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Summary Two antisera, Y-10 and Y-18 were raised in rabbits against synthetic human -endorphin conjugated to bovine serum albumin and keyhole limpet haemocyanin respectively. Antiserum Y-10 has been shown by radioimmunoassay to be highly specific for human -endorphin with minimal or no cross-reactivity against other pituitary peptides whilst antiserum Y-18 crossreacted on an equimolar basis against -endorphin and -lipotropin. When used in the immunohistochemical procedure, both antisera specifically stained the corticotrophs in human anterior pituitary tissue. A similar effect was observed when antiserum Y-18 was applied to rat anterior pituitary tissue in the immunohistochemical procedure. Y-10 antiserum, on the other hand, stained not only rat corticotrophs but also somatotrophs. The somatotrophin staining could not be attributed to the enkephalins reported to be present in these cells.The non-specific -endorphin antiserum Y-18 was used to stain anterior pituitaries from dehydrated and adrenalectomized rats as well as rats of the Brattleboro strain. In tissues from the three experimental animals, cells that stained positively for -endorphin did not give a positive immunoreaction for ACTH and vice versa in some other sections. It is concluded that under the physiological conditions, formalin fixation of the tissue causes the proopiocortin molecule to be trapped in a conformation such that either ACTH or -endorphin-like determinants are available for reacting with the appropriate antiserum.This work was financed by the Medical Research Council of New Zealand, NIH Research Program Project Grant HD-12303 and by U.S.P.H.S. Grant NS-16304 from NIH. We thank Drs Guillemin, Bloom and Ling for samples of -endorphin and -endorphin antisera  相似文献   

Summary The aim of the present study on the fetal porcine pituitary was (1) to detect by means of the immunoperoxidase technique the earliest stages of cells producing polypeptide hormones: -MSH, ACTH, -LPH, - and -endorphin, growth hormone (GH) and prolactin (PRL), (2) to study the development of the synthesis and the storage of these hormones during fetal life, and (3) to detect whether several hormones can be located in one and the same cell.The corticotropic cells were revealed as the earliest functional elements of the fetal anterior pituitary. Our results indicate clearly that ACTH, -MSH, -LPH, - and -endorphin appear at 34 days in the same regular, round or ovoid cells; no differences in the time of their appearance could be observed. The ACTH-cells, irregular or angular in shape and endowed with cytoplasmic processes such as described in the adult pituitary, were not seen until day 50. The first GH-cells were detected between 40 to 45 days of fetal life. From day 45 to 90, the GH-cells greatly increased in number and in staining intensity of their progressively extending cytoplasmic area, but they displayed the same regular and round shape. The PRL-cells were the last cell type to appear in the fetal pituitary. The first PRL-cells, small in size and round or ovoid in shape with a high nucleus/cytoplasm ratio, were detected at day 70. At day 80, the PRL-cells increased in size and staining intensity. They displayed an irregular elongated or stellated shape and cytoplasmic processes resembling those characteristic of the adult pituitary. These data suggest that in the fetal porcine pituitary: (1) ACTH, -LPH and related peptides are synthesized and stored in the same cells, and (2) PRL and GH appear in individual cellular elements.  相似文献   

It is well established that cadmium affects plasma levels of the pituitary hormones studied. However, whether the effects of the metal are dose dependent needs to be clarify. This work was designed to evaluate the possible changes in plasma levels of gonadotropins, prolactin, ACTH, GH and TSH after oral cadmium exposure in adult male rats. Plasma levels of these hormones were measured in adult male rats exposed to cadmium chloride (CdCl2) in the drinking water at the doses of 5, 10, 25, 50 or 100 ppm for one month. The lower dose of cadmium increased plasma prolactin levels and higher doses of the metal (25 or 50 ppm) decreased them. There was a continuous increase of plasma ACTH levels from the lower to 25 ppm dose of CdCl2 and decreased them after to basal values with the highest dose. Plasma GH levels were increased with the dose of cadmium of 10 ppm, although the doses of 5, 25 and 50 ppm decreased them. Plasma LH levels were only reduced with the dose of 50 ppm of CdCl2, whereas those of FSH increased. Plasma TSH levels were increased with the doses of 5, 25 and 100 ppm of CdCl2. Cadmium concentration increased in pituitary with the doses of 125, 50 and 100 ppm of CdCl2. These data suggest that cadmium differentially affects the secretory mechanisms of the pituitary hormones studied depending on the dose used. The effects of the metal on prolactin and ACTH are dose-dependent.  相似文献   

