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在光镜和电镜下对嫁[虫戚](Cellana toreuma)的齿舌形态进行观察研究。嫁[虫戚]的齿舌带每1横列具有2枚侧齿和2枚缘齿,缺乏中央齿,齿式为1.。齿舌带前端弯曲,齿片排列松散且存在明显的磨损现象;中段齿片排列紧密、整齐;后端齿片无色且宽度有略微的缩小。侧齿呈镰刀型,具1个齿尖,基部呈三角形且具突起,尖齿部分细长;缘齿具3个齿尖,第2尖齿靠近第3尖齿。采用多个比例参数来比较嫁齿舌带及其前、中、后3段上的齿片形态,发现嫁齿舌带前、中、后3段各比例参数的值存在一定的关系,即中段大于前段、中段大于后段。  相似文献   

通过组织切片和活细胞涂片对斗嫁(虫戚)Cellana grata(GbuId)性腺和生殖细胞进行观察,研究雌性性腺特征及不同发育阶段雌性生殖细胞的形态特点与分布状况.观察与分析表明:(1)斗嫁(虫戚)雌性滤泡由卵原细胞及不同发育时期的初级卵母细胞填充,成熟的初级卵母细胞位居滤泡腔中央区域;(2)性细胞发育不同步,属分批产卵类型;(3)卵子发生中,细胞、核及核仁大小变化的总体趋势是随着发育进程而逐渐增大,常见1-2个核仁;(4)卵质的酸碱特性变化与卵黄的出现相关;(5)成熟卵母细胞大小约为(120-140)μm×150μm,外被约5-12 μm厚的胶质膜;(6)胶质膜的均一性、厚度、酸碱性随卵发育而变化,胶质膜与卵膜之间出现间隙可以作为卵开始成熟的标志,而胶质膜由嗜酸性转化为嗜碱性可以作为卵成熟即将排放的标志.  相似文献   

嫁(虫戚)神经系统结构的初步研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
嫁虫戚神经系统包括一对脑神经节、一对足神经节、一对侧神经节和一个脏神经节.左右脑神经节间有较长的神经联合,脑-足、脑-侧神经节间有较长的连索存在.各神经节均由三部分组成:神经节鞘膜、胞体区和神经纤维网.脑神经节相同类型神经元胞体聚集分布,其余神经节神经元未见有明显分区和分层现象.神经元胞体直径一般不超过20μm,这些特征与已研究的前鳃亚纲种类显著不同,可能与该种螺类处于系统演化中较低等地位有关.  相似文献   

齿舌作为软体动物独特的摄食器官,是软体动物门重要的分类特征。利用扫描电镜对入侵物种福寿螺Pomacea canaliculata、P.maculata和本地物种中国圆田螺(Cipangopaludina chinensis)的齿舌形态进行了比较观察。两种福寿螺和中国圆田螺齿式均为2·1·1·1·2。两种福寿螺齿舌的差异主要体现在中央齿的第一突起,P.canaliculata中央齿第一突起宽而短,不如P.maculata锋利。P.canaliculata与P.maculata第一突起长与中央齿宽以及第一突起宽与中央齿宽的比值均具有显著差异。两种福寿螺与中国圆田螺齿舌的中央齿、侧齿、缘齿,不论是从形态还是数量上都明显不同。两种福寿螺中央齿第一突起大而尖,呈倒三角形,两侧对称排列3个小齿;中国圆田螺的中央齿第一突起短而宽,呈方形,两侧对称排列4个小齿。两种福寿螺的侧齿大突起内侧有1个小而尖的小齿,大突起外侧另有2个小齿;中国圆田螺侧齿上缘中间大突起外侧有3个小齿,呈锯齿状。两种福寿螺的内缘齿和外缘齿相似,缘齿上缘的中间尖齿尖锐,旁边再形成一小齿;中国圆田螺内缘齿上缘的中间尖齿突出,外缘齿基部细长,上缘有小的尖齿8~10个,呈梳状。两种福寿螺与中国圆田螺的第一突起宽与中央齿宽之比、第一突起长与中央齿宽之比、第二突起宽与中央齿宽之比、第二突起长与中央齿宽之比均差异显著。食性不同可能是造成种间齿舌结构差异的原因之一。  相似文献   

