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Visscher PM 《Genetica》2009,136(2):351-358
Apart from parent-offspring pairs and clones, relative pairs vary in the proportion of the genome that they share identical by descent. In the past, quantitative geneticists have used the expected value of sharing genes by descent to estimate genetic parameters and predict breeding values. With the possibility to genotype individuals for many markers across the genome it is now possible to empirically estimate the actual relationship between relatives. We review some of the theory underlying the variation in genetic identity, show applications to estimating genetic variance for height in humans and discuss other applications.  相似文献   

Summary SPR3 is one of at least nine genes which are expressed in sporulating Saccharomyces cerevisiae cells at the time of meiosis I. We show below that strains homozygous for null alleles of SPR3 are capable of normal meiosis and the production of viable ascospores. We have also monitored SPR3 expression in a series of strains that are defective in meiotic development, using an SPR3: lacZ fusion carried on a single copy plasmid. -Galactosidase activity occurred at wild-type levels in diploid strains homozygous for mutations in spo13, rad50, rad57 and cdc9, but was greatly reduced in strains carrying cdc8 or spo7 defects. We conclude that SPR3 expression is a valid monitor of early meiotic development, even though the gene is inessential for the sporulation process.  相似文献   

Rice (Oryza sativa L.), the major staple food crop of the world, faces a severe threat from widespread drought. The development of drought-tolerant rice varieties is considered a feasible option to counteract drought stress. The screening of rice germplasm under drought and its characterization at the morphological, genetic, and molecular levels revealed the existence of genetic variation for drought tolerance within the rice gene pool. The improvements made in managed drought screening and selection for grain yield under drought have significantly contributed to progress in drought breeding programs. The availability of rice genome sequence information, genome-wide molecular markers, and low-cost genotyping platforms now makes it possible to routinely apply marker-assisted breeding approaches to improve grain yield under drought. Grain yield QTLs with a large and consistent effect under drought have been indentified and successfully pyramided in popular rice mega-varieties. Various rice functional genomics resources, databases, tools, and recent advances in “-omics” are facilitating the characterization of genes and pathways involved in drought tolerance, providing the basis for candidate gene identification and allele mining. The transgenic approach is successful in generating drought tolerance in rice under controlled conditions, but field-level testing is necessary. Genomics-assisted drought breeding approaches hold great promise, but a well-planned integration with standardized phenotyping is highly essential to exploit their full potential.  相似文献   

Our understanding of the molecular mechanisms that operate during differentiation of mitotically dividing spermatogonia cells into spermatocytes lags way behind what is known about other differentiating systems. Given the evolutionary conservation of the meiotic process, we screened for mouse proteins that could specifically activate early meiotic promoters in Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells, when fused to the Gal4 activation domain (Gal4AD). Our screen yielded the Aym1 gene that encodes a short peptide of 45 amino acids. We show that a Gal4AD-AYM1 fusion protein activates expression of reporter genes through the promoters of the early meiosis-specific genes IME2 and HOP1, and that this activation is dependent on the DNA-binding protein Ume6. Aym1 is transcribed predominantly in mouse primary spermatocytes and in gonads of female embryos undergoing the corresponding meiotic divisions. Aym1 immunolocalized to nuclei of primary spermatocytes and oocytes and to specific type A spermatogonia cells, suggesting it might play a role in the processes leading to meiotic competence. The potential functional relationship between AYM1 and yeast proteins that regulate expression of early meiotic genes is discussed.  相似文献   

We have used fluorescent, confocal laser and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) to examine cellular organisations, including callose (1,3-beta-glucan) behaviour, in meiotic and early post-meiotic rice anthers. These features are critical for pollen formation and provide information to better understand pollen sterility caused by abiotic stress in rice and other monocotyledonous species. Among organelles during meiosis, abundant plastids, mitochondria and nuclei of the anther cells show distinctive features. Chloroplasts in the endothecium store starch and indicate a potential for photosynthetic activity. During meiosis, the middle layer cells are markedly compressed and at the tetrad stage are either vacuolated or filled with degenerating electron-opaque organelles. Viable mitochondria, stained with Rhodamine 123, are seen in the endothecium and tapetum, but the mitochondria in the middle layer are not stained during meiosis. The radial walls of the tapetum are disorganised and degenerating, indicating the formation of a syncytium; pro-orbicules are located at the locular walls at the tetrad stage. Immunohistochemical studies show that the sporogenous cells are entirely enveloped by a thick callosic layer at early meiosis. Cell plate callose was assembled in a plane between the dyad cells. In the tetrads, however, callose formed only at the centre, showing that the tetrad microspores are not enveloped but separated by callose walls. Thick, undulating electron-opaque walls around the tetrads indicate the beginning of exinous microspore wall differentiation.  相似文献   

