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ABSTRACT. Troglocorys cava n. g., n. sp. is described from the feces of wild eastern chimpanzee, Pan troglodytes schweinfurthii, in Uganda. This new species has a spherical body with a frontal lobe, a long vestibulum, a cytoproct located at the posterior dorsal side of the body, an ovoid macronucleus, a contractile vacuole near the cytoproct, and a large concavity on the left surface of the body. Buccal ciliature is non‐retractable and consists of three ciliary zones: an adoral zone surrounding the vestibular opening, a dorso‐adoral zone extending transversely at the basis of the frontal lobe, and a vestibular zone longitudinally extending in a gently spiral curve to line the surface of the vestibulum. Two non‐retractable somatic ciliary zones comprise arches over the body surface: a short dorsal ciliary arch extending transversely at the basis of the frontal lobe and a wide C‐shaped left ciliary arch in the left concavity. Because of the presence of three ciliary zones in the non‐retractable buccal ciliature, the present genus might be a member of the family Blepharocorythidae, but the large left concavity and the C‐shaped left ciliary arch are unique, such structures have never been described from other blepharocorythids.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. A new peritrichous ciliate containing elongate symbiotic green algae is described from the marine limpet Acmaea digitalis Eschscholtz (1833). Urceolaria viridis n. sp. is characterized as follows: turban-shaped; diam. 40 μ; diam. striated band 30 μ; diam. corona 23 μ; width of corona 2μ; 16–22 denticles; peristome slightly more than one turn; circlet of delicate cirri adoral to ciliary girdle; macronucleus H-shaped with both ends of side pieces widely separated; diam. micronucleus 4.5 μ, endosome 2.5 μ; cytoplasm containing elongate green algae measuring 2–4 by 8–16 μ.  相似文献   

19851986年,作者于长江上游的四川省忠县、涪陵两地收到的中华倒刺鲃(Barbodes sinensis Bleeker)肠道中发现一种肠袋虫,感染率为50%。经仔细观察比较,确定为一新种,命名为涪陵肠道虫(Balantidium fulinensis sp.nov.),现将其形态描述于后。    相似文献   

SYNOPSIS The cortical infraciliature of Kuklikophrya dragescoi gen. n., sp. n. is composed of double kinetosomes. Each kinetosome has transverse fibers. The anterior transverse fibers are associated with a sheet of dense material and the posterior transverse fibers are directed toward the posterior part of the body. The posterior kinetosome of a pair has only a short protuberance in the position of the kinetosomal fiber. The cortex has a well developed alveolar layer and a thick ecto-endoplasmic boundary. A distinctive characteristic of the buccal ciliature is the circumoral ciliature whose infraciliature is made up of pairs of cilia-bearing kinetosomes. The antero-posterior polarity of the paroral segment is in inverse relationship to that of the remaining ciliature of the organism. The adoral and preoral ciliary organelles consist of 2 rows of kinetosomes, each of which bears postciliary fibers. A frame of nematodesmata surrounds the cytopharynx which is supported by microtubular bands which impart to it a very specific laminated appearance. The “phagoplasm” is formed by “vermicelli”-like vesicles. The micronucleus is found in the perinuclear area of the macronucleus.  相似文献   

Three new ciliate species presumably belonging to the family Paraisotrichidae were recognized in the fecal samples from zoo-kept Asian and African elephants. All the ciliates possess a unique but similar arrangement of somatic ciliature, thus a new genus Latteuria n.g. has been created for them. The genus is characterized by the presence of a tapered frontal ‘spout’ at the anterior end of the body, posterior ciliary rows in narrow grooves encircling the posterior half of the body and an anterior arch of cilia. Latteuria polyfaria n.sp. is the largest species in the genus with 9–11 posterior ciliary rows. In L. media n.sp., of medium body size, the number of rows varies from four to six, and the smallest species, L. trifaria n.sp., has only three-four posterior ciliary rows.  相似文献   