Pituitary sections from 15 to 21 day-old rat foetuses have been studied with the immunofluorescence technique, using antibodies anti alpha-MSH, anti beta-MSH and anti beta (1-24) ACTH. The first ACTH cells appear on day 17 of pregnancy in the pars distalis of the hypophysis and only on day 18 in the pars intermedia. beta-msh cells have been observed on day 16 in the pars anterior and on day 17 in the pars intermedia, while alpha-MSH cells appear only on day 18 and exclusively in the pars intermedia. The cytodifferentiation of the beta-MSH and ACTH cells occurs in the pars intermedia with about a 24 hours delay in comparison to that of the pars distalis. The first revealed cells are always located in the posterior half of the pituitary gland. The corticostimulating activity of the hypophysis has been tested with the fluorescence intensity of the corticotrophs, the adrenal weight, the adrenal content in corticosterone and the plasma corticosterone level. The fluorescence of the corticotrophs increases on day 18, shows a maximum on day 19 and decreases until term. The adrenal weight rises regularly between day 16 to day 20, thereafer the increase subsides. Adrenal and plasma corticosterone concentrations reach a peak on day 19 of pregnancy. These data suggest that hypophyseal corticostimulating activity is very high between days 18 and 19 and decreases between days 19 and 21.  相似文献   

Fish pituitary plays a central role in the control of growth, development, reproduction and adaptation to the environment. Several types of hormone-secreting adenohypophyseal cells have been characterised and localised in diverse teleost species. The results suggest a similar distribution pattern among the species investigated. However, most studies deal with a single hormone or hormone family. Thus, we studied adjacent sections of the pituitary of Oreochromis niloticus, the tilapia, by conventional staining and immunohistochemistry with specific antisera directed against growth hormone (GH), prolactin (PRL), somatolactin (SL), thyrotropin (beta-TSH), follicle-stimulating hormone (beta-FSH), luteinising hormone (beta-LH), adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) and melanocyte-stimulating hormone (alpha-MSH). The pituitary was characterised by a close interdigitating neighbourhood of neurohypophysis (PN) and adenohypophysis. PRL-immunoreactive and ACTH-immunoreactive cells were detected in the rostral pars distalis. GH-immunoreactive cells were present in the proximal pars distalis (PPD). A small region of the PPD contained beta-TSH-immunoreactive cells, and beta-LH-immunoreactive cells covered approximately the remaining parts. Centrally, beta-FSH-immunoreactive cells were detected in the vicinity of the GH-containing cells. Some of these cells also displayed beta-LH immunoreactivity. The pars intermedia was characterised by branches of the PN surrounded by SL-containing and alpha-MSH-immunoreactive cells. The ACTH and alpha-MSH antisera were observed to cross-react with the respective antigens. This cross-reactivity was abolished by pre-absorption. We present a complete map of the distinct localisation sites for the classical pituitary hormones, thereby providing a solid basis for future research on teleost pituitary.  相似文献   

Summary The peroxidase-antiperoxidase immunocytochemical technique was used to identify the ACTH/endorphin cells in the porcine pituitary at the ultrastructural level and to determine the precise subcellular localization of the pro-ACTH/endorphin fragments. The cells display different aspects: 1) large, regular shapes with numerous and large secretory granules; 2) small, irregular and angular shapes with small granules aligned along the periphery of the cell; and 3) intermediate forms. The presence of and -endorphin not only in the same cells but also in the same secretory granules that contain ACTH and -LPH clearly indicates that both the precursor or its fragments and the abovementioned peptides are stored in the same granules and released simultaneously by the corticotropic cells. The presence of FSH in some corticotropic cells is also discussed.Abbreviations used in this Article ACTH corticotropin - -MSH -melanotropin (ACTH I–I3) - CLIP corticotropin-like intermediate lobe peptide (ACTH 18–39) - -LPH -lipotropin - -MSH -melanotropin (-LPH 41–58); -endorphin (-LPH 61–91); -endorphin (-LPH 61–76)  相似文献   

