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《植物的生长和发育》(A.C.Leopold和P.E.Kriedemann著。颜季琼等译一书中,有几段译文比较难懂。经查对原文,发现有些译得不够妥贴或不够准确的地方。谨提出来商榷,以求得对原作正确的理解和通顺的表达。关于《第一版序言》译书之难,最难在译序。因为序言是作者阐明其写作的宗旨、方法和纲要等的地方,往往哲理较丰富,文字较深奥。这是有经验的译者和读者都深  相似文献   

科技著作的翻译,尤其是教材的翻译,是一项严肃认真的事业,因而也是一项相当艰难的事业。它要求译者既要有精湛的双语知识(proficiency inbilingual knowledge),又要精通业务(masteryof the subject matter),还要有高超的翻译技巧(skill of translation)。只有深刻地理解了原作,  相似文献   

随着"译者主体性"研究的深入和发展,有众多学者开始对"译者主体性的制约因素"问题进行深入探讨。但就研究结果来看,还只是在理论层面上进行简单探讨和主观判断,很少有人就具体的译例进行实证分析。本论文试图在前人研究的基础上运用阐释学、功能翻译理论等相关论说,采用演绎的手法,通过对萧红作品《手》的两个不同时期日译本的比较,从思想意识层面来分析翻译结果不同的原因。  相似文献   

李慧 《微生物学杂志》2011,31(6):106-109
随着现代科学技术的发展,科技英语已成为一种重要的英语文体,而阅读和翻译科技英文文献也成为科研工作者一项基本素质。以一篇分子生物学文章为例,从词汇、词法、句法、修辞和篇章结构5方面对科技英语的文体特征和翻译策略进行探析。  相似文献   

翻译是一个语言转换过程,也是不同文化的交流。现在电影片名翻译研究多从翻译方法角度入手分析探讨片名翻译是直译,换译还是转译。由于不同的文化背景和语言,对于片名的翻译也是各有千秋。接下来,本文将结合电影片名的作用,探讨电影片名的翻译方法以及技巧。  相似文献   

自上世纪七十年代后期到九十年代初,经典的二维图像重建理论统治着医学成像(包括CT)领域,其核心理念是医学图像的精确重建必需有完全投影数据。从不完全投影数据无法得到精确、稳定的重建结果 ,那怕是重建局部区域。本世纪初,图像重建理论有了新的思维模式:在一定条件下,根据不完全投影数据,可以"稳定地"、"精确地"重建"感兴趣区"的图像,从而大大减少扫描时间,降低辐射剂量,并有可能使现有的医学成像设备设计发生巨大的变革。什么是不完全数据?不完全数据有哪几类?它们之间的关系如何?从不完全数据精确重建感兴趣区的关键何在?什么是重建的唯一性与稳定性?新旧理念间的关系?本文对上述问题作了较系统的阐述。原文发表在"IEEE Signal Processing Magazine,July 2010,pp.60-80"。作者是本领域的知名学者。译者在征得原作者与出版者同意后,翻译本文。在翻译过程中得到作者的诸多帮助,作者还对原文的个别地方作了修订。什印前,旅美学者喻智聪博士对中文译稿作了仔细校勘,使译文表达更准确,更合理。译者在此表示诚挚的谢意。翻译本文的目的在于与医学影像界同行分享本领域发展的新动向。类似的内容读者还可参考王革等"...  相似文献   

随着现代科技的突飞猛进,作为其重要分支之一的现代医学进入跨越式发展阶段。与此同时,医学翻译一直在我国的科技翻译中占有重要地位。作为一个特殊的文体,医学翻译具有独特的文体特征和翻译准则。笔者介绍了医学英语的文体特征,并提出可行的翻译策略。  相似文献   

菜单翻译具有极强的目的性。投消费者之所好,激发他们的食欲,并传播中国的饮食文化,是中餐菜单英译的目的。从目的性理论的角度分析中餐菜单英译,在指出常见翻译错误的基础上讨论了菜单英译的常见策略。  相似文献   

