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The frequency and timing of rabbit haemorrhagic disease (RHD) epizootics and their impact on different age groups of rabbits were studied for 15 years in a recovering rabbit population in South Australia. We recorded the number and body size of rabbits dying during RHD epizootics, collected tissue for genetic analysis of rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus variants and compared the number of carcasses found to the number of susceptible rabbits present at the beginning of each epizootic. All RHD epizootics occurred between late winter and spring, but, progressively, epizootics started earlier and became more frequent and prolonged, fewer susceptible adult rabbits were present during epizootics, and the age of rabbits dying of RHD declined. Increased infection and virus shedding in juvenile rabbits offers the most plausible explanation for those epidemiological changes; the disease is now increasingly transmitted through populations of kittens, starting before young-of-the-year reach adult size and persisting late in the breeding season, so that most rabbits are challenged in their year of birth. These changes have increased juvenile mortality due to RHD but reduced total mortality across all age groups, because age-specific mortality rates are lower in young rabbits than in older rabbits. We hypothesise that this may be the proximate cause of recovery in rabbit populations across Australia and possibly elsewhere.  相似文献   

Multiple expression of rabbit allotypes: The tip of the iceberg?   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  

A controversy of relevance to the study of biological form involves the concept of adaptation. This controversy is illustrated by the structure and function of the human hand. A review of the principal definitions of adaptation points to two main problems: (1) they are qualitative and make reference to the whole structure (or substructural feature) and (2) they are based on the idea of natural selection as a moulding factor. The first problem would be solved by a definition that encompasses quantitative measures of the effects of selection, drawing on new advances in the comparative method. The second problem is deeper and presents greater conceptual difficulties. I will argue that the idea of natural selection as a moulding factor depends on the notion of a genetic program for development. But regarding the hand, experimental evidence on limb development challenges the idea of a genetic program for skeletal pattern formation, undermining a simple application of standard adaptationist concepts. These considerations lead to a revised definition of adaptation and interpretation of the evolutionary determinants of the hand’s form.  相似文献   

The skeleton: the new controller of male fertility?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Smith LB  Saunders PT 《Cell》2011,144(5):642-643
Sex steroids, including testosterone, regulate the development and function of the male skeleton. Oury et al. (2011) identify a surprising new connection between the skeleton and the testis, which has implications for male fertility. They show that testosterone production in the testis is directly influenced by the bone-derived hormone osteocalcin.  相似文献   

For almost four decades, problem-based learning (PBL) has been the stated cornerstone of learning in many medical schools. Proponents of PBL cite the open nature of the learning experience where students are free to study in depth, unencumbered by the burdens of broad courses based on the memorization of facts; detractors, on the other hand, cite the lack of breadth and factual knowledge required for professional qualification. Both points of view have merit. Professional schools have a different set of needs and requirements, and it is these that drive the curriculum and learning philosophies. The constraints of the professional school are so different from those of the purely academic environment that PBL, while admirably suited to the latter, is just problem solving in the former.  相似文献   

Although Archaea inhabit the human body and possess some characteristics of pathogens, there is a notable lack of pathogenic archaeal species identified to date. We hypothesize that the scarcity of disease-causing Archaea is due, in part, to mutually-exclusive phage and virus populations infecting Bacteria and Archaea, coupled with an association of bacterial virulence factors with phages or mobile elements. The ability of bacterial phages to infect Bacteria and then use them as a vehicle to infect eukaryotes may be difficult for archaeal viruses to evolve independently. Differences in extracellular structures between Bacteria and Archaea would make adsorption of bacterial phage particles onto Archaea (i.e. horizontal transfer of virulence) exceedingly hard. If phage and virus populations are indeed exclusive to their respective host Domains, this has important implications for both the evolution of pathogens and approaches to infectious disease control.  相似文献   

1. The preparation of gram quantities of isolated epithelial-cell ;ghosts' from mucosal scrapings of rat small intestine is described. The method involves dispersing the tissue by gentle homogenization in 6% dextran in Krebs-Ringer phosphate, pH7.4, followed by filtration through nylon cloth and sedimentation by low-speed centrifuging. 2. The isolated epithelial-cell ;ghosts' contained all of the DNA, but only 52% of the protein and 53-57% of the RNA of the original homogenate. They contained most of the activity of the following enzymes found in the homogenate: aminopeptidase (71%); alkaline beta-glycerophosphatase (82%); invertase (92%); adenosine triphosphatase (93-116%); acid beta-glycerophosphatase (83%); nonspecific esterase (76%); succinate dehydrogenase (96%). Only small proportions of the total lactate-dehydrogenase (10%) and phosphoglucose-isomerase (2%) activities found in the homogenate were recovered in the isolated cell ;ghosts'. 3. The epithelial-cell ;ghost' preparation did not respire unless cofactors and substrates were added, and did not consume glucose or produce lactic acid from glucose. 4. The effect of varying the composition of the homogenization medium was studied. Concentrations of dextran (mol.wt. 15x10(4)) from 1 to 12%, solutions of dextrans (all at 6%) with mol.wt. varying between 3.6x10(4) and 2x10(6), and a solution of 8% polyethylene glycol (mol.wt. 4000) served equally well for the production of epithelial-cell ;ghosts'. Two of these solutions, however, 12% dextran (mol.wt.15x10(4)) and 6% dextran (mol.wt. 2x10(6)), were too viscous to allow the complete sedimentation of the cell ;ghosts' at low relative centrifugal forces. Omission of either Krebs-Ringer phosphate or dextran from the medium resulted in almost complete cell breakage during the homogenization. 5. The isolated cell ;ghosts' were used as a starting material for subcellular fractionation of rat intestinal mucosa by differential centrifugation. The distributions of protein and succinate-dehydrogenase activity among the fractions were compared with corresponding values in fractions isolated by differential centrifugation of mucosa homogenized in 0.3m-sucrose-5mm-EDTA, pH7.4. The method in which cell ;ghosts' were used as starting material gave a better separation and cleaner fractions than the method in which untreated mucosal scrapings were used.  相似文献   