Recent studies have established the involvement of nasal-associated lymphoid tissues, mainly the pharyngeal tonsil, in prion pathogenesis. However, the mechanisms of the associated neuroinvasion are still debated. To determine potential sites for prion neuroinvasion inside the ovine pharyngeal tonsil, the topography of heavy (200 kDa) and light (70 kDa) neurofilaments and of glial fibrillar acidic protein has been semi-quantitatively analysed inside the various compartments of the tonsil. The results show that the most innervated areas are the interfollicular area and the connective tissue located beneath the respiratory epithelium. The existence of rare synapses between follicular dendritic cells and nerve fibres inside the germinal centre indicates that this mechanism of neuroinvasion is possible but, since germinal centres of lymphoid follicles are poorly innervated, other routes of neuroinvasion are likely. The host PRNP genotype does not influence the pattern of innervation in these various tonsil compartments, unlike ageing during which an increase of nerve endings occurs in a zone of high trafficking cells beneath the respiratory epithelium. A minimal age-related increase of innervation inside the lymphoid follicles has also been observed. An increase in nerve fibre density around the lymphoid follicles, in an area rich in mobile cells such as macrophages and dendritic cells capable of capturing and conveying pathogen prion protein (PrPd), might ensure more efficient infectivity, not in the early phase but in the advanced phase of lymphoinvasion after the amplification of PrPd; alternatively, this area might even act as a direct site of entry during neuroinvasion.  相似文献   

A number of sites have been hypothesized as loci at which opioid substances act to alter the secretion of luteinizing hormone (LH) and prolactin (PRL) (1–8). The aim of the present study was to determine the site(s) at which the opioid peptide β-endorphin (β-END) acts to influence plasma LH and PRL levels in the ovariectomized (OVX) rat. β-END, administered into the third ventricle of conscious OVX rats fitted with jugular catheters, significantly decreased plasma LH in doses ? 50 ng and increased PRL levels at all doses administered (10, 50, 100 and 250 ng) in a dose dependent fashion. To identify possible central nervous system sites of action, 250 ng β-END was unilaterally infused into various brain sites. Plasma LH was significantly decreased and plasma PRL significantly increased by infusions into the ventromedial hypothalamic area, the anterior hypothalamic area, and the preoptic-septal area. There was no significant effect of β-END infusions into the lateral hypothalamic area, amygdala, midbrain central gray, or caudate nucleus. When hemipituitaries of OVX rats were incubated invitro with β-END (10?7M to 10?5M), there was no suppression of basal or LHRH-induced LH release, nor was there any alteration of basal PRL release. It is concluded that β-END acts at a medial hypothalamic and/or preoptic-septal site and not the pituitary, to alter secretion of LH and PRL.  相似文献   

A peptide isolated from porcine gut according to its glucagon-like activity in liver (bioactive enteroglucagon) has been characterized immunologically, biologically and chemically: its potency relative to pancreatic glucagon in interacting with an antiglucagon antibody, hepatic glucagon-binding sites and hepatic adenylate cyclase was ~100%, 20% and 10%, respectively. In contrast, it is ~20-times more potent than glucagon in oxyntic glands, justifying the term ‘oxyntomodulin’. Chemically, it consists in the 29 amino acid-peptide glucagon elongated at its C-terminal end by the octapeptide Lys—Arg—Asn—Lys—Asn—Asn—Ile &;—Ala; accordingly, it is called ‘glucagon-37’  相似文献   

