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Marriage Transactions: Labor, Property, Status   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Marriage transactions—bridewealth, dowry, indirect dowry, and so on—and the absence of transactions have been shown to have a patterned distribution worldwide. This article attempts to account for these patterns by looking at marriage transactions as mechanisms by which households provide for labor needs, distribute property, and maintain or enhance status. A major factor in determining type of marriage transaction is the presence and type of property controlled by the household. Bridewealth circulates property and women, while dowry and indirect dowry concentrate them. The former is found where property is limited, in tribal societies and among the landless poorer classes in traditional states, whereas the latter is found in property-owning classes of landed or commercial pastoral peoples. This article pays particular attention to dowry and indirect dowry, using ethnographic and historical data to explain their functions.  相似文献   

Kin selection predicts that helpers in cooperative systems should preferentially aid relatives to maximize fitness. In family-based groups, this can be accomplished simply by assisting all group members. In more complex societies, where large numbers of kin and non-kin regularly interact, more sophisticated kin-recognition mechanisms are needed. Bell miners (Manorina melanophrys) are just such a system where individuals regularly interact with both kin and non-kin within large colonies. Despite this complexity, individual helpers of both sexes facultatively work harder when provisioning the young of closer genetic relatedness. We investigated the mechanism by which such adaptive discrimination occurs by assessing genetic kinship influences on the structure of more than 1900 provisioning vocalizations of 185 miners. These 'mew' calls showed a significant, positive linear increase in call similarity with increasing genetic relatedness, most especially in comparisons between male helpers and the breeding male. Furthermore, individual helping effort was more heavily influenced by call similarity to breeding males than to genetic relatedness, as predicted if call similarity is indeed the rule-of-thumb used to discriminate kin in this system. Individual mew call structure appeared to be inflexible and innate, providing an effective mechanism by which helpers can assess their relatedness to any individual. This provides, to our knowledge, the first example of a mechanism for fine-scale kin discrimination in a complex avian society.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that the qualities of nuptial gifts among nonhumans and marriage-related property transfers in human societies such as bridewealth and dowry covary with aspects of mate quality. This article explores this issue for another type of marriage-related property transfer: engagement rings. We obtained data on engagement ring costs and other variables through a mail survey sent to recently married individuals living in the American Midwest. This article focuses on survey responses regarding rings that were purchased by men acting alone and using only their own funds who then presented the rings while making surprise proposals of marriage (n = 127). Men marrying younger women spent more on rings, as did men who earned more money and whose fiancées earned more money. These findings suggest that the amounts spent on engagement rings, like bridewealth and dowry payments in other societies, reflect aspects of both male and female mate quality.  相似文献   

In modern Indian political discourse the custom of dowry is often represented as the cause of serious social problems, including the neglect of daughters, sex-selective abortion, female infanticide, and the harassment, abuse, and murder of brides. Attempts to deal with these problems through legislative prohibition of dowry, however, have resulted in virtually no diminution of either dowry or violence against women. In contrast, radically different interpretations of dowry can be found in the literatures of structural-functionalist anthropology, economics, and human behavioral ecology which muster wide-ranging forms of qualitative and quantitative evidence to support functional models of dowry as a form of inheritance or investment in daughters and/or their children. This paper argues that a functionalist perspective on dowry could lead to improved dowry policy, and that an approach based in human behavioral ecology (HBE) is uniquely suited to this task. After reviewing the relevant literature on dowry in South Asia, I discuss current dowry legislation and its limitations. I then develop a behavioral ecology model of Indian dowry and test it with quantitative and qualitative data. I conclude that if dowry legislation is to achieve broad support or bring about effective social change, it must address and support the positive motivations for and effects of dowry and take a targeted approach to dowry violence, which is not uniformly distributed across regions, castes, or social classes.  相似文献   