谭冰  郭勇  邱丽娟 《遗传》2013,35(6):793-804
大豆(Glycine max)分枝在个体和群体水平上均与大豆产量关系密切, 因此大豆分枝相关基因的发掘及利用对大豆高产分子育种具有重要意义。文章通过GO(Gene ontology)分类和文献检索共获得植物分枝发育相关基因183个。基于序列相似和结构域相同的原则, 从大豆基因组中发掘出大豆分枝相关的候选基因406个。通过收集已发表的大豆分枝相关QTL, 利用BioMercator2.1软件, 将符合映射条件的35个QTL映射到公共图谱的12个染色体。通过共定位分析发现, 在20个分枝相关的QTL区间内存在大豆分枝相关候选基因57个。本文发掘的分枝发育相关基因信息为大豆分枝相关QTL的精细定位和克隆以及大豆分枝发育的分子生物学基础研究提供了参考。  相似文献   

We have analysed the role of RBR (retinoblastoma related), the Arabidopsis homologue of the tumour suppressor Retinoblastoma protein (pRb), during meiosis. We characterise the rbr-2 mutation, which causes a loss of RBR in male meiocytes. The rbr-2 plants exhibit strongly reduced fertility, while vegetative growth is generally unaffected. The reduced fertility is due to a meiotic defect that results in reduced chiasma formation and subsequent errors in chromosome disjunction. Immunolocalisation studies in wild-type meiocytes reveal that RBR is recruited as foci to the chromosomes during early prophase I in a DNA double-strand-break-dependent manner. In the absence of RBR, expression of several meiotic genes is reduced. The localisation of the recombinases AtRAD51 and AtDMC1 is normal. However, localisation of the MutS homologue AtMSH4 is compromised. Additionally, polymerisation of the synaptonemal complex protein AtZYP1 is abnormal. Together, these data indicate that loss of RBR during meiosis results in a reduction of crossover formation and an associated failure in chromosome synapsis. Our results indicate that RBR has an important role in meiosis affecting different aspects of this complex process.  相似文献   

Summary Ovaries of immature and adult hamsters were incubated in medium containing thiamine pyrophosphate (TPP) to determine the age at which TPPase-reactive cytoplasmic structures first appear in the germ cells, and at what age the structures cease to be present. The structures were found only in oocytes from animals 8–15 days of age. They occur in predictyate germ cells in polyovular follicles and in very early dictyate oocytes in unilaminar follicles. The TPPase-reactive structures were never observed in atretic oocytes, in unilaminar follicles of adult animals, nor in multilaminar follicles of animals at any age.Ovaries of 8–12-day-old animals and adults were then incubated in media in which one of the following substrates was substituted for TPP: uridine diphosphate (UDP), inosine diphosphate (IDP), and adenosine monophosphate (AMP). Half of the samples in each experiment were incubated in medium containing the inhibitor L-p-bromotet-ramisole. -Glycerophosphate was used in control incubations, or the substrate was omitted entirely.The cytoplasmic structures were found to be reactive after incubation in UDP-containing media, but not after incubation in media containing AMP. With IDP as substrate, reactions were atypical and confined to peripheral regions of the cytoplasm.Other sites of enzyme activity after incubation with the various substrates (cell membranes, zona pellucida, endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus) are also described and discussed.  相似文献   

The REC104 gene was initially defined by mutations that rescued the inviability of a rad52 spo13 haploid strain in meiosis. We have observed that rec104 mutant strains undergo essentially no induction of meiotic gene conversion, and we have not been able to detect any meiotic crossing over in such strains. The REC104 gene has no apparent role in mitosis, since mutations have no observable effect on growth, mitotic recombination, or DNA repair. The DNA sequence of REC104 reveals that it is a previously unknown gene with a coding region of 549-bp, and genetic mapping has localized the gene to chromosome VIll near FUR1. Expression of the REC104 gene is induced in meiosis, and it appears that the gene is not transcribed in mitotic cells. Possible roles for the REC104 gene product in meiosis are discussed. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   