不久前收到赵可夫同志寄来所译Poljakoff-Mayber与Gale合著的《盐渍环境中的植物》(Plants in Saline Enviroments)一书(科学出版社1980年出版),因为对植物抗盐性不是内行,对该书的内容无法评价。但在将译文与原文核对了几页后,发现翻译上的一些问题。除向出版社和译者反映外,在此提出其中一些问题供读者参考。一、专门名词的译名问题引言部分ⅲ页20行“等渗浓度”原文是  相似文献   

王爱华 《植物学报》2020,55(1):120-120
熟练掌握专业英语是开阔视野、了解国内外专业领域研究进展以及丰富专业知识的重要前提。专业英语的学习与应用和普通英语有所区别。在进行专业英语的学习和应用时,应重点关注并掌握专业英语的文体特征、词汇特点以及翻译技巧,这为提高专业英语应用能力,适应学术研究的国际大环境奠定坚实的语言基础,进而促进相关领域的研究与发展。  相似文献   

As we enter the 21st century, we face a world that will be increasingly dominated by science and technology. More and more jobs will require many of the analytical and thinking skills of a scientist. Citizens everywhere must also become better able to evaluate and understand the judgements of scientific and technical experts when making personal and community decisions. To spread the values and knowledge of science much more widely throughout our societies, we must also spread scientists. Therefore, advanced training in science and the acquisition of important skills through an extensive exposure to research are valuable tools for a wide variety of occupations.  相似文献   

As we enter the 21st century, we face a world that will be increasingly dominated by science and technology. More and more jobs will require many of the analytical and thinking skills of a scientist. Citizens everywhere must also become better able to evaluate and understand the judgements of scientific and technical experts when making personal and community decisions. To spread the values and knowledge of science much more widely throughout our societies, we must also spread scientists. Therefore, advanced training in science and the acquisition of important skills through an extensive exposure to research are valuable tools for a wide variety of occupations.  相似文献   

As we enter the 21st century, we face a world that will be increasingly dominated by science and technology. More and more jobs will require many of the analytical and thinking skills of a scientist. Citizens everywhere must also become better able to evaluate and understand the judgements of scientific and technical experts when making personal and community decisions. To spread the values and knowledge of science much more widely throughout our societies, we must also spread scientists. Therefore, advanced training in science and the acquisition of important skills through an extensive exposure to research are valuable tools for a wide variety of occupations.  相似文献   

Training to enhance the effectiveness of oral presentations is often neglected in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. In this article, we summarize our experience of teaching a semester-long class in speaking skills to STEM graduate students and advocate for the critical importance of these skills to professional success.  相似文献   

The main purposes of this activity are to help students explore possible factors affecting the extent of the damage of earthquakes and learn the ways to reduce earthquake damages. In these inquiry-based activities, students have opportunities to develop science process skills and to build an understanding of the relationship among science, technology, and society as recommended in the National Science Education Standards.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study is to design a digital game design-based STEM activity for fifth-grade students learning about endangered organisms and significance of biodiversity for living. This activity was carried out with twenty students in a public school in Eastern Black Sea Region of Turkey during academic year of 2018–2019 spring term. This study planned as eight-lesson time (8?×?40?minutes) and completed at this lesson time. The students were given the digital game design challenge in real-life problem context that has been created based on design-based science learning and for which they shall use their knowledge and skills in each of the STEM disciplines. During this design challenge, students worked like a scientist and an engineer. They carried out scientific research and inquiry process in the science discipline, understood the engineering design process in the engineering discipline, established mathematical relations in the mathematics discipline, learned how to make coding in the technology discipline, and used this knowledge and skills thus acquired in their suggested solutions for the design challenge. They designed a digital game by coding and presented science knowledge and skills that acquired from inquiry process.  相似文献   

The topic of wetlands provides a rich context for curriculum integration. This unit contains seven activities that integrate environmental science with math, technology, social studies, language arts, and other disciplines. In this series, students will identify plants and animals found in wetlands, understand the function of wetlands through the use of models, learn some of the effects of human behavior on wetland preservation, and use problem-solving skills to develop solutions to wetland loss.  相似文献   

