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Summary The seasonal consumptive use, Et per day and water use efficiency (kg grain/ha-cm) of corn were determined on a sandyloam soil during winter (rain-free) season. The difference in consumptive use was less among nitrogen levels, but marked between different moisture regimes. Et per day was less in the initial stages of the growing season, attained a peak at 80% of the crop growing season, and declined later on towards maturity. Water use efficiency was found to increase with increase in N level up to 180 kg N/ha. Among the moisture regimes, higher water use efficiency was recorded under 20% ASMD.  相似文献   

Effects of host availability and feeding period on bed bugs, Cimex lectularius (L.) (Hemiptera: Cimicidae), were measured. Population growth and the potential harmful effect of bed bug populations on human hosts were modelled. Bloodmeal sizes were affected by both feeding length and frequency, with >2‐fold difference between insects fed daily or weekly. Blood consumption increased >2‐fold between bed bugs fed occasionally and often, and 1.5‐fold between occasional and daily feeding. Bed bugs fed more often than once a week, potentially every 2–4 days. Egg production was associated with nutrition, being strongly correlated with blood consumption in the previous week. Bed bug populations can grow under different feeding regimes and are hard to control with <80% mortality. Bed bugs can survive and grow even in locations with a limited blood supply, where bed bug persistence may be important for the continual spread of populations. Persistence in non‐traditional locations and a potential association with human pathogens increase the health risks of bed bugs. Potential blood loss as a result of a bed bug can have serious consequences because uncontrolled populations can reach harmful levels in 3–8 months. The reproduction potential of bed bug populations suggests serious consequences to human health and the need for efficacious control measures.  相似文献   

《Fungal biology》2021,125(10):826-833
Agaricus bisporus cultivation is based on a selective substrate prepared by a meticulous composting process where thermophilic and/or thermotolerant fungi might play an important role in straw biomass depolymerization. Since fungi have physiological limitations to survive and grow in high-temperature environments, we set out different pasteurization regimes (57 °C/6 h, 60 °C/2 h, and 68 °C/2 h) to evaluate the impact on the fungal community assembly. The fungal community profile generated by high-throughput sequencing showed shifts in community diversity and composition under different pasteurization regimes. Most of the recovered sequences belong to the Ascomycota phylum. Among 73 species detected, Mycothermus thermophilus, Talaromyces thermophilus, and Thermomyces lanuginosus were the most abundant. In the current study, we outlined that pasteurization regimes can reshape the fungal community in compost which can potentially impact the A. bisporus development.  相似文献   

Fungal (acetate-in-ergosterol incorporation) and bacterial (leucine/thymidine incorporation) growth resulting from alfalfa (C/N=15) and barley straw (C/N=75) addition was studied in soil microcosms for 64 days. Nitrogen amendments were used to compensate for the C/N difference between the substrates. Fungal growth increased to a maximum after 3–7 days, at five to eight times the controls, following the addition of straw, and three to four times the controls following the addition of alfalfa. After 20–30 days, the fungal growth rate converged with the controls, resulting in a cumulative fungal growth two to three times the controls following straw addition and about 20% higher than the controls following alfalfa addition. The bacterial growth rate reached rates five times the controls following alfalfa addition and twice that of the controls following straw addition after 3–7 days. It remained elevated after 64 days. The cumulative bacterial growth was two and four times the controls following straw and alfalfa addition, respectively. A negative correlation was found between N addition and bacterial growth, while N stimulated fungal growth. Thus, the C/N ratio of the additions (substrate and extra N) could not entirely explain the different results regarding fungal and bacterial growths. Respiration was not always related to the combined growth of the microorganisms, emphasizing the requirement for a better understanding of growth efficiencies of fungi and bacteria.  相似文献   