记述了采白海南和浙江省的弹尾目疣[虫兆]科颚毛[虫兆]属Crossodonthina Yosii,2新种,海南颚毛yao C.hainana sp.nov.和天童颚毛yao C.tiantongshana sp.nov.。海南颚毛[虫兆]头部每侧有眼2个,弹器痕上有6根刚毛,非常容易与本属其它已知种类分开。天童颚毛[虫兆]与上海产的Crossodonthina tridentiens Yue&Yin,1999相似,两者的主要区别是:新种的上颚有两条长的、羽毛状分支和具5齿的片状突起,且基部齿长而细;下颚的内颚叶端部及近基部各有1齿;新种腹部第5节有3+3个疣状突起,而C.tridentiens有2+2个疣状突起;新种的爪部内侧有2个小齿,1个大齿,C.tridentiens只有1大齿。模式标本保存于上海生命科学研究院,植物生理生态所昆虫标本馆。  相似文献   

浙江米虾属一新种的记述   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在整理浙江淡水虾类标本的过程中,发现米虾属Caridina一新种,兹描述如下:弯额米虾Caridina curvifrons,新种 头胸甲的长度等于或稍短于额角,其前侧角各具一颊刺。 额角细长,呈剑形,末端超出第一触角柄或第二触角鳞片的末缘,而且向腹面弯曲;上缘基部2/3具11—19齿(大多数为13—15齿),其基部3—4齿位于眼眶后缘的头胸甲上;下缘具3—9齿(大多数为3—6齿)(图1)。  相似文献   

四齿隐翅虫属Nazeris由Fauvel(1873)建立,模式种为Nazeris pulcher(Aubé)。属征:上唇横宽,前缘中部具四齿,居中二齿之间及二外侧齿与居中齿间各有一凹缘。上颚很细长,基半部具3齿,远端的齿延长,近基的甚短。下颚须第2节细长,第3节稍粗,第4节难以察见。触角第1节比其余各节粗。前胸侧缘圆,体后部膨大。后跗节基部各节延长,第4节分二叶。 本属仅分布欧、亚、非地区,至目前为止共记载39种。中国已知6种,本文记述四新种。模式标本保存在南充师范学院生物系。  相似文献   

本文记述中国西部剌齿(虫兆)属1新种:中带剌齿(虫兆)H.mediofascia,sp.nov..该种区别属内其他种的主要特征是本种胸部第2节到腹部第2节背部中间具色带,第1腹节具大刚毛a1,腹部第4节后缘大刚毛7+7,粘管后侧面具光滑刚毛4根.本文还对属内5个相近种进行了比较.正模:早,陕西省安康市,2006-Ⅵ-15;副模:8♀♀,1♂以及8头酒精标本,陕西省安康市,2006-Ⅵ-15.1♀和1头酒精标本保存于南京大学,其他标本保存于台州学院生命科学学院.  相似文献   

以红条毛肤石鳖Acanthochiton rubrolineatus(Lischke)齿舌为材料,通过切片和酶组织化学技术,在光镜和电镜下对齿舌主侧齿的微结构及高铁还原酶的存在进行观察,从微观角度了解齿舌主侧齿齿尖的矿化机理。结果显示,成熟主侧齿由齿尖和齿基组成。齿尖结构由外至内分为三层,最外层为磁铁矿层,前后齿面磁铁矿层的厚度不等,后齿面约50μm,前齿面约5-10μm。向内依次为棕红色的纤铁矿层,厚约10μm,及略显黄色的有机基质层,有机基质层占据着齿尖内部的大部分结构。高分辨透射电镜下显示磁铁矿由条状四氧化三铁颗粒组成,长约2-3μm,宽约100-150nm。齿舌的矿化是一个连续过程,不同部段处于不同的矿化阶段,齿舌囊上皮细胞沿囊腔分布,并形成齿片。未矿化的新生主侧齿齿尖中存在由有机基质构成的网状结构。随矿化的进行,有机基质内出现矿物颗粒。初始矿化的齿尖外表面有一个细胞微突层,微突的另一端为囊上皮细胞,矿物质经由微突层达齿尖并沉积于有机基质中,齿尖随之矿化并成熟。初始矿化齿尖的外围有大量的三价铁化物颗粒,稍成熟的齿尖外围同时还出现二价铁化物。新生或初始矿化主侧齿齿尖外围的囊上皮细胞中有大量球形类似于铁蛋白聚集体的内容物,直径0.6-0.8μm,球体由膜包围。齿舌囊上皮组织中存在三价高铁还原酶,此酶分布于上皮细胞的膜表面,可能与齿尖表面磁铁矿的生成有一定的关系。    相似文献   