Many science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate students travel through the academic career pipeline without ever learning how to teach effectively, an oversight that negatively affects the quality of undergraduate science education and cheats trainees of valuable professional development. This article argues that all STEM graduate students and postdoctoral fellows should undergo training in teaching to strengthen their resumes, polish their oral presentation skills, and improve STEM teaching at the undergraduate level. Though this may seem like a large undertaking, the author outlines a three-step process that allows busy scientists to fit pedagogical training into their research schedules in order to make a significant investment both in their academic career and in the continuing improvement of science education.  相似文献   

The emergent field of data science is a critical driver for innovation in all sectors, a focus of tremendous workforce development, and an area of increasing importance within science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM). In all of its aspects, data science has the potential to narrow the gender gap and set a new bar for inclusion. To evolve data science in a way that promotes gender diversity, we must address two challenges: (1) how to increase the number of women acquiring skills and working in data science and (2) how to evolve organizations and professional cultures to better retain and advance women in data science. Everyone can contribute.Every March we celebrate both International Women’s Day and Women’s History Month. These annual celebrations remind us that through our current individual and collective behavior, all stakeholders can influence how gender-diverse our future history is likely to be. This is especially important in data science, an emerging science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM) field that is a critical driver for 21st century innovation.Data science focuses on the extraction of knowledge from data. It is a STEM discipline, but requires skills not yet widely taught in STEM disciplines: Skills in managing large datasets, novel analysis and inference approaches, rigorous statistical analysis, new ways to convey outcomes, and more. A recent McKinsey Report [1] indicates that the United States alone will need 1.5 million more data-savvy professionals and 140,000–190,000 more professionals with deep analytic skills by 2020. Helping to create and nurture a broad pool of individuals with data science skills is critical to addressing this growing need and will require intentional action.The emergent field of data science offers the opportunity to narrow the gender gap in STEM (in which only 13% of the engineering workforce and 25% of the computer and mathematical sciences workforce are women [2]) by making diversity a priority early on. In addition to this being the right thing to do, it is the smart thing to do: studies show that companies with employees characterized by diverse inherent traits (traits you were born with) and acquired traits (traits you gain from experience) are 45% more likely to report a growth in market share over the previous year, and 70% more likely to report capture of a new market [3]. Companies with diverse executive boards show higher returns on equity [4]. In short, diversity is a competitive asset in the private sector. In addition, increased diversity in STEM fields, including data science, is a national research and education priority [5].What better time, with increased focus on data science in the public sector, emerging educational curricula and focus within universities, and greater need within the private sector, to foster greater inclusivity and gender diversity? What can we do now to grow data science in a way that reflects the gender diversity and potential for innovation of the greater society?To evolve data science in a way that makes it a rewarding and sustainable career choice for women, we need to address two challenges: how can we increase the number of women acquiring skills and working in data science, and how can we evolve organizations and professional cultures to better retain and advance women in data science?  相似文献   

An urgent need exists for graduate and professional schools to establish evidence-based STEM (science, technology, engineering, and math) pipeline programs to increase the diversity of the biomedical workforce. An untapped yet promising pool of willing participants are capable high school students that have a strong STEM interest but may lack the skills and the guided mentoring needed to succeed in competitive STEM fields. This study evaluates and compares the impact of the Loma Linda University (LLU) Summer Health Disparities Research Program on high school (HS) and undergraduate (UG) student participants. The primary focus of our summer research experience (SRE) is to enhance the research self-efficacy of the participants by actively involving them in a research project and by providing the students with personalized mentoring and targeted career development activities, including education on health disparities. The results of our study show that our SRE influenced terminal degree intent and increased participant willingness to incorporate research into future careers for both the HS and the UG groups. The quantitative data shows that both the HS and the UG participants reported large, statistically significant gains in self-assessed research skills and research self-efficacy. Both participant groups identified the hands-on research and the mentor experience as the most valuable aspects of our SRE and reported increased science skills, increased confidence in science ability and increased motivation and affirmation to pursue a science career. The follow-up data indicates that 67% of the HS participants and 90% of the UG participants graduated from college with a STEM degree; for those who enrolled in graduate education, 61% and 43% enrolled in LLU, respectively. We conclude that structured SREs can be highly effective STEM strengthening interventions for both UG and HS students and may be a way to measurably increase institutional and biomedical workforce diversity.  相似文献   

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