The morphology and infraciliature of two new marine cyrtophorid ciliates, Paracyrtophoron tropicum nov. gen., nov. spec. and Aegyria rostellum nov. spec., isolated from tropical waters in southern China, were investigated using live observation and protargol impregnation methods. Paracyrtophoron nov. gen. differs from the closely related Cyrtophoron by lack of fragment kinety at anterior ends of right somatic kineties and thigmotactic cilia in posterior portion of ventral surface, while from the well-defined Chlamydodon by lack of the cross-striped band around the periphery of the somatic field. Paracyrtophoron tropicum nov. spec., the type of the new genus, can be recognized by the combination of the following characters: cell size about 150-175×70-90μm in vivo; elliptical to kidney-shaped in outline, dorsoventrally flattened about 2.5:1; conspicuous cortical granules; one canal-like depression extending from postoral area to subcaudal region of cell; ca. 90 somatic kineties; 12-16 nematodesmal rods; one or two terminal fragments on dorsal side. Aegyria rostellum is characterized by the following features: size about 90-150×40-70μm in vivo, triangular or ear-shaped body with broad anterior end, having a rostriform structure and pigment spots, 56-63 somatic kineties, one preoral kinety, three or four circumoral kineties, and 32-42 nematodesmal rods. Based on previous and current studies, the definition for the genus Aegyria is updated: body dorsoventrally flattened; oral ciliature consisting of one preoral and several circumoral kineties; podite located in posterior ventral region and surrounded by somatic kineties; no obvious gap between right and left somatic kineties; postoral and left somatic kineties progressively shortened posteriorly from right to left. Additionally, two new combinations were proposed.  相似文献   

鲫鱼寄生车轮虫一新种的研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文记述了寄生在鲫鱼(Carassius auratus)体表和鳃上一种新的车轮虫(Trichodina carassii sp.nov.),虫体直径70(54.6—80.4)μm,附着盘直径58(51.6—67.2)μm,齿环直径32(27.0—36.2)μm,齿体25—30个,齿环中央有7—14个旧齿体残余物形成的颗粒结构。大核马蹄形。小核短杆状,在大核一端的外侧,其位置略有变动。口沟390—400°。齿钩镰刀状,齿棘较直,侧面具有若干个缺刻,末端钝圆或平截,近锥体的后方有一个不太明显的小突起。    相似文献   

Brown band disease of coral is caused by a ciliate that consumes the tissue of the corals in the genus Acropora. We describe the ciliate associated with this disease on Guam, based on: general morphology, division stages, and ciliature observed on live and protargol-stained specimens; modification of the oral structures between divisional stages, observed on protargol-stained specimens; and some aspects of behavior in field and laboratory studies. Porpostoma guamensis n. sp. is elongate and has ciliature typical for the genus; live cells are 70-500 × 20-75 μm; the macronucleus is sausage-like, elongate but often bent, positioned centrally along the main cell axis; the oral ciliature follows a basic pattern, being composed of three adoral polykinetidal regions, as described for other species in the genus, although there is variability in the organization, especially in large cells where the three regions are not easily distinguished. Ciliates fed on coral with their oral region adjacent to the tissue, which they engulfed, leaving the coral a bare skeleton. Both zooxanthellae and nematocysts from coral occurred in the ciliates. Zooxanthellae appeared to be ingested alive but deteriorated within 2-3 days. Ciliates formed thin-walled division cysts on the coral and divided up to 3 times. Cysts formed around daughter cells within cysts. We provide some observations on the complex division pattern of the ciliate (i.e. tomont-trophont-cyst) and propose a possible complete pattern that requires further validation.  相似文献   

