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刘武 《人类学学报》2021,40(4):733-736
<正>2007年,李法军教授编著的《生物人类学》(第一版)出版。这是继朱泓教授编著的《体质人类学》之后,国内出版的第二部比较系统全面的体质人类学(或者生物人类学)教学参考书。体质人类学的研究范围含括与人类及灵长类起源与演化相关的生物学特征(外表与内部形态结构、功能、遗传等)、不同类群起源与演化以及影响因素等多方面的内容,本书侧重与人类骨骼及牙齿形态研究相关的内容。近10余年来,  相似文献   

通过对两千余中国古代人骨眶上孔和舌下神经管二分形态小变异发生率的调查 ,探讨中国古代人群与日本古代人群之间的关系 ,支持日本渡来系弥生人与中国大陆古代人群之间有着密切联系的观点。  相似文献   

魏东  曾雯  常喜恩  朱泓 《人类学学报》2012,31(2):176-186
本文是对出土于新疆哈密黑沟梁墓地古代人骨的病理、创伤及异常形态的综合研究。通过检查,笔者发现齿科疾病、关节疾病、创伤等病理现象在该人群中都有一定频率的出现。在对这些现象进行客观描述的基础上, 本文对这些病理现象出现的原因以及反映出该批人群的生活状况做出推论。文中同时对骨骼形态与功能的关系做了尝试性分析和讨论。  相似文献   

吴秀杰 《人类学学报》2002,21(3):210-210
一个包括遗传学、体质人类学及考古学在内的多学科人类学研究中心———复旦大学现代人类学研究中心近日在上海复旦大学成立。为庆祝该中心的成立 ,2 0 0 2年 4月 1 7- 1 9日在复旦大学举行了“2 0 0 2年现代人类学国际研讨会”暨复旦大学现代人类学研究中心揭牌仪式。来自人类学、遗传学、考古学、民族学、历史学和语言学等领域的 50余位国内外专家、学者出席了研讨会。会议的主题是多学科的交叉与整合———新世纪的现代人类学研究。近3 0位学者作了大会报告 ,内容涉及人类起源、古代和现代民族关系、古DNA研究、人群体质特征和遗传特…  相似文献   

中国全新世人群颞下颌关节尺寸的时代变化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文通过对中国北方地区新石器时代(54例)、青铜铁器时代(189例) 和近代(92例) 成年男性颞下颌关节的多项测量项目的对比、分析, 对中国全新世人群颞下颌关节测量性状的变异问题进行了研究。结果显示近7000年来颞下颌关节的不同部位在全新世不同阶段有不同的变化特点。髁突、冠突在全新世厚度变薄, 髁突的变薄主要在新石器-青铜铁器时代, 冠突的变薄主要在青铜铁器-近代。髁突面积在全新世也在缩小, 在新石器-青铜铁器时代缩小的幅度更大。髁突顶缘弧度的变平、下颌窝的变浅主要发生在新石器-青铜铁器时代。髁突面积/下颌窝面积, 其变化主要发生在青铜铁器时代。这些变化可能与生活环境、食物结构改变、下颌骨与头骨不同的演化速率等有关。  相似文献   

古病理学(Paleopathology)主要是通过古代人类遗存来研究古代人类疾病的产生、演变和发展以及人类对环境的适应性,是体质人类学的重要内容。人类遗骸保留着大量的疾病信息,通过对病理现象的观察、描述、检测和研究,可以有效地推测个体生前所患病症;对人群疾病的研究则有助于了解其生活方式、生业模式、社会组织关系、人群迁徙、信仰和习俗等。  相似文献   

张群  张全超 《人类学学报》2018,37(1):157-158
法医人类学(Forensic anthropology)是运用体质人类学的理论、方法、技术,对法律情境下涉及人类遗骸个体特征分析鉴定的一门应用型学科,其研究对象包括骨骼、牙齿、尸体、毛发、肤纹、血型等。根据美国著名人类学家Warren(1978)与Krogman(1986)提出的框架,法医人类学研究和应用的范围主要涉及性别与年龄鉴定、遗骸现场记录、微观骨结构、骨病理学、人类化石学、战争死难者与集体灾祸、齿科学以及刑事诉讼科学等8个方面。法医人类学既是现代法医学的一个分科,也是体质人类学的一个分支,从研究方法上属于应用人类学,而在应用范畴上属于法证科学,在在刑事侦查和灾害调查等领域  相似文献   

