linsenzellen bestimmt waren, an der Oberfläche im Zusammenhang mit dem Deckepithel, die gleichen Bedingungen schufen einen allmählichen Formübergang zwischen den Zellen, die den Linsenfasern ähnliche Merkmale zeigten, und jenen, welche das vordere Linsenepithel bilden sollten.  相似文献   

Tullio Dolcher 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1-2):213-215

HORMONAL RELATIONS IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF ORCHID OVARY. I. - THE EFFECTS OF TREATMENTS WITH AUXINS ON THE INTACT PLANT. — The flowers of different species of Orchids have been treated with auxins, pure or in solutions, and with pollen from the same or a different species. The auxin treatment consistently induces the elongation of the column and the growth of the ovary. The treatment with the most active of the auxins used (pure NAA) induces necrosis of the column; in this case, growth of the ovary can last for more than one year, till ripening of the fruit. Morever, the interruption of development at any stage, is more frequent.

The stimulation of the ovary can be obtained also with the introduction of auxin into wounds at the basis of the column. In Zygopetalum NAA induces parthenocarpy but not adventive embriony which is induced with exogenous pollen.  相似文献   

Giorgio Forti 《Plant biosystems》2013,147(1-2):220-223

EFFECT OF TREATMENT WITH IAA OF PEA INTERNODE SECTIONS ON THE OXIDATIVE PHOSPHORYLATION OF THEIR MITOCHONDRIA. — It was previously shown that auxin treatment raises the level of ATP in pea stem sections, under the conditions where the hormone stimulates growth (MARRé AND FORTI). It is also known that under the same conditions auxin stimulates oxygen uptake (MARRé, FORTI e ARRIGONI; MARRÉ and FORTI), and that the auxin induced respiration is most probably mediated by cytochrome oxidase (MARRÉ, FORTI and GAUR).

However, auxin has no effect when added to isolated mitochondria. In this paper, the effect of auxin treatment of the tissue on the activity of mitochondria isolated after the hormone treatment has been studied. It has been found that oxidative phosphorylation of mitochondria from the auxin treated pea stem sections is 13% higher than that of controi sections. The auxin effect is significant at 96% probabilities. There is no effect of the hormone on the P/O ratio.  相似文献   


The vegetation of the Palmaria and Tino Islands (Gulf of La Spezia). — The vegetation of the Palmaria and Tino islands in the Gulf of La Spezia shows various aspects although they are completely calcareous and do not exceed two hundred meters in height. Along the coast, we have noticed some small beaches with a few psammophytes, and some cliffs vertically overlooking the sea with the endemic Centaurea cineraria var. veneris and with a few shrubs (among which I would like to mention Pinus halepensis) that become bigger and bigger and grow in number with the altitude. On the southern side of Palmaria the Mediterranean « maquis » with Calicotome spinosa, Cistus monspeliensis, Myrtus communis and Pistacia lentiscus is to be noticed. This bush is either compact or rarefied so that it makes a sort of « garigue » on limestone with Euphorbia dendroides, Helichrysum stoechas, Ruta chalepensis, Thymus vulgaris. Owing to the fact that some land strips of Palmaria escaped from fire a thermophilous vegetation is to be found, with a few trees of Pinus halepensis and with a thick undergrowth of Euphorbia dendroides, Cistus incanus, Pistacia lentiscus, Myrtus communis, Smilax aspera. The vegetation of the northern side of Palmaria and Tino is less thermophilous, together with a thick wood of Quercus ilex with some plants of Quercus pubescens and with undergrowth of Viburnum tinus, Smilax aspera, Smilax mauritanica, Coronilla emerus; this wood, especially in the higher part of Palmaria, shows some glades where Erica arborea, Cistus salvifolius, Dorycnium hirsutum grow, with some entities which are distributed quite far from the sea, such as Peucedanum cervaria. Still on the northern side of Palmaria there are some traces of chestnut woods with Castanea sativa, Quercus pubescens, Ostrya carpinifolia, Corylus avellana, Cytisus laburnum and with some plants that usually grow in the cooler areas among the chestnut woods and often in the beech woods like Daphne laureola, Digitalis lutea, Helleborus foetidus and Sesleria autumnalis. A comparison between the biological spectrum of the two islands with the one of Capo Caccia in north western Sardinia and of Marettimo island in western Sicily, clearly shows that in going down southwards, a strong increase of the therophytes (respectively 29,57%, 41,73%, 49,59%), of the chamaephytes and of the nanophanerophytes (13,53%, 16,94%, 18,47%) is to be noticed, while the hemicryptophytes decrease (35,33%, 22,72%, 21,28%). Besides, the vegetation of Capo Caccia although being situated half way between the two Ligurian islands and Marettimo, is much more similar to the latter one; evidently Palmaria and Tino are conditioned by their closeness to the La Spezia coasts while having a climate quite different from them.  相似文献   


Preliminary studies on the marine phythobenthic communities in the Straits of Sicily and adjacent islands. — The results of algological researches carried out by the Gruppo di Algologia of the S.B.I. in the Straits of Sicily and adjacent islands are reported. 288 species have been collected, 275 of which have been identified: 160 were Rhodophyta, 62 Phaeophyta, 32 Chlorophyta, 16 Cyanophyta and 2 Angiospermae. The vegetational research leads to the following conclusions: 1 - the harbour areas (Pantelleria, Malta: loc. 1 and 11) show a nitrophile vegetation, particulary near La Valletta where an almost pure population of Pterocladia pinnata is found; 2 - there are important biogeographical differences between Pelagie islands (Lampedusa, Linosa) and Pantelleria. In fact the former ones have an algal flora composed mostly of eastern mediterranean species, whilst the latter shows strong affinities with the north-african basin, as is demonstrated by the rich well developed belt of Cystoseira sedoides; 3 - several species of atlantic origin, such as Callophyllis laciniata, Peyssonnelia coriacea, P. inamoena and Castagnea chordariaeformis, have been found on the banks (loc. 3, 6, 7).  相似文献   