Qing  Liu  Yunxiang  Li  Zhangcheng  Zhong 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(1):107-113
The effects of moisture availability on clonal growth and biomass investment in the bamboo Pleioblastus maculata were investigated over a four-year period by transplanting Pleioblastus maculata clones into soils with different levels of moisture availability in the field. The results showed that: (1) The higher the moisture availability, the greater the total biomass of P. maculata clones. Although fewer culms are produced at the higher moisture levels, mean tiller biomass is greater. (2) Under different levels of moisture availability, obvious differences in the total rhizome length (p < 0.01), spacer length (p < 0.05) and the sizes of bamboo culms (height, p < 0.01; diameter, p < 0.01) were observed. Thus, the higher the moisture availability, the shorter the rhizomes and the larger ramets. (3) In microhabitats with low moisture availability, bamboo allocated more biomass to underground organs, which promotes elongation of rhizomes and increases root production, thereby helping to capture underground resources essential to growth. In microhabitats of high moisture availability, the biomass is primarily allocated to the aboveground growth of ramets. (4) We suggest that soil moisture availability effects the foraging strategies of bamboo, that bamboo plants growing with low moisture availability produce longer rhizomes (that is, more, although shorter, spacers) with more biomass allocation than plants in high moisture and have a better ability to forage to increase the probability of locating adequate moisture patches. Also, longer length distance between shoots (that is, longer spacers) in high soil moisture than in low is adapted to avoid intense competition from faster growing aboveground growth in high moisture patches.  相似文献   

Tropospheric ozone (O(3)) triggers physiological changes in leaves that affect carbon source strength leading to decreased carbon allocation below-ground, thus affecting roots and root symbionts. The effects of O(3) depend on the maturity-related physiological state of the plant, therefore adult and young forest trees might react differently. To test the applicability of young beech plants for studying the effects of O(3) on forest trees and forest stands, beech seedlings were planted in containers and exposed for two years in the Kranzberg forest FACOS experiment (Free-Air Canopy O(3) Exposure System, http://www.casiroz.de ) to enhanced ozone concentration regime (ambient [control] and double ambient concentration, not exceeding 150 ppb) under different light conditions (sun and shade). After two growing seasons the biomass of the above- and below-ground parts, beech roots (using WinRhizo programme), anatomical and molecular (ITS-RFLP and sequencing) identification of ectomycorrhizal types and nutrient concentrations were assessed. The mycorrhization of beech seedlings was very low ( CA. 5 % in shade, 10 % in sun-grown plants), no trends were observed in mycorrhization (%) due to ozone treatment. The number of Cenococcum geophilum type of ectomycorrhiza, as an indicator of stress in the forest stands, was not significantly different under different ozone treatments. It was predominantly occurring in sun-exposed plants, while its majority share was replaced by Genea hispidula in shade-grown plants. Different light regimes significantly influenced all parameters except shoot/root ratio and number of ectomycorrhizal types. In the ozone fumigated plants the number of types, number of root tips per length of 1 to 2 mm root diameter, root length density per volume of soil and concentration of Mg were significantly lower than in control plants. Trends to a decrease were found in root, shoot, leaf, and total dry weights, total number of root tips, number of vital mycorrhizal root tips, fine root (mass) density, root tip density per surface, root area index, concentration of Zn, and Ca/Al ratio. Due to the general reduction in root growth indices and nutrient cycling in ozone-fumigated plants, alterations in soil carbon pools could be predicted.  相似文献   

Three major cultivated Mentha spp. (M. arvensis, M. citrata and M. cardiaca) were grown under short-days, normal-days or long-days for 60 cycles. Subsequent to photoperiodic treatment, the plants were assessed for growth behaviour, essential oil content, oil composition and essential oil biosynthesis. The species grew better under long-day conditions. The long-day treatment resulted in flowering in M. citrata, which normally does not flower under our conditions. The oil concentration and biogenesis was maximal in short-day plants. The photoperiodic treatment also affected the oil composition. The observations are discussed in relation to physiology of the oil biogenesis.  相似文献   

不同温度条件下土壤水分对羊草幼苗生长特性的影响   总被引:8,自引:3,他引:5  
采用生长箱控制方法,研究了羊草幼苗生长对5个温度和5个水分梯度的响应。结果表明,不同温度改变了羊草生物量对土壤水分变化的响应类型。在20~26℃下羊草植株生物量对土壤水分的响应曲线呈三次多项式或抛物线变化规律,而在29~32℃下为指数方程。在温度较低或适度时,轻度乃至中度干旱有促进生长的作用,但在温度较高时轻度干旱及比其程度更高的干旱显著地影响羊草的生长,表明羊草在较高温度下对水分更加敏感。在适当的温度下(26℃),羊草根的贡献率或根冠比与土壤水分呈直线关系。高温加强了干旱对羊草幼苗生长的抑制作用,表明高温降低了羊草对干旱的适应能力。  相似文献   

