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Using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS), we have established an in vitro assay to study RNA dynamics by analyzing fluorophore binding RNA aptamers at the single molecule level. The RNA aptamer SRB2m, a minimized variant of the initially selected aptamer SRB-2, has a high affinity to the disulfonated triphenylmethane dye sulforhodamine B. A mobility shift of sulforhodamine B after binding to SRB2m was measured. In contrast, patent blue V (PBV) is visible only if complexed with SRB2m due to increased molecular brightness and minimal background. With small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), the three-dimensional structure of the RNA aptamer was characterized at low resolution to analyze the effect of fluorophore binding. The aptamer and sulforhodamine B-aptamer complex was found to be predominantly dimeric in solution. Interaction of PBV with SRB2m led to a dissociation of SRB2m dimers into monomers. Radii of gyration and hydrodynamic radii, gained from dynamic light scattering, FCS, and fluorescence cross-correlation experiments, led to comparable conclusions. Our study demonstrates how RNA-aptamer fluorophore complexes can be simultaneously structurally and photophysically characterized by FCS. Furthermore, fluorophore binding RNA aptamers provide a tool for visualizing single RNA molecules.  相似文献   

We have developed procedures for synthesizing dimethyl polyenes using living polymerization techniques and have initiated investigations of the spectroscopic properties of these molecules. Purification using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) of the polyene mixtures resulting from the syntheses promises to provide all-trans polyenes with a wide range in the number of conjugated double bonds. Low temperature optical measurements on these model systems, both in glasses and in n-alkane mixed crystals, yield absorption and fluorescence spectra with considerably higher vibronic resolution than the spectra currently available for carotenoids with comparable conjugation lengths. The dimethyl polyenes thus allow a more precise exploration of the electronic properties of long, linearly conjugated systems. These studies can be used to verify the existence of low-lying singlet states predicted by theory and recently invoked to explain low-resolution fluorescence, Raman excitation spectra, and the transient absorption spectroscopy of carotenoids. Steady state and time-resolved optical studies of the dimethyl series will be used to better understand the energies and dynamics of the low energy electronic states relevant to the photochemistry and photobiology of all linearly conjugated systems.  相似文献   

Semiconductor nanocrystals or quantum dots (QDs) are becoming widely used as fluorescent labels for biological applications. Here we demonstrate that fluorescence fluctuation analysis of their diffusional mobility using temporal image correlation spectroscopy is highly susceptible to systematic errors caused by fluorescence blinking of the nanoparticles. Temporal correlation analysis of fluorescence microscopy image time series of streptavidin-functionalized (CdSe)ZnS QDs freely diffusing in two dimensions shows that the correlation functions are fit well to a commonly used diffusion decay model, but the transport coefficients can have significant systematic errors in the measurements due to blinking. Image correlation measurements of the diffusing QD samples measured at different laser excitation powers and analysis of computer simulated image time series verified that the effect we observe is caused by fluorescence intermittency. We show that reciprocal space image correlation analysis can be used for mobility measurements in the presence of blinking emission because it separates the contributions of fluctuations due to photophysics from those due to transport. We also demonstrate application of the image correlation methods for measurement of the diffusion coefficient of glycosyl phosphatidylinositol-anchored proteins tagged with QDs as imaged on living fibroblasts.  相似文献   

A three-dimensional digital image correlation technique is presented for strain measurements in open-cell structures such as trabecular bone. The technique uses high-resolution computed tomography images for displacement measurements in the solid structure. In order to determine the local strain-state within single trabeculae, a tetrahedronization method is used to fill the solid structure with tetrahedrae. Displacements are calculated at the nodes of the tetrahedrae. The displacement data is subsequently converted to a deformation tensor in each of the tetrahedral element centers with a least-squares estimation method. Because the trabeculae are represented by a mesh, it is possible to deform this mesh according to the deformation tensor and, at the same time, visualize the calculated local strain in the deformed mesh with a finite element post-processing tool. In this way, the deformation of a single trabecula from an aluminum foam sample was determined and validated with rendered images of the three-dimensional sample. A precision analysis showed that a rigid translation or rotation does not affect the accuracy. Typical values for the standard deviation in the displacement and strain components are 2.0 microm and 0.01, respectively. Presently, the precision limits the technique to strain measurements beyond the yield strain.  相似文献   