Groups of organisms, from bacteria to fish schools to human societies, depend on their ability to make accurate decisions in an uncertain world. Most models of collective decision-making assume that groups reach a consensus during a decision-making bout, often through simple majority rule. In many natural and sociological systems, however, groups may fail to reach consensus, resulting in stalemates. Here, we build on opinion dynamics and collective wisdom models to examine how stalemates may affect the wisdom of crowds. For simple environments, where individuals have access to independent sources of information, we find that stalemates improve collective accuracy by selectively filtering out incorrect decisions (an effect we call stalemate filtering). In complex environments, where individuals have access to both shared and independent information, this effect is even more pronounced, restoring the wisdom of crowds in regions of parameter space where large groups perform poorly when making decisions using majority rule. We identify network properties that tune the system between consensus and accuracy, providing mechanisms by which animals, or evolution, could dynamically adjust the collective decision-making process in response to the reward structure of the possible outcomes. Overall, these results highlight the adaptive potential of stalemate filtering for improving the decision-making abilities of group-living animals.  相似文献   

Males of many species help in the care and provisioning of offspring, and these investments often correlate with genetic relatedness. For example, many human males invest in the children of sisters, and this is especially so where men are less likely to share genes with children of wives. Although this makes qualitative sense, it has been difficult to support quantitatively. The prevailing model predicts investment in children of sisters only when paternity confidence falls below 0.268. This value is often seen as too low to be credible; so investment in sisters'' children represents an unsolved problem. I show here that the prevailing model rests on a series of restrictive assumptions that underestimate relatedness to sisters'' children. For this reason, it understates the fitness payoff to men who invest in these children. This effect can be substantial, especially in societies with low confidence in paternity. But this effect cannot be estimated solely from confidence in paternity. One must also estimate the probability that two siblings share the same father.  相似文献   

There are infinitely many different combinations of arm postures which will place the hand at the same point in space. Given this abundance, how is one configuration chosen over another? Two main hypotheses have been proposed to solve this problem. Postural models suggest that the posture adopted is purely determined by the desired hand position (known as Donders' law). Transport models suggest that the adopted posture depends on where the hand has moved from. A specific transport model, the minimum work model, has been proposed in which the adopted posture is the one that minimizes the amount of work required to move the hand to the new location. The postural model predicts that the posture will be independent of where the hand has moved from, whereas the transport models predict that the posture will depend on the previous posture. We have devised a simple redundant task-touching a target bar using a hand-held virtual stick-to examine these models. The results show that neither model alone can account for the data. We propose a control planning strategy in which there is a combined cost function that has both a postural term as well as a transport term.  相似文献   

We compared observed levels of reproductive skew in the cooperatively breeding acorn woodpecker (Melanerpes formicivorus) with those predicted by two alternative transactional models. "Concession" models predict the degree to which parentage is shared assuming that a single dominant is in complete control of reproduction. Alternatively, "restraint" models predict reproductive sharing assuming that the dominant controls only whether subordinates remain in the group but does not control its share of reproduction. Reproductive skew is high among males: on average, the most successful male sires more than three times as many offspring as the next most successful male. Females share parentage equally and have lower constraints on dispersal and lower survival rates compared with males, which is consistent with predictions from the concessions model. Also as predicted by the concessions model, yearly variation in opportunities for dispersal before the breeding season correlates positively with skew. However, in contrast to concessions but consistent with the restraint model, skew decreases with relatedness. Thus, neither model consistently predicts patterns of reproductive skew in this species. We suggest that models of reproductive skew will need to include competitive interactions among potential breeders and mate choice before they will adequately predict patterns of reproductive partitioning in most vertebrate societies.  相似文献   

Recent anthropological findings document how certain lowland South American societies hold beliefs in 'partible paternity', which allow children to have more than one 'biological' father. This contrasts with Western beliefs in 'singular paternity', and biological reality, where children have just one father. Here, mathematical models are used to explore the coevolution of paternity beliefs and the genetic variation underlying human mating behaviour. A gene-culture coevolutionary model found that populations exposed to a range of selection regimes typically converge on one of two simultaneously stable equilibria; one where the population is monogamous and believes in singular paternity, and the other where the population is polygamous and believes in partible paternity. A second agent-based model, with alternative assumptions regarding the formation of mating consortships, broadly replicated this finding in populations with a strongly female-biased sex ratio, consistent with evidence for high adult male mortality in the region. This supports an evolutionary scenario in which ancestral South American populations with differing paternity beliefs were subject to divergent selection on genetically influenced mating behaviour, facilitated by a female-biased sex ratio, leading to the present-day associations of female control, partible paternity and polygamy in some societies, and male control, singular paternity and monogamy in others.  相似文献   

