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人类骨组织特征研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
张继宗 《人类学学报》2008,27(4):325-330
为解决杀人毁尸案中骨骼残片的法医鉴定问题,对人类不同部位的骨骼进行组织学研究,为比较骨骼残片是否为人类骨骼提供科学基础。本研究提取的人类骨骼有颅骨、四肢长骨。将提取的骨片制成骨组织片,在显微镜下观察,并将观察结果输入计算机进行分析。通过对人类不同部位骨骼的组织学特征研究,描述了人类骨组织的板层结构、骨单位及骨小管的形态。本研究结果在法医学、人类学及考古学等领域有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

泥河湾盆地南部蔚县盆地区域的河湖相地层发育良好,并保存有丰富的考古材料与人类活动信息,在研究我国北方中更新世人类演化与行为方面有重要的价值。本文对蔚县盆地吉家庄遗址群4个地点出土的动物遗存进行了初步埋藏学观察与研究。结果显示,A与D地点的动物骨骼数量较少,反映的埋藏信息有限,不作为本文主要讨论对象;E地点出土的部分动物骨骼带有异地埋藏的特点,人类行为信息可能受到干扰,变得模糊;B地点动物化石接近原地埋藏,中更新世古人类应该是该地点动物资源的初级利用者与动物骨骼富集的主要动因。分析表明,B地点古人类于原地对大中型食草动物进行了肢解、割肉与敲骨取髓等多种活动,随后食肉动物又利用了这些动物骨骼的剩余营养成分,但动物骨骼数量与组成说明古人类在此地点的生存活动是短暂且有限的。  相似文献   

日本人类遗传研究部门从浦和市出土的约6千年前绳文时代前期人骨中,提取了遗传基因断片,与现代人资料对比,发现有1例与东南亚系的某人的基因断片完全相同。从骨中提取遗传基因比较困难。这项成就在世界尚属罕见。研究人员从5具人骨中提取了遗传基因,在约1克的骨片上加入盐酸,从这些骨骼样品中溶解出入的线粒体细胞内的小器官的遗传基因,并通过其他酶进  相似文献   

宁夏鸽子山遗址第10地点(QG10)位于青铜峡市西北约20km的贺兰山南麓。2014-2017年,中国科学院古脊椎动物与古人类研究所与宁夏文物考古研究所联合组队对该遗址进行了发掘,出土大量动物化石、近万件石制品以及装饰品、骨制品、结构性火塘等。本项研究基于遗址第4层出土动物化石的埋藏学初步观察认为:晚更新世末期的古人类是遗址中动物骨骼的富集者和改造者;QG10的狩猎-采集人群采取狩猎而非主动食腐的方式获取了遗址附近的大中型食草类动物,并将其完整搬运至遗址内进行后续的肢解、食肉与敲骨取髓等营养性处理过程。相对于上述动物种类而言,遗址内的小型动物则是在其营养物质之外,古人类还利用了它们的骨骼材料以制作器型规整的骨角类工具。  相似文献   

近年来,由于树鼩与灵长类动物的亲缘关系,它们引起了人类发展和疾病研究的兴趣。在这项对树鼩,鼠,狗,狒狒和人类的骨骼超微形态的比较研究中,我们定性分析了骨骼的微观结构和形态,以评估树鼩对人类的亲近程度。在3只成年雄性树鼩 (滇西亚种) (Tupaia belangeri chinensis)的股骨中,使用荧光素异硫氰酸盐样品制备和染色共聚焦成像研究了皮质骨的骨元结构,并使用酸蚀刻SEM观察了骨细胞穴的形态。总体而言,树鼩中骨样形成物的密度和结构以及骨细胞穴的形态更像鼠, 与人类,狗和狒狒都明显不同。这些发现表明,尽管树鼩在系统发育上比鼠更接近人类,但它们的骨骼超微形态仍与鼠接近。这是除狗和狒狒之外,第一次对树鼩的骨元和骨细胞穴进行超微影像的研究。这个比较研究的结果丰富了我们对早期灵长类动物骨骼发育,适应性和进化的理解。未来有必要进行进一步的定量比较研究来表征树鼩骨骼的微观形态。  相似文献   