Scanning fluctuation correlation spectroscopy (FCS) is an experimental technique capable of measuring particle number concentrations by monitoring spontaneous equilibrium fluctuations in the local concentration of a fluorescent species in a small (femtoliter) subvolume of a sample. The method can be used to detect molecular aggregation for dilute, submicromolar samples by directly "counting particles". We introduce the application of two-photon excitation to scanning FCS and discuss its important advantages for this technique. We demonstrate the capability of measuring particle number concentrations in solution, first with dilute samples of monodisperse 7-nm and 15-nm radius latex spheres, and then with B phycoerythrin. The detection of multiple species in a single sample is shown, using mixtures containing both sphere sizes. The method is then applied to study protein aggregation in solution. We monitor the concentration-dependent association/ dissociation equilibrium for glycogen phosphorylase A and malate dehydrogenase. The measured dissociation constants, 430 nM and 144 nM respectively, are in good agreement with previously published values. In addition, oligomer dissociation induced by pH titration from pH 8 to pH 5.0 is detectable for the enyme phosphofructokinase. The possibility of measuring dissociation kinetics by scanning two-photon FCS is also demonstrated using phosphofructokinase.  相似文献   

Strain is an essential metric in tissue mechanics. Strains and strain distributions during functional loads can help identify damaged and pathologic regions as well as quantify functional compromise. Noninvasive strain measurement in vivo is difficult to perform. The goal of this in vitro study is to determine the efficacy of digital image correlation (DIC) methods to measure strain in B-mode ultrasound images. The Achilles tendons of eight male Wistar rats were removed and mechanically cycled between 0 and 1% strain. Three cine video images were captured for each specimen: (1) optical video for manual tracking of optical markers; (2) optical video for DIC tracking of optical surface markers; and (3) ultrasound video for DIC tracking of image texture within the tissue. All three imaging modalities were similarly able to measure tendon strain during cyclic testing. Manual/ImageJ-based strain values linearly correlated with DIC (optical marker)-based strain values for all eight tendons with a slope of 0.970. DIC (optical marker)-based strain values linearly correlated with DIC (ultrasound texture)-based strain values for all eight tendons with a slope of 1.003. Strain measurement using DIC was as accurate as manual image tracking methods, and DIC tracking was equally accurate when tracking ultrasound texture as when tracking optical markers. This study supports the use of DIC to calculate strains directly from the texture present in standard B-mode ultrasound images and supports the use of DIC for in vivo strain measurement using ultrasound images without additional markers, either artificially placed (for optical tracking) or anatomically in view (i.e., bony landmarks and/or muscle-tendon junctions).  相似文献   

In this paper, we introduce a fast and accurate side-chain modeling method, named OPUS-Rota. In a benchmark comparison with the methods SCWRL, NCN, LGA, SPRUCE, Rosetta, and SCAP, OPUS-Rota is shown to be much faster than all the methods except SCWRL, which is comparably fast. In terms of overall chi (1) and chi (1+2) accuracies, however, OPUS-Rota is 5.4 and 8.8 percentage points better, respectively, than SCWRL. Compared with NCN, which has the best accuracy in the literature, OPUS-Rota is 1.6 percentage points better for overall chi (1+2) but 0.3 percentage points weaker for overall chi (1). Hence, our algorithm is much more accurate than SCWRL with similar execution speed, and it has accuracy comparable to or better than the most accurate methods in the literature, but with a runtime that is one or two orders of magnitude shorter. In addition, OPUS-Rota consistently outperforms SCWRL on the Wallner and Elofsson homology-modeling benchmark set when the sequence identity is greater than 40%. We hope that OPUS-Rota will contribute to high-accuracy structure refinement, and the computer program is freely available for academic users.  相似文献   

We describe a software package (SpedeSTEM) that allows researchers to conduct a species delimitation analysis using intraspecific genetic data. Our method operates under the assumption that a priori information regarding group membership is available, for example that samples are drawn from some number of described subspecies, races or distinct morphotypes. SpedeSTEM proceeds by calculating the maximum likelihood species tree from all hierarchical arrangements of the sampled alleles and uses information theory to quantify the model probability of each permutation. SpedeSTEM is tested here against empirical and simulated data; results indicate that evolutionary lineages that diverged as few as 0.5N generations in the past can be validated as distinct using sequence data from little as five loci. This work enables speciation investigations to identify lineages that are evolutionarily distinct and thus have the potential to form new species before these lineages acquire secondary characteristics such as reproductive isolation or morphological differentiation that are commonly used to define species.  相似文献   