Social information in breeding site selection has received extensive study; however, few attempts have been made to link this process to pre‐existing models. We examine the importance of social information to three pertinent models of habitat selection that describe breeding aggregations and spatial patterns: 1) the ideal despotic distribution (IDD) which considers conspecific competition and habitat availability, 2) the perceptual constraints model which accounts for patch selection when animals experience a threshold of undetectable difference in quality, and 3) the “neighbourhood model” which predicts concordance between resources and settlers can be disrupted by conspecific attraction when resources are patchy. These models all predict initial settlers will select a high quality patch first. However, their predictions of subsequent settlement behaviour in remaining patches differ: the IDD predicts subsequent settlers will be distributed regularly, the perceptual constraints model predicts a random distribution, and the neighbourhood model predicts clustering from conspecific attraction. We examined which model best described settlement patterns of bobolink Dolichonyx oryzivorus and savannah sparrow Passerculus sandwichensis, in the context of social information. We observed settlement timing, quantified available resources, and determined where they occurred in the highest (local population “core”) and lowest densities (local population “periphery”). We then assessed whether individuals in the periphery settled in greater concordance with resources or conspecific presence. Core territories were clustered strongly on relevant resources, and these territory holders were older than in the periphery. Peripheral territories were likewise clustered but did not always co‐occur with the best available resources, matching the neighbourhood model prediction that social information may not always direct them to the best sites available. This suggests older individuals used their own experience to locate ideal habitat, whereas younger individuals attempted to aggregate on seemingly ideal habitat by using conspecific location; such information asymmetry due to age can be viewed as an “ideal aggregative distribution”.  相似文献   

Quantitative genetic theory assumes that trade-offs are best represented by bivariate normal distributions. This theory predicts that selection will shift the trade-off function itself and not just move the mean trait values along a fixed trade-off line, as is generally assumed in optimality models. As a consequence, quantitative genetic theory predicts that the trade-off function will vary among populations in which at least one of the component traits itself varies. This prediction is tested using the trade-off between call duration and flight capability, as indexed by the mass of the dorsolateral flight muscles, in the macropterous morph of the sand cricket. We use four different populations of crickets that vary in the proportion of macropterous males (Lab = 33%, Florida = 29%, Bermuda = 72%, South Carolina = 80%). We find, as predicted, that there is significant variation in the intercept of the trade-off function but not the slope, supporting the hypothesis that trade-off functions are better represented as bivariate normal distributions rather than single lines. We also test the prediction from a quantitative genetical model of the evolution of wing dimorphism that the mean call duration of macropterous males will increase with the percentage of macropterous males in the population. This prediction is also supported. Finally, we estimate the probability of a macropterous male attracting a female, P, as a function of the relative time spent calling (P = time spent calling by macropterous male/(total time spent calling by both micropterous and macropterous male). We find that in the Lab and Florida populations the probability of a female selecting the macropterous male is equal to P, indicating that preference is due simply to relative call duration. But in the Bermuda and South Carolina populations the probability of a female selecting a macropterous male is less than P, indicating a preference for the micropterous male even after differences in call duration are accounted for.  相似文献   

We describe a habitat selection model that predicts the distribution of size-structured groups of fish in a habitat where food availability and water temperature vary spatially. This model is formed by combining a physiological model of fish growth with the logic of ideal free distribution (IFD) theory. In this model we assume that individuals scramble compete for resources, that relative competitive abilities of fish vary with body size, and that individuals select patches that maximize their growth rate. This model overcomes limitations in currently existing physiological and IFD-based models of habitat selection. This is because existing physiological models do not take into account the fact that the amount of food consumed by a fish in a patch will depend on the number of competitors there (something that IFD theory addresses), while traditional IFD models do not take into account the fact that fish are likely to choose patches based on potential growth rate rather than gross food intake (something that physiological models address). Our model takes advantage of the complementary strengths of these two approaches to overcome these weaknesses. Reassuringly, our model reproduces the predictions of its two constituent models under the simple conditions where they apply. When there is no competition for resources it mimics the physiological model of habitat selection, and when there is competition but no temperature variation between patches it mimics either the simple IFD model or the IFD model for unequal competitors. However, when there are both competition and temperature differences between patches our model makes different predictions. It predicts that input-matching between the resource renewal rate and the number of fish (or competitive units) in a patch, the hallmark of IFD models, will be the exception rather than the rule. It also makes the novel prediction that temperature based size-segregation will be common, and that the strength and direction of this segregation will depend on per capita resource renewal rates and the manner in which competitive weight scales with body size. Size-segregation should become more pronounced as per capita resource abundance falls. A larger fish/cooler water pattern is predicted when competitive ability increases more slowly than maximum ration with body size, and a smaller fish/cooler water pattern is predicted when competitive ability increases more rapidly than maximum ration with body size.  相似文献   