This work examines nutritional influence on fungal colony growth and biomass distribution in response to toxic metals. In low-substrate solid medium, 0.1 mM Cd, Cu and Zn caused a decrease in radial expansion of both Trichoderma viride and Rhizopus arrhizus. However, as the amount of available carbon source (glucose) increased, the apparent toxicity of the metals decreased. These metals also affected the overall length of the fungal mycelium and branching patterns. In low-nutrient conditions, T. viride showed a decrease in overall mycelial length and number of branches in response to Cu, resulting in an extremely sparsely branched colony. Conversely, although Cd also reduced overall mycelial length to about one-third of the control length, the number of branches decreased only slightly which resulted in a highly branched colony with many aberrant features. Cu and Cd induced similar morphological changes in R. arrhizus. A large-scale mycelial-mapping technique showed that disruption of normal growth by Cu and Cd resulted in altered biomass distribution within the colony. When grown on metal-free low-substrate medium, T. viride showed an even distribution of biomass within the colony with some allocation to the periphery. However, Cu caused most of the biomass to be allocated to the colony periphery, while in the presence of Cd, most biomass was located at the interior of the colony. These results imply that such alterations of growth and resource allocation by Cu and Cd may influence success in locating nutrients as well as survival, and that these metals have individual and specific effects on the growing fungus.  相似文献   

Effects of different soil moisture (soil drought and waterlogging) and soil compaction (1.33 and 1.50 g·cm−3) on the growth and morphological traits of the root system were studied in four breeding forms and seven cultivars of triticale. Morphological changes, including the restriction of root extension, expansion and proliferation of laterals roots, occur in plants grown in different soil moisture and in compact soil. The investigations comprised quantitative and qualitative analyses of a developed plant root system through determining the number, length and dry matter of the particular components of the root system. Obtained results have demonstrated a relatively broad variation in the habit of the triticale root system. Plants grown under compact soil and low or high soil water content showed a smaller number and less dry matter of lateral branching than plants grown in control conditions. The harmful effects of compact soil and drought conditions on the growth of roots was greater when compared with that of plants exposed to waterlogging. The observed effects of all treatments were more distinct in a drought sensitive strains. The drought resistant forms were a more characterize with extensive rooting and by smaller alterations in the root morphology under the stress conditions compared with drought sensitive one. Results confirm that the breeding forms (CHD-12 and CHD-173) of a high drought susceptibility was found to be also more sensitive to periodical soil water excess. A more efficient water use and a lower shoot to root (S/R) ratio were found to be major reasons for a higher stress resistance of the breeding forms (CHD-220 and CHD-247). The reasons for a different response of the examined breeding forms and cultivars to the conditions of drought or waterlogging may be a more economical water balance and more favourable relations between the shoot and root dimensions in the drought resistant forms and cultivars. The results suggest that the morphological traits of the triticale root system may be used in practice as direct or indirect selection criteria in maize breeding.  相似文献   

采用L9(3^4)正交实验设计,研究了温室盆栽和田间栽培条件下,不同氮、磷、钾施用水平对曼地亚红豆杉‘Hicksii’(Taxus media‘Hicksii’)生长及紫杉醇含量的影响。结果表明,不同的氮、磷、钾施用水平对曼地亚红豆杉‘Hicksii’盆栽苗和田间栽培苗的生长量、枝叶产量和紫杉醇含量有显著影响,影响效应从大至小依次为氮、磷、钾。根据生长综合指标确定最有利于曼地亚红豆杉幼苗生长的氮、磷、钾施用量分别为400、66和200mg·L^-1;最有利于紫杉醇积累的氮、磷、钾施用量分别为200、66和133mg·L^-1。此外,曼地亚红豆杉‘Hicksii’田间栽培苗的生长量、枝叶产量和紫杉醇含量显著高于盆栽苗。  相似文献   