We studied factors affecting the ability of common brushtail possums (Trichosurus vulpecula) to regulate their intake of a dietary toxin, jensenone, extracted from Eucalyptus leaves. Increasing concentrations of jensenone in the diet led to a dose-dependent decrease in food intake best described as an exponential decay. Animals that had not previously been exposed to jensenone ate significantly more when first offered food containing the compound than on subsequent days. However, when offered the same amount of food in a number of portions throughout the night, naive animals ate significantly less than animals offered the total meal at once. When offered food containing jensenone over a 13-day period, the animals' intake varied cyclically with relatively high food intakes followed by relatively low intakes. Furthermore, animals that were exposed to cold conditions (4 degrees C) ate more than those maintained at 18 degrees C but this difference was abolished when jensenone was included in the diet. We interpret these results as showing that regulation of toxin intake by common brushtail possums depends on learned responses that can override other important influences on feeding.  相似文献   

Does titin regulate the length of muscle thick filaments?   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
The protein titin has been localized by electron microscopy of myofibrils labelled with monoclonal antibodies. The data are consistent with individual titin molecules extending from near the M-line to beyond the ends of thick filaments, a distance of approximately 1 micron. In the A-band, titin appears to be bound to thick filaments, probably to the outside of the filament shaft. Molecules of titin in this configuration provided an obvious mechanism by which the length of thick filaments could be regulated accurately.  相似文献   

Wild cherry (Prunus avium L.) is a widespread, partially asexual, noble hardwood European species characterized by a scattered distribution, small population sizes, and human exploitation for its valuable wood. These characteristics, especially at the southern limits of the species natural distribution where additional varying stresses may occur, render P. avium populations prone to potential stochastic, genetic, and demographic events. In this study, we used dominant inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and codominant simple sequence repeat (SSR) markers to infer the genetic structure of P. avium. Five populations from northern Greece were evaluated based on 46 ISSR and 11 SSR loci. Populations presented a relatively high level of genetic variation, with a mean genetic diversity of H e?=?0.166 and H e?=?0.740 regarding ISSR and SSR analysis, respectively. We observed moderate population differentiation for ISSR (G ST?=?0.113) and SSR (F ST?=?0.097) markers. AMOVA also detected significant differentiation among populations for ISSRs (?? ST?=?0.338) and SRRs (?? ST?=?0.162). According to linkage disequilibrium analysis, estimates of effective population size were generally sufficient for maintaining extant genetic variability and evolutionary potential. A possible bottleneck was detected for only one population. In general, it appears that despite the particular characteristics of the P. avium populations studied, genetic stochasticity events were not apparent. The studied populations, located at the rear edge of the species European distribution, reveal a wealth of genetic variation that is very valuable for the genetic conservation of local adaptive gene complexes, especially under contemporary climatic change scenarios.  相似文献   

Rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus emerged in China in 1984, and has killed hundreds of millions of wild rabbits in Australia and Europe. In the UK there appears to be an endemic non-pathogenic strain, with high levels of seroprevalence being recorded, in the absence of associated mortality. Using a seasonal, age-structured model we examine the hypothesis that differences in rabbit population demography differentially affect the basic reproductive rates (R(0)) of the pathogenic and non-pathogenic strains, leading to each dominating in some populations and not others. The strain with the higher R(0) excluded the other, with the dynamics depending upon the ratio of the two R(0) values. When the non-pathogenic strain dominated, the pathogenic strain caused only transient mortality, although this could be significant when the two R(0) values were similar. When the pathogenic strain dominated, repeated epidemics led to host eradication. Seroprevalence data suggest that the non-pathogenic strain may be protecting some, but not all UK populations, with half being 'at risk' from invasion by the pathogenic strain and a fifth prone to significant transient mortality. We identify key questions for empirical research to test this prediction.  相似文献   

Although Charles Darwin wrote about flower polymorphism in the wild carrot, Daucus carota, the function of the conspicuous central dark floret is still unclear. We used video recordings to evaluate the functional significance of the dark central floret as a short‐distance signal for insects landing on the umbels and analyzed the location of landing points, landing orientation and visit duration. These parameters, as well as insect attraction did not differ on umbels with and without a dark central floret. Hence, we found no evidence for the role of the dark central floret in the pollination of D. carota. Umbels with a dark central floret, however, were parasitized significantly less often by the gall midge Kiefferia pericarpiicola than umbels without a dark central floret. We propose that the dark central floret may play a role in reducing parasite infestation by mimicking an already present gall or deterring oviposition of the gall midge by other means.  相似文献   

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