阿尔茨海默病 (Alzheimer’s disease, AD) 作为一种神经退行性疾病会引起中枢神经病变。骨骼和大脑的紧密联系揭示出骨骼和AD之间的内在关联。骨骼作为骨内分泌器官逐渐受到重视。骨骼可分泌骨源性因子(SOST、OCN、OPN)、生成小胶质样细胞以及骨髓干细胞,这些骨源性因子和来源于骨骼的细胞通过血脑屏障调节大脑的生理特性,改善AD的代谢过程。运动刺激骨骼内分泌功能,调节骨源性因子分泌和表达水平,最终延缓AD病理变化并改善AD认知功能水平。本文侧重于阐述骨源性因子对AD的改善作用,以及运动刺激骨骼内分泌改善AD过程的新方法和新视角,为脑骨交互研究提供新思路。  相似文献   

成纤维细胞生长因子9(fibroblast growth factor,FGF9)最初发现于人类神经胶质瘤细胞,是成纤维细胞生长因子家族的成员之一.研究发现FGF9在多种组织的发育及疾病的发生中起重要作用.FGF9与肝素结合活化FGFR3受体,可作用于软骨细胞,在骨骼发育及损伤过程中抑制软骨细胞增生和软骨内骨化.FGF9基因缺失或突变可分别导致骨骼发育不良或肿瘤.本文简要综述FGF9与FGFR3受体在骨发育中的作用及其致病机制的研究进展.  相似文献   

骨骼在平时发挥的是支撑和运动作用,在受到撞击后保护脏器的同时自身也会断裂、受损,这都是骨与力之间相互作用产生的结果。如果可以知道骨的力学属性,并带入有限元模型计算,就可以个体化地预测其生活中的各种动作是否会导致急慢性创伤、协助判断暴力事件(如交通事故、坠落等)对其骨骼造成的破坏、在术前对骨骼质量给予指导性的评估[1]等。但是人类的骨骼看似简单,却千变万化,想要确切了解其各项属性的内在联系很困难。骨骼并不是几种材料的简单堆积,如骨骼整体的强度要大于其所有部位累计的强度[2]就是一个证明。一开始,骨的测试方法遵循普通材料的测试方法,随着研究的深入,对于骨的各个部位、各个类型的属性又有了很多新的探索。寻求最佳的试件保存、制作方法是后期测试获得成功的前提,试件保存的温度、水合状态、取材方向、形状和大小都会引起误差,多因素干扰也使分析结果变得更加困难。也正是因为如此,不同学者测得的数据差异往往比较明显。本研究旨在提炼、归纳一些通用、成熟、合理的方法,为后来的研究者在实验技术方面提供参考,让研究结果更有比较意义。  相似文献   

古人类骨中羟磷灰石的XRD和喇曼光谱分析   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
人骨残骸是生物考古的主要对象,而骨骼污染鉴别是样品选择的依据,也是生物考古的前提。利用X射线衍射(XRD)和喇曼光谱相结合的方法,通过对新疆克雅河圆沙古城遗传出土的人类骨骼中羟磷灰石的分析,来辨析骨骼污染程度。研究结果表明,两种方法的有机结合,准确反映了骨骼中羟磷石结晶度的变化,从而可简单、较为有效地鉴别古代人类骨骼样品的污染。  相似文献   

团头鲂骨骼系统的发育   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对团头鲂骨骼系统的发育进行了研究,观察了刚孵化的仔鱼到已具成鱼特征的幼鱼的骨骼发育过程,对脑颅、咽颅、韦伯氏器和脊椎骨、肩带和胸鳍支鳍骨、腰带和腹鳍支鳍骨以及奇鳍支鳍骨在不同生长阶段的形态特征进行了描述。讨论了韦伯氏器、复合神经骨及第二神经板等的发生过程;并根据团头鲂骨骼发育情况,讨论了头骨各骨片的性质。  相似文献   