A simple experimental demonstration is described to show that photon correlation spectroscopy can be used to measure simultaneously the diffusion coefficient and, by the Doppler effect, the sedimentation coefficient of a small suspended particle. Calculation shows that the method should be readily extendable to particles with sedimentation coefficients of 5 S.  相似文献   

We present a comprehensive study of the accuracy and dynamic range of spatial image correlation spectroscopy (ICS) and image cross-correlation spectroscopy (ICCS). We use simulations to model laser scanning microscopy imaging of static subdiffraction limit fluorescent proteins or protein clusters in a cell membrane. The simulation programs allow us to control the spatial imaging sampling variables and the particle population densities and interactions and introduce and vary background and counting noise typical of what is encountered in digital optical microscopy. We systematically calculate how the accuracy of both image correlation methods depends on practical experimental collection parameters and characteristics of the sample. The results of this study provide a guide to appropriately plan spatial image correlation measurements on proteins in biological membranes in real cells. The data presented map regimes where the spatial ICS and ICCS provide accurate results as well as clearly showing the conditions where they systematically deviate from acceptable accuracy. Finally, we compare the simulated data with standard confocal microscopy using live CHO cells expressing the epidermal growth factor receptor fused with green fluorescent protein (GFP/EGFR) to obtain typical values for the experimental variables that were investigated in our study. We used our simulation results to estimate a relative precision of 20% for the ICS measured receptor density of 64 microm(-2) within a 121 x 98 pixel subregion of a single cell.  相似文献   

Measurement of receptor distributions on cell surfaces is one important aspect of understanding the mechanism whereby receptors function. In recent years, scanning fluorescence correlation spectroscopy has emerged as an excellent tool for making quantitative measurements of cluster sizes and densities. However, the measurements are slow and usually require fixed preparations. Moreover, while the precision is good, the accuracy is limited by the relatively small amount of information in each measurement, such that many are required. Here we present a novel extension of the scanning correlation spectroscopy that solves a number of the present problems. The new technique, which we call image correlation spectroscopy, is based on quantitative analysis of confocal scanning laser microscopy images. Since these can be generated in a matter of a second or so, the measurements become more rapid. The image is collected over a large cell area so that more sampling is done, improving the accuracy. The sacrifice is a lower resolution in the sampling, which leads to a lower precision. This compromise of precision in favor of speed and accuracy still provides an enormous advantage for image correlation spectroscopy over scanning correlation spectroscopy. The present work demonstrates the underlying theory, showing how the principles can be applied to measurements on standard fluorescent beads and changes in distribution of receptors for platelet-derived growth factor on human foreskin fibroblasts.  相似文献   

Fluorescence correlation spectroscopy is an attractive tool for monitoring molecular interactions in solution. We report here a new and highly sensitive method for studying the interaction of aptamers with their targets using this technique. In vitro selection technology is a combinatorial method for the generation of nucleic acid receptors (aptamers) that are capable of binding to various target molecules. Using the in vitro selection approach we isolated RNAs which bind to the antibiotic moenomycin with high affinity. The formation of RNA-moenomycin complexes was studied by fluorescence correlation spectroscopy with a tetramethylrhodamine-labeled derivative of moenomycin.  相似文献   

A method for quantifying global DNA methylation using fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS) has been established. The single-molecule methylation assay (SMMA) is based on two methodologies. One methodology, FCS, estimates the translational diffusion coefficient of molecules in solution, whereas the other methodology uses the high affinity of methyl-CpG-binding domain protein 2 (MBD2) to bind specifically to methylated DNA. We studied the specific binding rates of fluorescence-labeled MBD2 and methylated DNA from biological samples using the automated FCS system. Using a standard curve with methylated control DNA, we developed the SMMA index to assess the global DNA methylation level of the biological samples. A marked decrease in the SMMA index was observed when human leukemia cell lines (U937 and K562) were cultured with DNA demethylating agents. Our findings clearly indicate the applicability of SMMA as a simple and rapid tool for quantifying global DNA methylation. SMMA may prove useful for genome-wide comparative methylation analyses of malignancies and as an indicator of the demethylation effects of epigenetic drugs.  相似文献   