Dense populations of Urceolaria mitra (Cilophora, Peritrichid) were observed on the surface of the planarian Polycelis tenuis (Platyhelminthes Turbellaria). Although the epizoite was primarily confined to the anterior dorsal surface of the planarian, heavily infested individuals had peritrichs attached to the posterior, lateral and ciliated ventral surfaces. Unique profiles of the skeletal ring (aboral disc) in relation to the host surface showed that some local erosion of planarian epithelium occurs. Outer and inner rows of cilia extended anti-clockwise around the peristomal disc. The cilia ran for one and one-eighth turns around the disc and overlapped in the form of a spiral when the protist was extended and feeding. The cilia appeared to beat in metachronal rhythm and exhibited a wavelength and amplitude of approximately 10μm. Regular striations having a periodicity of 1μm were observed in the periostimal membrane. A posterior or basal circlet of locomotor cilia was also observed and freeze fracture revealed an internal arrangement of microvilli, cilia and reticular membranes.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The cell surface of the synhymeniid ciliate, Zosterodasys agamalievi , consists of shallow kinetal grooves separated by low cortical ridges. Numerous electron-opaque bodies are located in the cortical ridges, inside the kinetal grooves, and are distributed in parallel rows between adjacent kineties. Well-developed alveoli are present beneath the cell surface membrane. Zosterodasys agamalievi has a single micronucleus and a homomerous macronucleus. The infraciliature of the somatic monokinetid consists of an anteriorly-directed kinetodesmal fiber, a well-developed divergent postciliary microtubular ribbon, radially-oriented transverse microtubules, and a short striated rootlet, which extends anteriorly from the base of the kinetosome into the cell. Zosterodasys agamalievi has a perioral band of paired cilia, the synhymenium, that winds obliquely across the ventral surface of the body, just posterior to the cytostome. The infraciliature of the anterior kinetosome of the synhymenium consists of two postciliary microtubules; a well-developed, divergent post-ciliary ribbon of microtubules and a short kinetodesmal fiber are associated with the posterior kinetosome. The cytopharynx is supported by 14-16 nematodesmata which are capped distally by a capitulum. The cytopharynx is bound proximally by a fibrous sheath and is lined by radially-arranged microtubular ribbons. No obvious oral ciliature is present.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Colpoda elliotti n. sp., found in an enrichment culture from deer droppings, is a small (15–28 by 7.5–17 μ) member of the genus with prominent, rigid, tooth-like processes set between the kineties in the posterior 2/3 of the body. These "teeth" give it a distinctive outline even when viewed at low magnifications. The usual number of kineties is 12; the number of keel notches is 4. Multiplication occurs in reproductive cysts yielding typically 4 tomites. Thick-walled, resting cysts are also formed.
The nuclear apparatus includes a single, crescentic ***micronucleus and a broadly elliptical macronucleus. The latter contains Feulgen-positive material in a few large masses, but no central nucleolus.
The possibility that this species along with other members of the genas is perhaps more closely related to the Hymenostomatida than to the Trichostomatida as now defined is discussed.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. A new ciliate genus Trichodoxa n. g. and two new species (T. genitalis n. sp., T. phalli n. sp.) are described and figured. These are only the second and third species of the family Trichodinidae to be described from the genital system of terrestrial molluscs. Only one tier of cilia surrounds the basal disc. This character, the course of the infundibular ciliature. structure of the coronal denticles, and structure of the border membrane differentiate the new genus from others in the family.  相似文献   

A new colpodid ciliate, Bresslauides pratensis n. sp., was discovered in soil from a meadow field in Turkey. Its morphology was investigated using live observation, protargol impregnation, silver nitrate impregnation, and scanning electron microscopy. The new species differs from the congeners by the following combination of features: the cell size in vivo is about 135-180 μm × 130-160 μm; the body has an almost circular outline with a conspicuous bulge on the ventral side; the somatic cilia are arranged in about 105 densely spaced, sigmoidal kineties; a diagonal groove extends to the left cell side, terminating in a pronounced postoral sack; one almost globular macronucleus and usually two globular micronuclei; the oral structures occupy almost the anterior half of the cell and comprise a distally elongated right polykinetid and a crescentic left oral polykinetid, both restricted to the vestibulum; on average 12 vestibular, 31 postoral, and 55 left oral kineties. Based on the morphological data, it was concluded that B. pratensis is a well-outlined and distinctive member of the genus Bresslauides. Additionally, the most recent molecular data on the order Colpodida and genera Colpoda, Bresslaua, and Bresslauides are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