Four traits related to carcass performance have been identified as economically important in beef production: carcass weight, carcass fat, carcass conformation of progeny and cull cow carcass weight. Although Holstein-Friesian cattle are primarily utilized for milk production, they are also an important source of meat for beef production and export. Because of this, there is great interest in understanding the underlying genomic structure influencing these traits. Several genome-wide association studies have identified regions of the bovine genome associated with growth or carcass traits, however, little is known about the mechanisms or underlying biological pathways involved. This study aims to detect regions of the bovine genome associated with carcass performance traits (employing a panel of 54,001 SNPs) using measures of genetic merit (as predicted transmitting abilities) for 5,705 Irish Holstein-Friesian animals. Candidate genes and biological pathways were then identified for each trait under investigation.


Following adjustment for false discovery (q-value < 0.05), 479 quantitative trait loci (QTL) were associated with at least one of the four carcass traits using a single SNP regression approach. Using a Bayesian approach, 46 QTL were associated (posterior probability > 0.5) with at least one of the four traits. In total, 557 unique bovine genes, which mapped to 426 human orthologs, were within 500kbs of QTL found associated with a trait using the Bayesian approach. Using this information, 24 significantly over-represented pathways were identified across all traits. The most significantly over-represented biological pathway was the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR) signaling pathway.


A large number of genomic regions putatively associated with bovine carcass traits were detected using two different statistical approaches. Notably, several significant associations were detected in close proximity to genes with a known role in animal growth such as glucagon and leptin. Several biological pathways, including PPAR signaling, were shown to be involved in various aspects of bovine carcass performance. These core genes and biological processes may form the foundation for further investigation to identify causative mutations involved in each trait. Results reported here support previous findings suggesting conservation of key biological processes involved in growth and metabolism.

Electronic supplementary material

The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2164-15-837) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

To identify key molecules that regulate germ cell proliferation and differentiation, we have attempted to isolate protein kinase genes preferentially expressed in germ line cells. One such cDNA cloned from murine embryonic germ(EG) cells encodes a nonreceptor type serine/threonine kinase and is predominantly expressed in the testis, ovary, and spleen of adult mouse. The nucleotide sequence of the entire coding region shows that this clone, designated Plk1(polo like kinase 1), is identical with STPK13 previously cloned from murine erythroleukemia cells. The protein encoded by Plk1 is closely related to the product of Drosophila polo that plays a role in mitosis and meiosis. To define the role of Plk1 in germ cell development, we have examined its expression in murine gonads by in situ hybridization. Here we show that the PlK1 gene is specifically expressed in spermatocytes of diplotene and diakinesis stage, in secondary spermatocytes, and in round spermatids in testes. It is also expressed in growing oocytes and ovulated eggs. The pattern of expression of the Plk1 gene suggests that the gene product is involved in completion of meiotic division, and like the Drosophila polo protein, is a maternal factor active in embryos at the early cleavage stage. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

In most eukaryotic organisms, recombination events leading to exchanges between homologous chromosomes link the homologs in a manner that allows their proper attachment to the meiotic spindle. In the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae these exchanges are initiated in early prophase as double-strand breaks in the DNA. These breaks are processed through a series of intermediates to yield mature crossovers late in prophase. The following experiments were designed to monitor the appearance of the earliest recombinant DNA strands formed in this process. A polymerase chain reaction assay was devised that allows the detection of recombinant strands at a known initiation site for meiotic recombination. The time and rate of appearance of recombinant strands was found to coincide with commitment to recombination, demonstrating that DNA strands bearing sequences from both parental chromosomes are rapidly formed after the initiation of meiotic recombination. Received: 22 July 1997 / Accepted: 25 February 1998  相似文献   