Image correlation spectroscopy allows sensitive measurement of the spatial distribution and aggregation state of fluorescent membrane macro molecules. When studying a single population system (i.e., aggregates of similar brightness), an accurate measure can be made of the aggregate number per observation area, but this measurement becomes much more complex in a distributed population system (i.e., bright and faint aggregates). This article describes an alternate solution that involves extraction of the bright aggregate population information. This novel development for image correlation spectroscopy, termed intensity subtraction analysis, uses sequential uniform intensity subtraction from raw confocal images. Sequential intensity subtraction results in loss of faint aggregate fluctuations that are smaller in magnitude than fluctuations due to the brightest aggregates. The resulting image has correlatable fluctuations originating from only the brightest population, permitting quantification of this population's distribution and further cross-correlation measurements. The feasibility of this technique is demonstrated using fluorescent microsphere images and biological samples. The technique is further used to examine the spatial distribution of a plasma-membrane-labeled fluorescent synthetic ganglioside, and to cross-correlate this probe with various membrane markers. The evidence provided demonstrates that bright aggregates of the fluorescent ganglioside are associated with clathrin-coated pits, membrane microvilli, and detergent-resistant membranes.  相似文献   

We report a protocol using a common desk-top scanner and public domain software for measuring existing leaf area and leaf area removed as a result of herbivory. We compared the accuracy and precision of this method to that of a standard leaf area meter. Both methods were used to measure metal disks of a known area, the area of soybean (Glycine max L.) leaves, and the area removed by simulating leaf feeding with a hole-punch. We varied the amount of injury across a low, medium, and high degree of simulated feeding. The mean area of 10 cm2 and 50 cm2 metal disks was more accurately estimated with the leaf area meter than the desk-top scanner. Leaf area estimates from both methods were highly correlated. The desk-top scanner accurately estimated the leaf area removed from the low, medium, or high degree of simulated leaf feeding. However, the leaf area meter overestimated low levels of simulated feeding injury. Though measuring a leaf's surface area with a desk-top scanner requires two steps (creating a digital image file and calculating the area represented by that image), the overall time required to measure leaf injury is shorter than with a leaf area meter. This relatively simple and inexpensive method of estimating leaf area and feeding damage has advantages in certain experimental situations where a prefeeding measurement of the leaf is impossible or undesirable, or when small amounts of feeding occur.  相似文献   

Malaria is a serious global health problem and rapid, precise determination of parasitemia is necessary for malaria research and in clinical settings. Manual counting by light microscopy is the most widely used technique for parasitemia determination but it is a time-consuming and laborious process. The aim of our study was to develop an automated image analysis-based system for the rapid and accurate determination of parasitemia. We have developed, for the first time, a software, MalariaCount, that automatically generates parasitemias from images of Giemsa-stained blood smears. The potential application and robustness of MalariaCount was tested in normal and drug-treated in vitro cultures of Plasmodium falciparum. The results showed a tight correlation between MalariaCount and manual count parasitemia values. These findings suggest that MalariaCount can potentially be used as a tool to provide rapid and accurate determination of parasitemia in research laboratories where frequent, large-scale, efficient determination of parasitemia is required.  相似文献   

The sensitive detection of protein interactions in living cells is an important first step toward understanding each of the multitude of cellular processes that are regulated by such interactions. Spatial image cross-correlation spectroscopy (ICCS) is one method used to measure protein-protein interactions from the analysis of two-channel fluorescence microscopy images. In spatial ICCS, cross-correlation of fluctuations in fluorescence intensity recorded as images from two independent wavelength detection channels in a fluorescence microscope is used to determine the average number of interacting particles in the imaged region. Even in situations where the particle number density is relatively high, ICCS provides an accurate measure of molecular interactions. However, it was shown previously that the method suffers from relatively high detection limits of interacting particles (approximately 20%) and can be perturbed by heterogeneous spatial distributions of the fluorescent particles within the images. Here, we demonstrate new approaches to circumvent some of the limitations of ICCS. Spatial scrambling of pixel blocks within fluorescence images was investigated as a way of extending the detection of spatial ICCS to measure lower interaction fractions as well as colocalization within cells. We also show that 'mean-intensity-padding' of regions of interest within fluorescence images is a feasible method of applying ICCS to arbitrarily selected areas of the cell with boundaries or edge morphologies that would be impossible to analyze with conventional ICCS. Using these newly developed strategies we were able to measure the fraction of actin that interacts with alpha-actinin in the leading edge of a migrating cell.  相似文献   

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