不同水分管理模式下免耕抛秧水稻立苗期根系生长特性   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
在免耕条件下,对3种水分管理模式(水层淹灌、干湿交替灌溉和湿润灌溉)的立苗期根系特性进行了研究。结果表明,除抛栽后第2天,无论晚季或早季,整个立苗期干湿交替灌溉处理的根冠比、单株根生物量、总根数、白根数、一次分枝数量、根系活力、发根力均显著或极显著高于水层淹灌和湿润灌溉处理。水层淹灌处理利于二次分枝根的发生与根系的伸长。湿润灌溉处理更能促进早季稻根毛区生长。  相似文献   

Aims Oxidative stress is one of the most important mechanisms in a plant's reaction to the effects of different stressors; however, its role in plants' resistance is still poorly understood. The objective of this study is to evaluate an influence of oxidative stress induced by stress factors of different origin—ozone, ultraviolet (UV)-B radiation, drought, cadmium (Cd) and copper (Cu), to growth of spring barley and to check the hypothesis, that intensification of oxidative stress is the main factor of growth depression induced by strong treatments of different stressors; meanwhile, mitigation of oxidative stress determines eustress-induced growth stimulation.Methods A pot experiment was carried out in phytotron chambers with a controlled environment. Spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants were exposed to different doses of investigated environmental stress factors (O 3, UV-B radiation, drought, Cd and Cu), and their effects on shoots growth, accumulation of superoxide (O 2 .?), intensification of lipid peroxidation and antioxidative protection (superoxide dismutase, glutathione reductase and catalase activities and concentration of carotenoids) were measured. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with classical eta-squared (η 2) values was used to evaluate and to compare the contribution of non-specific oxidative stress and stressor-specific mechanisms on plants growth.Important findings Low doses of most stressors stimulated antioxidative protection and growth of barley shoots, reduced the concentration of O 2 .? and/or intensity of lipid peroxidation. Whereas an impairment of growth and intensification of oxidative stress as well as a reduction in concentration of carotenoids and further increase in activity of antioxidative enzymes were noticed when the intensity of the stressors was increased. In the cases of ozone and UV-B stress, the effects of oxidative stress on plant growth was mitigated by strong antioxidative protection—highly increased catalase (CAT) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities, respectively. In the cases of drought and Cu, relatively strong oxidative stress was the major cause of plant growth depression. Additionally, mitigation of oxidative stress due to increased SOD activity was likely to be one of the main causes of growth stimulation induced by low doses of UV-B, Cd and Cu stress. Possible reasons for O 3 -induced growth stimulation were increased CAT activity and concentration of carotenoids. Generalizing the effects of different stressors, the contribution of non-specific oxidative stress on plant growth was stronger compared with stressor-specific action mechanisms: oxidative stress determined 42% of the changes in plants' dry biomass, whereas the contribution of stressor-specific mechanisms accounted for 35% of variability in barley growth.  相似文献   

不同施肥处理对木棉叶片光合特性和幼苗生长的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用L25(53)正交实验设计设置不同氮、磷和钾肥施用量及配比﹝单株施用量分别为CO(NH2)22.0、4.0、6.0、8.0和10.0 g,Ca(H2PO4)24.0、6.0、8.0、10.0和12.0 g,KCl 0.6、1.2、1.8、2.4和3.0 g﹞,并设置不同复合肥施用量(单株施用量分别为10、20、30、40和50 g),比较了施肥后第1至第3个月木棉( Bombax ceiba Linn.)幼苗叶片光合指标﹝包括净光合速率( Pn)、水分利用效率( WUE)、PSⅡ最大光化学效率( Fv/Fm )和叶绿素相对含量( SPAD)﹞和幼苗生长指标(包括株高增长量、地径增长量和叶面积增长量)的变化。结果表明:总体来看,不同施肥处理组木棉幼苗叶片的Pn和WUE值升高,幼苗的株高增长量、地径增长量和叶面积增长量增加,但不同施肥处理对叶片Fv/Fm和SPAD值的影响较小;复合肥对叶片光合生理特性和幼苗生长的影响也较小。在施肥后的第1至第3个月,单株施用量氮肥4.0或6.0 g,磷肥4.0或8.0 g,钾肥1.2、1.8或3.0 g处理组幼苗叶片的Pn和WUE值显著高于对照(不施肥)和大多数处理组;单株施用量氮肥4.0或6.0 g、磷肥4.0~12.0 g、钾肥1.2~3.0 g处理组幼苗的株高增长量、地径增长量和叶面积增长量也均较高。综合分析结果显示:氮肥对木棉幼苗光合生理特性及生长的影响最大,钾肥次之,磷肥最小。综合考虑Pn值、WUE值、株高增长量、地径增长量和叶面积增长量,木棉苗期的适宜单株施肥量为N 1.84或2.76 g、P2 O50.72~2.16 g和K2 O 0.72~1.80 g。  相似文献   