近几十年来,古代人群的食谱研究已经成为现代科技考古学的一个重要组成部分,也是当前国际科技考古学研究领域的一项前沿性课题。人类骨骼的化学元素分析为重建古代居民的食谱提供了大量信息。本文采用电感耦合等离子发射光谱仪(ICP-AES),对新疆和静县察吾呼沟口四号墓地出土人骨中的Sr、P、Zn、Ca、Cu、Mg、Fe、Ba、Mn等8种化学元素进行了测定,结果显示:察吾呼沟口四号墓地古代居民的饮食结构中以肉类食物为主,植物类食物为辅。  相似文献   

张雅军  张旭 《人类学学报》2021,40(6):981-992
本文通过对新疆且末县托乎拉克勒克乡加瓦艾日克村29座墓地出土的人骨标本进行了观察和分析。共鉴定出150例个体,其中男性73例、女性50例、性别不明者27例。男性、女性平均死亡年龄分别为36.3岁和35.6岁。形态学的分析指出且末人群更多地具有欧洲人种的特点,如鼻根凹陷深、鼻骨明显突起及犬齿窝深等。聚类分析结果显示且末人群与新疆古代人群焉布拉克C组、察吾呼四号组、多岗等人群较为接近。文章还根据线粒体DNA的分析结果讨论了且末古代人群的种族属性,古DNA的分析揭示出且末人群存在欧亚大陆东、西部人群的基因交流,并进一步指出其西部类型的成分来源极有可能来自西伯利亚,其东部成分可能来自西伯利亚或中国甘肃,只是东西方人群的基因融合规模小而且处于初级阶段,所以并未在颅面部形态特征上有大规模明显的改变。此外,本文从考古学文化、体质人类学研究以及古DNA等几个方面探讨了新疆地区古代人群的种族成分来源。本文还对且末人群的身高进行了推算,对一例变形颅骨以及骨骼上的创伤作了简要描述。  相似文献   

形态示量图是一种展示三维形态测量信息的二维可视化手段,能有效地反应骨密质厚度的分布特点。虽然现代人、更新世古老型人类和大猿的骨密质厚度分布存在差别,但全新世现代人内部是否有变异存在尚未被充分研究。本文选择全新世华中、华北地区的6个农业人群的34例右侧肱骨标本(23例男性、11例女性),使用形态示量图对其骨干骨密质厚度的分布特征进行了全面分析。在方法上,本文比较了通过厚度最大值和生物力学长度对骨密质厚度进行标准化后分析结果的差别,并验证了主成分分析在形态示量图上的适用性。结果显示,在全新世华中、华北地区的农业人群中,男、女的厚度分布模式存在一定差异,而不同人群男性的差别并不明显。本文虽通过全新世华中、华北地区的农业人群揭示出全新世现代人在肱骨骨干骨密质厚度分布上存在一定程度的变异,但仍需在未来工作中依托本文方法,选择人群种类更丰富、标本量更大、个体变量控制更严格的材料,进一步验证或扩展本文所得结论。  相似文献   

几何形态学方法及其在动物发育与系统进化研究中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
简要回顾了几何形态学的发展历史,介绍了30多年来该领域使用的主要方法及其在生物发育与进化研究中的实际应用。除目前应用最为广泛的标点法和轮廓线法外,基于三维数据的表面特征分析和有限元分析也在该领域得到推广。这些方法可运用于分析两性分化、异速生长、种群分化、种上进化以及复杂功能结构的形态集成等科学问题。几何形态学与生物信息学的综合运用还将有利于探讨表型变化与遗传物质变化的相关性。随着生物成像技术和海量数据计算技术的进步,几何形态学将由目前以二维数据为主的研究向三维重建和分析的方向发展。  相似文献   