During meiosis, the recombination-initiating DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) are repaired by crossovers or noncrossovers (gene conversions). While crossovers are easily detectable, noncrossover identification is hampered by the small size of their converted tracts and the necessity of sequence polymorphism. We report identification and characterization of a mouse chromosome-wide set of noncrossovers by next-generation sequencing of 10 mouse intersubspecific chromosome substitution strains. Based on 94 identified noncrossovers, we determined the mean length of a conversion tract to be 32 bp. The spatial chromosome-wide distribution of noncrossovers and crossovers significantly differed, although both sets overlapped the known hotspots of PRDM9-directed histone methylation and DNA DSBs, thus supporting their origin in the standard DSB repair pathway. A significant deficit of noncrossovers descending from asymmetric DSBs proved their proposed adverse effect on meiotic recombination and pointed to sister chromatids as an alternative template for their repair. The finding has implications for the molecular mechanism of hybrid sterility in mice from crosses between closely related Mus musculus musculus and Mus musculus domesticus subspecies.  相似文献   

The oocytes of B6.Y(TIR) sex-reversed female mice can be fertilized but the resultant embryos die at early cleavage stages. In the present study, we examined chromosome segregation at meiotic divisions in the oocytes of XY female mice, compared to those of XX littermates. The timing and frequency of oocyte maturation in culture were comparable between the oocytes from both types of females. At the first meiotic division, the X- and Y-chromosomes segregated independently and were retained in oocytes at equal frequencies. However, more oocytes retained the correct number of chromosomes than anticipated from random segregation. The oocytes that had reached MII-stage were activated by fertilization or incubation with SrCl(2). As expected, the majority of oocytes from XX females completed the second meiotic division and reached the 2-cell stage in 24 h. By contrast, more than half of oocytes from XY females initially remained at the MII-stage while the rest precociously entered interphase after SrCl(2) activation; very few oocytes were seen at the second anaphase or telophase and they often showed impairment of sister-chromatid separation. Eventually the majority of oocytes entered interphase and formed pronuclei, but very few reached the 2-cell stage. Similar results were obtained after fertilization. We conclude that the XY chromosomal composition in oocyte leads to impairment in the progression of the second meiotic division.  相似文献   

A major partial-resistance locus to the soybean cyst nematode (Heterodera glycines Ichinohe; SCN) was identified on linkage group G of soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] using restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs). This locus explained 51.4% (LOD=10.35) of the total phenotypic variation in disease response in soybean Plant Introduction (PI) 209332, 52.7% (LOD=15.58) in PI 90763, 40.0% (LOD=10.50) in PI 88788, and 28.1% (LOD=6.94) in Peking. Initially, the region around this major resistance locus was poorly populated with DNA markers. To increase marker density in this genomic region, first random, and later targeted, comparative mapping with RFLPs from mungbean [Vigna radiata (L.) R. Wilcz.] and common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) was performed, eventually leading to one RFLP marker every 2.6 centimorgans (cM). Even with this marker density, the inability to resolve SCN disease response into discrete Mendelian categories posed a major limitation to mapping. Thus, qualitative scoring of SCN disease response was carried out in an F56 recombinant inbred population derived from EvansxPI 209332 using a 30% disease index cut-off for resistance. Using the computer program JoinMap, an integrated map of the region of interest was created, placing the SCN resistance locus 4.6 cM from RFLP marker B53 and 2.8 cM from Bng30. This study demonstrates how a combination of molecularmapping strategies, including comparative genome analysis, join mapping, and qualitative scoring of a quantitative trait, potentially provide the necessary tools for high-resolution mapping around a quantitative-trait locus.  相似文献   

Summary A system is described in which spontaneous and chemically-induced mitotic and meiotic hyperploidy can be assayed in the same diploid culture of Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Monitoring gene dosage changes at two loci on chromosome VIII, the test utilizes a leaky temperature-sensitive allele arg4-8 and low level copper resistance conferred by the single copy allele cup1 s. An extra chromosome VIII provides simultaneous increased dosage for both genes, resulting in colonies that are both prototrophic for arginine at 30° C and copper resistant. During mitotic cell divisions in diploids, spontaneous chromosome VIII hyperploids (trisomes and tetrasomes) occur at a frequency of 6.4×10-6 per viable cell. Among ascospores, the spontaneous chromosome VIII disome frequency is 5.5×10-6 per viable spore. The tubulin-binding reagent methyl benzimidazol-2-yl carbamate (MBC) elicits enhanced levels of mitotic and meiotic aneuploidy relative to control levels. The system represents a novel model for examining chromosome behavior during mitosis and meiosis and provides a sensitive and quantifiable procedure for examining chemically induced aneuploidy.  相似文献   

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