The effects of (2-hydroxypropyl)-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD), a cyclic oligomer, on membrane electroporation-induced inward current (I(MEP)) in pituitary tumor (GH(3)) cells were experimentally and analytically characterized. Depletion of membrane cholesterol by exposing cells to HPβCD (2 mM) increased the activation time constant of delayed rectifier K(+) current. Such maneuver resulted in a significant reduction of I(MEP) density. 2,2'-Azo-bis(2-amidinopropane) dihydrochloride (AAPH), an initiator of free radicals, increased the magnitude of I(MEP). AAPH-stimulated I(MEP) was not reversed by the blockers of Ca(2+)-activated K(+) channels, but by LaCl(3) or MnCl(2). However, in HPβCD-treated cells, the ability of AAPH to enhance I(MEP) was abolished. Under such maneuver, the gating charge of I(MEP) activation was increased by 2 fold, along with a hyperpolarized shift of the activation curve by 30 mV. No change in single-channel conductance of MEP-induced channels during cell exposure to HPβCD was demonstrated. The energy change of I(MEP) in untreated and HPβCD-treated cells was estimated to be -17.7 and -44.8 kJ/mol, respectively, and the perturbation of free energy following HPβCD treatment was -27.1 kJ/mol. Based on an MEP model, cell exposure to HPβCD increased the edge energy of the electropore size. By use of a two barrier-one site barrier model, HPβCD treatment can increase both the peak height and well depth of the barrier profile. Taken together, depletion of membrane cholesterol by HPβCD can elevate the edge energy of pore formation, thereby decreasing the I(MEP) magnitude. The channel-suppressing properties during membrane cholesterol depletion with HPβCD might thus contribute to the underlying mechanisms by which such maneuver alters neuronal or neuroendocrine function.  相似文献   

Summary Specific antisera to -melanotropin (-MSH) and corticotropin (ACTH 1-39) were used to obtain immunocytochemical evidence for the differential localization of -MSH and ACTH in the secretory granules of corticotropes of rat anterior pituitary. The specificity of the antisera was established by binding 131I-labeled -MSH and ACTH 1-39 to their respective antisera. Double-labeling immunocytochemistry (for -MSH, ferritin; for ACTH, colloidal gold) was performed. Some secretory granules were labeled with ferritin particles (-MSH), whereas others contained gold particles (ACTH). Only a few granules showed both ACTH and -MSH. In typical corticotropes (stellate in form with a small number of secretory granules aligned along the cell periphery) only some of the secretory granules that were labeled with anti-ACTH serum were also immunoreactive to anti--MSH. In atypical corticotropes (polygonal in shape and containing a large number of secretory granules) almost all of the immunoreactive ACTH secretory granules were also positive to anti--MSH serum. An intermediate type of corticotrope was observed containing a small number of secretory granules, almost all of which were labeled with anti--MSH. Thus, rat anterior pituitary corticotropes may be classified into three types according to the distribution and content of -MSH. The light-microscopic immuncytochemistry provided similar results.  相似文献   

We purified recombinant bovine -lactoglobulin (r-LG) from the culture supernatant of transformed yeast and investigated whether r-LG maintained the functional ability and antigenicity of native -LG. Immunostaining following gel electrophoresis and reversed-phase high-performance liquid chromatography confirmed that r-LG was purified homogeneously. r-LG showed almost the same retinol-binding ability as native -LG purified from bovine milk. However, affinities of two anti--LG monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) to r-LG were different from those to native -LG, although three other mAbs bound these two proteins equally. Since our panel of five mAbs has been previously shown to be able to detect structural changes occurring in -LG, this variance in antigenicity can be attributed to conformational differences between r-LG and native -LG. Then, we studied which step in the production and purification procedure was responsible for altering the antigenicity of r-LG. Bovine milk native -LG was added to several steps in this procedure and purified in the same manner as r-LG. The results suggested that incubation in the yeast culture had adverse effects on maintaining the antigenicity of this recombinant protein. We conclude from these results that even if no difference between the native and recombinant proteins can be detected by functional analysis, some subtle conformational change which can be distinguished by mAbs may be incorporated into the recombinant protein during its production and ultimately cause a different immune reaction in vivo.Abbreviations -LG, -lactoglobulin; r-LG, recombinant -LG; PBS, phosphate-buffered saline; PBS-Tween, PBS containing 0.05% Tween 20; ELISA, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay.  相似文献   

Free and Ca-alginate-immobilized cells of Penicillium raistrickii i 477 were used for 15-hydroxylation of 13-ethyl-gon-4-en-3,17-dione. The product formation in the presence of -cyclodetrin, in comparison with reactions carried out in the presence of methanol. Application of -cyclodextrin led to increasing solubility of the steroid substrate. The fungus was able to utilize -cyclodextrin as a carbon source. Correspondence to: H.-P. Schmauder  相似文献   