Although there were many ancient Chinese mathematicians contributed a lot on geometry,Geometric morphometrics (GM) in modern concept was not firstly proposed by Chinese.The super capability of geometric morphometrics in scientific computing and problem solving has gained a lot of attentions in the world.Until early of 21 centuries,geometric morphometrics was introduced into China.Since then,GM was rapidly applied in many research fields.However,it is a pity that GM is still not well-known in China as many works are published out of China.Thus,the special issue "Geometric morphometrics:Current shape and future directions" is organized.The present issue presents a series of contributions in this scientific field.In future,there will be many considerable new developing fields on GM needed to pay more attentions,for instances,3D geometric morphometrics,4D analysis,visualization of amber,new machine developing,new software developing,automatic identification system,etc.Once these technical bottle-necks on 3D data collecting and merging geometric morphometric data from multiple characters could be solved,the automatic identification system and other fields based on Big Data would come true.  相似文献   

三维几何形态学概述及其在昆虫学中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
白明  杨星科 《昆虫学报》2014,57(9):1105-1111
长期以来二维(two-dimensional, 2D)数据是几何形态学(geometric morphometrics)分析的最主要的数据类型,在推动几何形态学的发展过程中起到了奠基性的作用,并也解决了很多重大的科学问题,展示了几何形态学强大的科学计算能力与问题解决能力。但有些特殊的科学问题或者特殊的形态结构,无法通过二维数据完美解决,亟需大规模、大尺度三维(three-dimensional, 3D)数据的支持,这对几何形态学的三维化发展提出需求。更重要的是,随着三维数据获取成本的日渐降低,大量三维数据涌现出来。因此,三维几何形态学应运而生。本文对三维几何形态学的原理及其应用进行了概述,重点探讨了三维几何形态学与二维几何形态学的异同点,并对前者的两个发展阶段(少量样本的形态模拟与准定量比较及大量样本的定量比较)进行了概述,评价了四维数据和有限元等方法的应用,指出了该方法在昆虫学领域的发展潜力,最后对该方法在样本量增加、硬件提升、数据分辨率提高、新算法的开发、分析结果的呈现及3D打印等方面的发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

The sclerotized attachment organ of monogeneans has been widely used to address fundamental questions in ecology and evolution. However, traditional morphometric techniques appear to be partially inadequate and non-optimal. Traditional linear measurements mainly provide information on the size of sclerites but provide very little information, if any, on their shape. The shape of sclerites is indeed virtually unexplored and its implication for ecological and evolutionary processes remains to be analyzed. This study aims to both introduce and illustrate the use of geometric morphometrics in order to study sclerites of monogeneans in a biogeographic context. To do this, we investigated morphological variation patterns among four populations from the Pacific Ocean and six monogenean species through traditional and geometric morphometric techniques. Unlike the traditional method, the geometric morphometric method yielded a high percentage of individuals correctly classified to the four populations, providing strong evidence for phenotypic variability, divergence and local adaptation among islands without evolutionary constraint. Moreover, the traditional method also resulted in inconsistent interpretations of shape variations. This study highlighted the limitations that may arise when using traditional morphometric techniques and emphasizes that considerable information about the shape of sclerotized haptoral parts is added by using geometric morphometrics. Given the prominent taxonomic, ecological and evolutionary role of the haptor for characterizing monogeneans, we ultimately discuss the potential broad use of geometric morphometrics in a wide variety of ecological and evolutionary contexts. This powerful approach might allow a more robust estimation of the extent to which traditional evolutionary theories based on size of sclerites are congruent with their shape.  相似文献   

The evolution of skin pigmentation has been shaped by numerous biological and cultural shifts throughout human history. Vitamin D is considered a driver of depigmentation evolution in humans, given the deleterious health effects associated with vitamin D deficiency, which is often shaped by cultural factors. New advancements in genomics and epigenomics have opened the door to a deeper exploration of skin pigmentation evolution in both contemporary and ancient populations. Data from ancient Europeans has offered great context to the spread of depigmentation alleles via the evaluation of migration events and cultural shifts that occurred during the Neolithic. However, novel insights can further be gained via the inclusion of diverse ancient and contemporary populations. Here we present on how potential biases and limitations in skin pigmentation research can be overcome with the integration of interdisciplinary data that includes both cultural and biological elements, which have shaped the evolutionary history of skin pigmentation in humans.  相似文献   