Modern excavation techniques aim accurately to recover extant archaeological data. Usually bone micro-fragments are gathered as a result, however, during archaeological analysis these remains are often set apart as indeterminate bones and generally do not contribute to the interpretation of the deposits. How to decipher archaeological palimpsests using these small bone fragments is the aim of this paper. El Mirón Cave, located in northern Iberia, contains a very rich Cantabrian Lower Magdalenian deposit (17–15 uncal ka BP) with high densities of faunal remains and artefacts. Here, we present zooarchaeological, taphonomic and spatial distribution analyses of macromammal finds, including those small bone fragments, accumulated during a series of intensive and repeated human occupations found in the outer vestibule excavation area. Our results show that a broad spectrum of activities was performed there, including meat, marrow and grease processing and waste abandonment. We propose that bone micro-fragments must be considered when addressing human subsistence reconstructions from animal remains, as they represent the leftovers of the chaîne opératoire of animal carcass exploitation. The archaeological implications of their inclusion are extremely valuable, especially when deciphering palimpsests. A multidisciplinary approach to study these small animal remains provides information that otherwise would be missed.  相似文献   

龙凤骧 《人类学学报》1992,11(3):216-229
本文对马鞍山遗址 (1990年度) 出土的一千余件碎骨,借鉴中外学者的研究方法,就其表面痕迹作了尝试性的分析。结果发现,尽管痕迹特征标示出有风化、腐蚀、重力等自然营力的作用,以及动物啃咬等后期侵扰,但主要的特征——破碎状况尤其是管状骨骼的破碎程度和人工痕迹的特征——显示出,这些碎骨的产生主要是由于遗址占有者的活动——敲骨吸髓和制作骨制品造成的。由此,进而对遗址占有者的某些行为和遗址形成过程作了探讨。通过碎骨表面痕迹的分析,为该遗址的进一步综合研究提供了有助的资料和证据。  相似文献   

峙峪遗址碎骨的研究   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
张俊山 《人类学学报》1991,10(4):333-345
本文对峙峪遗址出土的近七百件碎骨进行了研究,结果表明这些碎骨主要是由于人工打击和动物啃咬造成的。在有人工打击痕迹的碎骨中,存在着打制骨器。在个别碎骨的局部表面有磨光的现象,推测是人类使用的结果。  相似文献   

李法军 《人类学学报》2020,39(4):599-615
本文的主要目的是了解华南地区史前时期人类在行为活动上的历时性变化,希望在此基础上认识该地区史前人类文化行为模式和生业方式变迁问题。应用骨骼生物力学方法,对顶蛳山遗址、鲤鱼墩遗址、冲塘遗址、江边遗址及何村遗址古人类肢骨的相关骨骼生物力学特征进行了比较,并在更广泛的时空范围内和生业方式下进行了更多人群的对比。研究结果表明,华南地区史前时期在距今8000-4000年的时期内,不同考古学文化人群在活动方式上较为相似。虽然多数华南史前时期人群之间在骨骼的抗压和抗拉伸力以及抗扭转力方面存在显著性差异,但他们都表现出较高的活动性,均未显示出低水平行为活动的现象。这些人群在诸多骨骼生物力学特征上与已知的狩猎—采集型人群的最为相似,与农业定居型人群的差异显著。本文认为上述华南史前时期人群在行为活动上更接近狩猎-采集型。  相似文献   

In human cortical bone, cement lines (or reversal lines) separate osteons from the interstitial bone tissue, which consists of remnants of primary lamellar bone or fragments of remodeled osteons. There have been experimental evidences of the cement line involvement in the failure process of bone such as fatigue and damage. However, there are almost no experimental data on interfacial properties of cement lines in human cortical bone. The objective of this study is to design and assemble a precision and computer controlled osteon pushout microtesting system, and to experimentally determine the interfacial strength of cement lines in human cortical bone by performing osteon pushout tests. Thirty specimens were prepared from humeral diaphyses of four human subjects. Twenty specimens were tested under the condition of a small hole in the supporting plate, in which the cement line debonding occurred. The cement line interfacial strength ranged from 5.38 MPa to 10.85 MPa with an average of 7.31±1.73 MPa. On the other hand, ten specimens were tested under the condition of a large hole in the supporting plate, in which the shear failure inside osteons was observed. The specimens tested under the condition of the large hole resulted in an average shear strength of 73.71±15.06 MPa, ranging from 45.97 MPa to 93.74 MPa. Therefore, our results suggest that the cement line interface between osteon and interstitial bone tissue is weaker than that between bone tissue lamellae.  相似文献   