Continuous recordings of the effect of red light on the over-all and zonal growth responses were made on intact, dark-grown wheat ( Triticum aestivum L., cv. Hatri) seedlings selected 70 or 90 h after sowing. The over-all growth response of intact coleoptiles induced by bilateral continuous red light (660 nm, 17 W m−2) was complex and resulted from the overlapping of different zonal growth responses. During a 5 h investigation period, these responses can be divided into two phases. The first phase (short-term response) was a transient growth inhibition. After a lag period of ca 15 min, the rate of extension decelerated to a minimum value at ca 60 min, after which an acceleration was seen. This response was qualitatively the same in all coleoptile zones investigated (tip, subapical zone, base) and independent of coleoptile age. The second phase (delayed response) became measurable between 1.8 and 3 h after onset of red light irradiation and exhibited zonal-specific growth promotion or inhibition, dependent on the coleoptile age. A persistent growth promotion was observed only in the tip region of coleoptiles selected 70 h after sowing and became detectable about 3 h after the onset of red light.  相似文献   

董伊晨  刘悦秋 《生态学报》2008,28(10):4685-4691
异株荨麻是我国一种重要中药植物,如何对其进行人工定向培植具有重要意义。以异株荨麻扦插苗为实验材料,采用盆栽水分梯度法,按土壤相对含水量93.58%、80.74%、67.90%、55.06%和42.22%分为对照组CK,实验处理组T1,T2,T3和T4五个处理组,通过观测不同水分条件下,异株荨麻生长量、生物量变化和光合特征变化,试图探讨异株荨麻的水分适应性,寻找出适合其生长的水分范围及对生物量分配的影响,为北方地区种植栽培此类植物提供科学依据。结果发现:随土壤水分含量的降低,异株荨麻生长量和生物量积累呈先上升后下降趋势,在土壤相对含水量80.74%生长达到高峰,土壤相对含水量67.90%~80.74%为异株荨麻生长的适宜范围。净光合速率、蒸腾速率、气孔导度、气孔限制值及叶绿体色素含量的变化趋势与之相近似。在上述水分范围以外其光合功能下降、同化作用减弱,使异株荨麻生长衰退和干物质积累的减少。此外,土壤水分直接调控光合产物在地上和地下的分配以及植株个体形状,生产实践中,通过控水可以达到控制株形和根冠比的作用,用以诱导植株朝种植的预期方向生长,以达到获取植株不同部位产量的实际应用需求。  相似文献   