Feeding habits are important life‐history traits in animals; however, methods for their determination are not well established in many species. The larvae of the beetle family Carabidae are an example. The present study tested the utility of geometric morphometrics of mouthpart morphology to infer the feeding habits of carabid larvae. Using Pterostichus thunbergi as a model system, larval feeding habits were inferred using geometric morphometrics of mouthparts and the results were compared with those obtained from rearing experiments. The rearing experiments indicated that P. thunbergi larvae are carnivores that require snails as an essential part of the diet. Through geometric morphometrics, associations between mouthpart morphology and larval feeding habits were confirmed for species in which these two traits are known. A discriminant analysis using these associations classified P. thunbergi larvae as snail/slug feeders, which is a result compatible with the rearing experiments. Geometric morphometrics also revealed that morphological integration and ontogenetic shape change might play roles in the diversification of mouthpart morphology. Overall, these results demonstrate the utility of the geometric morphometrics of mouthparts to infer feeding habit and to clarify the mechanisms of mouthpart morphological diversification in the study group, and the results also serve as a basis for future studies of other insect groups.  相似文献   

X-ray imaging is a nondestructive and preferred method in paleopathology to reconstruct the history of ancient diseases. Sophisticated imaging technologies such as computed tomography (CT) have become common for the investigation of skeletal disorders in human remains. Researchers have investigated the impact of ionizing radiation on living cells, but never on ancient cells in dry tissue. The effects of CT exposure on ancient cells have not been examined in the past and may be important for subsequent genetic analysis. To remedy this shortcoming, we developed different Monte Carlo models to simulate X-ray irradiation on ancient cells. Effects of mummification were considered by using two sizes of cells and three different phantom tissues, which enclosed the investigated cell cluster. This cluster was positioned at the isocenter of a CT scanner model, where the cell hit probabilities P(0,1,…, n) were calculated according to the Poisson distribution. To study the impact of the dominant physics process, CT scans for X-ray spectra of 80 and 120 kVp were simulated. Comparison between normal and dry tissue phantoms revealed that the probability of unaffected cells increased by 21 % following cell shrinkage for 80 kVp, while for 120 kVp, a further increase of unaffected cells of 23 % was observed. Consequently, cell shrinkage caused by dehydration decreased the impact of X-ray radiation on mummified cells significantly. Moreover, backscattered electrons in cortical bone protected deeper-lying ancient cells from radiation damage at 80 kVp X-rays.  相似文献   

Patterns of skull shape in Carnivora provide examples of parallel and convergent evolution for similar ecomorphological adaptations. However, although most researchers report on skull homoplasies among hypercarnivorous taxa, evolutionary trends towards herbivory remain largely unexplored. In this study, we analyse the skull of the living herbivorous carnivorans to evaluate the importance of natural selection and phylogenetic legacy in shaping the skulls of these peculiar species. We quantitatively estimated shape variability using geometric morphometrics. A principal components analysis of skull shape incorporating all families of arctoid carnivorans recognized several common adaptations towards herbivory. Ancestral state reconstructions of skull shape and the reconstructed phylogenetic history of morphospace occupation more explicitly reveal the true patterns of homoplasy among the herbivorous carnivorans. Our results indicate that both historical constraints and adaptation have interplayed in the evolution towards herbivory of the carnivoran skull, which has resulted in repeated patterns of biomechanical homoplasy.  相似文献   

The recent expansion of a variety of morphometric tools has brought about a revolution in the comparison of morphology in the context of the size and shape in various fields including entomology. First, an overview of the theoretical issues of geometric morphometrics is presented with a caution about the usage of traditional morphometric measurements. Second, focus is then placed on two broad approaches as tools for geometric morphometrics; that is, the landmark‐based and the outline‐based approaches. A brief outline of the two methodologies is provided with some important cautions. The increasing trend of entomological studies in using the procedures of geometric morphometrics is then summarized. Finally, information is provided on useful toolkits such as computer software as well as codes and packages of the R statistical software that could be used in geometric morphometrics.  相似文献   

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