Isotopic and molecular analysis on human, fauna and pottery remains can provide valuable new insights into the diets and subsistence practices of prehistoric populations. These are crucial to elucidate the resilience of social-ecological systems to cultural and environmental change. Bulk collagen carbon and nitrogen isotopic analysis of 82 human individuals from mid to late Holocene Brazilian archaeological sites (∼6,700 to ∼1,000 cal BP) reveal an adequate protein incorporation and, on the coast, the continuation in subsistence strategies based on the exploitation of aquatic resources despite the introduction of pottery and domesticated plant foods. These results are supported by carbon isotope analysis of single amino acid extracted from bone collagen. Chemical and isotopic analysis also shows that pottery technology was used to process marine foods and therefore assimilated into the existing subsistence strategy. Our multidisciplinary results demonstrate the resilient character of the coastal economy to cultural change during the late Holocene in southern Brazil.  相似文献   

We report on the analysis of three human cranial fragments from a Mousterian context at the site of La Quina (France), which show anthropogenic surface modifications. Macroscopic and microscopic analyses, including SEM observation, demonstrate that the modifications visible on one of these fragments are similar to those produced on bone fragments used experimentally to retouch flakes. The microscopic analysis also identified ancient scraping marks, possibly resulting from the cleaning of the skull prior to its breakage and utilisation of a resulting fragment as a tool. The traces of utilisation and the dimensions of this object are compared to those on a sample of 67 bone retouchers found in the same excavation area and layer. Results show that the tool size, as well as the dimensions and location of the utilised area, fall well within the range of variation observed on faunal shaft fragments from La Quina that were used as retouchers. This skull fragment represents the earliest known use of human bone as a raw material and the first reported use of human bone for this purpose by hominins other than modern humans. The two other skull fragments, which probably come from the same individual, also bear anthropogenic surface modifications in the form of percussion, cut, and scraping marks. The deliberate versus unintentional hypotheses for the unusual choice of the bone are presented in light of contextual information, modifications identified on the two skull fragments not used as tools, and data on bone retouchers from the same layer, the same site, and other Mousterian sites.  相似文献   

In this study, we report the isolation and characterization of osteocalcin in human urine using mass spectrometry and N-terminal sequencing. Multiple proteolytic forms of osteocalcin were found, which consisted of 16-27 residues from the middle region of the molecule. Several fragments had residue Gly7 at the N-terminus and the most predominant was fragment 7-31. Additional fragments starting from residue Asp14 were detected in the samples of children and young adults. Immunochemical detection of urine osteocalcin fragments had a statistically significant negative correlation to bone mineral density in evaluation of urine samples from 75-year-old women. Thus, the measurement of osteocalcin fragments in urine may have potential applications in diagnostics related to disorders of bone metabolism.  相似文献   

老龙洞史前遗址初步研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
白子麒 《人类学学报》1998,17(3):212-229
本文记述了老龙洞史前遗址研究初步成果.在对石、骨、角制品的一般性质论述基础上,指出这一组合具有自身的一些特点,并有着文化上的广泛联系;依遗物和哺乳动物化石对其年代也作了初步讨论。初步研究结果表明,它是中国西南地区,特别是云南近年来发现的一处重要的包括旧石器时代晚期文化层在内的史前洞穴遗址,为研究中国南方旧石器时代晚期文化类型的多样性提供了一个重要的地点和一批有意义的文化遗物。  相似文献   

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