记述刺齿(虫兆)属温州1新种:六毛刺齿(虫兆) Homidia hexaseta sp.nov.,该种的鉴别特征包括体色,下唇具光滑毛L1,头背部顶区具6根大刚毛,胸部第Ⅱ节具p4系列大刚毛,腹部第Ⅲ节中间具a2大刚毛,腹部第Ⅳ节具B6和Ae5-7大刚毛以及端节亚顶端齿远大于顶端齿.同时,本文还给出了浙江省刺齿(虫兆)...  相似文献   

显微观察了瘤背石磺(Onchidiumstruma)和石磺(O. verruculatum)齿舌的形态结构。运用差异系数法对两种石磺齿舌参数进行比较分析。利用SPSS10.0对瘤背石磺、石磺齿舌参数(齿舌长、齿舌头宽、齿舌中宽、齿舌尾宽、横列数、每排最少齿片数和每排最多齿片数)与个体参数(体长、体宽、体高、足长、足宽和体重)作回归分析。结果表明,两种石磺齿舌都很发达,外观呈长统靴状;齿片排成许多横列,每一横列均有中央齿一枚,侧齿若干无缘齿;两种石磺的齿舌头宽、齿舌中宽和齿舌尾宽差异极显著,但差异系数小于1.28,认为两种石磺的齿片形态存在明显的种间差异,但齿舌参数不适合作为石磺属贝类的分类依据;瘤背石磺的体宽和石磺的体重在评估各自齿舌生物学性状方面起到比较重要的作用。  相似文献   

As the original molluscan radula is not known from direct observation, we consider what the form of the original radula may have been from evidence provided by neomenioid Aplacophora (Solenogastres), Gastropoda, Polyplacophora, and the Cambrian fossil Wiwaxia corrugata (Matthews). Conclusions are based on direct observation of radula morphology and its accessory structures (salivary gland ducts, radular sac, anteroventral radular pocket) in 25 species and 16 genera of Aplacophora; radula morphogenesis in Aplacophora; earliest tooth formation in Gastropoda (14 species among Prosobranchia, Opisthobranchia, and Pulmonata); earliest tooth formation in four species of Polyplacophora; and the morphology of the feeding apparatus in W. corrugata. The existence of a true radula membrane and of membranoblasts and odontoblasts in neomenioids indicates that morphogenesis of the aplacophoran radula is homologous to that in other radulate Mollusca. We conclude from p redness of salivary gland ducts, a divided radular sac, and a pair of anteroventral pockets that the plesiomorphic state in neomenioids is bipartite, formed of denticulate bars that are distichous (two teeth per row) on a partially divided or fused radula membrane with the largest denticles lateral, as occurs in the genus Helicoradomenia. The tooth morphology in Helicoradomenia is similar to the feeding apparatus in W. corrugata. We show that distichy also occurs during early development in several species of gastropods and polyplacophorans. Through the rejection of the null hypothesis that the earliest radula was unipartite and had no radula membrane, we conclude that the original molluscan radula was similar to the radula found in Helicoradomena species.  相似文献   

Evidence that Notoacmea fascicularis (Menke, 1851) is a complexof at least two distinct taxa of species rank is ambiguous.A discriminant function analysis of conchological data showsa weak geographic effect, while radular morphology clearly delineatestwo sympatric groups with rare intermediates. Lastly, moleculardata (mt cytochrome c oxidase subunit I) suggests a single speciesand a geographic effect. We consider N. fascicularis to be a singletaxon, variable for radular lateral tooth morphology. In thepast these two different radular morphologies would be indicativeof generic rank. Our knowledge of the intraspecific variability ofmost gastropod characters is poor, and this makes specific identificationsor groupings based on single character systems such as the radulaprecarious. Adequate sampling and evaluation of population-levelcharacter states (conchological, anatomical and molecular) isneeded to identify as well as falsify cryptic species complexes. (Received 28 August 1997; accepted 6 May 1998)  相似文献   