It is possible to detect and dose Psylocibine, a psychoneurotropic substance occurring inPsilocybe, Stropharia, Panaeolus etc., with a reaction already used to detect Tryptophane and indole-auxins (6) (7) (8) (9). This method is more sensitive than U.V. measurement and Keller's reaction (4) (see fig. 3). Optical density is proportional to concentration from 0,005 to 0,050µmoles per ml when measured in a 1 cm cell in the Beckman spectrophotometer. Tryptophane, indole-auxins and 2-deoxy-sugars could interfere (6) (7) (8) (9) (10). procedure: In a test tube are pipetted:
  1. 1 % solution of fructose in H2O : ml 0.1
  2. 5 % solution of cysteine hydrochloride : ml 0.2
  3. methanolic solution to be tested : ml 1.0
  4. conc. H2SO4/water 70/30 (v.v.) : ml 3.0 the mixture is allowed to cool off at room temperature, a pink color develops and reaches its maximum of intensity in about 90 minutes.
The absorption spectrum of the chromophore exhibits a maximum at 512 mµ (see fig. 2). The ratio E512 in the reaction mixture/E267 in U.V. is about 1,9 and differs from other indole-derivatives. (see Tab. II). The reaction can also be employed to detect and dose Psylocibine-spots in paper and thin-layer chromatography spraying with the following mixture prepared just before use: fructose g 1.0 cysteine hydrochloride g 1.0 3 N H2SO4 ml 100 Paper — chromatograms are dried in an oven (70°C) for 5 minutes, chromatoplates for 10–15 minutes. Psylocibine appears as a pink spot.  相似文献   


UDPG-PYROPHOSMIATASE ACTIVITY IN CUCURBITA AND ITS POSSIBLE ROLE IN GALACTOSE UTILIZATION. — Preparations obtained by ammonium sulfate precipitation from homogenates of Cucurbita maxima tissues catalyze the hydrolysis of UDPG to UMP and Gl-l-P. The same tissues contain all the enzymes implicated in galactose metabolism, with the exception of Gal-l-P-uridyltransferase. Therefore the possibility is suggested that the UDPG-pyrophosphatase found may play an important role in the conversion of galactose to the phosphate esters of glucose. This suggestion is also supported by the finding that the amount of activity found in homogenates could account for the respiratory activity of the tissues if glucose arising from galactose were the main respiratory substrate.  相似文献   


On the basis of recent researches the main outlines of the Lucania geology are briefly discussed. The more typical landscapes of this region are then delineated, from that of the calcareous dolomitic mountains to those of the flysch, of the marine pliocene sediments, of the volcanic area (Vulture) and the marine and fluviatile pleistocene terraces of the metapontian littoral. The principal evolution trends of the pedogenesis are finally illustrated with some reflection on the very difficult problems of the soil conservation in this area.  相似文献   


Aphyllophorales from Mesola Forest (Ferrara) Italy—The present check-list is the first contribution to the knowledge of Aphyllophorales growing in the area of the Mesola Forest. The paper deals with 72 species of Aphyllophorales collected during the years 1980-1983. A further contribution will complete the picture of the Aphyllophorales flora which is particularly interesting and abundant in the forest.

Some of the species listed in the present paper are quite interesting since they are uncommon: Meruliopsis hirtellus and Oxyporus latemarginatus are new to Italy; Flaviporus semisupiniformis is the first European finding and the second world collection.  相似文献   


The flora and algal associations of Salomon's spring (Anterselva, Bolzano). Summer facies. – Salomon's spring is situated in Anterselva valley (Bolzano), a characteristic valley of a glacial escavation, having a typical profile formed like a « U » and a wide peat-bog on the bottom. The source springs at 1100 mts above the sea-level from a zone of waste-layer formed by fragments of metamorphic rocks (ortogneiss). Then it gives birth to a small pool from which the water flows very slowly forming a little stream. The spring has a plentiful algal flora rich of species (66, including the varieties too) belonging to the following classes: Cyanophyceae (12), Xanthophyceae (4), Bacillariophyceae (38), Euchlorophyceae (8), Ulothricophyceae (3), Zygophyceae (1).

In the spring are described the following algal associations:

Diatometum hiemalis, that forms many brown-reddish little flocks on the borders and in the anfractures of the big stones that occupy the source;

Diatometum hiemalis subass. ceratoneietosum, formed by gelatinous little masses amoung the stalks of some phanerogams forming floating clods at the surface of the spring;

Melosiretum italicae, the most developed association of the spring, looking like wide islets floating on the surface and filamentous drapings fixed at the stones;

Homoeothriceto-Chamaesiphonetum, which forms wide blue-coloured casings on many submerged stones;

Phormidietum membranaceum (Fjerdingstad, 1950, Douglas, 1958; Phormidium community, Fritsch, 1929; Fjerdingstad, 1964), that forms many thick mucous blue-green coloured coats on some of the submerged stones.  相似文献   

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