Cooperative breeders often exhibit reproductive skew, where dominant individuals reproduce more than subordinates. Two approaches derived from Hamilton's inclusive fitness model predict when subordinate behavior is favored over living solitarily. The assured fitness return (AFR) model predicts that subordinates help when they are highly likely to gain immediate indirect fitness. Transactional skew models predict dominants and subordinates "agree" on a level of reproductive skew that induces subordinates to join groups. We show the AFR model to be a special case of transactional skew models that assumes no direct reproduction by subordinates. We use data from 11 populations of four wasp species (Polistes, Liostenogaster) as a test of whether transactional frameworks suffice to predict when subordinate behavior should be observed in general and the specific level of skew observed in cooperative groups. The general prediction is supported; in 10 of 11 cases, transactional models correctly predict presence or absence of cooperation. In contrast, the specific prediction is not consistent with the data. Where cooperation occurs, the model accurately predicts highly biased reproductive skew between full sisters. However, the model also predicts that distantly related or unrelated females should cooperate with low skew. This prediction fails: cooperation with high skew is the observed norm. Neither the generalized transactional model nor the special-case AFR model can explain this significant feature of wasp sociobiology. Alternative, nontransactional hypotheses such as parental manipulation and kin recognition errors are discussed.  相似文献   

Recent evolutionary models of reproductive partitioning within animal societies (known as 'optimal skew', 'concessions' or 'transactional' models) predict that a dominant individual will often yield some fraction of the group's reproduction to a subordinate as an incentive to stay in the group and help rear the dominant's offspring. These models quantitatively predict how the magnitude of the subordinate's 'staying incentive' will vary with the genetic relatedness between dominant and subordinate, the overall expected group output and the subordinate's expected output if it breeds solitarily. We report that these predictions accord remarkably well with the observed reproductive partitioning between conesting dominant and subordinate queens in the social paper wasp Polistes fuscatus. In particular, the theory correctly predicts that (i) the dominant's share of reproduction, i.e. the skew, increases as the colony cycle progresses and (ii) the skew is positively associated both with the colony's productivity and with the relatedness between dominant and subordinate. Moreover, aggression between foundresses positively correlated with the skew, as predicted by transactional but not alternative tug-of-war models of societal evolution. Thus, our results provide the strongest (quantitative support yet for a unifying model of social evolution.  相似文献   

Hunting and gathering is, evolutionarily, the defining subsistence strategy of our species. Studying how children learn foraging skills can, therefore, provide us with key data to test theories about the evolution of human life history, cognition, and social behavior. Modern foragers, with their vast cultural and environmental diversity, have mostly been studied individually. However, cross-cultural studies allow us to extrapolate forager-wide trends in how, when, and from whom hunter-gatherer children learn their subsistence skills. We perform a meta-ethnography, which allows us to systematically extract, summarize, and compare both quantitative and qualitative literature. We found 58 publications focusing on learning subsistence skills. Learning begins early in infancy, when parents take children on foraging expeditions and give them toy versions of tools. In early and middle childhood, children transition into the multi-age playgroup, where they learn skills through play, observation, and participation. By the end of middle childhood, most children are proficient food collectors. However, it is not until adolescence that adults (not necessarily parents) begin directly teaching children complex skills such as hunting and complex tool manufacture. Adolescents seek to learn innovations from adults, but they themselves do not innovate. These findings support predictive models that find social learning should occur before individual learning. Furthermore, these results show that teaching does indeed exist in hunter-gatherer societies. And, finally, though children are competent foragers by late childhood, learning to extract more complex resources, such as hunting large game, takes a lifetime.  相似文献   