应用光学显微镜和扫描电子显微镜观察了小型毛板壳虫 (Coleps hirtus minor Kahl)的形态,描述了它的表面结构、口器、纤毛和核器在无性分裂生殖中的演化过程。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The morphology and infraciliature of Orthodonella sinica n. sp. and Apokeronopsis wrighti n. sp., isolated from the coastal water off Hong Kong, were investigated in living and stained specimens. Orthodonella sinica n. sp. is diagnosed as: a marine Orthodonella 150–310 × 40–80 μm in vivo; with a dominant beak-like projection at the anterior end; about 70 somatic kineties; 84–126 dikinetids in the synhymenium; one contractile vacuole in the posterior one-fourth of cell, near the left margin; one conspicuous dorsal suture. Apokeronopsis wrighti n. sp. is diagnosed as: an Apokeronopsis about 150–230 × 35–55 μm in vivo; dark-reddish blood-cell-shaped cortical granules grouped in three rows on the ventral side and two rows on the dorsal side; 23–35 cirri in the right mid-ventral rows (MVR) and 23–32 cirri in the left MVR; six to eight buccal, two frontoterminal, 30–42 left marginal, and 32–43 right marginal cirri; 21–30 transverse cirri extending anteriorly beyond the level of mid-body; consistently three dorsal kineties. The separation of A. wrighti n. sp. and its highly similar congeners Apokeronopsis crassa and Apokeronopsis bergeri was supported by comparison of their SSrRNA gene sequences.  相似文献   

The morphology, infraciliature, and silverline system of a new marine scuticociliate, Dexiotrichides pangi n. sp. were investigated. The new species is characterized by: size about 45-65 x 20-25 microm in vivo with kidney-like body shape and obliquely truncated semicircle-shaped apical plate; cytostome at bottom of conspicuously depressed oral cavity, which is located at the cell equatorial level; paroral membrane extending anteriorly to membranelle 3; scutica multi-rowed; 33-38 somatic kineties; contractile vacuole near ventral side and subcaudally positioned, opening at posterior end of somatic kinety 3; one oval macronucleus and one small micronucleus; caudal cilium positioned in a small pouch; marine habitat. Based on the data obtained, an improved diagnosis for the genus Dexiotrichides is suggested: body with circular cross-section and conspicuous cilia-free apical plate; buccal cavity conspicuously depressed with cytostome located near or at equatorial level; three membranelles transversely orientated each with 2-3 rows; paroral membrane zigzaging structure, extending to about half of the length of buccal field; multi-rowed scutica; somatic kinety one strongly shortened and terminating anteriorly at posterior end of buccal field; basal bodies in equatorial region arranged usually in circular pattern, while in the anterior portion of somatic kinety 2, basal bodies characteristically in pairs and separated from the posterior part of kinety 2; one caudal cilium.  相似文献   

The present work describes a mirror-image doublet morph found in a Brazilian strain of the stichotrich ciliate Gastrostyla setifera (Engelmann, 1862) Kent, 1882, obtained from a sample of water and sediment from an urban freshwater stream in the city of Juiz de Fora (Minas Gerais, Brazil). The doublet measured 63 x 49 microm, and had two components where the right one has upside-down arranged adoral membranelles with a set of small oblique membranelles at its proximal (posterior) end. The fronto-ventral-transverse ciliature comprised 34 cirri, mostly related to the left component, as well as two marginal rows. On the dorsal surface there were eight dorsal kineties and six caudal cirri. Dorsomarginal kineties were lacking. The macronucleus comprised one irregular-shaped transverse nodule and two smaller roughly ellipsoid longitudinal nodules.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. Trichophrya collini has a polygonal, dorsoventrally flattened body (up to 75 μm diam.), with capitate tentacles arranged in 1–3 rows within peripheral fascicles. There is a central polymorphic macronucleus, an associated micronucleus, and numerous peripheral contractile vacuoles with ventral discharge pores. The cell has a multilayered cortex and the cytoplasm contains suctorian organelles such as crescentic bodies, elongate dense bodies, and haptocysts. The highly contractile tentacles have an axoneme with an outer ring of 24 microtubules separated into six groups and an inner ring of six curved lamellae, each with five microtubules. The lamellae at the distal and proximal ends of the axoneme are arranged in a helix, and the outer ring microtubules are joined in a distal connective sheath. In the apical knob of the tentacle, the haptocysts are borne on a central capsule, Reproduction is by endogenous budding to produce a single oval-shaped swarmer, with equatorial ciliature, which metamorphoses within 3 h. These observations suggest that this organism, previously known as Heliophrya collini Saedeleer & Tellier, is synonymous with Platophrya rotunda Gönnert, Craspedophrya rotunda Rieder, and Heliophrya rotunda Matthes. Its endogenous mode of budding assigns it to the genus Trichophrya. but it is distinct from Trichophrya rotunda Hentschel, and should be reclassified to Trichophrya collini (Saedeleer & Tellier).  相似文献   

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