The radular morphology of the patellid species Testudinalia testudinalis (O. F. Müller, 1776) from the White Sea was studied using light, electron, and confocal microscopy. The radula is of the docoglossan type with four teeth per row and consisting of six zones. We characterize teeth formation in T. testidinalis as follows: one tooth is formed by numerous and extremely narrow odontoblasts through apocrine secretion; this initially formed tooth consists of numerous vesicles; the synthetic apparatus of the odontoblasts is localized in the apical and central parts of the cells throughout the cytoplasm and is penetrated by microtubules which are involved in the transport of the synthesized products to the apical part of the odontoblast; the newly formed teeth consist of unpolymerized chitin. Mitotic activity is located in the lateral parts of the formation zone. The first four rows contain an irregular arrangement of teeth, but the radular teeth are regularly arranged after the fifth row. The irregularly arranged teeth early on could be a consequence of the asynchronous formation of teeth and the distance between the odontoblasts and the membranoblasts. The morphological data obtained significantly expands our knowledge of the morphological diversity of the radula formation in Gastropoda.  相似文献   

Abstract: Radular teeth occur between the jaws in two specimens of the Late Cretaceous scaphitid ammonite Rhaeboceras halli (Meek and Hayden, 1856) from the Western Interior of the United States. The detailed morphology of the teeth has been revealed by propagation phase contrast X‐ray synchrotron microtomography. Each row of the radula of R. halli consists of a total of seven teeth (a central rachidian, two pairs of lateral and one pair of marginal teeth), as in other known ammonoid radulae, although the central tooth could not be confirmed in the specimens examined. The lateral teeth are multicuspid and robust, and the marginal teeth are long (4.6 mm) and slender. In overall morphology, the heterodont and ctenoglossan radula of R. halli is similar that of Jurassic and Cretaceous ammonites with the same aptychus‐type lower jaw, that is, the Aptychophora. This discovery reveals the range of variation in radular morphology, which could be related to ecological or phylogenetic factors. It also invalidates the hypothesis that the hook‐like structures in R. halli previously described are radular elements.  相似文献   

The radula is the basic feeding structure in gastropod molluscs and exhibits great morphological diversity that reflects the exceptional anatomical and ecological diversity occurring in these animals. This uniquely molluscan structure is formed in the blind end of the radular sac by specialized cells (membranoblasts and odontoblasts). Secretion type, and the number and shape of the odontoblasts that form each tooth characterize the mode of radula formation. These characteristics vary in different groups of gastropods. Elucidation of this diversity is key to identifying the main patterns of radula formation in Gastropoda. Of particular interest would be a phylogenetically closely related group that is characterized by high variability of the radula. One such group is the large monophyletic superfamily Conoidea, the radula of which is highly variable and may consist of the radular membrane with five teeth per row, or the radular membrane with only two or three teeth per row, or even just two harpoon-like teeth per row without a radular membrane. We studied the radulae of two species of Conoidea (Clavus maestratii Kilburn, Fedosov & Kantor, 2014 [Drilliidae] and, Lophiotoma acuta (Perry, 1811) [Turridae]) using light and electron microscopy. Based on these data and previous studies, we identify the general patterns of the radula formation for all Conoidea: the dorsolateral position of two groups of odontoblasts, uniform size, and shape of odontoblasts, folding of the radula in the radular sac regardless of the radula configuration. The morphology of the subradular epithelium is most likely adaptive to the radula type.  相似文献   

Runcinella thompsoni new species (Gastropoda: Opisthobranchia)is described on the basis of material collected in the GalapagosIslands. This new species differs from R. zelandica Odhner,1924, both in colour, reddish in the former, dark green withwhite freckles in the latter, and radular tooth morphology,mainly the first lateral teeth. The species is also comparedwith other red runcinids both from Atlantic and Pacific localities. (Received 28 October 1991; accepted 4 January 1993)  相似文献   

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