Models of social conflict in animal societies generally assume that within-group conflict reduces the value of a communal resource. For many animals, however, the primary cost of conflict is increased mortality. We develop a simple inclusive fitness model of social conflict that takes this cost into account. We show that longevity substantially reduces the level of within-group conflict, which can lead to the evolution of peaceful animal societies if relatedness among group members is high. By contrast, peaceful outcomes are never possible in models where the primary cost of social conflict is resource depletion. Incorporating mortality costs into models of social conflict can explain why many animal societies are so remarkably peaceful despite great potential for conflict.  相似文献   

Social animals vary in their ability to compete with group members over shared resources and also vary in their cooperative efforts to produce these resources. Competition among groups can promote within‐group cooperation, but many existing models of intergroup cooperation do not explicitly account for observations that group members invest differentially in cooperation and that there are often within‐group competitive or power asymmetries. We present a game theoretic model of intergroup competition that investigates how such asymmetries affect within‐group cooperation. In this model, group members adopt one of two roles, with relative competitive efficiency and the number of individuals varying between roles. Players in each role make simultaneous, coevolving decisions. The model predicts that although intergroup competition increases cooperative contributions to group resources by both roles, contributions are predominantly from individuals in the less competitively efficient role, whereas individuals in the more competitively efficient role generally gain the larger share of these resources. When asymmetry in relative competitive efficiency is greater, a group's per capita cooperation (averaged across both roles) is higher, due to increased cooperation from the competitively inferior individuals. For extreme asymmetry in relative competitive efficiency, per capita cooperation is highest in groups with a single competitively superior individual and many competitively inferior individuals, because the latter acquiesce and invest in cooperation rather than within‐group competition. These predictions are consistent with observed features of many societies, such as monogynous Hymenoptera with many workers and caste dimorphism.  相似文献   

We have previously developed Epitheliome, a software agent representation of the growth and repair characteristics of epithelial cell populations, where cell behaviour is governed by a number of simple rules. In this paper, we describe how this model has been extended to incorporate an example of a molecular 'mechanism' behind a rule-in this case, how signalling by both endogenous and exogenous ligands of the epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) can impact on the proliferation of cell agents. We have developed a mathematical model representing release of endogenous ligand by cells, three-dimensional diffusion of the secreted molecules through a volume of cell culture medium, ligand-receptor binding, and bound receptor internalization and trafficking. Information relating to quantities of molecular species associated with each cell agent is frequently exchanged between the agent and signalling models, and the ratio of bound to free receptors determines cell cycle progression and hence the proliferative behaviour of the cell agents. We have applied this integrated model to examine the effect of plating density on tissue growth via autocrine/paracrine signalling. This predicts that cell growth is dependent on the concentration of exogenous ligand, but where this is limited, then growth becomes dependent on cell density and the availability of endogenous ligand. We have further modified the calcium concentration of the medium to modulate the formation of intercellular bonds between cells and shown that the increased propensity for cells to form colonies in physiological calcium does not result in significantly different patterns of receptor occupancy. In conclusion, our approach demonstrates that by combining agent-based and mathematical modelling paradigms, it is possible to probe the complex feedback relationship between the behaviour of individual cells and their interaction with one another and their environment.  相似文献   

Summary Several models explain how a complex integrated system like the rodent mandible can arise from multiple developmental modules. The models propose various integrating mechanisms, including epigenetic effects of muscles on bones. We test five for their ability to predict correlations found in the individual (symmetric) and fluctuating asymmetric (FA) components of shape variation. We also use exploratory methods to discern patterns unanticipated by any model. Two models fit observed correlation matrices from both components: (1) parts originating in same mesenchymal condensation are integrated, (2) parts developmentally dependent on the same muscle form an integrated complex as do those dependent on teeth. Another fits the correlations observed in FA: each muscle insertion site is an integrated unit. However, no model fits well, and none predicts the complex structure found in the exploratory analyses, best described as a reticulated network. Furthermore, no model predicts the correlation between proximal parts of the condyloid and coronoid, which can exceed the correlations between proximal and distal parts of the same process. Additionally, no model predicts the correlation between molar alveolus and ramus and/or angular process, one of the highest correlations found in the FA component. That correlation contradicts the basic premise of all five developmental models, yet it should be anticipated from the epigenetic effects of mastication, possibly the primary morphogenetic process integrating the jaw coupling forces generated by muscle contraction with those experienced at teeth.  相似文献   

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