李文娆  李永竞  冯士珍 《生态学报》2017,37(20):6712-6723
研究了分根交替供水(APRI)条件下不同施氮量(高氮HN 200kg/hm~2、中氮MN 120kg/hm~2和低氮LN 80kg/hm~2)和分区氮肥施用比例(1:3,2:2和0:4)处理下,经历干旱胁迫后棉花幼苗(品种:汴棉5号)株高、茎粗、根冠生物量、气体交换参数、水分利用效率(WUE)、总根长和根系表面积以及根源脱落酸(ABA)含量的变化。以期进一步明确根源ABA对棉花幼苗生长和WUE调控的生理生态效应。结果表明:施氮量和氮肥分施显著增强了干旱条件下根源ABA对棉花幼苗生长和WUE的调控作用,但根源ABA对氮利用效率无显著影响。高氮处理下棉花幼苗生长受到干旱的影响最小,具有最好的生长状态和最大的根源ABA含量,但其WUE最低;而低氮处理下的棉花幼苗生长最弱但具有最大的WUE。无论施氮量为何,0:4施氮比例棉花幼苗在干旱条件下生长最弱,1:3施氮比例幼苗则生长最好,且具有最大的WUE和根源ABA含量、根系总长度和表面积;2:2和1:3施氮比例的棉花幼苗在根冠生长和叶面积上未表现出明显的差异;0:4和1:3施肥比例的棉花幼苗在气孔导度、蒸腾速率、WUE和根源ABA含量上差异不明显。因此,施用氮肥以及适当施肥比例能够诱导根源ABA产生更强的信号作用,调控棉花幼苗减少水分消耗、维持更好的根系形态(根长和表面积以及细根比例的维持和增长)和光合能力来维系干旱条件下植株更好的生长和更高的WUE,尤其1:3施肥比例下。虽然干旱条件下低氮耦合1:3施氮比例具有最大的WUE,但中氮耦合1:3施氮处理可以在得到最高生物量的同时得到较高的WUE,同时做到高产、省水和节约氮肥。  相似文献   

Extension growth of willow (Salix viminalis L.) and changes in soil water were measured in lysimeters containing clay and sandy loam soils with different amendment and watering treatments. No water uptake was found below 0.3 m in the nutritionally poor unamended clay; amendment with organic matter to 0.4 m depth resulted in water extraction down to 0.5 m depth whereas in the sandy loam, there was greater extraction from all depths down to 0.6 m. With water stress, wilting of plants occurred when the volumetric soil water content at 0.1 m was about 31% in the clay and 22% in the sandy loam. Compared with shoots on plants in the amended clay, those in the unamended treatment showed reduced extension growth, little increase in stem basal area (SBA) and a small shoot leaf area, resulting from a reduced number of leaves shoot−1 and a small average area leaf−1. Water stress also reduced shoot extension growth, SBA gain and the leaf area on extension growth. Shoot growth rates were significantly correlated with air temperature and base temperatures between 2.0 and 7.6 °C were indicated for the different treatments. These studies have helped to explain some of the large treatment effects described previously on biomass production and plant leaf area.  相似文献   

金沙江干热河谷土壤含水量对台湾青枣生长和产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
比较了4个水分梯度3年生台湾青枣(Zizyphus mauritiana Lam.)的树高生长动态、地径生长动态、新梢生下量、枝粗生长量、叶面积、叶面积指数、座果率、平均株产量、叶片含水率和根系含水率等,通过主成分分析法和R型因子综合分析法确定了适合台湾青枣生长的最优土壤含水率。结果表明第3种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的70%~85%)的台湾青枣对水分的响应最好,对水分的响应排序值是56.147;其次是第4种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的85%~100%),其值为41.506;最后是第1种水分处理(土壤含水率为田间持水量的40%~55%),其值为34.545。由此可以得出,在金沙江干热河谷地区种植台湾青枣的最佳土壤水分是土壤含水率达到田间持水量的70%~85%。  相似文献   

苏新宏  韦凤杰  张学林  杨慧玲 《生态学报》2010,30(20):5592-5600
采用盆栽方法研究了旺长期遮光及光照转换对不同肥料条件下烟草叶片光合速率(Pn)与荧光特性的影响。结果表明,遮光促进两种肥料条件下烟草叶片叶绿素(Chl)和类胡萝卜素(Car)含量的积累,却降低它们的Pn。其中施无机肥的烟草叶片Chl含量增加较多,而50%无机肥+50%饼肥配施烟草叶片的Car增幅显著,从而,施无机肥烟草叶片Chl/Car上升,而无机肥+饼肥配施烟草叶片Chl/Car却下降。无论从自然光转至遮荫条件下还是从遮荫条件转至自然光下,两种肥料条件下生长的烟草叶片的Pn、实际光化学效率(ΦPSⅡ)、最大光化学效率(Fv/Fm)及光化学猝灭系数(qP)均急剧下降,但与施无机肥相比,无机肥+饼肥配施烟草叶片保持较高的Pn、ΦPSⅡ、Fv/Fm、及qP,可能是饼肥促进了栽培条件下烟草植株的光生态适应性。  相似文献   

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