A strain of bakers'' yeast was isolated which could utilize cellobiose and other β-D-glucosides quantitatively as carbon and energy sources for growth. Cellobiose-grown cells contained a largely cryptic enzyme active against the chromogenic substrate p-nitrophenyl-β-D-glucoside. The patent (intact cell) activity of such cells was inhibited by azide and, competitively, by cellobiose; neither agent inhibited the β-glucosidase activity of lysed cells or of extracts. The enzyme induced by growth in cellobiose medium had no affinity for cellobiose as either substrate or inhibitor; its substrate specificity classifies it as an aryl-β-glucosidase. It was concluded that growth in cellobiose also induced the formation of a stereospecific and energy-dependent system whose function determined the rate at which intact cells could hydrolyze substrates of the intracellular β-glucosidase.  相似文献   

We prepared β-sheet-rich recombinant full-length prion protein (β-form PrP) (Jackson, G. S., Hosszu, L. L., Power, A., Hill, A. F., Kenney, J., Saibil, H., Craven, C. J., Waltho, J. P., Clarke, A. R., and Collinge, J. (1999) Science 283, 1935-1937). Using this β-form PrP and a human single chain Fv-displaying phage library, we have established a human IgG1 antibody specific to β-form but not α-form PrP, PRB7 IgG. When prion-infected ScN2a cells were cultured with PRB7 IgG, they generated and accumulated PRB7-binding granules in the cytoplasm with time, consequently becoming apoptotic cells bearing very large PRB7-bound aggregates. The SAF32 antibody recognizing the N-terminal octarepeat region of full-length PrP stained distinct granules in these cells as determined by confocal laser microscopy observation. When the accumulation of proteinase K-resistant PrP was examined in prion-infected ScN2a cells cultured in the presence of PRB7 IgG or SAF32, it was strongly inhibited by SAF32 but not at all by PRB7 IgG. Thus, we demonstrated direct evidence of the generation and accumulation of β-sheet-rich PrP in ScN2a cells de novo. These results suggest first that PRB7-bound PrP is not responsible for the accumulation of β-form PrP aggregates, which are rather an end product resulting in the triggering of apoptotic cell death, and second that SAF32-bound PrP lacking the PRB7-recognizing β-form may represent so-called PrP(Sc) with prion propagation activity. PRB7 is the first human antibody specific to β-form PrP and has become a powerful tool for the characterization of the biochemical nature of prion and its pathology.  相似文献   

Proper folding of the Na,K-ATPase β subunits followed by assembly with the α subunits is necessary for their export from the endoplasmic reticulum (ER). Here we examine roles of the ER lectin chaperone, calnexin, and non-lectin chaperone, BiP, in folding and quality control of the β(1) and β(2) subunits in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells. Short term prevention of glycan-calnexin interactions by castanospermine slightly increases ER retention of β(1), suggesting minor involvement of calnexin in subunit folding. However, both prolonged incubation with castanospermine and removal of N-glycosylation sites do not affect the α(1)-assembly or trafficking of β(1) but increase the amount of the β(1)-bound BiP, showing that BiP can compensate for calnexin in assisting β(1) folding. In contrast to β(1), prevention of either N-glycosylation or glycan-calnexin interactions abolishes the α(1)-assembly and export of β(2) from the ER despite increased β(2)-BiP binding. Mutations in the α(1)-interacting regions of β(1) and β(2) subunits impair α(1) assembly but do not affect folding of the β subunits tested by their sensitivity to trypsin. At the same time, these mutations increase the amount of β-bound BiP but not of β-bound calnexin and increase ER retention of both β-isoforms. BiP, therefore, prevents the ER export of folded but α(1)-unassembled β subunits. These α(1)-unassembled β subunits are degraded faster than α(1)-bound β subunits, preventing ER overload. In conclusion, folding of the β(1) and β(2) subunits is assisted predominantly by BiP and calnexin, respectively. Folded β(1) and β(2) either assemble with α(1) or bind BiP. The α(1)-bound β subunits traffic to the Golgi, whereas BiP-bound β subunits are retained and degraded in the ER.  相似文献   

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